Viz Engine Guide 3.10 PDF
Viz Engine Guide 3.10 PDF
Viz Engine Guide 3.10 PDF
Version 3.10
Copyright © 2018 Vizrt. All rights reserved.
No part of this software, documentation or publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in
a retrieval system, translated into any language, computer language, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronically, mechanically, magnetically, optically, chemically, photocopied,
manually, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Vizrt. Vizrt specifically retains title
to all Vizrt software. This software is supplied under a license agreement and may only be
installed, used or copied in accordance to that agreement.
Vizrt provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
This publication may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. While every precaution
has been taken in the preparation of this document to ensure that it contains accurate and up-to-
date information, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor
is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this
document. Vizrt’s policy is one of continual development, so the content of this document is
periodically subject to be modified without notice. These changes will be incorporated in new
editions of the publication. Vizrt may make improvements and/or changes in the product (s) and/
or the program(s) described in this publication at any time. Vizrt may have patents or pending
patent applications covering subject matters in this document. The furnishing of this document
does not give you any license to these patents.
Technical Support
For technical support and the latest news of upgrades, documentation, and related products, visit
the Vizrt web site at
Created on
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
1 New in Viz Engine 3.10 ........................................................................... 15
2 Introduction............................................................................................ 16
2.1 Related Documents ........................................................................................ 16
2.2 Customer Feedback and Suggestions ............................................................. 16
2.3 Customer Support Request ............................................................................ 17
2.3.1 Submitting a Support Request....................................................................................17
2.3.2 Content of a Support Request ....................................................................................18
2.3.3 To Submit a Support Request.....................................................................................18
2.3.4 Attach Log Files to a Customer Request .....................................................................20
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
11.4.1 NVIDIA Pascal, Maxwell and Kepler Architecture Cards - Quadro Series ....................239
12.4 DVE Performance with X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus and X.mio2 Systems .................. 262
12.4.1 PAL/NTSC ................................................................................................................263
12.4.2 720p50 ...................................................................................................................263
12.4.3 720p60M.................................................................................................................264
12.4.4 1080i50...................................................................................................................264
12.4.5 1080i60M ................................................................................................................265
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
12.13 Configuration History for Matrox X.mio and DSX Series ................................ 288
12.13.1 Configuration History for Matrox X.Open .................................................................289
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - Version 3.10
Viz Engine - 3.10
Please refer to the Vizrt License Guide on more details on the new licensing system.
2 Introduction
This Administrator Guide gives details on the configuration and installation of Viz Engine. It will
also explain settings available through its configuration user interface.
The term Viz is used for the programs installed and run on the computer. This is used as a general
reference for all modes of the program:
• Viz Artist (see the Viz Artist User Guide)
• Viz Engine
• Viz Configuration
What mode the program can run is determined from the hardware dongle attached to the machine.
The different modes and the hardware dongle are detailed in this User Guide.
This Section contains information on the following topics:
• Document Structure
• Related Documents
• Customer Feedback and Suggestions
• Customer Support Request
3. The Vizrt office which is nearest to your location will be shown (2), or select from the list of
Vizrt offices.
4. Click on ‘Contact’.
Note: If this message is for Customer Support, and their is a Support Contract in
place, then click on the ‘For support requests, please visit our support portal’ link in
the message window.
• The relevant User Guide or Guides
• The release notes
and Check:
• That the system is configured correctly
• That you have the specified hardware, tested and recommended versions
Always refer to your Vizrt Service Level Agreement document.
When completing a Support Request, add as much information as possible.
7. In the online form complete the required minimum information (shown by a red asterisk):
• Contact: Your name
• Account: Your account
• Product: The product the support request refers to.
• Case Type: The type of support request required
8. Click SAVE.
9. In the saved Support Case that opens, complete the various text boxes and upload any
required documents, files, etc (see Content of a Support Request).
Note: The entered text or uploaded documents / files are automatically added.
To track the status of open support tickets, log in to the Customer and Partner portal. Add
information or communicate about the cases directly with the support team.
Note: The Viz Engine configuration file is a plain text file located in %ProgramData%
\Vizrt\viz3. The filename includes the host name, and numbers indicating which
Engine is used: VIZ-<hostname>-<0.0>.cfg. For example: C:
• Notes
• Starting Viz Engine with WIBU license system
• Starting Viz Engine with DVI OUT
• Starting Viz Engine with MezzIP OUT and/or 1xMezzIP IN
• Starting Viz Engine with NDI OUT and/or NDI IN
• Starting Viz Engine with Frameserver functionality (MUX ports)
• Starting Viz Engine with SDI/IP OUT or SDI/IP IN
• Starting Viz Engine with Artist
• Starting Viz Engine with Transition License - WIBU license bound to VALID/Sentinel
dongle ID
• There is an auto discovery if no license server is configured in the server search list
of CodeMeter,.
• On network disconnect and reconnect it may happen that a license is checked out
twice. In this case it must be released manually on the CodeMeter service on the
license server or the license server can be restarted.
• The configuration UI only works with a valid license, which depends on the configuration. If
no proper license is available then a manual edit of the corresponding configuration entries
is required. See Configuration entries in the Viz Engine configuration file.
• By default the WIBU licensing system with Engine Core license (ENG_ENG_CORE) is
used when no configuration exists.
• The icons of the Viz Artist and Viz Engine processes depend on the icon that was used to
start the processes. When Viz Artist is started then the Viz Engine and Viz Artist process will
have the same icon.
• Extension of a VALID/Sentinel/Hardlock license requires to start the Engine in configuration
mode with the configuration UI.
The Configuration UI only works with a valid license, which depends on the configuration. If
no proper license is available then a manual edit of the corresponding configuration entries
is required. See Configuration entries in the Viz Engine configuration file.
By default the WIBU licensing system with Engine Core license (ENG_ENG_CORE) is used
when no configuration exists. When no such license is available, or you want to use the old
licensing system, the configuration file must be edited.
• ENG_ARTIST - Artist
• ENG_ING_SDIIP_MAX - SDI/IP Video Input Enablement (max)
• ENG_IN_NDI_MAX - NDI IN Upgrade (max)
• ENG_IN_MEZZIP_MAX - MezzIP IN Upgrade (max)
Summary of key concepts in the new licensing system
• Core- and additional licenses exist.
• OUT based channel counting for NDI/SDI/IP
• IN and OUT channels are resolution independent up to 3G HD
• <=2K size of render output
• Preview channels (preview/clean feed OUT) are co-enabled with every OUT channel license.
• MezzIP applies to all compressed streams:
• Included: RTP/UDP/WebRTC
• Excluded (requires SDI/IP licenses): SMTPE ST2022-06, ST2022-07, ST2110; ASPEN
User Limit -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Shared -1 0 0 -1 0 0
No User Limit 0 0 0 0 0 0
Engine Core
SDI/IP Input
NDI Input
Mezzanine IP in
4K Enablement (Watermark on
ENG_ING_4KVIDE Resolution >=PAL) (Watermar ENG_ING_4KVI
O k) DEO
Frameserver ENG_OUT_FS_MAX
Chroma Keyer
Multitouch Plugins
Cinema 4D Import
Substance Shader
Dolby E Encoding
Dolby E Decondig
DNxHD Codec
Erizos Plugins
Dorna Plugins
A_xxxx xxx
Core Core licenses are used as prerequisite for other licenses and
Licenses define the basic feature set.
• Plugins
• Image FX
• Real FX
• Spline FX
• Text FX
• Pixel FX
• Graffiti FX
• Weather FX
• SocialTV FX (NOTE: was never restricted)
• Engine 3D Stereo Upgrade (=3D Stereo)
• EVS Control Plugin
• Geo FX
• Engine functionality:
• Audio FX
• Video FX
• After Effects Import
• Postrender 2K
• With ENG_ING_4KVIDEO up to 4K
• With ENG_OUT_DVI_MAX unlimited
• Postrender on screen preview has a watermark, except when
postrendering is actually performed
ENG_PRV_C User Usage 1: Trio / other client applications requiring local preview
ORE Limit
Usage 2: Standalone preview machine for DVI, Mezzanine, NDI or SDI
output always with watermark
Watermark on all OUTs at any time and all resolutions
• MezzIP OUT
• Postrender
• Clip Out Channel
• Artist
• Clips / Clip Player
• Plugins of ENG_ENG_CORE
• Restricted:
• Enable/Disable Vizrt Frame Server and NLE plugins with this license.
No NLE plugin should work anymore.
3rd Party
t (Pro)
2.4.7 Notes
• When configuration is changed at runtime and violates the license restriction then resolution
is limited to the allowed resolution (e.g. 2K width/height).
• DVI OUT is required for local preview in external applications (e.g. TRIO, Pilot Template
Wizard, Pilot Director).
of the exclusive license share status. The ENG_CF is consumed together with
• In short:
• When RTP/UDP IN/OUT (2K) is used then the ENG_CF on the Engine is sufficient.
• When WebRTC OUT (2K) is enabled through the ENG_CF on the ServiceHost then
ENG_IN_MEZZIP_MAX is required on the Engine for MezzIP IN (2K).
• When MezzIP IN (2K) is enabled through the ENG_CF on the Engine then
ENG_OUT_MEZZIP_MAX is required on the ServiceHost for MezzIP OUT (2K) with
3 Software Configuration
This section details the prerequisites and supported options for the Viz Engine/ Artist installation,
and procedures on how and where to install Viz Artist/Engine.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Prerequisites
• Viz Artist/Engine Folders
• Supported Software
• Ports and Connections
• User Account Control (UAC)
• Viz Artist and Engine Installation
• Viz Artist/Engine Platforms
• Install the Viz License
• EVS Video Server Control
• Dual Channel Mode
• Trio Box CG Mode
• Integration with Viz One
• Viz Engine REST interface
• Dolby E Support
3.1 Prerequisites
• Environmental settings
• Hardware and BIOS settings
• Power management settings
• User rights
• Running Viz Engine and Viz Artist without administrator rights
• Anti-Virus software
Viz Artist and Engine runs on the following platforms:
For optimal performance, use the pre-installed Windows image from Vizrt. You can obtain the
Windows image files from your local support office.
• Set Power button action to Do nothing. This prevents accidental shutdown in case someone
presses the power button by mistake
IMPORTANT! Make sure that you change this password after initial installation!
To learn more about the different user account types, refer to the Windows operating system
documentation, or visit
3.1.5 Running Viz Engine and Viz Artist without administrator rights
There might be restrictions on user rights in some production environments. Although execution
of Viz Engine and Viz Artist normally requires local administrator rights, it is possible to manually
adjust the rights of the executing user by granting the following four privileges:
• SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege
• SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
• SeCreatePagefilePrivilege
• SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege
IMPORTANT! Please contact the local IT manager for further information on how this
is handled within the organization.
There are hundreds of Anti-Virus software packages on the market. Vizrt does not recommend the
use of any specific Anti-Virus software package or version, or give any recommendations on how
to setup any Anti-Virus software suites in relation to Vizrt software and machines.
See Also
• Viz Artist/Engine Folders
• Supported Software
64 bit N/A
Note: Viz Config files that already exist from a previous installation are automatically
copied on install time if the installation folder did not change. If Viz Engine/Artist is
installed in a different installation folder then Viz Config files must be manually copied
from the old installation folder to <viz data folder>.
Note: Script Plug-in files that already exist from a previous installation are automatically
copied on install time if the installation folder did not change. If Viz Engine/Artist is
installed in a different installation folder then Script Plug-in files must be manually copied
from the old installation folder to <viz data folder>\ScriptPlugins
Category Requirement
Software • Extra Viz Artist/Engine 2 or 3 Plug-ins (only for Viz Artist/Engine 2.x)
• Viz Engine 2.8 PL5 HotFix3, Viz Engine 3.5.1, or later
• DataPool 2.10 or later
• Viz World Client 12.0 or later
• Optional: When used for local preview of video clips from Viz One, Viz Engine
must be installed with an MPEG-4 codec and Matroska splitter
Executabl viz.exe
Machines configured for local preview need an OpenGL compatible graphics card and at least
512MB of memory (RAM) in addition to a reasonably new processor. Some graphics features on a
preview machine will not be shown exactly as on a Viz Engine renderer. This is limitations in the
OpenGL features on the graphics cards, and not related to Vizrt’s software.
Category Requirement
Executable(s) PreviewServer.exe
Ports and Connections 54000: Used to connect over http with the REST interface.
Category Requirement
Software • Viz Engine 3.5.1 or later, or Viz Engine 2.8 PL5 HotFix3.
• Viz World Client 12.0 or later.
• DataPool 2.10 or later Extra Viz Artist/Engine 2 plug-ins (for Viz Artist/
Engine 2.x).
• Optional: Mediaftp and fsmon are used for Viz One integration.
• Optional: Viz Pilot with Template Wizard, Media Sequencer, Viz Multiplexer
and Thumbnail Generator.
• Note: Viz Engine 2.8 is not compatible with Viz One.
Category Requirement
Executable(s) • viz.exe
• VizGui.exe
• vizSend.exe
Network Mapped drive to VOS still store folder and Viz Engine data root.
• Port Numbers
• Multiplexing Ports
Mediaftp 21 Used for video transfers from Viz One to Viz Engine.
Viz One 22 TCP and UDP for logging in to the Viz One operating system (service: SSH).
Viz 10 102 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Viz World Client connections
World 2 when Server Allocator is not in use or only has one Viz World Server running.
Server 103 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for configuration tool connections
to the first Viz World Server instance (as configurations are controlled by the
first server instance).See also Vizrt Maps.
Viz One, 80 Web interface and client software. SOAP port for communication with Viz
Microsof One.For download of Microsoft Bing and Imagery on Demand images.(service:
t Bing HTTP)
Viz One 44 (service: HTTPS)TCP & UDP used for SMB file sharing (service: Microsoft-DS).
Sentinel 19 The Sentinel HASP Run-time Environment uses port 1947 to communicate with
HASP 47 local and remote components. This relates to Hardlock dongles used with Viz
Run- Curious Maps.
Viz One 30 Low resolution video and index files (service: lighttpd).
Video 52 MVCP and Xlator control port for video servers. Note: this port is only necessary
servers 50 in combination with the video server extension (service: AVCP).
Viz Trio 62 6200 is used for controlling the Viz Trio client over a socket connection.6210 is
00 used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to Viz Trio.
Newsroo 62 Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to Viz Pilot’s Newsroom
m 20 client.
Graphics 62 Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to the Graphics Plug-in
Plugin 30 Editor (on Mac).
Graphics 62 Used by the Graphics Plug-in to establish a connection to the Graphics Plug-in
Plugin 40 Configuration tool (on Mac).
Ticker 63 Ticker handler in the Media Sequencer connects to port 6300 for feedback from
Service 00 Ticker Service.Ticker handler in the Media Sequencer connect to port 6301 when
controlling the ticker via a socket connection.
Viz Pilot 64 Socket connection used for controlling Viz Pilot using macro commands.
Viz One 65 Message bus port for communication with Viz One (service: Message bus).
Preview 74 For the Newsroom Component using an unlicensed Viz Engine for local preview
License 52 with a connection to the Preview License server (is not the same as the Preview
server Server).
Viz Pilot 81 Used to connect over http with the REST interface.
Data 77
Media 85 For clients connecting to the Media Sequencer. 8580 is specifically used to
Sequenc 80 connect over http with the REST interface.
Viz 10 10100 (TCP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World Client connections,
World 10 and is only used in order for clients to get connection details about Viz World
Server 0 Server(s). The first client connection will always be diverted to port 102. In case
of multiple server instances port numbers are assigned according to a
predefined schema (i.e. 10101, 10102 for server instance 2 and 3 and so on). In
case there is no Server Allocator, Viz World Server will itself switch to port
102.10100 (UDP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Server Allocator
communication.10200 (UDP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World
Server communication.Both UDP ports are internal ports used between the
servers.For more information, please see the Viz World Client and Server 11.1
User’s Guide and later. See also Vizrt Maps.
Viz Pilot 10 Used by Gateway to establish a connection to Viz Pilot in order to send and
64 receive updates on MOS messages (e.g. items and playlists).
Viz 14 Alternative port used to avoid conflicts with port 6100 (e.g. when using Viz
Engine 30 Multiplexer). Port 6100 is normally used by renderers that are on air, hence, it is
0 (e.g. when running Viz Pilot version 4 or Graphics Plugin towards Viz Artist/
Engine 2.x) recommended to use another port.Port 14300 is an optional port.
The default 6100 may also be used if the renderer is not used on air.
Viz Ports 50007 - 50009 are all Multiplexing Ports that enable Viz Engine to work
Engine on other scenes in sessions that are used for preview purposes:
50 MUX Isolated port: All connections to this port get its own session.
50 MUX Shared port: All connections from one single host shares one session.
50 MUX Fixed port: Same as shared port except that allocated resources are never
00 cleared from memory.
50 Still Preview port: Enables a user to request a preview of the next scene to be
01 put on air while another scene is on air.
The multiplexer functionality is an integral part of Viz Engine. When using Viz Engine a session
management takes place internally, with one default session for the GUI and internal/external
commands, and additional sessions created on-demand for the multiplexing ports or the preview
With multiplex ports, other than the MUX Still Preview port, the Viz Engine state is only switched
when a command is received, which means a new session is created; hence, ten consecutive
commands from a client will only result in one state switch on the first command.
With the MUX Still Preview port the state is switched when a command is received and immediately
switched back to the main session such that on air rendering will not be hindered in any way.
The MUX Fixed port is traditionally used by Viz Pilot Newsroom Client, and is the same as the MUX
Shared Port, except that allocated resources are never cleared from memory. To avoid memory
overload, it is recommended to clean up the Viz Engine regularly when this port is used.
The MUX Shared Port is a shared port where all connections from one single host shares one
session. It is most often used by Viz Trio and the Newsroom Client to show preview frames.
The MUX Isolated Port is an isolated port where all connections get their own session. It is used,
for example in an NLE configuration, to deliver frames to the host NLE-system when rendering or
scrubbing video clips with graphics. Using this port will also suppress bounding box commands.
Note: The MUX Isolated Port cannot be used by the Newsroom Component.
When UAC is enabled, an additional confirmation prompt will show when these items are installed
or removed:
• Viz Artist/Engine
• Viz One Services (Mediaftp or fsmon)
• The web service for the Viz Engine REST interface
When UAC settings are modified, a reboot is required.
Viz Artist/Engine and all plug-ins shipped with the Viz Artist installer are UAC aware. However, if
other plug-ins are used, a warning message may be displayed during Viz Engine startup:
WARNING: The plugin <> may not be UAC aware. Contact your plugin vendor for
an updated version.
This warning means that the plug-in may not work correctly if UAC is enabled. For example, the
plug-in might attempt to write into the installation folder, which is not allowed anymore.
Contact the plug-in vendor for information on the UAC awareness of the plug-in.
IMPORTANT! Even though the warning shows, the plug-in is still loaded on startup.
Most changes result from the UAC requirement that an application must not write into the
installation folder.
The content of the bundle installer can be extracted by using the –dump command line
Example: VizArtistBundle-x86- -dump
Tip: Download the Viz Artist and Engine installer from Vizrt’s FTP server.
1. Run the installer. The bundle installer provides an overview of all required dependencies that
will be installed in addition to the main application. Already installed dependencies are listed
Note: The bundle installer selects most features by default. Check the feature list and
add or remove features as required.
3. Click install to complete the installation wizard. The various dependencies are installed as
4. Click Finish. If something interrupts the installation, click Show log to view the installation
log files.
Open Uninstall a program from the Control Panel, select Viz Artist and remove the existing
installation. Then run the MSI file to install Viz Artist/Engine.
• Installing Viz Artist/Engine using the bundle installer will upgrade older installations. Any
older version is removed, except versions prior to Viz Artist and Engine 3.6. This is true even
if you opt to install Viz Artist/Engine in a different directory.
• You can only install one version of Viz Artist/Engine per architecture. This means:
• You cannot install Viz Artist and Engine in parallel with older versions.
• You can install a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version of Viz Artist/Engine in parallel.
• Installing the 64-bit version will not upgrade any existing 32-bit version, and vice
• The installer suggests installing to the previous installation folder. You may change it. The
recommended installation directories are C:\Program Files (x86)\vizrt\Viz3 for the 32-bit
application and C:\Program Files\vizrt\Viz3 for the 64-bit application.
• The installer pre-selects all previously installed features. You may change them.
• The installer does not support downgrading. Remove the currently installed version to install
an earlier version of Viz Artist and Engine.
• Upgrading will not change any modified or newly added files of the old installation. For
example, files like Configuration files, Log files or additional files like customer plug-ins,
remain unchanged in their original folder.
• Since Viz version 3.7.1, viz.exe no longer checks the %Program Files% folder for
Configuration files (.cfg) or Lens files (.lcb). These files must be located in %ProgramData%
• If the previous Viz Engine/Artist was installed in the default folder, the Configuration
and Lens files are automatically copied during upgrade from the default installation
folder to %ProgramData%\vizrt\viz3.
• If the previous Viz Engine/Artist was installed in a custom folder, the Configuration
and Lens files needs to be copied manually from the old installation folder to
This will create a sub-folder containing all packages contained in the bundle installer. Use the
VizArtist.msi file located in this sub-folder for unattended installations. This is useful in large-
scale enterprise deployment.
IMPORTANT! The VizArtist.msi installation file does not support upgrades, and will
terminate without installing. Enable logging and specify a log file to keep track of any
issues during silent installation.
1. Run the following from a command line prompt, or save it to a batch file for execution:
2. Enter msiexec on the command line and press enter to see other options. Common options
• /i: Installs or configures a product. Package: Specifies the name of the Windows
Installer package file. ProductCode: Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of
the Windows Installer package.
• /x: Removes a product. Package: Name of the Windows Installer package file.
ProductCode: Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Windows Installer package.
• /l, /log: Enable logging. Make sure to specify the log file name.
In the License Information window, the platform and Viz version number show as:
• Platform: Win32 (32-bit) or X64 (64-bit).
• Viz Version: 3.7.XX.XXX (Win32) or (X64).
• Video
• Trio Box CG
• Dual Channel
• Dual Channel VGA
3.7.1 VGA
VGA is Viz Engine with VGA/DVI preview capabilities. This option has no support for any video
hardware and has no live input or output options.
This configuration can, for example, be used for a Video Wall solution, Viz Frame Servers (for Viz
NLE and Viz Pilot preview/still rendering systems).
3.7.2 Video
The Video option supports live input and output on SDI and/or IP, and typically provides one
program output (fill and key on one channel). Preview without live video is available through VGA/
1. Make sure that the date and time on the computer is correct. The license is only valid for a
certain time frame.
2. Insert the License dongle.
3. Start Viz Engine or Viz Artist.
4. Open the License window:
• If this is a first time license application or the license has expired, the License window
will open.
• If this is a new license application before a license expiry date, click on the License
Information button.
5. Check that the Dongle ID, in the License Information text file, is the same as the System ID
in the License window.
Tip: In Viz Artist or Viz Engine, click on to view the Viz console.
