Eocene Stratigraphy and Archeocete Whales (Mammalia, Cetacea) of Drug Lahar in The Eastern Sumalian Range, Balochistan (Pakistan)

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Eocene stratigraphy and archeocete whales (Mammalia, Cetacea) of Drug Lahar

in the eastern Sumalian Range, Balochistan (Pakistan)

Article · September 2006

Source: OAI


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4 authors, including:

Philip D. Gingerich Iyad S. Zalmout

University of Michigan Saudi Geological Survey


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Pterosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Afro-Arabia View project

Late Middle Miocene Khasm El-Raqaba View project

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VOL. 30, NO. 11, PP. 269-319 December 31, 2001







Philip D. Gingerich, Director

This series of contributions from the Museum of Paleontology is a medium for publication of
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obtained by request. Correspondence should be directed to the Publications Secretary, Museum of
Paleontology, The University of Michigan, 1109 Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1079.

VOLS. 2-30: Parts of volumes may be obtained if available. Price lists are available upon inquiry.

Text and illustrations ©2001 by the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan







Abstract — Field work in autumn 1999 was concentrated in marine middle and
upper Eocene strata of Dabh Nala, a tributary of Drug Lahar, on the eastern flank
of the Sulaiman Range, Balochistan Province, Pakistan. Objectives included:
(1) recovery of better specimens of previously-known archaeocete whales; (2)
recovery of new archaeocetes from new stratigraphic intervals; (3) comparison
of Eocene formations here with those studied elsewhere in Balochistan and Punjab;
and (4) better documentation of local and regional sea level cycles for refined
correlation to eustasy on a global scale.
Ten stratigraphic intervals within the Habib Rahi and Domanda formations
are now known to yield archaeocetes. These come from three distinct cycles of
sea level rise and fall. Interpretation in the context of planktonic foraminiferal
and nannoplankton age control for a virtually continuous Baska-Habib Rahi-
Domanda-Pir Koh-Drazinda stratigraphic section shows that the Habib Rahi
through Domanda cycles match the global pattern of sea level change for the
Lutetian. Archaeocete-bearing strata of the Harudi Formation in Kutch (India)
are early Bartonian rather than Lutetian, and correlative with the Pir Koh flooding
event in Pakistan.
New archaeocete specimens described here include the first record of the
remingtonocetid Andrewsiphius sloani, new combination, from the upper
Domanda Formation (late Lutetian in age); a new species of Remingtonocetus,
R. domandaensis, based on a partial skull, a dentary with most teeth, and associated
postcranials, from the middle Domanda Formation (middle Lutetian); and a new
genus and species of protocetid, Qaisracetus arifi, based on a partial skull and
unusually complete articulated axial skeleton from the upper Domanda Formation
(late Lutetian).


The Sulaiman Range is a north-south trending band of rugged mountains rising 1,000 to 3,400 m
(11,000 ft) above sea level that defines the modern political boundary between Balochistan and

1Museum of Paleontology and Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
2Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Sariab Road, Quetta
3Technical Directorate, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Sariab Road, Quetta


Punjab provinces, and extends northward into North-West Frontier Province (Fig. 1). Late Meso-
zoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks here are predominantly marine and accumulated in the Tethys
Sea in what is now the Indus Basin, bounded to the northwest by the Axial Belt (Shah, 1977) or
Bela-Waziristan Ophiolite Zone (Bannert et al., 1992), and to the southeast by the Indo-Pakistan
Subcontinent. Indo-Pakistan was located astride the equator in Eocene time, moving northward
toward tectonic collision with the rest of Asia (Patriat and Achache, 1984). The east side of the
Sulaiman Range has a thick sequence of lower, middle, and upper Eocene sedimentary rocks, well
exposed today, that were deposited on a shallow shelf on the leading edge of the subcontinent
before closure of Tethys and suturing to the rest of Asia. The middle and upper part of this strati-
graphic sequence, the Kirthar or Kirthar-equivalent group comprising the Habib Rahi, Domanda,
Pir Koh, and Drazinda formations (Shah, 1991), is of particular interest as one of the richest
archaeocete whale-bearing intervals known anywhere in the world.
The first fossil mammals from this area were described by Pilgrim (1940) from what is now
called Domanda Formation (Hemphill and Kidwai, 1973; Shah, 1991). Pilgrim described a small
collection interpreted as land mammals and reptiles from the ‘Lower Kirthar shales’ of Safed
Tobah (29° 25' N latitude, 69° 57' E longitude), on the eastern flank of the Sulaiman range in
Rajanpur District, Punjab Province. The land mammals were attributed to Mesonychidae
(Condylarthra) and Anthracotheroidea (Artiodactyla), and the reptiles were attributed to Crocodylia
and Chelonia (Pilgrim, 1940). Field work in 1977 established that the Domanda Formation at
Rakhi Nala (29° 56.5' N, 70° 07' E), some 60 km north of Safed Tobah, is entirely marine, al-
though it yielded sacral vertebrae and pieces of innominates attributed to land mammals (Gingerich
et al., 1979). Subsequent study of Pilgrim’s ‘land mammals’ and ‘reptiles’ in the Natural History
Museum, London, and of ‘land mammals’ in our 1977 collection has shown that most are remains
of archaeocete cetaceans.
Rakhi Nala is the classic Eocene section of western Punjab described by Eames (1951, 1952a-
c), and studied by Latif (1964), Siddiqui (1971), Samanta (1973), Köthe et al. (1988), Afzal (1996),
Warraich et al. (2000), and others. A Geological Survey of Pakistan-University of Michigan [GSP-
UM] expedition to Rakhi Nala in 1981, following up on the archaeocetes recovered previously,
yielded one partial skeleton of a primitive protocetid from the Habib Rahi Formation (Wells, 1984;
Gingerich, 1991), and one remingtonocetid and two protocetid specimens from the Domanda
Formation (Wells, 1984; Gingerich et al., 1993, 1995a).
With this background, we restarted field work in the Domanda Formation in 1992. Our efforts
were concentrated near Satta in the northern plunge of the Zinda Pir anticlinorium where dips are
relatively shallow (ca. 30°) and hence advantageous for collecting fossils. This area yielded
remingtonocetid and protocetid remains (Gingerich et al., 1993), most notably the skull and partial
skeleton of Rodhocetus kasranii1 (Gingerich et al., 1994). Stratigraphic sections measured in the
northern plunge were unsatisfactory because we were unable to find an area where the thicknesses
of shales could be measured confidently.
In 1994 we worked in Rakhi Nala measuring stratigraphic sections and taking paleomagnetic
samples from the entire Kirthar group of formations (Habib Rahi, Domanda, Pir Koh, and Drazinda)
in an attempt to improve correlation to the global geological time scale. This attempt at correlation
proved only partially successful (Gingerich et al., 1995b, 1998), and was misleading until inte-
grated with the available biostratigraphy (Gingerich et al., 1997). The remainder of the 1994 field
season was spent prospecting in the Domanda Formation at Takra in the southern plunge of the
Zinda Pir anticlinorium, where we found a skull and partial skeleton of a new remingtonocetid,
Dalanistes ahmedi, and skulls of two new protocetids, Takracetus simus and Gaviacetus razai
(Gingerich et al., 1995a). Our measured stratigraphic sections confirmed that the Domanda For-
mation is some 300 m thick in the Rakhi Nala area, while it is only about 240 m thick in the Takra
area. We divided the Domanda Formation into lower, middle, and upper parts, but these initial
subdivisions require revision (see below).
1The original specific name kasrani is amended to kasranii here, adding an i to correctly reflect commemoration. The
species is named for the Kasrani Baloch tribe inhabiting western Punjab and easternmost Balochistan. Authorship
dates to the original publication by Gingerich et al. (1994).


FIG. 1 — Location map showing the Drug and Dabh area of interest here, at the easternmost edge of Balochistan
Province (at 30° 55' N latitude and 70° 13' E longitude). Type localities of Eocene formations discussed in
the text are marked with a double-dagger symbol. Geological Survey of Pakistan-University of Michigan
localities yielding Eocene marine mammals in eastern Balochistan and western Punjab are marked with
solid circles.
In 1996 we spent several days working in the Domanda Formation at Safed Tobah, revisiting
the source of the collection described by Pilgrim (1940). The Domanda there is attractive because
satellite images show it to be an area where strata are exposed over a broad area with low dips. We
were able to confirm that archaeocetes are reasonably common there, but access is difficult and
security problems forced us to leave this area before we found many important specimens. Parts
of the remainder of the 1996 field season were spent in the Domanda Formation near both Satta
and Takra, where we found a well preserved dentary of Dalanistes ahmedi, a well preserved dentary
and partial sacrum of Takracetus simus, and more of the type specimen, including a nearly com-
plete dentary, of Gaviacetus razai. The 1996 Domanda collection will be described as these taxa
are restudied.

FIG. 2 — Geological map of Dabh Nala monocline, showing the outcrop area of Drug, Baska, Habib Rahi,
Domanda, Pir Koh, and Drazinda formations in this part of easternmost Balochistan. Dip of strata averages
about 40° downward to the east on the southern part of the map, and slightly less on the northern part of the
map. Stippled area at right represents the combined Chitarwata and Vehowa formations of Oligocene and

Another area that satellite imagery shows to be advantageous in having strata broadly exposed
with relatively shallow dips borders Drug Lahar in easternmost Balochistan (Fig. 1). We made an
initial reconnaissance visit in May of 1999 (when daytime temperatures of 40-45° C precluded
any serious field work), and then returned for all of November, 1999. Our objectives included: (1)
recovery of better specimens of previously-known archaeocete whales; (2) recovery of new
archaeocetes from new stratigraphic intervals; (3) comparison of Eocene formations in the Drug
area with those studied elsewhere in Balochistan and Punjab; and (4) better documentation of
local and regional sea level rise and fall for refined correlation to the global pattern of sea level
change. It turned out that both the Domanda and Drazinda formations are so well exposed here
that much more time would be required to survey them adequately. We concentrated virtually all
of our effort in 1999 on the Domanda Formation.


GSP-UM — Geological Survey of Pakistan-University of Michigan collection, Quetta (Paki-

LUVP — Lucknow University vertebrate paleontology collection, Lucknow (India)


Drug Lahar is a perennial stream draining the eastern slope of the Sulaiman Range. It is named
for the small agricultural settlement of Drug (pronounced drüg, or droog), surrounded on the north
and east by a spectacular escarpment of Eocene limestone, the Drug Limestone or Drug Formation
(Shah, 1990, 1991). Several tributaries join here before passing through Drug Tangi, a narrow
gorge carved through the Drug Limestone. Drug Lahar flows eastward to join Sanghar Lahar and
then the Indus River. The particular part of Drug Lahar of interest here is called Dabh Nala, on the
dip slope of the Drug Limestone north of Drug Lahar (Fig. 2). This has a well exposed section of
the Baska, Habib Rahi, Domanda, Pir Koh, Drazinda and Chitarwata formations.
Dabh is a word in local Baluchi and Peshto dialects meaning ‘valley’ in some broad generic
sense, and, confusingly, many valleys in the Sulaiman Range are named Dabh. As used here,
Dabh Nala refers to the long north-south trending lowland north of Drug Lahar that is bordered by
a high ridge of Drug Formation Eocene limestones on the west and a high escarpment of Chitarwata
Formation Oligo-Miocene sandstones on the east (Fig. 2). The Chitarwata escarpment marks the
boundary between Balochistan and Punjab provinces in this area, and hence Dabh Nala lies just
within Balochistan. The Dabh region extends from Drug Lahar or river valley near the settlement
of Drug in the south (ca. 30° 50' N and 70° 13' E) to Badri Nala or valley near Chitarwata Post in
the north (ca. 31° 01' N and 70° 14' E), a distance of some 20 km. Dabh here is not a single valley,
but a northern and a southern set of three parallel valleys each, all collectively referred to as Dabh
Nala. The three valleys draining to the north into Badri Nala are Baher Dabh Shumali (outer-Dabh
north) developed in Drazinda shales, Ander Dabh Shumali (inner-Dabh north) developed in
Domanda shales, and Chuk Dabh Shumali (peak-Dabh north) developed in lower Baska shales.

Miocene age. The Drug, the upper Baska plus Habib Rahi, the Pir Koh, and the Chitarwata plus Vehowa
formations are resistant to erosion and ridge forming, while the lower Baska, the Domanda, and the Drazinda
formations are more readily eroded and thus exposed in intervening valleys. Drug Tangi (gorge) is the type
locality of the Drug Formation. Solid lines show the locations of the Chuk Dabh Janubi, Zuli Khan Sham,
and Baher Dabh Shumali traverses along which stratigraphic sections described here were measured. Eocene
archaeocete specimens found in 1999 are mapped as solid circles, and other vertebrate specimens are
mapped as open circles. Solid squares are villages. Solid triangles are topographic peaks.

The three valleys draining to the south into Drug Lahar are Baher Dabh Janubi (outer-Dabh south)
developed in Drazinda shales, Ander Dabh Janubi (inner-Dabh south) developed in Domanda
shales, and Chuk Dabh Janubi (peak-Dabh south) developed in lower Baska shales. Two of the six
nalas are river valleys proper, both developed in Drazinda shales: Baher Dabh Shumali, called
Dabh Nala by local people; and Baher Dabh Janubi, labeled Dabh Nala on maps. The inner
valleys paralleling these are dissected transversely by tributaries of the principal north and south-
draining Dabh nalas. Both outer valleys carry streams originating in a high headland or sham
called Zuli Khan Sham.
Geologically the Dabh Nala area is a broad monocline striking approximately north-south and
dipping toward the east at about 40°. Resistance of different lithologies to erosion controls the
development of valleys. The resistant ridges separating individual valleys are, in stratigraphic
order from west to east: Drug Formation limestones; upper Baska Formation limestones and
massive gypsum beds plus Habib Rahi Formation limestones and marls; Pir Koh Formation lime-
stones and marls; and Chitarwata Formation sandstones. As just noted, the intervening valleys
are, in stratigraphic order from west to east: lower Baska Formation shales; Domanda Formation
shales; and Drazinda Formation shales.


Stratigraphic sections of the Baska, Habib Rahi, Domanda, Pir Koh, and Drazinda formations
were measured in three traverses, one traverse crossing each of the parallel Dabh valleys. Loca-
tions of traverses are shown in Figure 2. Sections are drawn to scale in Figures 3, 5, and 9, and full
logs for each of the five formations are listed in Appendix tables A-1 through A-5.
The four Kirthar group formations studied here, Habib Rahi, Domanda, Pir Koh, and Drazinda,
have been observed in many parts of Dabh Nala and elsewhere, and sections have been measured
at Rakhi Nala, Takra, and Satta (Gingerich et al., 1995a, 1997, 1998). Kirthar-group formations
are exceptionally well exposed in Dabh Nala. There are minor differences from place to place, but
the sections described here are broadly representative of all four formations over much of the
north-south trending Sulaiman front.
Stratigraphic sections documented here were measured with a Jacob’s staff, with measure-
ments recorded to the nearest centimeter (these are considered to have approximately decimeter
precision). A centimeter tape was used to record thicknesses of some of the thinner beds. Each
section was measured to quantify the thickness of formations as a whole for comparison with
thicknesses reported at type localities (Table 1). Within each formation, the thicknesses, colors,
lithologies, and fossil content of successive beds were recorded to identify and place marker hori-
zons, and to facilitate sea level interpretation. Age-diagnostic microfossils are available from
some parts of some formations, providing overall temporal control, but high and low sea stands are
important for refined correlation to the global sea level curve.

