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Information for users of December 1996

METTLER TOLEDO thermal analysis systems

Dear customer
Since the fall of this year things
have yet again been heating up at
Mettler Toledo. After many years
of waiting, a successor in the form
of the TGA/SDTA851e for the
legendary TA1 and TA2 is now on
the market. Your local Mettler
Optimum utilization of
the internal database 4
Toledo dealer will be pleased to
The STARe software stores all data in an internal database. This results in
provide you with information. The
extensive possibilities for data search and data tracing. In order to exploit
highly motivated TA team is
the available possibilities better, a few points are worthy of consideration
already looking forward to sur-
before we start. What are the main differences between data storage in a da-
prising you once again with new
tabase and data storage in files?
features next year.
• Different data types (calibration data, method data, sample data, experi-
mental curves, etc.) are stored separately, but are linked with one another.
This documents what, when, with what and by whom measurements
were performed.
• A search can be made based on all types of information (not just file name
and date).
• All stored data are protected. A method for which experimental data still
exist can not be deleted by accident. The traceability is assured.
Each database is based on a model which defines the relationship between
Contents the individual data sets. Knowledge of this data structure is useful if the
user wishes exploit the possibilities offered by his database to the full.
TA TIP: Figure 1 shows the assignment of the different types of information using
– Optimum utilization of the a simplified scheme. If, for example, an experiment is started, the data-
base sets up a relationship between:
internal database of the STARe
– Customer
software or TSW870 software – Measurement module (calibration data, settings)
– Current user
NEW in the sales program: – Method (temperature program, crucible, purge gas, etc...)
– The new STARe software V4.0 – Resulting raw curve data
– The new TGA module TGA/
SDTA851e You can manage your data practically using the following setting possi-
– Determination of the eutectic Sample name
composition of the system As the sample name allows entry of up to 40 characters, quite a lot of infor-
– Glass transition temperature mation can be included. A person who, for example, investigates thermo-
of elastomers plastics can add a shorthand symbol for the type of plastic before the actual
– PEI, Glass Transition by ADSC sample name:

USER COM December 96 1

”PE, sample XYZ, film 1” Method group whose name starts with „DSC“.
”PP, sample ABC, part 5” Methods can be assigned to a par- Naturally, different criteria can be
This notation alone results in several ticular method group when they are linked with one another when data
selection possibilities. With „PP*” developed. Groups such as „Thermo- are searched.
(see Figure 2), all measurements plastics“, „Thermosets“ and „Phar- Even a large database can thus be
which have been performed with maceuticals“ are defined as standard. managed quickly in an easily sur-
polypropylene can be immediately Other groups can be defined using veyed manner.
selected. In the above example, the the Install Plus window. The TSW870 or the STARe software
filter setting „*part*“ allows all has very extensive possibilities for
measurements involving finished User data management. However, it has
parts to be selected. Here, even as Different users can easily separate often proved sufficient in practice to
early as the naming stage, the user their measurements via the definition use only a few of the possibilities
can personally determine his subse- of users in the Install Plus window. mentioned here. The only important
quent filter possibilities. However, the user need not neces- point is that you implement your
concept methodically from the out-
Highly simplified database scheme set.
In the case of a large number of sam-
ples, we recommend systematic use
User of the following: Name, User and
with either Order number or Cus-
tomer. You lose the advantages of the
database only if you delete the rela-
tionships between the data.
Customer Module Method Evaluation
Special feature „Direct Experi-
ment“ (not conforming to GLP)
For rapid screening measurements, a
measurement program with a seg-
Experiment Curve ment can be directly defined in the
Experiment window. When this
Figure 1: Simplified database scheme screening measurement is started,
however, no relationship is set up be-
Date sarily be a name. This field can also tween the measuring module, user
The date is automatically added be used for the definition of the and customer. Curves which have
when the measurement is stored. In projects. The advantage: All data of been generated with such a „Rapid
the later selection of experimental the project in question (methods, method“ can thus be selected in the
curves, a particular time period can curves, evaluations) can be selected database filter only via name and
be chosen or simply a sorting opera- at a keystroke and also deleted. date.
tion by date performed.
Customer The deletion of data
Order number (only with STAR e This offers a further criterion for As there is a relationship between
software V3.10 and later) data management. After entry of the the individual sets of information in
Many labs keep a lab journal which appropriate particulars, each meas- the database, deletion of data has
specifies continuous numbering. If urement can be assigned a particular consequences for the traceability.
an experiment is assigned a number, customer in the Experiment window. In principle. there are two deletion
a powerful selection possibility is In the above Figure, the curves of, strategies for the deletion of an ob-
available as all measurements with a e.g. „Incoming goods“ are selected. ject (e.g. user, methods and the like):
certain number or within a range of This is also information which can
numbers can be selected at a later date. be used for projects. • „Delete“ deletes all data which de-
pend on the corresponding object.
Measuring cell type Method name The experimental curves are re-
The measuring cell type is automati- When a method is stored, it is given tained as the only exception.
cally set, depending on what type of a name by the user. In the search for (The software shows you what
module you use. In the filter you can experimental data, there is later the would be deleted in an Info win-
use this switch to select, e.g. all possibility to search for data of a par- dow). As the links of the experi-
measurements with the DSC821e in ticular method. Figure 2 shows a mental curves are broken here,
a very simple manner. search for the data of all methods these can later be selected in the

