The client expressed fear about a cancer diagnosis due to her aunt's death from breast cancer. The plan is to provide support over 3 days and 2 weeks to help the client cope with her fears and participate in treatment. Interventions include discussing the client's experience and concerns, encouraging expression of feelings, explaining treatment, and promoting a calm environment to enhance coping. The goal is for the client to demonstrate effective coping mechanisms and active involvement in her care.
The client expressed fear about a cancer diagnosis due to her aunt's death from breast cancer. The plan is to provide support over 3 days and 2 weeks to help the client cope with her fears and participate in treatment. Interventions include discussing the client's experience and concerns, encouraging expression of feelings, explaining treatment, and promoting a calm environment to enhance coping. The goal is for the client to demonstrate effective coping mechanisms and active involvement in her care.
The client expressed fear about a cancer diagnosis due to her aunt's death from breast cancer. The plan is to provide support over 3 days and 2 weeks to help the client cope with her fears and participate in treatment. Interventions include discussing the client's experience and concerns, encouraging expression of feelings, explaining treatment, and promoting a calm environment to enhance coping. The goal is for the client to demonstrate effective coping mechanisms and active involvement in her care.
The client expressed fear about a cancer diagnosis due to her aunt's death from breast cancer. The plan is to provide support over 3 days and 2 weeks to help the client cope with her fears and participate in treatment. Interventions include discussing the client's experience and concerns, encouraging expression of feelings, explaining treatment, and promoting a calm environment to enhance coping. The goal is for the client to demonstrate effective coping mechanisms and active involvement in her care.
Subjective: Fear related to Short term: Dependent: Short term:
The client situational After 3 days a. Review a. Clarifies After 3 days of verbalized her crisis (cancer) of nursing patient’s and patient’s nursing aunt died of evidenced by intervention, SO’s previous perceptions; intervention, the experience assists in breast cancer changes in the client will client have with cancer. identification and worried if body display Determine of fear(s) and displayed she will have appearance appropriate what the misconception appropriate range the same fate. range of doctor has s based on of feelings and feelings and told patient diagnosis and lessened fear. Objective: lessened fear. and what experience -Invasive conclusion with cancer. Long term: lobular Long term: patient has b. Provides After 2 weeks of carcinoma, After 2 weeks reached. opportunity to nursing b. Encourage examine High risk, of nursing intervention, the patient to realistic fears Grade 3, intervention, client have share and Tumor size = the client will thoughts and misconception demonstrated use 2.5 cm. demonstrate feelings. s about of effective coping -WBC = 5.3 use of c. Provide open diagnosis. mechanisms and cells/m3 effective environment c. Helps patient active participation coping in which feel accepted in treatment mechanisms patient feels in present regimen. and active safe to condition participation discuss without feelings or to feeling judged, in treatment GOAL MET refrain from and promotes regimen talking. sense of d. Maintain dignity and frequent control. contact with d. Provides patient. Talk assurance that with and patient is not touch patient alone or as rejected; appropriate. conveys e. Permit respect for expressions and of anger, acceptance of fear, despair the person, without fostering confrontation trust. . Give e. Acceptance of information feelings allows that feelings patient to are normal begin to deal and are to be with situation. appropriately f. Treatment expressed. may include f. Explain the surgery recommende (curative, d treatment, preventive, its purpose, palliative), as and potential well as side effects. chemotherapy Help patient , radiation prepare for (internal, treatments. external), or g. Promote organ-specific calm, quiet treatments environment. such as whole- body hyperthermia or biotherapy. g. Facilitates rest, conserves energy, and may enhance coping abilities.