Chuk Dabh Janubi section

The Chuk Dabh Janubi section (Fig. 3) includes the entire 197 m thickness of the Baska Forma-
tion named by Hemphill and Kidwai (1973), which is equivalent to the “Shales with Alabaster”
described by Eames (1952a) in Rakhi Nala on the east side of the Sulaiman Range farther to the
south. The base of the Baska Formation is the top of the underlying Drug Formation, taken as the
top of the highest nodular limestone, a 60 cm thick unit exposed as an eastward-dipping planar
surface. The Baska Formation lies conformably on top of this. The strike of the Baska Formation
at the base of the Chuk Dabh Janubi section is ca. N 8° E, and the dip is ca. 39° ENE. The dip
increases to ca. 45° ENE up-section. The lower 100 m or so of the Baska Formation is predomi-
nantly composed of fissile shales with interbedded limestones that erode to form a narrow valley
(Chuk Dabh) on top of the broad Drug Formation dip slope (Fig. 4). The upper 97 m or so of the

FIG. 3 — Chuk Dabh Janubi stratigraphic section of the 197-m thick Baska Formation and the 62-m thick
Habib Rahi Formation. Location of the Chuk Dabh Janubi traverse is shown on the map in Figure 2. There
is a 2.8 m thick tongue of grayish red shale 25-28 m above the base of the Baska Formation. The lower part
of the formation is shale-rich and valley-forming (Fig. 4). The upper part of the formation is dominated by
ridge-forming massive gypsum beds that thicken up-section. Sea level interpretation is shown by the
width of the black band in the third column: this is widest during times of high sea stand, and narrowest
during times of low sea stand. Section logs for each formation are recorded in Appendix tables A-1 and A-
2. Circled numbers at right enumerate known archaeocete-bearing intervals within Lutetian strata of the
Sulaiman Range (continued in Fig. 5).

TABLE 1 — Type sections and thicknesses, where known, of Eocene formations exposed on the eastern flank
of the Sulaiman Range in Balochistan, North-West Frontier, and Punjab provinces, Pakistan. Thicknesses
in Dabh Nala are listed for comparison. Formations are shown in superpositional order. Type localities are
plotted graphically in Fig. 1. Asterisks denote estimates.

Thicknesses (m)
Type Dabh
Formation Type locality Latitude Longitude Author(s) section section

Drazinda Drazinda village 31°46.00'N 70°09.00'E Hemphill and Kidwai (1973: 16) 457* 434
Pir Koh Pir Koh range 29°10.90'N 69°03.80'E Tainish et al. (1959: 2679) 135 19
Domanda Domanda Post 31°35.50'N 70°09.00'E Hemphill and Kidwai, 1973: 16) 305* 366
Habib Rahi Habib Rahi Nala1 29°05.44'N 69°02.35'E Tainish et al. (1959: 2679) — 62
Baska Baska village 31°29.00'N 70°08.00'E Hemphill and Kidwai (1973: 14) 189 197
Drug Drug Tangi 30°49.25'N 70°12.50'E Shah (1990: 71) 400 400*
Shaheed Ghat Shaheed Ghat 30°24.00'N 70°28.00'E Shah (1990: 69) 689 600*
1Location and coordinates of type section of Habib Rahi Formation provided by Shahid Hasan Khan, GSP

Baska Formation contains more numerous limestones and thirteen massive gypsum units that
together form a massive north-south trending ridge. All beds are tabular and persistent along

Drug Fm.

Baska Fm.

FIG. 4 — Photograph of the lower part of the Baska Formation in the Chuk Dabh Janubi stratigraphic section.
This shows the predominance of shale and the tabular nature of interbedded limestones in the lower part of
the section. View is to the north, with the bare dip slope of the Drug Formation limestone visible in the left
distance. Man at right side of photograph (arrow) is sitting on the meter-thick limestone 56 m above the
base of the section.

strike. The Baska Formation has not yielded marine mammals to date, although there is a good
possibility that parts of it might in the future.
The Habib Rahi Formation includes the Assilina bed of Eames (1952a), and the “Platy Lime-
stone” of La Touche (1893) and Eames (1952a). In the Zuli Khan Sham section it has a total
thickness of 62 m and consists of: some 25 m of green shales and assiline-rich marls; 11 m of 30
cm-thick marl beds alternating with 20 cm-thick blocky shales; then 8 m of 15 cm-thick lime-
stones including thin brown and black chert beds that are interbedded with marl and shale; then 9
m of 10 cm-thick marls alternating with 40 cm brown shales; and, finally, 10 m of thin marl beds
more widely spaced in a matrix of brown shales (Appendix table A-2). It seems natural to include
the transitional green shales and Assilina beds as the base of the Platy Limestone or Habib Rahi
Formation, as Eames (1952a) and Hemphill and Kidwai (1973) did, because these indicate a re-
turn to more normal marine conditions and are undoubtedly the beginning of the major Habib
Rahi transgression.
The age of the Baska Formation is reported as late early Eocene by Fritz (in Hemphill and
Kidwai, 1973, p. 15), and the age of the Habib Rahi Formation is reported as probably middle
Eocene by Hemphill and Kidwai (1973, p. 17), based on limited paleontological evidence avail-
able at the time. The Baska Formation is still poorly dated but it is now known to be bracketed by
a planktonic foraminiferal P9 age (late Ypresian) for the underlying Drug Formation (Afzal, 1996),
and a nannoplankton NP14-15 age (early Lutetian) for the overlying Habib Rahi Formation (Köthe
et al., 1988).

Sea level interpretation of the Baska Formation is based on three observations of lithology and
(1) The underlying 400 m thick Drug Formation is predominantly composed of marine lime-
stone, massively-bedded in the middle part, with thinner nodular limestones separated by
shale interbeds in the upper part. This is interpreted as a relatively deep-water sequence,
possibly shallowing upward.
(2) The Baska Formation includes, first, 100 m or so of beds in the lower part with a shale
component increasing upward, indicating continental influence; and then 97 m or so of beds
in the upper part with a massively-bedded gypsum component increasing upward. The en-
tire formation is interpreted as a shallowing-upward sequence, with the evaporite-rich upper
part of the Baska Formation being deposited in a shallow sea of restricted circulation.
(3) Finally, the Baska Formation is overlain by green shales and assiline-rich marls of the Habib
Rahi Formation that give way to a thicker unit of platy limestones with cherts and marl
interbeds. The latter is a relatively deep-water facies and indicates renewed flooding.
Intervals of flooding and shallowing interpreted from lithology are shown in the third column
of Figure 3, where black predominates during intervals of sea level rise and flooding, and white
predominates during intervals of sea level fall and shallowing. A latest Ypresian age for the lower
Baska Formation is consistent with the general pattern of sea level change and with planktonic
micropaleontological control where this is available (see below).

Zuli Khan Sham section

The Domanda Formation measured in the Zuli Khan Sham traverse is shown in the Zuli Khan
Sham section (Fig. 5). It is equivalent to the “Lower Chocolate Clays” of Eames (1952a). These,
however, are not nearly so homogeneous as Eames implies. Three distinct cycles of rapid flooding
and slower upward shallowing are represented, which are evident in the clear pattern of color
change observed in outcrop (Fig. 6). The transition from the underlying Habib Rahi Formation is
perfectly gradational, and the boundary is necessarily somewhat arbitrary, assessed on the basis of
predominance of limestone and marl versus shale. Platy limestone and marl bands of the Habib
Rahi thin upward and are separated by increasing thicknesses of gray-brown to blue-gray shale
until the carbonate bands disappear.
Between 74 and 121 m above the base of the Domanda Formation, olive gray and yellowish
brown shales are interbedded with several laterally-persistent 20-30 cm thick yellow and orange
marl or impure limestone bands (Fig. 5; Appendix table A-3). These are not planar like most
limestones here but have an undulating surface and ‘ropey’ texture. They are sometimes associ-
ated with distinctive vertical pillars or pods of marl penetrating through overlying shale and stand-
ing as high as a meter above the land surface (Fig. 7A). We have not excavated such pods to see
that they connect to the underlying laterally-persistent bands, but flower-like structures in the
latter appear to be truncated bases of such pillars or pods (Fig. 7B). One of these pods was illus-
trated previously as the source of the type specimen of the protocetid Takracetus simus (Gingerich
et al., 1995a, fig. 5). A second specimen of T. simus was found in 1996 weathering out of such a
pod near Satta. We interpret these pods as dewatering structures of some kind, or compression
extrusions in marl or impure limestone bands that developed when these were compressed by
overlying sediment. Conceivably they might have been fed by spring-like sources of brackish or
fresh water on the sea floor that might have attracted protocetids.
Some 133 m above the base of the Domanda Formation, gray and yellowish brown shales give
way to a 55 m-thick interval of orange- and brown-weathering ‘multani’ or fuller’s earth (Fig. 5;
Appendix table A-3). Shales in this interval are generally light olive gray when broken on a fresh
surface, but shale partings are dark reddish brown and this addition of color yields the distinctive
weathered color. The presence of orange, red, and brown colors in this interval is interpreted as
indicating oxidation in a shallower sea, and the 188 m level in the Domanda Formation is taken as
the top of the lowest shallowing-upward cycle of sea level change (a cycle that started with the
Habib Rahi flooding event).

FIG. 5 — Zuli Khan Sham stratigraphic section of the 366 m thick Domanda Formation. Location of the Zuli
Khan Sham traverse is shown on the map in Figure 2. Note the presence of three distinct cycles of limestones
and/or green shales (lighter dashed fill pattern), changing upward to brown and red-brown shales (darker
dashed fill pattern). These are interpreted as cycles of sea level flooding and shallowing, respectively. Sea
level interpretation is shown by the width of the black band in the third column: this is widest during times
of high sea stand and narrowest during times of low sea stand. Section log is recorded in Appendix table
A-3. Circled numbers at right enumerate known archaeocete-bearing intervals within Lutetian strata of the
Sulaiman Range (initiated in Fig. 3).

The interval from 188 to 244 m above the base of the Domanda Formation is again olive gray
shales with thin limestones that indicate deeper water (Fig. 5; Appendix table A-3). The thin
limestones are concentrated in two narrow intervals where they are ridge-forming, and there is a
bivalve shell bed in between. The interval from 244 to 288 m is predominantly red and brown in
color (Fig. 5; Appendix table A-3), indicating shallower water. Crab burrows and crab fossils are
reasonably common, as are certain archaeocetes. Crocodiles are present but rare. The 288 m level
in the Domanda Formation (Fig. 5) is taken as the top of the second shallowing-upward cycle of
sea level change.
The interval from 288 to 314 m above the base of the Domanda Formation is predominantly
composed of green shales, with two or sometimes three 15-30 cm-thick beds of oyster-rich, ridge-
forming marl or impure limestone (Fig. 5; Appendix table A-3). These are clearly the “thin bands

Habib Rahi Fm. Chitarwata Fm.

Pir Koh Fm.
U. Domanda Fm.
Middle Domanda Fm.

Lower Domanda Fm.

FIG. 6 — Photograph showing outcrop of Domanda Formation in the Zuli Khan Sham traverse just north of
Zuli Khan Sham. View is to north. White band at left of photograph is Habib Rahi Formation. White band
crossing right center of photograph is Pir Koh Formation. Ridge in distance at right side of photograph is
upper Drazinda Formation capped by Chitarwata Formation sandstone. Note excellent exposure at all
levels. Lower, middle, and upper Domanda labeled here represent three cycles of color change from light
gray or green to darker brown and reddish brown. These correspond to divisions shown in the stratigraphic
section of Fig. 5.

FIG. 7 — Marl or impure limestones found in the interval from 74 and 121 m above the base of the Domanda
Formation (Fig. 5). A, vertical pillar of impure limestone penetrating light olive gray shales at about 30°
59' N, south of Baghobandkai; view is to northeast. B, flower-like circular structure in a yellowish brown
marl at the 113 m level in the Zuli Khan Sham stratigraphic section (Fig. 5); structure is just north of the
Zuli Khan Sham traverse at about 30° 53.3' N and view is to west. Scale is given by hammer in each
photograph (arrow).


FIG. 8 — Upper surface of 30 cm-thick ‘wavy’ limestone in the Domanda Formation 305 m above the base
(Fig. 5). A, surface at about 30° 51.75' N and 70° 13.15' E; view is to southwest. B, surface at about 30°
51.20' N and 70° 13.13' E; view is to west. Note the presence of meter-scale undulations approximately
parallel to strike, and decimeter-scale undulations approximately parallel to dip.

of impure limestone containing Ostrea (Liostrea) pseudoflemingi” of Eames (1952a: 164), and
certain archaeocetes are reasonably common in this interval. The middle limestone is generally
the thickest and has a wavy upper surface (Fig. 8A,B) that the others lack. The interval from 314 m
above the base to 366 m at the top of the Domanda Formation is predominantly composed of red-
brown fissile shales (Fig. 5; Appendix table A-3). This interval has yielded distinctive archaeocetes
and almost all of the crocodiles known from the Domanda Formation.
The age of the underlying Habib Rahi Formation is early Lutetian based on the presence of
NP14-15 nannoplankton (Köthe et al., 1988; see below). Micropaleontological studies consis-
tently describe the Domanda Formation as barren, however the overlying Pir Koh Formation has
long been thought to be early Bartonian in age based on the presence of P12-13 planktonic Fora-
minifera (Samanta, 1973; see below). This indicates that the Domanda Formation is Lutetian in
age and its great thickness means that it probably spans much of Lutetian time.
Sea level interpretation of the Habib Rahi and Domanda formations is relatively straightfor-
ward. The NP14-15 age of the Habib Rahi Formation means that it coincides with the major
flooding event in the early Lutetian, which is consistent with a lithology of limestones containing
thin bands of black chert. This grades upward into transitional gray and green shales and then
brown shales representing a low sea stand. There are two additional cycles of high and then low
sea stands in the Domanda Formation, with the high sea stands represented by green shales con-
taining thin limestones and the low sea stands represented by brown and reddish brown shales.
Intervals of flooding and shallowing are shown in the third column of Figure 5, where black pre-
dominates during intervals of sea level rise and flooding, and white predominates during intervals
of sea level fall and shallowing. A Lutetian age for the combined Habib Rahi and Domanda
formations in this and other sections is consistent with the general pattern of sea level change and
with micropaleontological control where this is available (see below).

Baher Dabh Shumali section

The Pir Koh Formation and the Drazinda Formation are both represented in the Baher Dabh
Shumali section (Fig. 9). The Pir Koh Formation is the “White Marl Band” of Eames (1952a). It
is ridge-forming but commonly cross-cut by superimposed streams. In the Baher Dabh Shumali

section it has a total thickness of 19 m. This includes a 1.8 m thick, blocky, highly-burrowed marl
at the base; a 5.7 m alternation of platy marls and blocky shales; a 4.8 m massive marl bed that
weathers into laminae; and finally 7 m of gray shale and marl transitional to the lower Drazinda
Formation (Fig. 9; Appendix table A-4).
The Drazinda Formation is equivalent to the vertical succession of “Passage Beds,” “Upper
Chocolate Clays,” and “Pellatispira beds” described by Eames (1952a). It is in some ways similar
to the Domanda Formation or “Lower Chocolate Clays” of Eames (1952a), but here five distinct
cycles of flooding and shallowing are represented that are again evident in the pattern of color
change observed in outcrop. The transition from the underlying Pir Koh Formation is gradational.
Pir Koh marl bands thin upward and are separated by increasing thicknesses of gray-brown to
blue-gray shale until the carbonate bands disappear. A photograph illustrating outcrop of the
Drazinda Formation is shown in Figure 10.
The basal 92 m-thick interval of the Drazinda Formation (Appendix table A-5; 19-111 m inter-
val in Fig. 9) is light-colored drab shales. These are overlain by 62 m of darker reddish brown
shales with thin beds rich in mollusks and large 2-cm in diameter Nummulites (N. beaumonti; 111-
173 m interval in Fig. 9). The upper part of these reddish brown shales is the interval that yielded
Babiacetus indicus near Satta Post (Gingerich et al., 1995b). The first cycle of lower Drazinda
flooding and shallowing begins with the Pir Koh flooding event at the base of the Baher Dabh
Shumali section and ends at about the 173 m level (Fig. 9).
The interval from 173 m through 248 m in Figure 9 is predominantly composed of light olive
gray to green clay shales (154 through 230 m interval in Appendix table A-5). There is a promi-
nent, 70-cm thick, ridge-forming, Discocyclina sowerbyi-packed marker bed 164 m above the
base of the Drazinda section (183 m level in Fig. 9). The 40-m thick green shale, or here light
olive gray shale, above the Discocyclina marker bed is the stratigraphic interval that yielded nu-
merous sea cows of the species Protosiren sattaensis (Gingerich et al., 1995b, 1997) and rare
archaeocete whales of the basilosaurid species Basilosaurus drazindai and Basiloterus hussaini
(Gingerich et al., 1997), again near Satta Post. The interval from 248 m through 303 m in Figure 9
is again darker maroon to reddish brown shales. This completes the middle Drazinda cycle of
flooding and shallowing.
The upper part of the Drazinda Formation includes three thinner and presumably shorter cycles
of flooding and shallowing, in the intervals from approximately 303 m through 360 m, 360 m
through 391 m, and 391 m through 453 m, respectively, above the base of the Baher Dabh Shumali
section shown in Figure 9 (Appendix table A-5).
The Pir Koh and Drazinda formations have yielded abundant microfossils, including plank-
tonic forams and nannoplankton (Latif, 1964; Samanta, 1973; Köthe et al., 1988), and age control
for the two formations is summarized below.
Sea level interpretation of the Pir Koh and Drazinda formations is again relatively straightfor-
ward, with lighter olive gray and green shales representing deeper water farther offshore, and
darker reddish brown shales representing shallower water closer to the ancient shoreline. Intervals
of flooding and shallowing are shown in the third column of Figure 9, where black predominates
during intervals of sea level rise and flooding, and white predominates during intervals of sea level
fall and shallowing.
The basal 6 m of the Chitarwata Formation overlying the Drazinda Formation is described in
Appendix table A-5 to emphasize the lithological change from one to the other. Kirthar Group
formations can be traced for hundreds of kilometers north and south along the eastern side of the
Sulaiman Range, where there is virtually no clastic sediment coarser than silt (some siltstones and
even sandstones are present farther to the north, and also farther to the west on the west side of the
Sulaiman Range). The Chitarwata Formation, in contrast, starts with silty shale and siltstone at
the base, and rapidly coarsens upward with a massive input of terrigenous clastic sediments indi-
cating initiation of tectonic collision and mountain building on a locally unprecedented scale.
Contact of the Drazinda and Chitarwata formations is conformable along much of the Sulaiman
front, with no evidence of disconformity, raising a question of how much of a temporal gap, if any,
may be represented between the two formations.