5. Press <Enter>.
6. Restart Viz Artist/Engine for the changes to take effect.
• Setup Requirements
• RS422 and XtenDD35 Configuration
• RS422 pin-out for the connector cable
• RS422 Controller Set Up Examples
• Bluestorm LP PCI card configuration
• ExSys EX-1303 USB to RS422 connector configuration
4. Usually, a special RS422 cable is required to connect the controller to the EVS video server. It
is recommended to use a connector cable to connect the RS422/DB9 connector to a
standard RS422 cable. The RS422 cable should work with a normal EVS video server
5. Every RS422 controller has a different pin-out setting and requires a different connector
cable. The table below shows which signal of the RS422 controller must be connected to
which pin on the EVS side:
RxD B+ (in) 7
TxD B+ (out) 3
TxD A- (out) 8
RxD A- (in) 2
TxD+ 2 3 RxD+
TxD- 3 8 RxD-
RxD- 4 2 TxD-
RxD+ 1 7 TxD+
TxD+ 2 3 RxD+
TxD- 1 8 RxD-
RxD- 4 2 TxD-
RxD+ 3 7 TxD+
6. Configure Viz Artist/Engine as required, by setting the Output Format, etc. Then click Save
and exit Viz Config.
7. Open the Viz Config Channel 2 application and repeat the above steps to configure the
second channel, using the dualchannel-1.cfg configuration file.
Note: If these Services are not required, make them unavailable when Viz Artist is installed.
The Mediaftp Service will print some feedback to the Viz Engine Console. The Fsmon
Service will not.
The files for Mediaftp and the Fsmon are installed into the folders:
• <viz install folder>\Fsmon
• <viz install folder>\Mediaftp
Log-files are written to the folders:
IMPORTANT! Make sure that the Clip Data Directory is set correctly before the services are
installed (see Video Board).
IMPORTANT! The local host name must be exactly the same string that was
entered in the Viz One as host name for the Viz Engine (it must be the exact
same string as seen beside Host on the Servers page).
5. MediaFTP Service Only: Set the transfer band width (Kbits per second), as required.
Note: Mediaftp is installed with the -a flag. This assumes that the default Viz One
user/password combination is: vtrsync/vtrsync. Mediaftp will install, but not work, if
the user/password combination is different (see Adding a Viz Engine in the Viz One
Administrators Guide).
Note: Any currently installed Services must be removed before a new Service can be
Note: When a Service is removed, the Service is made inactive. The Service is still available,
and if required again, click Install to make active.
Note: The procedures, detailed below, are only relevant for low resolution versions of video
clips to be previewed on Viz One. In most cases this happens when control applications,
such as Viz Trio, are used to, for example, preview a full screen clip. High resolution video
clip versions do not need this codec installation.
The following procedures will guide you through the necessary installation steps:
• • To Install Codecs for Local Preview
• To Set a Preferred Decoder
• To Register the Matroska Splitter
• To Unregister the Matroska Splitter
• To Configure Preview of Clips Stored on Viz One
• Make sure that there are no other codec packages installed on the machine that will interfere
with FFDShow or the Matroska splitter.
Note: A license is required for clip playback as FFDShow does not come with a
decoding license.
IMPORTANT! Make sure a license is available to use the codec and that the 32-
bit version of the codec is downloaded
Note: There are two files available, one in the root folder that is used for 32-bit
systems, and one in the x64 folder used for 64-bit systems.
4. Enter regsvr32
5. Click OK. A message box appears confirming your registration.
6. Click OK.
REST, a message has to be self-descriptive, meaning that all the information needed to process the
message is required to be contained within the message.
The Viz Engine REST interface can be activated by enabling Webservice in the Communication
section of Configuring Viz.
If User Account Control (UAC) is active, press Install after setting the Port. The default port for the
Viz Engine web service is 61000. After restarting VIZ, the REST interface can be accessed by
navigating a web browser to http://localhost:61000. The landing page will display the status of
the Engine, with information on which mode it is running in and its version number.
Once the REST interface has been activated, the complete documentation for the Viz Engine REST
interface can be accessed by navigating to http://localhost:61000/#/documentation, or by
clicking the Documentation link from the landing page.
• Dolby E Features
• Dolby E License
• Dolby E Configuration
Note: The Dolby E stream (encoded in a stereo pair) must be on the first two AES or
embedded audio channels
• Encoding of one Dolby E stream (minimum eight/maximum 16 Dolby E channels) on the fill
Note: The Dolby E signal is encoded on the first two AES or embedded audio
channels on the output.
• All audio channels from the Viz timeline can be mixed, as usual, with the decoded Dolby E
signal from the inputs, and will be output together with the input audio as Dolby E
• Dolby E encoding and decoding can be configured independently, i.e. it is possible to input
PCM audio and output Dolby E or vice versa
• You can also have PCM audio on one or more inputs and Dolby E audio on different input
and mix them together
• Dolby E decoding from clip channels is not supported
Dolby E License
Each Dolby E stream processed in the system requires a license
The Dolby E licenses are software licenses which reside on a software dongle and can hold
multiple licenses for one system.
There need to be a separate Dolby E license as well as the Dolby License (Encoder and
Decoder) issued by vizrt.
3. Click OK.
4. Start Viz Engine.
IMPORTANT! Do not use the Hash tag (#) in any folder, file or path name, as Viz Engine
ignores text following a Hash tag.
For an overview of the available commands, open the console window and type ? or help, then
press enter. This will output a list of the available console commands. The complete
documentation for the command interface is included with the Viz installation, and can be found
<Viz Install Folder>\Documentation\CommandInterface.
External Commands can also be sent manually to Viz Engine through the console window, using
the send command. External commands range from loading a scene and taking the scene on air, to
shutting down Viz Engine. To issue a command to the Engine, open the console window and type
send [COMMAND], then press enter. For example, the command VERSION can be used to display the
current Viz version and build number:
send VERSIONCONSOLE: answer <Version:>
Most commands also have a subset of commands. All commands in the Engine follow a specific
syntax, and can be passed either properties or further commands. The general syntax structure is:
[Leading flag] [Location] [Command] [Value]
Locations and commands may also have sub-locations or subsets of commands, respectively, in
which case an asterisk serves as the divider between each part. Please see the examples below for
a better understanding of how to address these.
• Leading Flag: Define if Viz Engine should send a reply to the command being issued. A
leading -1 indicates that no reply is required. Positive integers, including 0, serve as a
command ID. This allows an external control application to match the reply to the
corresponding command request, if several commands are sent simultaneously.
• Location: The location can be the main object, configuration, an object ID, one of the object
pools, a container or geometry, a key-frame, a shared memory (SHM) location, a layer, and
so on. In addition, the location can be any command or property of such. In essence,
anything in Viz could serve as the location for a command.
As an example, a scene can be loaded into any one of the three layers in Viz; Back layer,
Main layer and Front layer. The layers can be addressed by name:
In addition, the scene can be accessed directly by referring to the scene via its
database path, UUID, REST URL or temporary object ID:
• SCENE*SceneLocation
• Command: The Command part of the syntax can consist of either a property or another
• Value: The value for the command, which can be for example a numeric value, a location or
a state.
Viz Engine can address locations in three ways, by either UUID, Path or REST:
• UUID: Universally Unique Identifiers are always provided angle brackets, for example
• Path: The full path to the item, as seen in Viz Artist.
• REST: In addition to the built-in Viz Engine REST interface, Viz Engine also interprets Graphic
Hub REST URLs as part of commands. Even though the commands themselves are case
sensitive, the host names and UUIDs in REST URLs are not. The URLs may also contain
special characters, like a forward slash.
These are all valid as locations when passing commands to Viz Engine, although they
change the appearance of the command itself. Here is an example command setting an
image as background image for the loaded scene, for each location method: UUID:
Tip:Object IDs are temporary shortcuts created on the fly when an item is loaded into
memory, and removed when unloading the item or restarting Viz. To get an objects Object
ID, pass the GET command to the OBJECT_ID location of the object. For example:
commands by default, the Viz configuration file must be manually edited, setting
show_internal_commands to 1. During normal operation, however, it would usually suffice to
temporarily activate the output of internal commands to the console, by clicking the (Show
Commands) icon in the Viz Artist or Viz Engine GUI. This will also make the console window stay
always on top, meaning it will not be hidden behind other full-screen applications, such as Viz
Artist or an Engine in On Air Mode.
Command Description
-3D To playback 3D Stereo Clips. This sets Viz Artist in a special mode where a
side by side clip will be split and played out on channel A and B on the Matrox
board.Note: This is for clips only
-B <path> Specify the path where Viz Engine stores its temporary data (see Viz Artist/
Engine Folders)
-db Specify which Graphic Hub to connect to on Viz Engine startup. password can
user:password be omitted from the argument, but user, server, naming-server and port
@server/ must always be provided.
Example: viz.cmd -db Guest:@VizDbServer/localhost:19396
In the example above, Viz Engine will connect to a Graphic Hub server called
VizDbServer on the naming-server localhost at port 19396, as the user Guest
with no password.
-g <config file> Start with a predefined Viz Config file. This allows a User to have more than
one startup option
Command Description
-o <scene>
-o <layer>
-t Enables non-interactive mode for all occurrences except dongle issues and
sound driver setup.
-u1, -u2, -u3(up For systems with two or more graphic cards (i.e. Trio One Box / Dual
to a maximum Channel). Specify GPU1 (-u1), GPU2 (-u2), etc., to run Viz Artist on. See
of 24) Systems with Two or More GPUs below.
-Y <path> Specify the path where Viz Engine stores its program data (see Viz Artist/
Engine Folders)
• Formula: m%n
• m = -u1/-u2/etc.
• n = number of GPUs
For example, two Viz Engines:
• System with 2 GPUs: Engines run on GPU2: Engine 1 (-u2) / Engine 2 (-u4)
• System with 3 GPUs: Engines run on GPU2: Engine 1 (-u2) / Engine 2 (-u5)
When either Trio One Box or Dual Channel Viz Artist versions are installed, GPUs are selected
by default.
5 Configuring Viz
Viz Configuration is the configuration interface for Viz Engine and other applications that integrate
with Viz Engine.
Caution: Make sure that any changes are saved before Viz Configuration is closed. Changes
are not saved and will not take effect until Viz Artist has been closed and started again.
4. Click the Restart... button to apply the saved changes. The Viz Config file is updated.
• Various Tab
• Channels Tab
• Manual Audio Configuration
• Audio Active: This acts as a global on/off switch for audio in the Viz Engine.
• Ring Buffer Delay: Enable to make the audio system compensate for the ring buffer delay
during clip playout. Ring buffer is ignored when disabled.
• Mute On Scene Load: When set to On, audio is muted before any scene load commands are
executed. This is necessary for video cards which do not mute the audio automatically, when
no video refresh happens.
Note: Additional commands to mute audio can be added in the Viz Config file.
• Driver Mode: Affects playback of sound on the computer running Viz Engine, for audio
monitoring purposes.
• None: Prohibits Viz Engine from playing out sound on the local system.
• DirectSound: Use DirectSound drivers (requires DirectX). This is the recommended
• MCI Mode: Use MCI driver mode, for systems where DirectSound is either not available
or performs unsatisfactorily.
• Used Channels: Set the number of configurable channel alias fields that can be mixed by the
internal channels in Viz Engine (software). On a Matrox system this number must be equal to
the number of configured input channels (hardware). This setting is independent of the
Channel Geometry setting.
• Reset Aliases: Set the channel aliases to the default option (the custom entry is not removed)
• Out Channel 0-15: The Out Channels represent the internal Viz audio channels, which are
mixed to the output device one by one. Alias names are useful to create multilingual
systems, and also to define the channel geometry for the Default and FX audio clip mix
modes. Aliases are separated by a semicolon. The Audio plug-in only uses the channel
aliases to find the correct speakers for Pan and 3D sound effects in FX mode. With this
functionality any of the 16 internal audio channels can be used to play any audio geometry.
4. Click Save.
Setup Tab
The Setup tab lists all available audio devices available to the Viz Engine audio mixer (see Audio in
All devices listed with Device0 are DirectSound compatible devices installed on the system.
Device0 is always the default playback device, configurable through Sound options in the Windows
system Control Panel.
When a Matrox card is installed, Matrox audio is available.
With Matrox audio, there are different ways to capture audio for use with the Viz Engine audio
mixer, before it is output:
1. Capture audio embedded in the live video input signal from the live input connectors.
2. Capture audio from the AES connectors.
The final output is the same, either embedded as part of the live video output signal, or
separated out to the AES output connectors.
In addition, simply loop audio through the system. This will make the embedded or AES audio
unavailable to the Viz Engine audio mixer.
The Default mode captures audio and directs it to the default onboard audio device with no output
on the Matrox card output connectors.
Note: The Matrox audio-extension board is not configurable through this user interface.
• Embedded: Audio is captured from the Live video input connectors and made available
to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources. Then output as
embedded audio on the live video output connectors.
• AES: Audio is captured from the AES input connectors and made available to the Viz
Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources. Then output on the AES output
• Embedded -> AES: Embedded audio is captured from the live video input connectors
and made available to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources.
Then output on the AES output connectors.
• AES -> Embedded: Audio is captured from the AES input connectors and made
available to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources.Then
output as embedded audio on the live video output connectors.
• Loop: Audio is looped through. No audio is mixed.
• Default: Audio is captured, but no output on the Matrox card.
Matrox0.AudioOut1.MapToVizChannel = 0
Matrox0.AudioOut2.MapToVizChannel = -1
3. Note that the audio output for the first Viz Engine (1) should be according to the video
output channel:
Matrox0.VideoOut1.MapToVizChannel = 0
Matrox0.VideoOut2.MapToVizChannel = -1
4. For the second Viz Engine (2) the configuration should look like this:
Matrox0.AudioOut1.MapToVizChannel = -1
Matrox0.AudioOut2.MapToVizChannel = 0
Note: In a stereo setup, audio must be set to OFF in the second Viz Engine (2).
Matrox0.VideoOut1.MapToVizChannel = -1
Matrox0.VideoOut2.MapToVizChannel = 0
Matrox0.AudioOut3.MapToVizChannel = -1
Matrox0.AudioOut4.MapToVizChannel = -1
5.5 Authentication
The Authentication panel is for the authentication of one or more Viz One systems on Viz Artist.
Enter the details of each Viz One system to connect to.
To save a new user, all three panelsof the Authentication panel must be completed. If a Realm is
not required, enter <empty> in the Realm panel. If only one or two panels are completed, the
information will not be saved.
• Host Info =
• Host Info =
• Host Info = *
• A Host cannot be added without at least one Realm (or an empty Realm with <empty>
entered) and one User defined
• A Host can have more than one Realm
Note: Do not enter a URL as the Host Info name. The Host Info name format must be
host[:port], for example:
Realm Properties
Determines if an entry should be used in an authentication process for a given URI.
Example: A single value of shows that it should be used against all realms, i.e., Realm = [a-
zA-Z_0-9] or ‘ * ’
• Add: Add a Realm.
• Change: Change a selected Realm.
• Remove: Remove a selected Realm.
• Realm: Enter the name of the required Realm.
• Add: Add a user.
• Change: Change a selected user.
• Remove: Remove a selected user.
• User: Enter the user name.
Do not enter a URL as the Host Info name. The Host Info name format must be host[:port]. For
Only entries which consist of Host + Realm + User will be saved to the configuration file. After the
completion of the required procedures, make sure that you restart Viz Artist. Changes are not
saved until Viz Artist has been restarted.
To Add a Realm
1. Click on a Viz One Host.
2. Enter a Realm name.
3. Click Add.
To Add a User
1. Select a Viz One Host.
2. Select a Realm.
3. Enter a User name.
4. Enter and confirm a User password, if required.
5. Click Add.
6. Click Save or Save as...
Note: The password of the currently highlighted User will always show in the
Password box.
5.6 Camera
In the Camera section, special camera behavior settings which are used for virtual studio setups,
can be set. Viz IO is used as the studio configuration and calibration tool for enabling connectivity
and control between all required studio devices such as cameras, routers, VTRs, video servers,
audio mixers and other studio equipment.
• Virtual Studio: When set to Active the tracking process will be started when Viz Engine is
• Command: Set the path to the ’.bat’ file that will start the tracking process. If a valid path is
given, Viz Engine will start Viz IO during startup.
• On Air Camera: Activates the selected camera that should be used when setting the scene
in On Air mode. The camera is controlled by an external tracking device.
• Stereo Mode: (license required):
Note: Stereo Mode settings only take effect when the design is taken on air.
• Off: Stereo mode is not available and can not seen in the GUI Camera Editor
• Quad Buffered: When using nVisio glasses together with a monitor with a frequency
>100Hz the image for the left/right eye will be shown alternately and the glasses will
darken the other eye. This configuration provides the full resolution
• Over Under Left Top/Over Under Right Top: Both images will be drawn beneath each.
Either side can be drawn first. The image height will be halved, providing half
• Left Eye/Right Eye: Either the left or the right eye image will be rendered for dual-
channel setups in combination with a Video Wall / Stereo Distributor. Full resolution
• Side By Side Left/Side By Side Right: Both images will be rendered side by side, either
left or right first. The image width will be halved, providing half resolution
• Distortion: Here you can set the lens distortion parameters for each camera individually.
• Camera: set the camera number.
• Distortion mode: set the preferred distortion depending on the tracking system which
is used. Available distortion modes are:
• Auto
• Internal
• Libero
• Xpecto
• Radial
• Stype
• Trackmen
• Parameter mode: set the parameter for the lens distortion, depending on the tracking
system which is used:
• Auto
• Lens File
• Libero
• Manual
• Tracking Hub
See Also
• Advanced Lens Distortion in the Viz Artist User's Guide.
5.7 Communication
In this section, network connections can be set. External control software, for example, Viz Trio,
uses TCP/IP network connections to send commands to the Viz Engine renderer engine (some
external communications are also through UDP). Viz Artist expects the commands at the ports
which are defined here.
The Communication panel has three tabs, Global, Shared Memory and VDCP (Video Disk Control
• General Comm. Port: Set a general communication port for receiving external commands
when in On Air Mode. Make sure to update settings on the client side if you change the
default port. The default is port 6100 (TCP).
• Additional Communication: Enables sending of commands to Viz Engine on UDP and
Multicast, or a combination of the two. Video Wall setups use this.
• Udp&Multicast Port Number: Set the port number for the computers that share the same
virtual IP address.
• Multicast IP Address: Set the shared virtual IP address.
Note: The default maximum number of TCP connections is limited to 255. Within this
number of connections, a user defined limit of maximum connections can be set.
• Enable GPI: Enables initialization of supported Sealevel GPI/O devices when Viz Engine starts.
• MUX Isolated Port: Port number for isolated sessions - no shared data (NLE).
• MUX Shared Port: Port number for shared sessions - shared data (NLE).
• MUX Fixed Port: Port number for fixed sessions - shared data, no reference counting (NLE).
• Multi Touch Port: Port number where Viz Engine listens for the multi touch server. Required
for Server UPD communication.
• Multi Touch IP Address: IP address where Viz Engine listens for the multi touch server. Viz
Artist and Engine sends keep-alive messages to the Multi Touch Server. You need to enter
the IP address of this server. Required for Server UPD communication.
• TUIO Port: Set the TUIO (Tangible User Interface Object) port number to communicate with a
TUIO enabled multi-touch device. TUIO is a protocol for Table-Top Tangible User Interfaces.
The default port for most TUIO applications is 3333.
• Display Diagonal (inches): Used for gesture recognition. Viz Artist and Engine can calculate
transformations with momentum. For this, it needs to know the real, physical, screen-
dimension to calculate the correct animation speeds. The value is in inches.
• Display Aspect Ratio: Used for gesture recognition. The real aspect ratio of the screen is
required, as some screens do not have pixel aspect ratios of 1.0.
• Frame Accurate Viz Comm.: Frame accurate commands through TCP (commands delayed by
ring buffer and specified FAVC bias). Enable only for external control that supports special
frame accurate command execution. Used with Frame Accurate Output.
• FAVC Bias: Define delay in fields, in addition to ring buffer size, for frame accurate
commands via TCP or GPI. This is the bias in frames for the commands, if Frame Accurate
Viz Comm. is set to On. Allows negative values.
• Command Field Dominance: States when to handle the commands sent to Viz Engine. For
example, when set to Odd Retrace Counter, Viz Engine handles all commands on odd fields.
Not valid in progressive video output modes. Options are:
• Always.
• Odd Retrace Counter: Execute commands at an odd retrace counter.
• Even Retrace Counter: Execute commands at an even retrace counter.
• Intern. Always/Extern. Odd: Execute commands internally always and externally at an
odd retrace counter.
• Intern. Always/Extern. Even: Execute commands internally always and externally at an
even retrace counter.
Note: To view the current documentation for the REST interface, go to http://
localhost:<port number>/#/documentation
• Install: Enter a port number and click Install to install the Webservice.
• Uninstall: Remove the Webservice.
IMPORTANT! The Webservice does not automatically install when User Account
Control (UAC) is active. Click Install to activate the Webservice.
• GFX Port: Set the GFX Channel starting port number (GFX2: GFX Port+1, GFX3: GFX Port+2.
For example: 55000, 55001, 55002, etc.
• Multicast IP Address: Set the address for synchronizing distributed shared memory map
without a Graphic Hub.
• Multicast Port: Synchronize shared memory between all Viz Engines listening to the
• UDP Port: Set the UDP listening port for the shared memory input.
• TCP Port: Set the TCP listening port for the shared memory input.
• Debug: Enable Shared Memory logging for UDP and TCP communication.
• Master Engine IP Address: Set the IP address of the master Viz Engine which holds the
complete shared memory map (loaded during startup of Viz Engine).
• Master Engine Port: Set the initializing port for the shared memory on startup (the command
port of the master Viz Engine).
• Master Poll: Enable to make a Viz Engine load the shared memory map from the master Viz
Engine, through the selected communication protocol. Available options are:
• Inactive
• Commands
See Also
• Shared Memory (SHM)
• VizCommunication.Map (see the Viz Artist User Guide)
Basic control is the ability to set a clip and to start, stop, pause or continue playback of a clip, or
the scene animation in the specific layer.
• Controller <1 to 8>: Configure up to eight external controllers.
Each Controller has these parameters:
• ID: Available if Mode is set to Clip Channel. Select a Clip channel (an ID (1 to 16)) to control
• Layer: Available if Mode is set to Layer. Select either Back, Main or Front
In this section, twenty various digital date and time formats can be set. Viz Engine distinguishes
between uppercase and lowercase clock formats, allowing for even more customization options.
Setting the clock format using lowercase letters forces Viz Engine to display the digit even if the
value is 0. By defining the clock format using uppercase letters, Viz Engine will omit the value if it
is zero. This allows the designer to omit unused digits while still planning for their use when
designing the scene.
• Format 1-20: Sets and enables the clock formats that may be selected in Viz Artist during
scene design.
Tip: Add a font GEOM in Viz Artist to see how the clock formats can be used.
5.9 Database
The Database section has three tabs for setting connections to, e.g. a Graphic Hub, Failover
servers and Deploy servers.
• Global Properties
• Failover Properties
• Deploy Properties
See Also
• Graphic Hub User Guide
• Host Name: Enter the name of the Graphic Hub naming service. The naming service will
always be a one to one map to the Host Name of the machine running a Graphic Hub.
• Hub: Enter the Graphic Hub server name.
• Port Number: Enter the listener port number for a Graphic Hub. The default port number is
19396, and should normally not be changed.
• User: Set the default user.
