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Some key takeaways are method overloading, overriding, encapsulation, and garbage collection.

Method overloading occurs when multiple methods have the same name but different parameters. Method overriding occurs when a subclass redefines a method of its parent class. Overloading differs from overriding because overloaded methods have the same name but different parameters, while overridden methods must have the same name and signature.

Encapsulation is the wrapping of data and functions that manipulate the data within one unit or class. It is important because it hides the internal representation of objects from outside interference and manipulation.

1. Which of the following methods are overloaded with respect to one another?

public int max (int a, int b) { … }

public double max (double a, double b) { … }
public int max (int a, int b, int c) { … }
public double max (double a, double b, double c) { … }

A. A and B are overloaded; C and D are overloaded.

B. A and C are overloaded; B and D are overloaded.

C. A, B and C are overloaded.

D. All four methods are overloaded.

2. When a subclass constructor calls its superclass constructor, what happens if the superclass’s
constructor does not assign a value to an instance variable?

A. A syntax error occurs.

B. A compile-time error occurs.

C. A run-time error occurs.

D. The program compiles and runs because the instance variables are initialized to their
default values.

3. When overriding a superclass method and calling the superclass version from the subclass
method, failure to prefix the superclass method name with the keyword super and a dot (.) in the
superclass method call causes ________.

A. a compile-time error.

B. a syntax error.

C. infinite recursion.

D. a runtime error.

4. Which statement is true when a superclass has protected instance variables?

A. A subclass object can assign an invalid value to the superclass’s instance variables, thus
leaving an object in an inconsistent state.

B. Subclass methods are more likely to be written so that they depend on the superclass’s
data implementation.

C. We may need to modify all the subclasses of the superclass if the superclass
implementation changes.

D. All of the above.

5. Which superclass members are inherited by all subclasses of that superclass?

A. private instance variables and methods.

B. protected instance variables and methods.

C. private constructors.

D. protected constructors.

6. Consider the classes below, declared in the same file:

class A
int a;
public A()
a = 7;

class B extends A
int b;
public B()
b = 8;

Which of the statements below is false?

A. Both variables a and b are instance variables.

B. After the constructor for class B executes, the variable a will have the value 7.

C. After the constructor for class B executes, the variable b will have the value 8.

D. A reference of type A can be treated as a reference of type B.

7. Overriding a method differs from overloading a method because:

A. Overloaded methods have the same signature.

B. Overridden methods have the same signature.

C. Both of the above.

D. Neither of the above.

8. The default equals implementation of class Object determines:

A. whether two references refer to the same object in memory.

B. whether two references have the same type.

C. whether two objects have the same instance variables.

D. whether two objects have the same instance variable values.

9. Every class in Java, except ________, extends an existing class.

A. Integer.

B. Object.

C. String.

D. Class.

10. Which of the following statements is false?

A. A class can directly inherit from class Object.

B. It's often much more efficient to create a class by inheriting from a similar class than to
create the class by writing every line of code the new class requires.

C. If the class you're inheriting from declares instance variables as private, the inherited
class can access those instance variables directly.

D. A class's instance variables are normally declared private to enforce good software

11. Which of the following statements is false?

A. A subclass is often larger than its superclass.

B. A superclass object is a subclass object.

C. The class following the extends keyword in a class declaration is the direct superclass of
the class being declared.

D. Java uses interfaces to provide the benefits of multiple inheritance.

12. Using the protected keyword also gives a member:

A. public access.

B. package access.

C. private access.

D. block scope.

13. Which statement best describes the relationship between superclass and subclass types?

A. A subclass reference cannot be assigned to a superclass variable and a superclass

reference cannot be assigned to a subclass variable.
B. A subclass reference can be assigned to a superclass variable and a superclass reference
can be assigned to a subclass variable.

C. A superclass reference can be assigned to a subclass variable, but a subclass reference

cannot be assigned to a superclass variable.

D. A subclass reference can be assigned to a superclass variable, but a superclass reference

cannot be assigned to a subclass variable.