2 USER COM December 96

filter only via name and date.)
• „Delete all“ deletes actually every-
thing dependent on this object.
For example, in the deletion of a user
with „Delete all“, everything ever
done by this user will be deleted. If,
for example, a person has temporary
projects whose data will not be
needed later, a single user can be as-
signed to this project and then sim-
ply deleted later.

Data backup
The data are extremely valuable for
you as the user. The data backup
strategy is thus very important. In
principle, there are three possibilities
to back up the database. Figure 2: Filter setting possibilities in a search for experimental curves
• Backup on tape, DAT or diskette In addition, in many companies the size can delete, e.g. the oldest ex-
• Backup on a network (only with servers are in any case backed up perimental curves after first backing
STARe software V3.10 and later) regularly resulting in additional se- them up. (Remove protection.) If
→ Backup on a network has a con- curity. such a measurement is required
siderable advantage with regard to Tip: Users who wish to keep their again at a later date, the old database
speed. database to an easily manageable can be reloaded.

USER COM December 96 3

The new STARe SW version V4.0:
SW option MaxRes The measurement starts with the between 500 and 700 °C.
With this SW version you have the maximum heating rate. As soon as Your method could then have the
new software option „MaxRes“ the absolute value of the first deriva- following appearance:
available. tive drops below the upper threshold, 1st segment: RT-500 °C with
This option allows rapid TGA meas- the heating rate is lowered by the 50 K/min
urements with simultaneously high factor and not raised until the first 2nd segment:500-700 °C with
resolution. derivative is lower than the lower MaxRes
A prerequisite is a TGA850 or TGA/ threshold. 3rd segment: 700-1000 °C with
SDTA851e module (requires module The resulting temperature program is 50 K/min
SW V4.0). consequently composed of indi- Common to all these methods (con-
Based on the change in the weight or vidual dynamic segments. A second tinuous change in the heating rate or
SDTA signal, the heating rate is au- sample can thus be measured with abrupt change in the heating rate) is
tomatically lowered or raised. This exactly the same temperature pro- that usually a screening measure-
increases the resolution of the meas- gram for comparison purposes, ment must first be performed to de-
urement as effects which lie close to which would not be possible with a termine realistic parameters.
each other no longer overlap at a low continuous matching of the heating Figure 3 shows that with the MaxRes
heating rate. rate to the 1st derivative. You can method the required measuring time
This overlapping can readily be seen thus optimize a MaxRes method and for a complete step separation is
on the 1st derivative when this does then use it as a routine method. halfed. The small graph represents
not return to the baseline between A further advantage is that you can the MaxRes experiment (= variable
two peaks. now combine normal dynamic seg- heating rate) relative to the tempera-
You would naturally obtain identical ments with MaxRes segments. ture. As you can see the heating is
results if you were to run the entire Let us assume that you are primarily automatically very slow when
measurement with a very low heat- interested in the temperature range changes in weight occur.
ing rate, but then the time needed for
measurement would be many times
Parallel reactions as well as consecu-
tive reactions in which the activation
energy of the second reaction is
much larger that that of the first can
not be separated simply by lowering
the heating rate at will.
As input possibilities, you have the
following parameters available:
• minimum heating rate
• maximum heating rate
• high threshold (derivative of the
• low threshold (derivative of the
• timeout
• factor Figure 3: Decomposition of Coppersulfate Pentahydrate with loss of water of
• filter crystallization in 3 steps.

