Marketing Management - Answer Key
Marketing Management - Answer Key
Marketing Management - Answer Key
Answer Key
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. D
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. C
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. A
39. C
40. D
41. C
42. D
43. A
44. C
45. B
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. A
50. A
51. C
52. D
53. D
54. D
55. B
56. D
57. A
58. B
59. C
60. A
61. B
62. D
63. C
64. B
65. A
66. B
67. A
68. C
69. D
70. A
71. B
72. C
73. A
74. A
75. A
76. B
77. C
78. D
79. A
80. A
81. A
82. A
83. A
84. C
85. A
86. B
87. D
88. A
89. B
90. C
Answer Key
Human needs are states of felt deprivation. Needs are the basic requirements of human
being, without these basic requirements like food, cloths and shelter no one can live life
in this world. The extended form of needs are health and education which for sure every
on basic need in today’s world but they come after food, cloths and shelter. Marketers
play no role in creating needs, they are natural default requirements of every human
being. Organization already know the needs there is no requirement for any research
work to develop product which covers the needs of human beings.
Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual
personality. Wants are marketed by marketers in such a way that everyone feels these
wants should be mandatory part of life. We can take the examples of telephone,
Internet, different variety of foods and clothing these all come under umbrella of human
For Example, any person can eat food to feed himself, but he wants to eat fast food,
fried rice and Chinese food. Cloths are required for a person to cover himself but we can
see people wearing jeans, suit just because of culture influence.
Demand is want backed by buying power, human beings have unlimited wants but
resource are limited in the world. It’s not possible that each human being get the desire
things in the world. Wants are wishes of human, buying power will convert these wants
to demand.
For Example, willingness to buy BMW is want but if you have the buying power then it
becomes demand.
Internal Environment – The Internal Marketing Environment includes all the factors that
are within the organization and affects the overall business operations. These factors
include labor, inventory, company policy, logistics, budget, capital assets, etc. which are
a part of the organization and affects the marketing decision and its relationship with
the customers. These factors can be controlled by the firm and include the following:
Top Management
Sales Promotion
Advertisement etc.
Microenvironment- The Micro Marketing Environment includes all those factors that
are closely associated with the operations of the business and influences its functioning.
The microenvironment factors include customers, employees, suppliers, retailers &
distributors, shareholders, Competitors, Government and General Public. These factors
are controllable to some extent. These factors are further elaborated:
Physical distribution: Firms help the company to stock and move goods from
their points of origin to their destinations. Working with warehouse and
transportation firms, a company must determine the best ways to store and ship
goods, and safety marketing services agencies are the marketing research firms,
advertising agencies, media firms, and marketing consulting firms that help the
company target and promote its products to the right markets.
When the company decides to use one of these agencies, it must choose carefully
because those firms vary in creativity, quality, service and price. Financial
intermediaries include banks, credit companies, insurance companies, and other
businesses that help finance transactions or insure against the risks associated with
the buying and selling of goods. Most firms and customers depend on financial
intermediaries to finance their transactions.
Government markets are made up of government agencies that buy goods and services
to produce public services or transfer the goods and services to others who need them.
Finally, international markets consist of the buyers in other countries, including
consumers, producers, resellers and governments. Each market type has special
characteristics that call for careful study by the seller.
Public: General public do take interest in the business undertaking. The company
has a duty to satisfy the people at large along with competitors and the
consumers. A public is defined as “any group that has an actual or potential
interest in or impact on a company’s ability to achieve its objectives. Public
relations is certainly a broad marketing operation which must be fully taken care
of Goodwill, favourable reactions, donations and hidden potential fixture buyers
are a few of the responses which a company expects from the public. Kotler in
this regard has viewed that “companies must put their primary energy into
effectively managing their relationships with their customers, distributors, and
the suppliers, their overall success will be affected by how other publics in the
society view their activity. Companies would be wise to spend time monitoring
all their publics understanding their needs and opinions and dealing with them
constructively”. Every company is surrounded by seven types of public, as shown
Macro Environment- The Macro Marketing Environment includes all those factors that
exist outside the organization and can not be controlled. These factors majorly include
Social, Economic, Technological Forces, Political and Legal Influences. These are also
called as PESTLE framework. The components of a macro-environment are:
Demographic Environment
Economic Environment
Physical Environment
Technological Environment
Political Environment
Legal Environment
Social and Cultural Environment
Demographic Environment: Demography is the study of population
characteristics that are used to describe consumers. Demographics tell
marketers who are the current and potential customers, where are they, how
many are likely to buy and what the market is selling. Demography is the study
of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race,
occupation and other statistics.
Marketers are keenly interested in studying the demography ethnic mix, educational level and
standard of living of different cities, regions and nations because changes in demographic
characteristics have a bearing on the way people live, spend their money and consume.
For example, one of the demographic characteristic is the size of family. With the number of
small families increasing in India, the demand for smaller houses and household items has
increased significantly. Similarly, the number of children in a family has reduced significantly
over the years. So, per child spending in a family has increased significantly.
According to the World Health Organisation, young people in the age group of 10-24 years
comprise 33% of the population and 42% of our population consists of age group, 0-24 years.