• Additional Host Names: Enter the host name or IP address of a Graphic Hub database located
on a different subnet, to make it selectable in the log on screen database drop-down
list.Multiple entries can be added, and must be separated by a semicolon. Hosts located on
different subnets will be highlighted in turquoise in the drop-down list.
• Communication Timeout Settings:
• Failover Timeout (sec): Set the maximum time to wait before a fail over is initiated
from the main to the replication Graphic Hub.
• Global RT Timeout (sec): Set the maximum response time for any request to a Graphic
• Establishing Timeout (sec): Set the maximum waiting time to establish a connection to
a Graphic Hub.
• Auto Log On: Enable or disable automatic log on to a Graphic Hub. This will disable the log
on screen for Viz Artist/Engine.
• Import by Name: Set to Yes to check for objects by name rather than by UUID. Set to No to
check by UUID.
• Popup Server Messages: Enable or disable popup server messages. Disabled only works on
local host.
• Date Format: Set the date format to EU (DD.MM.YYYY 13:54) or US (MM/DD/YY 01:54).
• Archive Bit-Mode: Set the bit-mode in which the archive will be saved.
Note: For compatibility, 32-bit should be enabled if scenes will be imported to Viz
Artist versions prior to build 2310.
• The following prefix settings are needed if an external control application is used that sends
commands containing certain path locations, but where the path of the files is a different
one on the Graphic Hub (e.g. because they were deployed to a specific location).
• Prefix Mode: Activate the prefix mode.
• Prefix Converting Info: Show the prefixed (final) paths in the console (this behaves like
the Viz Artist 2.x debug mode).
• Prefix Path: Contains the prefix path string that is used for incoming commands
containing path parameters.
• Transfer Buffer Size: The entered value is a multiplier for the standard buffer size of 51200
bytes and is only for the transfer buffer size to the Graphic Hub (Graphic Hub 2.4 and above
• Max Search Results: Set the maximum amount of search results which should show in the
search result panel (see Item Search and SmartViewSearch in the Viz Artist User Guide).
• All: Show all results. To set a maximum amount deactivate All
• Search Date Mode: Select the results date order for Item Search and SmartView Search:
• Modification: Sort search results by their modification date
• Creation: Sort search results by their creation date
Note: To configure deploy servers, the user you are currently logged in with on the source
server must exist on the destination server with the same credentials.
• Japanese Industry Standard Code (JIS): Sets Japanese industry standard code character
• Shifted Japanese Industry Standard Code (SJIS): Sets the newer Shift JIS character
encoding standard which sets aside certain character codes to signal the start of a
two-character sequence.
• Extended Unix Code (EUC): Sets Extended Unix Code (EUC) character encoding that is
a multi byte character encoding system used primarily for Japanese, Korean, and
simplified Chinese.
• Unicode: Sets the Unicode character encoding where every two characters are inter-
operated as one (not widely used).
• UTF-8: Sets UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) character encoding that
is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode.
• Default Text Orientation: Sets the default horizontal text orientation. Available options are;
Left, Center and Right.
• Default Text V. Orientation: Sets the default vertical text orientation. Available options are;
Top, First Line, Center and Bottom.
• Default Text Direction: Sets the default text direction. Available options are; Left to Right,
Right to Left and Top to Bottom.
• Font Handling: Sets the font handling. Available options are Font file or Complex script.
• Font file: Sets the font kerning to Font file that is mainly used for languages written
from left to right.
• Complex script: Sets the font kerning to Complex script. Complex script is mainly
used for languages written from right to left, or when one character is composed of
one or several Glyphs.
IMPORTANT! With font handling in Complex Script mode, all fonts used must
be installed in Windows to avoid unpredictable text behavior.
• Advanced Import for Asian Languages: Activate this option to import fonts to be used with
special features, including vertical text and EUDC. This feature is useful for some Asian
languages. The fonts must be installed in the operating system.
• Font Import: Sets the Font import. Available options are; File (Standard) and Windows
• File (Standard): Imports and stores fonts on the database.
• Windows (Advanced): Stores only the font name on the database. For this to work the
font must be installed on the Windows system where Viz Engine resides.
• Blur Import: Enables blur levels for fonts used in Viz 2.x scenes. These options will make
sure that fonts imported to Viz 3.x will be recreated with all blur levels used in Viz 2.x.
Available options are Blur 1-4.
• Outline Import: Enables outline levels for fonts used in Viz 2.x scenes. These options will
make sure that fonts imported to Viz 3.x will be recreated with all outline levels used in Viz
2.x. Available options are Outline 1-3.
• Calculate Max Bounding Box Size: Enables Viz Artist/Engine 3.x to calculate the bounding
boxes as they were calculated in Viz Artist/Engine 2.x. In Viz Artist/Engine 3.x a text
object’s bounding box height will increase if a capital character is entered (e.g. an umlaut
(double dots)). In Viz Artist/Engine 2.x the bounding box height was always the same and
independent of the characters in the text object. Available options are Active and Inactive.
Default is Inactive (false).
• Replace missing Characters with: Replaces a missing font character in a font file with a
default font character. The Unicode value refers to the decimal value of the replacement
character in the Unicode table (valid values are 0-65553). Normal usage would select a (42)
or (95).
• Preserve newlines/spaces: When set to Active, spaces and newlines at the end of the text
will not be removed when saving and reloading a scene. This influences bounding boxes.
The default state is Inactive.
• Group: Define which multicast group the generated or received messages belong to. If more
than one group is to be defined, a unique Group number must be set for each group
• Role: Defines how messages are generated and processed. Alternatives are; None, Master
and Slave
• None: Messages are only generated and processed on the local Viz Engine
• Master: A Master creates messages for himself and the defined group
• Slave: A Slave reads and processes 6DOF messages but is not allowed creating them
• Synch. Properties: Make the synchronization of Viz Engine Scene properties Active or Inactive
• Synchronized engines work within the same network segment only because it is using
multicast, hence, it is important to use the right connection
• The first connection can be determined by setting a manual metric in Windows: see
7. Start all Viz Engines again.
8. Create a simple test scene with a geometry and the Synchronized Properties plug-in (Built Ins
> Container > Global) on the same container.
9. Save the Scene.
10. Open the Scene on all involved Viz Engines.
11. Move the geometry on one Viz Engine.
• All the other Viz Engines will show the same object movement.
• Unify Object Size: If enabled, all vertices are recalculated during import in a way that the
object center is moved to the origin (0,0,0), and the size of the object is 100 cm in its
largest extent. If disabled, all vertices retain their values as defined in the original file. An
object could appear invisible in a Viz Artist scene because the object is translated a lot from
the origin or is scaled up or down a lot. It could be necessary to deactivate the unification to
be able to recombine several separately imported objects that must keep their size and
relative position.
• Face Orientation: Polygonal 3D models often do not have a consistent face orientation, but
for performance reasons, the Viz Artist renderer expects that all faces of an object point to
the same direction. If enabling this function, Viz Artist tries to rearrange the orientation of
the object faces during import.
• Shading Angle: If the 3D object has no normal vector information, Viz Artist automatically
recalculates the normals from the geometry to make lighting possible. This recalculation is
influenced by the shading angle, which acts as a threshold between sharp and soft edges.
Note: A shading angle value of 60 means that an edge between two faces is
considered to be a soft edge for angles below 60 and a sharp edge above this level.
60 is the default shading angle.
Example: If an image file name starts with the string Replace this part of the file name can
be replaced by the string With.
• Clip Data Directory: Set the clip directory (default directory is D:\ drive). Multiple directories
can also be selected (see Select Multiple Directories)
Note: This directory is also used for Viz One installations, as the root parameter for
the Fsmon and Mediaftp services (see Viz One).
• Verbosity: Select content of log files, if no selection is made only the default content of the
log file will be created:
• Verbose Output: Enables the most information in the Viz Engine Console.
• Include Date and Time: Default content of the log file with the addition of date and
• OpenGL Error Output (AMD): Default content of the log file with the addition of
OpenGL Error Output (AMD).
• GH Debug Log: Default content of the log file including Write GH Connection Log.
• Post Default Path: Set the default location of Render to Disk clips.
• Network Drive Linking: Enable to allow Viz Artist access to mapped network drives on certain
systems where UAC is enabled.
• Startup commands: Enter and save commands that will be executed on startup, but after the
initial setup configuration and before the main render loop activates. Examples:
Note: Log files will be written to the <viz data folder> directory, normally c:
\ProgramData\Vizrt\viz3. This directory is by default hidden in Windows, so to
navigate to this directory in Windows Explorer specify the explicit path. For more
information see Viz Artist/Engine Log Files.
Note: The directory has to match the directory set when the Mediaftp service for video
transfer from Viz One was installed.
See Also
• Clip Properties in the Viz Artist User Guide
5.15 Maps
• Map Server: Enables or disables Viz World Server (WoS) connection for Viz World Client
(WoC). If there is a problem with the Viz World installation, an error message will be
displayed next to the Active/Inactive button.
• Server: Sets the Viz World Server host.
• Project: Sets the default map project that will be opened with the client application.
• Available: Lists all available Viz World Server projects.
• Map size: Sets the default map size that will be used with the client application.
• Cache Directory: Sets the cache directory for cached maps which can be a local drive,
mapped drive or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.
IMPORTANT! Make sure the Cache Directory folder is configured with read and write
access rights.
connections from Viz Artist and On Air Viz Engine’s used for preview and program output.
Viz Engines must be in On Air mode for them to be prioritized. For Viz World Map Editor you
can set it from its context menu. To enable this behavior on the server side you need to
enable WoS to prioritize its connections/log ins. For more information, see the Viz World
User’s Guide, Server Launcher Configuration section. If the configuration option is not
visible, add the VizWorld.ini file and set the priority.
• Network Monitor: Enables you to monitor relevant network connections (server and cache
folders). If you do not monitor the network and you try to connect over a “disconnected
network”, connecting to a server or a UNC path, it will take time before the system reports
back (e.g. 30 seconds or more). Enabling network monitoring will avoid such connection
issues. Note that the network monitor will only monitor a cache folder that use a UNC path
(not mounted/mapped drives). If the configuration option is not visible you need add the
VizWorld.ini file.
• Attributions: Adds an attribution to the map. Alternatives are; Static and Dynamic.
• Dynamic: Shows the attribution when a licensed imagery is in view and disappears
when the image is out of view.
• Static: Shows the attribution as long as there is a licensed imagery in the scene.
3. Save the file and start, for example Viz Config, to see the configurable parameters.
Monitor enables network monitoring. For more information see the Network Monitor setting
under the Maps section.
Priority sets Viz connection priority to the Viz World Server. For more information, see the Viz
World User’s Guide.
my Language ID refers to the order of languages in your list of languages (e.g. English = 0, Arabic
= 1, Hebrew = 2 and so on). For more information see the Languages setting under the Maps
5.16 Matrox
In the Matrox section assign Matrox Input and Output channels to Viz Engine Input and Output
The GUI shows a drop down menu for the configurable parameters. The parameters available is
dependent on the installed hardware.
• General Properties
• VideoOut Properties
• Map to Viz Channel
• Fill Properties
• Key Properties
• Manager, Repeat and 3G Properties
• VBI Properties
• IP Properties
• VideoIn Properties
• Map to Viz Channel
• Allow Properties
• Key Properties
• Video Properties
• VBI Properties
• Audio Properties
• Serial No.: Shows the serial number of the installed Matrox board.
• Board Info: Shows the model and type of the Matrox board.
• DSX Info: Shows the software version and driver version.
• Fast Texture Mode: Activate to shorten the ’in out’ delay in Texture Mode to a minimum.
Note: If Fast Texture Mode is set to Active, DVE will not work (see Video Clip Playout
Considerations and Video Playout in the Viz Artist User Guide).
• Low Latency Mode: Enables Low Latency Mode required for Viz Opus with the Matrox
X.mio3. Applies only to hardware configurations using the Matrox X.mio3 video board.
Disabled by default.
Note: Low Latency Mode is always enabled for configurations using the Matrox DSX
LE 4 video board, and the setting cannot be changed for this card.
• CC Extraction: Enable or disable the closed captioning extraction for Matrox X.mio3 and
• Print Clip Info: When activated, this setting enables printing of clip information to the
console. However, such information may cause the render loop to stall. Default mode is
• Watchdog: A timer that allows a system to continue video pass-through during an
application crash or system failure (see also Watchdog (Matrox X.mio Series) and Video
• Use Watchdog: When set to Active enables the Matrox X.mio watchdog feature. It
passes the input signal to the output when the Viz Engine is unresponsive. Default
mode is Inactive. When set to Active, video out set to off, will activate the after a given
timeout (see Timeout) (see also ).
• Timeout: Set the time, in milliseconds, until the watchdog takes over control. This
value should not be smaller than the time of two fields/frames. Default value is 999
Note:Use Watchdog and Timeout can also be set and changed in Video Board.
• Genlock:
• Use Flywheel: When activated, the Matrox board adopts a tracking mode if the genlock
signal is interrupted or lost that maintains the signal frequency until the source
genlock signal is regained. Default mode is Active.
• Max Recovery Time: Represents the time in milliseconds (ms) provided to the flywheel
to attempt to regain the genlock before an abrupt jump to the locked state is
performed. Default value is 15.
• Max Unclock Time: Represents the time in milliseconds (ms) provided to the flywheel
to remain in the unlocked state before switching to the free running state. Default
value is 15.
Fill Properties
• Allow Super Black: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is under 7.5
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
• Allow Super White: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is over 100
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
The colorimetry tables for SD (ITUR-BT 601) and HD (ITUR-BT 709) define a color conversion
from YUV with the range of 16-235 to RGB with the range of 0-255. Values above 235
are Super White and values below 16 are Super Black. As Super White and Super Black pixels
are outside the range of 1-byte RGB, these pixels will be clamped to the normal 16-235 YUV
range when used in a texture.
• Allow Chroma Clipping: Determines whether or not to clip over-saturated chroma levels in
the active portion of the output video signal. Default mode is Inactive.
• Digital Edge Sharpening Filter: Applies an edge sharpening filter to digital output video.
Default mode is Inactive. SD configurations only.
Key Properties
• Watchdog Key Opaque: Specifies if the output key must be opaque or transparent when the
watchdog unit activates. Default mode is Inactive.
• Allow Super Black: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is under 7.5
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
• Allow Super White: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is over 100
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
Note: Please see the description about allowing Super White and Super Black in the
Fill Properties section above.
• 3G Level B: Activates Level B for 3G mode in 1080p 50/60/60M (default mode is Level A).
VBI Properties
Use this switch to enable or disable VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval) in the output:
• Active: Enable VBI output
IP Properties
These configuration settings are specific to the Matrox X.mio3 IP video board, and will be inactive
if such a board is not installed.
• Source IP Address: Sets the IP address of the particular SFP being configured.
• Source UDP Port: Sets the UDP port of the particular SFP being configured.
• Destination IP Address: Sets the destination IP address. If sending to another Viz Engine with
a Matrox X.mio3 IP board, or the other SFP on the local machine, this must be a multicast
address in the IP Multicast address range, such as or
• Destination UDP Port: Sets the destination UDP port.
Note: When running a machine with two graphics cards (i.e. a Dual Channel or
Trio Box CG setup) video inputs are hardware resources on the Matrox board,
that cannot be shared. If one input for both Viz Engine instances is required,
split the signal and apply it to 2 video input connectors.
Allow Properties
• Allow Super Black: Determines whether or not to clip an input video signal that is under 7.5
IRE units. Default mode is Active.
• Allow Super White: Determines whether or not to clip an input video signal that is over 100
IRE units. Default mode is Active.
• Allow Chroma Clipping: Determines whether or not to clip over-saturated chroma levels in
the active portion of the input video signal. Default mode is Inactive.
Key Properties
Note: This switch is only enabled on input channels where capture with alpha is
• Key Apply Offset: Applies an offset to the luminance values so that the inverted result still
falls within the 16-235 range.
• Key Upscale Luma: Expands the luminance range of the input key signal from 16-235 to
• Key Invert Luma: Inverts the luminance part of the key signal (inverts the key).
• Shaped: Enables/Disables capture in shaped format.
Video Properties
• Manager Size: Sets the number of frames available in the on-board memory for capturing.
This value is influenced by the input delays specified in the parameters below and will
automatically be adjusted if it is too low. A too high value may cause memory problems on
the Matrox board. Default value is 6.
• Streaming Size: Not in use.
• Texturemanager Size: Defines the size of the texture buffer in frames. Default value is 8.
• Video Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the live input should be delayed before it can
be used as a DVE layer. Default value is 0 (Off).
• Video Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the live input should be delayed before it
can be used as a texture in the scene (default value is 4 (this is the minimum value, the
maximum value is 50).
Note: X.mio2 and DSX.LE3 minimum delay is 4, and the X.mio2 Plus minimum delay
is 1. These values are for the hardware and cannot be decreased. If set to below the
minimum value in the GUI the engine will reset to the minimum value.
Note: For certain input resolutions these minimum values are not sufficient and need
to be increased. The the Viz Engine installation provides configuration templates for
each video resolution.
• RP188 Enable: Enables capturing of SMPTE RP 188 extra information such as LTC and VITC.
Default is Inactive.
• Repeat Mode: Determines the behavior of the video input in case of capture drops. Options
• None: Does not repeat. Input goes black.
• 3G Level B: Activates Level B for 3G mode in 1080p 50/60/60M (default mode is Level A).
VBI Properties
• Enable: When set to Active this setting will enable VBI for this channel. Default is Inactive.
Note: If the input resolution is different from the output resolution it is impossible to
activate since can only be inserted if the resolutions are the same.
• Start Line: Defines at which line on the input the VBI section will start. Default value is 0
(Off). The minimum VBI values are (as for VideoOut):
• NTSC: 7
• PAL: 6
• 720p: 7
• 1080i: 6
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the VBI should be delayed before the clip can be used
in DVE mode (Default is 0 (Off)).
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the VBI should be delayed before the clip can be
used in texture mode. Default is 0 (Off).
Audio Properties
• Audio: When set to Active this setting enables audio capturing on this channel. Default mode
is Active.
• Channels: Sets the number of audio channels to capture (see also Audio in Viz).
Default number of channels are 2. Available channel options for AES on X.mio are:
• None, 1, 2, and 4.
For AES on X.mio2/X.mio2 Plus and for Embedded the channel options are:
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the audio should be delayed in DVE mode before it
can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the audio should be delayed in texture mode
before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
Application memory management involves supplying the memory (main memory and graphic card
memory) needed for a program’s objects and data structures used for in-memory objects such as
images, fonts and so on from the limited resources available. Memory management also recycles
memory for reuse when required and appropriate.
Note: Using the 64-bit version of Viz Engine on hardware that supports it with sufficient
memory (>4GB RAM) can in many cases help performance and is generally recommended.
In the Memory Management section of the configuration you can give detailed hints to the Viz
Engine how memory should be handled:
• Free Image Data: When enabled (On-Air or Always), then image data is freed after texture
Note: If there are modifications done to an image, then its texture will be rebuilt a lot
faster if the data already lies in the main memory (instead of re-loading it from the
• No: Disables the Free Image Data option. This option is faster, but requires a lot of
• On-air: Frees image data when in On Air mode, but not in Viz Artist mode.
• Always: Frees image data every time after the texture was created. This option saves a
lot of memory but is slower in case of texture rebuilds.
• Free Images: When enabled (On), then unused images (i.e. not referenced in a loaded scene)
are removed from the Image Pool (main memory and graphics card memory).
• Free Fonts: When enabled (On) removes unused fonts from the Font Pool.
• Free Memory Threshold (MB): If set to greater than zero (>0) then Viz Engine tries to
automatically unload unused Pool objects until the specified amount of main memory is free
• Delayed Object Cleanup (min): Set the delay to clean up pool objects. Default: 0 minutes
which effectively disables the delayed clean up. If set to a value greater than 0, objects do
not immediately get deleted when unloaded from the renderer, and keeps objects in
memory for subsequent use. While this improves performance for certain scenarios, it
increases the memory footprint of Viz Engine.
• Preload Textures: When enabled (On), all images which are to be loaded with a Scene (they
do not need to be rendered) are loaded as textures to the graphics card too. This eliminates
the texture creation time during rendering afterwards (e.g. useful when initializing a show or
a playlist). Default is disabled (Off).
• Free Now: Frees the selected unused Pool objects (Scenes, Geometries, Images, Fonts or All)
from the memory.
• Spawned Process Threshold: Sets the maximum number of child processes spawned by Viz.
If the number of child processes exceed the set value, a pool cleanup is automatically
triggered. When set to 0, automatic cleanups are disabled. The default value is 0.
5.18 Multiview
The Multiview feature provides the possibility to show a preview of channels (including live and
clips) and do the actual rendering of the program on the same system. The channel preview is
shown in a separate window.
The Viz Opus system utilizes Multiview for preview, providing an efficient and cost-effective “TV in
a Box” solution.
Two GPUs are required for this setup. One GPU is used for rendering and the other one to show
the preview. This to make sure the Engine rendering is not affected by the preview window.
Multiview is disabled by default, but can be enabled by editing the Engine configuration file and
changing the Multiview configuration setting to set enable_media_preview = 1. Follow these
• Locate the Viz Engine configuration file, normally in C:\ProgramData\vizrt\viz3. For
security, copy the configuration file to a backup location before making changes.
• Change the following entries as appropriate and make sure to save the configuration file as
a text-file. The Viz Engine needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
media_preview_affinity_gpu = -1
## Set the update frequency for Multiview.
media_preview_update_freq = 1
• enable_media_preview = 0 or 1 (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
• media_preview_affinity_gpu = -1 (-1 for preview not enabled. If enabled: 1 = GPU1, 2 =
GPU2 and so on)
• media_preview_update_freq = 1 (Refresh rate. E.g. 1 means that one preview channel is
updated every render cycle.)
See Also
• Viz Opus information (external link)
• Name: Sets the path alias name for the archive or import path.
• Path: Sets the archive or import path which can be a local drive, mapped drive or a Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) path.
IMPORTANT! Make sure the archive folder is configured with read and write access
For PAL and NTSC, you can set the aspect ratio to 4:3 (standard TV) and 16:9 (wide screen TV).
Fullscreen sets the output format to the screen size on the current machine. Fullscreen also allows
the modification of the frame rate setting, but not other settings.
Viz Engine supports UHDTV and 4K (see UHDTV and 4K Support). UHDTV and 4K formats are only
displayed when the system hardware supports it.
Click User Defined to open a panel below the output format list. You can use user defined output
format to fit the requirements of multi-pipe systems, such as a video wall. Configure the multi-pipe
settings in the right part of the editor.
Setup of multi-pipe systems should be performed by experienced system engineers. For more
information, contact your local Vizrt representative.
• X: Sets the horizontal alignment in pixels on the screen. Value is calculated from top left of
the screen.
• Y: Sets the vertical alignment in pixels on the screen. Value is calculated from top left of the
• Width: Sets the width in pixels.
• Height: Sets the height in pixels.
• Frame: Sets the refresh rate/frequency per frame in hertz (Hz).
• Aspect: Sets the aspect ratio. For example 1.778:1 which is 16:9 or 1.333:1 which is 4:3.
The designer can set other aspects ratio for each individual scene, as described in the Scene
Settings section of the Viz Artist User Guide.
Note: Make sure that the physical refresh rate of the graphics hardware and the video
hardware is configured correspondingly.
