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Icom IC-GM1500 2-Way VHF Radio
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Icom IC-GM1500 2-way VHF Radio
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1@) ICOM SERVICE MANUAL SURVIVAL CRAFT 2-WAY RADIO I1C—GM1500 IC—GM1500E Icom Inc.INTRODUCTION This service manual describes the latest information for the 1C-GM100 and IC-GM1500E SURVIVAL CRAFT 2-WAY RADIO at the time of publication. MODEL VERSION NUMBER | VERSION ISGMT500 #01, #02 USA IC-GM1500E eee) Ls 4 #06, #07 EUR To upgrade quality, any electrical or mechanical parts and internal circuits are subject to change without notice or obligation. DANGER NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet or to a DC power supply that uses more than 9 V. This will ruin the transceiver. DO NOT expose the transceiver to rain, snow or any liquids, DO NOT reverse the polarities of the power supply when connecting the transceiver. DO NOT apply an AF signal of more than 20 dBm (100 mW) to the antenna connector. This could damage the transceiver's front end. ORDERING PARTS. Be sure fo include the following four points when ordering replacement parts: 1. 10-digit order numbers 2. Component part number and name 3. Equipment model name and unit name 4. Quantity required
Less than 0.3 lV ‘* Adjacent channel selectivity More than 70 dB. ‘* Intermodulation rejection More than 68 dB ‘Spurious rejection More than 70 dB ‘Spurious emissions Less than 2 nW ‘© Audio output power 500 mW at 10% distortion with 8 Q load ‘* FM noise and hum More than 40 dB ‘* Audio frequency response +1.dB to ~3 dB of +6 dB/octave with 300 Hz to 3000 Hz modulation ECHANNEL LIST (varies according to version) Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency umber (M2) umber (M2) number (M2) 08 158 300 13 756.650 er 156.375 08 156.400 14 156.700 cy 156.425 09 156.450 15" 756.750 69 156.475 10 156.500, 16 156.800 7 156.575 7 156.550 17 156.850 72 156.625 2 156.600 ~ 73 756.675 7 156.725 7 156.875 “Low power only All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.SECTION 2 INSIDE VIEWS © MAIN unit VR unit SENSOR unit PTT unit, MIC board 2nd LO crystal RFA and AFB boards. (2: CR214) 2nd IF filter (Fit: CFWMA55E) Discriminator (ct: CDBM455C7) DETA board PLL VCO board Power module (3: 80-1106) * LOGIC unit GPU system clock (C1: MA-416) cpu: ((C1: HD404818026H) Initial matrix EEPROM (W05: x24c04s8.2.7) Battery voltage detector (07: TA75SO1F)SECTION 3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIO! 3-1 RECEIVER CIRCUITS 341-1 ANTENNA SWITCHING CIRCUIT (MAIN UNIT) The antenna switching circuit functions as a low-pass filter while receiving and a resonator circuit while trans- mitting, The circuit does not allow transmit signals to enter receiver circuits Received signals enter the antenna connector and then pass through the low-pass filter (L4, L5, C1—C6). The filtered signals are passed through the A/4 type antenna switching circuit (D4, L1, L2, C7—C9) and are then applied to the RFA board, |-2 RF AND 1ST MIXER CIRCUITS (RFA/RFB BOARDS AND MAIN UNIT) The 1st mixer circuit converts the received signal to a fixed frequency of the 1st IF signal with a PLL output frequency. By changing the PLL frequency, only the desired frequency will be passed through a pair of crystal filters at the next stage of the 1st mixer. The signals from the antenna switching circuit are passed through the tunable bandpass filter (L1, L2, D1, D2) and amplified at the RF amplifier (Q1). The amplified signals are again passed through the tunable bandpass filter (L3, L4, D3, D4) and applied to the MAIN unit. The signals are then mixed at the double balanced mixer (Q12a, 12b) with a 1st LO signal coming from the PLL circuit to produce a 30.875 MHz 1st IF signal. The 1st IF signal is passed through a pair of crystal filters (FI1) and is then applied to the DETA board, 3-1-3 2ND IF AND DEMODULATOR CIRCUITS (DETA BOARD) The 2nd mixer circuit converts the ist IF signal to a 2nd IF signal. A double superheterodyne system (which converts receive signal twice) improves the image rejec- tion ratio and obtains stable receiver gain. The 1st IF signal from the MAIN unit is amplified at Qt and applied to a 2nd mixer section of IC1 (pin 20). The signal is then mixed with a 2nd LO signal tor conversion to a 455 kHz 2nd IF signal IC1 contains the 2nd mixer, local oscillator, limiter amplifier, quadrature detector and active filter. The local oscillator section generates 30.42 MHz using X2. The 2nd IF signal trom the 2nd mixer (IC1, pin 4) passes through a pair of ceramic filter (FI1) to remove unwanted heterodyned frequencies. It is then amplified at the limiter amplifier (1C1, pin 6) and applied to the quadrature detector (IC1, pins 9, 10 and X1) to demodulate the 2nd IF signal into AF signals. The AF signals (detector signals) are output from pin 11 and applied to the MAIN unit via the “DETO” line. FM DETECTOR AND SQUELCH CIRCUITS (455 kez) (90.42 MHz) Sane rin "2 at ier Active filter nice Ts 7a His [16 $0 toAF amp. FARSI the MAIN unit 2, L. 3-1-4 AF CIRCUIT (AF BOARD) AF signals from the DETA board are amplified at the active filters (Q4 HPF; Q5 LPF) and passed through the AF mute switch (Q6) and the [VOL] control (VR unit). The mute switch (Q6) cuts the audio line when the squelch closes. The passed signals (via “AF2") are amplified at the AF power amplifier (ICta/b) to a level needed to drive the speaker, For power conservation, the power supply circuit (Q1, 02, Q3, D1) does not supply Vcc voltage to the AF power amplifier (IC) when the squelch closes.3-1-5 SQUELCH CIRCUIT (DETA and AF BOARDS) A squelch circuit cuts out AF signals when no RF signal is received. By detecting noise components in the AF signals, the squelch circuit switches the AF mute switch in the AF board. A portion of the AF signals from the FM IF IC (IC1, pin 11) are applied to the active filter (IC1, pin 13) where noise components above 20 kHz are amplified and output from pin 14, The [SQL] control is connected in parallel to the active filter input (pin 13) to control the input noise level The output signals are rectified at the noise detector (D1) and then applied to the trigger circuit (pin 15). The trigger circuit converts the rectified signals to a HIGH or LOW signal and applies this to the CPU (LOGIC unit (C1, pin 27) as the "SQBUSY” signal. When the CPU receives HIGH, the CPU outputs the “RMUT” signal via the 1/0 expander IC (LOGIC unit IC4, pin 13) to cut the AF signals, The “RMUT” signal is applied to the AF board and switches the AF mute switch (6). At the same time, the “AFON” signal disappeats to deactivate the power supply circuit of the AF amplifier (@1—Q3). However, it activates while emitting beeps. 3-2 TRANSMITTER CIRCUITS 3-21 MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER (MIC BOARD) The microphone amplifier circuit amplifies audio signals with +6 dB/octave pre-emphasis characteristics from the microphone to a level needed for the modulation circuit ‘The AF signals from the microphone are amplified at the limiter amplifier (MIC board IC1b) which has a negative feedback circult for +6 dB/octave pre-emphasis. The signals are amplified at the buffer amplifier (IC2), RF ‘components are then filtered out at the splatter filter ((C1a) and applied to the PLL VCO board as the "MOD" signal 3-2-2 MODULATION CIRCUIT (PLL VCO BOARD) The modulation circuit modulates the VCO oscillating signal (RF signal) using the microphone audio signals. The audio signals (MOD) change the reactance of D3 on the PLL VCO board to modulate the oscillated signal at the transmitter VCO (Q7). The oscillated signal is amplified at the buffer amplifier (Q8, Q10), then applied to the drive amplifiers on the MAIN unit 3-2-3 DRIVE/POWER AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS (MAIN UNIT) The signal from the PLL VCO board is passed through the transmit/receive switching circuit (05) and amplified by the pre-driver (Q1), driver (Q3), and the power module (IC3) in sequence to obtain 2W of RF power. The amplified signal is passed through the APC detector circuit (L8, D2), antenna switching circuit (D1), and fow- pass filter (L4, L5, C1—C5) and is then applied to the antenna connector. The bias current of the pre-drive and drive amplifiers (Q1, 03) is controlled by the APC circuit to stabilize the ‘output power. 3-2-4 APC CIRCUIT (MAIN UNIT) The APC circuit provides stable output power even when the input voltage or temperature changes; and selects high of low output power. The APC detector circuit (18, D2) detects the output power level, The detected voltage increases according to the output power level. The detected voltage is applied to one of the differential amplifier inputs (Q15b) and a power setting voltage is applied to the other input (15a). When the output power is increased, the detected voltage exceeds the APC output current (Q13 collector) via Q14 to decrease the output power. APC CIRCUIT To antenna control voltage Current E controller3-3 PLL CIRCUIT (PLL VCO BOARD) APLL circuit provides stable oscillation of the transmitter frequency and the receive frequency. The PLL output frequency is controlled by the divided ratio (N-data) of the programmable divider. The IC-GM1600's PLL circuit contains a separate receiver VCO (Q6, D1) and transmitter VCO (Q7, D2). The oscillated signal is amplified at the buffer amplifier (08, Q9) and then applied to the PLL IC (IC1, pin 8) The PLL IC (IC1) contains 2 prescaler, two programmable dividers, and a phase detector, etc. The entered signal is, divided at the prescaler and programmable counter sections by the N-data ratio from the CPU. The divided signals are detected on phase at the phase detector using the reference frequency. PLL CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM IF the oscillated signal drifts, the phase of its frequency changes from the reference frequency, causing a lock voltage change to compensate for the drift in the oscillated frequency. One of VCO signals is amplified at the butter amplifiers {Q8, Q10) and is then applied to the receive 1st mixer or transmit driver circuit. The lock voltage is also used for the receiver tunable bandpass filter to match the filter's center frequency to the desired receive frequency. The lock voltage is, amplitied at the butter amplifier (MAIN unit Q5) and then applied to the RFA board tL etet Receiver VCO (Loy Dy a8 aro > Sule @ Trae nan ot.08 controler | | oop iter $+~[uter, jcnargepump[ >], f=} tevrmer Fe “Oop bu rw, Bate Tenener C0 rele Pras dvecr Leena — bp — + Felerence oscar j x Programmabie| ee ' eee a Shit ogsota ach Baa © Ea3-4 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS 3-5-2 CPU (LOGIC UNIT IC1) VOLTAGE LINES (MAIN UNIT) Pin | PORT DESCRIPTION NO._| NAME ine DESCRIETION 1 | €xSTB | Outputs strobe signal to te TO expander IC 064) TV __| The voltage from the attached ballery pack = ale EPSDA_| Used for the memory backup EPROM VGC | The same voltage as the