Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards

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The document outlines the structure and contents of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, including the standards it contains and how to purchase the complete set or individual standards.

Standards covered include those for tank calibration methods such as the manual tank strapping method and optical reference line method, as well as standards for measuring properties of gases like thermally cracked gas.

Methods described include the manual tank strapping method, optical reference line method, optical-triangulation method, and internal electro-optical distance ranging method.

Petroleum Measurement

If you have questions or comments regarding API standards, please visit Chapter 2.2B Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Optical Reference
Line Method
MANUAL OF PETROLEUM MEASUREMENT STANDARDS (includes Addendum 1 dated October 2019)
API currently maintains a comprehensive Manual of Petroleum Describes measurement and calculation procedures for determining the
Measurement Standards (MPMS). This manual is an ongoing project, as diameters of upright, welded (lap/butt) cylindrical tanks, or vertical
new chapters and revisions of old chapters will be released periodically. cylindrical tanks, with a smooth outside surface and either floating or fixed
roofs. The optical reference line method is an alternative to the manual
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (Complete Set) tank strapping method for determining tank diameter. Ch. 2.2B should be
used in conjunction with Ch. 2.2A. Pages: 8
The price of the complete set is subject to change as new chapters and
sub-chapters are released; an order for one complete set would not 1st Edition | March 1989 | Reaffirmed: March 2019
include the chapters released after the release date of this catalog (but Product Number: H30023 | Price: $90.00
before order receipt) and the binders to house the set.
NOTE Chapter 11 standards, Chapter 19 standards, and Spanish translations must be Chapter 2.2C/ISO 7507-3:1993
ordered separately. Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Optical-
Price: $9,517.00 | *Price subject to change (If purchased individually, a Triangulation Method
complete set would cost approximately $10,815.00) (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 2.2C-2002)
Describes the calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks by means of optical
Chapter 1 [Historical] triangulation using theodolites. The method is an alternative to other
Vocabulary methods such as strapping (Ch. 2.2A) and the optical-reference-line
Provides terms and definitions used throughout the API Manual of method (Ch. 2.2B).
Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS). Pages: 70 This edition of Ch. 2.2C is the modified national adoption of ISO 7507-
2nd Edition | July 1994 | Product Number: H01002 | Price: $118.00 3:1993. Pages: 19
Current terms and definitions may be accessed through the Ch. 1 database: 1st Edition | January 2002 | Reaffirmed: September 2018 Product Number: H022C1 | Price: $90.00

Chapter 1 * [Historical] Chapter 2.2D/ISO 7507-4:1995

Vocabulary—Spanish Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Internal Electro-
Spanish translation of Ch. 1. Optical Distance Ranging Method
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 2.2D-2003)
2nd Edition | July 1994 | Product Number: H010SP | Price: $118.00
Specifies a method for the calibration of upright cylindrical tanks having
Chapter 2 diameters greater than 5 m by means of internal measurements using an
electro-optical distance-ranging instrument, and for the subsequent
Tank Calibration compilation of tank capacity tables.
Procedures necessary for calibrating closed storage vessels larger than a This edition of Ch. 2.2D is the modified national adoption of ISO 7507-
drum, and methods for computing the volumes contained therein. The 4:1995. Pages: 13
following API standards cover the subject of tank calibration and are
included in the manual. 1st Edition | August 2003 | Reaffirmed: March 2014
Product Number: H022D1 | Price: $90.00
Chapter 2.2A 
Chapter 2.2E/ISO 12917-1:2002
Measurement and Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks by the
Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products—Calibration of Horizontal
Manual Tank Strapping Method Cylindrical Tanks—Part 1: Manual Methods
Describes the procedures for calibrating upright cylindrical tanks used (includes Errata 1 dated November 2009)
primarily for the storage of petroleum liquids. Chapter 2.2A first addresses (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 2.2E)
procedures for making necessary measurements to determine total and
incremental tank volumes, then presents the recommended procedures Specifies manual methods for the calibration of nominally horizontal
for computing incremental volumes at each liquid level. This includes cylindrical tanks, installed at a fixed location. It is applicable to horizontal
improving existing calculation procedures as deemed necessary. In terms tanks up to 4 m (13 ft) in diameter and 30 m (100 ft) in length. The
of determining the average inside radius at each liquid level, this standard methods are applicable to insulated and non-insulated tanks, either when
is focused on the manual tank strapping method. While other parts of they are above-ground or underground. The methods are applicable to
Chapter 2.2 cover methods to determine the average radius at each liquid pressurized tanks, and to both knuckle-dish-end and flat-end cylindrical
level by alternate means, this standard is the reference standard for those tanks as well as elliptical and spherical head tanks. This chapter is
parts (e.g. 2.2A, 2.2B, 2.2C, 2.2D and 2.2G). All aspects (e.g. physical applicable to tanks inclined by up to 10 % from the horizontal provided a
bottom surveys) not covered in the other parts of Chapter 2 are covered by correction is applied for the measured tilt. For tanks over and above these
this standard. Pages: 91 dimensions and angle of tilt, appropriate corrections for tilt and appropriate
volume computations should be based on the “Coats” equation.
2nd Edition | November 2019
Product Number: H022A2 | Price: $200.00 This edition of Ch. 2.2E is the national adoption of ISO 12917-1:2002.
Pages: 18
1st Edition | April 2004 | Reaffirmed: August 2014
Product Number: HX202E01 | Price: $96.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 51
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Chapter 2.2F/ISO 12917-2:2002 Chapter 2.7

Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products—Calibration of Horizontal Calibration of Barge Tanks
Cylindrical Tanks—Part 2: Internal Electro-Optical Distance-Ranging Describes three methods for determining the total incremental volumes of
Method liquids in barge tanks for coastal and inland waterway service that have
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 2.2F) integral hull tanks. The three methods are as follows.
• Liquids calibration.
Specifies a method for the calibration of horizontal cylindrical tanks having
diameters greater than 2 m (6 ft) by means of internal measurements • Calibration by linear measurement.
using an electro-optical distance-ranging instrument, and for the • Calibration from vessel drawings.
subsequent compilation of tank-capacity tables. This method is known as This document and Ch. 2.8A supersede the previous Std 2553. A joint
the internal electro-optical distance-ranging (EODR) method. API/Energy Institute (EI) standard, it also carries the EI designation
This edition of Ch. 2.2F is the national adoption of ISO 12917-2:2002. Hydrocarbon Management, HM2 Section 5A. Pages: 25
Pages: 14 1st Edition | March 1991 | Reaffirmed: January 2014
1st Edition | April 2004 | Reaffirmed: September 2014 Product Number: H30044 | Price: $65.00
Product Number: HH202F01 | Price: $83.00
Chapter 2.8A
Chapter 2.2G Calibration of Tanks on Ships and Oceangoing Barges
Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Total Station Three methods for determining the total and incremental volumes of
liquids in tanks, oceangoing barges, and integrated tug barge units that
Reference Line Method have integral hull tanks. The three methods include liquid calibration,
Describes measurement and calculation procedures for determining the calibration by linear measurement, and calibration from vessel drawings.
diameters of upright cylindrical tanks by taking vertical offset This document and Ch. 2.7 supersede the previous Std 2553. A joint API/
measurements externally using electro-optical distance ranging equipment Energy Institute (EI) standard, it also carries the EI designation
rather than conventional ORLM plummet/trolley equipment. This standard Hydrocarbon Management, HM2 Section 5B. Pages: 22
is an alternate standard to Ch. 2.2B. This standard is used in conjunction 1st Edition | March 1991 | Reaffirmed: March 2018
with Ch. 2.2A. Calibration of insulated tanks is covered by Ch. 2.2D. Product Number: H30049 | Price: $97.00
Abnormally deformed tanks that are dented or have other visible signs of
damage are not covered by this standard. Pages: 14 Chapter 2.8B
1st Edition | July 2014 | Product Number: H202G01 | Price: $87.00 Recommended Practice for the Establishment of the Location of the
Reference Gauge Point and the Gauge Height of Tanks on Marine
Std 2552 Tank Vessels
Measurement and Calibration of Spheres and Spheroids Recommended practice, for use in conjunction with Ch. 2.7 and Ch. 2.8A.
Describes the procedures for calibrating spheres and spheroids, which are Establishes reference gauge heights during calibration of marine tank
vessels. A reference gauge point is necessary for converting ullage to
used as liquid containers. It outlines the procedures for the measurement innage, and when determining the volume of the quantities remaining on
and calibration of spherical tanks. Pages: 17 board. A reference gauge point is also used for wedge formulas and
1st Edition | October 1966 | Reaffirmed: August 2018 establishing wedge tables. Pages: 26
Product Number: H25520 | Price: $105.00 1st Edition | September 1995 | Reaffirmed: December 2014
Product Number: H028B1 | Price: $105.00
Std 2554
Measurement and Calibration of Tank Cars Chapter 3
Describes the procedures for calibrating tank cars. It outlines procedures Tank Gauging
for nonpressure-type tank cars and pressure-type tank cars. Pages: 41 Standardized procedures for gauging liquid hydrocarbons in various types
1st Edition | October 1966 | Reaffirmed: September 2012 of tanks, containers, and carriers.
2-Year Extension: December 2017
Product Number: H25540 | Price: $124.00 Chapter 3.1A
Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging of Petroleum and
Std 2555 Petroleum Products
Liquid Calibration of Tanks Describes the following:
Describes the procedure for calibrating tanks, or portions of tanks, larger • the procedures for manually gauging the liquid level of petroleum and
than a barrel or drum by introducing or withdrawing measured quantities petroleum products in non-pressure fixed-roof, floating-roof tanks and
of liquid. Pages: 14 marine tank vessels,
• procedures for manually gauging the level of free water that may be found
1st Edition | September 1966 | Reaffirmed: May 2014 with the petroleum or petroleum products,
Product Number: H25550 | Price: $105.00 • methods used to verify the length of gauge tapes under field conditions
and the influence of bob weights and temperature on the gauge tape
RP 2556 length, and
Correcting Gauge Tables for Incrustation • the influences that may affect the position of gauging reference point
Incrustation is defined in this document as any material that adheres to (either the datum plate or the reference gauge point).
the internal vertical sidewall surfaces of a tank when the tank is otherwise Throughout this standard the term petroleum is used to denote petroleum,
empty. The tables given in this recommended practice show the percent of petroleum products, or the liquids normally associated with the petroleum
error of measurement caused by varying thicknesses of uniform industry.
incrustation in tanks of various sizes. Pages: 3 The method used to determine the volume of tank contents determined from
2nd Edition | August 1993 | Reaffirmed: November 2013 gauge readings is not covered in this standard. The determination of
temperature, API gravity, and suspended sediment and water of the tank
Product Number: H25560 | Price: $82.00 contents are not within the scope of this standard. Pages: 31
3rd Edition | August 2013 | Reaffirmed: December 2018
Product Number: H301A03 | Price: $109.00

52  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 3.1A * transported aboard marine vessels (tankers and barges). This standard
Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging of Petroleum and also provides guidance on the requirements for data collection,
Petroleum Products—Spanish transmission, and receiving. This standard supersedes all applicable
Spanish translation of Ch. 3.1A. sections of Std 2545. Pages: 10
3rd Edition | August 2013 | Product Number: H301A03S | Price: $109.00 1st Edition | April 1995 | Reaffirmed: May 2016
Product Number: H03041 | Price: $90.00
Chapter 3.1B
Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Chapter 3.4 *
Stationary Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons on
Covers level measurement of liquid hydrocarbons in stationary, aboveground, Marine Vessels by Automatic Tank Gauging—Spanish
atmospheric storage tanks using automatic tank gauges (ATGs). The Spanish translation of Ch. 3.4.
standard discusses automatic tank gauging in general, accuracy, installation, 1st Edition | April 1995 | Product Number: H03041SP | Price: $90.00
commissioning, calibration, and verification of ATGs that measure either
innage or ullage. It covers both intrusive and nonintrusive ATGs used for
either custody transfer or inventory control. The standard also covers the Chapter 3.5
requirements for data collection, transmission, and receiving. Pages: 28 Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Light Hydrocarbon
3rd Edition | April 2018 | Product Number: H301B3 | Price: $112.00 Liquids Onboard Marine Vessels by Automatic Tank Gauging
Covers the standard practice for level measurement of light hydrocarbon
Chapter 3.2 liquids onboard marine vessels by automatic tank gauges. This publication
Standard Practice for Gauging Petroleum and Petroleum Products in covers pressurized and refrigerated light hydrocarbon liquids. The light
Tank Cars hydrocarbon liquids covered include: liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
natural gas liquid (NGL), and other petrochemical liquids where the
Provides method for measuring liquids and liquefied gases in tank cars by storage and transportation requirements and the methods of
liquid level measurement. Measurement of both vapor space and liquid measurement are similar to that for LPG and NGL gauging. This standard
level are covered. Gauging and temperature measurement equipment also covers the requirements for data collection, transmission, and
used in both open and closed measurement systems are described in this receiving. Pages: 8
standard. These procedures reduce variability in the results of
measurement and sampling operations when comparing loading terminal 1st Edition | March 1997 | Reaffirmed: February 2013
data to unloading terminal data. Pages: 20 Product Number: H03051 | Price: $90.00
1st Edition | August 1995 | Reaffirmed: May 2013
Product Number: H03021 | Price: $105.00 Chapter 3.5 *
Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Light Hydrocarbon
Chapter 3.2 * Liquids Onboard Marine Vessels by Automatic Tank Gauging—
Standard Practice for Gauging Petroleum and Petroleum Products in Spanish
Tank Cars—Spanish Spanish translation of Ch. 3.5.
Spanish translation of Ch. 3.2. 1st Edition | March 1997 | Product Number: H03051S | Price: $90.00
1st Edition | August 1995 | Product Number: H03021S | Price: $105.00
Chapter 3.6
Chapter 3.3 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Hybrid Tank Measurement
Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Systems
Stationary Pressurized Storage Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging (includes Errata 1 dated September 2005)
Provides guidance on the installation, calibration, and verification of automatic
tank gauges used in custody transfer for measuring the level of liquid Covers selection, installation, commissioning, calibration, and verification
hydrocarbons having a Reid vapor pressure of 15 psi (103 kPa) or greater, of hybrid tank measurement systems for the measurement of level, static
stored in stationary, pressurized storage tanks. This standard also provides mass, observed and standard volume, and observed and reference
guidance on the requirements for data collection, transmission, and receiving. density in tanks storing petroleum and petroleum products for custody
Pages: 10 transfer and/or inventory control purposes. Pages: 26
1st Edition | June 1996 | Reaffirmed: March 2017 1st Edition | February 2001 | Reaffirmed: January 2017
Product Number: H03031 | Price: $90.00 Product Number: H03061 | Price: $104.00

Chapter 3.3 * Chapter 4

Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Proving Systems
Stationary Pressurized Storage Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging— Serves as a guide for the design, installation, calibration, and operation of
Spanish meter proving systems.
Spanish translation of Ch. 3.3. Chapter 4.1
1st Edition | June 1996 | Product Number: H030316 | Price: $90.00 Introduction
General introduction to the subject of proving. The requirements in Ch. 4
Chapter 3.4 are based on customary practices that evolved for crude oils and products
Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons on covered by Ch. 11.1. The prover and meter uncertainties should be
Marine Vessels by Automatic Tank Gauging appropriate for the measured fluids and should be agreeable to the
Provides guidance on the selection, installation, calibration, and parties involved. Pages: 4
verification of automatic tank gauges for measuring the level of liquid 3rd Edition | February 2005 | Reaffirmed: June 2014
hydrocarbons having a Reid vapor pressure less than 15 psia (103 kPa), Product Number: H04013 | Price: $89.00
*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 53
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Chapter 4.1 * Chapter 4.7