Teen-agers in the age group below 19 years comprise 23%. The senior citizen age group above
65 years comprise only 8% of total population. About 58% of the working population is engaged
in agricultural activities, with highest, that is 78% in Bihar and Chattisgarh and lowest 22% in
Since human population consists of different kinds of people with different tastes and
preferences, they cannot be satisfied with any one of the products. Moreover they need to be
divided in homogeneous groups with similar wants and demands. For this we need to
understand the demographic variables which are traditionally used by marketers, to segment
the markets.
(a) Income: Income determines purchasing power and status. Higher the income, higher is
the purchasing power. Though education and occupation shapes one’s tastes and
preferences, income provides the means to acquire that.
(b) Life-style: It is the pattern of living expressed through their activities, interests and
opinion. Life-style is affected by other factors of demography as well. Life-style affects a
lot on the purchase decision and brand preferences.
(c) Sex: Gender has always remained a very important factor for distinction. There are
many companies which produce products and services separately for male and female.
(d) Education: Education implies the status. Education also determines the income and
occupation. With increase in education, the information is wider with the customers and
hence their purchase decision process is also different. So the marketers group people
on the basis of education.
(e) Social Class: It is defined as the hierarchical division of the society into relatively distinct
and homogeneous groups whose members have similar attitudes, values and lifestyle.
(f) Occupation: This is very strongly associated with income and education. The type of
work one does and the tastes of individuals influence one’s values, life-style etc. Media
preferences, hobbies and shopping patterns are also influenced by occupational class.
(g) Age: Demographic variables help in distinguishing buyers, that is, people having
homogenous needs according to their specific wants, preferences and usages. For
instance, teenagers usually have similar needs. Therefore, marketers develop products
to target specific age groups. The youth are being targeted through advertisements and
promotional campaigns, stores are being designed with ‘youthful’ features, youth
events are being sponsored, and even new technology is developed with their tastes in
mind. The age groups that attract the attention of marketers can be classified as:
(i) Infants: The population of India is growing at an alarming rate. The rate of
infant deaths has declined considerably due to the advancement in medicine.
Although infants are consumers of products, their parents are the decision
makers. The size of a family is decreasing and the average income of family is
(ii) School going teens: In this segment, there is a great demand for school
uniforms, bags, shoes, books, stationary, confectioneries, food, albums, bicycles
and other similar products.
(iii) Young Adults: Marketers target the young adults in the age group 18-30
years with products like motorbikes, music systems, clothes, sports cars etc.
Two-wheeler manufacturers in India target this segment of people. In the last
five years, various companies like, Bajaj, Hero-Honda, Kinetic, TVS etc. have
introduced a large number of models to attract young adults.
(iv) Adults (35-45): Consumers, in this age group, are more health conscious and
look for stability and financial independence. The industries that are benefited
by them are: Pharmaceuticals, personal products, fitness products, gym
equipment’s, cars, home appliances, consumer durables, banks, insurance
companies, etc. Marketers push products specifically designed for this age
(v) Senior Citizens: This consumer group boosts the demand for health care
services, select skin care products, financial planning etc.
(vi) Women: Women constitute nearly 50% of India’s population. They are
actively taking up professions. This shift in their role has generated a greater
demand for childcare and convenience products that save time in cooking,
cleaning and shopping.
Marketers are trying to come up with products that are easier to handle, less
heavy, convenient to use etc. The change in the role of women is paving the way
for a change in the role of men. Advertisements portray men cleaning, cooking
and caring for their children, which was unthinkable in the past.
The economical environmental forces can be studied under the following categories:
(i) General Economic Conditions: General Economic Conditions in a country are
influenced by various factors. They are:
1. Agricultural trends
2. Industrial output trends
3. Per capita income trends
4. Pattern of income distribution
5. Pattern of savings and expenditures
6. Price levels
7. Employment trends
8. Impact of Government policy
9. Economic systems.
(iii) Supply sources for production: Supply sources required for production determines
inputs which are available required for production. They are:
1. Land
2. Labour
3. Capital
4. Machinery and equipment etc.
Economic environment describes the overall economic situation in a country and helps in
analysis GNP per capita rate of economic growth, inflation rate, unemployment problems etc.
Complex Buying Behaviour: Customers go through complex buying behaviour when he\
she is highly involved in the purchase process and know the significant differences
between different brands. Consumers showcase complex behaviour pattern when they
are purchasing an expensive, infrequently bought and risky product. Such a customer
does not know much about the product but needs to learn a lot before investing.
Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behaviour: Occasionally the consumer is highly, involved in
a purchase but he\she sees very little difference in the brands. The high involvement
shown is due to the kind of product which can be expensive, infrequent, or risky. But in
this case since the brand differences are not pronounced the buyer would buy fairly
Habitual Buying Behaviour: Consumers who showcase the habitual buying behaviour
have very little involvement in the product or brand category. They simply go to the
store and reach for their preferred brand. Since they keep reaching for the same brand,
this shows a habitual pattern, and not strong brand loyalty.
Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour: Some buying conditions are categorized by very low
consumer involvement, but see noteworthy brand differences. In this category of
buyers, it has been often observed that they switch a lot of brands. Consumer might
choose a brand for some set of beliefs, but without making much evaluation, once they
use the product they tend to evaluate it and when the next time they go out to buy the
product they would reach for some other brand out of boredom or even for a wish for
different taste. Here brand switching occurs for the sake of variety and not for
Consumers go through 5 stages in taking the decision to purchase any goods or services.
a) Problem Recognition.
b) Information Search.
c) Evaluation of Alternatives.
d) Purchase Decision.
e) Post-Purchase Evaluation.
a) Need or Problem Recognition : During need or problem recognition, the
consumer recognizes a problem or need that could be satisfied by a product
or service in the market. Problem Recognition is the first stage of the buyer
decision process. At this stage, the consumer recognizes a need or problem.