14. If the superclass contains only abstract method declarations, the superclass is used for ________.

A. implementation inheritance.

B. interface inheritance.

C. Both.

D. Neither.

15. Which of the following statements about abstract superclasses is true?

A. abstract superclasses may contain data.

B. abstract superclasses may not contain implementations of methods.

C. abstract superclasses must declare all methods as abstract.

D. abstract superclasses must declare all data members not given values as abstract.

16. Consider the abstract superclass below:

public abstract class Foo

private int a;
public int b;

public Foo(int aVal, int bVal)

a = aVal;
b = bVal;

public abstract int calculate();


Any concrete subclass that extends class Foo:

A. Must implement a method called calculate.

B. Will not be able to access the instance variable a.

C. Neither (a) nor (b).

D. Both (a) and (b).

17. Assigning a subclass reference to a superclass variable is safe ________.

A. because the subclass object has an object of its superclass.

B. because the subclass object is an object of its superclass.

C. only when the superclass is abstract.

D. only when the superclass is concrete.

18. Consider classes A, B and C, where A is an abstract superclass, B is a concrete class that inherits
from A and C is a concrete class that inherits from B. Class A declares abstract method
originalMethod, implemented in class B. Which of the following statements is true of class C?

A. Method originalMethod cannot be overridden in class C—once it has been implemented

in concrete class B, it is implicitly final.

B. Method originalMethod must be overridden in class C, or a compilation error will occur.

C. If method originalMethod is not overridden in class C but is called by an object of class

C, an error occurs.

D. None of the above.

19. Which keyword is used to specify that a class will define the methods of an interface?

A. uses

B. implements

C. defines

D. extends

20. Which of the following is not possible?

A. A class that implements two interfaces.

B. A class that inherits from two classes.

C. A class that inherits from one class, and implements an interface.

D. All of the above are possible.

21. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Prior to Java SE 8, it was common to associate with an interface a class containing static
helper methods for working with objects that implemented the interface.

B. Class Collections contains many static helper methods for working with objects that
implement interfaces Collection, List, Set and more.

C. Collections method sort can sort objects of any class that implements interface List.

D. With non-static interface methods, helper methods can now be declared directly in
interfaces rather than in separate classes.

22. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The throw statement is used to throw an exception.

B. The throw statement is used to specify that a method will throw an exception.

C. The throw statement is used to access an exception parameter.

D. All of the above.

23. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The code in a finally block is executed only if an exception occurs.

B. The code in a finally block is executed only if an exception does not occur.

C. The code in a finally block is executed only if there are no catch blocks.

D. None of the above are true.

24. What is the difference between a try block and a try statement?

A. There is no difference; the terms can be used interchangeably.

B. A try statement refers to the block of code following the keyword try, while the try block
refers to the try keyword and the block of code following this keyword.

C. The try block refers to the keyword try followed by a block of code. The try block and its
corresponding catch and/or finally clauses together form a try statement.

D. The try statement refers to the keyword try followed by a block of code. The try
statement and its corresponding catch and/or finally clauses together form a try block.

25. In the catch block below, what is e?

catch (ArithmeticException e)

A. The type of the exception being caught.

B. The name of catch block’s exception parameter.

C. A finally block.

D. An exception handler.

26. All exception classes inherit, either directly or indirectly, from ________.

A. class Error.

B. class RuntimeException.

C. class Throwable.

D. None of the above.

27. When must a program explicitly use the this reference?

A. Accessing a private variable.

B. Accessing a public variable.

C. Accessing a local variable.

D. Accessing an instance variable that is shadowed by a local variable.

28. A programmer-defined constructor that has no arguments is called a(n) ________.

A. empty constructor.

B. no-argument constructor.

C. default constructor.

D. null constructor.

29. Which of the following class members should usually be private?

A. Methods.

B. Constructors.

C. Variables (or fields).

D. All of the above.

30. What will be the output of following code segment?

class A {
int i;
void display() {
class B extends A {
int j;
void display() {
class inheritance_demo {
public static void main(String args[])
B obj = new B();

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. Compilation Error

31. What is the output of this program?

class A {
public int i;
protected int j;
class B extends A {
int j;
void display() {
super.j = 3;
System.out.println(i + " " + j);
class Output {
public static void main(String args[])
B obj = new B();