Introduction—Spanish Field Standard Test Measures
Spanish translation of Ch. 4.1. Details the essential elements of field standard test measures by providing
3rd Edition | February 2005 | Product Number: H40101S | Price: $89.00 descriptions, construction requirements, as well as inspection, handling, and
calibration methods. Bottom-neck scale test measures and prover tanks are
Chapter 4.2 not addressed in this document. The scope of this standard is limited to the
certification of “delivered volumes” of test measures. Pages: 19
Displacement Provers
(includes Addendum 1 dated February 2015) 3rd Edition | April 2009 | Reaffirmed: June 2014
Product Number: H40703 | Price: $94.00
Outlines the essential elements of provers that accumulate meter pulses as a
displacing element within the prover travels between detector switches. It
provides design and installation details for the types of displacement provers Chapter 4.8
that are currently in use. The provers discussed are designed for proving Operation of Proving Systems
measurement devices under dynamic operating conditions with single-phase Provides information for operating meter provers on single-phase liquid
liquid hydrocarbons. Pages: 45 hydrocarbons. It is intended for use as a reference manual for operating
3rd Edition | September 2003 | Reaffirmed: March 2011 proving systems. The requirements of this chapter are based on customary
Product Number: H04023 | Price: $134.00 practices for single-phase liquids. This standard is primarily written for
hydrocarbons, but much of the information in this chapter may be
Chapter 4.2 *  applicable to other liquids. Specific requirements for other liquids should
Displacement Provers—Russian be agreeable to the parties involved. Pages: 40
2nd Edition | September 2013 | 2-Year Extension: October 2018
Russian translation of Chapter 4.2.
Product Number: H04082 | Price: $136.00
3rd Edition | September 2003
Product Number: H04023R | Price: $107.00 Chapter 4.9.1
Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank
Chapter 4.4
Provers, Part 1—Introduction to the Determination of the Volume of
Tank Provers
Displacement and Tank Provers
Specifies the characteristics of tank provers that are in general use and the
procedures for their calibration. This standard does not apply to weir-type, Provers are precision devices, defined as volumetric standards, which are
vapor-condensing, dual-tank water-displacement, or gas-displacement used to verify the accuracy of liquid volumetric meters used for custody
provers. Pages: 11 transfer measurement. Both displacement and tank provers are used to
prove a meter in order to obtain its meter factor, which is then used to
2nd Edition | May 1998 | Reaffirmed: May 2015 correct for meter error caused by differences between the metered volume
Product Number: H04042 | Price: $90.00 and the true volume. The base volume of a displacement or tank prover,
determined by calibration, is an essential requirement in the
Chapter 4.5 determination of these meter factors. The accuracy of a meter factor is
Master Meter Provers limited by several considerations:
Covers the use of displacement, turbine, Coriolis, and ultrasonic meters as • equipment performance,
master meters. The requirements in this standard are intended for single- • observation errors,
phase liquid hydrocarbons. Meter proving requirements for other fluids
should be appropriate for the overall custody transfer accuracy and should • prover volume calibration errors,
be agreeable to the parties involved. This document does not cover master • calculation errors. Pages: 28
meters to be used for the calibration of provers. For information 1st Edition | October 2005 | Reaffirmed: April 2015
concerning master meter calibration of provers, see Ch. 4.9.3. Pages: 24 Product Number: H409011 | Price: $82.00
4th Edition | June 2016 | Product Number: H40504 | Price: $87.00
Chapter 4.9.2
Chapter 4.6 Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank
Pulse Interpolation Provers, Part 2—Determination of the Volume of Displacement and
(includes Errata 1 dated April 2007) Tank Provers by the Waterdraw Method of Calibration
Describes how the double-chronometry method of pulse interpolation,
including system operating requirements and equipment testing, is All prover volumes used to calibrate meters shall be determined by
applied to meter proving. Pages: 8 calibration and not by theoretical calculation. Volumetric provers have an
exact reference volume, which has been determined by a recognized
2nd Edition | May 1999 | Reaffirmed: October 2013 method of calibration. Techniques for the determination of this reference
Product Number: H04062 | Price: $71.00 volume include the waterdraw, master meter, and gravimetric methods of
calibration. This standard describes only the waterdraw method of
calibration, which is used to accurately determine the calibrated volume of
both displacement and tank provers. Pages: 92
1st Edition | December 2005 | Reaffirmed: May 2015
Product Number: H409021 | Price: $197.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

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Chapter 4.9.3 Chapter 5.2

Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement Meters
Provers, Part 3—Determination of the Volume of Displacement Ch. 5.2, together with the general considerations for measurement by
Provers by the Master Meter Method of Calibration meters found in Ch. 5.1, describes methods for obtaining accurate
Covers the procedures required to determine the field data necessary to quantity measurement with displacement meters in liquid hydrocarbon
calculate a base prover volume (BPV) of a field displacement prover by the service. It covers the unique performance characteristics of displacement
master meter method for calibration. This standard applies to liquids that meters in liquid hydrocarbon service. It does not apply to the
for all practical purposes are considered to be clean, single-phase, measurement of two-phase fluids. Pages: 3
homogeneous, and Newtonian at metering conditions. 3rd Edition | October 2005 | Reaffirmed: July 2015
Detailed calculation procedures are not included in this standard: see Product Number: H05023 | Price: $95.00
Ch. 12.2.5. Pages: 19
1st Edition | April 2010 | Reaffirmed: March 2015 Chapter 5.2 *
Product Number: H409031 | Price: $80.00 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement Meters—
Chapter 4.9.4 Spanish translation of Ch. 5.2.
Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank 3rd Edition | October 2005 | Product Number: H50203SP | Price: $95.00
Provers, Part 4—Determination of the Volume of Displacement and
Tank Provers by the Gravimetric Method of Calibration Chapter 5.3
(includes Errata 1 dated August 2016) Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters
Covers the specific procedures, equipment, and calculations required to (includes Addendum 1 dated July 2009)
determine the base prover volume of both tank and displacement provers
by the gravimetric method of calibration. This standard presents both USC Defines the application criteria for turbine meters and discusses
and SI units and may be implemented in either system of units. The appropriate considerations regarding the liquids to be measured.
presentation of both units is for the convenience of the user and is not Discusses the installation of a turbine metering system and the
necessarily the exact conversions. The system of units to be used is performance, operation, and maintenance of turbine meters in liquid
typically determined by contract, regulatory requirement, the hydrocarbon service. Includes “Selecting a Meter and Accessory
manufacturer, or the user’s calibration program. Throughout this document Equipment” and information on the recommended location for prover
issues of traceability are addressed by references to National Institute of connections. Pages: 11
Standards and Technology (NIST). However, other appropriate national 5th Edition | September 2005 | Reaffirmed: August 2014
metrology institutes can be referenced. There is no intent to cover safety Product Number: H05035 | Price: $115.00
aspects of conducting the work described in this standard, and it is the
duty of the user to be familiar with all applicable safe work practices. It is Chapter 5.3 *
also the duty of the user to comply with all existing federal, state, or local
regulations [e.g. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters—Spanish
(OSHA)] that govern the types of activities described in this standard, and Spanish translation of Ch. 5.3, including Addendum 1 dated July 2009.
to be familiar with all such safety and health regulations. Pages: 38 5th Edition | September 2005
1st Edition | October 2010 | Reaffirmed: December 2015 Product Number: H50305SP | Price: $115.00
Product Number: H4090401 | Price: $90.00
Chapter 5.4
Chapter 5 Accessory Equipment for Liquid Meters
Metering (includes Errata 1 dated May 2015)
Covers the dynamic measurement of liquid hydrocarbons, by means of Describes the characteristics of accessory equipment used with
meters and accessory equipment. displacement and turbine meters in liquid hydrocarbon service. Includes
guidance on the use of electronic flow computers. Pages: 8
Chapter 5.1
4th Edition | September 2005 | Reaffirmed: August 2015
General Considerations for Measurement by Meters
Product Number: H05044 | Price: $102.00
(includes Errata 1 dated June 2008 and Errata 2 dated June 2011)
Intended to be a guide for the proper specification, installation, and Chapter 5.4 *
operation of meter runs designed to dynamically measure liquid
hydrocarbons so that acceptable accuracy, service life, safety, reliability, Accessory Equipment for Liquid Meters—Spanish
and quality control can be achieved. Ch. 5 also includes information that Spanish translation of Ch. 5.4.
will assist in troubleshooting and improving the performance of meters. 4th Edition | September 2005
Pages: 8 Product Number: H05044SP | Price: $102.00
4th Edition | September 2005 | Reaffirmed: July 2016
Product Number: H05014 | Price: $102.00

Chapter 5.1 *
General Considerations for Measurement by Meters—Spanish
Spanish translation of Ch. 5.1.
4th Edition|September 2005|Product Number: H05014SP|Price: $102.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 55
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Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6

Fidelity and Security of Flow Measurement Pulsed-Data Transmission Metering Assemblies
Systems Discussion of the design, installation, and operation of metering systems
Serves as a guide for the selection, operation, and maintenance of various for coping with special situations in hydrocarbon measurement.
types of pulsed-data, cabled transmission systems for fluid metering
systems to provide the desired level of fidelity and security of transmitted Chapter 6.1
flow pulse data. This publication does not endorse or advocate the Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Systems
preferential use of any specific type of equipment or systems, nor is it Prepared as a guide for the design, installation, calibration, and operation
intended to restrict future development of such equipment. Pages: 8 of a lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) system. It applies to
2nd Edition | July 2005 | Reaffirmed: August 2015 unattended and automatic measurement by meter of hydrocarbon liquids
Product Number: H50502 | Price: $76.00 produced in the field and transferred to a pipeline in either a scheduled or
nonscheduled operation. Pages: 6
Chapter 5.5 * 2nd Edition | May 1991 | Reaffirmed: December 2017
Fidelity and Security of Flow Measurement Pulsed-Data Transmission Product Number: H30121 | Price: $66.00
Chapter 6.2
Spanish translation of Ch. 5.5.
Loading Rack Metering Systems
2nd Edition | July 2005 | Product Number: H50502SP | Price: $76.00
Serves as a guide in the selection, installation, and operation of loading rack
Chapter 5.6 metering systems for petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gas.
This standard does not endorse or advocate the preferential use of any specific
Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Coriolis Meters type of metering system or meter. Pages: 30
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 5.6-2002)
3rd Edition | February 2004 | Reaffirmed: July 2016
Describes methods for achieving custody transfer levels of accuracy when Product Number: H60203 | Price: $86.00
a Coriolis meter is used to measure liquid hydrocarbons. Topics covered
include: applicable API standards used in the operation of Coriolis meters;
proving and verification using both mass- and volume-based methods; Chapter 6.2 *
and installation, operation, and maintenance. Both mass and volume- Loading Rack Metering Systems—Spanish
based calculation procedures for proving and quantity determination are Spanish translation of Ch. 6.2.
included in Appendix E. Pages: 48
3rd Edition | February 2004 | Product Number: H60203S | Price: $86.00
1st Edition | October 2002 | Reaffirmed: November 2013
Product Number: H05061 | Price: $151.00 Chapter 6.5
Metering Systems for Loading and Unloading Marine Bulk Carriers
Chapter 5.6 *
Deals with the operation and special arrangements of meters, provers,
Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Coriolis Meters—Spanish manifolding, instrumentation, and accessory equipment used for
Spanish translation of Ch. 5.6. measurement during loading and unloading of marine bulk carriers.
1st Edition | October 2002 | Product Number: H05061S | Price: $151.00 Pages: 6
2nd Edition | May 1991 | Reaffirmed: March 2018
Chapter 5.8 Product Number: H30125 | Price: $71.00
Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Ultrasonic Flow Meters
(includes Errata 1 dated February 2014) Chapter 6.6
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 5.8-2011) Pipeline Metering Systems
Defines the application criteria for ultrasonic flowmeters (UFMs) and Provides guidelines for selection of the type and size of meters to be used
addresses the appropriate considerations regarding the liquids to be to measure pipeline oil movements, as well as the relative advantages and
measured. This document addresses the installation, operation, and disadvantages of the methods of proving meters by tank prover,
maintenance of UFMs in liquid hydrocarbon service. The field of conventional pipe prover, small volume prover, and master meter. It also
application of this standard is the dynamic measurement of liquid includes discussion on obtaining the best operating results from a
hydrocarbons. While this document is specifically written for custody pipeline-meter station. Pages: 9
transfer measurement, other acceptable applications may include 2nd Edition | May 1991 | Reaffirmed: December 2017
allocation measurement, check meter measurement, and leak detection Product Number: H30126 | Price: $71.00
measurement. This document only pertains to spool type, multi-path
ultrasonic flow meters with permanently affixed acoustic transducer Chapter 6.7
assemblies. Pages: 23 Metering Viscous Hydrocarbons
2nd Edition | November 2011 | Reaffirmed: May 2017 Serves as a guide for the design, installation, operation, and proving of meters
Product Number: H050802 | Price: $94.00 and auxiliary equipment used in metering viscous hydrocarbons. It defines
viscous hydrocarbons and describes the difficulties that arise when viscous
Chapter 5.8 * hydrocarbons are raised to high temperature. The effects of such temperatures
Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Ultrasonic Flow Meters— on meters, auxiliary equipment, and fittings are discussed, and advice and
Spanish warnings to overcome or mitigate difficulties are included. Pages: 6
Spanish translation of Ch. 5.8. 2nd Edition | May 1991 | Reaffirmed: March 2018
2-Year Extension: December 2017
2nd Edition | November 2011
Product Number: H050802SP | Price: $94.00 Product Number: H30127 | Price: $71.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

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Chapter 7.1 Chapter 7.4

Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers Dynamic Temperature Measurement
Describes how to correctly use various types of liquid-in-glass thermometers Describes methods, equipment, installation, and operating procedures for
to accurately determine the temperatures of hydrocarbon liquids. Other the proper determination of the temperature of hydrocarbon liquids under
methods, equipment, and procedures for temperature determination are dynamic conditions in custody transfer applications. This standard describes
described in the other sub-sections of Ch. 7. the accuracy requirement and the calibration of the temperature
This chapter describes the methods, equipment, and procedures for measurement equipment.
manually determining the temperature of liquid petroleum and petroleum This standard does not cover dynamic temperature measurement of
products with liquid-in-glass thermometers. This chapter discusses refrigerated, light hydrocarbon fluids or cryogenic liquids. Pages: 34
temperature measurement requirements in general for custody transfer, 2nd Edition | January 2018 | Product Number: H70402 | Price: $109.00
inventory control, and marine measurements. The actual method and
equipment selected for temperature determination are left to the agreement
of the parties involved. Pages: 37 Chapter 7.5/ISO 8310:2012
Automatic Tank Temperature Measurement Onboard Marine
2nd Edition | August 2017 | Product Number: H70102 | Price: $119.00
Vessels Carrying Refrigerated Hydrocarbon and Chemical Gas
Chapter 7.2 Fluids
Portable Electronic Thermometers (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 7.5)
Describes the methods, equipment, and procedures for manually Specifies the essential requirements and verification procedures for
determining the temperature of liquid petroleum and petroleum products by automatic tank thermometers (ATTs) consisting of platinum resistance
use of a portable electronic thermometer (PET). thermometers (PRT) and an indicating device used for custody transfer
measurement of liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum, and chemical
This chapter discusses temperature measurement requirements in general gases on board ships. Temperature detectors other than PRT are
for custody transfer, inventory control, and marine measurements. The actual considered acceptable for use in the custody transfer service of liquefied
method and equipment selected for temperature determination are left to gases if they meet the performance requirements of this document and
the agreement of the parties involved. are approved by national regulations. Pages: 12
The manual method covers: 1st Edition | September 2014
• nonpressurized tanks and nonpressurized marine vessels; Product Number: HH70501 | Price: $103.00
• gas-blanketed tanks and gas-blanketed marine vessels.
It does not cover hydrocarbons under pressures in excess of 21 kPa (3 psi Chapter 8
gauge) or cryogenic temperature measurement, unless the tank is equipped Sampling
with a thermowell. Pages: 30
Covers standardized procedures for sampling petroleum and petroleum
3rd Edition | May 2018 | Product Number: H70203 | Price: $116.00 products.
Chapter 7.3 Chapter 8.1 
Fixed Automatic Tank Temperature Systems Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum
Describes the methods, equipment, and procedures for determining the Products
temperature of petroleum and petroleum products under static conditions Covers procedures and equipment for manually obtaining samples of liquid
by the use of an automatic method. Automatic temperature measurement
is discussed for custody transfer and inventory control for both onshore petroleum and petroleum products, crude oils, and intermediate products
and marine measurement applications. from the sample point into the primary container. Procedures are also
included for the sampling of free water and other heavy components
Temperatures of hydrocarbon liquids under static conditions can be associated with petroleum and petroleum products. This practice also
determined by measuring the temperature of the liquid at specific addresses the sampling of semi-liquid or solid-state petroleum products.
locations. Examples of where static temperature determination is required This practice provides additional specific information about sample
include storage tanks, ships, and barges.
container selection, preparation, and sample handling. This practice does
The application of this standard is restricted to automatic methods for the not cover sampling of electrical insulating oils and hydraulic fluids. The
determination of temperature using fixed automatic tank thermometer procedures described in this practice may also be applicable in sampling
(ATT) systems for hydrocarbons having a Reid vapor pressure at or below most non-corrosive liquid industrial chemicals provided that all safety
101.325 kPa (14.696 psia). precautions specific to these chemicals are followed (also, refer to ASTM
Although not included in the scope, requirements in this standard can be Practice E300). The procedures described in this practice are also
used for other fluids and other applications including petroleum liquids applicable to sampling liquefied petroleum gases and chemicals. Pages: 58
having Reid vapor pressures in excess of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psia) 5th Edition | September 2019
tanks with inert gas systems and cryogenic liquids. However, such Product Number: H80105 | Price: $79.00
applications can require different performance and installation
specifications. Pages: 27
2nd Edition | October 2011 | Reaffirmed: December 2016
Product Number: H70302 | Price: $90.00