FIG. 9 — Baher Dabh Shumali stratigraphic section of the 19 m thick Pir Koh Formation and the 434 m thick
Drazinda Formation. Location of the Baher Dabh Shumali traverse is shown on the map in Figure 2. Note
the presence of five cycles of limestones and/or green shales (lighter dashed fill pattern) changing upward
to brown and red-brown shales (darker dashed fill pattern). These are interpreted as cycles of sea level
flooding and shallowing. Sea level interpretation is shown by the width of the black band in the third
column: this is widest during times of high sea stand and narrowest during times of low sea stand. Section
logs are recorded in Appendix tables A-4 and A-5. Circled numbers at right enumerate known archaeocete-
bearing intervals within Bartonian strata of the Sulaiman Range (continuing the numbering sequence initiated
in Figs. 3 and 5, and here based on limited prospecting).

Chitarwata Fm.
Drug Fm.

Pir Koh Fm.

Drazinda Fm.

FIG. 10 — Photograph of green and red shales of the Drazinda Formation exposed at the top of the Baher
Dabh Shumali stratigraphic section. Photograph was taken standing on the Drazinda-Chitarwata contact,
looking north along strike, with ridges of Pir Koh Formation and Drug Formation exposed in the background.



The middle and upper Eocene Kirthar Group comprising the Habib Rahi, Domanda, Pir Koh,
and Drazinda formations together total 881 m of stratigraphic thickness in the Dabh area north of
Drug Lahar. Three of the four formations have yielded numerous archaeocete whales, and the one
that has not, the Pir Koh Formation, has not yet been searched systematically. The best age control
for the four formations has been developed along strike at Rakhi Nala, 100 km south of the Dabh
area, where relatively good sections are most easily accessible. Age control at Rakhi Nala is
summarized in Figure 11.
It is clear from nannoplankton evidence that the Habib Rahi Formation is early Lutetian in age
(NP14-15; Köthe et al., 1988). Planktonic foraminiferal evidence shows that the Pir Koh Forma-
tion is early Bartonian in age (P12-13; Samanta, 1973). And planktonic foraminiferal, nanno-
plankton, and shallow benthic foraminiferal evidence shows that the upper part of the Drazinda
Formation is Priabonian in age (P15-17, NP18-20, and Pellatispira; Eames, 1952a; Samanta, 1973;
Köthe et al., 1988). When the thicknesses of the Kirthar Group formations and their interpreted
depths of deposition are evaluated subject to these constraints on age, there is a remarkable corre-
spondence of sea level rise and fall documented locally to sea level rise and fall inferred globally
(Fig. 11).
The Habib Rahi and Pir Koh carbonates are relatively deep-water tracts deposited during early
Lutetian and initial Bartonian flooding. All three global Lutetian cycles of sea level rise and fall
are observed in the Zuli Khan Sham section. Both Bartonian cycles and all three shorter Priabonian
cycles are observed in the Baher Dabh Shumali section. It appears that the northwestern margin of

FIG. 11 — Temporal correlation chart for Paleocene-Eocene formations of Rakhi Nala 60 km along strike to
the south of Dabh Nala, showing micropaleontological constraints on the age of the Drug, Habib Rahi, Pir
Koh, and Drazinda Formations studied here. Left side of chart shows global magnetic polarity and
chronostratigraphy, Tethyan biostratigraphy, and global sea level stratigraphy. Right side of chart shows
lithology and associated planktonic foraminiferal (P), nannoplankton (NP), or shallow benthic (SB) ages,
with literature references and lists of the more important index species. The time scale and planktonic
zones shown here are from Berggren et al. (1995). Shallow benthic zones and correlation are from Serra-
Kiel et al. (1998), and sea level stratigraphy is from Hardenbol et al. (1998).

the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent behaved passively enough during middle and late Eocene time to
record a global pattern of sea level change without any substantial local tectonic overprint. The
virtual absence of siltstones and coarser clastics along the Sulaiman front through the middle and
late Eocene corroborates the requisite passivity of subsidence required to record a global sea level
Archaeocete whales are known from six stratigraphic intervals in the middle and upper parts of
the Domanda Formation, which means that they probably span much of middle and late Lutetian
time. Archaeocete whales described previously from the lower and middle Domanda Formation
probably represent early and middle Lutetian time (Gingerich et al., 1993, 1994, 1995a). Sea
cows and archaeocete whales described previously from the lower and middle Drazinda Forma-
tion probably represent middle Bartonian time (Gingerich et al., 1995b, 1997).


Some archaeocetes described here are similar to those known from the Harudi Formation of
Kutch, in India, which were originally described as being Lutetian in age (e.g., Sahni and Mishra,
1972, 1975). This was at a time when the Lutetian stage or age was considered equivalent to all of

the middle part of the Eocene, and the Bartonian was considered more or less equivalent to the
Priabonian in the upper or late Eocene (e.g., Berggren, 1972). However, development of global
correlation based on planktonic foraminiferan (P) and nannoplankton (NP) zones showed that the
type Bartonian is P13-14 and NP17 in age, and it was moved to the middle Eocene (Hardenbol and
Berggren, 1978). Later time scales used for global correlation follow this convention (e.g., Harland
et al., 1982, 1990; Berggren et al., 1995). Bajpai and Thewissen (1998, 2000) and Williams
(1998) continued to use the term Lutetian as if it is a equivalent to the whole middle Eocene, which
is confusing and anachronistic.
The standard reference on Kutch stratigraphy is Biswas (1992), who cited Mohan and Soodan
(1970) for planktonic foraminiferal zonation, and Singh and Singh (1991) for nannoplankton zo-
nation of the Harudi and overlying Fulra formations. Mohan and Soodan’s results (1970, p. 39)
can be grouped into nine stratigraphically-superposed sets of samples of temporally informative
planktonic forams. These are analyzed in Figure 12. Mohan and Soodan (1970, p. 40) described
the record of planktonic Foraminifera in the two lower sets of samples (1345-1333) as “poor,
perhaps due to an unsuitable environment and the frequent variations in depositional conditions.”
Samples in sets 3 through 9 are richer and generally have a larger number of temporally-informa-
tive species. All of these yield ages of P12-13 and are consistent with an early Bartonian age.
Singh and Singh (1991) and Jafar and Rai (1994) found nannoplankton from the Harudi and Fulra
formations of Kutch to represent zones NP16-17, corroborating the early Bartonian age based on
planktonic forams.
Results for Kutch can be plotted on a temporal correlation chart (Fig. 13) like that constructed
for Rakhi Nala. Aligning the Harudi and Fulra formations with the early Bartonian flooding event
satisfies temporal constraints on the age of these formations and reflects the view that Kutch was
an eroding land surface during much of Eocene time, being flooded in the early Eocene when the
Naredi Formation was deposited and again in Bartonian middle Eocene time when the Harudi and
Fulra formations were deposited (e.g., Singh and Singh, 1991, p. 30). There is also some evidence
of a later flooding event in the Priabonian (Biswas, 1992). An early Bartonian age for the Kutch
formations yielding archaeocetes means that these together represent a relatively short interval of
Eocene time, and that this corresponds temporally to deposition of the Pir Koh Formation in Paki-
stan, providing information about the archaeocete fauna for an interval that remains to be investi-
gated in the Sulaiman Range. The entire Harudi Formation is on the order of 14 m thick (Biswas,
1992), which is about 1.6 percent of the 881 m thickness of Kirthar formations under study here.


Class MAMMALIA Linnaeus, 1758

Order CETACEA Brisson, 1762
Suborder ARCHAEOCETI Flower, 1883

Family REMINGTONOCETIDAE Kumar and Sahni, 1986

Type genus.— Remingtonocetus Kumar and Sahni, 1986, p. 330.

Included genera.— Andrewsiphius Sahni and Mishra, 1975, p. 23; Remingtonocetus Kumar
and Sahni, 1986, p. 330; Dalanistes Gingerich, Arif, and Clyde, 1995a, p. 317; Attockicetus
Thewissen and Hussain, 2000, p. 135.
Diagnosis.— Remingtonocetidae differ from all other archaeocetes in having long, narrow skulls;
external nares opening well forward on the skull; frontal shield narrow; orbits small; full comple-
ment of upper and lower teeth (dental formula /; palate convex; and mandibular
symphysis unfused. Postcranially, remingtonocetids have relatively long cervical vertebrae; sacrum
composed of four vertebrae, with at least the anterior three solidly fused; acetabular notch in
pelvis narrow to closed; femoral head lacking a distinct fovea.

FIG. 12 — Planktonic foraminiferal age control for the middle Eocene Harudi and Fulra formations in the
Berwali Nadi area of Kutch in Gujarat, India. Age ranges of temporally-informative planktonic forams
reported by Mohan and Soodan (1970) are shown on the planktonic foraminiferal time scale of Toumarkine
and Luterbacher (1985). Solid vertical line marks the median of first and last appearances of all lineages
(the median of the zone numbers tabulated to the left of each range chart), and dashed vertical lines mark
ends of ranges closest to median to show intervals of consistency. Median shows slight trend toward

FIG. 13 — Temporal correlation chart for Eocene formations of Kutch (Gujarat, India), showing
micropaleontological constraints on the age of the Naredi Formation and on the age of the Harudi and
Fulra formations of interest here. Left side of chart shows global magnetic polarity and chronostratigraphy,
Tethyan biostratigraphy, and global sea level stratigraphy. Right side of chart shows lithology and associated
planktonic foraminiferal (P), nannoplankton (NP), or shallow benthic (SB) ages, with literature references
and lists of the more important index species. The time scale and planktonic zones shown here are from
Berggren et al. (1995). Shallow benthic zones and correlation are from Serra-Kiel et al. (1998), and sea
level stratigraphy is from Hardenbol et al. (1998).

Discussion.— Anterior teeth of Remingtonocetus described below are mediolaterally flattened

somewhat like those of the mako shark Isurus. If typical of the family, this is an important distinc-
tion from contemporary Protocetidae, which have more conical anterior teeth. Shark-like anterior
teeth may provide a clue to the feeding strategy of remingtonocetid whales, which are also distinc-
tive in having relatively long necks and long, narrow skulls.

Andrewsiphius Sahni and Mishra, 1975

Type species.— Andrewsiphius kutchensis Sahni and Mishra, 1975, p. 23.

Included species.— Protocetus sloani Sahni and Mishra, 1972 [= Andrewsiphius kutchensis
Sahni and Mishra, 1975].

younger age at top of section, as expected. All samples are consistent with an early Bartonian P12-13 age.
Ypresian and Bartonian marine stages/ages and the Oligocene epoch with stippling are distinguished from
the Paleocene, intervening Lutetian, and Priabonian without stippling.

Diagnosis.— Andrewsiphius differs from Remingtonocetus and Dalanistes in being smaller,

having a narrower rostrum, and in having smaller premolars that are separated by relatively longer
Discussion.— The type specimen of the type species of Andrewsiphius, Andrewsiphius kutchensis
Sahni and Mishra (1975, p. 23; LUVP 11060), and the type specimen of the referred species
Andrewsiphius minor Sahni and Mishra (1975, p. 25; LUVP 11165) were described as mandibular
fragments, and this interpretation persists (e.g., Williams, 1998, p. 8), but each appears to be
maxillary. Unusual characteristics attributed to Andrewsiphius, such as confluence of the man-
dibular canals anteriorly (these are narial passages), and extension of the mandibular symphysis
posteriorly as far as M3 (this is the palate) make sense if the ‘mandibular’ fragments are in fact
maxillary. Complicating matters, most types and other described specimens of Andrewsiphius are
gypsified and have not been prepared adequately for study.
The type specimen of Protocetus sloani Sahni and Mishra (1972), later Remingtonocetus sloani
(Kumar and Sahni, 1986), was described as a mandibular fragment (Sahni and Mishra, 1972, p.
492; 1975, p. 25; Kumar and Sahni, 1986, p. 341; Williams, 1998, p. 8; LUVP 11002), but it too is
maxillary and compares closely to Andrewsiphius rather than Remingtonocetus. A referred speci-
men of Remingtonocetus harudiensis (Kumar and Sahni, 1986, p. 336; LUVP 11132) is undoubt-
edly maxillary and compares closely with Andrewsiphius rather than Remingtonocetus.
All of these specimens are within the normal range of variation in size for a species, and here
we recognize a single species of Andrewsiphius, Andrewsiphius sloani (Sahni and Mishra, 1972),
from the early Bartonian Harudi Formation of Kutch. We regard the similar-sized Andrewsiphius
kutchensis Sahni and Mishra (1975), Andrewsiphius minor Sahni and Mishra (1975), and Kutchicetus
minimus Bajpai and Thewissen (2000) as junior synonyms of A. sloani. Recognition of any of
these species as distinct will require comparison with previously described types and more justifi-
cation than has been published to date.
The type specimen of Andrewsiphius sloani came from the Chocolate Limestone of Harudi
(Kumar and Sahni, 1986, p. 341), as did the type of Kutchicetus minimus. Bajpai and Thewissen
(2000, p. 1478) wrote that Kutchicetus minimus “can be diagnosed from other remingtonocetids
on the basis of its small size,” and claimed that it is “less than half the size (in linear dimensions)
of the smallest known remingtonocetid (A. minor)” without presenting any quantitative compari-
son that might provide a basis or explain the rationale for this claim. Lumbar centrum lengths of
38-40 mm for Kutchicetus minimus (plotted in Bajpai and Thewissen’s fig. 4) are only about 20-25
percent smaller than comparable dimensions of medium-sized Remingtonocetus cf. R. harudiensis
(listed in table 5 of Gingerich et al., 1995a), which is about the difference to be expected for
Andrewsiphius sloani.