A. 1 2

B. 2 1

C. 1 3

D. 3 1

32. What is the output of this program?

class access{
public int x;
private int y;
void cal(int a, int b){
x = a + 1;
y = b;
class access_specifier {
public static void main(String args[])
access obj = new access();, 3);
System.out.println(obj.x + " " + obj.y);

A. 3 3
B. 2 3

C. Runtime Error

D. Compilation Error

33. What is the error in the following class definitions?

abstract class XY
abstract sum(int x, int y){ }

A. Class header is not defined properly

B. Constructor is not defined

C. Method is not defined properly

D. No error.

34. Which of the following variables contains null reference?

I. String a;

II. String b = new String();

III. String c = "";

IV. String d = "null";

A. I




35. Which of the following is correct syntax for defining a new class Movie based on the superclass

A. class Movie isa Multimedia { //additional definitions go here }

B. class Movie implements Multimedia { //additional definitions go here }

C. class Movie defines Multimedia { //additional definitions go here }

D. class Movie extends Multimedia { //additional definitions go here }

36. The concept of multiple inheritance is implemented in Java by

I. Extending two or more classes.
II. Extending one class and implementing one or more interfaces.
III. Implementing two or more interfaces.

B. I and II

C. II and III

D. I


37. Which of the following is true about inheritance in Java?

I) Private methods are final.

II) Protected members are accessible within a package and inherited classes outside the package.
III) Protected methods are final.
IV) We cannot override private methods.
A. I, II and IV

B. Only I and II

C. I, II and III

D. II, III and IV

38. Which is true?

A. "X extends Y" is correct if and only if X is a class and Y is an interface

B. "X extends Y" is correct if and only if X is an interface and Y is a class

C. "X extends Y" is correct if X and Y are either both classes or both interfaces

D. "X extends Y" is correct for all combinations of X and Y being classes and/or

39. Inheritance is also known as the

A. knows-a relationship.

B. has-a relationship.

C. uses-a relationship.

D. is-a relationship.

40. Which of the following keywords allows a subclass to access a superclass method even when the
subclass has overridden the superclass method?
A. base.

B. super.

C. this.

D. public.

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1. Assume file is already compiled, which command is correct to run the program?

A. start

B. run Program1

C. java

D. java Program1

2. Which signatures is valid for the main() method to work as entry point of Java application?

A. public static void main()

B. public static void main(String arg[])
C. public static int main(String [] arg)

D. public static String[] main(String[] arg)

3. What is valid declaration of a float?

A. float f = 1F;
B. float f = 1.0;
C. float f = "1";
D. float f = 1.0d;

4. What is the maximum number that can be stored in long type variable?
A. 264
B. 264 – 1
C. 263
D. 263-1

5. Which keyword indicates that a method does not return a value?

A. null
B. void
C. 0
D. no-value

6. Which of the following is true about instance variables?

A. Instance variables are used to improve the performance

B. All objects of the class share one copy of instance variable, so it uses less memory

C. Each object has its own copy of Instance variables

D. Instance variables are same as static, they just use less memory

7. Consider the following application:

1. class Q6 {
2. public static void main(String args[]) {
3. Holder h = new Holder();
4. h.held = 100;
5. h.bump();
6. System.out.println(h.held);
7. }
8. }
10. class Holder {
11. public int held;
12. public void bump() {
13. int num = held;
14 num++;
15. }
16. }

What value would be printed at line 6?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 100
D. 101

8. What does the following code print?

public class A {
static int x;
public static void main(String[] args) {
A that1 = new A();
A that2 = new A();
that1.x = 5;
that2.x = 1000;
x = -1;

A. 0
B. 5
C. 1000
D. -1

9. Which statement is true about this application?

1. class StaticStuff
2 {
3. static int x = 10;
5. static { x += 5; }
7. public static void main(String args[])
8. {
9. System.out.println("x = " + x);
10. }
12. static {x /= 5; }
13. }