Chapter 7.3 *
Fixed Automatic Tank Temperature Systems—Spanish
Spanish translation of Ch. 7.3.
2nd Edition | October 2011 | Product Number: H70302SP | Price: $90.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

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Chapter 8.2 Chapter 9

Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Density Determination
Petroleum Products Describes the standard methods and apparatus used to determine the specific
(ASTM D4177) gravity of crude oil and petroleum products normally handled as liquids.
Describes general procedures and equipment for automatically obtaining
samples of liquid petroleum and petroleum products, crude oils, and Chapter 9.1
intermediate products from the sample point into the primary container. Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity),
This practice also provides additional specific information about sample or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by
container selection, preparation, and sample handling. If sampling is for Hydrometer Method
the precise determination of volatility, use Ch. 8.4 (ASTM Practice D5842) (ASTM D1298)
in conjunction with this practice. For sample mixing and handling, refer to Covers the laboratory determination, using a glass hydrometer in
Ch. 8.3 (ASTM Practice D5854). This practice does not cover sampling of conjunction with a series of calculations, of the density, relative density, or
electrical insulating oils and hydraulic fluids. Pages: 45 API gravity of crude petroleum, petroleum products, or mixtures of
4th Edition | November 2016 | Product Number: H80204 | Price: $77.00 petroleum and nonpetroleum products normally handled as liquids and
having a Reid vapor pressure of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi) or less. Values
Chapter 8.3  are determined at existing temperatures and corrected to 15 °C or 60 °F
by means of a series of calculations and international standard tables.
Standard Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples of
The initial hydrometer readings obtained are uncorrected hydrometer
Petroleum and Petroleum Products readings and not density measurements. Readings are measured on a
Covers handling, mixing, and conditioning procedures that are required to hydrometer at either the reference temperature or at another convenient
ensure that a representative sample of the liquid petroleum or petroleum temperature, and readings are corrected for the meniscus effect, the
product is delivered from the primary sample container or container or both thermal glass expansion effect, alternate calibration temperature effects,
into the analytical apparatus or into intermediate containers. Pages: 30 and to the reference temperature by means of volume correction factors;
2nd Edition | September 2019 | Product Number: H08032 | Price: $69.00 values obtained at other than the reference temperature being hydrometer
readings and not density measurements.
Chapter 8.4 Readings determined as density, relative density, or API gravity can be
Standard Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility converted to equivalent values in the other units or alternate reference
temperatures by means of Interconversion Procedures (Ch. 11.5) or volume
Measurement correction factors (Ch. 11.1), or both, or tables, as applicable. Pages: 8
(ASTM D5842) 3rd Edition | December 2012 | Reaffirmed: May 2017
Covers procedures and equipment for obtaining, mixing, and handling Product Number: H09013 | Price: $45.00
representative samples of volatile fuels for the purpose of testing for
compliance with the standards set forth for volatility related measurements Chapter 9.2
applicable to light fuels. The applicable dry vapor pressure equivalent Standard Test Method for Density or Relative Density of Light
range of this practice is 13 to 110 kPa (2 to 16 psia). Hydrocarbons by Pressure Hydrometer
This practice is applicable to the sampling, mixing, and handling of (ASTM D1657)
reformulated fuels including those containing oxygenates. This practice is Covers the determination of the density or relative density of light
not applicable to crude oil. For the sampling of crude oil, refer to Ch. 8.1, hydrocarbons including liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) having Reid
Ch. 8.2, and Ch. 8.5. Pages: 16 vapor pressures exceeding 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi).
4th Edition | December 2017 | Product Number: H80404 | Price: $50.00 The prescribed apparatus should not be used for materials having vapor
pressures higher than 1.4 MPa (200 psi) at the test temperature. This
Chapter 8.5 pressure limit is dictated by the type of equipment. Higher pressures can
apply to other equipment designs.
Standard Practice for Manual Piston Cylinder Sampling for Volatile The initial pressure hydrometer readings obtained are uncorrected
Crude Oils, Condensates, and Liquid Petroleum Products hydrometer readings and not density measurements. Readings are
(ASTM D8009) measured on a hydrometer at either the reference temperature or at
Includes the equipment and procedures for obtaining a representative another convenient temperature, and readings are corrected for the
sample of “live” or high vapor pressure crude oils, condensates, and/or meniscus effect, the thermal glass expansion effect, alternate calibration
liquid petroleum products from low pressure sample points, where there is temperature effects, and to the reference temperature by means of
calculations and volume correction factors (Ch. 11.1) or Ch. 11.2.4 (GPA
insufficient sample point pressure to use a floating piston cylinder (FPC) TP-27), as applicable.
as described in ASTM D3700. Pages: 20
Values determined as density or relative density can be converted to
1st Edition | December 2015 | Product Number: H80501 | Price: $55.00 equivalent values in the other units or alternative reference temperatures
by means of Interconversion Procedures (Ch. 11.5), or volume correction
Chapter 8.5 * factors (Ch. 11.1) or Ch. 11.2.4 (GPA TP-27), as applicable. Pages: 6
Standard Practice for Manual Piston Cylinder Sampling for Volatile 3rd Edition | December 2012 | Reaffirmed: May 2017
Crude Oils, Condensates, and Liquid Petroleum Products—Spanish Product Number: H09023 | Price: $45.00
Spanish translation of Ch. 8.5.
1st Edition | December 2015 | Product Number: H80501S | Price: $55.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

58  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 9.3 Chapter 10.3

Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by the
Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Thermohydrometer Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure)
Method (ASTM D4007)
(ASTM D6822) Describes the laboratory determination of water and sediment in crude
Covers the determination, using a glass thermohydrometer in conjunction with oils by means of the centrifuge procedure. This centrifuge method for
a series of calculations, of the density, relative density, or API gravity of crude determining water and sediment in crude oils is not entirely satisfactory.
petroleum, petroleum products, or mixtures of petroleum and nonpetroleum The amount of water detected is almost always lower than the actual water
products normally handled as liquids and having a Reid vapor pressures of content. When a highly accurate value is required, the revised procedures
101.325 kPa (14.696 psi) or less. for water by distillation, Ch. 10.2, and sediment by extraction, Ch. 10.1,
Values are determined at existing temperatures and corrected to 15 °C or shall be used. Pages: 13
60 °F by means of a series of calculations and international standard tables. 4th Edition | August 2013 | Reaffirmed: May 2016
The initial thermohydrometer readings obtained are uncorrected hydrometer Product Number: H100304 | Price: $55.00
readings and not density measurements. Readings are measured on a
thermohydrometer at either the reference temperature or at another convenient Chapter 10.4
temperature, and readings are corrected for the meniscus effect, the thermal Determination of Water and/or Sediment in Crude Oil by the
glass expansion effect, alternate calibration temperature effects, and to the Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure)
reference temperature by means of calculations and volume correction factors (includes Errata 1 dated March 2015)
(Ch. 11.1).
Describes the field centrifuge method for determining both water and
Readings determined as density, relative density, or API gravity can be sediment or sediment only in crude oil. This method may not always
converted to equivalent values in the other units or alternate reference produce the most accurate results, but it is considered the most practical
temperatures by means of Interconversion Procedures (Ch. 11.5) or volume method for field determination of water and sediment. This method may
correction factors (Ch. 11.1), or both, or tables, as applicable. Pages: 10 also be used for field determination of sediment. Pages: 23
3rd Edition | December 2012 | Reaffirmed: May 2017 4th Edition | October 2013 | Reaffirmed: September 2018
Product Number: H09033 | Price: $45.00
Product Number: H100404 | Price: $93.00
Chapter 9.4
Chapter 10.5
Continuous Density Measurement Under Dynamic (Flowing)
Standard Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and
Conditions Bituminous Materials by Distillation
(supersedes Ch. 14.6) (ASTM D95)
Covers the continuous on-line determination and application of flowing liquid Covers the determination of water in the range from 0 to 25 % volume in
densities for custody transfer. This standard covers liquid and dense phase petroleum products, tars, and other bituminous materials by the
fluids, including: natural gas liquids, refined products, chemicals, crude oil, distillation method. Volatile water-soluble material, if present, may be
and other liquid products commonly encountered in the petroleum industry. measured as water. The specific products considered during the
This document does not apply to the density measurement of natural gas, development of this test method were asphalt, bitumen, tar, fuel oil,
LNG, multiphase mixtures, semi-solid liquids such as asphalt, and solids lubricating oil, lubricating oil additives, and greases. For bituminous
such as coke and slurries. This standard also provides criteria and emulsions refer to ASTM Test Method D244. For crude oils, refer to
procedures for designing, installing, operating, and proving continuous on- Ch. 10.2. Pages: 6
line density measurement systems for custody transfer. This standard also
discusses the different levels and requirements of accuracy for various 5th Edition | September 2013 | Reaffirmed: September 2018
applications. Pages: 135 Product Number: H100505 | Price: $45.00
1st Edition | January 2018 | Product Number: H09041 | Price: $168.00
Chapter 10.6
Chapter 10 Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by the
Sediment and Water Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure)
Describes methods for determining the amount of sediment and water, (ASTM D1796)
either together or separately in petroleum products. Laboratory and field Describes the laboratory determination of water and sediment in fuel oils
methods are covered. in the range from 0 to 30 % volume by means of the centrifuge procedure.
Note that with some types of fuel oils such as residual fuel oils or distillate
Chapter 10.1 fuel oils containing residual components, it is difficult to obtain water or
Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by sediment contents with this test method. When this situation is
the Extraction Method encountered, Ch. 10.5 or Ch. 10.1 may be used. Pages: 7
(ANSI/ASTM D473) 5th Edition | August 2013 | Reaffirmed: May 2016
Covers the determination of sediment in crude oils and fuel oils by extraction Product Number: H100605 | Price: $45.00
with toluene. The precision applies to a range of sediment levels from 0.01 to
0.40 % mass, although higher levels may be determined. Pages: 6 Chapter 10.7
3rd Edition | November 2007 | Reaffirmed: May 2017 Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Potentiometric Karl
Product Number: H10013 | Price: $42.00 Fischer Titration
(ASTM D4377)
Chapter 10.2
Describes the procedure for the determination of water in crude oils by
Standard Test Method of Water in Crude Oil by Distillation Karl Fischer titration (potentiometric). This test method covers the
(ASTM D4006) determination of water in the range from 0.02 to 2 mass percent in crude
Covers the determination of water in crude oil by distillation. Pages: 11 oils. Mercaptan and sulfide (S¯ or H2S) sulfur are known to interfere with
4th Edition | December 2016 | Product Number: H100204 | Price: $55.00 the method. Pages: 6
2nd Edition | December 2002 | Reaffirmed: May 2011
2-Year Extension: October 2017 | Product Number: H10072 | Price: $42.00

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 59
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Chapter 10.8 Chapter 11

Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Physical Properties Data (Volume Correction Factors)
Filtration Ch. 11 is the physical data that has direct application to volumetric
(ASTM D4807) measurement of liquid hydrocarbons. It is presented in equations relating
Covers the determination of sediment in crude oils by membrane filtration. volume to temperature and pressure, and computer subroutines. The
This test method has been validated for crude oils with sediments up to subroutines for Ch. 11.1 are available in electronic form. These standards are
approximately 0.15 mass %. The accepted unit of measure for this test not included in the complete set of measurement standards. Each element of
method is mass %, but an equation to convert to volume % is provided. Ch. 11 must be ordered separately.
Pages: 5
2nd Edition | November 2005 | Reaffirmed: March 2015 Chapter 11.1
Product Number: H100802 | Price: $42.00 Standard Document and API 11.1 VCF Application
Temperature and Pressure Volume Correction Factors for
Chapter 10.9 Generalized Crude Oils, Refined Products, and Lubricating Oils
Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl (includes Addendum 1 dated September 2007 and Addendum 2
Fischer Titration dated May 2019)
(ASTM D4928) (the 2004 edition of this standard also supersedes Ch. 11.2.1 and
Covers the determination of water in the range from 0.02 to 5.00 mass or Ch. 11.2.1M)
volume % in crude oils. Mercaptan (RSH) and sulfide (S¯ or H2S) as sulfur Provides the algorithm and implementation procedure for the correction of
are known to interfere with this test method, but at levels of less than temperature and pressure effects on density and volume of liquid
500 μg/g [ppm(m)], the interference from these compounds is hydrocarbons that fall within the categories of crude oil, refined products, or
insignificant. This test method can be used to determine water in the lubricating oils. Natural gas liquids and liquefied petroleum gases are excluded
0.005 to 0.02 mass % range, but the effects of the mercaptan and sulfide from consideration in this standard. This document is distributed electronically
interference at these levels has not been determined. For the range 0.005 in Portable Document Format (PDF) or as a hard copy, printed document.
to 0.02 mass %, there is no precision or bias statement. This test method
is intended for use with standard commercially available coulometric Karl An API 11.1 VCF Application for calculating VCF is also available. This
Fischer reagent. Pages: 6 Windows-based standalone application allows users to calculate volumes
and densities at observed (RHOobs), base (RHOb), and alternate (RHOtp)
3rd Edition | May 2013 | Reaffirmed: June 2018 conditions, combined (CTPL) and independent correction factors for
Product Number: H10093 | Price: $45.00 temperature (CTL) and pressure (CPL). The application supports both U.S.
Customary (API, RD, °F, and psig) and SI (kg/m3, °C, kPag, and Barg) units
Chapter 10.9 * of measure, Thermal Expansion Factor (alpha) regression calculator and a
Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Table Generator. The API 11.1 VCF Application is distributed on flash drive or
Fischer Titration—Spanish can be electronically downloaded.
Spanish translation of Ch. 10.9. The PDF or hard copy, printed document are sold without the VCF application
through the API websites.
3rd Edition | May 2013 | Product Number: H100903SP | Price: $45.00
The API 11.1 VCF windows based standalone application and the standard
in PDF or print are available to purchase by phone or email. Please contact
TR 2570 Quorum Software at +1 (713) 430-8600 or send an e-mail to
Continuous On-Line Measurement of Water Content in Petroleum
(Crude Oil and Condensate) May 2004 | Product Number: H11013 | Reaffirmed: August 2012
Provides guidance for the application, installation, operation, verification, 2-Year Extension: March 2017
and proving of on-line water devices (OWDs) for use in the non-custody 11.1 Standard Document | $260.00 per document
transfer measurement of water in crude oil and condensate. A joint API/ 11.1 VCF Application | $568.00 per single user license
Energy Institute (EI) standard, it also carries the EI designation
Hydrocarbon Management, HM56. Pages: 17 11.1 Standard Document + 11.1 VCF Application | $704.00
(15% discount when purchased together)
1st Edition | October 2010 | Reaffirmed: January 2016
Product Number: H25701 | Price: $79.00 See the listing for “Chapter 11.1–1980” on page 179 of this Catalog for
more information on the previous edition of the standard(s).
TR 2573
Standard Guide for Sediment and Water Determination in Crude Oil
(ASTM D7829)
Covers a summary of the water and sediment determination methods from
Ch. 10 for crude oils. The purpose of this guide is to provide a quick
reference to these methodologies such that the reader can make the
appropriate decision regarding which method to use based on the
associated benefits, uses, drawbacks, and limitations. Pages: 7
1st Edition | September 2013 | Reaffirmed: September 2018
Product Number: H257301 | Price: $45.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