There are 3 frequency groups/families; 50, 59,94 and 60 Hz. This defines the output format, and
how fast Viz Engine operates. The frequency is the same as frames per second. This will also
define the input format that is allowed; hence, an NTSC SD input cannot produce a PAL SD output,
but an HD input with the same frequency as the SD output would work.
5.21 Plugins
The Plugins panel lists all installed plug-ins recognized as valid. To display all information
correctly, you must open Viz Config from Viz Artist, as the plug-ins are not actually loaded in the
Viz Config standalone application. However you can still enable or disable the loading state.Some
unlicensed plug-ins will not load, while others will. In the latter case, a watermark will be shown.
Viz Artist/Engine does not load inactive plug-ins during run-time. If a scene uses a plug-in that is
deactivated, Viz Artist/Engine is unable to activate it without restarting.
For detailed information about the various available plug-ins, see the Viz Artist Use Guide in these
• Geometry Plug-ins
• Container Plug-ins
• Scene Plug-ins
• Shader Plug-ins
All plug-ins can individually be activated or deactivated. If a plug-in is inactive it will not be loaded
at startup. All inactive plug-ins are listed under the Inactive panel.
Click the drop-down menu to select a plug-in category.
See Also
• Viz License Information
• Render Method: Set the use of Display Lists, VBO (Vertex Buffer Object), or Off:
• Off: Geometries have to be redefined in each render step.
• Display Lists: Used to buffer the geometry definition, which can then be drawn faster.
The display list only needs to be updated if the geometry or its parameter changes.
• VBO: Vertex Buffer Object is the default Render Method. Filling a VBO is faster than
creating a display list, which means VBO can give a performance boost if there are
several geometry changes or rebuilds in a Scene design. VBO is a required setting for
object background loading (see Background Loading in the Viz Artist User Guide).
Note: When rendering transparencies, the output from VBOs and Display Lists
may differ slightly. Because of this, the render method will fall back to Display
Lists in objects with transparency properties, for compatibility reasons.
Note: If using a Matrox X.mio2 card, any adjustments to the Fill Properties will have
immediate effect during operation. For the X.mio2+ and X.mio3 video boards, Viz
Engine will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
• RGB to YUV: Enables color conversion either in the Shader or on the Matrox board. When
alpha on the output is turned off on systems with either the Matrox X.mio3 in Fast Texture
Mode or the Matrox DSX LE4, RGB to YUV must be set to Shader. In all other cases, the
recommended setting is Matrox.
• On Air Mouse Cursor: Enable a mouse cursor when in On Air mode and using interactive
applications. Should be disabled for Video Wall and when DVI out is enabled.
• Execute All Animations: When deactivated this setting will enable Viz Engine to only animate
visible objects. Default is Active.
• Frame Counter: Select the Frame Counter type for animations. This setting takes effect for
Standard-PC versions, that use NVIDIA cards and drivers:
• Incremental: Increases the field counter with every field (smooth animations).
• OpenGL: Tries to requests the retrace counter through OpenGL. If not possible, due to
driver or hardware problems, it falls back to the Incremental mode.
• System: Uses the internal CPU clock.
• Incremental Video Wall: In a Video Wall environment, with more than one Viz Engine,
the animation on all Viz Engines should advance simultaneously (by incrementing the
frame counter based on the elapsed time between render steps). If a Viz Engine runs
slower than real-time, the next frame, or frames, will be skipped to catch up with the
Viz Engines running real-time.
• Frame Speed: Enable Viz Artist/Engine to run at a slower rate than the actual refresh rate
(determined by the screen speed with the use of a g-sync card). This is relevant for Video
Wall applications when the scene (e.g. interactive scenes) cannot run real-time (resource
intensive), which means that all participating computers are synced to a lower speed.
Running at 30Hz (screen speed 60Hz divided by 2) can be acceptable, however, this will
affect the animation quality (animation will not be as smooth).
• Force Ringing Filter Off: Set active to overrule ringing filter (forces it off). Forcing ringing
filter off can enhance performance at the cost of possibly introducing visual artifacts,
typically bands or edges near edges. It is advisable to keep the default value.
• Image Combining: In a Texture Editor (see Texture Editor in the Viz Artist User Guide) it is
possible to set a second texture which will be used for the image combining. The Texture
Editor offers two possible modes: The first mode uses the second image as an alpha
channel, whereas the second mode defines a blend between the two textures. Configuring
Image Combining to Software enables the combination to be calculated entirely on the CPU.
Configuring Image Combining to Multi Texturing enables the combination to be calculated
on the graphics card for combining or blending the two images. In this case the texture
creation is faster and memory will be saved as well. Default is Software. If there are
performance or memory issues, especially with scenes imported from Viz Artist/Engine 2.x,
it is recommended to change this setting to Multi Texturing.
• Key Render Mode: This configuration is used when the Key Render Mode (see Global Settings
in Scene Settings (see the Viz Artist User Guide)) is set to Config, and determines how the
key should be rendered:
• Double Pass: Uses two rendering steps as in older 3.x versions. Double Pass should be
used for old 3.x scenes for not breaking compatibility, for new scenes Single Pass
should be used as it is faster.
• Single Pass: Uses one rendering step as in 2.8 versions.
A shaped video image has its video data multiplied by its alpha component (1) while
the video data of an unshaped image remains untouched (2). Shaped images are also
referred to as ‘pre-multiplied alpha images’.
• HD Interlaced: Specifies if Viz Engine should render frames or fields for interlaced HD
formats (i.e. 1080i). Rendering frames improves the rendered output but has a higher
performance cost. Options are:
• Field
• Frame
• Sync. DirectShow: Synchronize DirectShow clip playback with renderer (may cause video
jumps and audio cracks).
• Image Load Error: If an image load error occurs you can configure Viz Engine to keep the old
image or clear the image (i.e. not showing anything).
• Render Scale: Change the render scale when using a tracking system with lens distortion.
• Aux Rendering: Activates the rendering pipeline for integration with third party render
• Aux Camera: Camera for auxiliary rendering pipeline.
• Far: Sets the Far value to clip unwanted objects from the background. Default value is
Note: The camera range is where the Z-buffer is within. So if Z-buffer problems
arise, they may be solved by editing the camera clipping plane settings.
• Ringing Filter: Sets the default value for the Ringing Filter. A ringing filter reduces high
frequency values in the video signal created by high contrast and color changes in horizontal
• Show Merge Style Dialog: Enables the user, when opening a scene in Viz Artist, to open old-
style merged objects and expose containers within it.
• This feature relates to scenes using old-style ordering of containers within merged
objects, and solves the problem with auto-follow. When loading such scenes the dialog
lets the user decide how to deal with them.
• Users that are aware of this and decide to keep the old style can deactivate this dialog.
By setting the individual number and type of Media Asset to Inactive, DVE or Texture, the desired
channel is automatically set up when dragged into the Scene Tree of new scenes. The priority
option works only in DVE mode, and influences the drawing order of the defined channels.
5.24 Spaceball
The Spaceball section is used to configure a 3D navigation device.
• SpaceBall Mode: Sets special setups where the Spaceball should only control specific plug-ins
without influencing the scene (objects/camera):
• None: No setup.
• Plugin: Controls plug-ins.
• Viz: Controls Viz Artist/Engine objects.
• Both: Controls both plug-ins and Viz Artist/Engine objects.
• Object Control:
• None: No setup.
• Button: Uses button for object control.
• Selected: Modifies only the selected object.
• Button Mode:
• None: No setup.
• Pressed: When set to Pressed, this mode will trigger an action like a button in a user
• Toggle: When set to Toggle, this mode will set a state. For example when a button is
pressed only the dominant axis will be considered in a move, whereas when the
button is released all movements are applied.
The numeric fields are used to map the various buttons on the 3D navigation device.
This varies by the vendor and the vendors model; hence, the button numbers need to
be looked up in the Viz Artist User Guide for the respective device.
• Various
• Colors
• Global Settings
• To Change a Preset Color Theme
• To Change a Subjects Color
• Scene Tree
• To Change the Amount of Active Colors
• To Create a Color
• Shortcuts
5.25.1 Various
• GUI Icon Font: Sets the Font type for all icons of items such as scenes, objects, materials,
images, fonts, and audio clips. Complex character sets such as Arabic, Hebrew and Chinese
must change the default font type to show the correct names for the icons.
• GUI Font Size: Sets a global font size for the Viz Artist user interface. Alternatives are; 10,
12, 14, 18 pixels.
• Button Gradient: Sets the gradient level of the buttons in the Viz Artist user interface.
• Mouse Over Effect: Mouse over effect for buttons in the Viz Artist user interface. Set to
Active or Inactive.
• Icon Size: Sets a size preference for scene, font and audio icons. Icon size can also be
switched using the context menu in the server view in Viz Artist; however, changing this
setting in Viz Artist will not be saved as a preference for later sessions.
• Show “Blur” fonts: Set the default show or hide blur fonts in the Server area. The option can
then be toggled with the Item Context Menu (see the Viz Artist User Guide).
• Show “Outline” fonts: Set the default for showing or hiding the outline fonts in the Server
area. The option can then be toggled with the Item Context Menu (see the Viz Artist User
• Import Default Type: Selects the default item type for imports, which will be pre-selected in
the GUI Import Menu. Options are:
• Fonts
• Images
• Geometries
• Scenes
• Audio
• Archives
• Folder Type Highlighting: When enabled this will highlight the folders that contain content
matching the current Viz Artist’s Server view (for example Scene, Geometry, Material, Image,
Font, Audio, etc.).
Note: This can cause some performance overhead, when switching to different types
and/or with opening sub folders (but only first time, as the information is cached).
• Auto Grab Focus: When Inactive, a middle mouse click grabs the focus, as a left and right-
click do. When auto grab focus is Active, the focus is grabbed as soon as you move the
mouse over a widget.
• Reset Startup Default Folder: Resets the startup folder. If Viz Artist is unable to start due to
problems with the last saved server view, clicking the Reset button will reset the Server view
to its top node.
• Allow Folder Move: Allow or restrict the user’s ability to move/organize projects and folders
in a Graphic Hub. Options:
• Normal: Drag folders freely, as required to move (Default setting)
• w/Shift: Press <Shift> and drag to move folder or folders
• No: No folder movement allowed
• Performance Update Interval: Sets how often Viz Engine should update the Performance Bar
when it is opened.
• On Air Info Update Interval: Update interval for the On Air Information Panel window. Note
that a shorter interval decreases render performance. Setting to 0 means that no update
• Tooltips: Enables or disables the tooltip information in the Viz Artist user interface.
• Delay On (ms): Sets the amount of time in milliseconds before the tool tip shows.
Default is 1500 ms.
• Delay Off (ms): Sets the amount of time before the tool tip disappears. Default is 4000
• Screen Layout Mode: Set to either:
• Mosaic Horizontal: Viz Artist shows on the left monitor and the Scene Editor shows on
the right monitor (two monitors):
• Mosaic Vertical: Viz Artist shows on the top monitor and the Scene Editor shows on
the bottom monitor (two monitors):
Note: Mosaic Horizontal and Mosaic Vertical are only available with NIVIDA
graphics cards, on systems running at least Windows 7. Open the NVIDIA
properties to setup Mosaic before changing the Viz Config file.
• Default Merge Mode: Sets the default merge behavior available in the Viz Artist user
interface. Options are:
• Merge
• [Merge] to sub director
• [Merge] w/actions & events
• [Merge] w/actions and events to sub director (w/A. & E. to Subd.)
• Default Split Mode: Sets the default split behavior available in the Viz Artist user interface.
Options are:
• Split
• [Split] to existing director
• Default Color Space: Select RGB or HSV as the default color space for the Material editor
• Update Control Text: Click to make Update Control Text active or inactive:
• Active: The Control text, in Control Objects, is updated with every key stroke
• Inactive: The Control text, in Control Objects, is not updated with every key stroke
• Script Middle Mouse Copy: Click to enable or disable the middle mouse button copy and
paste function in the Script Editor.
• Gui Timeout (ms): Defines the timeout threshold in milliseconds when awaiting command
replies from the Engine. After the specified time, a timeout dialog is displayed. The
minimum and default value 180000, or 180 seconds.
• Off Air Shortcut: Choose the shortcut that takes the render On Air window to Off Air.
Tip: Adjust the timeout value if timeouts occur when loading very large scenes in Viz Artist.
5.25.2 Colors
The Colors tab gives the ability to change the User Interface color theme.
Global Settings
Use Global Settings to change the color theme of the User Interface. All the changes made to the
User Interface are local. Click Save then restart Viz Artist for the changes to take effect.
There are six pre-set color themes (4):
• Classic I
• Classic II
• Stone (default)
• Aqua
• SyringaBlue
• DarkMatrix
Scene Tree
Use the Scene Tree panel to set the color codes for Containers in the Scene Tree. A Container with
a color code can be searched for in the Scene Tree, and the Scene Tree can be restricted to
Containers with certain colors (see Scene Tree Menu in the Viz Artist User Guide).
A text tag can also be added to the color. The text is Scene specific and saved with the Scene on
the Graphic Hub. Note that the colors might change if the Scene is opened on a different machine
with a different color setting.
Example: All text Containers can be colored gray and tagged Text, while all Containers that
hold images can be colored green and tagged Image, and so on.
Four colors are configured and active by default with no text descriptions. Click Set to Default to
set all color bars to their default setting.
The color options are available in the GUI Scene Settings panel in the Tree Color Text setting, and
available for use in the Scene Tree panel.
To Create a Color
1. Click on a unused color bar (1). It is also possible to change the color of the first four colors.
Click in their color bar.
2. In the color selection area (2) select RGB or HSV.
3. In the color selection area, click a color bar, or the color circle, and drag to change the color.
4. If required: Click the color bar (1) and enter a name for it.
1. Click on the eye dropper icon in the color field.
2. Move the cursor to an area, color on-screen.
3. Click to accept the new color.
5.25.3 Shortcuts
The shortcuts view shows all available server, scene tree and property actions and the currently
assigned shortcuts. All shortcut configurations are saved to the database into the user table for
• Server, Scene Tree and Properties: Shows all server actions and their currently assigned
• Shortcuts: When clicked, shows a list of available shortcut key-combinations that can be
assigned to the selected action.
• Reset All: Resets all shortcuts to the default setup.
• Loopthrough Delay (EE): Set the delay for live video input (DVS, Bluefish and NVIDIA SDI
boards only). This setting applies for all input channels. For Matrox, see Video Delay DVE
in Video Properties.
• Videoout Ring Buffer: Sets the render buffer for video output. Helps to prevent frame drops
on the video output during execution of commands or loading of objects. When enabled the
engine will render a number of graphics frames in advance and provide it to the video
hardware. The number of frames rendered forwardly is defined by the Ringbuffer Size. Large
buffer sizes will delay the output and increase the input to output delay for video textures.
• Ring Buffer size: Sets the size of the Ringbuffer in frames.
• Use Watchdog: Set Watchdog On or Off:
• Matrox: See Watchdog.
• Bluefish: See Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444 in the BlueFish444
• Watchdog Timeout: Set the time, in milliseconds, until the watchdog takes over control. This
value should not be smaller than the time of two fields/frames. Default value is 999
• Watchdog Mode: Set the Watchdog mode:
• First Geom Load: Video Out is activated when the first geometry is loaded.
• At Startup: Video Out is activated at startup.
• First Geom Load/DVE: Video Out is activated when the first geometry is loaded or an
input or clip channel is set to DVE.
• Watchdog Reactivation: Set to On to activate the watchdog again if scenes are unloaded from
• Use GPU Direct: Set to On to enable a fast, low latency method to copy frames from the
video IO device to the GPU and back (gives more time for the renderer to process complex
and GPU intense visual effects).
• Check Video Card: Select which video cards to search for and use when Viz Artist/Engine is
started. If a video card is not selected it is not used, even if it is installed in the system. All
cards are enabled by default.
• Select Individual Cards: If User Defined is selected, click on each listed card to select
or un-select, as required.
Note: If a Matrox X.mio3 card is installed in the system and X.mio3/DSX LE4 is
disabled, the card will be treated like a Matrox X.mio2 Plus card.
• User Defined: To select and use individual cards, select User Defined.
• None: If None is selected, all connected video cards will be unavailable for Viz Engine
and Viz Artist. This can be used to run a Viz Artist video version as a VGA version,
even if video cards are installed. Possible use-cases for this are:
a. Dual channel Viz Trio One Boxes, which have three Viz Artist/Engine instances
running and where only the first two should use the video board. The third
Engine instance is exclusively for Trio preview.
b. With TriCaster implementation, where Viz Artist must run as a video version,
running as VGA.
c. If utilizing the Stryme integration capabilities of Viz Engine, where Viz Engine
hooks on to Stryme GenesiX to allow Stryme to show Vizrt graphics on its
output. Please refer to the procedure below for further information on Stryme
• Software I/O Mode: Set a specific Video I/O mode for setups without video hardware or
configurations where Check Video Card is set to None. Not available in the VGA version.
• SHM Channels: I/O mode for third party software utilizing the Viz SHMLib software
• Live Engine Integration: Optimized I/O mode for Live Engine Integration with Viz
Libero. Refer to the Viz Libero documentation for further details.
• NewTek TriCaster: Uses the NewTek TriCaster input and outputs. Read more about
using TriCaster with Viz Engine and Artist in the Third Party Applications and Files
chapter of the Viz Artist user’s guide.
• No video I/O (VGA): Disables all video version features, emulating the VGA version of
Viz Engine.
IMPORTANT! Stryme integration works only with Viz Engine in VGA mode or
with Check Video Card set to None (see above).
Note: Video input format may be limited by hardware capabilities on the video board.
When there is no installed video board (standard-PC) the video input section no longer shows the
Alpha options for Live and Clip. Video input for standard-PC versions enable clip playback through
the Properties Panel.
Use the Video Input: Clip Input panel to configure available playback channels. The number of
available clip input channels is set in Video Input.
See Also
• Matrox
• VBI: Set to Active or Inactive. Defines whether VBI should be used for this channel. Default
mode is Inactive.
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the clip can be used, in
DVE mode. Default value is 0 (Off).
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the clip can be
used, in texture mode. Default value is 1.
• Audio: When activated, this setting enables audio for this channel. When inactive audio is
disabled. Default value is Activated.
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in DVE mode before
it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in texture mode
before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
• Contains Alpha: Enables/disables playback of clips with alpha.
• Upscale Luma: Enables/disables the default for upscale luma. Per scene setting of this value
is set per clip channel under Scene Settings and Video clip options.
• Shaped: Defines whether the fill from this channel, when the channel is used in DVE mode,
should be interpreted as shaped video during DVE compositing. Default value is Inactive.
• Repeat Mode: Determines the behavior of the video input in case of capture drops. Options
• None: Does not repeat. Input goes black.
• Field: Repeats the last field.
• Frame: Repeats the last frame.
• Loop Mode: Enables/disables default for loop mode. Per scene setting of this value is set per
clip channel under Scene Settings and Video clip options.
• Reverse Fields: Swaps fields when playing interlaced clips with negative playback speed
(default setting). Per scene setting of this value is set per clip channel under Scene Settings
and Video clip options.
• Pending Enable: Enables/disables pending clip player for this channel. The pending clip
player allows clip loading of another clip while the clip channel is still using the current clip.
• Mode on Load Error: Determines the behavior of the current clip when loading of the
pending clip fails. Options are:
• None: Current clip mode is not changed.
• Stop: Performs a Stop command on the current clip.
• Pause: Current clip enters pause mode.
• Flush: Unloads the current clip.
• Proxy: If set to Active, video clips of a resolution different to the current configured
resolution, can be played. If set to Inactive a video clip of a different resolution cannot be
• Reactivation Delay: Set the minimum number of frames the texture contains black after the
channel was activated to texture.
• Ringbuffer: If set to Active the input ringbuffer is enabled when played with a NVIDIA SDI
• Map to VizChannel: Set which video in channel is mapped onto this Matrox video in channel.
The drop-down gives a choice between the available channels. Only the channels not already
taken are shown.
• Unused: Do not use this Matrox channel for video input
• Video <1 to 8>: Captured input is available in Video1.
ProcAmp Properties
• Brightness: Sets the relative offset on the luminance component of the incoming video
(min./max. values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).
• Lumagain: Sets the gain on the luminance component of the incoming video (min./max.
values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).
• Hue: Sets the color shift on the chrominance component of the incoming video (min./max.
values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 0 (Off).
• Saturation: Sets the gain on the chrominance component of the incoming video (min./max.
values are dynamic and determined by the hardware). Default value is 1 (On).
Fill Properties
• Allow Super Black: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is under 7.5
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
• Allow Super White: Determines whether or not to clip an output video signal that is over 100
IRE units. Default mode is Inactive.
The colorimetry tables for SD (ITUR-BT 601) and HD (ITUR-BT 709) define a color conversion
from YUV with the range of 16-235 to RGB with the range of 0-255. Values above 235 are
Super White and values below 16 are Super Black. As Super White and Super Black pixels are
outside the range of 1-byte RGB, these pixels will be clamped to the normal 16-235 YUV
range when used in a texture.
• Allow Chroma Clipping: Determines whether or not to clip over-saturated chroma levels in
the active portion of the output video signal. Default mode is Inactive.
• Manager Size:
• Streaming Size:
• Pipeline Size: Defines the size of the input queue. Default value is 8.
• Texturemanager size: Pre-allocated texture buffer size, in frames.
• Video Delay DVE: DVE video delay when used as DVE.
• VBI: Defines whether VBI should be used for this channel. Default mode is Inactive.
• Start Line: Defines at which line on the input the VBI section will start. Default value is 0
(Off). The minimum VBI values are (as for VideoOut):
• NTSC: 7
• PAL: 6
• 720p: 7
• 1080i: 6
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the IP stream can be
used, in DVE mode. Default value is 0 (Off).
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames VBI should be delayed, before the IP stream can be
used, in texture mode. Default value is 1
• Audio: When activated, this setting enables audio for this channel. When inactive, audio is
disabled. Default value is Activate.
• Channels: Sets the number of audio channels to capture (see also Audio in Viz).
Default number of channels are 2. Available channel options for AES on X.mio are:
• None, 1, 2, and 4.
For AES on X.mio2/X.mio2 Plus and for Embedded the channel options are:
• None, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.
• Delay DVE: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in DVE mode before
it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
• Delay Texture: Sets the number of frames the audio clip should be delayed in texture mode
before it can be mixed to the output. Default value is 4.
• Source IP Address: Sets the IP address of the source. Must be an IP in the multicast address
range, such as or
• Source UDP Port: Sets the port of the source.
Shared Memory
• Unique Identifier: Change the name of the Shared Memory, if required. Not available on
systems with Matrox X.mio3 IP video boards.
Note: The VGA version of Viz Engine does not have this section.
• Show Video Output Config. Editor: Opens the Video Output Editor (2). You can also open the
Video Output Editor by pressing Alt+V.
• Use NVIDIA SDI output/capture card(s): Enable the NVIDIA card SDI module to output video.
This shortens the output delay when outputting graphics and video through the video board.
Enabling this disables the Video wall/Multi-display option below.
Note: NVIDIA Output cards with firmware 3.10 or later support embedded audio.
Configurations with older firmware must handle audio externally.
• Video wall/Multi-display: Sets the main output to the Digital Visual Interface (DVI). Viz Artist
will render to full-screen (set the resolution in Output Format section). Enabling this disables
the NVIDIA SDI output/capture option above.
