Module Lesson 7
Module Lesson 7
Module Lesson 7
(PHYS 20034)
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
After successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Analyze the oscillatory motion of a variety of systems;
• Analyze the motion of a mass on a spring and the motion of a simple pendulum;
• Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves;
• Describe mathematically a sinusoidal wave and know the relationships between
wavelength, frequency, and speed; and
• Describe a standing wave
Lesson 2: Mechanical Waves
Course Materials
A mechanical wave is caused by a disturbance in a medium. All mechanical waves require
(1) some source of disturbance, (2) a medium containing element that can be disturbed, and (3)
some physical mechanism through which elements of the medium can influence each other.
There are transverse, longitudinal, combined transverse longitudinal waves. The segments
of the string (the medium) move in the direction perpendicular to the string as the pulses propagate
up and down the string. Waves such as these, in which the disturbance is perpendicular to the
direction of propagation, are called transverse wave. Waves in which the disturbance is parallel to
the direction of propagation are called longitudinal
An object undergoing SHM can cause the disturbance and the medium can be a string,
cord, or rope under tension. A single bump (called a pulse) is formed and travels along the string
with a definite speed. Variable “v” is the speed of propagation of the wave. The function y = f(x -
v t) is called a wave function. For waves on a string, the wave function represents the transverse
displacement of the string. For sound waves in air, the wave function can be the longitudinal
displacement of the air molecules, or the pressure of the air. These wave functions are solutions of
a differential equation called the wave equation, which can be derived from Newton 's laws.
A point in the figure at which the displacement of the element from its normal position is
highest is called the crest of the wave.
The lowest point is called the trough.
Wavelength (λ)
The distance from one crest to the next is called the wavelength λ. The wavelength is the
minimum distance between any two identical points on adjacent waves.
Period (T)
The number of seconds between the arrivals of two adjacent crests at a given point in space.
The period is the time interval required for two identical points of adjacent waves to pass by a
Frequency (f)
It is the inverse of the period. The frequency of a periodic wave is the number of crests (or
troughs, or any other point on the wave) that pass a given point in a unit time interval. The unit for
frequency is hertz or Hz.
Amplitude (A)
The maximum position of an element of the medium relative to its equilibrium position is
called the amplitude.
A general property of waves is that their speed relative to the medium depends on the
properties of the medium but is independent of the motion of the source of the waves. For wave
pulses on a rope, we can easily demonstrate that the greater the tension, the faster the propagation
of the waves. Furthermore, waves propagate faster in a light rope than in a heavy rope under the
same tension. If FT is the tension (we use FT for tension because we use T for the period) and μ is
the linear mass density (mass per unit length), then the wave speed is
The wave advances one wavelength during one period T. Speed propagation or velocity of
the wave is the product of the wavelength and frequency.
Mathematical description of a wave
Reading Materials:
• Mechanical Waves and Sound – College Physics by Young, Adams and Chastain
• Chapter 15 – Travelling Waves, Physics For Scientists and Engineers by P. Tipler
and G. Mosca
• Chapter 16 – Wave Motion, Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics by Serway and Jewett
1. Differentiate transverse waves to longitudinal wave. Give 3 examples for each wave.
2. Why is a pulse on a string considered to be transverse?
3. How would you create a longitudinal wave in a stretched spring? Would it be possible to
create a transverse wave in a spring?
4. A wave on a rope is shown on the right at some time t. What is the wavelength of this
wave? If the frequency is 4 Hz, what is the wave speed?
5. Suppose that a water wave coming into a dock has a speed of 1.5 m/s and a wavelength of
2 m. With what frequency does the wave hit the dock?
6. One end of a string is fixed. It has over a pulley and has a block of mass 2.0 kg attached to
the other end. The horizontal part has a length of 1.6 m and a mass of 20 g. What is the
speed of a transverse pulse on the string?