Standard Operating Procedure FOR HP Heater
Standard Operating Procedure FOR HP Heater
Standard Operating Procedure FOR HP Heater
1. Objective:
For Smooth Operation of HP HEATERS.
2. Scope:
This SOP is applicable for HP HEATERS.
3. Introduction:
HP feed water heaters is an important equipment in regenerative system
of power plant it uses steam extraction of the steam turbine to heat boiler
feed water and reach the required feed temperature, so as to increase
thermal efficiency and ensure unit output.
Heating 3 zones condensing do do
Drain cooler Approach (DCA) 5.6ᵒC 5.6ᵒC 5.6ᵒC
Shell material SA516 Gr.70 do do
Supports Plate baffles materials SA516 Gr.70 do do
Tube OD* Tube Thickness
15.9*2.3 15.9*2.4 15.9*2.4
7th (each @
equal pr. From inlet of LPH2 88.7 45754
From LP1T & LP1T & LP2T 0.682
LP2T) 7 stage
8th (each @
equal pr. From inlet of 0.326 70.6 54530
From LP1 & LP1T & LP2T LPH1
LP2) 8th stage
5. Operating Procedure:
a. Starting Procedure:
The unit load is around 17 % with both set of auxiliaries running. (112Mw).
All shell side and water side drain and vents are in open condition
All drip line manual valve and control valves are in open condition
Ensure that HPH 6, 7, 8 stream charged from water side i.e. HPH inlet and
outlet valves open with bypass valve closed.
Ensure that operation vent of HPH 6,7,8 going to de-aerator is in full open
Open the extraction steam to HPH 6 block valve.
HP heater charging sequence - FIRST-6 ,second-7 & third-8
Open the extraction steam to heater by opening MOV (inching MOV).
Initially open MOV by 10% .Ensure line pressure and temperature and
before NRV steam pressure & temperature .Give sufficient time for warm-up
the line completely. Also observe feed water temperature. The feed water
temperature starts increasing then opens the MOV step by step to full open.
Control Main heater level through both emergency drain & normal drain
V/V. While charging, close emergency drain V/V and maintain with normal
Put HP heater 6 drips to de-aerator CV in Auto.
Check that the heater levels are normal and controller modulates to
maintain level.
Close the Extraction steam line drain valve after NRV.
Check that HPH 6 feed water outlet temperature increases.
In the same manner charge HPH 7 and 8 also. Check that drip control valve
LCV maintains the HP heater level.
HPH 7 and 8 outlet feed water temperature increases.
Close the Heater shell side drains and Vents
Ensure all drain valve fully closed and no passing.
Low - 332mm
Low Low – 327mm
b. Shutdown Procedure:
1. Close extraction to the HP Heater gradually.
2. Closing sequence FIRST-Hp heater-8,second-7,Third-6
3. Close HP Heater I/L & O/L Valves.
4. Open Water Side Drains
5. Open shell Side Drains