Cryptosporidiosis in Ruminants: Update and Current Therapeutic Approaches

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American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Literature Reviews

Cryptosporidiosis in Ruminants: Update and Current

Therapeutic Approaches
Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas

Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey

Article history Abstract: Cryptosporidium species causes asymptomatic or mild to

Received:11-04-2017 severe gastrointestinal disease in their broad range of host species. These
Revised: 29-05-2017 host species include humans, domestic and wild animals worldwide. The
Accepted: 15-06-2017 importance of cryptosporidiosis in ruminants has been emphasised in
Corresponding Author:
recent years for not only mortality, delayed growth and economic losses in
Bulent Ulutas the farm but also zoonotic importance. So more than 200 substances have
Department of Internal been tested against cryptosporidiosis, but none of them was able to
Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary eliminate the infection consistently. This article will focus on therapeutic
Medicine, Adnan Menderes interventions in neonatal ruminants against cryptosporidiosis including
University,Aydin, Turkey perspectives for new drugs.
Keywords: Cryptosporidium, Calf, Lamb, Kid, Treatment

Introduction ruminants are susceptible to C. parvum, C. xiaoi and C.

ubiquitous. It was reported that the primary source of the
Cryptosporidium is an enteric protozoan parasite transmission of C. parvum to humans are ruminants such
which causes gastrointestinal diseases on a different as cattle, goats and sheep and they have especially
level. This species infects a wide range hosts including significant role in the human epidemics (Fayer, 1997;
humans and animals worldwide. Cryptosporidium was Thompson et al., 2005; Shahiduzzaman and Daugschies,
first described in the laboratory mouse by Earnest Tyzzer 2012; Nasir et al., 2013).
in 1907. However, the clinical importance of this The life cycle of parasite consists of six major
protozoan was not fully regarded in the medical and developmental phases which are excystation, merogony,
veterinary field for another 70 years (Tzipori and Ward, gametogonia, fertilisation, oocyst wall formation and
2002). Bovine cryptosporidiosis was firstly documented sporogony. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp. can
in 1971 following identification of the parasites in an 8-
sporulate within host cells and when they passed the
month-old calf with chronic diarrhoea (Panciera et al.,
feces becomes infective. In natural and experimentally
1971). Later, cryptosporidiosis was described in lambs
induced cases in neonates, C. parvum not only affect
with diarrhoea in Australia, but it could not considered to
the distal small intestine but also can affect proximal
be the cause of the disease because of concurrent
small intestine and some part of the large intestine
pathogenic bacterial infection (Barker and Carbonell,
1974). Finally, in the early 1980s, studies on natural and (Laurent et al., 1999; Constable, 2014). Some
experimental infections revealed the role of the pathological changes can occur in affected animals
protozoan in diarrhoea in ruminants as a primary intestine such as villus atrophy, villus degeneration,
etiological agent (Robertson et al., 2013). crypt hyperplasia, inflammatory infiltrations and
Cryptosporidium parvum affects many species of microvillus degeneration. These changes cause
mammals that include human and it has considerable maldigestion, malabsorption and osmotic imbalance
economic significance in farm animals, especially in the (malabsorptive and secretor diarrhea) (Koudela and Jiří,
ruminant (Ryan and Hijjawi, 2015). Modern molecular 1997; McCole et al., 2000; Gookin et al., 2002;
methods are used to analyse the genetic profile of this O’Handley and Olson, 2006). Because of all this, mild to
parasite and new sub-species and genotypes of the moderate diarrhea its characteristic with watery, yellow
parasite have been identified. Currently, 28 species have or pale feces which contains mucus. Furthermore, the
been recognised (Ryan et al., 2014; Hotchkiss et al., infected neonates can die in 3-4 weeks of life due to
2015) Different bovine species such as cattle, banteng, dehydration, weight loss, apathy, anorexia and energy
gayal, water buffalo and yaks were found susceptible to C. deficit. On the other hand, Cryptosporidiosis is self-limiting
parvum, C. bovis, C. andersoni and C. ryanae. Also, small in the neonates with strong immunity (Constable, 2014).