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Chapter 11.1 Chapter 11.1

Add-In Program for Microsoft® Excel Source Code
A Microsoft® Windows compatible 32-bit add-in for Microsoft® Excel that ANSI C-Code used to compile the dynamic link libraries (DLLs). The source
provides callable functions for density, correction for temperature and pressure code may be compiled into user programs to calculate temperature and
of a liquid (CTPL), and compressibility coefficient (Fp). These functions allow pressure volume correction factors for generalized crude oils, refined
calculating density at base conditions or at alternate conditions, CTPL products, and lubricating oils.
correction factor used to transform volume and density data to base or desired NOTE An experienced C programmer will be needed to implement the C-Code
conditions, and the scaled compensation factor for transformation from subroutines. API does not directly provide technical support for the C-Code;
alternate to base conditions or from observed to base conditions for however, a support program is available from Flow-Cal, Inc.
generalized crude oils, refined products and lubricating oils. They support the To order, contact Quorum Software at +1 (713) 430-8600 or send an e-mail
following process variables: density (API gravity, relative density, and kg/m3), to
temperature (°F and °C), and pressure (psig, bar, and kPa).
C-Code—compiled to run on a network with less than 50 nodes
To order, contact Quorum Software at +1 (713) 430-8600 or send an e-mail Price: $24,334.00
C-Code—compiled to run on a network with unlimited nodes
XL Add-In—runs on a single standalone computer with no network access Price: $32,445.00
Price: $812.00
C-Code—compiled as part of an application for distribution
XL Add-In—installed on less than 15 standalone computers or ran on a (software distributor) | Price: $48,668.00
network with less than 15 nodes | Price: $5,408.00
XL Add-In—installed on less than 50 standalone computers or ran on a Chapter 11.1
network with less than 50 nodes | Price: $8,111.00 Source Code, DLL & XL Add-In—Combined
XL Add-In—installed on an unlimited number of standalone computers or To order, contact Quorum Software at +1 (713) 430-8600 or send an e-mail
ran on a network with unlimited nodes | Price: $11,897.00 to
C-Code, DLL, and XL Add-In—compiled to run on a network with less
Chapter 11.1 than 50 nodes | Price: $29,741.00
Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
C-Code, DLL, and XL Add-In—compiled to run on a network with
The DLL is compiled from source code written in the C programming
language. The DLL provides subroutines that can be called from unlimited nodes | Price: $40,016.00
applications written in C or other programming languages. These C-Code, DLL, and XL Add-In—compiled as part of an application for
subroutines are subdivided into three groups (density, volume correction distribution (software distributor) | Price: $56,650.00
factors, and scaled compressibility factor) for generalized crude oils,
refined products, and lubricating oils.
Chapter 11.2
• The density subroutines have two sets of density functions allowing
calculations at base conditions or at alternate conditions. Data File of Chapters 11.2.2 and 11.2.2M
• The volume correction factor subroutines calculate a correction for the This package includes a data file of tables found in Ch. 11.2.2 and
effect of temperature and pressure on a liquid (CTPL), correction for the Ch. 11.2.2M. The tables, presented in both U.S. customary (USC) and
effect of temperature on liquid (CTL), and correction for the effect of metric (SI) units, cover compressibility factors for light hydrocarbons.
pressure on liquid (CPL), which are used to transform volume and density 1st Edition | August 1984 | Product Number: H27320 | Price: $321.00
data to base or desired conditions.
• The scaled compressibility factor subroutines will convert from alternate to Chapter 11.2.2
base conditions or from observed to base conditions. Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 0.350–0.637 Relative
The DLL supports the following process units, densities in API gravity, Density (60 °F/60 °F) and –50 °F to 140 °F Metering Temperature
relative density, and kg/m3, temperatures in °F and °C, and pressures in Provides tables to correct hydrocarbon volumes metered under pressure for
psig, bar, and kPa. This version is compatible with and can coexist with the the metered temperature. Contains compressibility factors related to the
1980 version DLL. meter temperature and relative density (60 °F/60 °F) of the metered
To order, contact Quorum Software at +1 (713) 430-8600 or send an e-mail material. Pages: 246
to 2nd Edition | October 1986 | Reaffirmed: September 2017
DLL—installed on less than 50 standalone computers or ran on a network Product Number: H27307 | Price: $185.00
with less than 50 nodes | Price: $16,223.00
Chapter 11.2.2M
DLL—installed on an unlimited number of standalone computers or ran on a Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 350–637 Kilograms per
network with unlimited nodes | Price: $21,630.00 Cubic Meter Density (15 °C) and –46 °C to 60 °C Metering
DLL—compiled as part of an application for distribution (software Temperature
distributor) Price: $32,445.00 Provides tables to correct hydrocarbon volumes metered under pressure to
corresponding volumes at equilibrium pressure for the metered temperature.
The standard contains compressibility factors related to the meter temperature
and density (15 °C) of the metered material. Pages: 264
1st Edition | October 1986 | Reaffirmed: September 2017
Product Number: H27309 | Price: $185.00

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 61
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Chapter 11.2.2M *  tables and other examples created from a computerized version of this
Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 350–637 Kilograms per implementation procedure are presented as examples only, and do not
represent the standard.
Cubic Meter Density (15 °C) and –46 °C to 60 °C Metering
This standard is applicable at any operating temperature to bulk (e.g. tank
Temperature—Russian trucks, tank cargos, barges) denatured 95 % to 99 % fuel ethanol
Russian translation of Chapter 11.2.2M. containing D4806 allowed denaturants (natural gasoline, gasoline blend
1st Edition | October 1986 | Product Number: H27309R | Price: $141.00 stocks, and unleaded gasoline) and denatured 99+ % fuel ethanol
containing less than 1 % denaturant. This standard does not apply to
undenatured ethanol of any purity. Annex E extends the range of
Chapter 11.2.4  application to –40 to 60 °C (–40 to 140 °F) over the pressure range of 0
Temperature Correction for the Volume of NGL and LPG Tables 23E, to 15 MPa (0 to 2200 psi). Pages: 29
24E, 53E, 54E, 59E, 60E 3rd Edition | May 2019 | Product Number: H1103033 | Price: $160.00
(GPA 8217)
Consists of the implementation procedures for the correction of Chapter
temperature effects on density and volume of natural gas liquids and Propylene Compressibility
liquified petroleum gas. Sample tables, flow charts, and specific examples An electronic FORTRAN Source Code text file on CD-ROM that will produce a
created from a computerized version of these implementation procedures table of values applicable to liquid propylene in the following ranges:
are included. The examples provide guidance and checkpoints for those temperature, 30 °F to 165 °F, and saturation pressure to 1600 psia. It
who wish to implement a computerized procedure to represent the computes the following two values: density (pounds per cubic foot) at flowing
standard, however these are not part of the actual standard. temperature and pressure, and ratio of density at flowing conditions to density
This standard covers a 60 °F relative density range of 0.3500 to 0.6880, at 60 °F and saturation pressure. A documentation file is also included.
which nominally equates to a density at 15 °C of 351.7 kg/m3 to January 1974 | Reaffirmed: October 2017
687.8 kg/m3 and a density at 20 °C of 331.7 kg/m3 to 683.6 kg/m3. Product Number: H25656 | Price: $321.00
The temperature range of this standard is –50.8 °F to 199.4 °F (–46 °C
to 93 °C). At all conditions, the pressure is assumed to be at saturation Chapter 11.3.4 
conditions (also known as bubble point or saturation vapor pressure). Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon Product Properties—Denatured
Pages: 155
Ethanol and Gasoline Component Blend Densities and Volume
2nd Edition | June 2019 | Product Number: H1102042 | Price: $205.00 Correction Factors
Chapter 11.2.5 Covers density and volume correction factors for blends of denatured
ethanol and gasoline blend components ranging from 0 % to 95 %
A Simplified Vapor Pressure Correlation for Commercial NGLs denatured ethanol based upon calculation methods defined in API MPMS
(supersedes the Addendum to Ch. 11.2.2–1994) Chapter 11.1 and Chapter 11.3.3. Calculation of blends and denatured
Methods used for calculation of the correction factor for pressure effects ethanol containing more than 95 % ethanol should use the calculation
such as Ch. 11.2.1-1984 (now superseded by Ch. 11.1-2004) and procedures within API MPMS Chapter 11.3.3.
Ch. 11.2.2-1986 require knowledge of the equilibrium bubble point The standard consists of correlations and algorithms for estimating the
pressure (vapor pressure) at the measured conditions. blend volume change at base conditions and for calculating volume
However, the vapor pressure of the process liquid is generally not correction factors of denatured ethanol and gasoline component blends.
measured. The vapor pressure can also be calculated form compositional This standard also provides the algorithms to estimate certain blend
information, but the composition is not always measured for natural gas properties in blending situations where some of the required parameters
liquids (NGLs). Therefore, a correlation for the vapor pressure of NGLs is are not measured.
based upon normally measured properties is required and is documented This standard is applicable to blends containing denatured ethanol and
in this publication. Pages: 27 gasoline blend components with 15.5 °C (60 °F) densities ranging from
1st Edition | September 2007 | Reaffirmed: August 2017 680 to 800 kg/m3 (45.2 to 76.4 °API) containing between 0 % and
Product Number: H1102051 | Price: $98.00 95 % by volume denatured ethanol over the temperature range of –40 °C
to 50 °C (–40 °F to 122 °F) and pressure range of 0 to 10.34 MPa gage
Chapter (0 to 1508 psig). Pages: 60
Ethylene Density 1st Edition | May 2019 | Product Number: H11030401 | Price: $180.00
Identifies an equation of state (EOS) suitable for use in custody transfer
measurement of pure ethylene (>99 %) in the gaseous, liquid, and super TR 2580 
critical phases. Given flowing temperature and pressure, an EOS is Documentation Report and Data Files for: API MPMS Chapter
capable of calculating density and other thermodynamic properties used 11.3.3 and API MPMS Chapter 11.3.4
to calculate mass and volumetric flow of ethylene to custody transfer Assembles and makes available the various foundational data and
accuracy. All accuracy and uncertainty statements in this standard are
limited to the EOS results and do not include the uncertainty added by the materials used in the development of API MPMS Chapter 11.3.3 and API
primary and secondary measuring equipment. Pages: 4 MPMS Chapter 11.3.4. It includes the historical reports and spreadsheets
used as is, without update or reconciliation for any later changes. This
2nd Edition | May 2013 | Product Number: H1132102 | Price: $66.00 document does not extend, modify, or otherwise change anything in the
standards as published by API.
Chapter 11.3.3  Users should not attempt to develop their own implementations of the
Miscellaneous Hydrocarbon Product Properties—Denatured Ethanol standard calculations from this document.
Density and Volume Correction Factors The user is directed to the published implementations in the standards.
Covers density and volume correction factors for denatured fuel ethanol. This document contains only the background materials, not the standards,
Annex E of the Third Edition presents a method to determine the nor any computer implementation of the standards. Only the final versions
compressibility factor for ethanol. The actual standard consists of the of materials have been included. Some graphs within the spreadsheets
explicit implementation procedures set forth in this document. Sample

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

62  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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may not appear the same as in published documents because the authors Chapter 11.5.2
may have changed settings or data filters in the spreadsheets subsequent Part 2—Conversions for Relative Density (60/60 °F)
to copying the graphs for publication.
Provides implementation procedures for conversion of relative density (60/
Annex A through Annex G materials are available in files for download from 60 °F) to equivalent densities in both in vacuo and in air values. This standard
API Publications for purchasers of this document. Annex H is included in gives the following equivalents for any value of relative density (60/60 °F):
this document. Pages: 33 • API gravity at 60 °F (old Table 21);
1st Edition | May 2019 | Product Number: H258001 | Price: $220.00 • absolute density at 60 °F;
• absolute density at 15 °F (old Table 21);
Chapter 11.4.1 • pounds per U.S. gallon at 60 °F in and in air (old Table 26);
Properties of Reference Materials, Part 1—Density of Water and Water • U.S. gallons per pound at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 26);
Volumetric Correction Factors for Water Calibration of Volumetric • short tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old
Provers Table 27);
Specifies the density of water to be used in all applicable API MPMS • U.S. gallons per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 28);
standards. It also specifies the volume correction factor equation for water and • short tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 27);
demonstrates its use for water calibration of volumetric provers. Pages: 25 • barrels per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 28);
2nd Edition | July 2018 | Product Number: H11412 | Price: $81.00 • long tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old
Table 29);
Chapter 11.5 • U.S. gallons per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 30);
Density/Weight/Volume Intraconversion • long tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 29);
• barrels per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 30);
[includes Errata 1 dated September 2011 (updated September 2013)]
• metric tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
[replaces Ch. 11.1–1980 Volumes XI/XII (ASTM D1250-80, IP 200/80)]
• metric tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
These intraconversion tables are applicable to all crude oils, petroleum • barrels per metric ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
products, and petrochemicals. These standards are intended for • cubic metres per short ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old Table 31);
application to bulk liquid quantities. Ch. 11.5, Parts 1 to 3 are available • cubic metres per long ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old Table 31).
collectively on one CD-ROM.
While not related to relative density, the following are included for user
1st Edition | March 2009 | Reaffirmed: March 2015 convenience:
Product Number: H1105CD | Price: $268.00 • U.S. gallons at 60 °F to litres at 15 °C (old Table 22);
• barrels at 60 °F to litres at 15 °C (old Table 22, Table 52).
Chapter 11.5.1
Part 1—Conversions of API Gravity at 60 °F Chapter 11.5.3
Provides implementation procedures for conversion of API gravity at 60 °F Part 3—Conversions for Absolute Density at 15 °C
to equivalent densities in both in vacuo and in air values. This standard Provides implementation procedures for conversion of absolute density at
gives the following equivalents for any value of API gravity at 60 °F: 15 °C to equivalent densities in both in vacuo and in air values. This standard
• relative density at 60 °F (old Table 3); gives the following equivalents for any value of absolute density at 15 °C:
• absolute density at 60 °F; • relative density at 15 °C;
• absolute density at 15 °C (old Table 3); • absolute density at 60 °F;
• pounds per U.S. gallon at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 8); • relative density at 60 °F (old Table 51);
• U.S. gallons per pound at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 8); • API gravity at 60 °F (old Table 51);
• short tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old • density at 15 °C (similar to old Table 56);
Table 9); • conversion of apparent density at 15 °C to absolute density at 15 °C;
• U.S. gallons per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 10); • cubic metres per metric ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (similar to old
Table 56);
• short tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 9); • cubic metres per short ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air;
• barrels per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 10); • cubic metres per long ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air;
• long tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old • pounds per U.S. gallon at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
Table 11); • U.S. gallons per pound at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• U.S. gallons per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 12); • short tons per 1000 litres (cubic metres) at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old
• long tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 11); Table 57);
• barrels per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 12); • short tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• metric tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old • U.S. gallons per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
Table 13); • short tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• metric tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 13); • barrels per short ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• barrels per metric ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air; • long tons per 1000 litres (cubic metres) at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old
• cubic metres per short ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old Table 14); Table 57);
• cubic metres per long ton at 15 °C in vacuo and in air (old Table 14). • U.S. gallons per metric ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 58);
While not related to API gravity, the following are included for user • barrels per metric ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air (old Table 58);
convenience: • long tons per 1000 U.S. gallons at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• U.S. gallons at 60 °F to litres at 15 °C (old Table 4); • U.S. gallons per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• barrels at 60 °F to litres at 15 °C (old Table 4). • long tons per barrel at 60 °F in vacuo and in air;
• barrels per long ton at 60 °F in vacuo and in air.
While not related to relative density, the following are included for user
• litres at 15 °C to U.S. gallons at 60 °F;
• cubic metres at 15 °C to barrels at 60 °F (old Table 52).