H.V line (battery voltage) Epsci | (cs). which is controlled by the power switch ((OFF/VOL) contro, HIL CONT] Outputs a transmit highviow switching $5_| Common & V converted from the VOC ine bythe S978 ow power 5 V regulator circuit (Q10, Q11) using the } power relerence regulator (C4) © | tAWPO | Outputs a dspiay backight signal +58 | Common 5 V controlled by the power saver NIGH" for backlight ON. function. The "+58" regulator cireuit (6, 7%) 7 [IL KEY | Input pon forthe (HI/LOW] saitch produces § V trom the VOC voltage using the power aT ane $ave controled signal from the 1/0 expander IC (LOGIC unt iC. @_[_ENCE_| Input ports forthe channel selector. FSS [5 Vor receiver croult controled by the power io | eNCA ‘saver function and the T/A switching signal, 15~18 | KSO—KS3 | Output ports for the initial matrix and ‘SEND frm the 1/0 expander IC (LOGIC unt C4) oy mati bent Sealoamatar cones 61 C8 ad O75 19-22 | KIO—KI3 | Input ports tor the initial matrix and key T35__| 8 Vor transmier circuit controled by the "TMUTE matin signal from the I/O expander (LOGIC unit IC4). a ey 23 | UNLK | input por for the unlock signal from the ne Put cirout 27 | SOBUSY | input pon for the noise squelch signal from the FM IF IC (OETA board IC1) "HIGH" when the squelch closes. 3-5 PORT ALLOCATIONS 28 | BEEP | Outputs beep tone signals 28 | INTO | Input pon forthe interrupt sional LOW" for CPU standby. 3-5-1 EXPANDER IC (LOGIC UNIT IC4) “HIGH" for CPU eperation. aoe | SEG PIN] PORT ‘Output the LCD eve signal Fo eee DESCRIPTION seGz6 + | STB | input por fora sirabe signal rom the 68 [COMI | Output a commen signal fr the LOD CPU. 64 come | display 2] DATA | Input port for data sgnal from the 74_ [sei ca Terminals for CPU clock 75_| _osce u nc cme 76__| RESET | Input port for the CPU reset signal 20] PLSTE | Outputs a strobe signal tothe PLL IC & | PSC | Outputs @ power save conirl signal to ee Senta {PLL VCO board 1c). 7] GPE | Outputs « charge pump contr signal to the PLL VCO board, 17 [SEND | Outputs a transmitireceive switching signal “HIGH” when transmitting 12 | TMUTE | Outputs a transmit mute signal LOW" to mute the transmit power. 18 | RMUTE | Outputs a receive mute signal “HIGH” to mute the receive audio. 14 | AFON | Outputs an AF power amp control signa 'HIGH” to activate the AF amp.SECTION 4 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 4-1 PLL AND TRANSMITTER ADJUSTMENTS cpr bork voltage, the antenna connector and set as: the attenuator. } a. oo pero || aren ‘R20 FM deviation check point ° ‘AUDIO GENERATOR ‘300-3000 Hz 1-500 mV. Following connector and pins are available POWER SUPPLY Hor connection convenience: 16510009670 Connector EHR.07 16510006750 Pin ‘SEH-00017-PO.6 44 PLL VCO BOARD L2.5 x1 PLL lock voltage PLL reference frequt @J-R29 Output power adjustment GND| adjustment adjustment 8.0 VIA A4-2 RECEIVER ADJUSTMENT MEASUREMENT ‘ADJUSTMENT aowustwent | ADJUSTMENT coNDITIONS vawue uwit | Locarion unit | aosust sensi | 1 | Operating chara 16 OETA [oomect tne [Moxmumiewr | AFB | Adan [ebnec he 880 the atom seutoscone 1 OP I eence cones ond et Tr, Frecvoney 1880 Me ot teva Swe 297 am) Devaion : 238 is | : | Modulation: 1 kHz | wan | ts Pree cote of ts wth the ft Surface oho on FRB: L123, th Foveving “This ups evel of he standard Srl gonertor 56) ndoaed ao S8G'S open rou STANDARD SIGNAL GENERATOR "0 ro He 127 to —17 dBm (0.1 pV to 32 mV) to the antenna connector DETA board wc board L6- sonstvty | 14 aueiment | Lt L3. +—CP1 Lt ‘Sensitivity check pont POWER SUPPLY BOVIGA Remove the speaker from J4 while sensitivity check. (for sensitivity check) | 6510003670 Connector 6510006750 Pin 8.0 speaker EHRO? SEH-0001T-P0.6 Following connector and pins are available DISTORTION METER | for connection convenience:SECTION 5 PARTS LIST [Loaic UNIT] [Logic unm} REF] ORDER Ter] ORDER call Moros DESCRIPTION ea has DESCRIPTION ter frraooosii0 | sue Nososere020H 02 |rosooostao |SRESISTOR ERISGEY) 222 (22 ko) ica |riaooosseo | sic TosstiF CE85R) ies |risoo00e%0 | sic RHSVAKCATI ta |rrao00rz00 | suc susoeeBcr-Th cr |eosoocee4 |s.cenamic —crso8 st 1 1801-74 tes frtaoooaero | suc xeacoase-27 2 faosooose4o |S.cERAMIC C1608 SL 1H 1001-7-A ies |nsoeosei0. | sic ToAsUeoF (TESSR) 3 |asscoocr70 | StaNTALUM —TESVC oj 2M-12L ter [rrto00ers0 | Suc TATSSOVF(TEBSA) 4 |4escooese0 | S.ceRAMIC —CHe08 JB 1H TOEKTA ce |aoaeoosss0 |s.cenawic —c1e08 JF 16 Y04z-T-A 7 Jaosoooses0 |s.ceRAmic — Cre08 JF 1C 04Z-T-A cor | rsc000080 | TRANSISTOR ANH4O4 (TEBSR) cs |aosoooseso |S.ceRAMIC — Cte0d JB IHATIK-TA 2 | tss000z000 | S.TRANSISTOR zSc4D61 T107 A co faosoooseeo |S.ceRamic C1608 JB 1H 02K-TA (03 | 1sc0c00%20 | STRANSISTOR ANI404 (TEBSR) cio |oacooeseo | s.cenamic —creos JB 1H t02K TA co¢ —frseccotoen | S-tRaNSISTOR DTANISZU TIo7 cit |aosoooses0 |S.CERAMIC C608 JF IC Y04z-T-A 105 | ss0c00420 | STRANSISTOR ANM408(TEBSR) ciz|oscoosaso | s.cenamic Creve JB 1HATIKTA 106 | se0cocsao | S.TRANSISTOR ANI4O8(TEBSA cia |osooosaso | s.cenawic Crane ve 1Ha7IKT-A cis |aosoooeseo |s.ceRaMic C1608 JB 1H Y02K-TA cis |aosoooses0 |s.ceRaMic —cie08 JF 1c 104z-T-A 1 |rrsocc02e2 | soi00e ——_sssasz crPHa) cir |eosoooses0 |S.cERAMIc C1800 JF 1 104z-7-A 2 |rsoconz80 | sDIODE 188352 (TPHS) core faascooeese |S.cCERAMIC —Cieos iF 16 1042.T-A 3 | rsccoczeo |S0IODe 185352 (TPH) cio |osoooeseo | s.cenawic cteoe JB 1H to2K.T-A Ds |r7sc000280 | Dione ——ssase (TPHa) cz |osooosaso | s.cenawic cteoe JB 1H 102K TA ps |r7so000z8 | s.DioDe 155352 (TPHS) cai assooogo40 |S TANTALUM —TEMSVB2 oJ YoettoL