A. Lines 5 and 12 will not compile because the method names and return types are missing.
B. Line 12 will not compile because you can only have one static initializer.
C. The code compiles and execution produces the output x = 10.
D. The code compiles and execution produces the output x = 15.
E. The code compiles and execution produces the output x = 3.
10. You want to create a table that looks like:
12 -9 8
7 14
-32 -1 0

A. double[][] table =
{ 12, -9, 8,
7, 14,
-32, -1, 0} ;
B. double[][] table =
{ {12, -9, 8},
{7, 14, 0},
-32, -1, 0} };
C. double[][] table =
{ {12, -9, 8}
{7, 14}
{-32, -1, 0} };
D. double[][] table =
{ {12, -9, 8},
{7, 14},
{-32, -1, 0} };

11. Which of following statement is true in context of static methods and static variables?

A. static variables can’t be accessed in non-static methods

B. static methods can’t be called from non-static methods

C. static methods can be called from non-static methods

D. you can access instance variables in static methods using this keyword

12. A variables declared within a method are called?

A. Instance variables

B. Local variables

C. Final variables

D. Static variables

13. Why we use get and set methods to read and write instance variables?

A. We can’t access instance variables without get/set methods

B. JVM performance is effected when we access instance variables directly

C. Get/set methods allows to impose constraints before reading or writing

D. Get/set methods increase the program speed when called correctly

14. Assume you need to declare an instance attribute that should be editable from the outside i.e.
client-code may need to change its value. How you would decide whether to encapsulate it?
A. Making it public is better option to make the code easy, there is no need to encapsulate

B. I would encapsulate only if there is some rule (when the class was declared) that must be
verified before the changing the value of that instance attribute
C. Program consume less memory to store encapsulated instance attributes

D. I would encapsulate because we may need to impose some rule on data in future

15. What is prototype of default constructor for a class named Test?

A. public Test(void)

B. Test( )

C. Test(void)

D. public Test( )

E. None of these

16. Types in Java are divided into two categories ______ types and ________ types.

A. Object and Variable

B. Class and Object

C. Primitives and Classes

D. Primitive and Reference

17. What is return type of constructor?

A. int

B. float

C. void

D. None of these

18. Which of following is a method having same name as that of its class?

A. finalize

B. constructor

C. delete

D. class
19. When multiple constructors are defined inside a class, how compiler differentiate overloaded
A. By counting the number of constructors

B. Using constructor signatures

C. Counting number of lines of code inside each constructor

D. Analyzing the difference of code written in constructors body

20. Assume two constructors are defined with different signatures but they contain exactly same code
in their body. Which of following statement is correct?
A. Different constructors are used to initialize object in different ways, if both constructors
have same code, its compile time error
B. Code would compile successfully but at runtime, code would break or terminate

C. There is no compile-time or runtime issue even if both constructors’ body is same

D. Code would compile but at runtime, unexpected result would be generated

21. Assume you declared only one constructor that takes an argument. While creating the object of
that class, you passed no argument to constructor. Choose most appropriate option.
A. Its compile-time error because no-argument constructor is not defined

B. Code is correct as compiler provide default constructor that is a no-argument constructor

C. Code would not run even if you define no-argument constructor because only compiler
can provide no-argument constructor
D. This is an error, because all classes must contain more than one constructors

22. It’s possible to have several methods with the same name where method operate on different
types or numbers of arguments. This feature is called?
A. Encapsulation

B. Method Overloading

C. Constructor Overloading

D. Method Overriding

23. Which method is called implicitly when an object appears in code when a String is needed?

A. String()

B. toString()
C. printString()

D. print()

24. Composition is sometimes referred to as?

A. Has-A relation

B. Is-A relation

C. Belongs-To relation

D. Related-To relation

25. Which keyword is used to declare a variable whose value do not change once it is initialized at
the point of declaration?
A. static

B. final

C. private

D. fix

26. In Java, arrays are ________________?

A. Objects

B. Object reference

C. Primitive data types

D. None of the above

27. What would be the output of following program?

public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] x = new int[3];
System.out.println("x[0] is " + x[0]);

A. The program has a compile error because the size of the array wasn't specified when
declaring the array.
B. The program has a runtime error because the array elements are not initialized.