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 63
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Chapter 12 Chapter 12.2.3

Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement
Describes the standard procedures for calculating net standard volumes, Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors, Part 3—Proving Reports
including the application of correction factors and the importance of significant (includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007)
figures. The purpose of standardizing the calculation procedure is to achieve Consolidates and standardizes calculations for metering petroleum liquids
the same result regardless of which person or computer does the calculating. using turbine or displacement meters and clarifies terms and expressions
by eliminating local variations among terms. This standard provides
Chapter 12.1.1  calculation methods for the determination of meter factors under defined
Calculation of Static Petroleum Quantities, Part 1—Upright Cylindrical conditions, regardless of the point of origin or destination or units of
Tanks and Marine Vessels measure required by governmental customs or statute. This document
specifies the equations for computing correction factors, including the
Guides the user through the steps necessary to calculate static liquid calculation sequence, discrimination levels, and rules for rounding.
quantities, at atmospheric conditions, in upright cylindrical tanks and Pages: 59
marine tank vessels. It defines terms employed in the calculation of static
petroleum quantities. 1st Edition | October 1998 | Reaffirmed: May 2014
This document also specifies equations that allow the values of some Product Number: H12023 | Price: $130.00
correction factors to be computed. Fundamental to this process is the
understanding that, in order for different parties to be able to reconcile Chapter 12.2.4
volumes, they must start with the same basic information (tank capacity Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement
table, levels, temperatures, and so forth) regardless of whether the Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors, Part 4—Calculation of
information is gathered automatically or manually. Pages: 52 Base Prover Volumes by Waterdraw Method
4th Edition | February 2019 | Product Number: H1201014 | Price: $125.00 (includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007 and Errata 1
dated July 2009)
Chapter 12.1.2
Provides a standardized calculation method to determine a base prover
Calculation of Static Petroleum Quantities, Part 2—Calculation volume under defined conditions. Specifically, this standard discusses the
Procedures for Tank Cars calculation procedures for the waterdraw calibration method, which is one
Describes the standardized method for calculating target loading of several different procedures used to determine base prover volume
quantities and actual loading quantities of liquids in tank cars. Also (BPV) of a displacement prover. Pages: 58
explained are the factors required for the calculations. This information is 1st Edition | December 1997 | Reaffirmed: September 2014
applicable to all crude oils, petroleum products, and petrochemicals Product Number: H12024 | Price: $133.00
(including LPGs and other liquefied gases) transported by rail tank car. It
does not cover any products loaded or measured as solids. It defines the Chapter 12.2.5
terms required to understand the calculations and provides instructions for Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement
their use; includes 13 calculation examples in Appendix E. Pages: 62 Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors, Part 5—Base Prover
2nd Edition | February 2018 | Product Number: H12122 | Price: $128.00 Volume Using Master Meter Method
(includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007 and Errata 1
Chapter 12.2.1 dated July 2009)
Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement
Provides standardized calculation methods for the quantification of liquids
Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors, Part 1—Introduction and the determination of base prover volumes under defined conditions,
(includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007 and Errata 1 regardless of the point of origin or destination or units of measure required
dated July 2009) by governmental customs or statute. The criteria contained in this
Provides the general introduction of this standard, which is divided into five document allow different entities using various computer languages on
parts, each published separately. The base (reference or standard) different computer hardware (or manual calculations) to arrive at identical
volumetric determination of metered quantities is discussed along with the results using the same standardized input data. Pages: 108
general terms required for solution of the various equations. General rules 1st Edition | September 2001 | Reaffirmed: August 2016
for rounding of numbers, including field data, intermediate calculations Product Number: H12025 | Price: $184.00
numbers, and discrimination levels, are specified. Pages: 23
2nd Edition | May 1995 | Reaffirmed: March 2014 Chapter 12.3
Product Number: H12021 | Price: $118.00 Calculation of Volumetric Shrinkage from Blending Light Hydrocarbons
with Crude Oils
Chapter 12.2.2 (includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007)
Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement Provides background, theory, calculation examples, and tables to correct
Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors, Part 2—Measurement for volumetric shrinkage resulting when blending volatile hydrocarbons with
crude oil. The tables are entered with density differentials at standard
Tickets conditions and percentage light hydrocarbon in total mix. This standard
(includes Ch. 12 Addendum 1 dated August 2007) supersedes and replaces Bull 2509C, 2nd Edition, 1967. Pages: 110
Provides standardized calculation methods for the quantification of liquids 1st Edition | July 1996 | Reaffirmed: April 2011
and the determination of base prover volumes under defined conditions, Product Number: H12031 | Price: $97.00
regardless of the point of origin or destination or the units of measure
required by governmental customs or statute. The publication rigorously
specifies the equations for computing correction factors, rules for
rounding, calculational sequence, and discrimination levels to be
employed in the calculations. Pages: 18
3rd Edition | June 2003 | Reaffirmed: February 2016
Product Number: H12223 | Price: $110.00

64  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 13 coefficient of discharge and expansion factor are also presented. This revision
Statistical Aspects of Measuring and Sampling includes a change to the empirical expansion factor calculation for flange-
tapped orifice meters. Pages: 58
The more accurate petroleum measurement becomes, the more its
practitioners stand in need of statistical methods to express residual 4th Edition | September 2012 | Reaffirmed: September 2017
uncertainties. This chapter covers the application of statistical methods to Product Number: H1403014 | Price: $196.00
petroleum measurement and sampling.
Chapter 14.3.2
Chapter 13.2 Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Methods of Evaluating Meter Proving Data Fluids—Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters, Part 2:
Establishes the basic concepts and procedures to estimate and report Specification and Installation Requirements
meter performance uncertainty in consistent and comparable ways. (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 14.3.2-2016) (AGA Report No. 3, Part 2)
Pages: 40 (includes Errata 1 dated March 2017 and Errata 2 dated January 2019)
2nd Edition | April 2018 | Product Number: H13022 | Price: $105.00 Outlines the specification and installation requirements for the
measurement of single-phase, homogeneous Newtonian fluids using
Ch. 13.3 concentric, square-edged, flange-tapped orifice meters. It provides
Measurement Uncertainty specifications for the construction and installation of orifice plates, meter
tubes, and associated fittings when designing metering facilities using
Establishes a methodology to develop uncertainty analyses for use in orifice meters. Pages: 74
writing API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS)
documents that are consistent with the ISO GUM and NIST Technical Note 5th Edition | March 2016 | Product Number: H1403025 | Price: $204.00
1297. This standard also supersedes Ch. 13.1, 1st Edition, 1985, which
is withdrawn. Pages: 75 Chapter 14.3.3
2nd Edition | December 2017 Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Product Number: H130302 | Price: $122.00 Fluids—Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters, Part 3: Natural
Gas Applications
Chapter 13.3 *  (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 14.3.3-2013) (AGA Report No. 3, Part 3)
Measurement Uncertainty—Spanish Developed as an application guide for the calculation of natural gas flow
Spanish translation of Ch. 13.3. through a flange-tapped, concentric orifice meter, using the U.S.
customary (USC) inch-pound system of units. It also provides practical
2nd Edition | December 2017 guidelines for applying Ch. 14.3, Parts 1 and 2, to the measurement of
Product Number: H130302S | Price: $122.00 natural gas. Pages: 54
4th Edition | November 2013
Chapter 14 Product Number: H1403034 | Price: $239.00
Natural Gas Fluids Measurement
Standardizes practices for measuring, sampling, and testing natural gas Chapter 14.3.4 
fluids. Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Chapter 14.1 Fluids—Concentric, Square-edged Orifice Meters Part 4—
Collecting and Handling of Natural Gas Samples for Custody Transfer Background, Development, Implementation Procedure, and
Example Calculations
(includes Addendum 1 and Errata 1 dated August 2017) (AGA Report No. 3, Part 4)
Concentrates on proper sampling systems and procedures. It recognizes Describes the background and development of the equation for the
the critical impact of hydrocarbon dew point consideration to the overall coefficient of discharge of flange-tapped square-edged concentric orifice
accuracy and success of these practices and procedures. Analyses of gas meters and recommends a flow rate calculation procedure. The
samples are used for many purposes and are applied to various recommended procedures provide consistent computational results for the
calculations, some of which have an impact on the accuracy of custody quantification of fluid flow under defined conditions, regardless of the point
transfer calculations (quantity and quality). Pages: 76 of origin or destination, or the units of measure required by governmental
7th Edition | May 2016 | Product Number: H140107 | Price: $226.00 customs or statute.
The procedures allow different users with different computer languages on
Chapter 14.3.1 different computing hardware to arrive at almost identical results using the
Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon same standardized input data. Pages: 112
Fluids—Concentric Square-Edged Orifice Meters, Part 1: General 4th Edition | October 2019 | Product Number: H1403044 | Price: $186.00
Equations and Uncertainty Guidelines
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 14.3.1-2012) (AGA Report No. 3, Part 1) Chapter 14.4
(includes Errata 1 dated July 2013) Converting Mass of Natural Gas Liquids and Vapors to Equivalent
Liquid Volumes
Provides a single reference for engineering equations, uncertainty estimations, (GPA 8173-17)
construction and installation requirements, and standardized implementation
recommendations for the calculation of flow rate through concentric, square- Prescribes a method for calculating liquid volumes at equilibrium
edged, flange-tapped orifice meters. Both U.S. customary (USC) and pressures and at temperatures of 60 °F, 15 °C, and 20 °C from the mass
international system of units (SI) units are included. The mass flow rate and of a natural gas fluid (liquid or vapor) measured at operating conditions, in
base (or standard) volumetric flow rate equations are discussed, along with the conjunction with a representative compositional analysis and published
terms required for solution of the flow equation. The empirical equations for the values for each component’s molar mass and absolute density. Pages: 24
2nd Edition | June 2017 | Product Number: H140402 | Price: $71.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 65
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Chapter 14.5 The scope of this standard does not include analytical instrumentation.
Calculation of Gross Heating Value, Relative Density, Compressibility Pages: 54
and Theoretical Hydrocarbon Liquid Content for Natural Gas 1st Edition | July 2007 | Reaffirmed: June 2012
Mixtures for Custody Transfer 2-Year Extension: March 2017
(GPA 2172-09) Product Number: H140101 | Price: $116.00
Presents procedures for calculating, at base conditions from composition,
the following properties of natural gas mixtures: gross heating value, Chapter 14.12
relative density (real and ideal), compressibility factor, and theoretical Measurement of Gas by Vortex Meters
hydrocarbon liquid content, which in the U.S. is typically expressed as
GPM, the abbreviation for gallons of liquid per thousand cubic feet of gas. Addresses the following: (a) provides generic information on full-bore vortex
shedding flowmeters, including glossary, and sets of engineering equations
Rigorous calculation of the effect of water upon these calculations is useful in specifying performance; (b) describes vortex shedding flowmeters
complicated. Because this document relates primarily to custody transfer,
the water effect included is an acceptable contractual calculation. Annex A in which alternating vortices are shed from one or more bluff bodies installed
of this standard contains a detailed investigation of the effect of water and in a closed conduit; (c) describes how the vortex shedding frequency is used
detailed derivations of the equations presented in the standard. Pages: 41 to determine the velocity to infer the volume, mass, and/or energy flow rate
and the total gas flow through the meter over a specific time interval; (d)
3rd Edition | January 2009 | Reaffirmed: February 2014 applies only to single phase gas flows in closed conduit that are steady or
Product Number: H140503 | Price: $79.00 vary slowly in time. For fiscal measurement, the output of the flow rate shall
be within the acceptable limits of steady state flow rate; (e) describes the
Chapter 14.7 physical components of vortex shedding flowmeters and identifies need for
Mass Measurement of Natural Gas Liquids and Other Hydrocarbons inspection, certification, and material traceability; (f) addresses the effect of
(GPA 8182-18) gas properties, installation, and process conditions that may affect the
Serves as a reference for the selection, design, installation, operation, and measurement uncertainty and describes guidelines for reducing or
maintenance of single-phase dynamic liquid mass measurement systems eliminating their influences; (g) defines the method for calculating
that operate in the 350 to 688 kg/m3 (0.350 to 0.689 relative density at uncertainty of the flow rate measurement; (h) defines the meter output
60 °F) density range. The mass measurement systems within the scope of requirements and necessary information pertaining to the meter output for
this document include inferred mass measurement, where volume at flowing the purpose of fiscal measurement of gas; and (i) provides calibration and/
conditions is combined with density at similar conditions to result in or performance verification guidance for the field application. Pages: 35
measured mass, as well as Coriolis mass measurement. Liquids with density 1st Edition | March 2017 | Product Number: H140121 | Price: $94.00
below 350 and above 688 kg/m3 (below 0.350 and above 0.689 relative
density at 60 °F) and cryogenic fluids (colder than approximately –50 °F) Chapter 15 
are excluded from the scope of this document, but the principles described Guidelines for the Use of Petroleum Industry-Specific International
herein may apply to such streams. Sampling equipment and techniques are System (SI) Units
covered including standards for analytical methods used to determine the
composition of the sampled product. Equations of state and correlations Specifies the API-preferred units for quantities involved in petroleum
used to calculate the density of the product are discussed. The standard industry measurements and indicates factors for conversion of quantities
used to convert mass to equivalent liquid volumes of components is also expressed in customary units to the API-preferred SI units not covered in
discussed. Pages: 16 ASTM/IEEE SI-10. The quantities that comprise the tables are grouped
5th Edition | February 2018 | Product Number: H140705 | Price: $77.00 into convenient categories related to their use. They were chosen to meet
the needs of the many and varied aspects of the petroleum industry, but
Chapter 14.9 also should be useful in other, similar process industries. Pages: 44
Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis Meter 4th Edition | June 2019 | Product Number: H15004 | Price: $130.00
(AGA Report No. 11)
Chapter 16
Developed to assist designers and users in operating, calibrating, Measurement of Hydrocarbon Fluids by Weight or Mass
installing, maintaining, and verifying Coriolis flow meters used for natural
gas flow measurement. Covers the static and dynamic measurement of hydrocarbon fluids by
weight or mass.
2nd Edition | February 2013
Order from the American Gas Association, 500 N. Capitol Street NW, Chapter 16.2
Washington, DC 20001 | 202-824-7000 Mass Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Vertical Cylindrical
Chapter 14.10 Storage Tanks by Hydrostatic Tank Gauging
Measurement of Flow to Flares Provides guidance on the installation, commissioning, maintenance,
Addresses measurement of flow to flares and includes: validation, and calibration of hydrostatic tank gauging systems for the
direct measurement of static mass of liquid hydrocarbons in storage tanks.
• application considerations, This edition is applicable to hydrostatic tank gauging systems that use
• selection criteria and other considerations for flare meters and related pressure sensors with one port open to the atmosphere. It is also
instrumentation, applicable for use on vertical cylindrical atmospheric storage tanks with
• installation considerations, either fixed or floating roofs. Pages: 20
• limitations of flare measurement technologies, 1st Edition | November 1994 | Reaffirmed: September 2017
Product Number: H16021 | Price: $105.00
• calibration,
• operation,
• uncertainty and propagation of error,
• calculations.