Ds | eooo00so | $0100 © DaP202UTIO7 Eu) 622 faasto0es60 |S.CERAMIC —Ci608.18 1H 102KT-A 1750000220 | S.DIODE ———DATISW'TIO7 {Gen} 23 |oscocess0 | s.ceRAMIC Cleon JF 1C 104z-T-A 1750000200 |SDIODE DAN? TIO”. (UK ca [aaseooeeso |SCERAMIC —Cleos.JF1C 04z TA or —|vsoccoze0 |S.0I0De © DANSWTiO7 225 |aoscooses0 | s.ceRawic Cte08 JF 1 1042-T-A {Eu UK (Gen) cae [4esto0e0e0 |S.CERAMIC —CHe08.B 1H 102KTA 3 | rreocs0050 s.oiove ——_oaroo2UTIo7 ew car |4escconsen |S.CERAMIC —CHeo8 JB 1H 102K TA 17900020 | s.0100 © oatiswTi07 TUK,IGen) | |cze |eosonoseso |S.CERAMIC Coos JB IHATIK-TA yo |r7so000z20 |s.0100E © DATISWTIO7 [USA] 20 |aosoooeeso |s.cERAWic — C1e08 JB IHATIK-TA tsc000220 | s.0100E | DATIaW THOT [Ue wsGen) Diz |rrseo00ze0 |s.1o0e 158352 TPH) 81 |sosooore40 | seo Dis |rrso0es070 |s.0I0De © ssz28 TESS) se |so4score49 | s.uE0 sa |sosooecss0 | ico to-sussrad x1 eosoooeszo | sxTaL ma.t184104s00MH cr |rreceorrs0 | wicnoPHONe eM-123TH i [rosoo0sso |S.RESISTOR —ERUIGEYS 105 V (1 MO) 2 |rarooo07so | SARRAY — ExBVAY 104sV (100 KO) 41 Jostoocasso connector sorB-cHs a |ratoooo7so | SARRAY EXB.VAV 104NV (100 KO) a3 estoooraeo [conwecTOR PrzaacrM fre [res0003e00 |S.RESISTOR ERIGGEYS 105 (1 MO} 44 Jestooooseo |conwecTon S262R fs |restorseeo |S.RESISTOR ERISGEW473V 47 KO) 4B —estootesia |s.connecton 57366-3000 re |rosoonseoe |SnesisTOR ERUSGEW471V 470 0), Fy |rosoonseso | S.RESISTOR —ERJIGEVI47S V7 KO) re |rarooccrso | SARRAY —EXBVEV 104IV (100 k2) st |zec00rs60 |sswirch ——_sw-1s1 jxHMPU) ro |raroccarso | SARRAY —EXBVEV 104sV (100 KO) 2 |z2ec00rs60 | s.swirc —Sw-131 (SKHMPU) fic |ratoooc7so |SARRAY —EXB.EV 14NV (109 KO) 3 |zzeo00ise0 |S.swircH — SW-151 EKHMPU) rir |rosoonsee0 |SRESISTOR ERJSGEY/ 689 V (6 KO) s+ [zzzoo00s00 |sswrrcH —sw-141 Bssse1) fia |rosoocssee /S.nesistOR ERISGEWI 991 V (90.0), 85 |zzeooorseo [swine — SW.191 KHNL) fis |rosocoseso |S.RESISTOR ERIOGEYI 102 (1 k2) ia |roaooose4o |S.RESISTOR —ERISGEY 102 (1 ko) fis |rosoe0s7e0 |s.nesiston enuscewa7sv7oxa) | | epi |ootoosscer | pce Ba2754 fie |retoooneze |SaRRAY EXB\VAV2231V (22 k2) ee [eesonsaee0 | \cOcONTACT SACN-1540 56 7 |rosooose40 | SRESISTOR —ERLIGEYI473V 7 ka) ris [rsto000730 | SARRAY —EXB-VBV 101NV (100 KO) io |rosoo0a7e0 | SAESISTOR — ERIBGEYJ 474 470 KO) zo |ratoooorse |SanRAY ExBvav 104WV 00%0) | {SENSOR UNIT] rer |rosoo0se00 |S.RESISTOR ERIIGEYJ223V 22 KO} Ree |ratoooorse |SARRAY EXB.VAV 104N (100 0) Fer] — ORDER es |rosoooasso |SRESISTOR ERISGEYJ E22 (62 KO) no. | “no. pesonenon fe¢ |roso009530 | S.RESISTOR ERISGEY/502V (50 K0) 2s |roso00sea0 | SRESISTOR —ERISGEYS 3291V (29 k0) ct |4osoocseso |s.cenamic cece vo maria ae |oaoovsso0 | s.ResisTOR ERVSGEYEZ72V 7 K2) 2 |aosoooseso |s.ceRAMic — Cie08 JB IHATIKTA Far | oaoo0ss70 | s.RESISTOR ERUSGEYS 123 V(12 40) ee |rosooosseo | s.nesiston ERUSGEY 153 V5 x2) 81 |zzsoo00zz0 JeNCoDER —_TPeoN937E20-15F-1540 feo |rs1000se00 |S.TRIMMER EVMLSSSXS0B34 (303) 00 frogccnszeo | s.RESiSTOR — ERISGEYI 390 (33 G) cpr Jootoossase | pos 8 40008 rar roscoosszo |S.RESISTOR ERNOGETUATEV 47 KO) ‘S.=Surface mount[VR UNIT] [MAIN UNIT] mer] ORDER Ter] ORDER] a DESCRIPTION Es DESCRIPTION rm | rzroocass0 | vaniere —traenmarnasr-roxarsto | | ir — [ezo000sse0 | sco BeF-e17PT-120sP3 re | ratoooasan | Variable Treenwar-tar-ione-isea” | | ta [ervoon2ore | com tazer to Jezoooozeeo | s.con. NtzszorsT aR cr _[astooszeso | evecrRoLmc 16s? 00uF tro Jezooonare0 | s.cort NC aszoveT-0e8d Gz | fozoocesen | S.CERAMIC Crepe JB 1H T02K-T-A cs | 4oaooceeen | S.cERAMIC Grane JB 1H 02K 1 | rosoocesto | Sanna Exe-vevao0uv 2 9) ur estoocrs7e | connecron ptzencom Re |resooosooo | Sanmay —Exa-vav aa1JV (30 0) Se |estoocrooo | CONNECTOR Pizex cub a |rosooosseo | SnesisTon —EnsscEvs 100 (10K) fa | rosoooas00 | SRESISTOR — ERIaGEYA471 V(e7O Q) err [ooreossoer | ree Bazrea ms |osooeazeo | snesisron Ehiscevs 70 Var 0) fe | oaoooaseo | SREsisToR ERIBGEY) 109 V0Ka) fr | osoooaaro | SRESISTOR — ERIOGEYI 182 V1.0 2) fa | rosooosszo | SRESISTOR — ERJBGEYs 101 V(100 0) ro |rosooosseo | SnestsTon — EnusGEvs 103 V (1040) [JACK UNIT] rio |rosooosaoo | SnestsTOR ERusGEYs.471 V 470 0) nit |roao00aes0 | SiesisTon — ERVSGEYS 104 V (100K) REF] _ ORDER DESCRIPTION riz |roaoooas20 | SmesisTon ERUAGEYS 472 V (47 HO) nr | osoooaseo | SAESISTOR — ERIBGEYS 109.V 10K) ‘er [oaooceseo | S.ceRAMC Cre08 8 1H 10aKTA ni |osoooaseo | SRESISTOR ERJSGEYs 103.V10K0) 2 |fosoocesso | SiceRAMe Grouse 1H taza nis |rosoooaseo | SRESISTOR — ERISGEYS 103.V(10K@) fie [rosocossc0 | Snesiston — ERJOGEY) tor V(100 0) si [estoorers0 | connector Yus2es mir |rosooesaro | SnesisTon Efusaevs set V se0 @) mie | osooosa00 | SRESISTOR —ERIIGEYI 10 V (109) cr Jootoossoes | pee 4082 fio | osooosato | SRESISTOR — ERIAGEYI 20 V2 &) zo |rosooosae0 | SRESISTOR —ERISGEYI 470 V7 @} nat | osooosz00 | SRESISTOR —ERISOEYI 100 V0 2) ez |roa000s20 | SnesisToR ERUOGEYS 72 V (47 KO) fea |rosooossz0 | sresiston ERvaGEYI 472 V (47 KO) [MAIN UNIT} Rea |voacoosse0 | Sresiston — ERUSGEW) 472 (47 KO) fs |Yooocesaeo | SResiston —EnuoGev 901 V0 0) rer | OnE DESCRIPTION free |rosooosezo | SRESISTON EMUSGEV) 219 (3 40) Rar |rosocoseeo | SResisTon ERVaGEW) 222 (22 ma) ‘soeoeeco | sic TorWoeF TEV20) fee |rosocosesn | SRESIsTON — ERLOGEY) 909 V (999) Nsoensero | sc “Teasvosr(TEOSR) fee |rosceeasso | Snesisvon ERV9GEW ez2 (02 m2) rs00007e0 | Ie serios Fao |rosocoae20 | snesisvon ERvoGEY) 913 V (29a) ‘e0000660 | Sc S-e1as0H6-K0-71 far |osoceaseo | Snesisvon ERJOGEY) 108 V (109) se00rs00 | $16 serweaerreral) fas |osooosseo | snesisvon