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Name: Eldin Llubit Lumanog

BSStat/ Freshmen

=3 Idiots Reflection=

Life is full of surprises, but these surprises might need some effort to come into our life.
A movie entitled 3 Idiots talks about the life of a person, that many of us might still be facing
from time to time. It is a roller coaster of emotions that they are dealing with. The movie focuses
on the three main characters name Rancho, Farhan, and Raju. It starts
with Farhan and Raju meet Chatur their college rival at the place where Chatur declared
competition of success with Rancho. To prove these, they start to find the missing Rancho and
flashbacks came along their journey.   Rancho is a passionate person about engineering, his
passion gives him a better idea that helps him prevail in life, he believes that a person should
capable than a bookworm and it will lead to success. However, they meet their biggest block
in making their dreams, the college director commonly called Virus and Rancho fell in love with
the director’s daughter. Along the journey of Raju and Farhan they discovered the truth about
their best friend and more determined to find their long-lost friend together with Pia to resume
their unfinished business.

Emotions is the great factor that affect our daily duties and necessity. In watching
movies, we must set aside our critiques and judgement to understand the role of the characters
and cherish every scene. After watching, even during watching 3 idiots I feel variety of emotion
that I also encountering these days. There were ups and downs in every situation. In starts with
the situation where Mr. Virus points out that koel birds is like us in the university who needs to
compete or else you will lose your place just like koel birds who lay eggs on other birds nest and
when the egg hatched they will push other egg so that the mother bird will only focus on the
winner egg. Yet, I’m not literally convince to Mr. virus, we can achieve to the top without
dragging someone down. We can achieve it together; we don’t need to do hasty and selfish
things if we want to be the number one. Some people push us to do things because of their great
expectation, however these expectations makes someone more terrible just like Mr. Virus son, he
attempts to enter engineering 3 times because of his father but he fails every exam and commit
suicide to put end in his terrible feelings. It also happens to Joy Lobo who is candidates to
graduate however because of the pressure, and shame brought by Mr. virus telling his father he
can’t graduate and after all the he ends up hanging his self in is his room.

Rancho likes to study; he even sneaks at class to gain knowledge without knowing by the
school. And he influences others this behavior, he said that we just only need one uniform to be
at school. Yes. I do agree in this mindset, we don’t need to pay to gain knowledge we just need
to attend lessons. It is up to us on how determined we are. Rancho tries to save Mr. lobo who
needs to submit a project to graduate but even Rancho achieve the finish product of Mr. lobo’s
project it didn’t achieve to save Mr. Lobo’s life, he committed suicide knowing that he can’t
graduate and feel ashamed to his dad. Sometimes we can’t save everyone, but if someone is
willing to wait there still a chance, there still hope to survive even if it hurts and embarrassing
just hold tight.

If machine could make our life easier why do we need to make our life complicated
explaining complicated words that we don’t even understand completely it just makes us more
lost of the right purpose of the word and makes us confuse, we can just explain it directly on
purpose. If these words make mor complicated everything surrounds us is just like a bunch of
pressure, we are not learning it because we are pushing our self to discuss and empress our
teachers the way they understand the situation. If we can’t understand it the way we look the
situation on our perspective then we are not learning anything it just like a waste that of time in
school. School should be the house of knowledge where everyone has different style of learning,
we can’t just set a one standard rule for knowledge, school in the presents talks about money,
grades ranks, competition, and more, remember that everyone has different ability and different
intelligence. We always though that there is superior intelligence yet one-person can’t live in his
own without anyone’s help. We can fulfill the world by our helping g hands because everyone
has its on purpose. Every intelligence also needs to be recognized not just the one that we think
that is superior and inferior to the other.


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