HRL - Technical Passport
HRL - Technical Passport
HRL - Technical Passport
06 1
Size 40 to 130 0
Size 145 to 260 1
Direction of rotation
Viewed from drive shaft clockwise R
counter-clockwise L
09 NBR (nitrile-caoutchouc), shaft seal ring in FKM (fluor-caoutchouc) N
Before starting project planning, please refer to our data (-40) (-20) (0) (20) (40) (60) (80) (100)
7000 (1600) 7400
sheets RE 90220 (mineral oil), RE 90221 (environmentally 5000 (1000) (1600)
acceptable hydraulic fluids) and RE 90223 3000 (600)
2000 (400)
(HF hydraulic fluids) for detailed information regarding the 1000 (200)
VG 46
VG 68
VG 32
VG 2
choice of hydraulic fluid and operating conditions.
500 (100)
The variable pump AA11VO is not suitable for operating 300 (60)
with HFA, HFB and HFC. If HFD or environmentally accept- 200 (40) 170 (36)
able hydraulic fluids are being used, the limitations regarding
100 (20)
technical data and seals mentioned in RE 90221 and
80 80 (16)
RE 90223 must be observed. 70
60 (10)
When ordering, indicate the hydraulic fluid that is to be used.
The finer the filtration, the higher the cleanliness level of the hy-
draulic fluid and the longer the service life of the axial piston unit.
To ensure functional reliability of the axial piston unit, the hy-
draulic fluid must have a claenliness level of at least
20/18/15 according to ISO 4406.
At very high hydraulic fluid temperatures (195 °F (90 °C) to
maximum 240 °F (115 °C), at least cleanliness level 19/17/14
according to ISO 4406 is required.
If the above classes cannot be observed, please contact us.
Technical data
Operating pressure range Case drain pressure
The case drain pressure at the ports T1 and T2 may
be a maximum of 17.5 psi (1.2 bar) higher than the inlet pres-
Absolute pressure at port S (suction port) sure at the port S but not higher than
Version without charge pump
pL abs. max _________________________________ 30 psi (2 bar).
pabs min __________________________________ 12 psi (0.8 bar)
An unrestricted, full size case drain line directly to tank is
pabs max_________________________________ 435 psi (30 bar)
If the pressure is > 75 psi (5 bar), please ask.
Version with charge pump Temperature range of the shaft seal ring
pabs min ___________________________________ 9 psi (0.6 bar) The FKM shaft seal ring is permissible for case drain tempera-
pabs max___________________________________ 30 psi (2 bar) tures of -13 °F to 240 °F (-25 °C to +115 °C).
Maximum permissible speed (speed limit)
For applications below-13 °F (-25 °C), an NBR shaft seal ring
Permissible speed by increasing the inlet pressure pabs at the is necessary (permissible temperature range: -40 °F to 194 °F
suction port S or at Vg ≤ Vg max (-40 °C to +90 °C).
State NBR shaft seal ring in clear text in the order.