ERJOGEY) 151 V (190 0) fae [osocossro | snesisron Eniocev 271 V(270 a} fas |vosoeoszs0 | SRESISTON — ERISGEYI 100 (180), cr | rssoocz5e0 | s-rRANSISTOR asce4oa.a-TR fae |Toooooss7o | SResisToR ERUsGEYJaN V (270 0) 2 | tseo0007e0 | e-rmaNsisTOR UNBYIEM>) far |Tosecease0 | Snesisvon —ERJOGEY) 102 V (109) 3 | ssoonzse0 | STRANSISTOR 2sczosa-T28 fae |rosooea7a0 | SmESIsvON — ERJOGEY) 204 V (220 K2) a3 | sse00005«0 | Ser 2skos0-7 (EBSA) Fao |osocesee0 | SREsIsTOR ERJ9GEY) 104 V (10 Ko} >| tseo00rr70 | STmANSISTOR xPrs01-(4) AB ao |osoceasa0 | Srnesisvon ERJaGEV) 472 V (47 Ka) far | iso0000820 | STRaNSISTOR FMst Tras far [rosocess20 | SRESISTON ERJOGEV) 472 V (27 KO) 2s | rso000rr70 | S-TRANSISTOR xP1s01-C70.AB faz |rosooouze0 | SRESISTOR — EnUBGEYI 470 47 0) to | sse000r170 | STRANSISTOR xPIS01-(9).AB Fas |rosoooasz0 | SRESISTON ERIBGEVI 472 V (4.7 2) rr | tsz000ce2o | Srransieron 26112271000 fas |roaoooaee0 | SmesisTon ERlacev 200 V (22 Ko) 12 | tsco00rsa0 | STRANSISTOR UMXS TL {13 | rsrooc0e00 | S TRANSISTOR DTALAATUTIO7 ts | seoo007e0 | STRANSISTOR OTCLaaTU Tio7 cr |aosoooses0 | sicenawic —creoe cx sHasto-r-0 ‘13 | se0000e20 | STRANSISTOR Fast Trae cz |fesoceseso | scenawic creoe cn yHouce-t-A Ste | rs20000es0 | STRANSISTOR 2681102 T1000 cs |tesoooseeo | Scenawic cteoe SLinazoi-ra G17 | sSe000r170. | S TRANSISTOR xPI501-CX)AB © |aoaoooees0 | Sicenamic — Cieos cH iM es0o-Ta Gre | rse00ccee” | STRANSISTOR DYCteeTU es |teroeceeze | SceRawic creas sLin izoi-TA co |teaoooeseo | SceRawic — Cieoe JB 1MaE2KT-A cr —|tosoeceeso | Scenawic creas SLimasod 7.4 1 | r7so000080 | so1one ——ssiss-t2 ca |fesooeeee0 | scenawic — cteoe sL asod-T.4 be |rreooor2re | SbI0se —WarerWaim co — |aoaoooeeea | S.cenamic rece SLIM ieoxt-A bs | rreco00ese | SoIoDe © aBearx) C10 |eaoeoeee0 | SceRAMIC — Cra08.8 1H 02KT-A bs | rreooocese | SoIoDe ——-wasea(x) cir |tesoeeeee0 | SceRawIc —Ctooe iB 1H to2K 7A bio | rrec0e0ee> | SoIse ——_—SBaoeaP TD cia |toaoeoeneo | SceRaMIc —Craoe BH v02KT-A dir | rrsooeorse | SbloDe ——DazoaUTi07 cia |teaooeeee0 | SceRaMIc Craoe SL 220d. Diz | e00ec080 | SO10DE © DaNaO2U cia |osoooeseo | Scenawlc Craoe 0 1H 102A cis |osooceeze | scenawic cteoe Su mi ra0i7. ie |tssoooosso | SranraLum —Tesva wv 22anraL 1 |zorocore00 | x7AL FL190 Unt 3075s Gir |aoaooeseo | SceRAWIC™ — CreoeyB 1H 102A cis |tosoeeeece | scenamic Creve cHiorec-T-A 10 |oaoooees0 | SceRAMIC —Craoe SLIM 201-7 tr ferrooezee0 | con. Laas G20 |eaoooeseo | SceRAMIG Cre08 SL Mos0--A (2 Jerrooezere_ | com ar car |toaoooeeso | Scenamic craoe JF vc 1047-7 ts Jeaeooszeae | s con. Nt aszover.aio cee |teaooeeese | ScenaMic Craver 6 1047-78 Ue Jersooeer20. | con tage 2s |osoooeeso | scenawic Creoe JB 1M a7IKTA tS Jerrooeze7e_ | con Uaer cot Scemauic C1e08 JB IN ATIKTA te Jersooassre_ | con S300 Ges |oaoeeeeso | SceRAWG — Clooe JB IHATIRTA ‘S-=Surface mount[MAIN UNIT] IRFA BOARD] REF] _ ORDER FEF] ORDER a 5 DESCRIPTION nel aoe DESCRIPTION c2s|acsoooees0 | S.cERAMIG C1808 JF 16 1042-7-8 2 | rosoooa700 |S.RESISTOR ERISGEYd 154 (150 KO) zr |ansoo088e0 | S.CERAMIC C2012 JF 16 1052-T-A a [030003230 |S.RESISTOR ERI9GEYI 180.V (18 2) zo |a0so006850 | S.CERAMIC C1608 JB 1HATIKTA ra | 7030003700 | SRESISTOR —ERUSGEYJ 154 V (150 KO) 630 |40ao008e40 | S.CERAMIC C808 SL 1H 1804-T-A 5 | To30003700 | SRESISTOR ERJSGEW 154 (150 KO) 31 |acsoo06s6o | S.CERAMIC —C1608,J8 1H 102KT-A Re | ros0003320 |S.RESISTOR ERJIGEY/ 101 V (100 2) cc32 [4030008000 | S.CERAMIC C1608 JB 1E 103K T-A 639 |acaoo06s60 | S.CERAMIC 1608.48 1H 102K TA cess |aosoo0660 | S.CERAMIG C1608 J8 1H 102K-TA cr |aoso00e700 |S.cERAMIC — Cte0s SL 1H 390.-T-4 635 |aosoo07010 | S.CERAMIG C1808 CH 1H 1000-7. 2 |aosoooeseo |S.CERAMIC —Cr808 SL 1H0300-T-A 628 [4030000900 | S.CERAMIC —C1€08 JB IE O3KT-A ca —_|40a0008570 | ceramic cteos st iH R7SC-T-A car |aosoo06eso | S.cERAMIC C1808 JB TH T02K-TA ca |aoaov08e10 | S.CERAMIC C1808 SL 1H 1000-7 ca |4oa0006850 | S.CERAMIC C1808 JB THATIKT-A 5 |4osooosee0 | s.cERAY (1008 J8 1H 102K-T-A cca |aosoo06s80 | s.ceRAMIC Cte0s JB 1H 102K-TA co [4030000080 | s.ceRAMic C1808 J6 1H 102K-T A cao |astoocsie0 | ELECTROLITIC 18 AC2 22UF (0-4.0) cr |aoso00ese0 |S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1H O80D-T-A car |4oso008860 | S.CERAMIC — C1608.JB 1H 102K TA ca |acsoooesio. | s.ceRA (C1008 SL 1HORSC-T-A Caz |os000e860 | SCERAMIC 610008 1H 102K TA ce |aosoo0es10 |S.cERAMIC C1600 SL 1HORSC-T-A caa_|astooosieo | etectRoLmc cro |aas000e620 | S.CERAMIC —Ct608 SL TH 1204-T-A ca fastooosieo | ELECTROLIIC cr |acaoo0es4o |S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1H 0300-4 4s |aos000e850 | S.CERAWIC C1608 8 THATIKT-A 12 [4020008860 | 5.cERAMIC C1008 JB 1H 102K-T-A cae |4os0008850 | S.CERAMIC C1608 JB 1HATIKT-A cia [4030008560 | S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1Hos0C-T-A a7 |40a0008860 | S.CERAMIC C1608 18 1H 102K T-A cis [4020008580 | S.cERAMIC C1608 SL. 1Hos0C-T-A cas |aoa0008850 | S.CERAMIC C1608 8 THATIKT-A cre [4000008560 | S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1Ho400-7-4 ca fastoooaig0 | ELECTROLITIC 63 RC? 47UF (D-4.0) rr [4030008580 |S.cERAMIC C1608 SL 1H 0500-7-8 50 | 4020000880 | s.ceRAMC C1608 JB 1Ha7IK-T-A cst |astooosie0 | etectRoumic 63 Ac247UF (0-40) se |4s20000850 | s.ceRawic C1608 JB 1Ha7IKT-A pr [ooroossoso | pce. Bar 53 |4ssooozs00 | STANTALUM —TESVA 1A 225M-at P2 eotoo0s110 | LEADFRAM —HFB2.0-07-8 (N) se |4oa0008860 | S.CERAMIC — C16088 1H 102KT-A 655 |4oa0008080 | S.CERAMIC —C1608.98 1H 102KT-A cc56 |4ssoo0z800 | S-TANTALUM —TESVA 1A 25M-at csr 4020008850 | s.ceRamic c1e08 JB IN A7IK-T-A sa [astooose0 | ELECTROLITIC 6.3 RC2-47UF (D-4.0) IRFB BOARD] 58 |4os0008060 | S.CERAMIC C1608 48 1H 102KT-A sae] G20 fétsoooeeso | S.cemamtc cteoe JB 1H 102K: A Ter | ORDER DESCRIPTION ai |4ss00c2800 | STANTALUM —TESVA 1A 225Mt-at ee 4020008080 | S.CERAMIC — C1608 48 1H 102K-TA ti [ers000ase0 [eo 1s.364 es |40a0008000 | S.CERAMIC —C160B.18 1H 102K7-A iz Jers0003560 | cou ts.305 coe [4020006850 | s.cERAMIC —Cte08 8 IHATIKT-A ts fersc003600. [cont ts40 es | 4020006860 | s.CERAMIC — C1608.B 1H 102KT-A ts |s1s0003590 | con 15.305 cee | sa30008630 | S.cERAMIC C608 JF 1C 1042.T-A cer so30008630 | S.cERAMIC — Ct60B IF IC 1042-7-A cpr Jootoo2ea1s | poe. 2084 fsos0000620 | S.CERAMIC C1608 JF 1C 1042-7 cos |40ao008630 | S.CERAMIC C808 JF 16 1042-T-A cro |4ss0002600 | S.TANTALUM —TESVA TA 225M1-8L cert |assoooasse | S:TANTALUM — TESVA 1A 225M. 72 |4030008850 | S.CERAMIC C1808 CH 1H 0400-T-A [DETA BOARD] 73 |os0o0e820 | S.CERAMIC C1608 CH 1HO100-T-A Fer] ORDER es DESCRIPTION wi |rosoc0sse0 | s.wumPER —ERUSGE JPW ver [rr20001880 | sic TRIO4e7MTR 1 | 1500002020 | s.rransistor 25¢3770.3-74 12 Jestoooese0 | connector ss8-2R 8 [estoooes70 | connector 64B-2R 01 | 700000400 | s.o100e © swaaas-7R v2 | 1750000130 |so100e © bazoau Ti07 ep1 —fostooassze | pce 842720 ru | 2020000020 |cERAMIC —CFWMASSE ep2 oorooaniar | FPC Bat32A x1 [eoro000080 | pIScRIMINATOR COBMAS5CT x2 Jeosoooso10 | xTAL crave [RFA BOARD] rx |roso0os4e0 |s.ResisTon — enssceYs 222 V 2 ka) Ter] nor 2 — |rostooseso |S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYJ 102 V(t KO) ie no DESCRIPTION Fa | 7030003520 |S.RESISTOR ERISGEYJ472V 47 KO) ra | 7030003460 |S.RESISTOR — ERISGEYJ 152V (15 KO) 01 [1580000550 | s.reT 25K8027 (TESSR) RS | ros0000400 |S.RESISTOR ERIIGEYJ 471 V (470 0) a | 7030003730 |S.RESISTOR — ERJGGEYI274V (270 ka) rr —_|r030003730 | SRESISTOR ERUSGEYI 274 (270 KO) D1 |1790000040 | S.vARICAP —MAS63B7) a |roac00a4e0 |S.RESISTOR ERISGEYJ 722 V 722 KO) 02 |1780000840 | SVARICAP —MA363B(7X) Ro {7030003520 |S.RESISTOR ERISGEYJ472V (7 KO) 2 {1780000840 | SVARICAP —MA363B(TX) Rio [7030003800 |S.RESISTOR ERJIGEY 104 V (100 2) 4 | 780000080 | SVARICAP ——-MA363B(TX) ti [os000a400 |S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYJ 22 V (22 KO) ia 7020003400 | SRESISTOR —ERISGEYJ471 V 470 2) ie [7030003400 | S.RESISTOR ERIIGEYI 471 470 0) rx |roso00s700 | sesiston — ERISGEY 156 V (150 ko) is [ros0003670 | S.RESISTOR ERJSGEYS 823 V (82 0} urlace mount[DETA BOARD] IAF BOARD] Ter] one ORDER Fer | one DeBcrIPTON ner | one DESORPTION rie | ooooess0 | snestsron ersscevsezivazo.a) | [cr [essoscorao |szanaLum mir |rowoooseo | Snesisvon Enaccriezev suc) | |e [acmoooesn [scemme, Cteoeso marietA tie frowoosrio | snesiston Emaceri ecv tna) | | cs [estoooere |ScaxraLom Tenaveao ssoweL C1" [aownoeeso | Scerawic’ —Grooosr re oar © |ftsooosee [Scenic Creoese intone TA G2 [fowoerso | Scensute Cteoe st manour A Cs [etme [Scenic cteon Fc toazvAa C2 |fewooeean | Scenic Ctooe JF yor Ca [tcmnoors |cemmic cteoeJB e220 TA Cx [foweosezo | Scemawte Ctoos IF 1 3sz-7A Gr [tssooonse |Stannatom —Tewavas rosa, ©: |Sesoooeeo | Scenaue creosar ro serra Gx |ttsroeae | censmic” —Creonsr te toarr.a Gx [fommooeaa | ScemaMte —Ctooe Sm nn0urA Ge [ftsnoosee [Scene cteoess wtoacta Cr [fewteosrn | Senate Cte Sin an0y.A Cre |tesoooren | Scenamio teense rozacra Cx |fewmosow | Scenante Cteoss0 mfonera Gr fétsnoosow [Scene cteoeds e oon ta Ge [fowoeeeo | Sceraate cress J0 monet Giz [tesneoese [Scene cteoess warn Cro [fowneoseeo | Scenaame — creon JB nroaea Gia |temoeeen | Sceraite crocs JB msoaRtA crt |tesoooes | Scenaute Crean dB a roan. a Si [tezoooowe | STaNraLom eave ve roourst Giz |fesoooeen | Scenaute creon st anova Gis [fossa [Scenic Ciooour te 1oaz-a G13 ffowmoeeso | Scene cieoearieioezTA Gia [foweee |Scensite cteseuB wezenc ra cre |Sesoooes | Scerame Crees maricra G13 |fowoeseo | Scemaate cteos iB mt toaRTA Gre [deseo | Sranratum Teeva iv azeuraL 1 fooroouror | poo ron Sir [fowmoeeso | Scensme — Creosur se rosa A Era [eotooorvo | cAbrran — Hraaoora Gro [fowoeseo | Scensame — creoede wrong zo [fowmeoo | Scene creondb 1e oon ta Gat |stsoooese | scene Cteoean marina Sze [fomwocoos | Scemmc Cteosas te oocra 23 [4030008630 | S.CERAMIC C1808 JF 10 104Z-T-A, [MIC BOARD] —— Te | OToER DEscrIPTOn ws |romoseeo | suuuren _erusae Pw ver frrvoona0 [sie waaiarP ran tea frttoooese | sie "arasorF cash) cer | oorootoes | roo parse fee Jeotooestio | LeADeRaM —Hrbz0-078 00 ‘ a1 rseoooreeo | stmansiston xpestarx) ri fressoosra |snesisron ensscevs aa Ka) [AF BOARD] Re —_|7030009670 | S.RESISTOR —_ERJSGEY4 823 V (82 kQ) Ta oReR ra |rosooree [siesisron enusceys ree v (2042) No. NO. DESCRIPTION Re 7030003410 | S.RESISTOR — ERJSGEY,J 581 V (580 ©) fe frosoooraa |Smesteron ERlscEvd see (90 ka) ver | rioootsia fe wanaorab re freaoooaen |sresisvon —EMuscEvd roe (10 ka) tr fresooosso |sresisvon enuscevd «rav rea) te fresooomre [sresisron ensoevd ay @zta} ar | sssooeze00 | sransiston ascuaes Tors re fresoooseo |sresisron eruscevd easy sta) Ge tssoooeto | Stransiston zsctot Trors fio [resoosere [sresisvon eruscevs av za) Gs ftazeooers | StransieTon gsstieTa tur fresoooseco [enesievon ersoevd 223 2a} Gc | tstooozna | StrunsisTon zscoet Tors fiz frosoooseo [Snesisvon ERlscevd aaa 2 ko) Gs tewooczea | etrunsisTon asooet Tors mis |rosoooase |Snesisron ERlaGeys ee (9042) Ge |rsveooeze | set zevioe-aneBsR) fie [rouoosrao |Sresisvon Eroscerd a2¢¥ (0 