Tip64 PDF
Tip64 PDF
Tip64 PDF
More Exploring
your Pigments
I'll admit there's a lot to know about pigments, and color theory and all
- whole books have been written on the subject! We'll keep it rela-
tively simple, though - that's why this is art tips, not art book. This
should be plenty to get you started, or to act as a refresher for you old
hands out there.
Good art supply stores, like Daniel Smith (http://danielsmith.com) have color charts in their catalogs and online.
There, they tell you all sorts of useful information, like how transparent a color is, if it granulates or not, if it's
lightfast, staining, or whatever. But there's no substitute for making your OWN show-and-tell demos to keep on
file in your studio. Learning, hands on, is fun, interesting, plus it stays with you!
Art 64-2
Art 64-3, Granulation