© 2017 Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-
BY) 3.0 license.
Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas / American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2017, 12 (3): 96.103
DOI: 10.3844/ajavsp.2017.96.103

In experimentally C. parvum infected neonatal Azithromycin

calves, it was demonstrated that there are two periods
of oocyst shedding, as prepatent and patent, ranging Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic, which has
from 3-6 and 4-13 days respectively. In practice, even variable efficiency and has been used for the treatment of
in 3 days of age oocyst excretion has been cryptosporidiosis of immune suppressed animals and
demonstrated. Which means, infection susceptibility humans (Rehg, 1991; Holmberg et al., 1998).
presents immediately after birth of the calves. Azithromycin shows the antibacterial mode of action by
Oscillation of the prepatent period in lambs and goat inhibition of protein synthesis (Armson et al., 2003).
kids is between 2-7 days and around 4 days, Elitok et al. (2005) randomised 50 naturally infected
respectively. However, even the severity of clinical calves with C. parvum and medicated orally with
signs is reduced, the animal's susceptibility to infection azithromycin at the doses of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2,000
continues in further age (de Graaf et al., 1999). mg PO once daily for 7 days. On days 14 and 21
Because of its mortality rate, growth and following the cessation of the drug application calves
developmental delaying effect and other reasons, were monitored in terms of drug efficiency. The most
Cryptosporidiosis is a disease with economic effective doses for reduction of oocyst count was
importance. Also, livestock, particular cattle are one found as 1,500 and 2,000 mg d−1. Nasir et al. (2013)
of the most important reservoirs of zoonotic and Kumar et al. (2015) reported that Azithromycin
infections. The factors contribute the epidemiology of (1500 mg day−1 for 7 days) therapy of cryptosporidiosis
Cryptosporidium are extraction of the oocysts in large caused significant clinical improvement and reduction of
quantities, survival of the oocysts in warm and moist oocyst count in naturally infected calves.
conditions for months, arising from the infection can Despite above these studies, novel data from
be caused by a small number of oocysts, even from a clinical trials aren’t sufficient for control of
single oocyst for susceptible individuals (de Graaf et al., cryptosporidiosis in calves. Because these studies
1999; Ryan et al., 2014). were performed field conditions and animals may be
Cryptosporidiosis is a major problem for farm and re-infection. Also, Azithromycin is expensive in many
public health since there are no effective treatment and countries so it may not be economical for farms
prevention methods although many substances have been (Shahiduzzaman and Daugschies, 2012).
tested, no agent has been found to control or eliminate Paromomycin
the cryptosporidiosis consistently. Only, oocyst shedding
can be reduced by using some medicines. For effective Paromomycin is an aminoglycoside and most of
control of infection, improving hygienic conditions and the medicine is removed from the stool in oral usage
drug applications should be carried out in combination because of its poor absorption from the intestine
(Johnson et al., 2000).
because no measure is sufficient alone against to
Grinberg et al. (2002), reported a significant
cryptosporidiosis (de Graaf et al., 1999; Shahiduzzaman
reduction in stool frequency and oocyst excretion after
and Daugschies, 2012). New treatment approach such as application of paromomycin at 100 mg kg−1 orally, once
drug treatment and alternative therapy options will be a day for 10 days, but oocysts excretion and diarrhoea
addressed in this review. started following cessation of the drug in naturally
Drug Treatment for Cryptosporidiosis in Ruminants infected calves. Also, Masood et al. (2013) reported that
paromomycin (25 mg kg−1 BW, for 5 days) reduced
Treatment of cryptosporidiosis in farms falls broadly quantity and duration of oocyst shedding in
into three categories: Anti-Cryptosporidial drug experimentally infected calves.
therapy, supportive therapy and reduction of A previous study indicated that paromomycin (25 mg
environmental oocyst load. One or more of these kg−1) significantly decreased to faecal oocyst count
therapeutic options are used for controlling the starting from a post treatment 3rd day in naturally infected
infection. Mostly, anti-cryptosporidial agent trials kids and lambs (Shafiq et al., 2015). Also, Viu et al. (2000)
were performed on laboratory animals. Although there indicated that paromomycin application to lambs at 100
are many promising agents in vitro or in vivo models, mg kg−1 BW per day for three consecutive days or 200
none of these agents is useful for the elimination of mg kg−1 BW per day for two days reduced both oocyst
cryptosporidiosis from the infected animal. Some shedding and severity of diarrhoea.
conditions such as the immune status of the animals, Mancassola et al. (1995) used treated the
concomitant other infectious agents and effective experimentally infected goats by using paromomycin
supportive treatment affect the clinical and parasitological and observed that antibodies to Cryptosporidium
responses to treatment. However, drugs that have been parvum developed. Besides, the increase of antibody
applied with more or less efficiency reviewed here for was associated with protection and prevention of
ruminants (Shahiduzzaman and Daugschies, 2012). oocyst shedding.

Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas / American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2017, 12 (3): 96.103
DOI: 10.3844/ajavsp.2017.96.103

In a comparative study, a single dose of 50 mg kg−1 1991; Klein, 2008) and lambs (Naciri and Yvore, 1989).
body weight of metronidazole caused a significant Clinical studies showed that halofuginone had
decrease in oocyst count per gram faeces from 3rd-day cryptosporidiastatic activity in the sporozoite and
post treatment. Moreover, Metronidazole was found merozoite stages of C. parvum (Jarvie et al., 2005).
more effective than paromomycin in naturally infected Because of halofuginon delays the onset of infection
lambs and kids (Shafiq et al., 2015). On the other hand, decreases oocyst shedding and cryptosporidiosis severity,
Masood et al. (2013) reported that Paromomycin to be it has been recommended for both therapeutic and
the more valuable than metronidazole for the prophylactic use (Joachim et al., 2003; Jarvie et al., 2005).
treatment of Cryptosporidium infection in cattle based According to Weber et al. (2016), halofuginone is
on the clinical trials. approved for prophylaxis against cryptosporidiosis, but it
The effect of Paromomycin on the reduction of clinical showed no effect on the excretion of Cryptosporidium
signs and oocyst excretion does not seem consistent oocysts in calves. Conversely, there are different studies
although the data are promising. (Ritchie and Becker, which halofuginone showed no effect on the course of
1994). Also, of major concern in the testing of the infection concerning diarrhoea and dehydration.
clinical efficacy of any drug are its toxic effects. (Lallemond et al., 2006) alternatively, seven days after
Paromomycin is an aminoglycoside and so might cause the drug was withdrawn, oocysts appeared again in
nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity (Johnson et al., 2000). faeces, indicating re-infection (Shahiduzzaman and
This product is not used in ruminants generally. Daugschies, 2012).
In general, ruminants were cured with 0,1-0,12 mg
Nitazoxanide kg−1 BW orally for 7 days. Also, halofuginone at the
Nitazoxanide (NTZ) is an antimicrobial substance recommended dose (0,1 mg kg−1 for seven consecutive
that has been applied for antiparasitic treatment in dogs, days) seems to restraints cryptosporidial reproduction
cats, sheep and goats (Euzeby et al., 1980; Gookin et al., rate and improves the development of immunity in lambs
2001; Viel et al., 2007). Additionally, NTZ has been FDA (Causape et al., 1999; Giadinis et al., 2007).
approved for human use for treatment of cryptosporidiosis. According to Chartier et al. (1999), the
Sahu and Maiti (2015) reported that NTZ administration of halofuginone to 3-day old kids for 7-10
administered to calves at 15 mg kg−1 BW twice a day for days decreased the prevalence and intensity of
three consecutive days reduced both oocyst shedding and Cryptosporidium oocyst output when compared to
severity of diarrhoea as reported by Viel et al. (2007) in control, particularly from 3 to 7 following the start of
experimentally infected goats. On the other hand, drug administration. Similarly, Giadinis et al. (2008)
Schnyder et al. (2009) reported that the effect of NTZ on showed a reduction of oocyst shedding on days 5 and
clinical severity or oocyst excretion in the experimentally 7 following the beginning of administration at 1-2 day
Cryptosporidium infection was less than expected. of age in kids.
Treatment efficiency of NTZ is controversial. Also, Petermann et al. (2014) reported that when
However, it has consistent side effects such as given as a prophylactic treatment at 0,1 mg kg−1 BW
stomachache, headache and emesis. The oral during 10 days in reducing oocyst shedding, diarrhoea
administration of NTZ to calves (15 mg kg−1 BW, and mortality in goat kid affected by C. parvum.
BID) affected the mucous membranes of the This drug is approved in Europe to treat calf
gastrointestinal tract. Similar effects were also cryptosporidiosis. The disadvantage of this product is
observed in piglets (Theodos et al., 1998), cats that is must be given orally for 7 days from birth and this
(Gookin et al., 2001) and neonatal ruminants (Viel et al., is not always practical, especially in beef suckler units.
2007; Schnyder et al., 2009). Also, it is vitally important that farmers be aware of the
Oral administration at a dose of 75-400 mg kg−1 potential effects of overdosing as toxic effects have been
BW in the sheep caused to mild diarrhea that lasts for shown at only twice the recommended dose. The product is
about 24-36 h and mild catarrhal inflammation. also licensed for the treatment of diarrhoea due to
(Euzeby et al., 1980) Therefore, it is not recommended cryptosporidiosis however it must not be given to
for either treatment or prophylaxis of cryptosporidiosis dehydrated or inappetence animals (Robertson et al., 2013).
(Shahiduzzaman and Daugschies, 2012). Decoquinate
Halofuginone Lactate Decoquinate is quinolone coccidiostat that found to
Halofuginone lactate which is a synthetic product have little activity against C. parvum in vitro or in vivo
of the quinazolinone group with antiprotozoal activity, in suckling mice (Lindsay et al., 2000).
has received positive reports from studies related to Redman and Fox (1993) found that decoquinate
the treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in veal calves reduced the shedding of oocysts and the clinical signs in
(Lallemond et al., 2006) dairy calves (Villacorta et al., experimentally induced cryptosporidiosis in calves when

Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas / American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2017, 12 (3): 96.103
DOI: 10.3844/ajavsp.2017.96.103

decoquinate is used at 2 mg kg−1 BW dose for 21 days. Nigella Sativa

In contrast, decoquinate had no effect either on the
Nigella sativa seeds have been known with wide
shedding of oocysts or on the calves’ clinical signs, in
therapeutic effects. Its positive effects against skin
agreement with the results of Moore et al. (2003).
diseases, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, anorexia,
In kids, the decoquinate at 2,5 mg kg−1/day for 21
conjunctivitis, dyspepsia, rheumatism, diabetes,
days, although it did not eradicate cryptosporidiosis, it
hypertension, intrinsic haemorrhage, paralysis,
gave significant improvements, no diarrhoea and amenorrhea, anorexia, asthma, cough, bronchitis,
decrease in oocyst shedding (Mancassola et al., 1997). headache, fever, influenza and eczema have been
Decoquinate is commonly used by producers to reported (Forouzanfar et al., 2014).
prevent cryptosporidiosis (Moore et al., 2003) but the Nigella sativa has been reported to have good anti-
practice should be reconsidered on account of its coccidial activity with no harmful side effects in rabbits
questionable efficacy. at a dose rate of 400 mg kg−1 BW orally for 14 days
Alternative Therapy for Cryptosporidiosis in (Baghdadi and Al-Mathal, 2011). In a study by Nasir et al.
(2013) on the therapeutic efficacy of Nigella Sativa
showed no effect on oocyst shedding in naturally
The studies for alternative therapy which could be infected dairy calves. Studies on the efficacy of Nigella
used as the anti-parasitic treatment had received Sativa against C. parvum are rare, but it has been
considerable attention in recent years because of the shown to be effective as antihelminthic and
increasing worldwide development of resistance to the anticoccidial (Nasir et al., 2013).
synthetic drug in parasitic populations. Clinoptilolite (Zeolite)
Activated Charcoal and Wood Vinegar Clinoptilolite which is a natural zeolite is mineral
Activated charcoal can bind with various molecules mined from sedimentary deposits (Leung et al., 2007).
and because of this, it is known as a universal adsorbent Zeolites retain moisture due to the desorption of loosely
(Chandy and Sharma, 1998). For the removal of bacteria bound water present on, or close to the external zeolite
and bacterial toxins both in vitro and in vivo, it was surface (Leggo et al., 2006). Clinoptilolite could
reported that activated charcoal could be used effectively modify appropriate environmental conditions of
humidity for oocyst to sporulate and become infective
(Drucker et al., 1977; Pegues et al., 1979; Du et al.,
and also it has got the immunomodulator effect for the
1987; Gardiner et al., 1993).
host (Jurkic et al., 2013).
In a study on experimentally infected calves, rapid
Ulutas et al. (2015) reported that in neonatal lambs
clinical improvement and cessation of oocyst excretion infected with C. parvum that were receiving prophylactic
revealed after a short time following treatment of clinoptilolite the appearance of diarrhea as well as
activated charcoal that contains wood vinegar liquid duration and intensity of oocyte shedding was
(Watarai et al., 2008). These authors also set up in vitro considerably reduced. In addition, the severity of
experiments to explain the activity of the 2 components cryptosporidiosis was reduced in the clinoptilolite group.
of the product. They observed that activated charcoal
Garlic (Allium Sativum-Garlicin)
adsorbed C. parvum oocysts and that the number of C.
parvum oocysts was lowered by the addition of As an extract of garlic, garlicin has been confirmed to
increasing concentrations of wood vinegar. have multiple curative effects such as antimicrobial,
In another study conducted in field condition, a antithrombotic, hypolipidemic and antitumor activities.
product containing activated charcoal and wood vinegar Lately, some reports tested the effect of garlicin in the
treatment of parasites such as toxoplasmosis,
liquid was given to goat kids at the dose rate of 3.75
trichomoniasis and cryptosporidiosis (Huang et al., 2015).
g/day/kid (Obionekk®) for defensive purposes. It was Garlic was a convenient prophylactic and a
administered as a suspension in milk replacer twice or promising therapeutic agent for cryptosporidiosis
three times a day starting at the age of 3 days to the age (Abdel Megeed et al., 2015). The efficacy of garlic in
of 17 days. Compared with the control group, oocyst the prophylaxis and treatment of experimental
excretion was significantly reduced when the product cryptosporidiosis could be explained by a different
was given 3 times a day and clinical signs also mechanism. El-Shenawy and Hassan (2008) reported
significantly resolved whatever the rhythm of the enhancement of phagocytosis and an increase in
distribution (Paraud et al., 2011). natural killer cell activity which promoted the immune
Consequently, this product may be helpful for the system function and strengthened the body’s defence
treatment and prevention of cryptosporidiosis in mechanism during the duration of treatment by garlic.
ruminants but it does not eradicate the disease. Moreover, Masamha et al. (2010) found that Allium