ko} mis [resoosae [enesTon enscevd rev arena) tre fretoooorn | StHenmeron Taoasazatt or |rrscoooann | so100€ ——_188as2 PH) tur fromnossro |Sresteron enlscevd 120 1240) tie frowoossio |sresieron eruscerd sey enc) mie fravoosste | sctramen’ Rana mhmaavace 3 fy |rosooosran | snesiston ensscersareviroxoy | | rao fratooosao | StmMMER —fv-z27 RMBOAVARSS Jou re |rowoooowe | nesiston Enioceriszov taney” | | ret [rowoosseo |Snesteron Enicerdaravierah [rose |enesiston enisceri sy wonay | | raz frowoosran [emesteron Enscerdoeev noha) te |osoorsto | Smesisron erusaevs4rt vr Q) ms |rowoosow | SResiston ERoceviaz1V 20) fe [rownoero | Snesiston Eniscevizrsveriay | | cr — |soxoosw |scename cteoese 127044 tt |rowoooeeo | Snesiston emsaeviavev asta) | | ce |semooeeen [Scene CtooelF te forza ta |Tosoooeeo | Smesisron ERuaGeys 00 V0 ©) & —|eciboonen |Seemanic —ctooeJ0 1 Yoaeta fo |rowsoario | Snesiston Emaeritecv tena) | | ce |eowooeere [Seenac Ctooe Je mana mo |rewsosew |Snesiston Emcerioesv pone)” | | 6s |somooeese [Scene ctooe JB msuae-A tus |rewooeo |Snesiston emiacevize2v axa | | ce {tesco | ScanraLuM Yesva v rounat iz [rowosren | Snesiston Ensceriareverenay | | er |eowooseee [Scene creoeus maria mia |rowooaseo | Snesiston Emaceritosv ous)” | | co |tssoocoen | StanraLuw Yesva rc waka ia |rowoooere | Snesiston Enacerizrsv crea) | | ce |somooeese [Scene Cieoews maricta mis |romoooeio |Snesiston emaceriaraverna) | | Gio |somoeee |Scenaic ctooe lB mtoak ta tie |rosooosa | Smesiston Enaceviezevezea | | ctr |sowooeen |Scenac cteooJs menikta fir [roweosen | SResisTon ERaeriazzviazeay | | Giz |eowooeesn [Scene ClooeJe IHerIReTA nia [ratooooow | Sanmar exoiev soa (1 a) Sia |fewoosraa [Scene ctooe a inazna.a fio |romoosre |Sresiston Emoceriasevazona) | | Gt [somos [Senne GtooeJ0 i tone A rao |roanoosow | SmesisTon ERloGEYd 100 Wo.0) rat |oaooosezo | Snesisron emncevsrzzvzra | | ep [ootoossors | pea baaran fez [rowoooowo | Smesiston emacerdiocv toons) | | ere [eotooosto |LeADrRaM —Hrazoo.r9 09 ‘S.=Surface mount[PLL VCO BOARD] IPLL VCO BOARD] REF] ORDER REF] ORDER pee ron DESCRIPTION po Gs DESCRIPTION ter |rr4000rs10. | 1c MB1s04PF-G-8ND 21 |aosoo0esio | s.cenawic —c1sos SL tHORSC-T-A tc2 | 430004200. | s.1¢ ‘ToASeeF (TEBSR) C22 |ans000e8e0 |S.CERAMIC C1008 JB 1H 102K-T-A 23 |4ra0008ss0 | ScERAMIC C1608 SL IH O40C-TA c2a |ansoo08040 | S.CERAMIC C1008 SL IH 1801-7-A 21 | rseo000440 | S.TRANSISTOR DTAMSZUT107 ‘ozs |40so008e20 | s.ceRAWIC C1608 SL 1H 1205-7-8 a2 {1500000430 | S.TRANSISTOR DTC14sEU TI07 ‘62s |4aao006a60 | S.CERAWIC 61608 JB 1H 102K7-A 03 | 1800000970 | S.TRANSISTOR FMAZ Ti48 czr |acsoo00e20 | S.cERAMIC C1608 SL 1H 1208-7-A cs {1510000020 | STRANSISTOR 28A1576 Ti07 S 2s |aosoooeas0 | SCERAMIC C1608 8 1H 102K-T-A 0 | sss000z2e0 | S:TRANSISTOR. 25c4081 T1075 05 |se00c0s40 | sre 28K210-¥ (TEBSR) ar — | rse0000330 | set 25K210-0R (TEB5R) wi |roso00se60 |ssuPeR —ERUSGE JPW ‘a8 |1390002600 | S.TRANSISTOR 2504215-0 (TEBSR) ‘a0 |1520002¢00 | S.TRANSISTOR 2864215.0 (TEBSR) 210 {1590002600 | S.TRANSISTOR 25¢4215.0 (TEBSR) 41 Jestootzes0 | CONNECTOR TKX-Po4P-AZ 32 Jestoorzst0 | CONNECTOR THX-PIOP-AZ 1 | rre00c0640 | s.vaRICAP —— MA3«SB(TX) bz | 720000640 | S.vARICAP ——-MA3e3B(TX) ep: |ooroosesss | pce eaeec a | r7e00cos40 | S.VARICAP —-MA3SB(TX) x1 Jecsoooeeso | xtaL ‘on4as r2.800Mtz [rr unm) tx fezov0007s0. | s.con. Lon an anit a i DESCRIPTION tz fers0002300 | scon, te2s7 13 fe2c0000750 | sco, LOH 30 an 1 |reaoo0szs0 | s.Resiston ERUSGEYS470V 447 2) ts |s2co00e7s0 | sco, LH 3N an ts Jeta0oczs70 | s.con tp.258 ts Jezooo007s0. | s.con LOH 3 aR 41 Jestoc7000 | CONNECTOR PizaA-oom 17 |sz0v000280 | s.con LON 24 RICK ts Jezooo00260 | s.con LON 2a Rok st |zza0000770 | s.swiTch W104 (SKHUPEDO4B) 82 |z230000770 | SWITCH W104 (SKHUPEDO4B) i |ro2000ss60 | s.RESISTOR —ERISGEYS 103 V (102) ze | roa00cse80 | S.RESISTOR —ERJOGEYS 104 V (100 k2) Rx [Toa0009680 | SRESISTOR — ERISGEYS 104 (100 k2), pt Josroossoze | pce 5.40508 ru | 7090000000 | S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYS 273 V (22 k2) Rs |ros000ss20 | S.RESISTOR ERISGEYS472 V4.7 K2) Re |7030003600 | S.RESISTOR _ERISGEYS 225 V (22 KO) Rr | ros0003860 | S.RESISTOR —ERISGEY) 103 V (102) Ra |7090003300 | SRESISTOR —_ERISGEYS 301 V (200 2) | ros0003400 | SAESISTOR —ERISGEYI 102 V(1 KO} io [7020003550 | S.RESISTOR ERISGEYI 022 V 0.2K) it |roa000sst0 | S.AESISTOR —ERISGEYJ 920 V (62 0), Riz [7020003000 | S.RESISTOR —ERIOGEYS 104 V (100 KO) is |roa000se10 | SRESISTOR —ERIOGEYS 273 V (27 kQ) is |rosoo0sa10 | S.RESISTOR —_ERISGEYS 820 V (62 2) nis [7020003060 | S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYS 989.V (68 KO) ie [7020000420 | S.RESISTOR —_ERISGEYJ st V (680 2) RIT [7090003420 | S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYS si V (680 2) ris |vos0003060 | S.RESISTOR —ERISGEYS 683 V (68 KO) ria |voa0000050 | S.RESISTOR —ERIOGEYJ 503 V (50 K2) R20 [7030000300 | SAESISTOR ERISGEYI 901 V (990 0), 1 |acso008es0 | s.ceERAMIC C808 JF 16 1042-7-8 cz |acsoo08sso | S.CERAMIC — C16068 1H 102K7-A 63 |40so008630 | S.CERAMIG — C1E0B JF 16 1042-7-A c4 —|aos0008030 | S.CERAMIC — CL80BF 16 1042-7-A cs |4oso008030 | S.CERAMIC — C808.JF 16 1042-7-A ‘08 |4s80006050 | S.TANTALUM —TEMSVA.J TosNeL 7 [4030008020 | S.CERAMIC — C1608.8 16 473K TA ca |4oso008070 | S.CERAMIG Ceo SL IH 2705.T-A co |acso000570 | S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1H 0000-T.A cio |acsoo0esso | S.CERAMIC C1608 SL 1H O40C-T-A 11 |cao006860 | S.CERAMIC —C1605.8 1H 102K-7-A ci2|cso006s10 | S.CERAMIC Geos SL IH ORSO-TA 13 |4osoo0esi0 | S.CERAMIC C808 SL 1HORSC-T.A 14 |40so0067s0 | S.CERAMIC L808 SLIH 1015-T-A 15 |a0soo08020 | S.ceRAMIC C808 CH 1H O100-T-A cis |ssooc0se0 | S.TANTALUM —TESVA 1¢ 105M 17 |4oso0060s0 | S.CERAMIC — C1e08 CH 1H O40C-T-A cia |40soo08040 | S.CERAMIG C808 CH 1H0300-T.4 cra |s0so008630 | S.CERAMIG — Ce0B.JF 16 1047-7-8 c20|4csoo0esi0 | S.CERAMIC B08 SL 1H ORSC-T.A ‘S.