C. The program runs fine and displays x[0] is 0

D. The program has a runtime error because the array element x[0] is not defined
28. Analyze the following code and choose the correct answer.

int[] arr = new int[5];

arr = new int[6];

A. The code has compile errors because the variable arr cannot be changed once it is
B. The code would compile and run fine. The second line assigns a new array to arr.

C. The code has compile errors because we cannot assign a different size array to arr.

D. It compile successfully if we also change the size of second array from 6 to 5

29. When you pass an array to a method, the method receives:

A. A copy of the array

B. A copy of the first element

C. The reference of the array

D. The length of the array

30. What is the value of a[1] after the following code is executed?
int[] a = {0, 2, 4, 1, 3};
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = a[(a[i] + 3) % a.length];

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Marks
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For the multiple choice questions given below, encircle the most suitable answer. Multiple selection and
cutting will lead to 0 marks.
1. An array object, ArrayOne, is created as:

float[][] ArrayOne;
ArrayOne = new float[20][10];
Suppose ArrayOne is passed as an argument to a method in which the corresponding parameter
is named someArray. What should the declaration of someArray look like in the parameter list
of the method?
a) float [][] someArray

b) float someArray[]

c) float [] someArray[20]

d) float someArray[20][10]

2. Which of the following is correct about object?

a) An object is like the blueprint, and we can have many instances of it, which are called
b) A class is like the blueprint, and we can have many instances of it called, which are
called objects
c) There is no difference between a class and an object
d) The object keyword indicates we’re defining an object and the class keyword
indicates we’re defining a class
3. If a variable is declared static in a particular class, what does that mean?
a) It cannot be changed
b) It can only be changed by the instances of the class in which it is declared
c) There is only 1 copy of it that all instances of the class can access
d) Each instance of the class has its own copy of the variable
4. What does just this piece of code do: Song[] music;
a) Creates a new array of references to Song objects, called music
b) Creates a new array of references to music objects, called Song
c) Declares a variable called music whose type is an array of Song objects, but does not
create an actual array
d) Declares a variable called music whose type is null

Next 5-9 Questions refer to the following code.

1. public class Desk
2. {
3. private int length;
4. private int width;
5. private int height;
7. public Desk(int length, int width, int h)
8. {
9. length = length;
10. this.width = width;
11. height = this.h;
12. }
14. public int getLength() {
15. return this.length;
16. }

5. What are the fields defined in this class?

a. The three integers passed as parameters in the constructor, defined in line 7
b. The three integers declared in lines 3-5
c. There are none
d. Only the ones where the this keyword is used in front of them

6. What is line 9 doing?

a. Assigning the value of the parameter length to the field length
b. Assigning the value of the field length to the parameter length
c. Assigning the value of the parameter length to itself, i.e. doing nothing useful
d. Assigning the value of the field length to itself, i.e. doing nothing useful Intro to
Programming in Java 600.107 Johns Hopkins University 10
7. Line 10 is attempting to assign the value of width, passed into the constructor, to the variable
width in the Desk class. It was claimed that the this keyword is not needed. Which of the
following is true?
a) It is needed, but the left and right hand sides of the assignment should be swapped, so
that the equation is: width = this.width;
b) It is needed, because we need to differentiate between the width parameter and the
width field (use this to refer to the field one), and the assignment is correct as written.
c) It is needed, because we need to differentiate between the width parameter and the
width field (use this to refer to the parameter one), and the assignment is correct as
d) It is not needed, and should be rewritten as: width = width;

8. Line 11 is attempting to assign the value of h to the variable height. It was claimed that there
is an error in line 11. Which of the following is true?
a) The error is there’s no field h in the Desk class, so can’t write this.h. It should be
corrected to: this.height = h;
b) The error is the same as specified in option A, but it should be corrected to the
equation: h = height;
c) The error is simply that the right and left hand sides of the assignment are switched. It
should be corrected to: this.h = height;
d) There is no error.