66  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 17 Chapter 17.3

Marine Measurement Guidelines for Identification of the Source of Free Waters Associated
Provides guidelines for the measurement and reporting of hydrocarbons with Marine Petroleum Cargo Movements
including but not limited to crude oil or petroleum product for transfers by Provides guidelines for identifying the source of free waters associated
shore terminal operators, vessel personnel, and other parties involved in with marine petroleum cargo movements. The presence of free water is a
cargo transfer measurement and accountability operations. factor in marine custody transfers of bulk petroleum, especially in the case
of crude oil cargoes. This standard recommends the water samples and
Chapter 17.1 volumes to be taken, the containers to be used, the care and distribution
of the samples, and the analytical procedures of use in identifying sources
Guidelines for Marine Inspection of free water associated with marine petroleum cargoes. Pages: 29
Specifies the policy and minimum recommended practices for the manual 2nd Edition | December 2016
and automatic measurement, sampling, and accounting for bulk Product Number: H170302 | Price: $131.00
quantities of crude oil (including spiked, blended, and reconstituted crude
oil), petroleum products and chemicals that are transported on marine
vessels. The activities described in these guidelines include actions by Chapter 17.3 *
producers, buyers, sellers, terminal operators, vessel owners, and their Guidelines for Identification of the Source of Free Waters Associated
crews, customs authorities, independent inspectors, and other parties with with Marine Petroleum Cargo Movements—Spanish
an interest in measurements. Spanish translation of Ch. 17.3.
Certain vessel or terminal configurations and cargo characteristics, 2nd Edition | December 2016
particularly chemicals, may require extensive procedures and calculation Product Number: H170302S | Price: $131.00
methods not covered in this chapter.
These procedures are equally valid and applicable for either metric or Chapter 17.4
customary units of measurement, provided that the same types of units Method for Quantification of Small Volumes on Marine Vessels
are used consistently. (OBQ/ROB)
The purchase of this document includes Excel® spreadsheets of the Provides a method for determining the small volumes of on board quantity
Sample Forms in Annex A (excluding “Voyage Analysis Report,” which is prior to loading a vessel or material remaining on board a vessel upon
available in Ch. 17.5). The sample forms are designed to provide a completion of discharge. This standard applies only to quantification by
guideline for recording and reporting essential data obtained during the manual gauging of small volumes on marine vessels prior to loading or
marine cargo inspection procedure. Pages: 45 upon completion of discharge. It does not address clingage, hydrocarbon
6th Edition | June 2014 | Product Number: H170106 | Price: $163.00 vapors, cargoes in transit, or cargo pumpability. Refer to Ch. 3. Pages: 25
2nd Edition | September 2016
Chapter 17.1 * Product Number: H170402 | Price: $119.00
Guidelines for Marine Inspection—Spanish
Spanish translation of Ch. 17.1. Chapter 17.4 *
6th Edition | June 2014 | Product Number: H170106S | Price: $163.00 Method for Quantification of Small Volumes on Marine Vessels
Chapter 17.2 Spanish translation of Ch. 17.4.
Measurement of Cargoes On Board Tank Vessels 2nd Edition | September 2016
(includes Errata 1 dated April 2000) Product Number: H170402S | Price: $119.00
Covers manual portable measurement units through deck-fitted vapor
control valves and fixed automatic tank gauge systems for use when a Chapter 17.5 
marine vessel's cargo tanks may not be open to the atmosphere. It Guidelines for Voyage Analysis and Reconciliation of Cargo Quantities
establishes the procedures for obtaining the level measurements of cargo, Covers guidelines for the reconciliation of marine cargo quantities. These
free water, and onboard quantity/remaining onboard (OBQ/ROB), as well guidelines are intended to provide a basis for analyzing and reconciling the
as taking the temperatures and samples required for the marine custody quantity differences (gains/losses) resulting from marine custody transfer
transfer of bulk liquid petroleum cargoes under closed or restricted system movement(s) of petroleum and petroleum product cargoes. As such, the
measurement conditions. This standard is not intended for use with guidelines are complementary to, but do not replace, normal inspection
pressurized or refrigerated cargoes such as LPG and LNG. Pages: 19 procedures. The purchase of this document includes a spreadsheet for
2nd Edition | May 1999 | Reaffirmed: September 2011 determining voyage analysis and reconciliation of cargo quantities. Pages: 48
2-Year Extension: May 2016 | Product Number: H17022 | Price: $143.00 4th Edition | July 2019 | Product Number: H170504 | Price: $160.00

Chapter 17.2 * Chapter 17.6

Measurement of Cargoes On Board Tank Vessels—Spanish Guidelines for Determining Fullness of Pipelines Between Vessels
Spanish translation of Ch. 17.2. and Shore Tanks
Describes procedures for determining or confirming the fill condition of
2nd Edition | May 1999 | Product Number: H1702SP | Price: $143.00 pipeline systems used for the transfer of liquid cargoes before and/or after
the liquid is loaded onto or discharged from marine vessels. It includes
descriptions of methods and procedures that apply to crude oil and
petroleum products. While this document includes descriptions of
common line fill verification methods, it does not recommend any
particular method. The responsibility for selecting a method appropriate
for a given terminal, and documenting its effectiveness, rests with those
responsible for operating the terminal where it is applied. Pages: 10
2nd Edition | June 2014 | Product Number: H170602 | Price: $119.00
*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 67
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Chapter 17.8 Chapter 17.11

Guidelines for Pre-Loading Inspection of Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks Measurement and Sampling of Cargoes On Board Tank Vessels
and Their Cargo-Handling Systems Using Closed and Restricted Equipment
(includes Errata 1 dated March 2017)
Specifies procedures for determining that the cargo tanks and associated
cargo-handling system of marine vessels are in a suitably clean condition Provides guidance on the use, maintenance, and calibration of restricted
to receive the intended cargo. This applies to the loading of crude oil, and closed measurement and sampling equipment. It also provides
petroleum products, and petrochemical cargoes. The extent of pre-loading guidance on preferred size and positioning for gauging and sampling
inspection will vary depending on the nature of the cargo to be loaded. fittings on vessels. A joint API/Energy Institute (EI) standard, it also carries
These guidelines recommend the extent of inspection that should be the EI designation Hydrocarbon Management, HM52. Pages:19
instituted for certain general types of cargoes and an example of a format 2nd Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H170112 | Price: $117.00
that may be used for reporting the findings of tank inspections. Because of
the wide variety of conditions that may exist when performing pre-loading Chapter 17.11 *
tank inspections, this guideline is not intended to restrict the judgment of Measurement and Sampling of Cargoes On Board Tank Vessels
the person performing the inspection. Pages: 18
Using Closed and Restricted Equipment—Spanish
2nd Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H170802 | Price: $117.00
Spanish translation of Ch. 17.11.
Chapter 17.8 * 2nd Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H170112S | Price: $117.00
Guidelines for Pre-Loading Inspection of Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks Chapter 17.12
and Their Cargo-Handling Systems—Spanish Procedures for Bulk Liquid Chemical Cargo Inspections
Spanish translation of Ch. 17.8. Provides systematic cargo measurement procedures for use primarily by
2nd Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H170802S | Price: $117.00 cargo inspectors and to specify procedures directed at minimizing cargo
contamination and losses, in the absence of, or in conjunction with,
Chapter 17.9  specific client guidelines. This document should be considered a summary
Vessel Experience Factor (VEF) of best practices used within the industry. A joint API/Energy Institute (EI)
standard, it also carries the EI designation Hydrocarbon Management,
Provides a recommended practice for the calculation and application of a HM51. Pages: 66
vessel experience factor (VEF). This standard provides guidelines for data 2nd Edition | August 2015 | Product Number: H170122 | Price: $177.00
compilation, data maintenance, data validation, and recommendations on
the appropriate use of a VEF involving marine vessels. Chapter 17.12 *
It also provides instruction for parcel tankers, compartmental VEFs, and Procedures for Bulk Liquid Chemical Cargo Inspections—Spanish
vessel-to-vessel transfers. The methods are applicable to liquid bulk
cargoes including crude oil, petroleum products, chemicals, and liquid Spanish translation of Ch. 17.12.
petroleum gases. Pages: 30 2nd Edition | August 2015 | Product Number: H170122S | Price: $177.00
3rd Edition | July 2019 | Product Number: H170903 | Price: $185.00
Chapter 17.14.1 
Chapter 17.10.1/ISO 10976:2012 Measurement of Bulk Cargoes by Draft Survey, Part 1: Ocean-Going
Measurement of Cargoes On Board Marine Gas Carriers, Part 1— Vessels
Liquefied Natural Gas Describes the procedure for determining the transferred quantity of non-
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 17.10.1) liquid petroleum products loaded onto or discharged from ocean-going
Establishes all of the steps needed to properly measure and account for vessels by draft survey.
the quantities of cargoes on liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers. This This procedure is not an alternative where effective static or dynamic liquid
includes, but is not limited to, the measurement of liquid volume, vapour measurement methods can be used. Pages: 38
volume, temperature and pressure, and accounting for the total quantity of 1st Edition | October 2019 | Product Number: H1714101 | Price: $160.00
the cargo on board. This document describes the use of common
measurement systems used on board LNG carriers, the aim of which is to Chapter 17.14.2 
improve the general knowledge and processes in the measurement of LNG Measurement of Bulk Cargoes by Draft Survey, Part 2: Inland Barges
for all parties concerned. This document provides general requirements for
those involved in the LNG trade on ships and onshore. Pages: 65 Describes the procedure for determining the transferred quantity of non-
liquid petroleum products loaded onto or discharged from inland barges
1st Edition | April 2014 | Product Number: HH171011 | Price: $163.00 by draft survey.
This procedure is not an alternative where effective static or dynamic liquid
Chapter 17.10.2 measurement methods can be used. Pages: 29
Measurement of Cargoes On Board Marine Gas Carriers, Part 2— 1st Edition | October 2019 | Product Number: H1714201 | Price: $150.00
Liquefied Petroleum and Chemical Gases
Provides guidance to vessel and shore personnel regarding accepted
methods for determining quantities of liquefied petroleum and chemical
gas cargoes (excluding LNG) on board refrigerated and/or pressurized
carriers. This standard covers all measurement systems commonly used
on refrigerated and/or pressurized gas carriers designed to carry those
types of cargoes and includes recommended methods for measuring,
sampling, documenting, and reporting quantities on board these vessels.
Pages: 80
2nd Edition | March 2016 | Product Number: H171022 | Price: $163.00

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

68  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 18 Types of fixed-roof tanks and roof fittings described are for information
Custody Transfer only. The equations estimate average annual losses from uninsulated
Covers application of other measurement standards to unique custody fixed-roof tanks for various liquid stocks, stock vapor pressures, tank sizes,
transfer situations. meteorological conditions, and operating conditions. The following special
cases are addressed.
Chapter 18.1 • Horizontal tanks.
Measurement Procedures for Crude Oil Gathered from Lease Tanks • Higher volatility stocks (true vapor pressure greater than 0.1 psia).
by Truck • Vent settings higher than 0.03 pounds (0.5 oz) per square inch.
Contains procedures that are organized into a recommended sequence of The estimation may be improved by using detailed field information,
steps for manually gauging and determining the quantity and quality of crude including climatic data and operational data for the appropriate time
oil being gathered from lease tanks by truck. These measurements and tests period.
are performed by crude oil truck drivers (COTDs) and other parties who are The equations are not intended to be used in the following applications.
responsible for the custody transfer and for recording the results of the
measurements and tests on the run tickets. These procedures apply to the • To estimate losses from unstable or boiling stocks or from petroleum
custody transfer from lease storage tanks to the transporting truck. Pages: 24 liquids or petrochemicals for which the vapor pressure is not known or
cannot readily be predicted [to calculate emissions from tanks that
3rd Edition | May 2018 | Product Number: H18013 | Price: $131.00 contain material at or above their boiling point or the point at which
material starts to flash, the API model E&P Tank (Publ 4697) can be
Chapter 18.2 used].
Custody Transfer of Crude Oil from Lease Tanks Using Alternative • To estimate losses from fixed-roof tanks which have an internal floating
Measurement Methods roof. Ch. 19.2 and TR 2569 address these.
Defines the minimum equipment and methods used to determine the • To estimate losses from fixed-roof tanks which have either roof or shell
quantity and quality of crude oil being loaded from a lease tank to a truck insulation.
trailer without requiring direct access to a lease tank gauge hatch. • To estimate losses from cleaning fixed-roof tanks. TR 2568 addresses
Methods and equipment described are grouped by tank zone, trailer zone, this. Pages: 38
and the transition zone between the two. The equipment used for
measurement is dependent on the existing design of the lease equipment, 5th Edition | June 2017 | Product Number: H190105 | Price: $168.00
the equipment used to transport the product, or a combination of the two.
Some sites may require measurements from multiple zones in order to Chapter 19.1D
arrive at an accurate load quantity and quality. Documentation File for API Manual of Petroleum Measurement
This publication integrates by reference the API Manual of Petroleum Standards Chapter 19.1—Evaporative Loss from Fixed-Roof Tanks
Measurement Standards (MPMS) for sampling, temperature (previously Bulletin 2518)
determination, gauging, and quality testing into a framework that may be (includes Errata 1 dated June 1994)
applied during custody transfer of crude oil from lease tanks to a tank
truck without requiring direct access to the tank thief gauge hatch. Many of Presents information on the development of theoretical equations;
the individual standards have guidelines defining the frequency and comparisons with test data; a sensitivity analysis of the loss equation; and
tolerances for installation, verification, and calibration of the specified other pertinent information that was developed during the preparation of
equipment under controlled or ideal conditions allowing for uncertainty Ch. 19.1. Pages: 190
within custody transfer requirements. However, with the conditions 1st Edition | March 1993 | Product Number: H30553 | Price: $185.00
encountered in many of today’s applications, the installation, verification,
and calibration of measurement devices may have higher uncertainties Chapter 19.2
due to the operational characteristics and limited access available at the
lease site. In the interest of safety and environmental concerns, these Evaporative Loss from Floating-Roof Tanks
higher uncertainties may still provide acceptable measurement for custody (previously Publ 2517 and Publ 2519)
transfer of crude oil from tanks using the defined alternate methods. Contains methodologies for estimating the total evaporative losses of
The alternate measurement methods discussed in this standard are hydrocarbons from external floating-roof tanks (EFRTs), freely vented internal
intended to minimize uncertainty and bias while encouraging consistent floating-roof tanks (IFRTs), and domed external floating-roof tanks (domed
measurement and testing practices using existing technologies within API EFRTs). The methodologies provide loss estimates for general equipment
standards. Pages: 29 types based on laboratory, test-tank, and field-tank data. Types of floating
1st Edition | July 2016 | Product Number: H180201 | Price: $136.00 roofs, rim-seal systems, and deck fittings are described for information only.
The equations estimate average annual losses from floating-roof tanks for
Chapter 19 various types of tank construction, floating-roof construction, rim-seal
Evaporation Loss Measurement systems, and deck fittings, as well as for various liquid stocks, stock vapor
pressures, tank sizes, and wind speeds (EFRTs).
Covers methods for estimating hydrocarbon evaporation losses from
various types of tanks. The equations were developed for:
NOTE Chapter 19 is not included in the complete set of measurement standards. • stocks with a true vapor pressure greater than approximately 0.1 psia,
• average wind speeds ranging from 0 miles per hour (mph) to 15 mph
Chapter 19.1 (EFRTs), and
Evaporative Loss from Fixed-Roof Tanks
(previously Publ 2518) • tank diameters greater than 20 ft.
The estimation techniques become more approximate when these
Contains methodologies for estimating the total evaporative losses of
hydrocarbons from fixed-roof tanks. The methodologies provide loss conditions are not met.
estimates for general equipment types based on laboratory, test-tank, and When this standard is used to estimate losses from non-freely vented
field-tank data. (closed vent) internal or domed external floating-roof tanks (tanks vented
only through a pressure-vacuum relief vent, blanketed with an inert gas,
vented to a vapor processing unit, or otherwise restricted from being freely
vented), refer to the methodology in TR 2569.

