TX2 - 1st MQ
TX2 - 1st MQ
TX2 - 1st MQ
TX2 - 1st MQ
Points: 11/30
If a person dies without a will, or with a void will, or one which has subsequently lost its
When the will does not dispose of all the property belonging to the testator
If the suspensive condition attached to the institution of heir does not happen or is not
2. It deprives an heir to inherit properties by the decedent through the issuance of a will *
(1/1 Point)
Distributable share
I and II only
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
I to III only
I to IV
Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to their legitimate parents or ascendants.
In default of letter a, legitimate parents or ascendants, with respect tot their legitimate
children or ascendants.
Widow or widower
Relative by affinity
I only
I and II only
6. Which is not authorized to take charge of the estate during intestate period? *
(0/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
7. Mr. Kalu Wah executed a second will three months after he executed the first one. The second
will is silent as to the first will. What effect does the second will produce? *
(0/1 Point)
The second will is void because he waived his right to revoke the first will.
The first will is automatically revoked because of the existence of a subsequent will.
The second will annul provisions of the first will that are inconsistent with the second will.
The first will shall subsist over the second will because it is the original will.
9. The tax imposed on the transfer of property without consideration between two or more
persons who are living at the time the transfer is made *
(1/1 Point)
Estate tax
Business tax
Donor’s tax
Personal tax
10. The net hereditary estate is P10,000,000. The surviving relatives are the two (2) legitimate
children and the spouse. How much portion of hereditary estate can be distributed as devise
or legacy to strangers? *
(0/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
11. Statement 1: Brothers and sisters of the decedent are not compulsory heirs.
Statement 2: The surviving spouse is not entitled to his legitime if all other compulsory heirs
exist. *
(0/1 Point)
True, False
False, True
True, True
False, False
12. Statement 1: Representation is a right created by fiction of law by virtue of which the
representative is raised to the place and degree of the person represented and acquires the
rights which the latter would have if he were living or if he could have inherited.
Statement 2: If a compulsory heir dies ahead of the testator, his legitime goes to the child by
representation. *
(0/1 Point)
13. Statement 1: A “will” is an act whereby a person is permitted, with the formalities prescribed
by law, to control to a certain degree the disposition of his estate upon his death.
Statement 2: A “codicil” is a supplement or an addition to a will, made after the execution of a
will and annexed to be taken as a part thereof, by any disposition made in the original will is
explained, added to, or altered. *
(1/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
That which increase the share of one heir without impairing the legitime of the other heirs
That which transfer the legitime of one heir to the other heir
I only
I and II only
16. Statement 1: In testamentary and legal succession, the compulsory heirs are assured of their
Statement 2: In every inheritance, the relative nearest in degree excludes the more distant
ones, saving the right of representation when it properly takes place. *
(0/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
The sharing of heirs in intestate succession does not satisfy the rule on legitimes.
The sharing of heirs in testamentary succession must satisfy the rules on legitimes.
19. In default of testamentary heirs, the law determines who are to succeed to the inheritance of
the deceased. Which one of the following ranks first in the order of succession? *
(0/1 Point)
Legitimate children
Surviving spouse
Legitimate parents
Illegitimate parents
20. The hereditary estate is P3,000,000. The surviving relatives are the parents, the spouse and
the illegitimate child. The testator is giving all the free portion to the surviving spouse. How
much would be the total amount to be inherited by the wife? *
(0/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
21. Statement 1: A sale on installment basis is considered as an onerous transfer.
Statement 2: A gift out of love to former girlfriend is an onerous transfer. *
(0/1 Point)
That which transfers the portion of legitime to other successors other than compulsory heir(s)
23. Which of the following statements is not true as regards intestate succession? *
(0/1 Point)
When two legitimate children with the spouse survive, each is entitled to one-third of the
If only the legitimate parents survive, the entire estate goes to them
Collateral relatives shall succeed half the entire estate while the other half goes to the State
24. Statement 1: A free portion of the estate could be transferred to compulsory heirs by virtue of
a will.
Statement 2: The surviving spouse is always entitled to his or her legitimes that varies
according .to the number and classes of the other surviving compulsory heirs. *
(1/1 Point)
25. A person appointed by the testator to carry out the provisions of the will is called *
(0/1 Point)
26. Statement 1: A holographic will is a will entirely written by a testator with his own hand and
need no witness.
Statement 2: A person has unlimited right to make donations in his last will and testament. *
(0/1 Point)
True, true
false, false
true, false
false, true
27. The net distributable estate of A who died intestate is P10,000,000. The surviving relatives
are the spouse and four (4) legitimate children, and the father of the deceased. How much
would be the inheritance of the spouse? *
(0/1 Point)
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
28. A testator may execute a holographic will instead of an ordinary will. Which among the
following statements pertaining to holographic will is false?
I. A person may execute a holographic will which must be entirely written, dated and
signed by the hand of the testator himself.
II. A holographic will is subject to no other form, and may be made within or outside of the
Philippines, and need not be witnessed.
III. In case of any insertion, cancellation, erasure or alteration in a holographic will, the
testator must authenticate the same by his full signature. *
(0/1 Point)
II only
III only
I and II only
Half blood brothers and sisters are not considered collateral relatives
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12/4/2020 TX2 - 1st MQ
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