pabs = 22.5 psi
(1.5 bar) Flushing the case
Speed nmax /nmax1
pB (psi (bar))
290 (20) Vg max Vg min
n (w
260 (18) ith
230 (16) n (w rge
itho pum
200 (14) ut c p)
175 (12) ge
pum R T2 M1 S
145 (10) p)
115 (8)
90 (6)
0 0.5 1.0 Vg max
Technical data
Table of values (theoretical values, without efficiency and tolerances; values rounded)
Size AA11VO 40 60 75 95 130 145 190 260
Displacement In3/rev. 2.56 3.57 4.52 5.71 7.93 8.84 11.78 15.87
Vg max
cm3 42 58.5 74 93.5 130 145 193 260
Vg min cm3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
maximum at Vg max1) nmax rpm 3000 2700 2550 2350 2100 2200 2100 1800
maximum at Vg ≤ Vg max2) nmax1 rpm 3500 3250 3000 2780 2500 2500 2100 2300
Flow gpm 33.3 41.7 49.9 58.1 72.1 84.3 107 123.6
qv max
at nmax and Vg max l/min 126 158 189 220 273 319 405 468
Power at hp 99.2 123.4 147.5 171.7 213.2 249.4 316.5 366.1
qv max and Δp = 350 bar kW 74 92 110 128 159 186 236 273
Torque at lb-ft 172.6 240.4 303.9 384.3 534 596 792.9 1068
Vg max and Δp = 350 bar Nm 234 326 412 521 724 808 1075 1448
Rotary stiffness P shaft lb-ft/rad 64512 79574 105548 14883 230417 230417 282702 482244
Nm/rad 87467 107888 143104 196435 312403 312403 383292 653835
S shaft lb-ft/rad 43035 63658 75173 128117 174700 174700 191599 259628
Nm/rad 58347 86308 101921 173704 236861 236861 259773 352009
T shaft lb-ft/rad 54931 75556 92640 – – – 222691 418282
Nm/rad 74476 102440 125603 – – – 301928 567115
Moment of inertia for lbs-ft2 0.1139 0.1946 0.2729 0.4105 0.7546 0.8092 1.3052 2.0835
rotary group kgm2 0.0048 0.0082 0.0115 0.0173 0.0318 0.0341 0.055 0.0878
Angular acceleration, maxi-
α rad/s2 22000 17500 15000 13000 10500 9000 6800 4800
Filling capacity gal 0.29 0.36 0.49 0.55 0.77 0.77 1.0 1.22
L 1.1 1.35 1.85 2.1 2.9 2.9 3.8 4.6
Mass (approx.) lbs 71 88 99 117 145 168 209 276
kg 32 40 45 53 66 76 95 125
1) The values apply at absolute pressure (pabs) 15 psi (1 bar) at the suction port S and mineral hydraulic fluid.
2) The values apply at Vg ≤ Vg max or in case of an increase in the inlet pressure pabs at the suction port S
3) The area of validity is situated between 0 and the maximum permissible speed.
It applies for external stimuli (e.g. engine 2 to 8 times rotary frequency, cardan shaft twice the rotary frequency).
The limit value applies for a single pump only.
The loading on the connection parts has to be considered.
Exceeding the permissible limit values could cause a loss of function, reduced service life or the destruction of the axial piston
unit. The permissible values can be determined by calculation.
Technical data
Table of values (theoretical values, without efficiency and tolerances; values rounded)
Size (with charge pump) 130 145 190 260
Displacement In3/rev. 7.93 8.84 11.78 15.87
Vg max
cm3 130 145 193 260
Vg min cm3 0 0 0 0
maximum at Vg max1) nmax rpm 2500 2500 2500 2300
maximum at Vg ≤ Vg max 2) nmax1 rpm 2500 2500 2500 2300
Flow gpm 85.9 95.9 127.6 158
qv max
at nmax and Vg max l/min 325 363 483 598
Power at hp 254.8 283 376.8 468
qv max and Δp = 350 bar kW 190 211 281 349
Torque at lb-ft 534 596 792.9 1068
Vg max and Δp = 350 bar Nm 724 808 1075 1448
Rotary stiffness P shaft lb-ft/rad 230417 230417 282702 482244
Nm/rad 312403 312403 383292 653835
S shaft lb-ft/rad 174700 174700 191599 259628
Nm/rad 236861 236861 259773 352009
T shaft lb-ft/rad – – 222691 418282
Nm/rad – – 301928 567115
Moment of inertia for lbs-ft2 0.7997 0.8543 1.3692 2.1238
rotary group kgm2 0.0337 0.036 0.0577 0.0895
Angular acceleration,
α rad/s2 10500 9000 6800 4800
gal 0.77 0.77 1.0 1.22
Filling capacity V
L 2.9 2.9 3.8 4.6
lbs 159 161 229 304
Mass (approx.) m
kg 72 73 104 138
1) The values apply at absolute pressure (pabs) of at least 12 psi (0.8 bar) at the suction port S and mineral hydraulic fluid.
