Microsoft Word 2013 Interface

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Microsoft Word 2013 Interface

The Ribbon

Word 2013 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each
with several groups of commands. You will use these tabs to perform the most common tasks in Word.

HOME TAB - gives you access to some of the most commonly used commands for working with Word 2013,
including copying and pasting, formatting, aligning paragraphs, and choosing document styles. The Home tab
is selected by default whenever you open Word.

 PASTE. To copy an object from a buffer (or  TEXT EFFECTS. Apply a visual effect to the
clipboard) to a file. selected text, such as a shadow, glow or
 CUT. Removes the currently selected text reflection.
and places it on the clipboard.  TEXT HIGHLIGHT COLOR. Make text look
 FORMAT PAINTER. Used when you want to like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
copy formatting from one item to another.  FONT COLOR. Change the text color.
 FONT.Is a graphical representation of text  BULLETS. To start a bulleted list.
that may include a different typeface, point  NUMBERING. Start a numbered list.
size, weight, color, or design.  MULTILEVEL LIST. Start a multilevel list.
 FONT SIZE. To change the size of your text.  DECREASE INDENT. Decrease the indent
 GROW BUTTON: It is used to increase the level of the paragraph.
font size.  INCREASE INDENT. Increase the indent level
 SHRINK BUTTON: It is used to reduce the of the paragraph.
font size.  SORT. Alphabetize the selected text or sort
 CLEAR FORMATTING. Clear all the numerical data.
formatting from the selection, leaving only  SHOW/HIDE. Show paragraph marks and
the plain text. other hidden formatting symbols.
 BOLD. Make the selected text bold.  ALIGN TEXT LEFT. Align text to the left.
 ITALIC. Italicize the selected text  CENTER. Align text to the center.
 UNDERLINE. Underline the selected text.  ALIGN TEXT RIGHT. Align text to the right.
 STRIKETHROUGH. Draw a line through the  JUSTIFY. Align text to both left and right
middle of selected text. margins, adding extra space between words
 SUBSCRIPT. Create small letters below the as necessary. This creates a clean look along
text baseline. the left and right side of the page.
 SUPERSCRIPT. Create small letter above the  LINE AND PARAGRAPH SPACING. Change
line of text. the spacing between line of text. You can
also customize the amount of space added  CHANGE STYLES. Change the set of styles,
before and after paragraphs. colors, fonts, and paragraph spacing used in
 SHADING. Color the background behind the this document.
selected text or paragraph.  FIND. Find and select specific text,
 BOTTOM BORRDER. Customize the border formatting, or type of information within the
of the selected cells or text. document.
 STYLES. Format titles, qoutes and other text  REPLACE. Replace the text in the document.
using this gallery of styles.  SELECT. Select text or objects in the

INSERT TAB - Allows you to insert pictures, charts, tables, shapes, cover pages, and more to your document,
which can help you communicate information visually and add style to your document.

 COVER PAGE. Insert a fully formatted cover  APPS FOR OFFICE. Lets’ you add features to
page. You fill in the title, author, date, and extend their functionality—and your
other information. productivity.
 BLANK PAGE. Insert a new blank page at the  ONLINE VIDEO. Insert online videos that you
cursor position. can watch right in Word without having to
 PAGE BREAK. Start the next page at the current leave the document.
position.  HYPERLINK. Create a link to a Web page, a
 TABLE. Insert or draw a table in the document. picture, and an e-mail address, or a program.
 PICTURES. Insert a picture from a file.  COMMENT. A note or annotation that an
 SHAPES. Insert ready-made shapes, such as author or reviewer can add to a document.
rectangles and circles, arrows, lines, flowchart  HEADER. Edit the header of the document. It
symbols, and callouts. will appear at the top of each printed page.
 SMART ART. Insert a smart art graphic to  FOOTER. Edit the footer of the document. It will
visually communicate information. Smart art appear at the bottom of each printed page.
graphic range from graphical lists and process  PAGE NUMBER. Insert page numbers in the
diagrams to more complex graphics, such as document.
Venn diagrams and organization charts.  TEXT BOX. Insert pre-formatted text boxes.
 CHART. Insert a chart to illustrate and compare  WORD ART. Insert decorative text in the
date. document.
 SCREENSHOT. Insert a picture of any program  QUICK PARTS. Insert reusable content,
that is not minimized to the taskbar. including fields, document properties such as
title and author, or any preformatted snippets
 DROP CAP. Create a large capital letter at the  SYMBOL. Insert symbol that are not in your
beginning of a paragraph. keyboard, such as copyright symbols,
 SIGNATURE LINE. Insert a signature line that trademark symbols, paragraph marks and
specifies the individual who must sign. Unicode characters.
 DATE AND TIME. Insert the current date and
time into the document.
 OBJECT. Insert an OLE object into the

DESIGN TAB - gives you access to a variety of design tools, including document formatting, effects, and page
borders, which can give your document a polished look.

 THEMES. Change the overall design of the  PAGE COLOR. Choose color for a background
entire document, including colors, fonts and of the page.
effects.  PAGE BORDERS. Add or change the border
 DOCUMENT FORMATTING. A style with a around the page.
mixture of Word formatting that can apply
over and over, like paint. You can use and
modify Word’s built-in styles, and you can also
create your own.
 COLORS. Change the colors of a current
 FONTS. Change the fonts for the current
 PARAGRAPH SPACING. Increase spacing to
improve readability or reduce it to fit more
text on the page.
 EFFECTS. Change the effects for a current
 SET AS DEFAULT. A feature to save all of the
formatting changes you've made and
automatically apply them to new documents.
 WATERMARK. Used to indicate that a
document is to be treated specially, such as
confidential or urgent.

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