• Cutout: Select a section of a video wall and play-out through a Matrox card. Available if
Video wall/Multi-display is set to Inactive and Output Format is set to Fullscreen
• X/Y: Select the position of the cutout.
• Width/Height: Set the width and hight of the cutout.
• Resolution (drop down list): Select one of the supported resolutions for cutout. Please
observe that Cutout requires these resolutions to work.
Note: If the Cutout section is disabled, make sure to set the Output Format to
• Allow Super Black (NVIDIA SDI card only): Controls the key output:
• Inactive: Use the video range (only valid in conjunction with NVIDIA SDI and driver
versions older than 259.12).
• Active: Use the full signal range. When active it will determine to clip or not to clip the
key output video signal that is under 7.5 IRE units or over 100 IRE units.
• Readback Async: Enables asynchronous transfer between the graphics card and DVS
Centaurus II video card on systems without a DSX LE preview card.
• Streaming Output: Activate or deactivate IP Streaming output.
• Render preview default setting: Sets the default value for the Preview button (see Control
Buttons ) when Viz Engine is in On Air mode.
• Inactive: Renders only video out signals. This increases performance, as the renderer
does not have to render into an editor on-screen and into pixel buffer.
• Active: Rendering will be done for both video out signals and on-screen (this will
decrease the performance).
• Fullscreen: Set the On Air window to screen size.
Note: The Auto option is only available on Matrox boards and on NVIDIA SDI option.
On Matrox boards the h- and v-phase settings are updated as well.
Note: The granularity and possible min/max values are printed to the Viz
Artist/Engine console during startup.
It should be taken into account that when the genlock video format is different from
the fill/key video format the value of the V-delay matches the genlock lines and not
the video output lines. The same applies to negative H-phase values.
See Also
• Output Format
• Video Input
Note: If the Viz Engine being configured is installed as a VGA version, this section is not
available in Viz Config.
• Capture Enable: Enable or disable the clip writer functionality. The main use is to give
control over host memory resources. When the clip writer functionality is not needed then
the clip out channel does not need to be allocated.
• Pipeline Size: Control the number of frames that the clip writer uses to handle a file. It is
recommended to leave the default value.
• Default Profile: Enter a default profile that can be loaded on request, with the command
Placeholder Description
<if0> Expands to the IPV4 network address of the first network interface
<if1> Expands to the IPV4 network address of the second network interface
<if2> Expands to the IPV4 network address of the third network interface
In Viz Artist versions before 3.0, assets were stored in specific subdirectories (Scene, Geometry,
Material, Font, and Image). As Viz Artist 3 stores assets anywhere in the directory, older control
applications may not find these assets. If enabling 2.x mode, the assets will be looked for in the
subdirectories, and calls for scenes will be represented by green lines in the console window.
When working in 2.x mode, Viz_2x will automatically be added before the default messaging path.
Furthermore, the paths sent by the external control applications will be converted to lower case (as
the names of the data will be converted to lower case when importing). So, external control
programs must not be re-written when migrating from Viz Artist 2 to 3.
• Use 2.x mode: Enables Viz Engine to run in 2.x mode.
• Show converting Info in Viz-Console: Enables the calls for scenes to be shown as green text.
Note: It is only recommended to use 2.x mode if new scenes are organized according
to the old 2.x data structure.
• License: Enter a license key into the License field, press <Enter>, and click Save. Restart Viz
Artist/Engine for the new license key to take effect.
IMPORTANT! If the location of the Clip Data directory is changed after installation, remove
and install the two services again. They will automatically set to the new Clip Data Directory
(see Local Settings).
To search, view and select video clips from Viz One, configure the Viz One Browser.
Note: Viz Artist features a Viz One Transfer Status pane that shows the progress of any
active and finished clip transfers from Viz One. This pane requires the MediaFTP (File
Transfer) and Fsmon (File System Monitor) services to be installed and running, and the
correct configuration of the Viz One MessageQueue Server.
To use Viz One with Viz Artist, each Viz Artist/Viz One integration must be authenticated through
the Authentication panel in the Viz Configuration. See Integration with Viz One for the Fsmon and
Mediaftp install and remove procedures.
IMPORTANT! To view and transfer files in Viz Artist, the host name entered in the Viz
One (MessageQueue Server) must also be entered in the Viz One Browser panel.
• Currently Installed Service(s): Shows the currently installed Fsmon service, with its
• Install/Uninstall: Install and remove a Fsmon service
Note: Any currently installed service must be removed before a new service can be
Note: Any currently installed service must be removed before a new service can be
• Storage ID: Enter the Storage ID for Viz Artist as configured in Viz One
• Hosts: Clicking the Add button opens a dialog to provide Viz Engine with the host-name for
the desired Viz One instance. The host name must include the protocol prefix, for example:
• To remove a previously configured Viz One instance, select it from the list of hosts and click
the Delete button.
• Test Connection: Select the desired host and click the Test Connection button to check if the
configured Viz One connection is working correctly.
• If Test Connection returns that the Viz Engine is not registered as a Video Server, the
Engine must be added as a server in the Viz One Studio Administration. Please refer to
the Viz One documentation for further information.
• If Test Connection returns a Storage ID mismatch, please adjust the Storage ID field
• If Test Connection returns that the connection is valid, the Viz One instance has been
configured correctly and is ready for use with Viz Engine.
Note: This will normally be C:\ProgramData\Vizrt\viz3. Check the directory name with the
command echo %programdata% from a Windows command prompt. This directory is by
default hidden in Windows, so to navigate to this directory in Windows Explorer specify the
explicit path.
Viz Artist/Engine can provide various log files as documented in the section below.
• Date/time
• Type, one of:
• LM_STARTUP (Regular startup)
• LM_QUIT (Regular quit)
• LM_QUIT_TIMEOUT (Timeout quit)
• LM_QUIT_LOGIN (Login canceled)
• LM_CFG (Restart with configuration)
• LM_ENG_GUI (Restart engine with GUI)
• LM_ENG (Restart engine without GUI)
• LM_ART (Restart of Artist)
• LM_ (Current mode restarted)
the filename is the GPU ID, making it easy to differentiate log files in a Dual Engine setup for
Both the log and clog commands can be executed by sending them to Viz or by entering them
directly in the Engine Console window.
6 On Air Mode
The On Air interface may vary, depending on the software and hardware configuration used. In Viz
Artist, designers can click the On Air button on the main menu to switch Viz Artist from a
modeling tool to a render engine. The application will then wait for control commands; however,
scene animations can also be rendered by the use of the Control Buttons (top-left corner).
The top left of the On Air screen shows a set of Control Buttons, as well as a Performance bar
button. All License Information is shown at the top right of the screen.
Depending on the software and hardware settings, additional buttons and information is available.
For example in design mode, the scene will be shown in an output window (lower right).
All script events that are added to a scene or to single containers will be executed in On Air mode.
To learn more about scripting see the script documentation.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Director Control Panel
• Control Buttons
• Performance
• On Air Information Panel
• License Information
The Director Control Panel window can be used to select and animate one, multiple or all directors
in the front, main or back layer. In addition it can be used to set slots and to animate a
combination of director(s).
See Director Control Panel ( Viz Artist User Guide) for a detailed description of the Director Control
Note: Preview is always enabled on Viz Artist machines without a video card.
6.3 Performance
Analyzing the performance of Viz Artist/Engine can be done with two tools:
• Performance Bar: The Performance Bar closely monitors a range of parameters for analyzing
real-time performance
• Performance Analyzer: The Performance Analyzer monitors key performance and camera
parameters, as a head-up display in the renderer window and initiate logging of statistic,
command and event information to log files.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Performance Analyzer
• To open the performance analyzer
• Performance Bar
• To Open the Performance Bar
The performance analyzer enables key performance and camera information to be shown in the
renderer view as a head-up display. Additionally the performance analyzer can be used to initiate
writing of statistic, command and event information to the log files.
• Performance: Shows the current (CUR) and (MAX) parameters (see Performance Bar).
• HUD: Enables the head-up display (HUD) showing the following parameters in the renderer
• Camera 1-n: Show the currently selected camera.
• Position: Show the camera’s X, Y and Z position.
• Pan/Tilt/Twist: Show the camera’s pan, tilt and twist parameters.
• FovX/FovY: Show the camera’s field of view (fov) for the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y)
• Center Shift: Show the X and Y position of the camera’s center shift.
The performance bar gives an idea of the current scene rendering performance (frames per
• Current (CUR): Shows how many frames per second the scene will render at in On Air mode.
The number should be above 50 (PAL) or 60 (NTSC), according to the rate that has been
specified in the Output Format section.
• Maximum (MAX): Shows how many frames per second the scene can render at without
waiting for vertical retrace. The higher the maximum value, the more performance is left. If
the maximum value is reduced to below 50 or 60, the scene is not rendering in real-time.
• Vertices (VER): Shows the number of vectors in the scene.
• AllocTexSize (TET): Shows the total allocated size of texture memory.
• TexSize (TEC): Shows the size of the currently used texture memory.
• Animation (ANI): Shows how many microseconds all active directors and animation channels
take. This indicator is linked to the yellow bar.
• Matrix (MAT): Transforms each container in the scene into world coordinate space. This
indicator is linked to the cyan bar.
• Z-Sort (Z&C): Refers to Z-sort and Culling, and sorts all containers for correct transparency
drawing and determines if containers are visible in the current camera view. This indicator is
linked to the pink bar.
• Video (VID): Shows how many microseconds video input (live video texture) and video output
take. De-interlaced video inputs take longer time than progressive and interlaced. The only
way to improve this value is to use a faster system. This indicator is linked to the red bar.
• Rendering (REN): Shows how many microseconds it takes to render all objects on the screen.
A faster graphics card will improve this value. This indicator is linked to the blue bar.
• Script (SCR): Shows the consumed time in microseconds from all active scripts. This indicator
is linked to the dark green bar.
• Plugin (PLU): Indicates how much time in microseconds all active plugins spend in each
render cycle. This indicator is linked to the orange bar.
• Idle: Shows available resources in microseconds the renderer has available. This indicator is
linked to the light green bar.
Note: Polling for On Air information can decrease the performance. For information on how
to adjust the On Air Update Interval see the User Interface section.
• Basic Tab
• Clients Tab
The license information listing shows the license information such as licensed features and how
many days the license has left before it must be renewed.
7 Audio In Viz
This section contains the technical description of the Viz Engine audio system, and contains the
following information:
• Overview
• Device Recognition and Selection
• Timing Behavior and Delay Settings
• Channel Setup and Clip Channel Routing
• Audio Plug-in
• Clip Formats
• Speaker Names
• Matrox Audio
7.1 Overview
There are two ways to capture audio in the Viz Engine, through Matrox or a DirectSound
compatible device.
• Channels
• Matrox Routing
• DirectShow
7.1.1 Channels
This section contains the following topics:
• • Audio Channels
• Matrox Input Channels
• Output Channels
Audio Channels
Viz Engine handles up to 16 audio channels for both input and output. This corresponds to the
maximum number of embedded audio channels on an HD-SDI video source. Every channel can be
given one or more user-defined aliases.
Output Channels
After mixing, the Viz Engine writes the audio data to the available output devices.
7.1.3 DirectShow
This section contains the following topics:
• • DirectShow Filters
• DirectSound Input
• DirectSound Audio Card
DirectShow Filters
Viz Engine is able to play any audio file for which a DirectShow filter is installed.
DirectShow provides a set of default filters that install automatically with Microsoft® Windows®.
These filters support many data formats while providing a high degree of hardware independence.
All the filters supported by the DirectShow Software Development Kit (SDK) are listed on the
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) website. If a filter appears in GraphEdit but is not
documented by the MSDN on-line reference, it means the filter has either been installed by a third
party or is used internally by some other Microsoft technology. Such filters are not supported by
the DirectShow SDK.
DirectSound Input
Microsoft DirectSound provides a system to capture sounds from input devices and play sounds
through various playback devices using advanced 3-dimensional positioning effects, and filters for
echo, distortion, reverberation, and other effects.
A DirectSound compatible card is an alternative for designers that use laptops with no video card
installed, or if analog audio is needed.
Viz supports DirectSound compatible cards that support DirectX version 8 or later.
The audio system is able to use any installed DirectSound capable audio device. On every device,
up to 16 channels can be used.
• Sample Rate: Reserved for later use. Shows the sample rate. Default sample rate is 48kHz
(48000) which is the maximum allowed.
• Device n: Shows the name of the audio card.
• Bits per Sample: Reserved for later use. Shows the number of bits used per sample. Default
value is 16 Bit per sample rate.
• Mode: Refers to the audio mode of the Matrox board. Options are:
• Embedded: Audio is captured from the Live video input connectors and made available
to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources. Then output as
embedded audio on the live video output connectors
• AES: Audio is captured from the AES input connectors and made available to the Viz
Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources. Then output on the AES output
• Embedded -> AES: Embedded audio is captured from the live video input connectors
and made available to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources.
Then output on the AES output connectors
• AES -> Embedded: Audio is captured from the AES input connectors and made
available to the Viz Engine audio mixer, to mix it with other audio sources.Then
output as embedded audio on the live video output connectors
• Loop: Audio is looped through. No audio is mixed
• Default: Audio is captured, but no output on the Matrox card
During the startup process Viz Engine tests all available audio cards installed on the
system. Manual activation of audio devices is done in SECTION AUDIO_CONFIG of the
Viz Config file. By default a one to one channel assignment from the first audio device
is done when a new device is selected.
All sound devices use a Ring buffer that stores data until it is sent out to the audio channels, and
this ring buffer is organized in blocks of data. All sound hardware defines a distance in blocks (or
bytes) that needs to be maintained. For almost all devices on the market a distance of 6 blocks is
sufficient to have a “clean output” without artifacts.
Tip: Try to decrease the ’Block Read Forward’ value down to 3 to accomplish less delay for
the output. Viz Engine creates a ring buffer of 1 second which is split in 60 blocks. This
gives an output delay of 10 milliseconds when the BlockReadForward value is 6 (see the Viz
Note: An audio card which is not synchronized will always run faster or than a
synchronized video or audio card. There is a mechanism needed to keep all audio cards
synchronized with each other. The mechanism, shown below, is used by Viz Engine to fulfill
this condition:
After mixing the packages received from the Matrox board the blocks of audio data are moved to
the Matrox output buffer. This buffer is organized as a ring buffer and holds one second of data
and this is the maximum delay that can be achieved with the described mechanism.
The SyncTargetPosition parameter, set in SECTION AUDIO_CONFIG, defines the position relative to
the playout position of the Matrox board where the audio data for the direct sound cards are
branched. If the card is running slower than the reference card, the synchronized position will
move away from the playout position. If it is faster, SyncTargetPosition will move to the playout
position. The SyncTargetWindowSize parameter defines the border, when Viz Engine starts to re-
sample the DirectSound data to bring SyncTargetPosition back in place. The predefined value of
250 samples is a good compromise between performance and quality. If a cheap audio card is
used and small artifacts can be heard, try to increase this value. Good ranges are from 250 up to
SyncTargetPosition is used to synchronize the different audio cards to each other. Every audio
card shows a specific delay behavior. Increase or decrease this value if one card is faster than the
other. If the value is too small artifacts will occur; however, most audio cards work fine with the
predefined values. SyncTargetPosition and SyncTargetWindowsSize are configurable settings that
can be set separately for every activated audio card.
Note that Viz Engine internally can use up to 16 channels. On many professional multichannel
cards the channels are organized in virtual devices with 2 channels. A good example is the
following configuration:
In Viz Engine it is possible to combine these two devices and create a quad speaker configuration
as shown below:
The Audio Settings section of Viz Configuration is used to configure audio channels and channel
routing, and To Add Multi-language Audio Channels. The latter allows the same scene with the
same audio clips to output English, German, French and background music on three different
machines. It is also possible to create 3D and other channel configurations for as many
environments as needed. Stereo is configured by default.
From Viz Artist, a scene designer is able To Add Multiple Audio Channel Configurations, test the
audio channel setup, and switch between the different local setups matching for example one or
several remote Viz Engine audio setups. Configurations can also be tested separately or all
Tip: Always have a set of test clips that will provide audio for the different channel
Tip: Use the provided configuration templates to set defined parameters in the
Audio section. Go to <viz install folder> -> import -> AE -> templates
9. Click Save.
10. Close Viz Config.
2. In the Out Channel list, enter the keywords EAS0 and EAS1 for the left and right channels,
respectively. If either keyword is used in any channel, explicit mapping is used.
Several output channels may be pointed to by the same EAS channel. If no explicit mapping is set,
Viz Engine defaults to output channels 0 & 1. Empty mapping is not allowed for the EAS system.
Note: Go to <Viz Install Directory> -> Tools -> SendToSMM, for more information about
Data can also be sent to SHM through a Command Interface. Data sent through the Command
Interface may be seen as a good option because the data would need to be sent to one Viz Engine
only, and this Viz Engine engine would then distribute the data to the other Viz Engines. But Data
sent to SHM through the Command Interface has problems:
• Data sent through the Command Interface will block the render queue of the receiving
engine causing potential frame drops. Since the data needs to be sent through a command
significant more bytes are transferred over the Network.
• This Viz Engine is also a single point of failure
• The data will arrive at this one Viz Engine sooner than on all other Viz Engines
• The notification method of the Graphic Hub Manager is used to distribute the data and can
cause additional load for the Graphic Hub Manager
The preferred method to send data is to use the ‘SendToSMM’ library (or an equivalent) to
send the data to the individual Viz Engines.
The communication protocol for the import of Shared Memory data depends on the type and final
output of the data. There are set protocols to use with large amounts of data, in which all of the
data must reach its destination graphic, and also where large amounts of data must be received,
quickly, but some loss of data is acceptable.
Note: It is also possible to import data through Multicast. This method is not recommended
as it can pollute the network.
• Plugin API
• Command Interface
• Command Examples
A TCP connection to a Viz Engine can be held open for a long time (this is recommended), and
should not be opened and closed between sending variables.
Note: The default maximum number of TCP connections is limited to 255. Within this
number of connections, a user defined limit of maximum connections can be set in the
Communication section of Viz Configuration.
IMPORTANT! The external program which provides the data, must connect and send the
data to each Viz Engine individually. Vizrt provides a C# library, SendToSMM (part of the
Viz install), for this purpose.
1. Go to the Configuring Viz.
2. Click on Communication.
3. Click on the Shared Memory Properties tab.
4. In the Shared Memory panel set these parameters:
• TCP Port: Vizrt does not recommend a specific port. Always make sure that the
selected port is not in use by any other program on the same subnet.
5. Click Save.
The syntax for the key-value pairs is:
• key|value\0
Multiple key-value pairs can be sent, at once, as well. To do this make sure that each pair is
terminated with 0.
• key1|value1\0key2|value2\0key...
1. Go to the Configuring Viz.
2. Click on Communication.
3. Click on the Shared Memory Properties tab.
4. In the Shared Memory panel set these parameters:
• UDP Port: Vizrt does not recommend a specific port. Always make sure that the
selected port is not in use by any other program on the same subnet.
5. Click Save.
The syntax for sending key-value pairs is the same as for TCP and UDP Synchronization.
Note: The Plug-in API documentation is included with the Viz installation (go to Start -> All
Programs -> vizrt -> Viz 3.x -> Documentation -> Plugin SDK Documentation -> Classes ->
Class List -> Shared_Memory).
Command Interface
For small and single value changes the Command Interface of Viz Artist can be used. For example,
to update a headline in a Scene.
IMPORTANT! A command operation can block the renderer. If there are too many
commands, within a small time, or commands containing a large amount of data, are sent,
this can result in not rendering real-time anymore.
Any external program should consider the performance of the single or all connected Viz Engines.
If there is a burst of thousands of SHM variables this can have implications on the Viz Engine
rendering performance (Current (CUR) and Maximum (MAX)).
A full list of commands is at:
• <viz install folder>\Documentation\CommandInterface\index.html
Note: From the list of commands, the commands, CLEAR, DELETE_ELEMENT and
PURGE_ELEMENT will only work when sent through the command interface of Viz Artist.
IMPORTANT! The command CLEAR must be run on each Engine where the MAP is to
Whenever a new entry is made in the map (a new key-value pair) or values are changed, then
the change is propagated to the other Viz Engines through a database messaging service to
update the local copy of each Viz Engine’s map (this only works when sent over the general
communication port of Viz Engine (default port 6100)).
Command Examples
VIZ_COMMUNICATION*MAP can be used to access the map.
8.3 Synchronization
If a Viz Engine is restarted or added to the cluster of Viz Engines for playout, the
VizCommunication.Map data will not available on this Viz Engine. The local map on a new or
restarted Viz Engine can be synchronized with the local map on another running Viz Engine in the
same cluster.
Example: If Viz Engine 1 restarts it will look to, for example, Viz Engine 3 to update it’s
local VizCommunication.Map.
Always make sure that the selected port number is not in use by any other program
on the same subnet.
5. In Master Engine Ip Address type the Ip address of a running Viz Engine to synchronize with.
Example <IP/hostname of Viz Engine 3>.
Note: Must be the IP address of a running Viz Engine in the same cluster system.
6. In Master Engine Port, type the port number to be used (default 6100).This port sends the
single startup synchronization command to start synchronizing. It should be the same as the
general communication port of the Viz Engine set in Master Engine IP Address.
7. In Master Poll, select UDP or TCP as selected in step 4.
8. Click Save.
where the Viz Engine is the engine which receives the data through the Command Interface.
The port is usually 6100 (standard command interface port).
where the Viz Engine is the engine which receives the data, and the port is the one that was
specified for incoming TCP key|value pairs on the Viz Engine which is to receive the data (see
SHM over TCP).
• Through UDP Communication
where the Viz Engine is the engine which receives the data, and the port is the one that was
specified for incoming UDP key|value pairs on the Viz Engine which is to receive the data
(see SHM over UDP).
8.4 Snapshot
It is also possible to take a data ‘snapshot’ (save the whole content of the map) at any time. One
Viz Engine can save the whole content of the map by calling the map’s SaveToDb procedure, and
another client can read it by calling LoadFromDb.
The downside of this approach is that these functions block the renderer and can cause poor
performance of the Graphic Hub Manager database, if the map is stored repeatedly.
IMPORTANT! The resulting SHM map objects are replicated as well. So saving the map each
field or every minute can result in serious problems for the Graphic Hub Manager database
(replication failing, etc.).
Note: For more information see the script function documentation. Go to, Start -> All
Programs -> vizrt -> Viz 3.x -> Documentation -> Script Documentation -> Data Types and
procedures -> Shared Memory, or <Viz Install Directory> -> ScriptDoc ->
See Also
• External Data Input
• Synchronization
9.1 Prerequisites
To make sure clip handling is fast the system has to be configured to use a RAID-0 hard disc
configuration. Also it is best to use a Matrox X.mio2 or X.mio2 Plus rather than an X.mio because
of the increased memory usage and performance required.
If the system is fitted with an X.mio you could increase the performance by setting the used RGB to
YUV conversion to Shader (see Render Options). For further details, see the Configure Frame
Accurate Output section.
As all of the clip players are initialized at first usage it is necessary to do so prior to starting a
frame accurate scene. Do this by loading a dummy scene that has all clip channels set to either
DVE or texture mode and a valid clip name given.
