PM Practice Que. Set 1

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PMP Practice Questions

Attention PMP CertifioatJon students. Materials in this

practice PMP exam are based ao the tezt, A Gufde to the
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBI3K8›
Guide], Slxth edition, Project Management InetiMe,
Inc. 2020

1. Vocal infleUlon accounts for how much

understanding of verbcl ccmtmunication?
a. 55 percent

b. 3B percent
c. 100 percent
d. 7 percent

2. On your current project EV = H5,0b0, At = $50,000.

percentage of the work accomplished of this point in

a, -904
b. +90.54

d. •88.8H

3. Durlng the Executliq and the Monitoring and

CnntrollJng phaaes, project manageta f/equenDy
engage In replanning activity due to discowry or a
cho ngo in customer needs. The team used to
describe thls proeesa 1s calltd?
a Regression tesdnq
b. Progressive plannlng
n. Progreaalve elaboration
d Pm ect ebl›oration
4. Drie of your praject team rnerr›b•ers approached you
visbly upseL II appears the team member a\rerheard
a director and another project manager discussing
an apparent scheme to defmud the company.
What is the FIRST thing that you should do as the
project manager?
a. Valida\e and subsluziliate the claim
b. Info+m human resources of the attempted

c. If the breech is serious enough. inform local

law enfo+cement. You are protected by
wt›istleb+ower statutes
d. Casually mention the details of the attempted
fraud to the other project manager to see if
it elicits a response

5. The project has been running sztioothfy, initiation

stakeholders several limes to collect requirements

and as a result tequifements documentation is
almost complete, as are high-level and detailed
design documents. As construction begins on the
project, several stakeholders have indicated the need
for changes to the requirements seL They are
calming these elements wefe missed In the Initial
requirements collection process, and they want you
to add these elements to the project immediately. Ynu
perform an impact assessment arid get it back to
them only to hear that they are noL going to alkzw
any cfienges In the project budget or the timdlne to
complete these additional elements. What is the
most effective tool that you could use to prevent
this instance ‹af scope creep?

b. Configuration management system

e. Murder Board
d. Work Authorization System
6. Which type of procurement documcm Is
most appropñate for a cost reimbursable
a. IFB (Im'ltatIon for bld)
b. RPP (request for proposal)
c. RF8 frequent for bkf\
d.RFQ (request for quote)
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