4 USER COM December 96

The new TGA module TGA/SDTA851e
At the end of this year we introduce
the TGA/SDTA851e module as the
successor to the TGA850 module. It
offers a broader temperature range as
well as different balance types and
selectable furnace capacity. It is also
a modular system which can be
matched to your requirements.

The module has three basic ver-

• TGA/SDTA851e small furnace up
to 1100 °C (corresponds to the
present TGA850)
• TGA/SDTA851e large furnace up
to 1100 °C
• TGA/SDTA851e large furnace up
to 1600 °C.
All 3 types provide the SDTA signal Figure 4: TGA/SDTA851e
as standard in order to measure si-
multaneous physical transformations When selecting the balance, please Universal gripper
of the sample without mass changes note that the weight of a 900 µl When equipped with the new univer-
(e.g. melting process). alumina crucible is more than 1 g. sal gripper, even different crucibles
However, the SDTA signal also al- The automatic internal calibration is with different diameters can be
lows an extremely accurate tempera- common to all balances. During measured in a series. The accessory
ture calibration with the aid of the pauses in measurements, calibration for piercing hermetically closed cru-
melting point of pure metals. weights are loaded in a motorized cibles can of course also be installed.
Conversion from one basic version to operation and the balance is cali-
another is also possible at a later date. brated to take the latest circum- With the new TGA/SDTA851e you
stances into account (eliminates elec- are thus in the position to measure
Option Furnace tronic drifts, but also ambient influ- very small and very large samples
The small furnace has been ences such as changes in the pres- automatically in a temperature range
optimized so that the temperature sure, temperature and humidity). from room temperature up to
distribution is as homogenous as The TGA/SDTA851e can also be ex- 1600 °C. You always have the full
possible. The maximum sample vol- panded with the sample robot, the resolution available over the entire
ume is restricted to 100 µl. TSO801RO. weighing range.
On the other hand, the large furnace
allows a maximum sample volume Features of the TGA/SDTA851e module at a glance:
of 900 µl, which is particularly desir-
able with inhomogenous samples. • Large measurement range 1/5/ 5 g (depending on balance type)
• High resolution 0.1/1 µg (depending on balance type)
Option Link • Maximum sample volume 100/900 µl (depending on furnace type)
For both types of furnace, a link for • Definable atmosphere gas-tight measuring cell
MS/FTIR or GC is available. • Large temperature range RT ... 1100/1600 °C depending on fur-
nace type)
Option Balance • High temperature accuracy ± 0.25 °C/±0.5 °C (up to 1100 °C)
A new feature is that you can select • SDTA resolution 0.005 °C
between 3 balance types: • Modular construction open for the future
• MT1: max. 1 g with 1 µg resolution • Automatable sample robot with 34 samples
• MT5: max. 5 g with 1 µg resolution • Additional options gas controller, MS/FTIR/GC link,
• UMT5 max. 5 g with 0.1 µg resolu- switched line socket
tion • Cooling cryostat cooling
USER COM December 96 5
Determination of the eutectic composition
of the system
Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate/ p-hydroxybenzoic acid
Prof. Dr. P. C. Schmidt Experimental conditions straight lines obtained (Figure 9)
