TCP Header: Course Contents
TCP Header: Course Contents
TCP Header: Course Contents
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receiver. In this lesson we will take a closer look at the TCP header and its di erent elds. 1.1: Network Theory
1.1d: IP Operations
TCP Header
Unit 2: L2 Technologies
Unit 3: L3 Technologies
Source port: this is a 16 bit eld that speci es the port number of the sender.
Destination port: this is a 16 bit eld that speci es the port number of the
Sequence number: the sequence number is a 32 bit eld that indicates how much
data is sent during the TCP session. When you establish a new TCP connection (3
way handshake) then the initial sequence number is a random 32 bit value. The
receiver will use this sequence number and sends back an acknowledgment.
Protocol analyzers like wireshark will often use a relative sequence number of 0 since
it’s easier to read than some high random number.
Acknowledgment number: this 32 bit eld is used by the receiver to request the
next TCP segment. This value will be the sequence number incremented by 1.
DO: this is the 4 bit data o set eld, also known as the header length. It indicates
the length of the TCP header so that we know where the actual data begins.
RSV: these are 3 bits for the reserved eld. They are unused and are always set to
Flags: there are 9 bits for ags, we also call them control bits. We use them to
establish connections, send data and terminate connections:
URG: urgent pointer. When this bit is set, the data should be treated as
priority over other data.
ACK: used for the acknowledgment.
PSH: this is the push function. This tells an application that the data should
be transmitted immediately and that we don’t want to wait to ll the entire
TCP segment. 1/4
9/7/2020 TCP Header
RST: this resets the connection, when you receive this you have to terminate
the connection right away. FullisAccess to our
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errors and it’s not a normal way to nish the TCP connection.
SYN: we use this for the initial three way handshake and it’s used to set the
initial sequence number.
FIN: this nish bit is used to end the TCP connection. TCP is full duplex so
both parties will have to use the FIN bit to end the connection. This is the
normal method how we end an connection.
Window: the 16 bit window eld speci es how many bytes the receiver is willing to
receive. It is used so the receiver can tell the sender that it would like to receive
more data than what it is currently receiving. It does so by specifying the number
of bytes beyond the sequence number in the acknowledgment eld.
Checksum: 16 bits are used for a checksum to check if the TCP header is OK or
Urgent pointer: these 16 bits are used when the URG bit has been set, the urgent
pointer is used to indicate where the urgent data ends.
Options: this eld is optional and can be anywhere between 0 and 320 bits.
To see these elds in action, it’s best to play around with wireshark. Here’s an example of
the rst part of the TCP three way handshake. I highlighted all the elds:
Above you can see the source and destination port. The sequence number is 0 but
wireshark tells us that this is a relative sequence number. In reality, it’s something else.
You can see the SYN bit has been set in the ags, the window size, checksum, urgent
pointer and options.
TCP is a complex protocol but hopefully this lesson has helped to understand what the
TCP header looks like. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in our
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TCP Window Size Scaling »
Tags: IP Routing, TCP
Forum Replies 2/4
9/7/2020 TCP Header
This has to do with how the sequence number is incremented during the TCP session. Let’s say Client A is requesting 900 Bytes of data from Server 1.
Once Server 1 starts to send the actual data to Client A, the length of the payload of what is being sent directly in uences the next sequence number.
So, let’s say the current Sequence number is 1, and the Server sends Client A, 300 Bytes. This means the sequence number will now be 301 (the original
sequence number plus the amount of data in the payload that was just sent). Now, let’s say, after Clien
Hello Manami
To understand the function of the PSH ag, it is important to rst understand how TCP bu ers data. TCP operates at layer four of the OSI model. To allow
applications to read from and write to a TCP session, bu ers are implemented on both sides of a TCP connection in both directions.
Bu ers allow for more e cient transfer of data when sending multiple segments of maximum size, such as when sending a large le. TCP will wait until a
segment reaches its maximum size before sending it on its way. There are however some applications where this
Hello Mohammad
When a TCP session is in progress, the sequence numbers are used to keep track of the number of bytes that have been transmitted within the session.
When 100 bytes are sent from host A to host B, host B will respond with an ACK that is incremented by 100. If this is the beginning of the transaction and
we started with a sequence number of 0, then the ACK that host B will send will be 100 indicating that the amount of data that has been received so far is
100 bytes.
During the three way handshake, the rst SYN packet is sent with an initial seq
Hello Hussein.
First of all the sequence number doesn’t indicate how much data is sent, but the di erence between the original sequence number and the
acknowledgement number sent back to the reciever indicates the amount of data that has been sent in one window.
Your rst two questions have to do with something called windowing which is a ow control mechanism of TCP. Speci cally, when a TCP session begins,
the sequence number is chosen randomly. For example, let’s say the initial sequence number is 100588. During the initial handshake, the window size i
Hello Hussein
Unfortunately there isn’t. Because the window size is always going to be much much smaller than the largest available sequence number, it will never
reset to zero within a single segment. Segments are always many many orders of magnitude smaller. Only the hosts between them keep track of when
the counter resets to zero. Even when it does, they only detect it at that speci c segment. Once the segment is received and acknowledged, there is no 3/4
9/7/2020 TCP Header
need to keep track of the resetting of the counter from the host’s point of view.
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