Note: It can take up to four seconds for the clip players to initialize. Do this a second time
to also initialize the pending clip players. Please keep in mind that this procedure is only
needed after a fresh restart of the Viz Artist/Engine.
• The following setting will increase performance only when an X.mio is installed.
6. Select the Video Input: Clip Input section.
7. Expand the ClipIn settings for the clip channel you use (1 or 2) and set Video Delay DVE to 0
and Pending to Active
8. Click Save and Close
9.3 Commands
To enable frame accurate handling of clips, it is necessary to preload the next scene by using the
CUE command:
Because the loading time of clips is affected by disc speed and the used codec, allow at least 1
second head start for the CUE command. The earlier you cue the next scene the more likely all of
the clips are prepared when needed.
After the initial CUE command it is/could be necessary to send the following commands. If the
scene was saved at another position than 0 send:
The following is always needed to finally set and activate the scene:
• Input Functionality
• Flow of the GPI signal
• Output Functionality
• Commands
9.4.4 Commands
The following are the available GPIO commands:
• • Pin Command - Set
• Command - Clear
• Information - Get
• Pin Command - Test
• Enable - Set
• GPO Command - Set
in the Viz Config file. Therefore Ring_Buffer_Size*2+7 is the minimum delay for GPI
triggered commands.
Command - Clear
Information - Get
Sends all queued commands for the pin and signal to the Viz Engine. The counter for the
commands is not decremented.
• <PIN>: Input Pin number (valid from 0-31) where the first Pin is 0.
• <UP_DOWN>: 0 means the command should be executed on a falling edge, 1 means the
command should be executed on a raising edge.
Enable - Set
Enables or disables GPI commands for the Viz Engine. All functionality is available except of
sending the commands on a GPI signal. If disabled the command will be shown in the console and
a warning is shown, that GPI is disabled. The TEST command is working as usual, even if GPI is
• 1 enables GPI execution
Field Accurate Timed Command Execution in combination with graphics, live and clip
playback require at least version 3.9.1.
Earlier versions can only guarantee Field Accurate Timed Command Execution on the
Matrox X.mio2, X.mio2+ and X.mio3 (as X.mio2+) boards.
Gives all time codes which have been updated in the last 2 fields
TC*TC CLEAR <index>
Clears all queued commands for the time code source with index <index>
9.5.2 Prerequisites
The following prerequisites need to be done:
• The system must be equipped with a Plura TC Reader board. This needs to be enabled in the
Viz Config File by setting TCReaderUsage = 1
To verify this, make sure the final output device (Recorder, Monitor) can display the same
timecode as attached to the Viz Engine.
9.5.3 Configuration
To configure a correct field accurate timeout, a few parameters need to be set. Three important
values are responsible for a proper playout of Graphics, DVE Live sources and DVE Clips:
The Command TC*TC_BIAS SET n will immediately take effect without restarting Viz
If you also need to show DVE Live effects in a frame accurate environment, there is also the need
to configure the delay of the LiveInput DVE. This is done by setting
Matrox0.VideoIn1.VideoDelayDVE = n
in the config file. This is the number of fields, the DVE signal is delayed until it is shown on the
video output. This value can not be negative, the minimum is 1 (0 also represents 1). If your
graphics + DVE is still too late, you need to decrease the Timed command bias and adjust the
VideoInDelay accordingly.
Additionally if also clips need to be played exactly at the given timecode and additional parameter
comes in play:
ClipIn1.VideoDelayDVE = n
This controls how many fields a clip is being delayed until it shows up on the Video Output.
Note: Clips need always to be cued as the need some time be read from the hard drive. This is
done by sending a
SCENE*<uuid> CUE
to the engine a few seconds before the scene is taken to air. Clips must be placed in the stage to
be preloaded correctly.
The correct sequence to bring a scene on air exactly at 12:00:00:00 with clips prepared would
then be:
SCENE*<uuid> CUE
Framebuffer Delay
The FramebufferDelay setting is usually used to delay the playout of any graphics. It is used to
keep DVE and Graphics in sync when it is set to 0.
However for fine tuning the delays between Graphics, DVE Live and DVE Videos this value needs to
be adjusted accordingly.
Matrox0.VideoOut1.FrameBufferDelay = n
As of the architecture of X.mio3 boards, a frame accurate playout with DVE effects
(position and scaling) is currently not possible.
Therefore a X.mio3 board needs to run in X.mio2+ mode (Matrox.LowLatencyMode = 0)
1080i50 0
720p50 -1
PAL +8
1080i60M 2
720p60M 0
1080i50 0 4 0 4
720p50 6 3 - 4
PAL 0 4 0 4
1080i60M 1 4 0 4
720p60M 6 3 - 4
NTSC 1 4 0 4
More GPUs require more bandwidth and will therefore decrease the performance.
Therefore it is strongly recommended to use only 1 physical GPU and split the
outputs (4*4K on M6000/ 4*5K on P6000) with additional hardware like a Datapath
On a multi-CPU system with two graphics cards, assigning them both to the same CPU can increase
performance with as much as 30 percent.
Make sure that the monitor cables are the same for all cards. For example, a video wall
configuration with six monitors on two cards, should use three outputs on each card with the
same connectors on each card. If required, adapters can be used to connect the displays to the
Make sure the NVIDIA G-SYNC card receives the same reference signal as the video board:
If a Matrox X.mio2 video board is in use, the loop through of the reference signal can be used, as
illustrated below:
IMPORTANT! The NVIDIA M6000 and P6000 card must be installed using the 8-pin
power adapter which is included with the card. Installing the card using a 6-pin
power connector will have a negative impact on performance and can lead to
unexpected system behavior with reports of a PCI error.
3. Connect the NVIDIA G-Sync and Matrox X.Mio3/DSX.LE4 to the Genlock source.
When attaching the connector cables between the graphics card and the G-SYNC card, make
sure that the red line on all of the connector cables are facing the card’s mounting bracket,
towards the back of the case. Failure to do so can result in synchronization issues.
4. Connect the Matrox video input and output jacks.
5. Connect one monitor only to the graphics card, for the initial setup.
6. Boot the machine.
7. Install NVIDIA drivers and Matrox DSX.Utils. Reboot the machine as required.
8. Shut down the computer and connect all remaining video wall displays to the graphics card.
For configurations with more than one graphics card, make sure to use the same outputs on
all cards. Boot the machine and proceed with the Order of Steps to Set Up NVIDIA Mosaic.
2. Apply the changes, then select 3D App - Video Editing from the profile drop-down menu,
and apply changes again:
IMPORTANT! For 50 Hz setups, make sure that there is no EDID-file loaded. Then start the
Mosaic configuration, there is no need to perform more steps. For 59.94 Hz, load the EDID-
file and make sure it is applied properly by verifying every single monitor in the View
System Topology panel.
If running with two or more cards, make sure the same outputs are used on each card. For
example, if using two DisplayPort outputs and one DVI output on the first card, the same outputs
must be used on the second card, etc. Failure to do so may result in Mosaic setup failure, with an
error message stating that the configuration is not supported.
1. Enter Mosaic configuration in the NVIDIA control panel and setup Mosaic for the required
refresh rate:
• NVIDIA Mosaic Configuration for 1080i50
• NVIDIA Mosaic Configuration for 1080i60M
2. Synchronize the GPU to the internal house-sync, by configuring the NVIDIA G-Sync device in
the Synchronize displays panel of the NVIDIA Control Panel:
1. Ensure the House sync status LED indicates that a proper sync signal is connected.
2. Ensure that the Frame-Lock sync status LED is shining green. It must not blink or shine
orange. When sync is stable, the Stereo phase status LED should also be lit green.
Caution: Loading unsupported or corrupted EDID settings for a display may render the
source device unable to output any video signal to the display. Please refer to the
information supplied by the display hardware vendor for information on the displays
capabilities or limitations.
4. In the Select Connector to force EDID panel, check all connected displays, then click Load
5. When the EDID file has been applied to all displays, check the properties of every display in
the View System Topology section. They must all run on 59.94 Hz.
6. Proceed To Create a Custom 59.94 Hz Resolution.
3. In the upcoming dialog, tick the Enable resolutions not exposed by the display check box,
and click Create Custom Resolution....
5. Enter a Refresh rate (Hz) of 60 Hz and leave all other settings to their default values:
the Refresh rate to 59.940 Hz, and leave all other settings to their respective default values:
6. Click the Test button. The connected monitors might go black for several seconds while
adjusting to the new refresh rate. Do not press any key on the keyboard or buttons on the
mouse while this goes on. When the screens returns to normal, acknowledge the new
settings by pressing Yes in the upcoming dialog.
7. The newly created resolution will now show up as illustrated below and will have been
applied to all displays.
IMPORTANT! Please note that for 59.94 Hz setups, the server refresh rate might
report to be 60 Hz when the external house sync is 59.94 Hz. Even though the
custom resolution states to be 60 Hz, the correct value under the hood is 59.94 Hz.
4. Enter section Synchronize Displays in the NVIDIA Control Panel and choose On this
system for the question regarding the timing server, then click the Server Settings button.
Make sure the presented server refresh rate matches the one of the incoming Genlock
signal. Choose An external house sync signal. Leave all other settings as they are, and apply
the changes.
The View System Topology panel will report that The display is locked to the house sync
signal for one of the connected displays. For the other connected displays, the report will
state that The display is locked to the frame lock sync pulse.
If this is not the case, a number of steps need to be performed in advance, as described in the
section To Create a Custom 59.94 Hz Resolution. An EDID-file will always be required to be able to
run monitors that do not natively support 59.94 Hz frequency at that frequency. Contact the
display hardware vendor to obtain the correct EDID file for the monitors in use.
1. To configure Mosaic for 1080i60M, follow the steps described in the NVIDIA Mosaic
Configuration for 1080i50 section. Make sure to select a refresh-rate of 59.94 Hz during
step 2 of the Mosaic creation process. Depending on the NVIDIA driver installer, sometimes
59.94 Hz is not available from the Refresh rate drop-down list, even if the loaded EDID-file
enables this frequency rate. If this is the case, select 60 Hz:
2. Once Mosaic is configured and the G-Sync device has been locked to the house-sync, the
topology in the NVIDIA control panel should look as follows, with the report for one of the
connected displays stating The display is locked to the house sync signal.
The report for all other displays should be that The display is locked to the frame lock sync
5. Proceed with configuring the required Viz Engine Video Wall Configuration Settings.
10. In the Database section, specify which Viz Graphic Hub to use and provide the login
11. Start Viz Engine without a User Interface, by executing the following from the command line:
<viz install folder>\viz.exe -n -w
12. Load a scene containing a single live-video or clip source as a texture and scale it up to full
screen. If running Viz Artist, switch to On Air Mode. Watch for drops in the video wall output
within the first 60 seconds.
13. Verify the configuration of the NVIDIA driver by checking the Topology Inspector, and check
the Viz Engine configuration. This is especially important when setting up a 59.94 Hz video-
wall, as a wrong refresh-rate of 60 Hz could get applied to the displays by mistake.
14. In general, a proper Mosaic setup is automatically synchronized with Viz Engine. However, it
can be necessary to force Viz Engine to synchronize. This is necessary for all setups with
multiple graphics cards.
To force synchronization, issue the following command in the Engine Console:
IMPORTANT! Do not execute this command unless needed, as this may have an
impact on performance.
This synchronization can also remedy certain tearing effects. Create a simple scene
with a bar running left to right. If any of the connected monitors display tearing
effects, try sending the above command.
Audio Output
For performance reasons, in a Video Wall setup the video out channels will usually be set
to Unused. To configure a Video Wall with embedded or AES audio output, the video out channel
must be mapped to the selected Matrox channel. Set Map to Viz Channel in the Matrox VideoOut
Properties in Viz Configuration.
Note: When running a Video Wall with audio out, even though the video out channel is
mapped, the SDI output will be black.
• Performance issues
This indicates that there exists an synchronization issue which needs to be fixed. Solving this may
require going through one or several of the following steps:
1. Re-establish synchronization
a. Disable display synchronization in section Synchronize Displays.
b. Re-establish synchronization.
See the NVIDIA Mosaic Configuration for 1080i50 or NVIDIA Mosaic Configuration for
1080i60M sections for more detailed instructions.
2. Reconnect G-SYNC signal cables
a. Physically disconnect the sync cable from the G-SYNC card.
b. Reconnect the sync cable.
c. Switch synchronization back on in the NVIDIA Control Panel. Go to Synchronize
Displays and set the radio button to An external house sync signal. See the NVIDIA
Mosaic Configuration for 1080i50 or NVIDIA Mosaic Configuration for
1080i60M sections for more detailed instructions.
d. Verify the LEDs on the NVIDIA Quadro Sync, or in the Topology Inspector of the NVIDIA
Control Panel.
e. If this does not help, try to reboot the machine.
In case this does not fix the issue, please:
Example: gfx_channels_antialiased = 1
Turning on GPUDirect can result in less performance than running without it. There is a
workaround for this problem and we recommend to use this setting in video wall setups.
Enable the flag use_threaded_IO in the configuration file.
Setting: use_threaded_IO = 1
IMPORTANT! Any other setup than those described is not guaranteed to be supported by
Viz and may cause problems during operation.
Note: Vizrt may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
without notice.
Note: The limitations to such systems, in general and not limited to Vizrt alone, is
memory usage and access, and also lack of power redundancy.
See Also
• Working with Synchronous Output
• Hardware Requirements
• Software Requirements
• Synchronous Output Configuration
• Video Wall Distributor
• To Configure a Machine with Two Graphics Cards
Note: Viz Artist will only be available for channel 1 as it will always run on the first GPU.
The configurations use one video input per channel and embedded audio on the channel. The
table below shows the main differences in the configurations:
Since this configuration puts an extra load on the Matrox card, it is important to use the available
resources with care:
• In the video section of the scene switch off all unused layers
• Let the GPU do the color conversion.
The Matrox card itself is synced through the Viz Engine 1 instance.
It is important that only one display is active in the NVIDIA control panel. If you span the desktop
across multiple GPUs, the affinity mask has no effect and both engines will render on GPU.
Note:Viz Trio Box CG requires Viz Trio 2.9 or later and Media Sequencer 1.19
or later. Viz Trio Box CG is a single channel setup where you have a program
channel on the client machine in addition to your regular local Viz Engine
See Also
• Viz Command Line Options
• Stereo Settings and Stereoscopy best practices (see the Viz Artist User Guide)
• Setup of the output channels using two graphics cards (see the Viz Trio User Guide)
IMPORTANT! For maximum performance when running the Viz Engine in VGA mode, please
refer to the procedure To Configure NVIDIA Driver Settings for Viz Engine, VGA mode
Please refer to the Release Notes on information about which nVidia driver to use.
11.3.2 To Configure NVIDIA Driver Settings for Viz Engine, VGA mode
For maximum performance when running the Viz Engine in VGA mode, follow the procedure To
Configure NVIDIA Driver Settings for Viz Engine, Video mode outlined above, and observe the
following changes:
1. In Global Settings, change the Global presets option to 3D App - Video Editing
2. The parameter for Vertical Sync must be set to On
7. Click Apply.
8. Open Viz Config.
9. Click on User Interface.
10. Set Screen Layout Mode to Mosaic Horizontal or Mosaic Vertical.
Legacy configurations
This section contains information about how to configure FX 4500 SDI and FX 5500 SDI boards,
which are not supported anymore by vizrt.
1. Start Viz Config, or open the configuration from Viz Artist (Config button in the upper right
2. Select Video Output.
3. When using an NVIDIA SDI output option and synchronize on blackburst, use the following v-
phase settings:
• PAL: 606
• NTSC: 509
• 720p50: 743
• 720p60: not supported
• 720p60M: 736
• 1080i50: 1113
• 1080i60M: 1113
4. When synchronizing with SDI, leave the v-phase to 0
• For Quadro FX 4500 SDI, and FX 5500 SDI boards the parameter use_old_nvsdk may need to
be set to 1 in the Viz Config file, if stability issues encounter, on unsupported systems.
See Also
• Video Wall Configuration
• NVIDIA Legacy Cards
• NVIDIA Driver Configuration
NVidia M40
NVidia M60
NVidia K2 (K280Q,K260Q)
NVidia K520
The following table lists Viz Engine versions and the corresponding NVIDIA driver version:
3.8.3 368.86
3.8.2 361.91
3.8.1 353.82
3.8.0 347.25
3.6.4 341.21
12 Matrox Hardware
Viz Engine supports a wide range of Matrox products. This chapter provides an overview of the
different Matrox video cards and dongles supported by Viz Engine, as well as providing their
common installation procedures.
The Matrox X.mio series boards are used as Vizrt’s HD, SD and 4K multi-channel video- and audio
I/O solution. The original Matrox X.mio is considered legacy. There are currently three generations
of the Matrox X.mio boards: The Matrox X.mio2 and X.mio2 plus, and Matrox X.mio3.
• X.mio3 was introduced in 2015 and is supported by Viz Engine 3.8 and higher.
• X.mio2 Plus brought new features such as Matrox Control Engine (MCE) and advanced
failsafe capabilities, compared to the X.mio2.
• X.mio2 is mainly used for Virtual Studio due to low latency requirements. Since Viz Engine
3.8.2, the preferred video card for Virtual Studio solutions is the Matrox X.mio3 card.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Matrox X.mio3 IP
• Matrox X.mio3
• Matrox X.mio, X.mio2 and X.mio2 Plus
• DVE Performance with X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus and X.mio2 Systems
• Audio Cable Assignment
• Matrox DSX LE Series
• Matrox X.RIO
• Matrox X.Open
• Matrox Driver Installation
• Mixed Mode Video Support
• Supported Codecs
• Watchdog
• Configuration History for Matrox X.mio and DSX Series
• Troubleshooting Matrox Video Hardware
• DVE Performance
The card contains two enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) slots, or "bays". The lower bay
is SFP A, and hosts inputs and output channels 1 and 2. The upper bay houses SFP B, which hosts
input and output channels 3 and 4. The board does not have any SDI inputs or outputs. There is
one Mini-BNC connector used to connect the card to the house genlock signal.
Be aware that SFPs come in two flavors:
• Short range (SR, 850 nm), and
• Long range (LR, 1310 nm).
In general, a cable may only connect two SFPs of the same type. In addition, please be aware
that the SFP should not be constantly switched in and out of the X.mio3 IP card, as the
warranty on the card may be voided if this occurs more than 40 times.
When an output channel uses the alpha channel, a key channel will be created. This will always be
the next numbered output channel. The channel pair will always be on the same SFP:
• SFP A: Fill is on output 1, and key is on output 2
• SFP B: Fill is on output 3, and key is on output 4
Note that it is possible for a dual channel setup to use independent output channels on one
SFP, for example 1 and 2. In this case, the Use alpha property must be disabled for both
Default IP Properties
By default, the fields in the configuration file are hidden, at least when set to default values. To
view the default values, activate verbose mode by setting VerboseConfig = 1 in the configuration
file. Then launch and quit Viz Artist, in order to rewrite the Viz configuration.
Here are the default IP properties for Output channel 1 as shown in the config file:
Matrox0.VideoOut1.SrcAddress =
Matrox0.VideoOut1.SrcUdpPort = 48
Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstAddress =
Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstUdpPort = 48
Matrox0.IpIn1.SrcAddress =
Matrox0.IpIn1.SrcUdpPort = 48
Change IP Properties
Although the IP properties may be changed by editing the configuration file directly, the IP address
and port numbers can also be set via the command line interface. Because channel numbering is
zero-based here, Output Channel 1 is referred to as VIDEOOUT_0.
Query the destination properties of the key channel associated with output 1:
The X.mio3 cards can be combined with the AES Audio Kit for 16 AES audio channels In/Out, see
X.mio3 AES Audio Kit.
12.2.2 X.mio3 FH
X.mio3 FH provides multichannel SDI IO with hardware based video processing in a full-height,
half-length PCI express card with 13 physical HD-BNC connectors. This card provides up to 12
reconfigurable I/Os, from SD to 4K, one connector is reserved for sync. Support for AES/EBU, LTC
and GPIO provide for versatile connectivity. The multi-channel hardware processing accelerates
compute-intensive operations including motion-adaptive de-interlacing, up/down/cross scaling
and mixing/compositing for all resolutions, including 4K.
Key features:
• Half-length PCI express card
• Re-configurable IO that can support up to 12 SDI IO
• Frame synchronizers
• VANC and HANC support for each input and output
• Analog black burst reference input (tri-level or bi-level)
• On-board multi-channel MADI (Motion Adaptive De-Interlacer)
• On-board multi-channel Up/Down/Cross scaler
• On-board multilayer compositor
• Automatic video relay bypass
• Live zero-frame delay video and audio mixers
• Up to 16 channels of AES/EBU inputs and outputs
• Up to 8 LTC inputs and outputs
• RS422 control
• Single slot all inclusive option
IMPORTANT! Not all X.mio3 hardware features are supported by Viz Engine. Features
available depends on drivers, SDK and Engine versions in use.
X.mio3 LP
Matrox X.mio3 LP is a low-profile, half-length PCIe card with up to eight reconfigurable SDI I/Os
from SD to 4K.
Key features
• Low profile, half-length PCI-e card
• Re-configurable I/O that can support up to 8 SDI inputs or outputs
• Frame synchronizers
• VANC and HANC support for each input and output
• Analog black burst reference input (tri-level or bi-level)
• On-board multi-channel MADI (Motion Adaptive De-Interlacer)
• On-board multi-channel Up/Down/Cross scaler
• On-board multilayer compositor
• Automatic video relay bypass (optional)
• Live zero-frame delay video and audio mixer
IMPORTANT! Not all X.mio3 hardware features are supported by Viz Engine. Features
available depends on drivers, SDK and Engine versions in use.
The X.mio3 LP models are: /4, /6, /8 - corresponding to the number of I/O port the configuration
The X.mio3 connectors are labeled 1 through 12 (plus one connector for sync), 8 connectors for
the LP (low profile) card. As explained, the connectors can be configured for in or out and with
various capabilities for clip playback depending on class - with possibilities for firmware class
IMPORTANT! There can be maximum 8 ports of the same type (either in or out), this
restriction also applies to the model x2 that has 12 connectors.
Connectors 1,3,5,7 will always be reserved for input, connectors 2,4,6,8 for output. Hence, if the
Watchdog is active port 1 (in) will go to port 2 (out) with relay, port 3 (in) to port 4(out) and so on.
The x2 model can as mentioned only have 8 I/Os of the same type; 8in - 4out or 4in - 8out.
To configure the X.mio3 card for usage:
• Make sure that the card has the required mix of inputs and outputs required for the
intended usage, for instance to satisfy fill, key, full-screen graphics requirements. This is
done, if required, with the mvConnectorConfig.exe utility described in X.mio3 I/O Port
• Map the I/Os from step 1 above to the Viz Video channels using the Viz Engine
Configuration utility. This is mostly the same procedure for X.mio3 as for previous Matrox
cards, see Viz Engine Matrox Video Mapping Configuration.
In the example above, the X.mio3 card is configured with 6 outputs (named VideoOut A to F) and
no inputs. The numbers within the trailing parentheses reflect which IO-channel is being used for
fill and key, respectively. This means VideoOut A uses IO-channel 2 for fill and IO 6 for
key, VideoOut B uses IO 4 for fill, IO 8 for key, while VideoOut C only has fill using IO 6, and so on.
