1 Algebraic Numbers Over Q
1 Algebraic Numbers Over Q
1 Algebraic Numbers Over Q
(b) By the division algorithm, there exist polynomials q, r ∈ Q[X] such that
with ∂r < ∂pα , and this would again be a contradiction to the minimality of
the degree of pα . Thus, r = 0 and, hence, pα | f in Q[X].
Finally, if pα and qα were minimal polynomials for α, then item (b) would
give pα | qα in Q[X]. However, since pα and qα are both monic and of the same
degree, it would come that pα = qα .
Thanks to the former proposition, given α ∈ C algebraic, we can refer to pα
as being the minimal polynomial of α.
Corollary 1.5. If α ∈ C is algebraic and f ∈ Q[X] \ {0} is a monic, irreducible
polynomial such that f (α) = 0, then f = pα .
Proof. By the previous result, pα divides f in Q[X]. However, since f is
irreducible, there must exist a nonzero rational number c such that f = cpα .
Finally, since f and pα are both monic, we must have c = 1.
Corollary 1.6. If f ∈ Q[X] \ Q is irreducible, then f has no multiple roots.
Proof. We can assume, without any loss of generality, that f is monic. If some
α ∈ C is a multiple root of f , then α is also a root of the derivative f ′ of f .
However, since f ∈ Q[X] \ {0} is monic and irreducible, Corollary 1.5 assures
that it is the minimal polynomial of α. Therefore, Proposition 1.4 gives f | f ′
in Q[X], which is a contradiction to the inequality ∂f > ∂f ′ .
Example 1.7 (IMO shortlist). Let f be a nonconstant polynomial of rational
coefficients and α a real number such that α3 −3α = f (α)3 −3f (α) = −1. Prove
that, for every positive integer n, one has
In the next example we shall use the fact (to be proved later) that if p is
prime and ω = cis 2π
p , then the minimal polynomial of ω is
Problems – Section 1
1. Given k, n ∈ N, prove that cos 2kπ 2kπ
n and sin n are algebraic.
2 Polynomials over Zp
It is a well known fact that for a prime p ∈ Z, the set Zp of congruence classes
modulo p can be furnished with operations of addition, subtraction, multiplica-
tion and division quite similar to those of C. In turn, thanks to such a resem-
blance, essentially all of the concepts and results on polynomials studied so far
remain true within the set Zp [X] of polynomials with coefficients in Zp . Our
purpose here is to make explicit comments on some similarities and differences
between polynomials over Zp and over K, with K = Q, R or C.
Given f (X) = an X n + · · · + a1 X + a0 ∈ Z[X], we define Zp [X] to be the set
of formal expressions f of the form
f (X) = an X n + · · · + a1 X + a0 , (1)
πp : Z[X] −→ Zp [X]
f 7−→ f
Equivalently, letting
p Z[X] = {ph; h ∈ Z[X]},
we have
f = 0 ⇔ f ∈ pZ[X].
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f + g = f + g and f · g = f g.
on the other hand, if f = g in Zp [X], we saw above that there exists h ∈ Z[X]
such that f (X) = g(X) + ph(X). Hence, for a ∈ Z we have
f (a) = f (a).
The coming example shows that, contrary to what happens with polynomials
over Q, R or C, the polynomial function associated to a nonzero polynomial
over Zp [X] can vanish identically. In other words, it is no longer valid that two
distinct polynomials over Zp have distinct polynomial functions.
Example 2.3. The polynomial f (X) = X p − X ∈ Zp [X] is clearly a nonzero
element of Zp [X]. On the other hand, letting f : Zp → Zp denote its associated
polynomial function, Fermat’s little theorem gives
f (a) = ap − a = ap − a = 0
Problems – Section 2
1. Let p > 2 be a given prime. Find, if any, the roots of X p−1 + 1 ∈ Zp [X].
2. Given f ∈ Z[X] and an integer root a of f , prove that a ∈ Zp is a root of
f ∈ Zp [X]. In particular, conclude that if a1 , . . . , ak ∈ Zp are the roots of
f , then there exists 1 ≤ j ≤ k such that a ≡ aj (mod p).
3. Show that f (X) = X 3 − 15X 2 + 10X − 84 ∈ Z[X] has no rational roots.
4. If p ∈ Z is prime and f ∈ Z[X], prove that f (X p ) = f (X)p .
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3 Cyclotomic polynomials
The theory of polynomials over Zp , p prime, allows us to present some of the
most elementary properties of the so-called cyclotomic polynomials; in particu-
lar, we will show that such polynomials are precisely the minimal polynomials
of the complex roots of unity. As a byproduct of our study, we will use cyclo-
tomic polynomials to prove a particular case of Dirichlet’s theorem on primes
in arithmetic progressions.