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The equations are not intended to be used in the following applications. Chapter 19.3, Part C
• To estimate losses from unstable or boiling stocks (i.e. stocks with a true Weight Loss Test Method for the Measurement of Rim-Seal Loss
vapor pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure at the tank Factors for Internal Floating-Roof Tanks
location) or from petroleum liquids or petrochemicals for which the vapor Provides a uniform method for measuring evaporative loss from rim seals
pressure is not known or cannot readily be predicted. used on aboveground storage tanks. This information can be utilized to
• To estimate losses from tanks in which the materials used in the rim seal, establish product specific loss factors in terms of loss rate and seal gap
deck fittings, or deck seams have either deteriorated or been significantly area. Pages: 29
permeated by the stored stock. 1st Edition | July 1998 | Reaffirmed: January 2018
• To estimate losses from storage tanks that do not have a floating roof. Product Number: H1903C | Price: $133.00
• To estimate losses from landing floating roofs (TR 2567 addresses this). Chapter 19.3, Part D
• To estimate losses from cleaning storage tanks (TR 2568 addresses this). Fugitive Emission Test Method for the Measurement of Deck-Seam
The 3rd Edition of Ch. 19.4 was published following a revision that was Loss Factors for Internal Floating-Roof Tanks
carried out concurrently with revisions to Ch. 19.1, published as the Establishes a uniform method for measuring evaporative deck-seam loss
4th Edition, and Ch. 19.2, published as the 3rd Edition. Primary changes are factors and deck-joint loss factors of mechanically joined deck seams that
as follows. are used on internal floating-roof tanks. These deck-seam loss factors and
• Consolidation of common material in Ch. 19.4. Material that had deck-joint loss factors are to be determined in terms of their loss rate at
previously been included in both Ch. 19.1 and Ch. 19.2 has been moved specified pressure differences across the deck seam or deck joint for
to Ch. 19.4. Ch. 19.4, which was previously Recommended Practice for certification purposes. Pages: 31
Speciation of Evaporative Losses, now has the title Evaporative Loss 1st Edition | June 2001 | Reaffirmed: March 2018
Reference Information and Speciation Methodology. This chapter had Product Number: H1903D | Price: $133.00
already contained reference information on the properties of chemicals
and typical petroleum liquids, and this information has now been removed Chapter 19.3, Part E
from Ch. 19.1 and Ch. 19.2. In addition, meteorological data have been Weight Loss Test Method for the Measurement of Deck-Fitting Loss
moved from Ch. 19.1 and Ch. 19.2 to Ch. 19.4. In the revised documents: Factors for Internal Floating-Roof Tanks
• meteorological data are found in Ch. 19.4; Describes the test methods to be used to establish evaporative loss
factors for deck fittings on internal floating-roof tanks. This chapter
• calculation of storage tank temperatures is found in Ch. 19.1 and specifies the test apparatus, instruments, test procedures, and calculation
Ch. 19.2 (in that fixed-roof tanks involve calculation of the vapor space procedures to be used. The standard also addresses the requirements for
temperature in order to determine vapor density, whereas this step is reporting test report values. Pages: 30
not involved in estimating emissions from floating-roof tanks); and
1st Edition | May 1997 | Reaffirmed: October 2017
• calculation of true vapor pressure is found in Ch. 19.4 (in that this is Product Number: H1903E | Price: $133.00
now calculated in the same manner for both fixed- and floating-roof
tanks). Pages: 85 Chapter 19.3, Part H
3rd Edition | October 2012 | 2-Year Extension: March 2017 Tank Seals and Fittings Certification—Administration
Product Number: H190203 | Price: $191.00 Provides guidance for the administration of the former API Tank Seals and
Fittings Certification Program. The document includes detailed methods for
Chapter 19.3, Part A monitoring and analysis of tests conducted on individual devices and
Wind Tunnel Test Method for the Measurement of Deck-Fitting Loss describes the steps in the certification process. Pages: 53
Factors for External Floating-Roof Tanks 1st Edition | March 1998 | Reaffirmed: August 2016
Describes the procedures to establish evaporative loss factors for deck Product Number: H1903H | Price: $133.00
fittings on external floating-roof tanks. The test method involves measuring
the weight loss of a test assembly over time. The standard specifies the Chapter 19.4
test apparatus, instruments, test procedures, and calculation procedures Evaporative Loss Reference Information and Speciation Methodology
to be used. It also addresses the variables to be measured, format for
reporting the test values, and their associated uncertainty. Pages: 27 (includes Addendum 1 dated November 2013 and Addendum 2 dated
June 2017)
1st Edition | June 1997 | Reaffirmed: September 2017
Product Number: H1903A | Price: $133.00 Provides methodology to estimate emissions of individual hydrocarbon
species using the total emissions of multicomponent hydrocarbon mixtures
Chapter 19.3, Part B (such as crude oils and gasoline) estimated from Ch. 19.1 for fixed-roof
tanks, Ch. 19.2 for floating-roof tanks, Ch. 19.5 for marine vessels, and
Air Concentration Test Method—Rim-Seal Loss Factors for Floating- other methods used for total hydrocarbon emission estimates. This process
Roof Tanks is referred to as speciation.
Describes the procedures to establish evaporative rim-seal loss factors for Speciation of emissions from hydrocarbon mixtures accounts for the higher
rim seals used on external floating-roof tanks. The test method involves evaporation rate of the more volatile components, resulting in a different
passing a controlled flow rate of air through a test chamber that contains a
test liquid and a test rim seal, and measuring the concentration of the test composition of the mixture in the vapor phase than in the liquid phase. The
liquid vapor in the air streams entering and leaving the test chamber. The methodology presented in this standard assumes that there is sufficient
standard specifies the test apparatus, instruments, test procedures, and liquid present such that the chemical composition at the liquid surface may
calculation procedures to be used. It also addresses the variables to be be considered to not change as a result of the evaporative loss.
measured, format for reporting the test values, and their associated This standard also contains reference information used for estimating
uncertainty. Pages: 30 emissions in accordance with Ch. 19.1, Ch. 19.2, and Ch. 19.5.
1st Edition | August 1997 | Reaffirmed: September 2017 The methodology in this standard applies to:
Product Number: H1903B | Price: $133.00 • liquids with vapor pressure that has reached equilibrium with ambient
conditions at a true vapor pressure less than the ambient atmospheric
pressure (i.e. not boiling);

70  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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• liquids for which the vapor pressure is known or for which sufficient data Chapter 19.6.1
are available to determine the vapor pressure; and Evaporative Loss from Storage Tank Floating-Roof Landings
• liquid mixtures where Raoult’s Law can be used to describe the vapor (formerly TR 2567)
phase equilibria. Investigates storage tank emissions that may result from landing and
This methodology does not apply to: subsequently refloating a floating roof. The existing emission factors for
floating-roof tanks are based on the assumption that the floating roof is
• emissions that result from leaks from piping components (e.g. valves, continuously floating on the stored stock liquid. Additional emissions may
flanges, pumps, connectors etc.); occur, however, if the tank is emptied such that the floating roof is no longer
• liquid mixtures where Raoult’s Law cannot be used to describe the vapor floating. This study sought to quantify these floating-roof landing loss
phase equilibria (e.g. mixtures in which hydrocarbons are dissolved in emissions. Pages: 38
water, or mixtures of hydrocarbons with alcohols). 1st Edition | February 2017 | Product Number: H1906011 | Price: $136.00
This 3rd Edition of Ch. 19.4 was published following a revision that was
carried out concurrently with revisions to Ch. 19.1, published as the Chapter 19.6.2 
4th Edition, and Ch. 19.2, published as the 3rd Edition. Primary changes are Evaporative Loss from the Cleaning of Storage Tanks
as follows. Provides guidance for estimating emissions that result from forced
• Consolidation of common material in Ch. 19.4. Material that had previously ventilation of storage tanks such as may occur while removing the liquid
been included in both Ch. 19.1 and Ch. 19.2 has been moved to Ch. 19.4. heel (free-standing stock liquid) and cleaning the remaining deposits of
Ch. 19.4, which was previously Recommended Practice for Speciation of stock liquid mixed with residue and water (sludge) from the bottoms of
Evaporative Losses, now has the title Evaporative Loss Reference aboveground storage tanks.
Information and Speciation Methodology. This chapter had already The emissions addressed in this report are those that leave the tank during
contained reference information on the properties of chemicals and typical forced ventilation. This standard does not address:
petroleum liquids, and this information has now been removed from Ch. • the fate of vapors after they have left the tank (other than accounting for
19.1 and Ch. 19.2. In addition, meteorological data have been moved from the efficiency of a control device, as discussed in Section 8);
Ch. 19.1 and Ch. 19.2 to Ch. 19.4. In the revised documents:
• meteorological data are found in Ch. 19.4; • the fate of sludge after it has left the tank (or emissions that may occur
during sludge treatment or disposal); or
• calculation of storage tank temperatures is found in Ch. 19.1 and
Ch. 19.2 (in that fixed-roof tanks involve calculation of the vapor space • emissions that may be expelled by the vacuum pump of a vacuum truck
temperature in order to determine vapor density, whereas this step is or suction pump, if such devices are used in the tank cleaning process.
not involved in estimating emissions from floating-roof tanks); and Pages: 88
• calculation of true vapor pressure is found in Ch. 19.4 (in that this is 1st Edition | September 2019 | Product Number: H1906021 | Price: $150.00
now calculated in the same manner for both fixed- and floating-roof
tanks). Pages: 136 Publ 2524
3rd Edition | October 2012 | Product Number: H190403 | Price: $213.00 Impact Assessment of New Data on the Validity of American
Petroleum Institute Marine Transfer Operation Emission Factors
Chapter 19.5 Consultant CH2M Hill confirmed the validity of the model used in Publ 2514A
Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Emissions from Marine Vessel Transfer by comparing emission test data with predictive emission models developed by
Operations API, ARCO, and Exxon. The study found that the API model adequately predicts
(formerly Publ 2514A) emissions for tanks ranging in size from 17,000 to 35,000 dead weight tons
and for tanks being loaded within the lower-48 states. The model does not
Provides methods for estimating evaporative loss from marine vessel appear to apply to crude oil loading of tankers in Valdez, Alaska, because of
transfer operations. Specifically, this standard addresses: unique local operating conditions. However, no known test data invalidates the
• loading stock into: model for predicting crude oil loading emissions from carriers smaller than very
• ship or ocean barges, or large crude carriers in the lower-48 states. Pages: 194
• shallow draft barges; and July 1992 | Product Number: H25240 | Price: $171.00
• loading ballast water into ship or ocean barges from which crude oil has
been unloaded. Publ 2558
The emission estimates are for uncontrolled loading operations and do not Wind Tunnel Testing of External Floating-Roof Storage Tanks
apply to operations using vapor balance or vapor control systems or Presents the results of a wind tunnel study to determine the local wind
ballasting of ships with segregated ballast tanks. This standard does not velocities, wind directions, and roof pressures on external floating roof
address evaporative loss for: tanks. Pages: 13
• very large crude carriers (VLCCs) or ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs) 1st Edition | June 1993 | Product Number: H25580 | Price: $212.00
(unless the saturation factor KS is determined);
• marine vessels employing crude oil washing; TR 2568
• marine vessel transit loss;
Evaporative Loss from the Cleaning of Storage Tanks
• loading ballast water into marine vessels that, prior to dockside
unloading, held anything other than crude oil (unless the saturation factor Provides guidance for estimating emissions that result from removing the liquid
KS is determined); or heel (free-standing stock liquid) and cleaning the remaining deposits of stock
liquid mixed with residue and water (sludge) from the bottoms of aboveground
• unloading marine vessels. storage tanks. The emissions addressed in this report are those that leave the
This standard supersedes Publ 2514A, 2nd Edition, September 1981, tank during the tank cleaning process. This report does not address:
which is withdrawn. A joint API/Energy Institute (EI) standard, it also • the fate of vapors after the have left the tank (other accounting for the
carries the EI designation Hydrocarbon Management, HM65. Pages: 31 efficiency of the control device),
1st Edition | September 2009 | Reaffirmed: October 2014 • the fate of sludge after it has left the tank (or emissions that may occur
Product Number: H19051 | Price: $135.00 during sludge treatment or disposal), or
• emissions that may be expelled by the vacuum pump of a vacuum truck
or suction pump, if such devices are used in the tank cleaning process.

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In other words, this report addresses the estimation of the mass of volatile Chapter 20.2
organic compounds that leave the tank as vapor during the tank cleaning Production Allocation Measurement Using Single-Phase Devices
process. It does not address emissions that may result from the handling
of liquids or sludge after such materials have been removed from the tank. Covers the application of production allocation (determination of flow
This report is intended to reduce the effort required to generate a good quantities and rates of oil, gas, water, and other constituents) using single-
faith estimate of tank cleaning emissions, and to result in more uniformity phase measurement devices in combination with a two- or three-phase
in the resulting emissions estimates. Pages: 47 production separator.
1st Edition | November 2007 | Product Number: H25680 | Price: $116.00 This standard is applicable to single-phase measurement techniques
upstream of the custody transfer points where custody transfer conditions
TR 2569 are not possible. The standard presents single-phase flow measurement
used in the allocation process and located downstream of the first stage of
Evaporative Loss from Closed-Vent Internal Floating-Roof Storage Tanks separation on a production facility.
Addresses evaporative loss from internal floating-roof tanks (IFRTs) with This standard addresses common allocation single-phase flow
closed vents. When the vents in the fixed roof of an IFRT are closed, rather measurement devices for liquid hydrocarbons, water, and gas including
than open, estimation of emissions is shown to be highly complex. This ancillary flow measurement systems such as fuel, flare, and recirculation.
subject is not covered in other API standards such as Ch. 19.1, which
specifically excludes fixed-roof tanks that have an internal floating roof, This standard discusses configuration and operation of flow measurement
and Ch. 19.2, which specifically excludes closed internal floating-roof equipment, fluid properties, production processing, associated flow
tanks (that is, tanks vented only through a pressure-vacuum relief vent, conditions, and their effects on the quality of the flow measurement
blanketed with an inert gas, vented to a vapor processing unit, or results. This standard discusses the possible impacts on these devices
otherwise restricted from being freely vented). Pages: 26 during inefficient and/or ineffective separation.
1st Edition | August 2008 | Product Number: H25690 | Price: $116.00 This document provides guidance with respect to the major factors that
could contribute to measurement uncertainty for single-phase devices
TR 2574 used in production allocation. It is not intended to prescribe a particular
Field Testing Protocol for Characterization of Total Gaseous meter type or allocation method. Allocation methodologies are addressed
in Ch. 20.1. Pages: 33
Nonmethane Organics (TGNMO), Methane, and Ethane in Air-Vapor
1st Edition | November 2016 | Product Number H200201 | Price: $135.00
Mixture During Filling of a Cargo Vessel with Crude Oil
Provides a standardized testing methodology for quantifying total gaseous Chapter 20.2 *
nonmethane organics (TGNMO), methane, and ethane, in the air-vapor Production Allocation Measurement Using Single-Phase Devices—
mixture that is expelled from cargo compartments during filing with crude
oil. It utilizes a modified version of Federal Reference Method 25 (FRM 25) Spanish
to characterize the concentration of TGNMO, methane, and ethane. While Spanish translation of Ch. 20.2.
the field testing in support of this protocol was performed only for the
loading of crude oil into barges, the method could be suitable for loading 1st Edition | November 2016 | Product Number H200201S | Price: $135.00
of any volatile organic liquid into any type of vessel or compartment from
which vapors are exhausted through a single vent opening where the field Chapter 20.3
sampling can take place. Pages: 56 Measurement of Multiphase Flow
1st Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H257401 | Price: $114.00 (supersedes RP 86)
Addresses multiphase flow measurement in the production environment,
TR 2576 upstream of the custody transfer (single-phase) measurement point,
Short-Term Evaporative Loss Estimation from Atmospheric Storage where allocation measurement for onshore, offshore, or subsea is applied.
Tanks For other multiphase flow measurement applications such as reservoir
management, well tests, and flow assurance, the standard can be used as
Provides methodology on how to estimate short-term individual tank and a reference or guide. However, the focus of this standard is on those
facility-wide emissions. The methodology in this technical report can be applications where the accuracy of multiphase flow measurement for
used for purposes such as preparing permit applications and air allocation systems is required.
dispersion modeling. The technical report does not provide guidance on
how to run the actual air dispersion model. Pages: 18 This document refers to existing standards and recommended practices to
supplement the guidance it provides in this subject area. The document
1st Edition | July 2016 | Product Number: H257601 | Price: $119.00 addresses principles used in multiphase flow measurement, multiphase
metering types and classifications, assessment of expected performance,
Chapter 20 and selecting and operating multiphase measurement systems.
Production Measurement and Allocation of Oil and Natural Gas Operational requirements or constraints are addressed, including
expectations for flow meter acceptance, calibration criteria, flow loop and
Chapter 20.1 in situ verifications, and other guidance specific to different multiphase
flow metering applications. The document does not address specific meter
Allocation Measurement configurations. Pages: 72
(includes Addendum 1 dated January 2013, Addendum 2 dated
November 2016, and Addendum 3 dated December 2017) 1st Edition | January 2013 | Reaffirmed: October 2018
Product Number: H200301 | Price: $195.00
Provides design and operating guidelines for liquid and gas allocation
measurement systems. Included are recommendations for metering, static Chapter 20.3 * 
measurement, sampling, proving, calibrating, and calculating procedures.
Pages: 67 Measurement of Multiphase Flow—Russian
(supersedes RP 86)
1st Edition | September 1993 | Reaffirmed: October 2016
Product Number: H30701 | Price: $118.00 Russian translation of Chapter 20.3.
1st Edition | January 2013
Product Number: H200301R | Price: $148.00
*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