The buyer feels a difference between his or her actual state and some
desired state.
This could be a simple as “I’m hungry, I need food.” The need may have been triggered by
internal stimuli (such as hunger or thirst) or external stimuli (such as advertising or word of
b) Information Search: Once the need is recognized, the consumer is aroused
to seek more information and moves into the information search stage. The
second stage of the purchasing process is searching for information. After the
recognition of needs, the consumers try to find goods for satisfying such
needs. They search for information about the goods they want. Consumers
can get information about goods from different sources.
Personal sources: This includes family, friends, neighbors, acquaintance, etc.
Commercial source: This includes advertising, salespeople, dealers, packaging, display,
Public sources: This includes mass media, consumer rating organizations, etc. they also
become confidential to provide information.
Experimental sources: This includes handling, examining, using, etc. Such information
becomes decisive and confidential.
c) Evaluation of Alternatives: With the information in hand, the consumer
proceeds to alternative evaluation, during which the information is used to
evaluate” brands in the choice set. Evaluation of alternatives is the third
stage of the buying process. Various points of information collected from
different sources are used in evaluating different alternatives and their
attractiveness. While evaluating goods and services, different consumers use
different bases. Generally, the consumers evaluate the alternatives on the
basis of attributes of the product, the degree of importance, belief in the
brand, satisfaction, etc. to choose correctly.
d) Purchase Decision: After the alternatives have been evaluated, consumers
take the decision to purchase products and services. They decide to buy the
best brand. But their decision is influenced by others’ attitudes and
situational factors.
(a) Product Awareness: The consumer becomes aware of the new product but lacks
information about it. Initially, the consumer must become aware of the new
product. Awareness leads to interest and the customer seeks information about
the new product.
(b) Product Interest: The consumer seeks information about the new product. Once
information has been gathered, the consumer enters the evaluation stage and
considers buying the new product.
(c) Product Evaluation: Next, in the trial stage, the consumer tries the product on a
small scale to improve his or her estimate of its value. The consumer considers
whether trying the new product makes sense.
(d) Product Trial: The consumer tries the new product on a small scale to improve
his or her estimate of its value. If the consumer is satisfied with the product, he
or she enters the adoption stage, deciding to use the new product fully and
(e) Product Adoption: The consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new
product. The new product is a good, service or idea that is perceived by some
potential customer as new. Now we discuss the buyer decision process for new
Problem Recognition
In the first stage of business buying process, a certain problem is recognized by someone in the
organization, so that it can be solved through the purchase of any new product or service. The
external or internal stimuli result in the creation of such recognized problem. In case of internal
stimuli, the management of the organization may determine to manufacture a new product or
any production machine become damaged that needs certain new parts. Another internal
reason may be that the supplier is not providing effective goods at a fair price. On the other
hand the external elements may be in the form of any new idea of a product at a trade show or
seeing new advertisements or any favorable offering by a sales person etc.
Quality of product
Delivery time
Ethical corporate behavior
Reasonable price
Honest communication
Past performance and reputation
Repair and maintenance services etc
Order-Routine Specification
The order-routine specifications are prepared in this step which contains the order having a
final list of the specifications, the selected supplier, delivery time, quantity required, price and
repair and maintenance services etc.
Performance Review
This is the last stage of the business buying process in which the performance of the supplier is
reviewed by the buying organization. For this purpose the buying organization contacts with the
customers or users of the purchased product and ask them to provide their experience of using
that product. Mainly the Consumer Behavior or the satisfaction level of users serves as the basis
of the performance reviewing factor for the product purchased from business supplier. The
performance review helps in future decision of the business buying process in the form of
straight rebuy, modified rebuy or new task buying. The selling organization also takes into
account the same factors that would affect in the performance review by the buying
Market Segmentation is a process of dividing the market of potential customers into
different groups and segments on the basis of certain characteristics. The member of these
groups share similar characteristics and usually have one or more than one aspect common
among them.
The concept of market segmentation was coined by Wendell R. Smith who in his article
“Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies”
observed “many examples of segmentation” in 1956. Present-day market segmentation
exists basically to solve one major problem of marketers; more conversions. More
conversion is possible through personalized marketing campaigns which require marketers
to segment market and draft better product and communication strategies according to the
needs of the segment.
3. Usage rate:
Markets can be distinguished on the basis of usage rate, that is, on the basis of light,
medium and heavy users. Heavy users are often a small percentage of the market, but
account for a high percentage of the total consumption. Marketers usually prefer to attract
a heavy user rather than several light users, and vary their promotional efforts accordingly.
4. Loyalty status:
Buyers can be divided on the basis of their loyalty status—hardcore loyal (consumer who
buy one brand all the time), split loyal (consumers who are loyal to two or three brands),
shifting loyal (consumers who shift from one brand to another), and switchers (consumers
who show no loyalty to any brand).
5. Buyer readiness stage:
The six psychological stages through which a person passes when deciding to purchase a
product. The six stages are awareness of the product, knowledge of what it does, interest in
the product, preference over competing products, conviction of the product’s suitability,
and purchase. Marketing campaigns exist in large part to move the target audience through
the buyer readiness stages.