Navigate to Config > Matrox > General for an overview showing which I/O channels are used for fill
and key, as illustrated in the Board Info section of the screenshot below:
upgrade file <filename>.OPT. This utility is installed with the Matrox driver package and will
normally be installed to
The command above must be run from a Windows command line window (Windows-button > cmd
> Enter).
The Matrox utility is used to display information about the card class, how the Input and
Outputs are configured, serial number and more. This utility can normally be started from the
Windows taskbar. A typical information window would be:
The X.mio3 AES Audio Kit connects to the X.mio3 card internally and takes up one slot as indicated
in the picture below:
• Channel 2:
• SDI OUT B: mapped to Program Fill
• SDI OUT D/KEY: mapped to Program Key
• SDI IN A: unused for the second channel
• SDI IN B/KEY: mapped to Video1 for the second channel, and so on
IMPORTANT! Both Viz Engines must be set to the same genlock setting.
• Preview:
• SDI Out B: mapped to Fill
• SDI OUT D/KEY: mapped to Key
• no Inputs are mapped by default
• x2 or x4 HD/SD SDI In
• x4 HD/SD SDI Out
• x1 Analogue Ref In
• x2 or x4 HD/SD SDI In
• x4 HD/SD SDI Out
• x1 Analogue REF IN
• x1 Analogue REF LOOP
IMPORTANT! When using the REF IN connector on the Matrox X.mio2 board for
synchronization, the REF LOOP connector must be terminated with a 75 Ohm resistor
unless it is being used to loop an incoming Genlock signal.
• x2 HD/SD SDI In
• x4 HD/SD SDI Out
• x1 Analogue REF IN
• x1 Analogue REF LOOP
IMPORTANT! When using the Ref. In connector on the Matrox X.mio board for
synchronization, the Ref. Out Loop connector must be terminated with a 75 Ohm
resistor unless it is being used to loop an incoming Genlock signal.
On the backside of each breakout box there are two connectors labeled AUDIO-A and AUDIO-B.
The included cables are used to connect the corresponding plugs of the X.mio series to the
A reference signal can be attached to the reference input connector ANALOG REF IN, which can be
fed with any analogue Genlock signal, such as a black burst or Tri-level as required.
If the reference signal used for synchronization is relayed from a Matrox X.mio and X.mio2 to a
graphics card, make sure to check that all internal connections between the graphics card and its
SDI extension are connected correctly, and that the extension is correctly supplied with power.
When the ANALOG REF IN connector is used with a Matrox X.mio or X.mio2 board for
synchronization, the ANALOG REF LOOP OUT connector must be terminated with a 75 Ohm
resistor unless it is being used to loop an incoming Genlock signal. The ANALOG REF LOOP OUT
for the X.mio2 Plus is terminated by default, and so only supports REF IN on the actual board.
By default, the audio-extension card will consume one additional free slot on the motherboard.
The card is supplied with the Matrox X.mio series boards in terms of power and data.
In some cases, the design of the audio-extension card makes it hard to mount it at a location with
an underlying PCIe slot. Therefore, it is an option to remove the back-end from the Audio-
extension Card instead of using another PCI or PCI-X slot. However, it is in most cases possible to
mount the extension card in any slot in the machine, unrelated to the underlying slot’s design,
without removing its back-end.
Removing the back-end of the extension card will free any connection to the motherboard. As a
result, it may react more sensitively to transportation and tension introduced by the external audio
cables connected to it. Therefore, the above-mentioned procedure should only be applied to
machines residing in stable environments like a dedicated machine room. Do not apply these
instructions to machines intended to be used for outside broadcasting or equipment that will be
moved around a lot.
Caution: Do not break the weak spots that hold the two remaining pieces together.
Note: Driver versions older than 4.0.0-126 do not support the upgrade and revert features.
• 720p50
• 720p60M
• 1080i50
• 1080i60M
12.4.1 PAL/NTSC
100 On 8 8 8
Off 8 8 8
99 On 8 8 8
Off 8 8 8
50 On 8 8 8
Off 8 8 8
12.4.2 720p50
100 On 8 4 4
Off 8 5 5
99 On 8 3 3
Off 8 4 4
50 On 8 6 6
Off 8 6 6
12.4.3 720p60M
100 On 8 3 3
Off 8 4 4
99 On 8 2 2
Off 8 3 3
50 On 8 5 5
Off 8 5 5
12.4.4 1080i50
100 On 8 4 4
Off 8 5 5
99 On 8 3 3
Off 8 4 4
50 On 8 5 5
Off 8 5 5
12.4.5 1080i60M
100 On 7 3 3
Off 8 4 4
99 On 7 2 2
Off 8 2 2
50 On 8 2 2
Off 8 2 2
Note: For setups using the Matrox X.mio2 without the X.RIO expansion module, 4 is the
maximum number of inputs. Consequently, for resolution and scaling combinations where
the maximum supported inputs are less than 4, the X.RIO module is not required.
Viz Engine supports the Matrox DSX LE series, versions 2, 3 and 4. The DSX LE series cards were
initially introduced as an entry level video card, for installations where no compositor is required.
It has since been expanded with some card models that also feature a compositor less feature-rich
and advanced than those found on the X.mio series cards.
The main features of the DSX LE series video boards are:
• The DSX LE4 is a passively cooled video card featuring HD-BNC connectors and video clip
playback capabilities
• The DSX LE3/**/100 does not have video clip playback capabilities. To play video clips (SD
and HD) as Texture, upgrade from 100 to 500, or 550 to include support for Apple ProRes.
• The standard Matrox DSX LE3 does not provide DVE capabilities or other high-end features,
such as frame synchronizers on the input or advanced failsafe capabilities.
On Boards with no on-board compositor, the software compositor is activated by default.
The output of the fill signal differs between the software compositor and the hardware
compositor. Although the results are the same when looking at them after a keyer, to get
the desired result, set the flag use_compositor in the configuration file to 0.
This section describes the following information:
Embedded Input
DSX.LE3 - - - -
DSX.LE2/CG - - - -
Embedded Output
Matrox X.RIO is an expansion module for the Matrox X.mio2 board that provides four configurable
I/Os. With the Matrox X.mio2 and X.RIO combined, Viz Engine supports up to 8 video inputs. The
use of 8 inputs will require an upgrade of the X.mio2, which in most cases ships with 2 inputs and
4 outputs. Support for the Matrox X.RIO expansion module started with Viz Engine 3.5.
This section contains information on the following topics:
Note: The actual number of working inputs depend on the bandwidth of the system,
resource usage, how many clips are played at the same time, and if they are played as DVE
or Texture.
2. The slot panel has numbers from 1-4. Make sure to connect them carefully, as the mini-BNCs
can break easily.
3. Mount the X.RIO on the X.mio2 board “Mod A” connector. The Mod B connector will not
4. Use the screws to fix the X.RIO expansion module.
Tip: When installing an X.mio2 with X.RIO into a HP Z800, make sure that the mini-
BNCs do not get disconnected during installation, as they are very hard to connect
while the X.RIO board is mounted on the X.mio2.
5. Mount the slot panel with the 4 additional inputs in any free slot and connect the power for
the X.RIO. Also, make sure the cables is not in touch with any fans.
Matrox X.Open is a USB dongle with no video outputs or inputs that you will find on a regular
video board such as the Matrox X.mio Series, but it has support for all the same codecs as a typical
Matrox board. It is therefore well suited for video clip playback using the Matrox clip player for IP,
DVI as well as VGA output.
• A driver version, which is not recommended, will in most cases cause the system to be
• Use the supplied driver installer application, and do not rely on drivers automatically
installed by the operating system.
• Please refer to the Drivers and Configuration History section for information on which driver
version is recommended for the Matrox video card and Viz Engine version in use.
As there are many driver versions available, it is important to compare the versions reported
by the Matrox utility to check that the driver and firmware versions match. A warning
will be displayed if the versions do not match.
This section contains information on the following topics:
5. In case the Windows Security window pops up, tick the Always trust software from Matrox
Electronic Systems check-box. This allows for a faster installation procedure in any
subsequent driver installations. If left un-checked, each required driver will need explicit
permission to be installed.
6. Click Install to start the installation. The installation can take several minutes.
7. When completed, a pop-up window will confirm the successful installation. Click OK.
8. After the driver has been installed, an icon (1) will appear in the system tray.
Note: The firmware upgrade now starts. This can take a few minutes to complete.
Tip: In some cases, the Matrox driver removal process will automatically reboot the
5. In the Display Information About drop-down, select Hardware and click on the installed card
tab, for example LE3/22C.
Note: The information shown in the panel can look different depending on the
installed Matrox card.
• Source: 720p
• Video In to DVE and Texture
• Clip In to DVE and Texture
• Source: 1080i
720p - - -
1080i OK - -
720p OK - -
1080i OK - -
720p - OK -
1080i OK OK -
720p OK OK -
1080i OK OK OK
PAL/NTSC - - -
720p - - OK
1080i - - OK
720p - OK -
1080i - OK -
720p - OK -
1080i OK OK OK
720p OK OK -
1080i OK OK OK
PAL/NTSC - - -
720p - - -
1080i - - OK
720p - - OK
1080i - - OK
720p - OK -
1080i OK OK OK
720p OK OK OK
1080i OK OK OK
IMPORTANT! The Codec DNxHD requires its own license, issued by Vizrt.
12.12 Watchdog
A watchdog is essentially a timer that allows a system to continue video pass-through when an
application has crashed or there is a system failure. The X.mio has a built-in watchdog capability;
however, the bypass only works for video (including optional embedded audio), while AES audio is
not bypassed.
The watchdog can be used as a Mechanical Bypass (copper-to-copper) or a Hardware Bypass
This section contains the following topics and procedures:
• Mechanical Bypass
• Hardware Bypass
• Transition from Watchdog to Video
• To Enable Mechanical Bypass
Tip: The hardware bypass introduces an h-phase on the output. The value of this phase
depends on the video output format.
ready. To provide a glitch free transition from watchdog to video configure the watchdog’s
deactivation delay by setting the delay in fields for the watchdog to wait before deactivation.
Matrox0.WatchDogUseHardwareBypass = 0
3.9.1 DSX.utils X.mio3 IP, X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE4, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.9.0 DSX.utils X.mio3 IP, X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE4, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.8.3 DSX.utils X.mio3 IP, X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE4, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.8.2 DSX.utils X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE4, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.8.1 DSX.utils X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.8.0 DSX.utils X.mio3, X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.7.0 DSX.utils X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, X.mio, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.6.4 DSX.utils X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, X.mio, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG
3.6.3 DSX.utils X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, X.mio, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG (SP2)
3.6.2 DSX.utils X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, X.mio, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG (SP2)
3.6.0 DSX.utils X.mio2 Plus, X.mio2, X.mio, DSX LE3, DSX LE2/CG (SP2)
Note: The Matrox0.ResetTopology setting will be automatically set back to 0 after the
reset has been performed
The reset feature also clears the on-board memory of the X.mio2 Plus board. This operation
removes all Matrox X.RIOs and their topologies from the on-board memory.
After the reset everything will be restored automatically according to the configuration settings.
This also applies to both Viz Engines in a Dual Channel setup.
IMPORTANT! When changing a Matrox video board the Matrox.Devices setting, set in
the Viz Config file’s SECTION MATROX_CONFIG, will not be updated. The Matrox support
will not be correct and the new board will not work. In this case the setting must be
removed and Viz Engine restarted such that Viz Engine can insert the new serial
Size Maximum
100% 6
99% 6
33% 6
The maximum number of DVE Assets (excluding Fore- and Background layer) on xMio3 :
Size Maximum
100% 9
99% 9
Size Maximum
100% 2(3)
99% 2(3)
Size Maximum
100% 4
99% 4
33% 4
* These measurements are done with DSX Utils on Viz Engine
13 BlueFish444
• Embedded audio input and output. Note that all 16 channels are used; however, there are
currently no configuration options available for these channels (e.g. routing of channels,
enable/disable channels etc)
• ANC data (both HANC and VANC), such as VITC and RP188 time codes, is supported. Data
from the input is laid over the output. Ingestion of time codes from time code reader boards
is supported as well
• Two video inputs and outputs and one Genlock
• Automatic bypass (aka Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444) of video if the Viz
Engine crashes
• Constant delay of 4 frames from input to output
Note: Other BlueFish444 and Digital Voodoo boards are no longer supported (see the
Legacy Cards section).
• Epoch | 4K Supernova
• Epoch | 4K Supernova Connectors
• Epoch | 4K Supernova S+
• Epoch | 4K Supernova S+ Connectors
• Epoch | Supernova CG
• Epoch | Supernova CG Connectors
The Epoch | Supernova is a full-length PCIe card with five bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC
connectors that support a number of configurations with up to two dual link channels or four
single link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and
two outputs.
On the Epoch | 4K Supernova, the default connector configuration for the five connectors are:
• Output 1
• Input 1
• Output 2
• Input 2
• Reference In (Genlock)
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated
as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special
Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
See Also
• Configuration History for BlueFish444
• Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• Video Board
The Epoch | Supernova S+ is a 2/3-length PCIe card with bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC
connectors that support a number of configurations, up to two dual link channels or four single
link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and two
outputs. With six BNC connectors, each of the first four do SD, HD, 3G, ASI, AES and LTC as either
input or output. The fifth is the designated GenLock or SD, HD, 3G, ASI or AES (no LTC).
On the Epoch | 4K Supernova S+, the default connector configuration for the six connectors are:
• Not in use
• Output 1
• Input 1
• Output 2
• Input 2
• Reference In (Genlock)
Note: Viz Engine does not utilize the top BNC connector on the Epoch | 4K Supernova
S+ video card, recognized as not being flush with the other five.
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated
as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special
Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
See Also
• Configuration History for BlueFish444
• Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• Video Board
The Epoch | Supernova CG is a 2/3-length PCIe card with bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC
connectors that support a number of configurations, up to two dual link channels or four single
link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and two
outputs. With five BNC connectors, each of the first four do SD, HD, 1.5G, ASI, AES and LTC as
either input or output. The fifth is the designated GenLock or SD, HD, 1.5G, ASI or AES (no LTC).
On the Epoch | Supernova CG, the default connector configuration for the five connectors are:
• Output 1
• Input 1
• Output 2
• Input 2
• Reference In (Genlock)
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated
as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special
Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
See Also
The Epoch | Neutron is a full-length PCIe card with three bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC
connectors that support dual link configurations. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be
configured with one input and one output. Of the three BNC connectors, the first two do SD, HD,
1.5G, ASI, AES and LTC as either input or output. The third is used for GenLock.
Tip: The Epoch | Neutron is capable of downstream keying. To achieve this, add a Media
Asset as DVE when creating a scene in Viz Artist.
On the Epoch | Neutron, the default connector configuration for the four connectors are:
• AUX connector (Not Used)
• (empty space)
• Output 1 (fill)
• Input 1
• Reference IN
If the dual_link_output flag is set to 1 in the Viz configuration file, the key output is enabled
on the bottom BNC connector. The Genlock signal gets moved to the AUX connector at the
• Reference In
• (empty space)
• Output 1 (fill)
• Input 1
• Output 2 (key)
Please refer to the Special Configuration Options section for more information.
See Also
• Configuration History for BlueFish444
• Special Configuration Options
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• Video Board
• Media Assets as DVE in the Viz Artist Guide
• To Enable Dual Link Input for Epoch | 4K Supernova and Epoch | 4K Supernova S+ Boards
• To Enable Dual Link Output for Epoch | Neutron
• To Enable Automatic Bypass for BlueFish444 Epoch Boards
13.4.1 To Enable Dual Link Input for Epoch | 4K Supernova and Epoch
| 4K Supernova S+ Boards
1. Stop Viz Engine.
2. Open the Viz Configuration file (for example: VIZ-<hostname>-0-0.cfg)
dual_link_input = 1
dual_link_output = 1
video_use_watchdog = 1
This section contains a description of the Digital Video Systems’ (DVS) Atomix HDMI video board.
Atomix HDMI is designed for HD TV broadcast and film post production up to 2K. Atomix HDMI
features two video channels that can be used independently or in 3D/stereo mode up to 2K.
Moreover, it has an up/downscaler, a 1D LUT and multi-rate SDI ports with 3.0 Gbps which can be
used in various single- and dual-link configurations.
The DVS Atomix HDMI is mainly used with Viz Virtual Set and Viz Arena, and is the successor of
the DVS Centaurus II. The DVS Atomix HDMI is, as with the Centaurus II, able to output SD, HD and
The DVS Atomix HDMI is typically mounted in HP Z420 machines.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Connectors
• Component Side
• SDI Panel
• Audio and RS-422 panel
• Supported Codecs
• Configuration History
• Licensing
See Also
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• DVS support
14.1.1 Connectors
Component Side
This section is an excerpt from the DVS Atomix HDMI Installation Guide (version 2), section
2.2.2, Overview of the Component Side, and section 2.3.3, Audio and RS-422 Panel. For complete
information, see the DVS Installation Guide available for download on their website.
N Item Description
1 HDMI HDMI 1.3 connector for an output of digital audio and video signals; will be used
D for the first video channel in special rasters (e.g. for quad-display applications)
N Item Description
2 HDMI HDMI 1.3 connector for an output of digital audio and video signals (main port of
C the assigned video channel); usually used for the second video channel; can also be
used for the first video channel in special rasters (e.g. for quad display
3 HDMI HDMI 1.3 connector for an output of digital audio and video signals; will be used
B for the first video channel in special rasters (e.g. for quad-display applications)
4 HDMI HDMI 1.4a connector for an output of digital audio and video signals up to 4K
A (main port of the assigned video channel); usually used for the first video channel
7 AUDI Flat cable connector for analog audio, the digital audio channels 1 to 8 and LTC
9 RS-42 Flat cable connector for an in- and output of RS-422 signals (main remote ports)
2 A/B
1 SDI MCX connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port
0 OUT A); usually used for an output of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-
A link modes (either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
1 SDI IN MCX connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port A);
1 A usually used for an input of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link
modes (either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
1 SDI IN MCX connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port B);
2 B usually used for an input of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-
link modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the
second dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
N Item Description
1 SDI MCX connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port
3 Out B B); usually used for an output of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or
dual-link modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the
second dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
1 break The printed circuit board provides at its bottom an extension void of any electrical
4 ing parts; it may serve to stabilize the installation of the board in a computer system;
line when not needed or interfering, you can carefully break it off the circuit board at
the breaking line
SDI Panel
The SDI panel provides the serial digital interface connectors for Atomix HDMI:
Item Description
SDI BNC connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port A);
In A usually used for an input of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link modes
(either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
Item Description
SDI BNC connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port B);
In B usually used for an input of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link
modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the second dual-link
stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
SDI BNC connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port A);
Out usually used for an output of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link
A modes (either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
SDI BNC connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port B);
Out usually used for an output of the second video channel n single-link (YUV) or dual-link
B modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the second dual-link
stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
The board has the breakout cable, a RS-422 panel and cable. On the RS-422 panel there are two
Item Description
Digital DB-25 connector (female) for audio and LTC in- and output; provides either four
Audio stereo channels digital audio (channels 1 to 8) or three channels audio plus LTC. It
(AES/EBU): can also be used to provide the digital audio channels 9 to 16.
Remote DB-9 connector (female), serial RS-422 interface for master or slave control.
The breakout cable has 4 XLR male and 4 XLR female connectors to interface directly with audio
devices. The RS-422 panel’s cable is mounted on the back of the RS-422 panel’s board and
connected to the Atomix HDMI board.
For information on how to install or update the driver, see the DVS SDK 2.7 User Guide (version
2.0) sections 3.2 and 3.3: Installation under Windows and Updating an Existing SDK.
14.1.4 Licensing
For information on how to set the license key for the DVS Atomix HDMI board, see the DVS Atomix
HDMI installation guide, section 3.3: Setting the License Key.
This section contains a description of the Digital Video Systems’ (DVS) Atomix LT video board.
Atomix LT is designed for HD TV broadcast and film post production up to 2K. Atomix LT features
two video channels that can be used independently or in 3D/stereo mode up to 2K. Moreover, it
has an up/downscaler, a 1D LUT and multi-rate SDI ports with 3.0 Gbps which can be used in
various single- and dual-link configurations.
Vizrt’s use of the DVS is mainly used with Viz Virtual Set and Viz Arena, and is Vizrt’s successor of
the DVS Centaurus II. The DVS Atomix LT is as with the Centaurus II able to output SD, HD and 2K.
The DVS Atomix is typically mounted in HP Z800 machines.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Connectors
• Overview of the items and connectors on the DVS Atomix LT board
• Panel with audio and remote control connections
• Supported Codecs
• Configuration History for DVS
• Licensing
See Also
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• DVS support
14.2.1 Connectors
This section is an excerpt from the DVS Atomix LT installation guide (version 1.0) section 2.2.1
and 2.3.2: Overview of the Component Side and Audio _and RS-422 Panel_. For complete
information, please refer to DVS’ installation guide available for download on their website.
N Item Explanation
1 SDI BNC connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port B);
Out usually used for an output of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-
B link modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the
second dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
2 SDI BNC connector for an output of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port A);
Out usually used for an output of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link
A modes (either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
3 SDI BNC connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port B);
In B usually used for an input of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-
link modes (3-Gbit/s SDI); can also be used for the first video channel for the
second dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A]
4 SDI BNC connector for an input of digital video signals (serial digital interface, port A);
In A usually used for an input of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or dual-link
modes (either 3-Gbit/s SDI or first dual-link stream of YUVA or RGB[A])
7 AUDI Flat cable connector for analog audio, the digital audio channels 1 to 8 and LTC
9 RS-4 Flat cable connector for an in- and output of RS-422 signals (main remote ports)
1 Fail For a bypass of the SDI input signals to the SDI outputs in case of power loss
0 Safe connect to either this connector or Fail Safe 0 a rechargeable battery (accu, see
1 section “Technical Data” on page A-1)
N Item Explanation
1 Brea The printed circuit board provides at its bottom an extension void of any electrical
1 king parts; it may serve to stabilize the installation of the board in a computer system;
line when not needed or interfering, you can carefully break it off the circuit board at
the breaking line
With the board you also have the breakout cable, RS-422 panel and cable. On the RS-422 panel
there are two connectors, one DB-25 connector for digital audio (AES/EBU) and one DB-9 connector
for remote in/out.
Item Explanation
Digital DB-25 connector (female) for audio and LTC in- and output; provides either four
Audio stereo channels digital audio (channels 1 to 8) or three channels audio plus LTC;
(AES/EBU) alternatively it can be used to provide the digital audio channels 9 to 16.
Remote DB-9 connector (female), serial RS-422 interface for master or slave control.
The breakout cable has 4 XLR male and 4 XLR female connectors to interface directly with audio
devices. The RS-422 panel’s cable is mounted on the back of the RS-422 panel’s board and
connected to the Atomix LT board.
For information on how to install or update the driver, please refer to DVS’ SDK 2.7 user guide
(version 2.0) sections 3.2 and 3.3: Installation under Windows and Updating an Existing SDK.
14.2.4 Licensing
For information on how to set the license key for your DVS Atomix LT board, please refer to the
DVS Atomix LT installation guide (version 1.0) section 3.3: Setting the License Key.