Andrewsiphius sloani (Sahni and Mishra, 1972)

Fig. 14

Holotype.—LUVP 11002, maxillary fragment with alveoli for double-rooted P3, P4, and M1.
Type locality.— Chocolate limestone 3 km southeast of Baranda or 2 km northwest of Harudi in
southwestern Kutch, India (Sahni and Mishra, 1972; Kumar and Sahni, 1986).
Diagnosis.— As for the genus.
Age and distribution.— Andrewsiphius sloani is known from the upper Domanda Formation
(late Lutetian) of Pakistan and from the Harudi Formation (early Bartonian) of India.
Newly referred specimens.— GSP-UM 3307, three pieces of a skull, including a well preserved
piece of maxillary rostrum, from green shales just above the wavy limestone in the lower part of
the upper Domanda Formation, at 30° 51.79' N latitude, 70° 13.25' E longitude. GSP-UM 3393,
partial braincase with natural endocast, from reddish brown shales in the middle of the upper
Domanda Formation, at 30° 53.50' N latitude, 70° 13.60' E longitude. The first locality is in Ander
Dabh Janubi and the second is in Ander Dabh Shumali, both near Drug, in easternmost Baluchistan
Province, Pakistan.

n n


0 1 2 cm

P3 P2 P1
FIG. 14 — New specimen of Andrewsiphius sloani, GSP-UM 3307, piece of maxillary rostrum, in posterior
(A), right lateral (B), anterior (C), and occlusal views (D). Abbreviation: n, narial passage (divided in
posterior view). Scale is in cm.

Description.— The most informative new specimen of Andrewsiphius sloani is the partial max-
illary rostrum of the type, GSP-UM 3307 (Fig. 14A-D). Left and right maxillae and left and right
nasals are all fully co-ossified with no trace of sutures between them, indicating that the individual
was fully adult. The rostrum is 90 mm in length as preserved, 25.2 mm wide at the position of P1,
27.4 mm wide at the position of P2, and 28.0 mm wide at the position of P3. It is, in contrast, 43.0
mm high at the position of P2, giving it the narrow and high cross section typical of remingtonocetids.
The narial passage through the rostral piece is well preserved. This is undivided in front where it
is exposed above the alveoli for left and right P1, but divided by a bony septum in back above the
alveoli for left and right P3. This demonstrates that the rostral piece is in fact rostral and not fused
left and right dentaries. Alveoli for single-rooted P1 measure 9.7 mm anteroposteriorly and 6.0
mm mediolaterally. These are followed by a diastema of about 19 mm. Alveoli for double-rooted
P2 measure 18.0 mm in anteroposterior length and about 6.8 mm in mediolateral breadth. These
are followed by a diastema of 20 mm. Alveoli for double-rooted P3 measure approximately 21.5
mm in anteroposterior length and about 7.3 mm in maximum mediolateral breadth. We have not
yet been able to identify the accompanying two cranial fragments as to position in the cranium.
A second new specimen is GSP-UM 3393, a partial braincase with much of a natural endocast.
This is small and measures approximately 58 mm in breadth between left and right internal audi-
tory meati.

Remingtonocetus Kumar and Sahni, 1986

Type species.— Protocetus harudiensis Sahni and Mishra, 1975, p. 21.

Included species.— Remingtonocetus harudiensis (Sahni and Mishra, 1975), and
Remingtonocetus domandaensis new species.
Diagnosis.— Remingtonocetus differs from Andrewsiphius in being larger, with a broader ros-
trum and longer premolars. Differs from Dalanistes in being smaller, with more gracile premolars
and molars; P4 and M1 are larger relative to other teeth, while M2 and M3 are smaller both abso-
lutely and relatively in Remingtonocetus (Fig. 15).

FIG. 15 — Absolute and proportional differences in lower cheek teeth of Remingtonocetus domandaensis and
Dalanistes ahmedi. Major axis of ellipse representing each tooth is crown length (closed ellipses) or
alveolus length (open ellipses), minor axis of ellipse is crown or alveolus width, and separation between
ellipses is diastema length. A, comparison of absolute sizes and separation of C1-M3 in holotype of
Remingtonocetus domandaensis (GSP-UM 3225) with those in holotype (GSP-UM 3106) and referred
specimen (GSP-UM 3165) of Dalanistes ahmedi. Specimens are drawn to the same scale (grid squares are
one centimeter on a side). B, comparison of relative sizes and separation of C1-M3 in holotype of
Remingtonocetus domandaensis (GSP-UM 3225) with those in holotype (GSP-UM 3106) and referred
specimen (GSP-UM 3165) of Dalanistes ahmedi. Specimens are drawn to the same C1-M3 length.
Specimens shown here are all from the upper part of the middle Domanda Formation (middle Lutetian).
Note the smaller absolute size of the dentition in Remingtonocetus domandaensis, and the relatively larger
P4-M1 and smaller M2-M3 in this species.

A nares

M3 M
2 M1 P4
P3 P2 C1
P1 C1

FIG. 16 — Dentition of Remingtonocetus harudiensis, new species, GSP-UM 3325 (holotype). A, rostrum in
right lateral view, with alveolus for I1, root of I2, and intact crowns of I3, C1, and P1. Note external nares
opening directly above C1. B, right dentary in right lateral view, with alveolus for I3 and intact crowns of
C1-M3. Scale is in cm.

Pir Koh Fm.

Upper Domanda Fm.

FIG. 17 — Type locality of Remingtonocetus harudiensis, new species. Locality of GSP-UM 3325 (holotype;
arrow) is in the upper part of the middle Domanda Formation at Ander Dabh Shumali at 30° 59.14' N
latitude and 70° 13.18' E longitude. View is to the east. Section in background includes lower and upper
parts of the upper Domanda Formation capped by the ridge-forming Pir Koh Formation.

Remingtonocetus domandaensis new species

Fig. 16

Holotype.— GSP-UM 3225, partial cranium and right dentary with C1-M3 of a fully adult
individual. Associated postcranial elements include five cervical vertebrae, three thoracics, two
lumbars, one caudal, and numerous ribs.
Type locality.— Ander Dabh Shumali at 30° 59.14' N latitude, 70° 13.18' E longitude (Fig. 17),
near Drug in easternmost Baluchistan Province, Pakistan. Type specimen was recovered from
reddish brown shales in the upper part of the middle Domanda Formation. This is middle Lutetian
in age.
Diagnosis.— Similar to Remingtonocetus harudiensis but differs in details of molar morphol-
ogy. M1 and M2 have second apical cusps following the first, which are not seen in LUVP 11037,
the holotype of R. harudiensis. M2 is notably more massive. Its anterior crest in front of the apical
cusp, and especially the posterior crest behind the apical cusp are expanded and convex upward,
while they are straight and concave, respectively, in the type of R. harudiensis.
Age and distribution.— Remingtonocetus domandaensis ranges from the upper part of the lower
through the upper part of the upper Domanda Formation throughout the Sulaiman Range of Paki-
stan. The species ranges from early through late Lutetian in age.
Hypodigm.— GSP-UM 3009, 3015, 3052, 3054, 3057, 3101 described previously (Gingerich
et al., 1993, 1995a). GSP-UM 3225 (holotype), listed above; GSP-UM 3408, partial skeleton with
vertebrae including sacrum, innominates; GSP-UM 3415, well preserved cranium with all alveoli
and intact crowns of P3 and M1-3.

TABLE 2 — Measurements of teeth in the type specimen of Remingtonocetus domandaensis GSP-UM 3225.
Measurements in parentheses are based on alveoli. All measurements are in mm. Asterisks denote estimates.

Tooth Crown Crown Apical Trailing

position length width height diastema

Upper dentition
I1 – – – 8.5
I2 22.3 11.6 – 17.4
I3 17.1 10.0 19.5* 26.0
C1 20.0 9.9 24.4* 11.5
P1 20.0 6.8 13.0* –

Lower dentition
I3 (19.5) (10.0) – 17.0
C1 19.8 9.9 28.5 21.5
P1 16.6 6.7 17.2 17.5
P2 34.2 7.4 19.5 36.8
P3 46.5 8.4 23.0 24.0
P4 46.3 11.3 27.0 3.0
M1 33.8 11.0 18.0 –
M2 25.7 11.0 19.6 –
M3 21.2 11.8 19.4 –

Etymology.— Named for the Domanda Formation yielding the type and all known specimens.
Description.— GSP 3225 (holotype) comprises parts of a cranium, including the well pre-
served anterior part of the rostrum with crowns of I2-3, C1, and P1. The premaxillae in this rostrum
piece are solidly fused to the maxillae, with no remaining suture, which taken together with other
evidence indicates the specimen was fully mature. This rostral piece shows the external nares to
have opened anteriorly at a point directly above the upper canines (Fig. 16A). I1 is represented on
the right side of the rostrum by a large alveolus, and I2 is represented by its root. I1 and I2 appear
to have been about the same size. The crowns of the right I3, C1, and P1 were found separately
during excavation but these fit into the remaining alveoli in the rostrum. I1 through P1 are all
single-rooted. The root of I3 is smaller than those of I1 and I2. The crown of I3 is unusual in being
straight and symmetrically flattened mediolaterally. The crown of C1 is mediolaterally flattened
but more curved, with the anterior margin of the tooth being convex anteriorly and the posterior
margin concave posteriorly, while the labial surface is convex laterally and the lingual surface is
concave medially. The crown of P1 is similar to those in front of it, but low and blunt. Crowns of
I3-P1 all bear faint labial and lingual cingula surrounding the base of the crown. Measurements of
these upper teeth are listed in Table 2.
The cranium of GSP 3225 also includes the posterior part of the braincase with large and
posteriorly-projecting nuchal crests. The right exoccipital is well preserved, projecting laterally
some 12.5 cm from the midline of the skull. Thus the width across the exoccipitals was about 25.0
cm, two cm greater than that reported for GSP-UM 3052 (first identified as Dalanistes in Gingerich
et al., 1995a, but here referred to Remingtonocetus). The referred skull, GSP-UM 3408, has a
condylobasal length of 75 cm.
The right dentary of GSP 3225 is broken through the alveolus for I2 and behind M3. The rest is
well preserved (Fig. 16B). The mandibular symphysis extends posteriorly to a point beneath P3,
and the posterior part of the dentary is hollow, reflecting the presence of a much enlarged man-
dibular canal associated with hearing in cetaceans. All of the lower cheek teeth have narrow and
delicate crowns with the exception of P4-M3, which are a little more robust.
The lower canine, C1, is single-rooted, and the crown is relatively high and straight. It is
narrow, with a slightly convex anterior margin and a slightly concave posterior margin. Very weak
labial and lingual cingula encircle the crown. P1 is single-rooted with a simple, narrow, relatively
low, triangular crown. Again this is encircled by faint labial and lingual cingula. P2 is double-

rooted like all following teeth. It has a uniformly low crown arched in a distinctive way to make
the apex much higher than the height at the front or back of the crown (apex height rather than
crown height is reflected in ordinary measurements). The anterior crest of the tooth is straight and
rises steeply in front of the apical cusp, while the posterior crest is concave upward and rises less
steeply. The crown of P3 is similar to that of P2, but both crests, anterior and posterior to the apex,
are serrated, and both are flexed, rising more steeply in the middle. The posterior part of the crown
of P3 has serrations enlarged into several distinct cuspules. The crown of P4 is higher and more
substantial than that of either P2 or P3. It mirrors P2 and P3 to some extent in having cuspules on
the crest anterior to the apical cusp. This crest is long, slightly concave upward, and rises less
steeply than the crest posterior to the apical cusp. The posterior crest is serrated, straight, and
steeply angled.
M1 is distinctive in having a long, sloping, concave-upward crest in front of its apical cusp.
There are two accessory cusps, the first one large, behind the apical cusp. M2 is the most massive
of the molars. Crests in front of and behind the apical cusp are convex upward. M2 has a second
large cusp behind the apical cusp, and three smaller cuspules behind that. M3 has an unusual
shape in that there is a short crest, sloping slightly, anterior to the apical cusp, and a steeply-
sloping rounded surface descending behind the apical cusp. M1 is the longest of the molars, and
the shortest is clearly M3. The proportions of the lower cheek teeth are illustrated in Figure 15,
and measurements of all teeth are listed in Table 2. Five additional tooth crowns of uncertain
position were found with the type when it was excavated.
Postcranial elements associated as part of the holotype include a well preserved atlas. This is
large, measuring 18.5 cm in maximum breadth, and it is distinctively flexed both ventrally in the
sagittal plane and backward in the coronal plane. The ventral flexion indicates notable angulation
between the long axis of the skull and the neck in life. Centra of the axis and cervicals C3, C6, and
C7 are long, with articular surfaces angled as described previously (Gingerich et al., 1995a, p.
315). C6 has its ventrally-deflected transverse processes intact. These are massive and descend
some 8 cm below the base of the centrum. C7 is virtually complete. Remaining vertebrae will be
described when they are studied in the context of other known Remingtonocetus skeletons. Ribs
are gracile and almost circular in cross-section.
The sacrum is well preserved in GSP-UM 3408. This is a four-centrum sacrum very similar to
that of Dalanistes ahmedi described previously, but it is smaller, measuring 20 cm in length rather
than the 23-25 cm reported for Dalanistes by Gingerich et al. (1995a, p. 326). Innominates of
GSP-UM 3408 are distinctive in having an acetabulum with a lunate surface that is not lunate in
shape but rather encircles a foramen-like acetabular fossa completely. There is no acetabular
notch, per se, but rather an acetabular canal, covered by the expanded lunate surface, communicat-
ing with the acetabular fossa and supplying nutrients to the articular capsule. The ilium is long
and high, providing a large surface for origination of gluteal musculature.
Discussion.— Remingtonocetus domandaensis, with a condylobasal skull length of 75 cm, is
virtually identical in size to Remingtonocetus harudiensis, for which Kumar and Sahni (1986, p.
331) report a skull length of 75 cm. The type specimen of Dalanistes ahmedi, in contrast, has a
condylobasal length estimated at 90 cm (Gingerich et al., 1995a, p. 320). Thus R. domandaensis
is about 17 percent smaller in this dimension than contemporary D. ahmedi. This difference
shows up too in Figure 15, where the ratio of C1 through M3 length in R. domandaensis to those in
D. ahmedi are 347/410 = 0.85 and 347/401 = 0.87, respectively. Taken together, these measure-
ments mean R. domandaensis is 17-13 percent, averaging 15 percent, smaller than contemporary
D. ahmedi. Remingtonocetus and Dalanistes also differ in the proportions of their lower premolars
and molars (Fig. 15).
It is difficult to compare Remingtonocetus domandaensis in detail to R. harudiensis. The type
of the latter, LUVP 11037, is a fragmentary skull with roots for P4-M3, left and right mandibular
rami with roots for P4-M3, much of the crown of an upper molar, isolated cusps of upper teeth, and
crowns of left M1 and M2 (Sahni and Mishra, 1975, p. 21). This came from the Chocolate Lime-
stone of the Harudi Formation 2 km north of Harudi, in southwestern Kutch, Gujarat, India (23°
30.33' N latitude, 68° 41.25' E longitude). The lower molars, M1 and M2, were described and

illustrated by Sahni and Mishra (1975, pl. 4: 6), Sahni (1981, pl. 1: 1), and Kumar and Sahni
(1986, fig. 8e-h). These are relatively gracile, and bicuspid in the sense that they have a single
high apical trigonid cusp and a lower talonid cusp. The crest anterior to the apical cusp is virtually
straight, while the posterior crest is concave upward. M1 and M2 in GSP-UM 3225 have second
apical cusps following the first, which are not seen in LUVP 11037. In addition, M2 is notably
more massive, and the anterior crest and especially the posterior crest are expanded and convex
LUVP 11132, described by Kumar and Sahni (1986, p. 331, fig. 10g-j) as the anterior portion
of a mandible referred to Remingtonocetus harudiensis, is neither the anterior portion of a man-
dible nor Remingtonocetus, but rather the rostrum of a skull of Andrewsiphius (see above).
Remingtonocetus domandaensis is interpreted as a similar-sized but older and more general-
ized member of the evolutionary lineage leading to R. harudiensis. Closure of the acetabular
notch in the pelvis is consistent with a smooth to shallowly developed fovea capitis femoris on the
femur, noted previously (Gingerich et al., 1997, p. 315), suggesting that the round ligament an-
choring the femoral head in the acetabulum was insubstantial if present at all. This might indicate
in turn that the hind limb of Remingtonocetus was not weight-bearing in the ordinary sense. The
femur is relatively short and robust, with a high greater trochanter and a laterally-expanded dia-
physis suggesting the presence of powerful hip extensors and femoral adductor musculature. When
considered together with the presence of shark-like anterior teeth, one gains an impression that
Remingtonocetus may have been a specialized and efficient swimmer. The solidly fused sacrum
might have limited tail-powered locomotion but at the same time provided a strong base for foot-
powered swimming. Recovery and study of increasingly better postcranial remains should clarify
the locomotor and other aquatic specializations of Remingtonocetus.