Criteria for Effective Market Segmentation
Measurable means that some form of data should be available about the market segment,
so that its size can be measured. You need to know how large the segment will be – in order to
assess its importance for you. Measurements are highly important to be able to judge the
overall attractiveness of the segment.
Accessible means that the market segment should be reachable. This refers to distribution
and communication: can you reach the market and communicate with your target customers?
If the only potential customers of your new product live in a village in Siberia, but there is no
road to that village, you will find that the segment you want to target is not really accessible
easily. Each segment needs to be able to be reached and communicated with on an efficient
Substantial refers to the segment’s size. In order to be attractive for you, the market
segment should be large enough in terms of sales and profitability. Only then, it deserves the
firm’s attention. Certainly, every company will have minimum requirements for the financial
return from the investment in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to only consider market
segments that are substantial enough to be of interest. In other words, only substantial
segments are profitable.
Actionable is to be understood as doable. Are you actually capable of serving this segment?
Does your company have the knowledge and resources to satisfy the segment’s needs? A
prerequisite for an actionable segment is of course that the other three requirements for
profitable segments are fulfilled. But even if all of those criteria are satisfied, a segment is
unsuitable for you unless your company has the resources to cater for the needs of this
Differentiable means that the segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond
differently to different marketing mix elements and programs. If men and women respond
similarly to marketing efforts for soft drinks, then they do not constitute separate segments.
The strategy is suited for companies with limited resources as these resources may be too
stretched if it competes in many segments. Focused marketing allows R&D expenditure to be
concentrated on meeting needs of one set of customers and managerial activities are devoted
to understanding and catering to their needs.
Large organizations may not be interested in serving the needs of this one segment or their
energies may be so dissipated across the whole market that they pay insufficient attention to
the requirements of this small segment. One danger that such niche marketers face is attracting
competition from larger organizations in the industry if they are very successful.
Companies following concentrated targeting strategies are obviously putting all their eggs in
one basket. If their chosen segments were to become unprofitable or shrink in size, the
companies will be in problem. Such companies also face problems when they want to move to
some other segments, especially when they have been serving a segment for a long time.
They become so strongly associated with serving a segment with a particular type of product or
service, that the customers of other segments find it very difficult to associate with them. They
believe that the company can serve only that particular segment.
Companies which start with concentrated targeting strategy but nurse ambitions to serve more
segments should make early and periodic forays into other segments.
The idea is to avoid being labelled as the company which exclusively serves a particular
segment. The association with one particular segment should not be allowed to become so
strong that customers cannot imagine the company doing something else.
Mercedes offers premium cars for the upper segment of the market only. It does not offer cars
for the middle and lower segments. But Mercedes segments the premium segment and offers
different cars for its different premium segments.
Some companies are focused in another way. They focus on heavy users—the small percentage
of customers that account for large share of a product’s sale.
The problem with such a strategy is that all the major players would be targeting this segment,
and hence serving this segment will involve high marketing expenditure, price cutting and low
profitability. A more sensible strategy is to target a small, less attractive segment rather than
choose the same segment that every company is after.
4. Customized marketing:
In some markets, the requirements of individual customers are unique and their purchasing
power is sufficient to make designing a separate marketing mix for each customer a viable
option. Many service providers such as advertising, marketing research firms, architects and
solicitors vary their offerings on a customer to customer basis.
They will discuss face to face with each customer their requirements and tailor their services
accordingly. Customized marketing is also found within organizational markets because of high
value of orders and special needs of customers.
Customized marketing is associated with close relationships between the supplier and customer
because the high value of an order justifies large marketing and sales efforts being focused on
each buyer.
A Value Proposition is the full positioning of a brand, product or service. If I were to expand on
the definition, then I would say that a Value Proposition is the full mix of benefits that the
brand, product, or service is differentiated and positioned upon. A Value Proposition answers
the question: "Why should I buy this?"
Above is a fairly standard illustration of the matrix of Value Propositions. On the top, we have
three Price categories: More, The Same, and Less. On the side, we have three Benefits
categories: More, The Same, and Less. So when we assemble a Value Proposition, we are
pairing a level of Benefit, with a level of Price. For example, I may choose to take a More for
the Same approach, meaning I'm going to offer more features and benefits than my
competitors, for the same price.
The combinations in the matrix that are green represent the most favorable approaches to take
with your Value Proposition. Those in red are rarely profitable, and tend to lead to problems or
a loss of focus down the road.
More for More
When we tout a "More For More" value proposition, we are telling the consumer that we are
providing them the best possible product or service, and we are charging a higher (some would
say "premium") price to cover the costs of giving you the "best".
In the real world, it is easy to see who the "More For More" players are. One of my favorites is
Apple. They are not shy about "More For More". Apple gives you the best design, the best
quality, the best experience, at a price that meets their corporate goals for gross margins and
profits. When a company truly stands behind this value proposition, giving the consumer a
premium product, with premium service and an experience that is consistent over time (the
Macintosh has been around for 30 years), then it can be very successful.
