Forensic Audit Subpoena

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ARIZONA SENATE Senate Judiciary Committee SUBPOENA 80% Hd SI O30KR TO: Maricopa County Board of Supe ‘YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce, and permit inspection, testing or sampling of the = ‘items identified in the attached Exhibit | on or before 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2020 to the = Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committe for inspection, testing or sampling thereafter. ‘YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY FAILURE TO OBEY THIS SUBPOENA WITHOUT ADEQUATE EXCUSE MAY BE DEEMED CONTEMPT OF == ‘THE LEGISLATURE. SIGNED this 15th day of December, 2020, Eddie Farnsworth Eddie Famsworth, Chainnan Senate Judiciary Committee acest Pann Karen Fann, President ‘Arizona State Senate For the November 2020 general election in Maricopa County, Arizona, access to the following equipment or materiel for forensie analysis 1. The ballot tabulation equipment from the vote centers and the central counting center used in the 2020 general election, 2. The software for the eqtipment described above and the election management system used in the 2020 general election, 3. Hardware Forensic Images of Election Servers, Desktops, Removable Media (such as thumb drives, USB, memory cards, PCMIA cards, Compact Flash, CD/DVD ete.) used to transfer ballots to central counting fom voting locations and to load software/programming. 4. Flestion Log Files XML, EML, ISON, DVD and XSLT other election files and logs forthe: ‘© Tabulators Result Pair Resolution Result Files Provisional Votes RTM Logs SQL Database Files Signature Checking & Sorting Machine 5, Election Settings ‘+ Ranked Profiles and entre change history Audit Trail logs ‘© Ranked Contests and entire change history Audit Trail logs ‘+ Rejected Ballots Resort by Reason Code 6, Accounts and Tokens * Usemame & Passwords (Applications, Operation Systems) + Encryption Passwords (Bilocker, Veracrypt, Ete) Security Tokens (Button, Yubikey, SmartCard, Ete) 7. Windows Server & Desktop ‘© Windows software lg Windows event log and Access logs Network logs FIP Transfer Points Log ‘Username & Passwerd Applicaton specific username and password (Election Software, Database Access) 8. Dominion Specific The Administrator & Auditlogs forthe EMS Election Event Designer (BED) and EMS Results| Tally & Reporting (RTR) Client Applications. 9. Dominion Network ‘© Identity of everyone accessing the domain name Admin.enr and *

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