Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity

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Ajloun National University

Civil Engineering Department

Geotechnical Engineering
Lecturer: Eng. Hadeel N. Alzghool

Shallow Foundations: Ultimate Bearing Capacity

Summer semester, 2020

Foundation types
1. Shallow foundation
A. Strip
B. Isolated footing (square, rectangular, circular)
C. Combined
D. Mat (raft)

2. Deep foundations : Piles, Drilled Shafts…etc.

Design criteria
To perform satisfactorily, shallow foundations must have two main characteristics:

1. They have to be safe against overall shear failure in the soil that supports them.

2. They cannot undergo excessive displacement, or settlement. (The term excessive is

relative, because the degree of settlement allowed for a structure depends on several

Ultimate bearing capacity
Ultimate bearing capacity: The load per unit area of the foundation at which shear failure in
soil occurs .

In this chapter, we will discuss the following:

■ Fundamental concepts in the development of the theoretical relationship for ultimate
bearing capacity of shallow foundations subjected to centric vertical loading.
■ Effect of the location of water table and soil compressibility on ultimate bearing
■ Bearing capacity of shallow foundations subjected to vertical eccentric loading and
eccentrically inclined loading.

Bearing Capacity Failure

Bearing Capacity Failure

1. General shear failure

■ Characterized by well defined failure pattern, consisting of a wedge and slip surface
and bulging (heaving) of soil surface adjacent to the footing.
■ Sudden collapse occurs, accompanied by tilting of the footing.
■ Occurs in denser or stiff soil.
■ Failure load is well defined.

Bearing Capacity Failure
2. Local Shear Failure

■ Failure pattern consists of wedge and slip surface but is well defined only under the
footing. Slight bulging of soil surface occurs.
■ Tilting of footing is not expected.
■ Large settlement occurs.
■ Ultimate load is not well defined.
■ Occurs in soil of high compressibility.

Bearing Capacity Failure
3. Punching Shear Failure

■ Failure pattern is not well defined.

■ No bulging of ground surface, no tilting of footing.
■ Failure take place immediately below footing and surrounding soil remains relatively
■ Large settlements-ultimate load is not well defined.
■ Occurs in soil of very high compressibility.
■ It also occurs in the soil of low compressibility, if the foundation is located at
considerable depth.

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)
■ Continuous, or strip foundation (i.e., one whose width-to-length ratio approaches zero).
■ Depth of foundation is less than or equal to its width.
■ No sliding occurs between foundation and soil (rough foundation).
■ Soil beneath foundation is homogeneous semi infinite mass.
■ General shear failure mode is the governing mode (but not the only mode).
■ Applied load is compressive and applied vertically to the centroid of the foundation.
■ No applied moments present.
■ Soil above bottom of foundation has no shear strength; is only a surcharge load against
the overturning load.

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)
1. Strip (continues) foundation

where Nc, Nq, and Nγ: bearing capacity factors.

From the table

B: width of foundation.
C: cohesion of soil.
q: surcharge load of soil above the bottom
of foundation q= γ*Df

Df: depth of foundation. 11

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)
2. Square foundation

where Nc, Nq, and Nγ: bearing capacity factors.

From the table.

B: width of foundation.
C: cohesion of soil.
q: surcharge load of soil above the bottom
of foundation q= γ*Df

Df: depth of foundation.

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)
2. Circular foundation

where Nc, Nq, and Nγ: bearing capacity factors.

From the table.

B: diameter of foundation.
C: cohesion of soil.
q: surcharge load of soil above the bottom
of foundation q= γ*Df

Df: depth of foundation.

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)
Factor of safety
Calculating the gross allowable load-bearing capacity of shallow foundations requires the
application of a factor of safety (FS) to the gross ultimate bearing capacity.

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)

Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory (1943)

Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations
for Water Table

Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations
for Water Table

Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations
for Water Table

The General Bearing Capacity Equation
The previous Terzaghi equations doesn’t
take into account the cases of:

• rectangular foundations.

• the shearing resistance along the failure

surface in soil above the bottom of the
foundation (the portion of the failure
surface marked as GI and HJ in Figure.

• In addition, the load on the foundation

may be inclined.

The General Bearing Capacity Equation
Meyerhof (1963) suggested the following form of the general bearing capacity equation:

The General Bearing Capacity Equation
Bearing Capacity Factors

The General Bearing Capacity Equation
Shape, Depth, and Inclination Factors
Commonly used shape, depth, and inclination factors are given in Table 4.3.

The General Bearing Capacity Equation

The General Bearing Capacity Equation


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