Name: Pabilona, Lyza Lee M. Course/ Year: BSIT-1B Time: December 1, 2020 Work/Practice Exercise

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Name: Pabilona, Lyza Lee M.

Course/ Year: BSIT-1B

Time: December 1, 2020

Work/Practice Exercise

A. The following is a self-analysis questionnaire. Answer each question honestly. Put a check
mark (/) before the questions if your answer is yes, and (X) if your answer is no.

/ 1. Have I often tried to be aware of my speech and behaviour at home, show thoughtfulness and
consideration for others?
/ 2. Do I know when manners are best inculcated in a person's life?
3. In a few days, did I commit at least one of the following:
_/__a. Enter closed doors without knocking first
_X__b. Open and read phone messages of one of my family
_X__c. Leave my bed in a mess
_X__d. Cough, yawn or sneeze without covering my mouth
_X__e. Leave the house without letting any members of my family know
_/__4. Have I recently been observing proper conduct in the comfort room at home like
flushing the toilet bowl and cleaning the sink of excess toothpaste before leaving,
not squatting in the toilet bowl and not staying too long in the comfort room?
X 5. Do I know the rules of table manners and have I been observing them at home regularly?
/ 6. Do I knock the door before entering?
/ 7. Do I wrap sanitary napkin before disposing them? (for girls only)
X 8. Do I leave the room even with litters around?
/ 9. Do I appear clean and well-groomed in the home?
X 10. Do I stay until those who are seated at the family table are through, or must I go and say
"May I be Excused?"

B. Answer the following questions below.

1. Why do we need to observe Good Manners at all times?

It can create a good relationship to other people. We can clearly see that observing good
manners plays a very important role in communication if we look at the role of manners in life
and in some everyday conversations. All of us taught by our parents/relatives/elders to have a
good manner in everything we do, especially when we are in a public place in our early age.
While growing up the redundant words of our parents towards good manners, is already marked
at us and now we are doing it. Observing good manners it does not give you anything grand but
it can benefit yourself. It can set your behaviour in a better stage; you can gain respect, and can
help you gain your confidence. Observing your good manners will help you respect yourself and
others in any way, people in large part, assess your importance to them by the way you make
them feel when they are in touch with you. In your voice, showing proper manners shows that
you have regard for others as well as for yourself and makes it much more fun for you to be
2. Make a list of Good Manners which you admire in others.

A. Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ even in small help.

B. Apologizing when they bumped into someone.
C. Hold the door for other people.
D. Be on time.
E. When they see someone struggling with something, they give them a hand.
F. Participating in table conversation.
G. Making eye contact with the person or people they are talking to.
H. Participate actively in conversation.
I. Be prepared with interesting conversation topics.
J. If they are eating something in front of another person, they offer to share it.

3. List some examples of Manners which you find unpleasant or annoying.

In the Street Inside the Church In the Family When Dining

A. Sneezing and A. Yawning loud. A. Talking behind the A. Loud noises of

coughing loud backs of our relatives. fork and spoon
without covering clicking the plates.
their mouth.
B. Smokers who B. Changing seats. B. Interfering in B. Loud noise of
smoke around non- someone’s decision. slurping and burping.
C. Spitting on the C. Not standing up C. Discriminating C. Picking the food
street. when the Priest says, people. between the teeth in
‘rise up’. front of the others
who are still eating.
D. Stares of a D. Fitting their self in D. Boasting our D. Starts eating even
stranger. the pews even they achievements to the the other food are still
are no vacant seats people they are not served.
already. talking to without the
latter asking them.
E. Cutting line. E. Children who are E. Shooing us when E. Complaining to the
playing in the row they have a visitors at food.
pews even the homily home.
is ongoing.
C. What have you discovered about yourself? Write the insights you have gained from this

I discovered that even though I am raised only by my relatives, they still taught me how
to respect someone that deserves my respect and they taught me to have a good manner. I found
in myself that even if I am flawed, and continuing committing mistakes, I still know how to have
a good manner in my own way. What I gained to this activity is I have known what am I doing
and not at the self-analysis. I’ve also realized that I admire other manners that I am afraid to do
or still figuring it out on myself. Lastly, I gained knowledge to unpleasant and good manners and
to the manners itself.

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