Given n ∈ N, recall that the primitive n−th roots of unity are the complex
numbers of the form ωnk , with ωn = cis 2π
n and 1 ≤ k ≤ n being relatively prime
with n. In particular, there are exactly ϕ(n) primitive n−th roots of unity,
where ϕ : N → N stands for the Euler function. Given m, n ∈ N, whenever
there is no danger of confusion we shall write simply (m, n) to denote the gcd
of m and n.
Definition 3.1. For n ∈ N, the n−th cyclotomic polynomial is the polyno-
mial Y
Φn (X) = (X − ωnk ). (4)
It follows from the above definition that Φn is monic with degree ∂Φn =
ϕ(n). The coming proposition collects other elementary properties of Φn .
Proposition 3.2. For n ∈ N, we have:
(a) X n − 1 = 0<d|n Φd (X).
(b) Φn ∈ Z[X].
(c) Φn (0) = 1 for n > 1.
(a) First of all, we have
Φd (X) = Φn/d (X) = (X − ωn/d )
0<d|n 0<d|n 0<d|n 1≤k≤n/d
= (X − ωndk ).
0<d|n 1≤k≤n/d
(c) For n = 2 this is a direct computation. For n > 2, arguing once more by
induction, start by noticing that
as wished.
Corollary 3.3. If p ∈ Z is prime, then
so that
Φp (X) = X p−1 + X p−2 + · · · + X + 1.
g(w) = pζ (ω p ) = pζ (ζ) = 0
and Theorem 2.5 guarantees the existence of a monic and irreducible polynomial
h ∈ Zp [X] such that h | pω , pζ in Zp [X]. It follows from (5) that h(X)2 | (X n −1)
in Zp [X], and the previous lemma gives that h(X) | nX n−1 in Zp [X]. However,
since h is monic and n 6= 0, by applying once again Theorem 2.5 we obtain
1 ≤ l ≤ n − 1 such that h(X) = X l in Zp [X]. Hence, h(X) ∤ (X n − 1) in Zp [X],
which is a contradiction.
We can finally state and prove the desired result.
Teorema 3.6. If ωn = cis 2π
n , then pωn = Φn . In particular, Φn ∈ Z[X] is
irreducible in Q[X].
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Proof. Take k ∈ N such that k > 1 and gcd(k, n) = 1, and let k = p1 . . . pl , with
p1 , . . . , pl being primes not dividing n. Repeated applications of the previous
proposition give us
Problems – Section 3
6. Let a be a natural number which is not a perfect square. Prove that there
are infinitely many prime numbers p for which a is a non-quadratic residue
modulo p.
7. Let a, b ∈ Z be such that for each n ∈ N there exists c ∈ Z for which
n | (c2 + ac + b). Prove that the equation x2 + ax + b = 0 has integer roots.
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a + b = b + a and a · b = b · a,
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) and (a · b) · c = a · (b · c),
a + c = b + c ⇒ a = b and a · c = b · c, c 6= 0 ⇒ a = b.
a + c = b + c ⇒ (a + c) + (−c) = (b + c) + (−c)
⇒ a + (c + (−c)) = b + (c + (−c))
⇒ a + 0 = b + 0 ⇒ a = b,
The field Ω plays the role of C for K. We refer to the property of Theorem
4.2 by saying that Ω is an algebraically closed field containing K. Also as
with C, one now proves that if f ∈ K[X] \ {0} has degree n, then there exists
a ∈ K (the leading coefficient of f ) and α1 , . . . , αn ∈ Ω such that
where we have used the result of Example 2.1 in the last equality above. It
l−k m
comes that αp − α = 0, and α is a root of X p − X, with m = l − k ≤ ∂f .
We are now in position to prove the following
Proposition 4.4. Let p be prime and α ∈ Ωp be algebraic over Zp . If ∂pα = n,
(a) α is a root of X p − X.
(b) α is not a root of X p − X, for any positive integer m < n.
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Proof. We already know, from the previous lemma, that α is a root of X p −X,
for any positive integer m ≤ n. Now, let
Φ : Zp × Zp × . . . × Zp −→ Ωp
| {z }
n times
be defined by
Assume that n = dq + r, with 0 < r < d. Iterating the gcd equality above,
we get
n d r d
gcd X p − X, X p − X = gcd X p − X, X p − X . (7)
Since f divides the left hand side, it also divides the right hand side. In partic-
ular, f | (X p − X), which is a contradiction.
We can finally state and prove our main result, for which we let
Problems – Section 4
1. Let p be prime and n ∈ N. If 0 < d | n, then X p − X has an irreducible
factor of degree d.
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2. Let p be prime and, for n ∈ N, let Rn denote the set of roots of X p − X
in Ωp . Show that Rn is a subfield of Ωp containing Zp .
3. In the notations of the statement of Theorem 4.7, show that a2 = p2 and
4. Let K be any field. Prove that K[X] has infinitely many irreducible poly-
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[2] A. Caminha. An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics III. Springer
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[3] C. R. Hadlock. Field Theory and its Classical Problems. Washington, MAA,