72  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Chapter 20.5 meter testing are important topics included here, but foremost, this
Recommended Practice for Application of Production Well Testing in document proposes techniques to be used in the allocation of total
Measurement and Allocation production to individual contributing streams. Pages: 64
1st Edition | March 2003 | Reaffirmed: October 2013
Establishes a framework to conduct and apply production well testing for
well rate determination in measurement and allocation. Production well 2-Year Extension: October 2018 | Product Number: G08501 | Price: $134.00
testing addressed in this document refers to measurement of gas, oil, and
water quantities from a single well during a specified length of time under RP 85 * 
controlled operational conditions. The intent of this document is to provide Use of Subsea Wet-Gas Flowmeters in Allocation Measurement
operators with a consistent and transparent approach for conducting, Systems—Russian
applying, and managing production well testing within an upstream Russian translation of RP 85.
measurement and allocation system. It is not intended to prescribe a
particular production well test method, or particular application of 1st Edition | March 2003 | Product Number: G08501R | Price: $107.00
production well test data use in allocation.
This document provides recommendations and guidelines for the RP 87
application of production well testing in production measurement and Recommended Practice for Field Analysis of Crude Oil Samples
allocation. The recommendations and guidelines apply to conducting a Containing from Two to Fifty Percent Water by Volume
production well test, calculating production well test volumes and rates, Provides the user with recommended “field” methods of sampling, sample
and the application of production well test data for use in measurement handling, and analysis for high water content streams up to 50 % water on
and allocation. This includes production well testing preparation, initiation, a volumetric basis. In particular, this RP was developed giving
measurement, validation, and volume and rate calculations for separator, consideration to offshore installations (both floating and fixed platforms).
multiphase flow meter, and tank production well test systems. Additionally, These installations are generally subject to motion and vibrations, have
this document addresses the proration of production well test results for minimal laboratory equipment, and perform S&W analysis with multi-
use in allocation, the application of production well tests for validation and skilled operations personnel as opposed to laboratory chemists. The
update of well flow models and virtual flow metering, and the adjustment techniques described, however, are applicable to onshore locations.
of gas well continuous measurement results with production well test data.
This document also provides recommendations and guidelines for the Provides design and operating guidelines for sampling, sample handling,
application of well flow modeling and virtual flow metering in production and analysis for high water content streams, up to 50 % water on a
measurement and allocation. volumetric basis. As a guide, this RP targets a relative accuracy of 5 % of
reading up to a maximum of 50 % water content as a qualifier for various
Allocation methodologies are addressed in Ch. 20.1. Pages: 123 methods described herein. For example, the corresponding absolute
1st Edition | December 2017 | Product Number: H200501 | Price: $202.00 accuracy for a 10 % water content stream is ±0.5 % and for 20 % water
content is ±1.0 %. Pages: 19
Draft Standard 1st Edition | August 2007 | Reaffirmed: October 2017
Application of Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior Modeling in Upstream Product Number: G08701 | Price: $98.00
Measurement and Allocation Systems
Provides requirements and guidelines for the application of hydrocarbon Chapter 21
phase behavior modeling in upstream measurement and allocation Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems
systems. The requirements and guidelines apply to the development, Describes standard practices and minimum specifications for electronic
implementation, and performance management of a process simulation measurement systems used in the measurement and recording of flow
model (PSM) incorporating an equation of state (EOS) description of parameters. This chapter covers natural gas fluid and petroleum and
phase behavior. This includes functional specifications, validation, and petroleum product custody transfer applications using industry-recognized
maintenance of the PSM, EOS specification and implementation, and fluid
compositional specification and validation. primary measurement devices.
This document establishes a framework to develop, implement, and Chapter 21.1
manage the application of hydrocarbon phase behavior modeling. The
applied phase behavior modeling addressed in this document refers to Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems—Electronic
PSM incorporating EOS description of the phase behavior, or pressure, Gas Measurement
volume, temperature (PVT) properties, of the fluids within the modeled (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 21.1-2011) (AGA Report No. 13)
process. The intent of this document is to provide operators with a Describes the minimum specifications for electronic gas measurement
consistent and transparent approach for applying and managing an EOS- systems used in the measurement and recording of flow parameters of
based PSM within an upstream measurement and allocation system. It is gaseous phase hydrocarbon and other related fluids for custody transfer
not intended to prescribe a particular mathematical phase estimation (i.e. applications utilizing industry recognized primary measurement devices.
EOS), process simulation (i.e. PSM), or allocation method. Allocation This standard provides the minimum reporting and change management
methodologies are addressed in Ch. 20.1. Pages: 47 requirements of the various intelligent components required for accurate
1st Edition | August 2016 | Product Number: H200401D | Price: $98.00 and auditable measurement. The requirements can be met by a
combination of electronically and/or manually recorded configuration, test
RP 85 reports, change record reporting of the electronic gas measurement
Use of Subsea Wet-Gas Flowmeters in Allocation Measurement system components, and flow parameters. It is recognized that diagnostic
capabilities of the newer meter and transmitter technologies are important
Systems but due to the device specific complexity, intelligent device diagnostics are
(includes Addendum 1 dated January 2013) out of scope for this standard. Pages: 94
Presents a recommended allocation methodology that best fits the 2nd Edition | February 2013 | 2-Year Extension: December 2018
application and that equitably accommodates variances in the uncertainty Product Number: H210102 | Price: $179.00
level between meters in the system. It is intended to advise the user on
various aspects of the use of subsea wet-gas flowmeters in allocation
measurement systems. Marinization, operation, abnormal operation, and

*These translated versions are provided for the convenience of our customers and are not officially endorsed by API. The translated versions shall neither replace nor supersede the
English-language versions, which remain the official standards. API shall not be responsible for any discrepancies or interpretations of these translations. Translations may not
include any addenda or errata to the document. Please check the English-language versions for any updates to the documents.

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Chapter 21.2 • provide information about relative performance characteristics of the

Electronic Liquid Volume Measurement Using Positive Displacement primary elements of the differential pressure metering devices under
and Turbine Meters standardized testing protocol,
Provides guidance for the effective use of electronic liquid measurement • quantify the uncertainty of these devices and define the operating and
systems for custody transfer measurement of liquid hydrocarbons under installation conditions for which the stated uncertainties apply. Pages: 52
the following conditions. Use of the measurement systems must fall within 2nd Edition | April 2017 | Product Number: H220202 | Price: $113.00
the scope and field of application of Ch. 12.2. Guidance applies to
systems using turbine or positive displacement meters. Guidance applies Chapter 22.3
to systems using on-line correction for the effect of temperature on liquid Testing Protocol for Flare Gas Metering
(CTL) and correction for the effect of pressure on liquid (CPL) (ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 22.3-2015)
compensation. The procedures and techniques in Ch. 21.2 are
recommended for new measurement applications. This standard provides Describes a testing protocol for flare gas meters. This includes a
custody transfer measurement procedures for pipeline and other electronic discussion of the testing to be performed, how the test data should be
liquid metering systems including design, selection, use, auditing, analyzed, and how an uncertainty is determined from the testing of the
reporting, calibration, verification, and security. Pages: 60 meter. The scope does not include the general guidelines to flare gas
metering that are covered under Ch. 14.10. Pages: 21
1st Edition | June 1998 | Reaffirmed: October 2016
Product Number: H21021 | Price: $207.00 1st Edition | August 2015 | Product Number: H220301 | Price: $107.00

Chapter 21.2-A1 Chapter 22.4

Addendum 1 to Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Testing Protocol for Pressure, Differential Pressure, and Temperature
Systems, Inferred Mass Measuring Devices
This addendum specifically covers inferred mass measurement systems Documents the method for testing the performance characteristics specific
utilizing flow computers as the tertiary flow calculation device and either to pressure, differential pressure, and temperature sensors and transmitters
turbine or displacement type meters, working with on-line density meters, used in petroleum measurement. The testing protocol includes a listing of
as the primary measurement devices. The scope does not include systems parameters affecting the performance of the devices, a description of the
using calculated flowing densities, i.e. Equations of State. The hardware is tests required, requirements for the test facility, a data reporting format,
essentially identical to that referenced in Ch. 21.2 and the methods and and an uncertainty determination methodology. Pages: 44
procedures are as described in Ch. 14.4, 14.6, 14.7, and 14.8. Audit, 1st Edition | July 2018 | Product Number: H220401 | Price: $81.00
record-keeping, collection and calculation interval, security, and most
other requirements for systems covered in Ch. 21.2 will apply to this Chapter 22.6
addendum. As in Ch. 21.2, the hydrocarbon liquid streams covered in the Testing Protocol for Gas Chromatographs
scope must be single phase liquids at measurement conditions.
A general gas chromatograph (GC) performance test protocol that
1st Edition | August 2000 | Reaffirmed: October 2016 specifies the scope and reporting requirements of GC tests for
Product Number: H2102A | Price: $66.00 repeatability, reproducibility, and response linearity. The protocol specifies
requirements for tests over a range of gas compositions, tests over a range
Chapter 22 of environmental conditions, and long-term performance tests. Pages: 50
Testing Protocols 1st Edition | August 2015 | Product Number: H220601 | Price: $107.00
Testing protocols for devices used in the measurement of hydrocarbon
fluids. Testing protocols define appropriate methods for measuring and Chapter 23
reporting the performance characteristics of similar equipment in a Reconciliation of Hydrocarbon Quantities
comparable manner, thus providing a means to highlight the relative
performance advantages and disadvantages of similar devices. Provides practical methodologies for monitoring hydrocarbon transportation
loss and gain for non-marine systems i.e. pipeline, tank cars (rail tank cars,
Chapter 22.1 tank trucks, etc.). For Marine Reconciliation, refer to Ch. 17.
General Guidelines for Developing Testing Protocols for Devices Used
in the Measurement of Hydrocarbon Fluids Chapter 23.1
(ANSI/API MPMS Ch. 22.1-2015) Reconciliation of Liquid Pipeline Quantities
(includes Addendum 1 dated November 2018) (supersedes Std 2560)
Intended for the development of testing protocols and to serve as a Provides methodologies for monitoring liquid pipeline loss/gain and for
guideline to document performance characteristics of hydrocarbon fluid determining the normal loss/gain level for any given pipeline system.
measurement related devices. Pages: 7 Troubleshooting suggestions are also presented. This document does not
2nd Edition | August 2015 | Product Number: H220102 | Price: $95.00 establish industry standards for loss/gain level because each system is
individual and exhibits its own loss/gain level and/or patterns under
normal operating conditions. The document provides operational and
Chapter 22.2 statistically based tools for identifying when a system has deviated from
Testing Protocols—Differential Pressure Flow Measurement Devices normal, the magnitude of the deviation, and guidelines for identifying the
Defines the testing and reporting protocols for flow measurement devices causes of deviation from normal.
based on the detection of a pressure differential that is created by the The primary application of this publication is in custody transfer liquid
device in a flowing stream. This protocol is designed to supply industry pipeline systems in which there is provision for measuring all liquids that
with a comparable description of the capabilities of these devices for the enter the system and exit the system, as well as liquid inventory within the
measurement of single-phase fluid flow when they are used under similar system. The application is not intended for nonliquid or mixed-phase
operating conditions. The objectives of this Testing Protocol are to: systems. The applications and examples in this document are intended
• ensure that the user of any differential pressure flow meter knows the primarily for custody transfer pipeline systems, but the principles may be
performance characteristics of the meter over a range of Reynolds applied to any system that involves the measurement of liquids into and
numbers as applicable or defined by tests, out of the system and, possibly, inventory of liquids within the system.
• facilitate both the understanding and the introduction of new Such systems may include pipelines, marine terminals, marine voyages,
technologies, bulk loading or storage terminals, tank farms, and rail and trucking
• provide a standardized vehicle for validating manufacturer’s performance systems. Pages: 35
specifications, 1st Edition | June 2016 | Product Number: H230101 | Price: $103.00

74  This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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Publ 2566 TR 2575

State of the Art Multiphase Flow Metering Measurement of Thermally Cracked Gas
Provides information on multiphase flow metering systems gleaned from Presents a method to compute the density, compressibility factor, and
more than 150 published documents that are in the public domain. The supercompressibility factor for thermally cracked gas (TCG) for custody
documentation was prepared from information obtained through mid- transfer using orifice meters. It provides equations, parameters,
2002. It should be noted that the indicated performances data stated in computation flow diagrams, and example spreadsheet calculations. This
these published documents have not necessarily been verified by an technical report applies to TCG mixtures after treatment. It applies for
independent body. The listing of these references in the Appendix 2 is temperature from 90 °F to 120 °F (305 K to 322 K) at pressures up to
intended to provide a comprehensive source of data and information on 300 psig (2 MPa). It is limited to a specific operating region. The method
multiphase metering; the reader needs to carefully review the source of the is for the single gas phase only. Pages: 17
data in the documents when utilizing the information. Pages: 80 1st Edition | September 2014 | Product Number: H257501 | Price: $71.00
1st Edition | May 2004 | Product Number: H25661 | Price: $138.00
TR 2577
TR 2571 Performance of Full-Bore Vortex Meters for Measurement of Liquid
Fuel Gas Measurement Flows
Provides a performance-based methodology for the measurement and Provides documentation of performance characteristics of full-bore liquid
reporting of fuel gas consumption. The document provides guidance in the vortex meters for measuring liquid hydrocarbon flows of different API
following areas to allow the user to achieve a targeted uncertainty of gravity under the field operating conditions and under a controlled
measurement: environment in a laboratory test facility with water as the proving fluid,
• selection of flow meter type; differential pressure (DP), displacement, limited laboratory proving facility test results using water as the calibration
ultrasonic, Coriolis, vortex, turbine, thermal, and others; fluid of several and 2-in. (50 mm) and 4-in. (100 mm) commercially
• associated instrumentation for measuring fluid properties and flowing available full-bore vortex meters that are typically installed for non-custody
conditions, such as pressure and temperature transmitters, transfer liquid installations, and typical performance of full-bore 4-in.
densitometers, gas chromatographs; (100-mm) liquid vortex meters for liquid hydrocarbon measurement and to
• obtaining and use of gas composition or other analytical data; provide guidance in selecting liquid vortex meters for custody transfer
• design and installation requirements of the measurement system; measurement. Pages: 30
• inspection, verification, and calibration practices of flow meters and their 1st Edition | July 2018 | Product Number: H257701 | Price: $78.00
associated accessory instrumentation; and
• simplified uncertainty calculations with examples to illustrate the TR 2578
methodology. Flow Conditioner Installation and Effects on Turbine Meters
Techniques are described to assess the uncertainty contribution of Provides a summary of flow conditioning testing performed on turbine
individual components of fuel gas measurement systems and overall meters in liquid hydrocarbons. Initial testing was conducted in water and
facility fuel gas measurement uncertainty. Pages: 67 those findings were included as an addendum to Ch. 5.3 in 2009,
1st Edition | March 2011 | Product Number: H257101 | Price: $135.00 subsequent testing in hydrocarbon liquids was carried out through July
TR 2572 Phase II testing focused on operational effects, specifically the relationship
Carbon Content, Sampling, and Calculation of strainer design, strainer basket disturbances, flow conditioning, and their
effects on the flow meter deviations in hydrocarbon applications (viscosities,
Carbon emission quantities can be calculated from either the volume/ densities, and Reynolds number). Pages: 16
mass of fuel or feedstock fed to a process (as applicable) and carbon
content of the process or fuel supply, or by directly measuring volume/ 1st Edition | October 2017 | Product Number: H257801 | Price: $71.00
mass emissions. This technical report (TR) provides guidance on the
sampling and calculation of carbon content of process or fuel supplies.
The API companion technical report, TR 2571, can be referenced for
guidance on measuring the volume/mass of process fuel gas or feedstock,
and the API Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation
Methodologies for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry can be reference for
guidance on the calculation of emissions.
TR 2572 provides guidance and a methodology for the determination of
carbon content from hydrocarbon-based petroleum and petrochemical
products, and the uncertainty of the average carbon content as calculated
from multiple samples taken during a reporting period. This method is
intended to make use of industry-accepted mixture property data and test
methods with no new or modified test methods introduced in this
document. The method is applicable to carbon-content-based reporting or
trading for all gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons.
This TR provides references and supplemental information on applicable
industry practices based on the published resources, existing industry
standards, industry-accepted physical constants, or properties of
hydrocarbons for measurement, sampling, sampling frequency, and
analysis of hydrocarbon samples. Pages: 24
1st Edition | May 2013 | Product Number: H257201 | Price: $109.00

 This publication is a new entry in this catalog.  This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 75

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