In order to compete in a "More For More" market segment, you are going to have to find a
product or service category that is under-serviced. If there is a void in the market segment for a
premium product, and if the market segment has consumers that can afford a premium
product, then you can consider moving in to that area. However, there are cons to following a
"More For More" value proposition. When you have a premium product, there will always be
imitators that will produce a similar product or service, and claim that it has the same quality
for a lower price. Amazon has been marketing it's Kindle Fire HD as a higher quality, lower
priced alternative to Apple's iPad Air tablet. "More For More" brands, products and services
will always be under fire by those who use a "More For The Same" or "The Same For Less" value
More For The Same
How do you counter a "More for More" competitor? You present a "More for The Same" value
proposition. A "More for The Same" value proposition entails offering a product, service or
brand with comparable quality, at a lower price. Depending on the costs associated with
producing your product or service, you may have the same margins as a "More for More"
competitor, or you have smaller margins, which you are hoping to make up for with a higher
volume of sales.
What does "More for The Same" look like in the marketplace? The auto industry is a great
example. Lexus, Infinity, Kia and Hyundai are perfect examples. Lexus and Infinity were the first
to attempt to uproot major luxury "More for More" brands such as Mercedes, BMW and
Cadillac. Offering more car, for the same (and usually lower price), these brands were able to
take away more and more market share. As a result, Mercedes and BMW realized that there
were more customers available at lower price points. More recently, Hyundai and Kia have
followed the same approach, introducing their Genesis and Cadenza models to the
marketplace. However, "More for The Same" can fail, if you are not backing up your value
proposition with the quality and features that you claim you are providing the consumer.
The Same for Less
Probably the most powerful Value Proposition is "The Same for Less". Why? Because we all
love getting a great deal. Great product? Lower price? Yes please! Need a high-quality PC for
less? Get a Dell. Need great quality food, clothes, and electronics? Go to Costco. Want door
busting deals on name brand electronics? Go to Best Buy or Fry's Electronics. Need name
brand groceries for much less? Go to Winco. You get the idea.
Less For Much Less
If you remember my discussion of social and economic groups, then you know the reality of the
consumer: few people want, need, or can even afford the very best products and services. As a
result, there will always be a market for value products. "Less For Much Less" is summed up
with a definition of "offering a brand, product, or service of less quality, for a lower price". In
most cases, the reality of a consumer's monthly budget forces a consumer to stick with "needs"
over "wants" during the buyer decision process.
This means you are going to provide a lower "performing" product (less quality and features), at
a much lower price. This also means that you are usually relying on a higher volume of sales to
make up for much lower margins.
More for Less
I'm going to briefly touch on one Value Propositional tactic that we see fairly often in the
marketplace. "More for Less". That's what we all want, right? More features, more product,
more value, for a really low price. We typically see "More for Less" when a new brand is
entering a target market with established players. Many claim to offer "More for Less" today.
At first, it's easy to do. You are ripe with new investment capital, or you are a large company
that has just budgeted a large amount of money towards a new product segment. So, you
market your product, and sometimes sell it at a loss, offering more features, for a better price.
However, over time, it becomes very hard to maintain a "More for Less" value proposition.
Companies will typically fall into this trap: losing focus. With each new generation of your
product, you will add more features. All of this product development, all of this marketing,
costs money. Lots of it. And unless you have other products in your stable that are selling well
and creating profits, you will have to raise the price of your product in order to cover the costs
associated with bring it to market. If you don't, you lose money. Not only are you losing
money, but your product and your brand become so "busy" and "cluttered", you begin to lose
out to your competitors, who are more focused, and have a more focused product and
message. In essence, you eventually confuse your consumers, and once your prices go up, they
look elsewhere during the buying decision process. Stay away from "More for Less", unless you
can keep your focus, and you can manage your bottom line.
Competitive Advantage: The main challenge for business strategy is to find a way of achieving a
sustainable competitive advantage over the other competing products and firms in a market.
A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers
greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that
justifies higher prices.
Differentiation: Approach under which a firm aims to develop and market unique products for
different customer segments. Usually employed where a firm has clear competitive advantages,
and can sustain an expensive advertising campaign.
Basis for Differentiation
Product Differentiation
Product Differentiation refers to differentiating the market offer based on features,
performance, style or design. A sandwich-maker could differentiate itself by offering healthy,
low-fat products. A car manufacturer might use extremely large engine as a point of
differentiation. Thus, your product is better, faster, cheaper, healthier, greener etc.
Service Differentiation
Service Differentiation is based on aspects such as speedy or careful delivery, opening hours,
customer care etc. Thus, the service is differentiated. For instance, an airline could differentiate
itself by means of extraordinary customer care and very attentive and graceful stewardesses.
This type of differentiation may then become experience differentiation.
Channel Differentiation
A firm can also gain competitive advantage by channel differentiation. This means that the firm
differentiates itself by differentiating their channel’s coverage, expertise and performance. So
how does the firm get goods to the customer? It might be through a smooth-functioning,
speedy direct channel.
People Differentiation
Companies can also differentiate themselves by people differentiation. People differentiation
means nothing else than hiring and training better people than competitors do. Staff can be
more friendly, competent, courteous etc. Certainly, this mainly appeals to customer contact
Image Differentiation
Image Differentiation refers to the image a company or a brand has in consumers’ minds. The
development of a strong and distinctive image requires creativity and a lot of work. Only over a
long period, an image in consumers’ minds can be attained. If you want to differentiate your
company by high quality, this image must be supported by absolutely everything your company
does. An aid for image differentiation are symbols, such as the Nike swoosh or Apple’s logo.
