Communication Skills

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Science Oriented Academy

Students of SOA are expected to acquire the following Core Competencies after
they graduated.

1) Communication Skills – (Oral, Written, Speaking/Debating and

Interpersonal Interactions (Danica)- Learners express themselves
clearly and concisely to others in logical, well-organized papers and/or
verbal presentations using documentation and quantitative tools when
appropriate. Learners listen, understand, debate, and use information
communicated by others.
2) Critical Thinking Students Can Evaluate Analyze and/or Synthesis
and Interpret (Mesias)
- Learners evaluate the credibility and significance of information,
effectively interpret, analyze, synthesize explain, and infer concepts
and ideas; solve problems and make decisions; and construct and
deconstruct arguments.
3) Personal Responsibility- (Self-Management, Self-Awareness, Physical
Wellness and Study Skills) (Marfil) - Learners demonstrate an
understanding of the consequences, both positive and negative, of their
own actions; set personal, academic and career goals; and seek and
utilize the appropriate resources to reach such goals.

4)  Entrepreneurship Orientated: (Maxilum) The ability to look for and seize

profitable business opportunities; willingness to take calculated risks to achieve
business goals.
Notices and seizes profitable business opportunities.
Stays abreast of business, industry, and market information that may
reveal business opportunities.
Demonstrates willingness to take calculated risks to achieve business
Proposes innovative business deals to potential customers, suppliers,
and business partners.
Encourages and supports entrepreneurial behavior in others.

5) Self Confidence: (Roden) Faith in one’s own ideas and capability to be

successful; willingness to take an independent position in the face of
Is confident of own ability to accomplish goals.
Presents self-crisply and impressively.
Is willing to speak up to the right person or group at the right time,
when he/she disagrees with a decision or strategy.
Approaches challenging tasks with a “can-do” attitude.

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