Dalanistes Gingerich, Arif, and Clyde, 1995

Type species.— Dalanistes ahmedi Gingerich, Arif, and Clyde, 1995, p. 317.
Included species.— Type species only.
Diagnosis.— Differs from Andrewsiphius in being larger, with a broader rostrum and longer
premolars. Differs from Remingtonocetus in being larger, with more robust premolars and molars;
P4 and M1 are smaller relative to other teeth, and M2 and M3 are larger both absolutely and rela-
tively (Fig. 15).
Discussion.— As more has been learned about Remingtonocetus, it has become clear that
Dalanistes is more similar in overall proportions and morphology to Remingtonocetus than was
evident when Dalanistes was named, raising the possibility that these could be congeneric, or
even males and females of the same genus and species. However, differences in cheek tooth
proportions shown in Fig. 15 would not be expected in different species of a genus, and these
differences in proportions, plus the observed absolute differences in molar size, would not be
expected in a dimorphic species. Pending recovery of larger samples, we regard Dalanistes and
Remingtonocetus as two similar and closely related remingtonocetid genera.

Dalanistes ahmedi Gingerich, Arif, and Clyde, 1995

Holotype.— GSP-UM 3106, partially articulated skull and postcranial skeleton.

Type locality.— Basti Ahmed, in Dalana Nala drainage in saddle just to the south of Takra
valley, 30° 07.55' N latitude, 70° 21.92' E longitude.
Diagnosis.— As for the genus.
New specimens.— GSP-UM 3295, immature skull with crowns or alveoli for all deciduous
cheek teeth, crowns of M1-2 fully erupted, and crowns of M3 just beginning to erupt on both sides
of the palate.
Description.— Specimen will be described elsewhere as part of a larger study of Dalanistes.
Discussion.— GSP-UM 1856, a partial cranium described by Gingerich et al. (1995a, p. 311),

FIG. 18 — Diversity of cranial morphology in early Protocetidae, ordered from oldest (left) to youngest
(right). Cranium of Rodhocetus kasranii (A; early middle Lutetian) is compared to those of Takracetus
simus (B; early middle Lutetian), Gaviacetus razai (C; middle Lutetian), Protocetus atavus (D; middle
Lutetian), and Qaisracetus arifi (E; late Lutetian). Schematic drawings, in dorsal view, are scaled to same
condylobasal length (original skulls are close to the same size). Qaisracetus is a relatively generalized
protocetid, but the anterior position of the external nares, relatively large orbits, and the large nuchal crest
visible here are some of the characteristics that distinguish Qaisracetus from other genera. Differences in
rostral shape shown here reflect the range of feeding specializations represented by early protocetids.

is virtually identical in comparable parts and in stage of tooth eruption to GSP-UM 3295. It is now
identified as the cranium of an immature Dalanistes rather than Remingtonocetus. Skulls of
Dalanistes and Remingtonocetus can be confused easily, and it is important to know the ontoge-
netic age of specimens being compared.

Family PROTOCETIDAE Stromer, 1908

Type genus.— Protocetus Fraas, 1904a, p. 201.

Included genera.— Protocetus Fraas, 1904a, p. 201; Eocetus Fraas, 1904b, p. 374; Pappocetus
Andrews, 1920, p. 309; Indocetus Sahni and Mishra, 1975, p. 18; Babiacetus Trivedy and Satsangi,
1984, p. 322; Rodhocetus Gingerich et al., 1994, p. 844; Takracetus Gingerich et al., 1995a, p.
300; Gaviacetus Gingerich et al., 1995a, p. 305; Natchitochia, Uhen, 1998, p. 664; Georgiacetus
Hulbert et al., 1998a, p. 912; Qaisracetus, new genus.
Diagnosis.— Protocetidae differ from other archaeocetes in having skulls with a broad frontal
shield while retaining a full complement of upper and lower teeth (dental formula /
Postcranially protocetids have cervical vertebrae intermediate in length between those of
remingtonocetids and basilosaurids; generally retain a distinct sacrum composed of one to four
vertebrae; first sacral with well developed auricular processes; acetabular notch in pelvis open;
femoral head generally has a distinct fovea.

Qaisracetus, new genus

Type species.— Qaisracetus arifi, new species.

Included species.— Type species only.

Middle Domanda Fm.

FIG. 19 — Type locality of Qaisracetus arifi, new genus and species. Locality of GSP-UM 3410 (holotype;
arrow) is in the lower part of the upper Domanda Formation at Ander Dabh Shumali at 30° 54.59' N
latitude and 70 13.77' E longitude. View is to the east. Section in foreground includes lower and upper
parts of the middle Domanda Formation. The ridge crest above the type locality is formed by limestones
in the lower part of the upper Domanda Formation. Men working in the fossil quarry (arrow) and man
standing on top of the ridge crest indicate scale.

Diagnosis.— Qaisracetus has a generalized protocetid cranium (Fig. 18), with external nares
opening above C1. It is most distinctive postcranially in having the first two vertebral centra of the
sacrum solidly fused, the third joined by pleurapophyses, and the fourth caudal-like and separate,
with ventrally-projecting chevron processes. Qaisracetus differs from Takracetus in having a
cranium with a narrower rostrum; differs from Protocetus, Rodhocetus, Gaviacetus, Natchitochia,
and Georgiacetus in retaining solid fusion of sacral vertebrae S1-2; differs from Eocetus in lack-
ing pachyostosis of the vertebrae characteristic of the latter; differs from Pappocetus in being
smaller and having relatively longer cervical vertebrae; differs from Indocetus in being larger and
having differently shaped upper molars; differs from Babiacetus in being smaller, retaining a more
distinct protocone on M1, and lacking fusion of the mandibular symphysis.
Etymology.— Qaisra (Kisra, Qaysar, Caesar, Czar, Kaiser; title of royalty in Persian and other
Indo-European languages), nominal root of the Qaisrani Baloch tribe (sometimes spelled Kasrani)
inhabiting Dabh Nala and Karkana; and ketos, Gr. (masc.), whale. The name is given to acknowl-
edge the quality of the type specimen, and our appreciation of the substantial assistance and gen-
erous hospitality provided by Qaisrani tribesmen during our field work.

Qaisracetus arifi, new species

Figs. 20-24

Holotype.— GSP-UM 3410; including partial cranium; partial dentaries; atlas and several other
cervical vertebrae; virtually complete series of well preserved thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and proxi-
mal caudal vertebrae; complete left innominate.

nc nc

oc oc



0 5 10 cm
FIG. 20 — Cranial elements of the holotype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi (GSP-UM 3410) . A-B, Occipital
and nuchal area of cranium in posterior and right lateral views. C, right squamosal with glenoid in right
lateral view. D, left auditory bulla in ventral view.

Paratype.— GSP-UM 3316, well preserved cranium with associated vertebrae including cervicals
and the centrum of a fourth sacral.
Type locality.— Ander Dabh Shumali at 30° 54.59' N latitude, 70° 13.77' E longitude (Fig. 19),
near Drug in easternmost Baluchistan Province, Pakistan. The type specimen was recovered from
light green shales in the 300-305 m interval, just below the wavy limestone, in the lower part of the
upper Domanda Formation. The paratype came from Ander Dabh Janubi at 30° 52.00' N latitude,
70° 13.27' E longitude. This was recovered from the bivalve-filled rubbly marl with oyster shells
at the 309.5 m level, just above the wavy limestone, in the lower part of the upper Domanda
Formation. Both intervals are early late Lutetian in age.
Diagnosis.— As for the genus.
Hypodigm.— Twelve specimens: GSP-UM 3294, partial skull; 3311, braincase, distal radius
and ulna; 3316 (paratype), see above; 3318, distal humerus; 3323, braincase, partial skeleton;
3326, partial scapula; 3327, partial cranium; 3328, partial skeleton (not yet prepared); 3342, pos-
terior thoracic centrum; 3346, caudal centrum; 3407, partial sacrum; and 3410 (holotype), see
above. All were found at different localities in Ander Dabh Janubi and Ander Dabh Shumali, and
all except GSP-UM 3294 and 3410 (holotype) came from the bivalve-filled rubbly marl yielding
the paratype.
Age and distribution.— Qaisracetus arifi is found only in the lower part of the upper Domanda
Formation, and it is known only in the Ander Dabh Janubi and Ander Dabh Shumali areas near

FIG. 21 — Cranium of paratype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi (GSP-UM 3316) in dorsal (A), right lateral
(B), and palatal (C) views. Note anterior position of the external nares and relatively broad frontal shield.

Drug in eastern Balochistan, Pakistan. The species is early late Lutetian in age, calibrated at
approximately 43 Ma (Fig. 11).
Etymology.— Named for Mr. Muhammad Arif, Deputy Director recently retired from the Geo-
logical Survey of Pakistan, in recognition of his many contributions to the development of
archaeocete paleontology in Pakistan.
General description.— The holotype, GSP-UM 3410, is a partial skull with much of the axial
skeleton that was found weathering out in situ. Parts of the cranium, lower jaws, and cervical
vertebrae were found on the slope below the rest of the specimen, but the posterior part of the
braincase, axis, articulated thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, ribs, and innominate
were excavated in place. Several large segments of the axial skeleton were removed in plaster
jackets for preparation in the laboratory. Articulated vertebrae of the type specimen were found
coiled in a C-shape, presumably due to postmortem contraction of the supraspinous ligament and
dorsal epaxial back musculature. This is reminiscent of preservation of Dorudon skeletons in
Egypt. The paratype, GSP-UM 3316, is a well preserved cranium and associated vertebrae found

TABLE 3 — Measurements of the cranium of the paratype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi, GSP-UM 3316. All
measurements are in cm. Asterisks denote estimates.

A.-p. length Transverse

Measurement or position breadth Height

Skull length (condylobasal skull length: apex–condyles) 64.5

External narial opening (apex–nares) 16.0
Posterior extent of nasals (apex–nasal-frontal contact; max. breadth) 39.0 6.8
Anterior border of orbits (apex–intersection at midline) 37.0 15.5
Posterior border of frontal shield (apex–intersection at midline) 44.0 21.5
Junction of sagittal and nuchal crests (apex–intersection at midline) 64.5
Posterior margin of nuchal crests (apex–intersection at midline) 68.5 11.0

Second incisor (I2; apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 6.0 5.2

First premolar (P1; apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 19.0 5.6
Last upper molar (M3; apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 35.0 15.0
Internal nares (choanae; apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 51.0* 6.5*
Maximum width of skull (apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 55.0* 28.0*
Squamosal width of skull (apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 58.0* 26.5*
Exoccipital (apex–intersection at midline; max. breadth) 63.0 23.0

Tympanic bulla length, width, and height 6.5 4.85 4.05

Orbit diameter 4.5
Foramen magnum width and height 4.4 4.4
Occipital condyles 10.0 3.95
Infraorbital canal, width and height 0.5 1.3

Highest point of nuchal crest above base of occipital condyles 17.5

Highest point of nuchal crest above base of tympanic bulla 21.0*

Dentary maximum length –

Mandibular symphysis length (unfused) –
Dentary at C1 width and height – –
Dentary height at position of M3 7.2*
Mandibular foramen width and height 2.15* 6.1*

embedded in rubbly marl like other referred specimens. Specimens in this marl were all disarticu-
lated and scattered to some degree before burial.
Skull.— The holotype, GSP-UM 3410, includes the braincase and nuchal crest of a cranium, a
squamosal, and an auditory bulla (Fig. 20), and the paratype cranium, GSP-UM 3316, is complete
from the tip of the rostrum to the occipital condyles and nuchal crest (Fig. 21). It measures 64.5
cm in condylobasal length, with the maximum width estimated to have been about 28 cm across
the zygomatic arches. In terms of proportions, the cranium is similar to those of other early
protocetids such as Protocetus and Rodhocetus (Fig. 18). The rostrum is neither as broad anteri-
orly as that of Takracetus nor as constricted posteriorly as that of Gaviacetus. The external nares
open relatively far anteriorly, above C1, the frontal shield is relatively broad, and the nuchal crest
is unusually large for a protocetid. The orbits are large, measuring 4.5 cm in diameter. The
occiput and nuchal crest are preserved in both the type and paratype specimens. In the type the
height of the nuchal crest above the base of the occipital condyles is 21 cm (Fig. 20A,B), while in
the paratype this distance is 17.5 cm. The nuchal crest is 11 cm in breadth in both specimens. In
the type specimen, GSP-UM 3410, the nuchal crest is very thick, and it is curved posteriorly and
medially to the point that left and right flanges of bone almost touch each other. Embrasure pits in
the palate to accommodate apical cusps of lower teeth are about equally developed lingual to the
anterior portions of P4, M1, and M2. Auditory bullae were found with both specimens. These are

relatively small for a protocetid with such a large skull. The infraorbital canal is small and ellipti-
cal in cross section, with the longer dorsoventral axis of the ellipse measuring about 1.3 cm.
Measurements of the paratype skull are summarized in Table 3.
Upper dentition.— Incisors are present on both sides of the rostrum in the paratype cranium.
Right I1 is displaced posteriorly from its normal position, possibly due to injury in life, while left
I1 may extend a little anterior of its normal position. The root of I1 is procumbent and the crown
appears slightly hooked in the sense of having a tip more down-turned than the rest of the crown.
The crown of I2 is similar to that of I1 but slightly larger, while the crown of I3 is similar but
notably smaller. The crown of C1 is not preserved but it appears from the cross section of the root
to have been about the same size as I2.
P1 was single-rooted and about the size of I3. P2 and P3 were double-rooted. A part of the
crown of right P2 is present, but this shows only that there was a weak lingual cingulum on upper
premolars. The posterior root of P3 is expanded lingually, indicating slight development of a
posterolingual protocone ridge on the crown of P3. The base of the crown of P4 is present on the
right side, and P4 appears to have had a separate third root on the lingual side supporting the
lingual protocone ridge. This was more centered on the lingual side of the tooth than that of P3.
There is a distinct lingual cingulum on P4 and there are three small beads of enamel on the crown
just distal to this.
The base of the crown of M1 is present on the right side of the palate in the paratype. This tooth
was three-rooted. The protocone ridge on M1 is a little broader than that on following molars, and
it is a little more flattened near its base. The enamel at the base of this ridge is perforated by wear
in a way that suggests a distinct protocone cusp or swelling of enamel was probably present.
There is a faint lingual cingulum on M1, following the lingual margin of the tooth. Starting at the
front, this margin curves smoothly from concave lingually in front of the protocone to convex
lingually around it.
The crown of M2 is virtually complete and it too was three-rooted. M2 was found displaced
slightly from its natural position in life, which helped to preserve it. The paracone is the largest
cusp, and there is a smaller but substantial metacone directly behind this. Together the two labial
cusps form a small carnassial notch. The apex of the paracone is worn off obliquely, and there is
a long, narrow, smoothly-polished wear facet running down the anterolingual surface of the para-
cone connecting the apex to the base of the crown. A beaded lingual cingulum is prominent
anterior to this, weakly expressed where the wear facet crosses it, and then again well developed
lingual to the protocone ridge. There is a prominent posterolingual protocone ridge lingual to the
metacone, with a small flat wear facet in the position where a protocone cusp might have been
located, but there is no clear indication that such a distinct cusp was present. The anterior crest of
the paracone and the posterior crest of the metacone are finely but distinctly serrated. There is a
weak but distinct cingulum bordering the labial base of the crown.
The right M3 was broken from the maxilla at the time of burial and found floating in sediment
filling the right temporal opening. There is no position for an M3 evident on either side of the
palate, and if the tooth had not been found it might have seemed that no M3 was present at all.
However, the tooth was found and it is clear that Qaisracetus had three upper molars. M3 was
possibly three-rooted, but the only substantial root is the lingual or protocone root. The crown is
smaller than that of M2, with probably a single apical cusp (there is a distinct cusp near the poste-
rior base of the crown that may be homologous with the metacone). There is a continuous cingu-
lum surrounding both the labial and lingual bases of the crown. There is again a flat wear facet
crossing the posterolingual surface of the crown in the position of a protocone, but there is no
distinct protocone cusp.
Measurements of upper teeth are listed in Table 4.
Dentaries.— Fragments of both dentaries were found with the type specimen. These show that
left and right mandibles were unfused. A natural stone endocast in the paratype shows mandibular
canal height to have been 6.1 cm near the opening of the mandibular foramen. Farther forward the
mandibular canal is only 2.1 cm high and 1.7 cm wide beneath the posterior root of P3. Lower
teeth are not known.