9. Assume that any compilation (i.e. compile time) errors in the above code are corrected. If an
instance of this class is made with the instantiation:
Desk d = new Desk(1,2,3); What is the return value of calling
d.getLength()? The default value of integer field variables is 0.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

10. You have two methods named calc in the same class that both return an integer, but one
takes 1 double and the other takes 2 doubles. We say method calc is:
a) Overridden
b) Overloaded
c) Instantiated
d) Invoked

11. How many objects of a given class can be created in a program?

a.a) One per defined class
a.b) One per constructor definition
a.c) As many as the program needs
a.d) One per main() method

12. What type of relationship exists between someMethod in classes A and someMethod in class B?
a) method overriding
b) method overloading
c) both method overriding and method overloading
d) neither method overriding nor method overloading

13. Which of the following statements are incorrect:

a) public members of class can be accessed by any code in the program.

b) private members of class can only be accessed by other members of the class.
c) private members of class can be inherited by a sub class, and become protected members
in sub class.
d) protected members of a class can be inherited by a sub class, and become private
members of the sub class.

14. Which of the following is true about an abstract method inherited into a class C?

a.a) It must be defined in C before C can be instantiated

a.b) It must be defined in C or C should be abstract

a.c) If it is defined in C and it is only method in C, then C would be a non-

abstract class

a.d) All of above is true

15. What are valid arguments to the instanceof operator?

a.a) any primitive type

a.b) a class object and a class type
a.c) boolean type only
a.d) class types only
16. What is garbage collection in the context of Java?
a.a) The operating system periodically deletes all of the java files available
on the system.
a.b) Any package imported in a program and not used is automatically
a.c) When all references to an object are gone, the memory used by the object
is automatically reclaimed.
a.d) The JVM checks the output of any Java program and deletes anything
that doesn't make sense.

17. Providing access to an object only through its member functions, while keeping the details private
is called

a.a) Information hiding

a.b) Encapsulation

a.c) Inheritance

a.d) Modularity

18. In a student grading system, objects from different classes communicate with each other. These
communications are known as _____.

a.a) Inheritance

a.b) Message Passing

a.c) Polymorphism

a.d) SMS and MMS

19. Suppose the class Chair extends the class Furniture. Both classes are non-abstract. Which of the
following assignments are legal?
I. Chair c = new Chair();
II. Furniture f = new Furniture();
III. Furniture f = new Chair();
IV. Object o = new Chair();

a) I and II only
b) II and III only

c) All are legal statements

d) I, II and III only

20. Which of these statements about constructors is false?
A constructor has no return type
a) Its name must be the same as the class in which it is defined
b) There must be exactly one constructor defined for a class
c) Constructors are almost always declared as public
d) They can appear anywhere in the class where it is legal to declare a method

21.When does Java know an object is no longer needed? And what happens to an unneeded
object's storage?
a) The programmer tells Java when an object is no longer needed by calling dispose() on
it; the object's memory is released back to the memory pool.
b) If there are no references to the object, Java knows the object is no longer needed and
automatically returns its memory to the memory pool.
c) If there are no references to the object, Java marks it as no longer needed; the
memory stays in use until the programmer explicitly returns it to the memory pool.
d) Objects, once constructed, stay active until the program terminates, so thought he
programmer may know an object is it no longer needed, Java does not know this;
objects' memory is returned to the memory pool when the program terminates.
e) Objects, once constructed, stay active until the method in which they were
constructed terminates, so though the programmer may know an object is no longer
needed, Java does not know this; objects' memory is returned to the memory pool
when the method terminates.

22.Which of the following Java statements set even to true if n is even, and to false if n is
odd? (n is an integer.) Assume n >= 0. (Even numbers are those integers which, when divided
by 2, have a remainder of 0.)
I. boolean even = (n/2.0 == (double)(n/2));
II. boolean even = (n % 2 == 0);
III. boolean even = (n div 2 == 0);
IV. boolean even = (n % 2 == n/2);

a) I only D. III and IV only

b) I and II only E. I, II and IV only
c) II and III only

23. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to the boolean expression

!(A < 5 && B != C)

a) A > 5 || B != C
b) A >= 5 && B == C
c) !(A < 5) || (B != C)
d) A >= 5 || B == C
e) A < 5 && B == C

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