Ajohnson PGC Reflection

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Program Graduate Competency Reflection

Angel Johnson

Delaware Technical Community College

NUR 460-6W1 Nursing Capstone

December 7, 2020

Program Graduate Competency Reflection

The mission of Delaware Technical Community College’s RN to BSN program is to groom

registered nurses with the skills and knowledge needed to provide exceptional care and develop

professionally. The gold standard in nursing is a bachelor’s degree. This program provides

registered nurses with relevant baccalaureate level education, polishing the skill of

professionalism within professional nursing, while expanding the knowledge of nursing

leadership. With a healthy focus on patient advocacy, nursing leadership, expansion of education

and scholarship. This program is designed for nurses pursuing the next level of education and

nursing. (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). Throughout my time in the RN to

BSN program at Delaware Technical Community College, I have become a better professional,

well-polished, nurse leader, with a better understanding of how to care for my patient population.

While completing this program I have expanded my knowledge on information technology,

nursing policy, evidence-based practice, nursing research and much more. I have a better

understanding of how to communicate effectively and clearly when collaborating with other staff

members and other agencies. I have a better understanding of how to use information and

research to provide better care and education to my patient population. I am able to uphold the

professional standard of nursing by demonstrating professional and ethical conduct with

confidence now that I have a better understanding of these core curriculum competencies. Core

curriculum competencies (CCCs) are abilities developed in the program, in which each graduate

should develop or improve on to successfully and efficiently adapt into their nursing practice.

(Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). In other words, these are the fundamental

building blocks for baccalaureate level nurses to encompass. Baccalaureate level nurses should

display these core curriculum competencies skills in their daily practices throughout the program

and after graduation. In addition, the RN to BSN program has nine program graduate

competencies (PGCs), these our abilities and skills each graduate should develop in each nursing

course to practice at a baccalaureate level. This reflection is an opportunity for me to enlighten

you on how I met each of the program’s graduate competencies throughout my time in the RN to

BSN program. Furthermore, expand on how the program has helped me grow professionally and

sparked my interest in continuing my education after graduation.

RN to BSN Transition NUR 300

In the RN to BSN Transition course, I was able to meet my first PGC, “Integrate general

education knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to advance nursing education and growth in

professional practice.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). This is how I was able

to achieve this goal. I joined the RN to BSN program at Delaware Technical Community College

shortly after graduating in the fall of 2017. After graduating with my associate degree in nursing,

I secured a job in community health serving the underserved. Less than a year working in my

new career, I started the RN to BSN program. As a novice nurse, it was important to me to

understand the fundamentals of my job before starting the program. I didn't want to overwhelm

myself learning a new career and continuing my nursing education. However, I knew right after

graduating in 2017, I wanted to continue my education and not hold off too long or become

complacent and lose interest. Understanding that Delaware Technical Community College

offered this program filled me with excitement. I knew that this program would prepare me in

the ways I needed to develop professionally as a nurse.

It was in this course that I learned what it meant to be a nurse leader. I learned how to

Differentiate the difference between a nurse leader, a nurse manager and a nurse working in

leadership. I discovered in this course that I was a nurse leader, even as a novice nurse. I was

introduced to diverse nurse leadership types, characteristics and styles. I used information

gathered through research to self-evaluate the way I was leading staff and ways to improve

professionally as a nurse leader. Furthermore, I learned about nursing philosophies and how to

develop my own. My nurse philosophy could be compared to the one of the theorist Dorothy

Johnson. Dorothy Johnson proposed her theory in 1968. Her philosophy focused on the

criticalness of research-based knowledge and its effect on nursing care and patient outcomes. She

was quoted saying she believed in "the efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the

patient to prevent illness."(Henry 2016, p.11). My philosophy is similar because I believe

education is a nurse’s strongest tools when empowering patients and themselves. I believe the

way you truly empower your patients and help them make better lifestyle choices that result in

better patient outcomes is to educate them. Teach them how to work independently as well as

chronic management and prevention so they may keep their autonomy. In order to be an effective

educator, you must also be well educated. This is why my philosophy focused so much on

evidence-based knowledge and valuing the continuous pursuit of nurse education.

Global Health NUR 310

This course became vital especially as we approached a global pandemic. In this course I

was able to achieve PGC 7. “Integrate health promotion and disease prevention practices to

positively impact the delivery of healthcare to diverse populations.” (Delaware Technical

Community College, 2018). In this course I learned about both eastern and western traditional

practices and how cultural and social economic status may affect health overall. In this course, I

learned how necessities in healthcare such as, professional staffing, healthcare equipment,

protective equipment, community education and resources can play a major role in the health of

a nation. When we think of global health, we normally think of things such as disease outbreaks,

national disasters and overall poverty effects on populations. We think of how some nations do

not have clean drinking water, do not have enough food and may have many barriers to care such

as access. In this course we learned how culture, access and education can play a major role in

the stability of a nation. For this course, I completed a health impact framework researching and

presenting on a small nation in South Africa and how they have significantly decreased the

amount of HIV and AIDS infections in their population. This phenomenon outcome was not an

easy one, it required the help of many nations. I required increased testing, education supplies,

medication, condoms and health educators to reduce the rates of infection. The outcome was so

great that this nation’s rate of infection changed dramatically. The nation went from having one

of the highest rates of infections and deaths in the world to now having one of the lowest rates of

infection in the world.