These provide a strong brand recognition and thereby contribute to image differentiation. Also,
famous persons may be of help. For instance, H&M built a brand around a famous person,
David Beckham, to develop its image differentiation. The chosen symbols, characters or other
elements such as colour associated with a brand must be promoted and communicated
through advertising.
Three Levels of a Product.
Consumers often think that a product is simply the physical item that he or she buys. In order to
actively explore the nature of a product further, let’s consider it as three different products –
the CORE product, the ACTUAL product, and finally the AUGMENTED product. This concept is
known as the Three Levels of a Product.
The CORE product is NOT the tangible physical product. You can’t touch it. That’s because the
core product is the BENEFIT of the product that makes it valuable to you. So with the car
example, the benefit is convenience i.e. the ease at which you can go where you like, when you
want to. Another core benefit is speed since you can travel around relatively quickly.
The ACTUAL product is the tangible, physical product. You can get some use out of it. Again
with the car, it is the vehicle that you test drive, buy and then collect. You can touch it. The
actual product is what the average person would think of under the generic banner of product.
The AUGMENTED product is the non-physical part of the product. It usually consists of lots of
added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium. So when you buy a car, part of the
augmented product would be the warranty, the customer service support offered by the car’s
manufacturer and any after-sales service. The augmented product is an important way to tailor
the core or actual product to the needs of an individual customer. The features of augmented
products can be converted in to benefits for individuals.
A consumer product is a product bought by final consumers for personal consumption. But
not every consumer product is the same. There are four different types of consumer
products. Marketers usually classify consumer products into these 4 types of consumer
Convenience products
Shopping products
Specialty products
Unsought products.
These 4 types of consumer products all have different characteristics and involve a different
consumer purchasing behaviour. Thus, the types of consumer products differ in the way
consumers buy them and, for that reason, in the way they should be marketed.
Convenience products
Among the four types of consumer products, the convenience product is bought most
frequently. A convenience product is a consumer product or service that customers
normally buy frequently, immediately and without great comparison or buying effort.
Examples include articles such as laundry detergents, fast food, sugar and magazines. As
you can see, convenience products are those types of consumer products that are usually
low-priced and placed in many locations to make them readily available when consumers
need or want them.
Shopping products
The second one of the 4 types of consumer products is the shopping product. Shopping
products are a consumer product that the customer usually compares on attributes such as
quality, price and style in the process of selecting and purchasing. Thus, a difference
between the two types of consumer products presented so far is that the shopping product
is usually less frequently purchased and more carefully compared. Therefore, consumers
spend much more time and effort in gathering information and comparing alternatives.
Types of consumer products that fall within the category of shopping products are:
furniture, clothing, used cars, airline services etc. As a matter of fact marketers usually
distribute these types of consumer products through fewer outlets, but provide deeper
sales support in order to help customers in the comparison effort.
Specialty products
Number three of the types of consumer products is the speciality product. Speciality
products are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand
identification for which a significant group of consumers is willing to make a special
purchase effort. As you can see, the types of consumer products involve different levels of
effort in the purchasing process: the speciality product requires a special purchase effort,
but applies only to certain consumers.
Examples include specific cars, professional and high-prices photographic equipment,
designer clothes etc. A perfect example for these types of consumer products is a
Lamborghini. In order to buy one, a certain group of buyers would make a special effort, for
instance by travelling great distances to buy one. However, speciality products are usually
less compared against each other. Rather, the effort must be understood in terms of other
factors: Buyers invest for example the time needed to reach dealers that carry the wanted
products. To illustrate this, look at the Lamborghini example: the one who wants one is
immediately convinced of the choice for a Lamborghini and would not compare it that much
against 10 other brands.
Unsought products
The 4 types of consumer products also include unsought products. Unsought products are
those consumer products that a consumer either does not know about or knows about but
does not consider buying under normal conditions. Thus, these types of consumer products
consumers do not think about normally, at least not until they need them. Most new
innovations are unsought until consumers become aware of them. Other examples of these
types of consumer products are life insurance, pre-planned funeral services etc. As a
consequence of their nature, unsought products require much more advertising, selling and
marketing efforts than other types of consumer products.
Below are the relevant marketing considerations for each of the 4 types of consumer
Widespread Exclusive
distribution, distribution in
Distribution distribution, Varies
convenient only one or a
fewer outlets
locations few outlets
Luxury goods
Television, (e.g. Rolex Life insurance
Examples furniture, watch), or pre-planned
clothing designer funeral service
Branding is a process which involves creating a specific name, logo, and an image of a particular
product, service or company. This is done to attract customers. It is usually done through
advertising with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated
presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.
A brand is a name, term, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product
from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and
Features of Branding
Branding should be planned according to the targeted audience. No business firm can target
the entire population. Business owners should identify the type of people who are buying their
products and services. Research should be done on the basis of age, gender, income, the
lifestyle of their customers, etc.
The percentage of people who are aware of a brand is known as brand awareness. Well
established companies have the benefit of a high level of brand awareness. Brand awareness
can be increased with the help of advertisement on TV, radio, newspaper or social media
marketing and advertising. Logos also help companies build brand awareness, as people often
recognize brands by these symbols or diagrams.
Brand loyalty is the highest achievement or apex of any company. A customer who buys the
product of a particular company extensively is known as a brand loyalist. Many consumers
prefer using certain brands of clothing, deodorants or tubes of toothpaste, for example. They
like how these brands benefit them. Brand loyalty can be build by staying in touch with the
customers, asking them for their reviews.