University Tübingen Instrument: DSC820 with TSW870 whose intersection point character-
izes the composition of the eutectic,
Experimental aim Sample preparation but also the integration of the first
p-hydroxybenzoates are used as pre- The samples were measured in peak is easily possible with all mix-
serving agents and contain minor closed standard aluminum crucibles. tures. On the other hand, the end of
amounts of free 4-hydroxybenzoic Initial sample weight: 2 to 4 mg. To melting of the mixtures with mix-
acid as an impurity resulting from assure good contact with the crucible tures whose composition lies near
the synthesis with which they form a base, the samples were pressed down the eutectic can be determined only
eutectic mixture. The example of the with a punch. with difficulty and with no great ac-
system methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate/ curacy.
p-hydroxybenzoic acid will be used Measurement method The following eutectic composition
as an example to determine the com- Temperature program 1: 50 to results from Figure 9 (determined by
position of the eutectic. 250 °C at 10 K/min linear regression):
Temperature program 2: 115 to p-hydroxybenzoic acid: 14.16 mol%
Sample 135 °C at 1 K/min Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate: 85.84
1. Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate Purge gas: Nitrogen mol%.
DAB 10 The evaluation of the measured
(methyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic Interpretation curves shows the following onset
acid, methyl paraben) All diagrams (Figure 5 through 8) temperatures:
Empirical formula: C8H8O3 show sharp melting peaks of the pure Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 125.4 °C
CAS No.: 99-76-3 substances and also sharp peaks of p-hydroxybenzoic acid 214.4 °C
Molar mass: M: 152.14 the eutectic with the mixtures above Eutectic 117.4 °C
Description: white, crystalline, 10 mol% p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
hygroscopic powder, virtually Asymmetrical peaks which, how- Conclusions
odorless and tasteless ever, can still be evaluated are found The evaluation of the mass-related
only with 2 and 5 mol% heat of fusion of the eutectic peak al-
2. p-hydroxybenzoic acid p-hydroxybenzoic acid as impurity. lows an exact determination of the
(4-hydroxybenzoic acid, paraben) eutectic composition of a pair of sub-
Empirical formula: C7H6O3 Evaluation stances.
CAS No.: 69-72-7 The evaluation can be performed fol-
Molar mass: M: 138.12 lowing Burger (Burger 1982) either References
Description: colorless crystals via the isobaric phase diagram or via Burger, A. ”DTA und DSC: Grund-
the mass-related heat of fusion of the lagen, Methodik und Anwendung”
3. Mixtures eutectic peak. In the first case, the Pharm. unserer Zeit 11, 177-189
Homogeneous mixtures containing end of melting of the mixture is (1982)
2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 75 mol% plotted against its composition, in Hasler, C. and Büchi, J. ”Untersu-
p-hydroxybenzoic acid in the second case the heat of fusion chungen über Bezugssubstanzen zur
methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate were pre- per mass unit of the first peak. The Bestimmung von Schmelztempera-
pared by grinding in an agate mortar. second method proved the better one turen nach Ph.Helv. VI u. Ph.Eur.I”
These mixtures as well as the start- in the present case as not only are Pharm.Acta Helv. 48, 639 (1973)
ing substances are the investigation