Moreover, I learned how dedicated nurses are globally. Throughout evidence-based

research and evaluating my peers global impact framework research, I have learned a multitude

of information. Nurses in some African nations faced the Ebola outbreak with minimum

protective equipment, bravely. Nurses in south Asia traveled to remote villages to educate

remote populations on clean drinking water and how to prepare meat in ways that prevented

disease outbreak. I assessed some of the protocols and procedures used around the world

globally from nurses in relation to education for disease prevention and chronic management and

implement that in my own daily practice. Lastly it helped me understand nurses around the world

are willing to jump these types of hurdles to care for their communities. Therefore, imagine what

I could do for my community.

Health Assessment NUR 320


I work in community health. In community health we offer patients nurse visits. These

visits do not cost the patient anything but are very helpful to patients that are uninsured or

underinsured. We have found that these visits are both helpful for the patient economically,

physically and helpful for the provider caring for this patient in a family practice setting. We

assess the patient as a whole we assess the patient's mental health physical health emotional

health in financial stability. We evaluate the patient's lifestyle habits such as daily diet and

exercise. We conclude these visits by completing a treatment plan developed by the patient

with the help of a nurse. This plan is implemented into the patient’s chart and can be

evaluated through case management. This course not only helped me meet PGC #8, but it

also helped me in my daily practice. “Practice professional nursing within an ethical

framework.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). I found this course to be very

helpful as it taught me how to be more detailed in my assessments. Also, while developing a

plan of care within an ethical framework through assignments in this course, I was able to

create easier access for my patients and make guidelines clearer. Needless to say, this course

helped me provide better patient centered care as I continue to evaluate the patient as a

whole. “Patient-centered care is the provision of caring and compassionate, culturally

sensitive care that addresses clients’ physiological, psychological, sociological, spiritual, and

cultural needs, preferences, and values.” (Henry 2016, p.3).

Population and Community Health NUR 330

Working actively in population and community health, I assumed I wouldn't have

much to learn in this course. However, I was very wrong. Community health is made of

many different populations they are similar in some ways but are in many ways very

different. Community health really focuses on vulnerable patient populations as well as


patients that are not considered vulnerable. Community health affects everyone no matter

if you are old or young. I found this course to be one of the most helpful in my daily

work responsibilities.

Furthermore, I really enjoyed the opportunity of the clinical experience. The PGC

competency achievement completed in this course was number 6, “Direct patient-

centered care through advocacy, interprofessional communication, collaboration, and

delegation.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). In this course I completed

my practicum hours in a center operated by the state for mentally and physically disabled

patients. I enjoyed this critical because it gave me a better understanding of different

types of care offered in population and community health. Population and community

health are such a diverse population that requires various resources and has many unique

needs. In this course I learned how to better address those needs, how to collaborate and

communicate better within my organization, as well as with others. I had the opportunity

to provide direct patient care to a different population than I was used to. I had a unique

chance to be a patient advocate for a patient in that setting. I found this opportunity to be

beyond rewarding. I enjoyed being able to work alongside such talented nurses and learn

from them. I was able to take away a lot of information that not only helped me but then

my daily practice but also effort offered me more guidance throughout this program.

Nursing Research NUR 340

This was the most difficult course for me. At the start, I struggled to apply quantitative

reasoning to my practical problems. However, research is the core of nursing as it is vital to be

up to date on evidence-based practices when providing care. I completed the PGC #3 “Apply

skills of inquiry, analysis, and information literacy to support evidence-based professional


nursing practice.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). During this course I

evaluated an analyze journals in articles involving quantitative and qualitative research and

develop the skill to explain how the two differed in how they were like. I was also taught the

correct way on how to fire research articles as well as verify their accuracy. During this course I

completed a problem-based research paper on diabetic patient care education. First, I researched

several articles and verified articles specific to my topic. Next, I identified the type of research I

needed to complete for this paper. I analyzed the information gathered and posed the question.

After identifying the problem, I research article with resolutions. After comparing each research

article an identifying the different ways health care professionals were educating patients and I

compared patient outcomes. Creating my own problem base research paper was the most

efficient way to show that I had completed and understood the PCGs needed in this course.