Consistency is necessary for a brand. A brand must remain consistent. Small businesses make
numerous promises in commercials and ads about their brands, and consumers expect
companies to continue living up to these promises. Their products should also be effective.
Intangibility: Services are intangible and do not have a physical existence. Hence
services cannot be touched, held, tasted or smelt. This is most defining feature of a
service and that which primarily differentiates it from a product. Also, it poses a unique
challenge to those engaged in marketing a service as they need to attach tangible
attributes to an otherwise intangible offering.
A brand is not just a name, logo, design, symbol or combination of them, that helps the
consumer in identifying the origin of the product, but it is much more than that. A brand
is a promise, feeling, expectation and experience. A point to ponder, relating to the
brand is that Brand equity is not equal to brand value.
Brand equity is consumer focused, as its value is derived from consumer’s perceptions,
experiences, memories and associations concerning the brand.
On the other hand, brand value is something that decides the monetary value created by the
brand for the company in the market.
Brand Equity isn’t inbuilt, it is created or developed by the company over a period of time,
through their products, which are not easily replaceable. Indeed, the brand is recognized as the
second name for the item itself, because of the quality and reliability. As against, Brand value is
an important element for the measurement of goodwill and the value of the company.
This pricing method focuses on information from the market rather than production costs (cost-
plus pricing) and product's perceived value (value-based pricing).
The price of competing products is used a benchmark. The business may sell its product at a
price above or below such benchmark. Setting a price above the benchmark will result in higher
profit per unit but might result in less units sold as customers would prefer products with lower
On the other hand, setting a price below the benchmark might result in more units sold but will
cause less profit per unit.
In a perfectly competitive market, sellers almost have no control over prices. It is solely
determined by the supply and demand, and products are sold at the market price or going rate.
b. Market Skimming Pricing: Price skimming sees a company charge a higher price
because it has a substantial competitive advantage. However, the advantage
tends not to be sustainable. The high price attracts new competitors into the
market, and the price inevitably falls due to increased supply.
Manufacturers of digital watches used a skimming approach in the 1970s. Once other
manufacturers were tempted into the market and the watches were produced at a lower unit
cost, other marketing strategies and pricing approaches are implemented. New products were
developed and the market for watches gained a reputation for innovation.
c. Market Penetration Pricing: The price charged for products and services is set
artificially low in order to gain market share. Once this is achieved, the price is
increased. This approach was used by France Telecom and Sky TV. These
companies need to land grab large numbers of consumers to make it worth their
while, so they offer free telephones or satellite dishes at discounted rates in
order to get people to sign up for their services. Once there is a large number of
subscribers, prices gradually creep up. Taking Sky TV for example, or any cable or
satellite company, when there is a premium movie or sporting event prices are
at their highest – so they move from a penetration approach to more of a
skimming/premium pricing approach.
d. Captive Product Pricing: Where products have complements, companies will
charge a premium price since the consumer has no choice. For example, a razor
manufacturer will charge a low price for the first plastic razor and recoup its
margin (and more) from the sale of the blades that fit the razor. Another
example is where printer manufacturers will sell you an inkjet printer at a low
price. In this instance the inkjet company knows that once you run out of the
consumable ink you need to buy more, and this tends to be relatively expensive.
Again, the cartridges are not interchangeable and you have no choice.
e. Psychological Pricing: Psychological pricing Strategies is an approach of
gathering the consumer’s emotional respond instead of his rational respond. For
example, a company will price its product at Rs 99 instead of Rs 100. The price of
the product is within Rs 100 this makes the customer feel that the product is not
very expensive. For most consumers price is an indicating factor for buying or
not buying a product. They do not analyze everything else that motivates the
product. Even if the market is unknown to the consumer, he will still use price as
a purchase factor. For example, if an ice cream weighted 100 gms for Rs 100 and
a lesser quality ice cream weighted 200 gms is available at Rs 150, the consumer
will buy the 200 gms ice cream for Rs 150 because he sees profit in buying the
ice cream at lower cost ignoring the quality of the ice cream. Consumers are not
aware price is also an indicator of quality.
Marketing channels serve many functions, including creating utility and facilitating exchange
Although some of these functions may be performed by a single channel member, most
functions are accomplished through both independent and joint efforts of channel
members. When managed effectively, the relationships among channel n embers can also
form supply chains that benefits all members of the channel, including the ultimate
1) Information Provider:
Middlemen have a role in providing information about the market to the manufacturer.
Developments like changes in customer demography, psychography, media habits and the
entry of a new competitor or a new brand and changes in customer preferences are some
of the information that all manufacturers want. Since these middlemen are present in the
market place and close to the customer they can provide this information at no additional
2) Price Stability:
Maintaining price stability in the market is another function a middleman performs. Many a
time the middlemen absorb an increase in the price of the products and continue to charge
the customer the same old price. This is because of the intra-middlemen competition. The
middleman also maintains price stability by keeping his overheads low.
3) Promotion:
Promoting the product/s in his territory is another function that middlemen perform. Many
of them design their own sales incentive programmes, aimed at building customers traffic at
the other outlets.