TABLE 4 — Measurements of teeth in the paratype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi GSP-UM 3316.
Measurements in parentheses are based on alveoli. All measurements are in mm. Asterisks denote estimates.

Tooth Crown Crown Apical Trailing

position length width height diastema

Upper dentition
I1 22.5 13.6 29.0* 10.0
I2 24.4 13.6 – 11.8
I3 20.0 11.8 16.0* 33.5
C1 (23.0) (13.5) – 18.5
P1 (22.0) (11.0) – 20.0
P2 (31.8) (14.0) – 28.0
P3 (32.0) (20.8) – 3.5
P4 27.5 23.1 – 0.0
M1 22.2 22.0 – 0.0
M2 23.4 20.0 21.2 0.0
M3 15.5 18.0 – –

Vertebrae.— Vertebrae are preserved in the holotype, paratype, and other referred specimens.
Those described here are from the holotype, GSP-UM 3410, unless otherwise noted. Vertebrae of
the holotype were preserved in articulation, with only the cervicals being disturbed by erosion,
meaning that vertebral counts and identifications to position within the series are known with
certainty. In the referred specimens vertebrae were found associated but disarticulated, and most
can only be identified to position by reference to the holotype.
The cervical series is not known completely, but all or part of five of the seven vertebrae are
represented. The most complete is the first cervical, the atlas or C1, of the holotype (Fig. 22A,B).
This has no centrum per se, but a large ring of bone enclosing a keyhole-shaped central space, the
upper part of which is the neural canal, flanked anteriorly by confluent surfaces for articulation
with the occipital condyles of the cranium. These are bridged dorsally by a relatively thin and flat
neural arch. Posteriorly the neural canal is flanked by left and right surfaces, almost flat, for
articulation with corresponding surfaces of the following axis vertebra or C2. These axial facets
are separated by the articular surface for the dens of C2, which floors the medial part of the central
space below the neural canal, and by a robust hypapophysis projecting posteroventrally on the
midline. The neural arch is more arched in posterior view than it is in anterior view. There are
massive posterolaterally directed wings of bone or alae flanking the axial facets. These are con-
cave anteriorly, and each wing ends in two prominent bosses, one ventral and one dorsal. The
vertebral artery passed through three distinct foramina in the atlas before entering the foramen
magnum of the skull. The artery first passed through a transverse foramen in the posterior or more
vertical surface of the ala to enter the concave space in front, then it passed through a second
foramen in the coronal surface of the ala to reach the dorsal surface of the atlas, then it passed
through the intervertebral foramen proper to enter the dorsal part of the keyhole-shaped central
The axis (C2) is represented by a part of the neural arch only. This is robust, and is distinctive
in having a relatively short, blunt neural spine with a broad, flat surface for insertion of the nuchal
ligament, rather than the long and more pointed spine often seen in protocetids. C3 and C4,
represented by centra only, are identifiable by the presence of a large hypophysis, and by the
position of the vertebrarterial canal impressed in the lateral margin of each centrum. The arterial
canal is higher on the centrum of C3 than it is on that of C4. The centrum of C6 is notable in
preserving the robust base of a ventrally-deflected transverse process that must have been massive.
Centra of all three of these vertebrae are intermediate in shape between those of remingtonocetids
with relatively longer centra and basilosaurids with relatively shorter centra.

0 5 10 cm


FIG. 22 — Representative vertebrae of the holotype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi (GSP-UM 3410). A-B,
atlas vertebra (C1). C-D, sixth thoracic vertebra (T6). E-F, twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12). G-H, third
lumbar vertebra (L3). Each is shown in anterior and right lateral views, respectively. Note massive transverse
processes on C1, high neural spine on T6, short and straight neural spine on T12 (anticlinal vertebra), and
revolute prezygapophyses on L3.

The holotype includes a complete series of 13 well preserved thoracic vertebrae. T6, T11, and
T12 are representative and described here in detail. In T6 (Fig. 22C,D) the anterior surface of the
centrum is pentagonally curved in outline and slightly convex. The shortest side of the outline
underlies the neural canal, longer sides flank this, underlying the capitular facets for ribs, and the
longest sides join at the ventral midline. The posterior surface is more heart-shaped, and slightly
concave. This is flanked dorsolaterally by capitular facets for ribs. There is no ventral keel on the
centrum but some lipping anteriorly and posteriorly for attachment to a ventral longitudinal liga-
ment. The neural canal is eccentric in cross-section, being narrower dorsally than it is ventrally.
Pedicles are massive, supporting thick laminae of the neural arch and robust transverse processes.
Transverse processes arise from the lateral surfaces of the pedicles rather than the centrum.
Prezygapophyses are almost flat, and slope slightly downward both anteriorly and laterally.
Postzygapophyses are also almost flat, and slope slightly upward both posteriorly and medially.
There is a single broad pit between each pair of pre- and postzygapophyses for a strong inter-
spinous ligament. Each transverse process has a large oval tubercular facet for articulation with
rib tubercules, and a robust metapophysis rises above this. There is a distinct fovea at the poste-

rolateral base of each metapophysis for origination of a dorsocostotransverse ligament. The neu-
ral arch is broad and relatively flat at its base, tapering rapidly to a long spine. The spine has a
distinct thickening at its apex for attachment of a supraspinous ligament.
T11 (Fig. 22E,F) is generally similar to T6 but the centrum is longer and broader, the distance
between capitular and tubercular rib facets is smaller, the metapophyses are lower, and the neural
spine is shorter and more vertical. T11 is of particular interest in having prezygapophyses almost
flat and sloping slightly downward both anteriorly and laterally like those of more anterior thoracics,
while postzygapophyses are slightly revolute and oriented steeply upward, facing laterally and
only slightly downward. This difference between pre- and postzygapophyses means T11 is clearly
and distinctly diaphragmatic.
T12 is similar in size and shape to T11, but different in detail. T12 has the steeply oriented and
slightly revolute prezygapophyses characteristic of more posterior thoracics and lumbars. There
is a single facet on the transverse process rather than on the body of the centrum for articulation
with the capitulum of the corresponding rib (there is no tubercular facet), and the metapophyses
arise from the laminae of the neural arch in association with the prezygapophyses rather than from
the transverse processes. The transverse processes have distinct posteriorly-oriented spines or
anapophyses not seen in more anterior vertebrae. There is a distinct pit on each side of the base of
the neural spine for separate left and right interspinous ligaments. Finally, the neural spine of T12
is the first to rise parallel to the articular surfaces of the centrum rather than sloping backward, and
this is consequently the anticlinal vertebra.
The holotype includes a complete series of six well preserved lumbar vertebrae. L3 is repre-
sentative and described here in detail (Fig. 22G,H). The centrum is longer and more cylindrical
than those of preceding vertebrae. The anterior surface of the centrum is slightly convex while the
posterior surface is almost flat. Both of these surfaces are heart-shaped to circular in outline, but
the posterior surface has distinct ventrolateral corners suggesting attachment to a well developed
ventral longitudinal ligament. Transverse processes arise from lateral surfaces of the centrum and
curve outward, downward, and forward to distinct ‘elbows’ before turning inward, downward, and
forward. Metapophyses arise from the anterior surfaces of laminae of the neural arch. These have
prezygopophyses on their inner surfaces, with articular surfaces steeply inclined and moderately
revolute rather than flat. Postzygapophyseal processes arise from the posterior surfaces of lami-
nae of the neural arch, with articular surfaces steeply inclined and moderately revolute. The neu-
ral spine is robust, forwardly-inclined slightly, and both longer anteroposteriorly and higher dor-
sally than those of preceding posterior thoracic vertebrae. As before, the spine has a distinct
thickening at its apex for attachment of a supraspinous ligament.
The sacrum, comprising four vertebrae, is virtually complete in the holotype, GSP-UM 3410
(Fig. 23A-C). Centra of the anterior two vertebrae, S1 and S2, are solidly fused with no trace of a
suture between them, as are the connecting zygapophyses and portions of the laminae. S1 has the
highest neural spine of the sacrum, the highest metapophyses, and transverse processes with ex-
panded auricular surfaces for articulation with the innominates. S2 has a slightly lower neural
spine. The transverse process on S2 is broad and flat, joined to that of S1 by a pleurapophyseal
synostosis, and to that of S3 by a pleurapophyseal synchondrosis. Pedicles of S1 and S2 enclose
a dorsal sacral foramen, and transverse processes of S1 and S2 enclose a pelvic sacral foramen.
These foramina transmit sacral nerves and blood vessels. The zygapophyseal articulations be-
tween S2 and S3 are normal and the centra were separated by an intervertebral disk, but S3 is
unmistakably sacral because of its pleurapophyseal articulation with the transverse process of S2
(not preserved on S3 but evident on S2).
It does not appear that S4 had pleurapophyses, nor were there special articulations of any kind
with the preceding vertebra. S4 would undoubtedly be considered a caudal except for the pres-
ence of distinctive left and right ventral processes projecting posteriorly from the centrum. These
hemal processes evidently developed to partially surround the median coccygeal artery. Anterior
caudal vertebrae have articular facets in this position for hemal arches, and development of ventral
processes here serving the same function suggests that the processes are neomorphs developed on
a partially caudalized S4 rather than Ca1.

The holotype includes a partial series of six well preserved caudal vertebrae. These were found
in articulation with the rest of the vertebral column and represent Ca1 through Ca6. Each caudal
has a corresponding hemal arch or chevron bone found in articulation with it. Ca3 is representa-
tive and described here in detail (Fig. 23E,F). The longest vertebrae found in the Qaisracetus
skeleton are caudals, and the centrum of Ca3 is long. The anterior surface of the centrum is almost
circular in outline and convex. The flat part of the outline is at the top where the centrum borders
the neural canal. The posterior surface of the centrum is distinctly hexagonal, with each side of
the hexagon being approximately equal. The dorsal surface is again flat where the centrum bor-
ders the neural canal, and the ventral border of the outline appears flat because of expansion of the
posterior ventrolateral corners into facets for articulation of the hemal arches. The transverse
processes are substantial and project almost directly laterally, curving downward and slightly back-
ward. The pedicles of the neural arch are more than half the length of the centrum. They enclose
a relatively broad and flat neural canal. The metapophyses arise from the neural arch itself. Each
is both long anteroposteriorly and high, curving laterally and upward. The prezygapophyses are
flat surfaces on the medial sides of the metapophyses. The neural spine is approximately vertical.
It rises higher than the metapophyses but is much less substantial. Postzygapophyses project
posteriorly from the neural arch or base of the neural spine.
Caudal chevrons associated with Ca1 through Ca6 in the holotype are all similar in having left
and right arms articulating dorsally with corresponding chevron facets at the posterior ventrolat-
eral corners of caudal vertebrae. These arms enclose a hemal canal and are fused distally to form
a hemal spine. The chevron associated with Ca3 encloses a hemal canal measuring about 1.8 cm
in width and 2.5 cm in depth. The dorsoventral projection of the whole arch is about 6.0 cm and
the anteroposterior length of the spine is about 3.5 cm.
Measurements of all of the vertebrae present in the holotype are listed in Table 5.
Ribs.— Many partial ribs and pieces of ribs were collected with the holotype. None can be
identified to position precisely. All are typical for early protocetids in being relatively slender with
slight distal expansion. There is no indication of osteosclerosis nor of pachyostosis. The most
complete is a rib from the anterior to middle part of the thorax estimated to have been about 35 cm
long when complete. This has a head measuring 2.05 ×1.65 cm, a neck measuring 1.68 ×1.35 cm,
the caput and tuberculum well separated (ca. 4 cm on centers), a tuberculum measuring 2.08 ×1.75
cm, a curvature of radius about 5 cm at its tightest, a distinct crest at the angle of the rib, and a
gently curved body measuring about 2.0 ×1.5 cm at midshaft. Another piece of rib measures 2.37
×1.48 cm at midshaft, and 2.90 × 2.38 cm at the slightly expanded distal end.
Innominate.— The left innominate is well preserved in the holotype (Fig. 23D). It was found
in situ and excavated from a position close to the posterior part of the skull, approximately 1.5 m
from the sacrum. The right innominate was not found. Hence it is clear that both innominates
were displaced before the skeleton was buried. Salient features of the innominate are its long
ilium with a roughened surface for articulation with the auricular process of the sacrum; well-
formed acetabulum with a well-formed lunate surface and distinct acetabular notch; large obtura-
tor foramen; and roughened pubic symphysis for articulation with the opposite innominate. It is
similar in size and shape to that of Georgiacetus (Hulbert et al., 1998), but differs most impor-
tantly in retaining clear evidence of direct articulation with the sacrum.
The ilium is long and relatively straight, with the dorsal iliac spine expanded anteriorly. The
inner side of this dorsal expansion is a roughened articular surface that matches the auricular
process of the sacrum and there is no doubt that the innominates and sacrum formed a unified
pelvis. The ilium has a distinct triangular pit for orgination of ligaments or muscles just in front of
the acetabulum, and there is a prominent iliopectineal eminence on the ventral border of the ilium.
The pubis is about two-thirds the length of the ilium. It has a relatively narrow ramus bordering
the obturator foramen and a distinct pubic tubercle near the midline. The broadest part of the
pubis is the part separating the obturator foramen from the pubic symphysis. The pubic symphysis
itself is shallow and relatively long anteroposteriorly. Dorsal and posterior rami of the ischium are
broader than the pubic ramus. The posterior ramus with its counterpart from the right side formed

au au


0 5 10 cm
FIG. 23 — Sacrum, innominate, and representative caudal vertebra of holotype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi
(GSP-UM 3410). A-C, sacrum with four sacral vertebrae (S1 through S4) in right lateral, dorsal, and
anterior views. D, left innominate in left lateral view. E-F, third caudal vertebra (Ca3) in anterior and right
lateral views.

a broad midline ischiatic notch or arch. There is a thin but distinct ischiatic tuberosity at the
posterior apex of the ischium.

TABLE 5 — Measurements of vertebrae in the holotype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi GSP-UM 3410. All
measurements are in cm, except neural spine angle (degrees, measured backward from vertical). Asterisks
denote estimates. Abbreviations: ant. hgt., anterior height; ant. wid., anterior width; neur. can., neural
canal; neur. sp., neural spine; pos. hgt., posterior height; pos. wid., posterior width.

Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Centrum Neur. can. Neur. can. Neur. sp. Neur. sp.
Vertebra length ant. wid. ant. hgt. pos. wid. pos. hgt width height height angle (°)

C1 2.95 – – 7.00* 4.40 3.97 4.20 0.00 –
C2 – – – – – 2.33 – 6.00* +20
C3 3.28 4.54 4.09 4.55 4.44 2.43 2.06 – –
C4 3.35 4.69 4.54 4.72 4.48 2.49 1.97 – –
C5 – – – – – – – – –
C6 3.52 4.48 4.12 5.12 4.12 – – – –
C7 – – – – – – – – –
T1 4.20 4.60 4.28 5.50 4.40 3.30 2.50 14.00 +20
T2 4.38 5.15 4.77 6.15 4.65 3.20 2.20 – +38
T3 4.40 5.47 4.82 5.48 5.33 2.84 2.27 18.00 +46
T4 4.45 6.00 5.05 5.80 4.95 2.84 2.08 20.00 +42
T5 4.45 5.28 4.85 6.12 4.90 2.88 2.68 19.00 +41
T6 4.32 5.43 4.59 5.80 4.54 2.96 2.69 18.30 +44
T7 4.19 5.37 4.27 5.78 4.54 2.93 2.72 16.20 +46
T8 4.34 5.15 4.53 5.65 4.54 – – – –
T9 4.58 5.43 4.50 5.62 4.85 3.08 2.36 14.00 +48
T10 4.64 5.88 4.59 5.89 – 3.13 2.47 12.00 –
T11 4.86 6.09 4.70 6.60 5.00 – – – +30
T12 4.93 6.84 4.78 7.02 4.84 3.40 2.20 10.50 +03
T13 5.15 6.00 4.80 6.64 5.44 3.12 1.69 11.00 –05
L1 5.47 6.20 5.05 6.89 5.84* 3.00 1.53 11.00 –15
L2 5.69 6.38 5.52 7.02 5.60 – – – –
L3 6.04 6.55 5.72 7.15 5.58 2.96 1.66 11.50 –07
L4 6.60 6.67 5.46 7.50 5.40 3.40 1.40 12.00 –18
L5 7.00 7.02 5.38 7.87 5.39 3.90 1.40 12.50 –15
L6 7.09 7.12 5.26 7.60 5.26 3.58 1.75 13.20 –13
S1 7.00 7.29 5.14 6.98 – 3.20 1.88 13.50 –03
S2 6.50 6.98 – – 5.06 – – – –
S3 6.90 6.60 4.76 6.69 5.35 3.15 1.32 – –
S4 6.62 6.48 5.15 6.25 5.71 2.90 1.13 – –
Ca1 6.55 5.83 5.73 6.05 6.00 2.43 1.12 – –
Ca2 6.90 5.66 5.99 6.14 6.10 2.40 1.12 – –05
Ca3 6.90 5.60 5.82 6.05 6.33 2.45 0.93 7.50 ~0
Ca4 7.40 5.38 6.11 6.12 6.29 2.33 0.90 – –05
Ca5 7.70 5.88 5.98 6.31 6.07 1.88 0.70 – ~0
Ca6 7.71 6.01 5.90 6.03 6.20 1.70 0.65 – ~0

Measurements of the innominate are listed in Table 6.

Limb bones.— Pieces of four limb bones, all from the forelimb, are preserved in three speci-
mens. GSP-UM 3326 is a piece of a distal right scapula preserving much of the glenoid and base
of the acromion. The glenoid is elliptical outline, measuring approximately 4.25 × 5.45 cm, and
the neck above this measures about 5.3 × 1.7 cm at the base of the acromion.

TABLE 6 — Measurements of the left innominate preserved in the holotype specimen of Qaisracetus arifi
GSP-UM 3410. All measurements are in cm. Asterisks denote estimates.

Maximum length of entire innominate 42.8
Obturator foramen, maximum and minimum diameters 9.7 7.5
Ilium length, maximum breadth above acetabulum 23.5 3.2
Ilium minimum dorsoventral height, transverse width at this point 2.5 2.1
Iliac spine height, thickness 6.6 0.7
Iliac spine auricular surface height, anteroposterior length 4.1 11.7
Ischium length 19.3
Dorsal ramus of ischium, maximum and minimum diameters 2.6 1.1
Ventral ramus of ischium, maximum and minimum diameters 3.1 1.3
Pubis length 16.0
Ramus of pubis, maximum and minimum diameters 2.1 1.3
Pubic symphysis, maximum and minimum diameters 8.0 1.4
Acetabulum diameter 3.8

GSP-UM 3318 is the distal half of a robust humerus. This appears to have been about 20 cm in
total length. It measures 4.5 cm anteroposteriorly and 2.72 cm mediolaterally at midshaft. The
maximum width of the distal end is 5.8 cm. Distinctive characteristics are the presence of an
elliptical area of cancellous bone measuring about 2.2 × 1.8 cm in cross-section exposed where the
bone is broken at midshaft. There is a 0.45 cm thickness of cortical bone surrounding this anteri-
orly, medially, and laterally, but posterior to this the humeral cross-section is expanded with a ca.
1.85 cm thickness of dense cortical bone. This is reminiscent of the thick cortical bone of the
expanded deltopectoral crest on the humerus of Dorudon, but differs in lying on the back rather
than on the front of the humeral shaft. The olecranon fossa is deep but not perforated. The
trochlea of the humerus is distinctly V-shaped, with a minimal diameter in the trough of the V of
about 2.85 cm and a maximum diameter medial to this of about 3.4 cm. The articular surface is not
complete, but what is preserved appears to have been eccentric, suggesting some habitual flexion
of the elbow and a limited range of flexion and extension.
GSP-UM 3311 includes the weathered distal ends of both a radius and an ulna. The distal
radius measures 3.75 × 3.00 cm in maximum and minimum transverse diameter where it is thick-
est, and the distal surface has two circular facets of about 1.6 cm diameter positioned side by side.
The distal ulna measures about 2.55 × 2.15 cm in maximum and minimum transverse diameter at
the position of the fused epiphyseal suture. This has a single elliptical facet of about the same
maximum diameter as the facets on the radius. Both ulna and radius have some of what must have
been a thin layer of cortical bone weathered off to expose a core of cancellous bone.
Discussion.— It is easy to speculate about the locomotor and other adaptations of archaeocetes
for life in water, but such speculation has little basis without evidence provided by associated and
preferably articulated skeletons. The most complete articulated skeleton of a protocetid described
to date is that of Rodhocetus kasranii from the early Lutetian of the Rodho anticline near Satta
Post in the eastern Sulaiman Range of Punjab (Gingerich et al., 1994). Rodhocetus kasranii is
relatively advanced evolutionarily in having a sacrum lacking fusion of successive centra but it is
primitive in retaining pleurapophyses connecting all sacral vertebrae. Qaisracetus arifi described
here from the late Lutetian is almost identical in skeletal completeness, but contrasts in retaining
some sacral fusion while losing all special connections between other sacral vertebrae. Each is
differently specialized, and it is not clear which is more likely to be on the main line of later whale
evolution. Both are important in documenting the length and form of much of a vertebral column,
but neither is complete and there is a limit to what we can say about their locomotion.

One approach to interpretation of protocetids involves construction of diagrams of skeletal

proportion comparing skull, vertebral, and limb lengths and proportions, scaled to facilitate com-
parison of elements within the same skeleton and comparison of skeletal proportions across taxa.
Extant whales and even fully aquatic basilosaurid archaeocetes have very different vertebral pro-
files from those of land mammals when compared in such diagrams (Gingerich, 1998). Here we
introduce an innovation, which is addition of neural arch and neural spine heights for vertebrae to
give a more complete picture of skeletal proportions. The skeleton of Qaisracetus arifi is com-
pared to that of Rodhocetus kasranii in Figure 24. The former has a body weight estimated at
about 620 kg, while the latter is slightly smaller with a body weight estimated at about 590 kg.
Both have shorter cervicals than are typically found in land mammals but longer cervicals than are
found in later whales. Both have anterior thoracic centra that increase slightly in size, with neural
spines that increase distinctly in length over the shoulder girdle (stippled box below anterior
thoracics). This appears as an arch in a diagram of skeletal proportion. Both have a second such
arch in the vertebral column in the lumbosacral region. Qaisracetus arifi has anterior caudal
vertebrae that lengthen posteriorly, while Rodhocetus kasranii has anterior caudal vertebrae that
shorten posteriorly. Generalized land mammals, extant wolves for example, have skeletal propor-
tions including similarly separate anterior thoracic and lumbosacral arches in neural spine height.
These might be interpreted as skeletal indicators of terrestrial locomotion, but any such interpreta-
tion is probably premature until limbs are known for both genera.
The configuration of sacral vertebrae is so different in different genera across the suborder
Archaeoceti and so important for understanding hind limb reduction in early whale evolution that
a system is required to encode it. Here a convention is proposed using symbols available on any
standard keyboard: # represents complete fusion of adjacent centra; = represents the presence of
pleurapophyseal contacts in the absence of centrum fusion; and + represents a freely articulating
vertebra considered part of a sacrum. Hence the sacral formula of Qaisracetus is S1#S2=S3+S4.
Sacral formulae for other archaeocetes are listed in Table 7. If the primitive formula for archaeocetes
is S1#S2#S3#S4, then, as mentioned above, S1#S2=S3+S4 seen here in Qaisracetus can be viewed
as being specialized in a different way than S1=S2=S3=S4 seen in Rodhocetus. Retention of a
single sacral vertebra, S1, as is seen in Gaviacetus and Protocetus is a further specialization that
may have been derived with approximately equal likelihood from the formula of Rodhocetus or
that of Qaisracetus. Even this becomes lost in later archaeocetes, possibly in Georgiacetus, and
certainly in Dorudon and Basilosaurus.



We have now studied the Habib Rahi and Domanda formations and searched for whales in five
areas of the eastern Sulaiman Range: near Satta and near Dalana at the north and south ends of the
Zinda Pir anticlinorium (Gingerich et al., 1993, 1994, 1995a), and near Drug in the north (this
study), near Rakhi Nala (e.g., Wells, 1984; Gingerich et al., 1998), and in the vicinity of Chachar
Nala in the south (unpublished). Most of the marker beds illustrated here can be recognized
throughout this geographic area. The best exposures studied in detail are those near Drug docu-
mented here, where the 62 m thick Habib Rahi Formation in the Chuk Dabh Janubi section (Fig. 3)
and the 366 m thick Domanda Formation in the Zuli Khan Sham section (Fig. 5), taken together,
clearly show three cycles of lithological change that can be related to the global pattern of sea level
rise and fall. Micropaleontological age control is provided by studies in Rakhi Nala (Fig. 11).
The Habib Rahi and Domanda formations together appear to span virtually all of Lutetian
middle Eocene time, an interval of about 8 m.y. from about 49 Ma to 41 Ma. Ten superposed
stratigraphic intervals in the Habib Rahi and Domanda formations are known to yield archaeocete
whales (numbered 1 through 10 in Figs. 3 and 5). Some of these intervals are relatively thin and
represent relatively little time, like the interval just above and below the wavy limestone producing
Qaisracetus arifi described here, while others are thicker and may represent intervals on the order

FIG. 24 — Diagrams of skeletal proportion comparing skull, vertebral, and innominate lengths and proportions
of the late Lutetian protocetid archaeocete Qaisracetus arifi (A) with those of the early Lutetian protocetid
archaeocete Rodhocetus kasranii (B). Diagram here differs from those published previously (Gingerich,
1998) in showing the heights of neural canals and spines (dashed when interpolated). This required changing
a previously established convention so that now open rectangles representing vertebrae have centra longer
than they are high, and closed rectangles have centra shorter than they are high. Note the general similarity
of the two skeletons diagramed here. Both have shorter cervicals than are typically found in land mammals
but longer cervicals than are found in later whales. Both have anterior thoracic centra that increase slightly
in size, with neural spines that increase distinctly in length over the shoulder girdle (stippled box below
anterior thoracics). Both have a second such arch in the vertebral column in the lumbosacral region (sacrum
is indicated with a box, stippled when centra are fused). One important difference is that Qaisracetus arifi
has anterior caudal vertebrae that lengthen posteriorly, while Rodhocetus kasranii has anterior caudal
vertebrae that shorten posteriorly.

TABLE 7 — Sacral formulae of selected archaeocetes. Qaisracetus illustrates the three possible stages of
sacral fusion observed here: #, full fusion of centrum, zygapophyses, and pleurapophyses of successive
sacrals (e.g., between S1 and S2 in Qaisracetus); =, synchondrosis between pleurapophyses of successive
sacrals but no centrum or zygapophyseal fusion (e.g., between S2 and S3); and +, vertebrae identified as
sacral but lacking centrum or zygapophyseal fusion and lacking pleurapophyses (e.g., between S3 and S4).
Question marks indicate uncertainty. When multiple symbols are used to connect vertebrae (e.g., between
S3 and S4 in Dalanistes), the connection is known to be variable in different individuals. Sacrals identified
as S1 all have expanded auricular surfaces on transverse processes for articulation with innominates.
Basilosaurus and Dorudon lack vertebrae with distinctive characteristics enabling them to be identified as
sacral, and this appears to be the case in Georgiacetus as well.

Taxon Reference Formula

Basilosaurus isis Gingerich et al. (1990) No sacrum
Dorudon atrox Gingerich and Uhen (1996) No sacrum
Georgiacetus vogtlensis Hulbert (1998) No sacrum?
Natchitochia jonesi Uhen (1998) S1
Protocetus atavus Fraas (1904a) S1
Gaviacetus razai Gingerich et al. (1995a) S1
Rodhocetus kasranii Gingerich et al. (1994) S1=S2=S3=S4
Takracetus simus GSP-UM 3147 S1#S2=S3+?
Qaisracetus arifi This paper S1#S2=S3+S4
Remingtonocetus domandaensis This paper S1#S2#S3=S4
Dalanistes ahmedi Gingerich et al. (1995a) S1#S2#S3#=S4
Andrewsiphius sloani Bajpai and Thewissen (2000) S1#S2#S3#S4

of a million years or so in duration. Much remains to be learned about Lutetian whale evolution,
and discovery that the Habib Rahi and Domanda formations of Pakistan are richly fossiliferous
opens a unique opportunity for studying this. There is no other setting where such a thick se-
quence of sedimentary rocks spans such a long duration that is so well exposed for examination,
so well dated, and so rich in archaeocetes.


We thank Director General Hasan Gauhar and Directors Abdul Latif Khan, S. Ghazanfar Abbas,
and Imran Khan, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Quetta, for encouragement and logistical support
in the field. Mr. Muhammad Arif, Deputy Director recently retired from the Geological Survey of
Pakistan, honored here in the name of our most complete archaeocete Qaisracetus arifi, contrib-
uted greatly to organization and execution of field work in the Drug area. Messrs. Malik Ramthulla
Jaffar, Jamidar of Drug, and Ramthulla Qaisrani, Sadar of Karkana, deserve special thanks for
accommodation and generous hospitality during our field work in Drug Lahar. We thank Prof.
Ashok Sahni for access to the types and other specimens of archaeocetes from Kutch stored at
Lucknow University, Dr. Kishor Kumar for good casts of many of these, and Dr. J. G. M. Thewissen
for an opportunity to see the type of Kutchicetus minimus. Specimens described here were pre-
pared by William J. Sanders and Joseph Groenke at the University of Michigan. Drawings in
Figure 21 are by Bonnie Miljour, and we thank her for final preparation of all of the illustrations
for publication. Drs. Jon I. Bloch, Gregg F. Gunnell, and William J. Sanders read and improved
the manuscript. Field and laboratory research was supported by National Science Foundation
grant EAR-9714923.


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TABLE A-1 — Stratigraphic section of the Baska Formation measured November 22, 1999, in Chuk Dabh
Janubi (starting at 30° 50.74' N, 70° 12.46' E; ending at 30° 50.77' N, 70° 12.82' E). Section is shown
diagrammatically in Figure 3. Thicknesses were calculated and recorded to the nearest centimeter in the
field, but are considered to have decimeter precision.