Nursing Leadership NUR 400

Nursing is defined as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities,

prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of

human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families which represent the

organization’s process.” (Finkelman, 2016). In this course I learned what it truly meant to be a

leader in nursing. Understanding the to be a leader in nursing you do not require a formal

position or a certain amount of experience. I Fulfilled the program graduate competency PGC #2

“Demonstrate leadership skills to promote patient safety and the delivery of high-quality

healthcare.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). In this course I completed a

leadership paper in which I describe the type of leader I wanted to be, the type of leader I

currently was and the type of leader I could become as I continued my education. I was able to

complete this paper with the education I receives in this course. In my leadership paper I

explained how I used leadership skills to promote patient safety and to provide excellent nursing

care. I understood that delegating to others, educating others monitor and managing others could

also be responsibilities of a nurse leader. I describe myself as a Transformational leader Now that

I have a better understanding of leadership styles. A Transformational leader is a leader that

encourages followers to support each other and the organization using the four elements of

leadership: Intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, inspirational motivation and

individualized consideration. (Rawat, 2015). The leadership style I found to be the most

beneficial was the Democratic style. A democratic leadership style is one that includes the ideas

and opinions of its members within a team. I value this type of leadership because it is

collaborative, includes communication from the top and bottom of the chain of command and

inspires inclusion. It encourages open communication and allows the team to collectively

contribute to decision making. This leadership style is popular because it is about building

relationships, improving processes, staff development and job satisfaction.

Nursing Informatics NUR 410

The use of information technology in nursing is mandatory. It is involved in everything

that we do from charting, medication passes and safety enhancement quality improvement.

“Nurses act as advocates for communities and populations through efforts to change health care

systems and improve quality of life.” (Henry, 2016, p.11). In this course I learned how important

information technology is to the nursing profession. As well as different careers nurses can have

an information technology. Information technology is more than just charting is also protecting.

Protecting the patient's medical records, protecting your notes, air protecting provider orders.

Throughout this course I was able to complete PGC #4. “Integrate information management

technology to improve patient outcomes.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). In


this course, I created a framework Paper along with a concept map to improve communication

and information for language translation and documentation. The goal this framework was to

protect vulnerable patient populations with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). The ideal behind

the informatics driven framework was patients could request medications, appointment and lab

results via a program that translated to their native language. This technology would make it

simpler for this patient population, improve on patient nurse response times and provide better

patient outcomes.

Nursing Policy NUR 420

Nursing policy came at the perfect time. As a nurse working in community health there is

a big concern about the elimination of the 340B program. before completing this course, I

had no idea the power that nursing could have at the local and national level. During the

course this class, I researched policies that were implemented by healthcare

professionals, rose health care professionals have in policy making and how I could make

a difference. This course went beyond simply understanding nursing policy but also

touched on how bills become laws how policies are developed and how policies are

implemented. Furthermore, this course touched one who has the power to do what within

our government. In this course I completed the program graduate competency PGC #5

“Advocate for patients and the nursing profession with regard to healthcare policy at the

local, state, national, and global levels.” (Delaware Technical Community College,

2018). My main focus in this course was researching and understanding the policy that

was actively being voted on which was the continuation of the 340B program. this

program was important to me because most of my patients relied on this program to

receive their chronic medications that they could not afford such as insulin. Learning how

to advocate for my patience as a nursing professional involving health care policy was

very important to me. Even after the class I followed this policy and how it would affect

my patients. learning that I could lobby to local officials and educate them on the benefits

of this program gave me great joy. I would have never known this was possible if I had

not taken this course.

Nursing Capstone NUR 460

This course was vital and completion of the RN to BSN program, as I prepared for

graduation with my bachelor’s degree in nursing science. This course touched on all of

the information learned in my previous nursing courses. A reevaluated how I functioned

as a leader within my field, how my nursing philosophy had developed, and what I

wanted to accomplish after graduation. The program graduate competency achieved in

this course was PGC #9 “Demonstrate lifelong learning that empowers personal and

professional growth.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). This course

stress the important of continuing education. We even developed a plan for after

graduation how we would continue to remain up-to-date and the most evidence-based

practice information. This course taught me of the important of additional education in

nursing. And develop me into a well-rounded confident nurse.


The vision of this program “focuses on evidence-based nursing practice through a holistic

approach that enables graduates to be designer, coordinators, leaders, in managers of

collaborative care.” (Delaware Technical Community College, 2018). I value anima

grateful for the opportunity to complete this program. I now understand the important of

obtaining once bachelor’s degree in nursing. I understand why this is a gold standard.

When I first join the RN program, I was terrified. I had no idea how I could be successful

enough to become a nurse. I felt the same way when I started my bachelor’s degree. But I

am so proud of this career and the education that I have received. I can visibly see the

differences I am able to make within our community. In community health, I'm able to

function autonomously, now that I am more confident, and I feel like I have the ability to

have better patient outcomes and continue to uphold the standards of nursing care. This

year had its challenges with the global pandemic placing a lot of barriers on us as nurses

and as students. However, I feel this program exhausted every option necessary to make

sure nurses were able to continue to develop and grow professionally. This program

addresses all other goals Anne graduate competencies in each of my courses in practicum

experiences. I understand that my nursing career is one that involves a lifetime of

education, and I look forward to that. My goal is to continue my education and gain more

experiences in community health. Two eventually become a family practice nurse

practitioner and community health.



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