2) The values apply at Vg ≤ Vg max or in case of an increase in the inlet pressure pabs at the suction port S ~
3) The area of validity is situated between 0 and the maximum permissible speed.
It applies for external stimuli (e.g. engine 2 to 8 times rotary frequency, cardan shaft twice the rotary frequency).
The limit value applies for a single pump only.
The loading on the connection parts has to be considered.
Exceeding the permissible limit values could cause a loss of function, reduced service life or the destruction of the axial piston
unit. The permissible values can be determined by calculation.
Torque lb-ft 173 240 304 384 534 596 793 1068
(at Vg max and Δp = 5100 psi (350 bar1))) max Nm 234 326 412 521 724 808 1075 1448
Input torque, maximum2)
at shaft end P TE perm. lb-ft 345 478 608 770 1068 1068 1642 2056
Shaft key DIN 6885 Nm 468 648 824 1044 1448 1448 2226 2787
DIA in 1.26 1.38 1.57 1.77 1.97 1.97 2.17 2.36
DIA mm ø32 ø35 ø40 ø45 ø50 ø50 ø55 ø60
at S shaft end TE perm. lb-ft 232 444 444 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210
ANSI B92.1a-1976 Nm 314 602 602 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640
(SAE J744)
in 1 in 1 1/4 in 1 1/4 in 1 3/4 in 1 3/4 in 1 3/4 in 1 3/4 in 1 3/4 in
at T shaft end TE perm. lb-ft 444 715 715 – – – 1969 3002
ANSI B92.1a-1976 Nm 602 970 970 — — – 2670 4070
(SAE J744)
in 1 1/4 in 1 3/8 in 1 3/8 in — — – 2 in 2 1/4 in
lb-ft 232 384 487 606 819 819 1298 1523
Through drive torque, maximum 3) TD perm.
Nm 314 521 660 822 1110 1110 1760 2065
1) Efficiency not considered
2) For drive shafts with no radial force
3) Observe maximum input torque for shaft S!
Torque distribution
1. Pumpe
1st pump 2nd
2. pump
DR – Pressure control
DRS Pressure control with load sensing Circuit diagram DRS
The load sensing control is a flow control option that operates Size 40 to 145
as a function of the load pressure to regulate the pump dis-
placement to match the actuator flow requirement. X
The flow depends here on the cross section of the external
sensing orifice (1) fitted between the pump outlet and the (1)
actuator. The flow is independent of the load pressure below
the pressure cut-off setting and within the control range of the
pump. T1 G M A
The sensing orifice is usually a separately arranged load
sensing directional valve (control block). The position of the
directional valve piston determines the opening cross section Vg max Vg min
of the sensing orifice and thus the flow of the pump.
The load sensing control compares pressure before and after
the sensing orifice and maintains the pressure drop across
the orifice (differential pressure Δp) and with it the pump flow
R T2 M1 S
If the differential pressure Δp increases, the pump is swivelled
back (towards Vg min) and, if the differential pressure Δp decre-
ases the pump is swivelled out (towards Vg max) until the pres-
sure drop across the sensing orifice in the valve is restored.
Δporifice = ppump – pactuator
The setting range for Δp is between 200 psi and 360 psi
(14 bar and 25 bar).
The standard differential pressure setting is 260 psi (18 bar).
(Please state in clear text when ordering).
The stand-by pressure in zero stroke operation (sensing orifice
plugged) is slightly above the Δp setting.
(1) The sensing orifice (control block) is not included in the
pump supply.
Characteristic: DRS
Operating pressure pB [psi (bar)]
max. 145 psi
(10 bar)
(50) min
Flow qv [gpm (L/min)]
Before finalizing your design,
Dimensions size 130 please request a certified drawing.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters).
11.14 (283)
10.75 (273)
4.92 (125)
3.39 (86) Y
6.46 (164)
4.53 (115)
4.13 (105)
Pressure control with load sensing control
Pressure control remote controlled