4) Financing:
Middlemen finance manufacturers’ operation by providing the necessary working capital in
the form of advance payments for goods and services. The payment is in advance even
though the manufacturer may extend credit, because it has to be made even before the
products are bought, consumed and paid for by the ultimate consumer.
5) Title:
Most middlemen take the title to the goods, services and trade in their own name. This
helps in diffusing the risks between the manufacturer and middlemen. This also enables
middlemen to be in physical possession of the goods, which in turn enables them to meet
customer demand at very moment it arises.
6) Help in Production Function:
The producer can concentrate on the production function leaving the marketing problem to
middlemen who specialize in the profession. Their services can best utilized for selling the
product. The finance, required for organising marketing can profitably be used in
production where the rate of return would be greater.
7) Matching Demand and Supply:
The chief function of intermediaries is to assemble the goods from many producers in such
a manner that a customer can affect purchases with ease. The goal of marketing is the
matching of segments of supply and demand.
The matching process is undertaken by performing the following functions:
i) Contractual: Finding out buyers and sellers.
ii) Merchandising: Producing goods that will satisfy market requirements.
iii) Pricing: Process of attaching value to the product in monetary terms.
iv) Propaganda: Sales promotion activities.
v) Physical Distribution: Distribution activities.
vi) Termination: Settlement of contract, i.e., paying the value and receiving the goods.
8) Pricing:
In pricing a product, the producer should invite the suggestions from the middlemen who
are very close to the ultimate users and know what they can pay for the product. Pricing
may be different for different markets or products depending upon the channel of
9) Standardizing Transactions:
Standardizing transactions is another function of marketing channels. Taking the example of
the milk delivery system, the distribution is standardized throughout the marketing channel
so that consumers do not need to negotiate with the sellers on any aspect, whether it is
price, quantity, method of payment or location of the product.
By standardizing transactions, marketing channels automate most of the stages in the flow
of products from the manufacturer to the customers.
10) Matching Buyers and Sellers:
The most crucial activity of the marketing channel members is to match the needs of buyers
and sellers. Normally, most sellers do not know where they can reach potential buyers and
similarly, buyers do not know where they can reach potential sellers. From this perspective,
the role of the marketing channel to match the buyers’ and sellers’ needs becomes very
vital. For example, a painter of modern art may not know where he can reach his potential
customers, but an art dealer would surely know.
Sales promotion is generally defined as those marketing activities that provide extra
values or incentives to the sales force, the distributors, or the ultimate consumer and
can stimulate immediate sales. Sales promotion is generally broken into two major
categories—consumer-oriented and trade-oriented activities.
1. Free samples:
In this case, small units of free samples are delivered door to door, sent through direct
mail, attached to another product, or given along with the purchase of some other
product (e.g., soaps, soft drinks, detergents or other items). Free samples are normally
provided during the introductory stage of the product.
2. Coupons:
This involves offering price reduction or saving to customers on the purchase of a spe-
cific product. The coupons may be mailed or enclosed along with other products, or
inserted in a magazine or newspaper advertisement.
3. Exchange scheme:
In this case, the customer exchanges the old product for a new one. The old product’s
exchange value is deducted from the price of the new product. This sales promotion
tool is used by several companies for consumer durables. For instance. Philips came up
with five-in-one offer. The offer consisted of Philips TV, two-in-one, iron, mixer-grinder,
and rice cooker at an attractive price.
4. Discounts:
It refers to reduction in price on a particular item during a particular period. It is
common during festival season or during off-season period. It is very stimulating short-
term sales, especially when the discount provided is genuine one. For instance, the
Hawkins pressure cooker manufacturer announced an attractive price reduction, up to
Rs.150 off, on a new Hawkins in exchange for any old pressure cooker. The
advertisement specified that the offer was open only up to a particular date.
5. Premium offers:
These can be extra quantities of the same product at the regular price. Premium offers
are used by several firms selling FMCG goods such as detergents, soaps and food items.
For instance, Colgate offered 125 g in a tube for the price of 100 g.
6. Personality promotions:
This type of promotion is used to attract the greater number of customers in a store and
to promote sale of a particular item. For instance, a famous sports personality may be
hired to provide autographs to customers visiting a sports shop.
7. Installment sales:
In this case, consumers initially pay smaller amount of the price and the balance amount
in monthly installments over a period of time. Many consumer durables such as
refrigerators and cars are sold on installment basis. For example, Washotex came up
with a scheme to pay 20 per cent now and take home Washotex washing machine. The
consumers were offered the facility of paying the balance in 24 equal monthly
1. Cash bonuses:
It can be in the form of one extra case for every five cases ordered, cash discounts or
straight cash payments to encourage volume sales, product display, or in support of a
price reduction to customers.
2. Stock return:
Some firms take back partly or wholly the unsold stocks lying with the retailers, and
distribute it to other dealers, where there is a demand for such stocks.
3. Credit terms:
Special credit terms may provide to encourage bulk orders from retailers or dealers.
4. Dealer conferences:
A firm may organize dealer conferences. The dealers may be given information of the
company’s performance, future plans, and so on. The dealers can also provide valuable
suggestions to the company at such conferences.
5. Dealer trophies:
Some firms may institute a special trophy to the highest-performing dealer in a
particular period of time. Along with the trophy, the dealer may get a special gift such as
a sponsored tour within or outside the country.
6. Push incentives:
It is a special incentive given to the dealer in the form of cash or in kind to push and
promote the sale of a product, especially a newly launched product.