6 USER COM December 96

Figure 5: p-hydroxybenzoic acid, methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate Figure 6: p-hydroxybenzoic acid, methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate
and mixtures with 2, 5 and 10 mol% p-hydroxybenzoic acid in and mixtures with 25, 50 and 75mol% p-hydroxybenzoic acid
methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate at l0 K/min. in methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate at l0 K/min.

Figure 7: Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate and mixtures with 2, 5 Figure 8: Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate and mixtures with 25, 50
and 10 mol% p-hydroxybenzoic acid in methyl-4-hydroxy- and 75 mol% p-hydroxybenzoic acid in methyl-4-hydroxy-
benzoate at 1 K/min. benzoate at 1 K/min.

Eutectic Heat of Fusion (J/g)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Amount p-Hydroxybenzoic acid (Mol%)

Figure 9: The eutectic heat of fusion of the system methyl-4-hydroxy benzoate with p-hydroxy benzoic acid.

USER COM December 96 7

Glass transition temperature of elastomers
Experimental aim

The temperature of the glass transition (Tg) is suitable for the characterization, identification and quality monitoring
of elastomers.

– Designations: ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers;
ButylButyl rubber, copolymer of 95 to 98% isobutylene and 2 to 5% isoprene, often also
called IIR;
EPDM Copolymer of ethylene (usually 50 mass%), propylene, dienes, often also called
EPDM rubber;
NR Natural rubber: cis-1,4-polyisoprene;
IR synthetic rubber: synthetic trans-1,4-polyisoprene;
NBR Nitrile rubber, copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile;
SBR Styrene-butadiene rubber, copolymer of butadiene and styrene (usually 75:25).

– Constitution: Compact tests specimens or pellets

– Properties: Elastomers are designated as loosely crosslinked macromolecular substances (frequently also
called rubber).
The starting materials are rubbers to which are added crosslinking chemicals and, depending
on the desired material properties, other additives (mineral fillers etc.). The elastomer is
formed by crosslinking (vulcanization).
Elastomers can stretched by at least double their original length by the effect of a weak force
at room temperature (or higher temperatures) and return quickly to their original shape (rub-
ber-elastic behavior) on removal of the force. Elastomers are not viscoelastic.

– Use: On account of the above-mentioned properties, elastomers have a wide range of uses with
their application profile being finally determined by their specific properties.

Examples (with no claim to completeness):

ABS Automobile components, household apparatus, toys, office machines, telephones,

leisure articles:
Butyl Seals, air and heating tubes, inner liners in tyre construction;
EPDM Construction and cable industry, vehicle manufacture;
NR and synthetic rubber (synthetic polyisoprene): Truck tyres, thin-walled articles (surgi-
cal gloves, belts, conveyor belts, rain apparel, sponges, balls;
NBR Oil- and benzene-resistant types, as seals, tubing, roller coatings, swell-resistant
molded parts;
SBR Hardener for floor coverings, shoe soles.

Experimental conditions
Measurement system: DSC30 with TC15 and TA station, cooling option
Sample preparation: Piece cut from strips or a pellet (ABS) was weighed into the standard aluminum crucible
(40 µl) and sealed.
Temperature program: After free, i.e. uncontrolled cooling: heating from -110°C to +30°C: Heating rate: 10 K/min.
Purge gas: Nitrogen 50 ml/min

8 USER COM December 96

All investigated elastomers show
more or less very pronounced glass
transitions. These always include an
increase in the specific heat capacity,
i.e. an endothermic displacement of
the experimental curve.
With one exception (butyl rubber),
no enthalpy relaxation can be ob-
served, i.e. the glass transition can be
evaluated by the „half-step rule“: the
glass transition temperature Tg is at
position cp/2. On appearance of a so-
called enthalpy relaxation (Figure 11
- butyl rubber), the glass transition is
evaluated by Richardson’s method.
With several samples (EPDM, NR,
Figure 10: DSC heating curves of NBR, SBR, EPDM and butyl rubber with the synthetic polyisoprene - Figure 10
evaluation of the recorded glass transitions. and 12), a minor exothermic effect
appears above the glass transition: a
cold crystallization. In the case of
natural rubber (NR), the crystallites
formed already melt again at around
-10°C, as can clearly be seen. For
EPDM. this effect of the cold crys-
tallization has also been evaluated
quantitatively by integration (Figure

The glass transition temperature is
an important application quantity: it
shows the upper temperature limit of
the material under investigation for
its use in the desired rubber-like
manner. Below the glass transition
Figure 11: DSC heating curves of butyl rubber (scale of ordinate sensitivity shown temperature, it becomes hard-elastic,
enlarged) and ABS with the evaluation of the recorded glass transitions. i.e. also brittle. The glass transition
temperature is thus an application
limit at lower temperatures.
Compared with the starting material,
crosslining does not change this
glass transition temperature or at
least by only a little. However,
crosslinking does alter the contribu-
tion of the change in the specific
heat capacity. This expresses the in-
tensity of the intramolecular motion,
which decreases as a consequence of
the crosslinking. In this respect, both
specifications are of great impor-
tance for the assessment of
elastomers for their intended use.

Figure 12: DSC heating curves for NR (cis 1,4-polyisoprene) and synthetic rubber
(trans 1,4-polyisoprene) with the evaluation of the recorded glass transitions.

