Jean Dubuis-Mistletoe Oak Elixir
Jean Dubuis-Mistletoe Oak Elixir
Jean Dubuis-Mistletoe Oak Elixir
by Jean Dubuis
The tradition says that France was, in the pre-Christian era, inhabited by people
called the Gaulois. These Gaulois had priest-magi-healers called Druids.
It is said that in these ancient times, serious epidemic illnesses would decimate the
Gaulois. But one day, a druid prepared a remedy using oak mistletoe and this elixir
was able to miraculously heal the populace of that time. This was later celebrated in
feasts known as "Au gui, l’An Neuf" that could be translated as "New Year by the
One day, after I had given a lecture on Spagyrics in which I had mentioned
mistletoe, a man of respectable appearance came to see me and said: "Since you are
an alchemist, if you were given mistletoe, could you prepare its elixir? Our Druid is
very sick, but he doesn’t know how to make the elixir any more." My answer was: "I
think that I have some chance to succeed."
On Christmas eve, two people showed up at my place. They were carrying a big
parcel wrapped in a white sheet, containing about 200 liters of branches, leaves, and
fruits of oak mistletoe. They would not tell me where this mistletoe came from.
Oak mistletoe cannot be found in the French forests, and at the turn of the century,
botanical books stated that not more than 12 oaks were known to bear mistletoe in
the entire French territory. I thought afterwards that the oak this mistletoe came
from was located in a private park of a renowned French family.
I started working, but oak mistletoe is very hard to work on, especially because it
generates a gum that clogs the tubing (in soxhlets and other devices) and which
resists all kinds of acids.
After some two years of work, the elixir was almost ready and it performed miracles,
but not on the Druid who had died in the meantime.
Since oak mistletoe could not be readily found, I have tried to make the elixir with
mistletoe from other trees, such as that from apple trees and poplars, since this is
very common in France. But none of them has the remarkable properties of oak
One day when I was looking at the front page of the book of the Alchemist
Urbigerus, the image presenting the "spring of life" issuing from the trunk of an oak
provided a revelation -- It is not the mistletoe that heals, but the vital energies of
the oak, accumulated by the mistletoe as a parasite of this tree. Thus:
If the vital energies that heal come from the oak, these are abundant in the fruits, in
the seeds of the tree.
During the gathering, the oak acorns are ripe and fall on the ground. They should be
gathered preferably before they have stayed a night on the ground and before any
rain. These are to be wiped dry. Place these in a glass flask and cover them with an
alcohol of the best possible quality, 90 percent minimum, but more is better. Seal
the flask immediately. Place the flask on a source of gentle heat. The incubator at 40
degrees Celsius is ideal, but above a refrigerator is enough. If the source of heat is
not continuous, things will still happen, but more slowly. Still, never exceed 50
degrees Celsius. Carefully avoid lunar light on the flask. After a few days, the
tincture becomes green-yellow, then yellow, then slowly turns to Red.
For a nice bright red, it takes between 6 to 18 months, depending on the conditions
of heat. When the bright red is reached, the elixir is ready. The dosage of the elixir is
of 10 to 20 drops in a glass of water the first thing in the morning for 1 month. Do
not eat before.