Currently the NVIDIA Quadro SDI Capture card can only be used with the NVIDIA SDI option. Vizrt’s
application of this card is mainly in time critical environments like virtual studios and sports
applications as it has a stable latency from input to output (of 4 frames).
The time used for video transfer from input to the GPU and back to video output is a lot less than
any other solution Vizrt currently offers. Hence, scenes with 4 video inputs as texture still have a
lot of rendering time left per field/frame.
15.1 Connectors
The card has five BNC connectors. Four connectors are used for input, and the fifth connector
serves as a loop-through of input one.
16 AJA Io 4K
Viz 3.7.1 and later supports the AJA Io 4K (Io4K), a portable size professional video and audio I/O
Io4K supports 4K, UltraHD, 3G-SDI, Dual Link, HD-SDI and SD-SDI as well as UHD and HD over
HDMI 1.4a for both capture and output. A dedicated, real time, always-on HD-SDI output allows Io
4K to simultaneously output to HD monitors when working at 4K or UHD resolutions, providing
cost-effective monitoring options in addition to full resolution outputs.
IMPORTANT! All possible modes of operation for the AJA Io 4K is currently not supported
by Viz Engine, see Configuration.
• Configuration History
See Also
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• Manufacturer’s documentation (external link at AJA Io 4K
16.2 Configuration
IMPORTANT! Currently 4K and HDMI output is not supported. Support for this will be considered in
future Viz Engine releases. For 1080P only Level A for 3G is supported.
This section contain information about the following subjects:
• Audio configuration
• Video Configuration
• Configuration Utilities
• Firmware Upgrade
If Live Input 2 is inactive in the configuration, SDI 2 will be enabled for preview output.
• watcher.exe This utility shows register settings. You may also write out a status log file. The
auto-circulate engine is also observable. This utility is mostly of value for support specialists.
5. Power-cycle the Io4K and reboot the computer to make sure the upgraded firmware
configuration is active.
16.7.1 Features:
• 4 x bi-directional 3G-SDI
• Simultaneous SDI and HDMI outputs
• Real time 4K to HD down-conversion for HD-SDI and HDMI monitoring
• 10-bit high-quality 4:2:2, 4:4:4 and High Frame Rate work-flow support
• Two Thunderbolt 2 ports
• Use with any Thunderbolt 2 system for up to 4K at 10-bit quality and up to 50p/60p
• Backwards compatible with existing Thunderbolt hosts
• 16-channel embedded audio on SDI
• 8-channel embedded audio on HDMI
• DB-25 analog audio output connector
• XLR 12V power for battery or AC use
• RS-422 VTR control, Reference, LTC Input
• Headphone jack and level control for mobile environments
IMPORTANT! Be careful when handling cards, see Handling and installing cards for some
17.1 HP Z440
This section describes how to setup a HP Z440 machine with the different cards provided by Vizrt.
The HP Z440 (4U rack units) is a high performance single-CPU workstation with 8 memory slots,
multiple storage and PCIe configuration options.
More details about the HP Z440 can be found on HP’s website: HP Z440 Info.
13 PCIe2 x1 AES Audio card (if the video card has it)
15 PCIe2 x4 Unused/Free
Note: Radial Aerato is recommended for the X.mio2 and X.mio2 Plus boards. However, for
video cards that have an onboard fan, such as the X.mio3, DSX LE 4, DVS Atomix or
Bluefish Epoch 4K Supernova cards, this is not needed.
17.2 HP Z840
This section describes how to setup a HP Z840 machine with the different cards provided by Vizrt.
The HP Z840 (5U rack units) is a high performance workstation that can be configured with two
CPUs, has 16 memory slots, multiple storage and PCIe configuration options.
More details about the HP Z840 can be found on HP’s website: HP Z840 Info and HP Z840 Support.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! A Radial Aerator is recommended for the Matrox X.mio2 video boards.
However, the Radial Aerator is not needed for video cards with an onboard fan, such as the
Matrox X.mio3, DVS Atomix or Bluefish Epoch 4K Supernova. The Radial Aerator cannot
physically be installed with the Xmio.2 Plus board, in which case the BIOS chassis fan speed
setting must be set to maximum to achieve sufficient cooling.
Setting Value
1 Empty
2 Graphics card 1
4 Emtpy
5 Graphics card 2
6 Matrox X.mio3 IP, Matrox X.mio3, or Matrox DSX LE4 video card
Note: Other video boards are not tested with this server.
Setting Value
17.5.2 To setup a single channel graphics with Video and AES Audio
• Graphic card in PCIe3 x16 above the power supply.
• Matrox card in PCIe3 x8.
• AES Audio above the Matrox card.
Note: Bluefish and DVS video boards have not been tested with this server.
• GPU Installation
• BIOS Settings
Slot Card
Also, make sure that the onboard GPU is disabled by setting the JPG1 jumper to pins 2 and 3:
Setting Value
Advanced -> Chipset Configuration -> North Bridge -> QPI Configuration -> QPI Disabled
General Configuration -> Early Snoop
The 15-inch model can be used for design and control applications, as it features a full HD display
and an NVIDIA Quadro M1000M or NVIDIA M2000M graphics card, depending on the
The 17-inch model can, in addition to design and control applications, also be used for SDI
productions. It is available with either an NVIDIA Quadro M4000M or NVIDIA Quadro M5000M
video card. For SDI productions, the HP ZBook must be extended with an AJA Io 4K external video
board and require a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter.
Both models come with the Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64 bit operating system.
Setting Value
This BIOS setting is required to make sure Viz Engine runs only on the NVIDIA graphic card, and
not on the built-in Intel HD graphic card.
See Also
• AJA Io 4K
• HP ML350p Gen8
• HP Z420
• HP Z800
• HP Z820
• HP DL370
• HP xw8200
• HP xw8400
• HP xw8600
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Note: Make sure that the cable connections are correctly mounted and that they stay
clear of any supplemental aerators or the aerator of the graphics device.
Note: Placement of cards are the same for both DVS Atomix HDMI (see Digital Video
Systems (legacy)) and DVS Centaurus II
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
7. Insert the slot panel (x2) for the X.mio2/44 board in slot 4. Connect it to the X.mio2 board.
8. Tidy up all cables and close the computer’s casing.
9. Start the machine.
Once the machine is powered up, check that the Matrox X.mio board has been correctly
installed. Check that the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel is set to ON. If
the LED is ON the board is correctly supplied with power.
17.8.2 HP Z420
This section describes how to setup a HP Z420 machine with the different cards provided by Vizrt:
• • To Setup an HP Z420 with a BlueFish444 Epoch board
• PCI-X, PCI and AGP slots, HP Z420
• Note: Placement of cards are the same for both DVS Atomix HDMI (see Digital Video
Systems (legacy)) and DVS Centaurus II
• To Setup an HP Z420 with a Matrox board
• PCI and PCIe slots, HP Z420
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Note: If you are using the BNC adapter with the Epoch|2K Horizon board it can be
placed directly adjacent the video board on either side.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Note: Make sure that the cable connections are correctly mounted and that
they stay clear of any supplemental aerators or the aerator of the graphics
Note: Placement of cards are the same for both DVS Atomix HDMI (see Digital
Video Systems (legacy)) and DVS Centaurus II
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
17.8.3 HP Z800
This section describes how to setup a HP Z800 machine with the different cards provided by Vizrt:
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Note: If you are using the BNC adaptor with the Epoch|2K Horizon board it can be
placed directly adjacent the video board on either side.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Note: Placement of cards are the same for both Digital Video Systems (legacy) and
DVS Centaurus II
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! The Matrox video boards can reach very high temperatures when in
operation. If a Xmio.2 board is used, a radial-aerator must be installed. If a Xmio.2
Plus board is used a radial-aerator can not, physically, be installed. In this case the
chassis fan speed (in BIOS) must be set to maximum to achieve sufficient cooling.
5. Optional: Insert the Matrox video board into the PCIe2 slot number 1 from the top.
6. Optional: Insert the extra slot panel for the X.mio2/44 board in any of the vacant slots, and
connect it to the X.mio2 board.
7. Tidy up all cables and close the computer’s casing.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
17.8.4 HP Z820
This section describes how to setup a HP Z820 machine with the different cards provided by Vizrt.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! The Matrox video boards can reach very high temperatures when in
operation. If a Xmio.2 board is used, a radial-aerator must be installed. If a Xmio.2
Plus board is used a radial-aerator can not, physically, be installed. In this case the
chassis fan speed (in BIOS) must be set to maximum to achieve sufficient cooling.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
17.8.5 HP DL370
This section describes how to setup a HP DL370 G6 machine with the different cards provided by
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
8. Connect the computer’s monitor to the graphics card in slot 3 from the left.
9. Start the machine and in the BIOS (Advanced: Thermal – Full Fan speed) set all fans to run at
full speed.
10. Boot and log on to the machine.
11. Install NVIDIA and Video board drivers.
12. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel, and click on System Information in the bottom left corner
and check that both graphics cards are installed and run at PCIe x16 speed.
13. If you installed a Matrox board, open Matrox from the system tray and check that the
video board runs at PCIe x8 speed.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
2. Insert the graphics card in PCIe2 slot number 8 from the left.
3. Insert the capture card in PCIe2 slot number 6 from the left.
4. Insert the SDI output board in the PCIe2 slot number 4 from the left.
5. Tidy up all cables and close the computer’s casing.
6. Go to Power Management Options > Advanced Power Management Options > PCI Express
Generation 2.0 Support
7. Activate Force PCI-E Generation 2
8. Save and exit the BIOS
17.8.6 HP xw8200
This section describes how to setup a HP xw8400 machine with the different cards provided by
To Setup an HP xw8200
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
17.8.7 HP xw8400
This section describes how to setup a HP xw8400 machine with the different cards provided by
To Setup an HP xw8400
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
2. Before mounting the video board, the SATA connector originally connected to the SATA port
0 needs to be reconnected to SATA port 1 to make room for the video board.
Note: For an HP xw8400, the X.mio24/6000 video boarInsert the Matrox video board
into the PCI-X slot number 6d requires a 64-bit PCI-X slot operating at a minimum of
100 MHz.
3. Insert the graphics card in the PCIe slot number 2 from the top.
4. from the top.
5. Insert a powerful radial-aerator into the PCI-X slot number 7 from the top.
6. Optional: Insert the Matrox video board into the PCI-X slot number 5 from the top.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
17.8.8 HP xw8600
This section describes how to setup a HP xw8600 machine with the different cards provided by
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
IMPORTANT! Before touching any components make sure you use an anti-static wrist strap
to prevent electrostatic discharge.
Once the machine is powered up you may verify that the Matrox X.mio board has been
correctly installed by looking for the blue OB-light on the (top) backside of the slot panel. A
lit light indicates that the board is correctly supplied with power.
• You should avoid touching the chips and other components on the circuit boards. Try to
handle the cards by their edges.
• Try to work in an area where the relative humidity is at least 50%.
• Do not wear wool or synthetic clothing. These fabrics tend to generate more static electricity
than cotton, which is best for this kind of work.
• Turn off the power switches on your computer and its connected components.
Once you’ve opened your computer, drain static electricity from your body by touching a
bare metal surface on your computer chassis before you install or remove any parts of your
system. If you have a grounding wrist strap, use it while handling and installing any
components in your computer.
18 Legacy Cards
This section contains an overview of legacy and discontinued hardware. Vizrt does not support the
hardware described in this chapter. Refer to this section only if you are configuring an older
version of Viz Engine, or for maintenance purposes.
Caution: Vizrt does not perform any system tests using the hardware in this chapter. Using
newer versions than listed of Viz Engine, Viz Artist, operating system or drivers, may cause
unexpected behavior or system failure.
3.5.4 311.50
3.5.4 311.50
3.5.4 311.50
3.5.4 311.50
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
3.0 81.67
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
3.0 162.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
3.0 162.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
3.0 81.67
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
3.0 81.67
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
3.0 162.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
Windows XP
3.0 83.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
3.0 162.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
Windows XP
3.5.2 296.70
3.1.0 - 3.5.1 275.36 (or 91.36 when used with Video Wall (SDI only))
3.0 162.62
If you experience driver problems, set use_old_nvsdk to 1 in the Viz Config file.
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
3.0 162.62
Windows XP
3.5.4 311.50
3.6.4 341.21
Viz supports the SD Lite Pro Express card, and the more recent BlueFish444 cards.
BlueFish444 SD Lite Pro Express provides Fill, Key and GenLock connectors, and is the successor of
the BlueFish444 Iridium|SD and the Digital Voodoo DeepBlue LT, that are no longer officially
The card was mostly used with Viz Trio NV which basically was a system with the ability to run a
Viz Trio client with local preview and video output on a single machine; hence, there was no video
input or video playback support as with the Matrox X.mio Series. The local preview was able to
render a different scene than the one being output on video. The card was typically seen on HP
xw4600 workstations.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Connectors
• Driver Installation
18.2.1 Connectors
Note: Viz Engine 3.2.7 and 3.3.0 require the Bluefish444 v5.9.0.25 driver for all Digital
Voodoo / Bluefish cards.
BlueFish444 Iridium|SD is the native successor of the Digital Voodoo DeepBlue LT and the
predecessor of BlueFish444 SD Lite Pro Express, providing Fill, Key, GenLock and Composite Fill
connectors. The Iridium|SD is fully compatible with older DeepBlue-LT installations.
The card was mostly used with Viz Trio NV which basically was a system with the ability to run a
Viz Trio client with local preview and video output on a single machine; hence, there was no video
input or video playback support as with the Matrox X.mio Series. The local preview was able to
render a different scene than the one being output on video. The card was typically seen on HP
IMPORTANT! Supports for the Iridium|SD card ended with Viz Engine 3.5. For supported
versions, see the most recent BlueFish444 cards.
18.3.1 Connectors
Caution: Only Bluefish444 v3.1 is guaranteed to support an adequate ringbuffer size. Any
other driver will cut down or completely disable ringbuffer support.
Note: Viz Engine 3.2.7 and 3.3.0 require the Bluefish444 v5.9.0.25 driver for all Digital
Voodoo / Bluefish cards.
The BlueFish444 Epoch 2K Horizon board is intended for character generators such as Viz Trio,
but can also be used as an alternative where only two inputs and outputs are required. The boards
are typically installed on HP Z800 machines.
IMPORTANT! Support for the D1 Desktop card ended with Viz Engine 3.5. For supported
versions, see the most recent BlueFish444 cards.
Caution: Older card revisions (V1) are incompatible with recent systems like HP xw8200,
xw8400, and IBM Z-Pro 6223. Symptoms are BSOD, machine freeze at Viz startup or
corrupted live-video in Viz.
See Also
• BlueFish444 SD Lite Pro Express
• BlueFish444 Iridium|SD
IMPORTANT! Support for the DeepBlue LT card ended with Viz Engine 3.5. For supported
versions, see the most recent BlueFish444 cards.
Note: Viz Engine 3.2.7 and 3.3.0 require the Bluefish444 v5.9.0.25 driver for all Digital
Voodoo / Bluefish cards.
See Also
• BlueFish444 SD Lite Pro Express
• BlueFish444 Iridium|SD
IMPORTANT! Support for the Red Devil card ended with Viz Engine 3.5. For supported
versions, see the most recent BlueFish444 cards.
See Also
• Digital Video Systems
• DVS Centaurus II
This section contains a description of the Digital Video Systems (DVS) Centaurus II video card.
The DVS was mainly sold with Viz Virtual Set and Viz Arena, and was Vizrt’s successor of the
Digital Voodoo Red Devil V3 card. The DVS is able to output both HD and SD unlike the Red Devil
which could only output SD. The DVS was typically mounted in HP wx8400, HP xw8600 or HP Z800
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Connectors
• Supported Codecs
• Driver Installation
• Licensing
See Also
• Video, Audio, Server and Graphics Card Installation
• DVS support
18.8.1 Connectors
This section describes the main video card, the SDI/RS-422 extension card and how To Connect
the DVS Centaurus II and SDI/RS-422 Extension Card.
This section contains information on the following topics:
• Main Card Connectors
• SDI and RS-422 Extension Card Connectors
• To Connect the DVS Centaurus II and SDI/RS-422 Extension Card
1. Ref. In: BNC connector for the reference input. May be Bi-/Tri-Level sync.
2. DIP Switch for PCI: PCI-X variant only: DIP switch to set up the PCI video card interface, that is
its clock frequency; This switch is not available on the PCIe version of the card used by Vizrt.
3. (HD) SDI OUT A: BNC connector for a video output at port A (serial digital interface); usually
used for an output of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or the first stream of YUVA
or RGBA in dual-link mode.
4. (HD) SDI IN A: BNC connector for a video input at port A (serial digital interface); usually
used for an input of the first video channel in single-link (YUV) or the first stream of YUVA or
RGBA in dual-link mode.
5. Ref. Term: Termination switch for the reference input; switches off the termination of the
GenLock signal manually, for example if the Centaurus II card is not the last link in a
GenLock connection chain.
6. DVI OUT: DVI connector for an output of analogue and digital video signals.
7. LEDs: Two status LEDs (Red/Green) indicating the presence of correct video and sync signals
(see also Description of the LEDs on the video card).
8. SD SDI IN1: MCX connector for an input of digital SD video signals (serial digital interface)
9. (HD) SDI IN B: MCX connector for a video input at port B (serial digital interface); usually used
for an input of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or the second stream of YUVA
or RGBA in dual-link mode.
10. (HD) SDI OUT B: MCX connector for a video output at port B (serial digital interface); usually
used for an output of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or the second stream of
YUVA or RGBA in dual-link mode.
11. SD SDI OUT1: MCX connector for an output of digital SD video signals (serial digital
12. CVBS OUT: MCX connector for a composite video burst signal, either analogue output of SD
video or used for synchronization purposes.
13. GPI: Flat cable connector for the general purpose interface.
14. RS-422: Flat cable connector for an in- and output of RS-422 signals
15. AUDIO 1-8/LTC: Flat cable connector for the digital audio channels 1 to 8 and LTC.
16. DIP Switch for Flash Controller: This switch controls the operation of the on-board Flash
controller; it defines the version set of the map file that will be loaded at startup. The image
above depicts the default setting of the DIP switch for the Flash controller; please observe
the orientation of the switch on the card.
17. Audio 9-16: Flat cable connector for the digital audio channels 9 to 16.
18. Breaking line: The printed circuit board provides at its bottom (PCIe variant only) and right
side extensions void of any electrical parts; these may serve to stabilize the installation of
the card in a computer system; when not needed or interfering, you can break them off the
circuit board at the breaking line(s); see also dotted lines in figure 1 on the previous page.
Gr Signals the On A correct sync signal is detected, that is:- Sync mode internal is set-
ee status of the Sync mode external is set and a correct signal is connected- Sync
n sync input mode analog is set and an analog GenLock signal is connected- Sync
mode digital is set and a correct signal is connected
Off A wrong input signal is detected, i.e.: - Sync mode external is set
and no SDI input signal. – Sync mode analog is set and no GenLock
signal connected. – Sync mode digital is set and no SDI input signal.
The SDI and RS-422 panel is included in the standard configuration of DVS Centaurus II. It provides
the connectors for the second link of the dual-link connections. Additionally a CVBS output is
installed on this panel that provides a composite video signal showing the fill signal generated by
Viz Engine.
The RS-422 connector available on the panel is a DB-15 (HD) connector.
Note: This connector does not provide any additional functionality in regards to Viz Engine
and should be ignored. The RS-422 port is not accessible to the operating system and can
therefore not be used to transceive any kind of data by third-party applications.
• (HD) SDI In B: BNC connector for a video input at port B (serial digital interface); usually used
for an input of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or the second stream of YUVA
or RGBA in dual-link mode.
• (HD) SDI Out B: BNC connector for a video output at port B (serial digital interface); usually
used for an output of the second video channel in single-link (YUV) or the second stream of
YUVA or RGBA in dual-link mode.
• CVBS Out: BNC connector for a composite video burst signal, either analogue output of SD
video or used for synchronization purposes. Provides the fill output of Viz engine as an
analogue signal.
• RS-422 In & Out: DB-15 (HD) connector (female), serial RS-422 interface for master/slave
control, a breakout cable to two DB-9 connectors is included in the delivery.
Note: This RS-422 connector is inactive and not accessible to the OS and can
therefore not be used to transceive data.
• Connect the separate SDI/RS-422 panel with the DVS Centaurus II main card according to the
enumeration shown in the illustration above.
For information on how to install or update the driver, see the DVS SDK 2.7 User Guide.
18.8.4 Licensing
A few additional steps are required before Viz Engine is able to use the DVS Centaurus II card after
a first time installation. First it is necessary To Install a DVS Centaurus II License, and then To
validate the DVS Centaurus II license.
Note: Licensing should not be an issue if the DVS Centaurus II card came pre installed with
the Viz Engine machine.
Note: License information is stored in a memory region on the device itself and will not be
lost if the card is mounted on another computer.
The license key required during the installation process is shipped together with the device and
comes as a single sheet of machine-written paper looking something like the illustration below:
-------------------------------------------------------------Date: <xxxxx>
Licenser: <xxxxx>
Serialnumber: <xxxxx>
License does not expire
rawkey 1 = <xxxxx>
rawkey 2 = <xxxxx>
rawkey 3 = <xxxxx>
To check licenses 'svram license show'
For DDR type:
sv license key1 <yyyyy>
For OEM type:
svram license key1 <yyyyy>
# Product: Centaurus 2 PCIe
# License Key Options:
# Not-Expire
# Centaurus 2-Dual-Link
# Centaurus 2-Multi-Channel
Page 1
1. Locate and double-click the dvsconfig.exe file located in the driver folder downloaded from
Vizrt’s FTP.
2. Select the Card 0 tab.
• When selecting the Card 0 tab for the first time the system will inform that a license
needs to be installed for the product.
3. Click OK to close the DVSConf Warning dialog box.
4. Click the Setup button and select Set License from the appearing drop-down menu.
5. Enter the license key in field Key 1 and click the Set Key 1 button.
Note: It has been reported that the key might be ignored and that validation fails
although it was correctly entered. Re-enter the license string and try again.
1. Locate and double-click the dvsconfig.exe file located in the driver folder downloaded from
Vizrt’s FTP.
2. Select the Card 0 tab.
3. Click the Setup button and select Info License from the appearing drop-down menu.
4. Check the following entries (bottom of the dialog box):
• License : Opsys Windows
• License : Opsys Linux
• License : OEM
• License : Multidevice
• License : Audio
• License : Hires
• License : SDTV
• License : HDTV
• License : 12Bit
• License : Processing
• License : Mixer
• License : ZoomAndPan
• License : ColorCorrector
• License : HDTVKeyChannel
• License : HDTVDualLink
• License : SDTVKeyChannel
• License : SDTVDualLink
5. Once all licenses are verified, click OK to close the program.
Driver Revision
CODI v2.42 3213. Revision 3213 crashes the machine when used with CODI v2.41rc13.
CODI 3212, 3214. Installation of CODI Compatibility Patch for revision 3214 is no
v2.41rc13 more required.
CODI v2.42 3212, 3213, 3214. Installation of CODI Compatibility Patch is required.
See Also
• Matrox X.mio Series
To provide recent render engines of type HP xw8600 with support for parallel dongles, an
additional LPT controller card needs to be installed in the machine. For this purpose the topmost
32-bit PCI slot should be used.