Designation Daily Allowance

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Designation Daily Allowance

EX. HQ (21 Outstation

HQ Km to 150 (Beyond 150
km) km)

ABM 225 50 225 275


Defining 6 Metros : Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad

For 6 defined Metros only BM Level - Flat 1000 Rs Petrol bill can be considered as a Travel Allowan
If lodging bill is less than eligibility, food bill can be claimed in a day limit (of lodging bill)
Lodging allowance is applicable for number of nights only
Meeting Days - when company is providing boarding and lodging, entitlement will be Travel fare +
For Transit / Travel - HQ allowance shall be payable.
When daily allowance is not applicable while returning from meeting or training then only HQ allow
If there is morning check out & full day working in out station, managers can claim Full of OS allowa
If more than 2 person (2 manager + BM) are traveling in a car for outstation work, only one person
DBM and above can claim Rs 200 one way while going to railway station/airport for OS field work/m
For all employees if Review meeting/Cycle meeting is in Class A town-Auto fare for to&fro from ven
Special case approval to be considered if someone is exceeding the limits in unavoidable circumsta
Metro employees can claim Parking charges - 500 Rs / month (no bills required). Includes all state H
For NE and Hills Stations - BMs can claim 700 OS in Hills/Naxal affected areas. Max 4 days in month
If call per day is less than 4, only 50% allowances will be eligible
Some specific HQs less than 100 Kms will be treated as Outstation as the BM or Manager has to sta
Hill Stations : Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kurseong, Kalimpong, Shillong, Imphal and Tura, Srinagar
One Day Sales Closing will be given to all Field Staff where full allowance HQ/Ex will be given even i
Out Station hotel room must be checked out so as to prevent any room rent cost on the last day of
Room Rent limit of all Managers will be inclusive of taxes
Ticket cancellation charges will not be allowed. Booking under Tatkal will be reimbursed only unde
Any amount included in the hotel bill for hiring taxi will be disallowed.
More than 2 Expense cannot be reimbursed in single month.
Expense statement of resigned employees received within two months from the date of resignatio
PLA (Productivity Linked Allowance for the month) Applicable for
HQ/Ex/Os for Field Working Days only

Particularly particularly Particularly Particularly

Month PCPM Month PCPM Month PCPM Month PCPM
2.5 - 2.99 Lacs, 3.00 - 3.49 Lacs, 3.50 - 3.99 Lacs, 4.00+ Lacs, then
then additional then additional then additional additional

25 25 25 25

considered as a Travel Allowance. With Petrol Bills

imit (of lodging bill)

titlement will be Travel fare + Incidental expense only. If traveled by train & paid agent commission 250 one

g or training then only HQ allowance will be allowed for food during night transit.
gers can claim Full of OS allowance for that day.
tstation work, only one person can claim the fuel bill. However approval will be considered if all travellers fa
tion/airport for OS field work/meeting without bill. Or DBM and above can claim on actual for airport/Railwa
n-Auto fare for to&fro from venue can be considered on approval. DBM and above can avail Ola / Uber servic
imits in unavoidable circumstances
ls required). Includes all state HQs & Major cities
ed areas. Max 4 days in month. If Sr Manager is working local Auto/Taxi is allowed- limit 1000 per day.

s the BM or Manager has to stay and work to do evening late calls (On approval of SFC)
mphal and Tura, Srinagar
ance HQ/Ex will be given even if Dr calls are less than 4.
om rent cost on the last day of out station work.

l will be reimbursed only under special consideration and HO approval.

nths from the date of resignation will be considered for computation or else will not be considered.
Accomodation on Tour (On production of
Travel Tariff (for Ex. HQ or Outstation)

Hill Station
Any City

Rs.2 per km of distance upto 100 km ( one way)

Above 250 km Bus ticket or Train (Ticket III AC) is mandatory. If 800 1000
not 1.50 per km will be applicable

raveled by train & paid agent commission 250 one way is applicable with prior approval

od during night transit.

wever approval will be considered if all travellers fare is not exceeding the fuel bill.
M and above can claim on actual for airport/Railway station transfer (against bill) for Ola/Uber/Prepaid with
pproval. DBM and above can avail Ola / Uber service against bills.

ocal Auto/Taxi is allowed- limit 1000 per day.

ate calls (On approval of SFC)

HO approval.

mputation or else will not be considered.

n Tour (On production of +Internet
Accomodation on Expenses on Food & Courier
Bills) Charges
Tour Refreshments & Limits
arragments without (with bills )-
Top 2 METRO bills) Monthly
DELHI / with bills without bills

1000 400 1500 Actual 450


or Ola/Uber/Prepaid with Bills

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