Ceren Dinler and Bulent Ulutas / American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2017, 12 (3): 96.103
DOI: 10.3844/ajavsp.2017.96.103

sativum disrupted the normal physiological functions of drugs, sanitary measures and good management are
the parasite like morbidity and reproduction. currently the most valid weapons in controlling this disease.
In a study by Abdel Megeed et al. (2015) on the In conclusion, funding has recently been secured to
therapeutic efficacy in naturally infected Buffalo calves study more closely the host-parasite interaction with the
of garlic showed it eradicated the Cryptosporidium neonatal gut, to better understand the early response to
oocysts from the faeces and almost no oocysts were infection. The new studies focused on mainly genetic
detected in the faeces of garlic treatment group by the characterization and protein analyses of the parasite.
end of the study. Also, the same study showed that garlic Bioinformatic and proteomics studies have recently
was effective not only in reducing oocyst counts but also gained increased recognition for this purpose. These
in making the health of the animals better. studies will open the way for a more careful approach to
Garlic offered a promising effect in the treatment of chemotherapy for cryptosporidiosis in the near future.
cryptosporidiosis and it is recommended to be used in Thus it is the author's advice that primary aim at
the daily animal diet to give protective effects against controlling the cryptosporidiosis in farms should be
parasites (Abdel Megeed et al., 2015). minimising the build-up of environmental contamination
and reducing the clinical impact by optimising the
neonatal environment and managing other enter
Conclusion pathogens until effective drugs are developed.
Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic intestinal disease of a
wide variety of animals and humans. Major reservoirs of Acknowledgement
C. parvum are livestock, especially cattle and sheep.
Any financial support was used to write this
Transmission of the infection may be directly from
animal to human or indirectly via a vehicle. A large
number of small outbreaks associated with C. parvum in
calves and in veterinarians or veterinary students that Author’s Contributions
have been exposed to calf faeces are documented in the Ceren Dinle: Carried out literature research, writing
literature (Gait et al., 2008; Grinberg et al., 2011; and draft the review.
Robertson et al., 2013). Most indirect transmission is Bulent Ulutas: Supervision of the review, critical
drinking water and less often food has been associated review and organise the manuscript period.
with transmission of Cryptosporidium infection from
animals to human populations. A birth cohort study
conducted by a Global Network for the Study of
Malnutrition and Enteric Diseases (MAL-ED) has This review is original and was not published elsewhere.
assessed pathogen-specific burdens in diarrhoeal and It can be confirmed that all authors have read and
non-diarrhoeal stool specimens from 2145 children aged approved the manuscript and no ethical issues involved.
0-24 months in Africa, Asia and South America and also
identified Cryptosporidium spp. as one of the five References
highest attributable burdens of diarrhoea in the first year
of life (Platts-Mills et al., 2015; Ryan et al., 2016). Abdel Megeed, K.N., A.M. Hammam, G.H. Morsy,
Globally, Cryptosporidiosis is estimated to be F.A.M. Khali and M.M.E. Seliem et al., 2015.
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under 5 years of age (Ryan et al., 2016). garlic (Allium sativum) and Nitazoxanide with
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