USER COM December 96 9

The following values are determinded from the results of DSC meaurement:

Sample Tg ∆cp
[˚C] [J/g K]

ABS - 86 0,09
Butylrubber - 65 0,21
acc.Richardson: - 66
EPDM - 55 0,29
NR - 68
IR - 67
NBR - 22 0,17
SBR - 49 0,27


The glass transition temperature of elastomers is very important for the use since parts made of the respective rub-
ber loose the rubber elasticity when cooled to this temperature. Tg routinely ist determined by DSC easily.


Low Temperature DSC and TMA of Polybutadiene, TA Application Nr. 3107 (METTLER TOLEDO)

M. J. Richardson: Compr. Polymer Science, Vol. 1: Polymer Characterization Pergamon Press, Kidlington, Oxford

10 USER COM December 96

PEI, Glass Transition by ADSC
Sample Polyetherimide, PEI, Ultem 1000, injection molded part

Conditions DSC Cell: DSC821 with sample changer and cryostat cooling
Pan: Al standard 40 µl
Sample preparation: 17.546 mg cut with knife in such a way that the bottom is flat
DSC Measurement: Heating from 200 to 229 °C at a mean rate of 1 K/min. Amplitude of si-
nusoidal oscillation 1 K, period 1 min

Atmosphere: Nitrogen, 50 ml/min.

Interpretation At the top there is the measured sinusoidal ADSC curve. Underneath follow the calculated
curves: The „non reversing“ curve shows the peak of the enthalpy relaxation. The next curve
is the „reversing“ signal (specific heat capacity). The last is the phase shift.

Evaluation The ADSC curves are evaluated by an algorithm based on the fast Fourier transform. In addi-
tion to the shown curves the in phase and the off phase components of the specific heat ca-
pacity are available.
Each calculated curve can be evaluated, e.g. the non reversing peak is integrated to get the
enthalpy change. On the cp-temperature function the glass transition is evaluated and cp
shown in tabular form:
T 210 215 220 225 °C
cp 1.49 1.49 1.62 1.66 Jg-1K-1

Conclusion As the example shows, ADSC resolves reversing and non reversing effects that can be very
helpful with overlapping reactions. In general cp - changes belong to the reversing effects,
e.g. at the glass transition. Non reversing effects are the enthalpy relaxation, the cold crystal-
lization and all kind of chemical reactions.

USER COM December 96 11

12th Ulm-Freiberger Calorimetry Meeting March 19 - 21, ’97 Feiberg/Sachsen, Germany
TAC97 April 14 - 15, ’97 University of Oxford
Thermal Analysis of Advanced Materials II United Kingdom
ICTAC 2000 August 14 - 18, ’97 Copenhagen, Denmark

TA customer courses and seminars (CH)

Customer Seminar in Thermal Analysis April 28 - 30, ’97 Greifensee, Switzerland
Kundenseminar in Thermischer Analyse May 13 - 15, ’97 Greifensee, Switzerland
Cours clients d’analyse thermique May 20 -22, ’97 Greifensee, Switzerland
Kundenseminar in Thermischer Analyse November 4 - 6, ’97 Greifensee, Switzerland
Customer Seminar in Thermal Analysis November 25 - 27, ’97 Greifensee, Switzerland

TA information days and training courses (UK)

Please contact your local instrument specialist or R. Bottom
Phone 0116 235 70 70 or fax 0116 236 55 00

TA information days and training courses (USA)

Please contact your local instrument specialist or R. Truttmann
Phone 1 800 METTLER (63 88 537) 88 21 or fax 1 609 448 47 77

If you have any questions concerning other meetings, the products or applications, please contact your local

Internet: http://www.mt.com

Editorial office
Mettler-Toledo AG, Analytical
Sonnenbergstrasse 74
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland
Phone ++41 1 806 73 87
Fax. ++41 1 806 72 60
E-Mail: joerimann@ana-ta.mt.com

Prof. Dr. P. C. Schmidt, Th. Nitschke, Dr. J. deBuhr, Dr. R. Riesen, G. Widmann, U. Jörimann,
Layout and production:
Promotion & Documentation Schwerzenbach, W. Hanselmann

ME – 51 709 627

12 USER COM December 96

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