Bed Cumulative
thickness thickness Lithological description
(m) (m)

16.72 197.22 Gypsum, massive— top of BASKA FORMATION

2.65 180.50 Greenish gray shale
1.30 177.85 Thin-bedded brown limestone
4.26 176.55 Brown shale
5.30 172.29 Gypsum, massive
4.56 166.99 Yellowish gray shale, mostly covered
0.15 162.43 Yellow marl
1.40 162.28 Yellowish brown shale
0.20 160.88 Brown platy limestone
1.23 160.68 Yellowish brown shale

2.70 159.45 Gypsum, massive

2.50 156.75 Yellowish brown shales
4.50 154.25 Gypsum, massive
4.86 149.75 Yellowish gray shales, mostly covered
0.23 144.89 Gypsum
0.20 144.66 Light brown limestone, thinly-bedded, wave-rippled
3.04 144.46 Yellowish gray shales, mostly covered
1.08 141.42 Gypsum
0.30 140.34 Limestone, gray, hard, compact
4.00 140.04 Yellowish gray blocky shales with marls
0.15 136.04 Marl packed with shell fragments
0.20 135.89 Shale
0.65 135.69 Limestone, hard, compact, thin- to medium-bedded
2.50 135.04 Shale, light yellowish gray, mostly covered
0.35 132.54 Sugary-textured limestone
0.65 132.19 Shale, light yellowish gray, mostly covered
1.80 131.54 Thinly-bedded, rubbly, light yellowish gray bioclastic marl
1.65 129.74 Gypsum
0.58 128.09 Laminated brown limestone with white gypsum inclusions
5.83 127.51 Greenish gray shale, mostly covered
0.20 121.68 Gypsum at base to limestone at top
2.60 121.48 Greenish-gray shale to marl
1.10 118.88 Gypsum with 20 cm limestone at base
1.50 117.78 Green to gray shales and marls
1.10 116.28 Gypsum
1.70 115.18 Green shales with Stephanodus tooth
0.40 113.48 Brownish gray massive limestone, hard, rippled top, wavy bedding
1.80 113.08 Pale yellowish brown limestone [10YR6/2]
0.50 111.28 Yellowish marly limestone, occasional shell fragments
1.55 110.78 Light yellowish gray shales, mostly covered
0.80 109.23 Gypsum, some with small ripple marks
0.20 108.43 Limestone
0.56 108.23 Yellowish gray shales, mostly covered
1.50 107.67 Gypsum, massive, with low-angled scour base
1.04 106.17 Light yellowish gray shales with elongated calcite nodules
0.60 105.13 Limestone with gypsum masses and pinkish porous top (weathered?)
1.80 104.53 Green to yellowish shale
0.65 102.73 Gypsum, greenish brown, basal part impure, middle massive, top shaly
1.20 102.08 Blocky shale, light yellowish gray
0.40 100.88 Marly limestone over marl
3.64 100.48 Light gray shale
0.15 96.84 Clastic bed with rock fragments, carbonaceous material, shell fragments
0.60 96.69 Yellowish brown shales
0.80 96.09 Brown-tan-brown limestone
0.80 95.29 Light gray shales
0.50 94.49 Sugary-textured platy limestone
4.66 93.99 Light gray shales, weather to light yellowish gray
0.70 89.33 Medium-bedded limestone
11.20 88.63 Alternating calcareous fissile shales and shelly marl beds
0.40 77.43 Marly limestone
12.66 77.03 Marly limestones in shales, partly covered
0.25 64.37 Light gray limestone, compact and hard, rectangular jointing
7.70 64.12 Yellowish brown 10-20 cm shelly marls interbedded with gray-green shales
1.00 56.42 Medium gray limestone, massive and hard, with burrowed top
1.70 55.42 Yellowish gray shale with thin marly intercalations
0.60 53.72 Medium gray massive limestone
5.56 53.12 Marls and limestones with mollusks, including 40 cm massive limestone
0.35 47.56 Mollusk-packed marl
6.08 47.21 Marls and limestones, minor shales

13.68 41.13 Alternating yellowish shales, marls, and occasional marly limestones
2.80 27.45 Grayish red shale [5R4/2], mottled with green
2.10 24.65 Greenish gray shale, marl at top with oyster shell fragments
1.20 22.55 Oyster zone with 40 cm oyster coquina near top
2.60 21.35 Gray shale
3.00 18.75 Yellow marly limestones alternating with tan shales
0.20 15.75 Ferruginous platy bioclastic limestone
0.30 15.55 Tan shale
0.80 15.25 Tan marly limestone
4.63 14.45 Green and dark gray shales
9.82 9.82 Tan marly oyster limestone, alternating with tan shales— base of BASKA FORMATION

TABLE A-2 — Stratigraphic section of the Habib Rahi Formation measured November 22, 1999, in Chuk
Dabh Janubi (at 30° 50.77' N, 70° 12.82' E). Section is shown diagrammatically in Figure 6. Thicknesses
were calculated and recorded to the nearest centimeter in the field, but are considered to have decimeter

Bed Cumulative
thickness thickness Lithological description
(m) (m)

9.62 62.11 Thin marls alternating with brown shales— top of HABIB RAHI FORMATION
9.12 52.49 Platy 10 cm marls alternating with 40 cm brown shales
7.60 43.37 Platy 15 cm limestones with chert, alternating with marl and shale
10.64 35.77 Platy 30 cm marls alternating with 20 cm blocky shales
0.50 25.13 Gray shales
0.25 24.63 Marl with many ferruginous assilines
6.08 24.38 Blue-gray shales
0.30 18.30 Blue-gray blocky marl
1.20 18.00 Blue-gray shale
0.60 16.80 Blue-gray blocky marl with assilines
16.20 16.20 Green and yellowish green shales— base of HABIB RAHI FORMATION

TABLE A-3 — Stratigraphic section of the Domanda Formation measured November 23 and 24, 1999, just
north of Zuli Khan Sham (starting at 30° 53.27' N, 70° 13.23' E; ending at approximately 30° 53.20' N, 70°
13.60' E; details at top of section are from nala cutting at 30° 53.82' N, 70° 13.76' E). Section is shown
diagrammatically in Figure 6. Thicknesses were calculated and recorded to the nearest centimeter in the
field, but are considered to have decimeter precision.

Bed Cumulative
thickness thickness Lithological description
(m) (m)

9.12 366.36 Green shale with occasional oyster-packed bed; upper 2.75 m is Alveolina-
Nummulites-Discocyclina-packed; top is highly burrowed— top of DOMANDA
5.60 357.24 Zone of yellowish gray to brownish gray with minor greenish gray fissile shale
1.50 351.64 Yellowish gray fissile shale with rare bivalves, weathers maroon
3.75 350.14 Yellowish gray fissile shale zone with some light brownish gray shale, weathers brownish
0.50 346.39 Dark greenish gray [5GY4/1] fissile shales with brownish gray partings [5YR4/1]
0.30 345.89 Greenish gray [5GY6/1] Alveolina bed with limestone concretions that include planktonic

3.64 345.59 Green fissile shales

12.90 341.95 Red-brown fissile shales
1.30 329.05 Yellowish zone
4.56 327.75 Red-brown fissile shales
3.04 323.19 Zone of red-purple oxides on surface; fresh color is grayish red [10R4/2] or moderate
brown [5YR4/4]
6.64 320.15 Red-brown fissile shales
4.00 313.51 Green and gray shales with alternation of olive brown shales
0.15 309.51 Bivalve-filled rubbly marl, fish bones, oysters; level of most Qaisracetus specimens
4.40 309.36 Green shales with shell bed ca. 10 cm thick 2.5 m below top
0.30 304.96 Brown hard blocky oyster limestone, oysters richest at base— ‘wavy limestone’
4.90 304.66 Light green shales; level of type specimen of Qaisracetus spinalis
0.20 299.76 Yellow shale with white shell endocasts
3.56 299.56 Green shales with thin maroon-colored bed
7.60 296.00 Green shales
3.80 288.40 Red and yellow shales
4.80 284.60 Grayish red [10R4/2] to pale brown [5YR5/2] fissile shale, weathers to maroon and brown
5.35 279.80 Brown fissile shale
0.30 274.45 Turritella and oyster-packed 8 cm marl at top of shell-rich shale; includes slab with tiny
19.76 274.15 Alternation of dark yellowish brown [10YR4/2] and green blocky shales
6.08 254.39 Gray-green multani (fuller’s earth), weathering light brown
0.10 248.31 Zone with crab burrows, some ooid-filled
2.00 248.21 Gray-green multani (fuller’s earth), weathering light brown
0.10 246.21 Shell bed with some carbonate concretions, sulphurous at top
2.25 246.11 Gray green multani (fuller’s earth), weathering light brown
0.10 243.86 Shell bed
17.48 243.76 Gray-green light multani (fuller’s earth), some lighter and darker beds
0.20 226.28 Zone of three thin centimeter-scale limestones separated by shales
4.56 226.08 Gray-green fissile shales
0.35 221.52 Dark olive green shale, with sulphurous concretion at top
2.10 221.17 Gray green light multani (fuller’s earth) weathering light brown
0.10 219.07 Bivalve shell bed
17.48 218.97 Olive gray shales with thin marl beds, light-gray multani (fuller’s earth), sulphurous mounds
0.10 201.49 Thinly-bedded, half-centimeter scale platy limestone, ridge-forming
12.66 201.39 Light olive green shale
9.12 188.73 Multani (fuller’s earth) as below; dark gray shale 3 m from top of unit
1.00 179.61 Brown clay shale, blocky, dark yellowish brown [10YR4/2]
12.16 178.61 Light olive gray fissile shale
7.60 166.45 Multani (fuller’s earth) with gray alternations as below; discontinuous 20 cm brown marl
at top
1.80 158.85 Zone with papery fissile shale at bottom and top, 25 cm brown-weathering laminated marl
in middle
10.64 157.05 Multani (fuller’s earth) with gray alternations as below
0.70 146.41 Zone with marl beds at bottom and top, shale between is multani (fuller’s earth) with red
7.35 145.71 Multani (fuller’s earth) alternating with meter-scale beds every few meters that lack red
0.03 138.36 Marl, dark brown
4.86 138.33 Multani (fuller’s earth) clay shale, fissile, light olive gray [5Y6/1] with dark reddish brown
[10R3/4] partings, fish coprolites; surface weathers orange-brown
12.16 133.47 Monotonous fissile shale, light olive gray [5Y5/2], weathers to light greenish gray [5G8/1]
0.40 121.31 Zone with thin yellowish brown marls at bottom and top; olive shale between
7.50 120.91 Light olive gray to greenish gray shale with occasional dewatering mounds
0.25 113.41 Yellowish brown marl, with flower-like circular dewatering structure (photo)
3.95 113.16 Olive gray to greenish gray shale with dewatering mound
0.70 109.21 Yellowish brown marl at bottom and top, yellowish brown shale in middle
7.30 108.51 Light olive gray [5Y5/2] fissile shale at base, greenish gray [5GY6/1] at top

0.15 101.21 Yellowish brown marl bed, wavy dewatering mound on top
11.64 101.06 Alternations of dark yellowish brown and light olive shale
0.20 89.42 Lenticular marl concretion zone
15.40 89.22 Alternations of dark yellowish brown [10YR4/2] with light olive gray [5Y6/1] fissile shale;
former weathers to green and latter to light gray
0.20 73.82 Lenticular marl concretion zone
35.72 73.62 Alternations of dark yellowish brown [10YR4/2] with light olive gray [5Y6/1] fissile shale
0.30 37.90 Centimeter-scale beds of tan marl
9.12 37.60 Fissile gray shales with few or no marl beds
0.60 28.48 Fissile dark gray shales
5.60 27.88 Blue-gray shales with centimeter scale marls
13.68 22.28 Blue-gray shales with 1-3 cm interbeds of marl
1.20 8.60 Three thick tan marly limestone beds separated by gray blocky shale
7.40 7.40 Fissile gray-brown shale with 2-5 cm plates of marly limestone spaced every 50 to 100

TABLE A-4 — Stratigraphic section of the Pir Koh Formation measured November 24, 1999, in Baher Dabh
Shumali at 30° 53.82' N, 70° 13.76' E. Section is shown diagrammatically in Figure 9. Thicknesses were
calculated and recorded to the nearest centimeter in the field, but are considered to have decimeter precision.

Bed Cumulative
thickness thickness Lithological description
(m) (m)

7.08 19.39 Gray shale and marl; color is light olive gray [5Y6/1], weathers to light bluish
gray– top of PIR KOH FORMATION
4.82 12.31 Marl, generally massive but weathering into laminae
1.15 7.49 Shale and thinly laminated marl
0.25 6.34 Marl
0.06 6.09 Shales
0.18 6.03 Marl
0.10 5.85 Shales
0.22 5.75 Marl
0.21 5.53 Marly shales
0.50 5.32 Marl packed with Discocyclina
0.25 4.82 Shales
0.50 4.57 Marl
0.40 4.07 Shales
0.70 3.67 Marl
0.40 2.97 Shales
0.45 2.57 Marl
0.30 2.12 Shale and marl, greenish gray
1.82 1.82 Thick blocky or nodular marl, highly burrowed, hummocky base, very light gray
color [N8], weathers light greenish gray [5GY8/1]– base of PIR KOH

TABLE A-5 — Stratigraphic section of the Drazinda Formation measured November 24, 1999, in Baher Dabh
Shumali. First part of section started at 30° 53.82' N, 70° 13.76' E, and ended at the Discocyclina marker
bed at 30° 53.77' N, 70° 13.96' E. Second part of section started at the Discocyclina marker bed at 30°
53.41' N, 70° 13.90' E, and ended at 30° 53.31' N, 70° 14.14' E. Basal 6 m of Chitarwata Formation is
included to document the transition to coarser clastics. Section is shown diagrammatically in Figure 9.
Thicknesses were calculated and recorded to the nearest centimeter in the field, but are considered to have
decimeter precision.

Bed Cumulative
thickness thickness Lithological description
(m) (m)

0.80 6.05 Yellow clay shale zone with black weathered nodules [reworked from Drazinda Fm.?]
0.60 5.25 Gray shales
0.60 4.65 Yellow siltstone
0.75 4.05 Very fine-grained sandstone
0.70 3.30 Yellow shales
2.60 2.60 Gray silty shale with red mottling— base of CHITARWATA FORMATION

0.25 434.26 Moderate red clay [5R4/6]— top of DRAZINDA FORMATION

2.50 434.01 Dark yellowish orange shale [10YR6/6]
31.92 431.51 Dark yellowish brown shale [10YR4/2] with gastropods and bivalves
15.20 399.59 Olive gray [5Y4/1] fissile shale
12.16 384.39 Light greenish gray [5G8/1] fissile shale
0.40 372.23 Hard gray marl bed, weathers yellow
16.72 371.83 Reddish brown shales
13.68 355.11 Green shales
6.08 341.43 Maroon shales
3.00 335.35 Green shales with very small Discocyclina at base
21.28 332.35 Maroon and brown shale alternations
1.25 311.07 Green fossiliferous shale with cup corals
7.60 309.82 Reddish brown shales
16.72 302.22 Green shales with occasional bivalves
1.50 285.50 Brown shales
0.40 284.00 Green shale with bivalve hash at base, bryozoans
38.00 283.60 Yellowish brown to reddish shales with large dark concretions, weathers dark reddish brown
1.70 245.60 Green shales, weather yellow
1.50 243.90 Maroon shales
0.20 242.40 Light green shales with Turritella
11.64 242.20 Reddish brown shales
1.00 230.56 Gray shale
1.00 229.56 Red shale
2.50 228.56 Olive green shale
0.10 226.06 Shell bed with Turritella
19.76 225.96 Dark gray-green unit with occasional Protosiren sattaensis vertebrae, Conus colossus
3.04 206.20 Dusky yellow shales [5Y6/4]
39.52 203.16 Light olive gray [5Y5/2] fissile shales
0.70 163.64 Discocyclina marker bed, packed with Discocyclina sowerbyi; limestone at base
8.70 162.94 Green shales
0.10 154.24 Limestone packstone with Turritella and Discocyclina, including Discocyclina sowerbyi
9.12 154.14 Reddish brown shales, some green shale at top
0.10 145.02 Limestone coquina with Nummulites beaumonti as below
13.68 144.92 Reddish brown shales
0.10 131.24 Limestone coquina with 2 cm and 6 cm flattened crab burrows filled with nummulites;
Nummulites beaumonti common; rare oyster shells; forms dip slopes
1.50 131.14 Reddish brown shales
2.50 129.64 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top

2.25 127.14 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top

1.35 124.89 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top
2.85 123.54 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top
1.00 120.69 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top
7.60 119.69 Reddish brown shales with 1 cm limestone coquina at top
0.15 112.09 Laminated limestone with bryozoans
9.12 111.94 Reddish brown shale
1.25 102.82 Yellowish gray shale with thin marl unit
9.85 101.57 Brown fissile shales
1.25 91.72 Green shales with rare bivalves
10.64 90.47 Zone of green shales with Discocyclina at base, brown shales in middle and at top
6.08 79.83 Brown-gray alternating fissile shales
38.00 73.75 Dusky yellow to yellowish gray shales
9.12 35.75 Greenish gray [5GY6/1] fissile shales
18.24 26.63 Dusky yellow [5Y6/4] to yellowish gray [5Y7/2 or 5Y8/1] blocky to laminated clay shale
5.35 8.39 Blue-gray fissile shales
0.30 3.04 Marly gray shale, forms dip slope
2.74 2.74 Light gray-green fissile shales— base of DRAZINDA FORMATION

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