=Surface mountSECTION 6 MECHANICAL PARTS AND DISASSEMBL « CHASSIS PARTS: NUMBER | ORDER No. DESCRIPTION ary. © 18930033740 1540 LOD holder 1 ® 5030000950 UCD LD-BUSS79) (E5777), 1 @____| 8930033680 UCD contact SACN-1540 SG-type 2 @ 8810004850 Screw PH No. 0 M2x4 2 ® '8930032710 7540 module holder 1 © 18510008240 “1476 PLL case 1 @ 8930026510 ‘Aluminum sheet S 1 ® '8510008210 1416 PLL cover 1 @ ‘8510005830 ‘CO-PLL cover - 4 @ ‘8610008270 Knob N218 [SQL], [OFF/VOL] 2 o ‘8810008320 ‘Screw FH M2x4 SUS 1 @ (6510017690 Connector [ANT] (incl. ground lug, nui) 1 ® {8610009260 Knob N217 [CHANNEL] 1 @ ‘8630000910 1301 VR nut 3 ® 8930028860 Oring () 3 @ 8210011131 1301 top panel/chassis (A}1 1 ® "8810008000 Screw PH No. 0 M2.6x6 2 @ 7210002540 Variable resistor TP96N937-15F-10KB-1540 [SQL] 1 ® errconeeae Vibe rear TPS6N@37N-16FOKA-540 r @ 2250000220 Enooder TP20N937E20-15F- 1540 [CHANNEL] 1 a 8930035120 1540 seal 1 @ 6510016710 Jack YM-263 _ 1 @ ‘8810008010 ‘Screw PH No, 0-3 M1.6x4 3 @ 8210011460 1540 Outer case (incl. Speaker) 1 Serew abbreviations PH: Panhead FH: Flathead SUS: Stainless * ACCESSORIES se. | onpen no. DESCRIPTION anv @_[ssi0001410__| FASSEV FLEXIBLE ANTENNA 7 @ [6810015870 | Handstvap HK-008 1 @ [8010006710 | Bet ip 7 @_[6810005730__| Screw BuH M3x9 ZK BS 2 @ [2920032690 | Shoat AV “Ta @ _| 8810005050. ‘Screw PH A M4 x20 SUS 2 @_| 8810000670 ‘Screw PH M415 SUS 2 @_[ass0000200 [Nut wa sus 2 ‘@ [Optional product | CM-165 BATTERY PACK 1 e [oon 2-49 BATTERY CHARGE ADAPTER . ptt pose | ABSS EATERY CHARGE ADAPTER ~ | Optional product | AN-G5U AG ADAPTER (USA) 2 Optional product | BM-111£ AC ADAPTER (EUR) ' Screw abbreviations BuH: Button head BS: Brass 2K: Black PH: Pan head SUS: StainlessNOTE 1: (Once the outer case is removed, grease must be applied before assembly. Manufacture: Shin-Etsu Chemical Type 501 MAIN UNIT— \ ® Logic UNIT & < I NOTE 2: Be careful when reattaching @ (1540 seal) This seal must fit snugly between the top panel and transceiver chassis (be sure to observe the correct orientation) to ensure water-tightness. Once the seal is removed, grease must be applied before assembly. Manufacture: Shin-Etsu Chemical Type G501MAIN UNIT—— NoTE1 NOTE 3 wg ve UNIT SENSOR UNIT NOTE 3: Once the variable resistors, @— @ are removed, sealant must be applied before reattachment. Manufacture: THREE BOND Type 1104 liquid gasket Observe the following points when applying sealant to the variable resistors. 4. Use a softtipped painter's brush and apply sealant to the threaded part of the resistors OnLy. 2. Leave the variable resistors in an upright position for 12 hours to let the sealant set 3. Make sure no sealant is applied to the moving part of the resistors: the sealant will bond here making movement impossible. 4, Read NOTE 4 for reassembly @. ‘ NOTE 4: ‘Once the VR nuts @ are removed, grease must be applied and O-ring @ must be inserted correctly, 1. Apply grease to the gap at the variable resistor's shank base. Manufacture: Shin-Etsu Chemical Type 501 ‘Shank base 2. Oring @ must be inserted into concentric space of VR-nut @ then gently poke along the entire diameter of @ with a tweezers to ensure It Is fully inserted. This procedure should be followed for each of the 3 O-rings to ensure watertightness.SECTION 7 SEMI-CONDUCTOR INFORMATION TRANSISTORS anes meme [masa came meas ner a eee oc | a =e | q da iA: moma moms mores mcm ona om eos sae ot oe os ed ne IM [AP [AP la bps [cps == |e |e || aa | ce oe oc bs | “tab | “fis i kp | ad ‘| IN can Poros ea vai — — eer cn | ca os eo | oes ee IN Ap iso Le d | iA Py is * DIODES me a a ox a 4 4 = d d ara venus wmerwn wm com a (Symbol: P) (Symbol: C1) (Symbol: M2P) (Symbol: MAI) (Symbol: SC) F = : [>p Dh >} a q tefl qSECTION 8 BOARD LAYOUTS 8-1 LOGIC AND MAIN UNITS * LOGIC UNIT "MAIN UNIT EP2 B42 715A¢ MAIN UNIT* DETA BOARD ° AF BOARD to MAIN UNIT to MAIN UNIT « MIC BOARD ° RFA and RFB BOARDS to MAIN UNIT * PLL VCO BOARD e jz 3 2 = = 2* AF BOARD * DETA BOARD to MAIN UNIT * RFA and RFB BOARDS « MIC BOARD to MAIN UNIT to MAIN UNIT * PLL VCO BOARD fe Zz = ES iz = 2e MAIN UNIT CHASSIS UNIT (Jt) 10 LOGIC UNIT (U5)* LOGIC UNIT to PTT UNIT (41) to SENSOR UNIT (Jt) to MAIN UNIT (J3)8-2 VR, SENSOR, PTT AND JACK UNITS «VR UNIT * SENSOR UNIT ta LOGIC UNIT (3 * PTT UNIT e JACK UNIT to SENSOR UNIT (P2) to BATTERY PACKSECTION 9 OPTIONAL UNIT + AD-49, AD-53 BATTERY CHARGER eT) oeSECTION 10 BLOCK DIAGRAMSECTION 11 VOLTAGE DIAGRAM PIT UNIT [ an | mitten | A LA SENSOR UNITLogic UNITvr UNIT FoR OPrioNIcom Inc. 169-16, Kamigathi, Hrano-ky, Osaka S47, Japan Phone: 06 798 5302 Fax :06 798 0013, Telex : 05277822 (CONT Icom America Inc. Icom (Europe) GmbH aoe ere Ser sana nsen ute a EE cone a rt SEES er ama 7 Oake Stet Hnsor, Veto. 3 Prone 0a 5397502 Fax” 035296485 agonal Catomer Saree Cnr 18705 Say Bk Seu ute 2, ie, CA 92714, USA Prone a aszan28 Fa” fraesearie Icom (UK) Li. Ser caste ton. cH UK Icom canads Peng siroetor trate EL Seren we vce ct ie ahaha com Face Sa uation meseseos Icom Inc. A-S313H-S 6-916, Kamihigashi, Hirano-ku, Osaka $47, Japan Printed in Japan Copyright © 1984 by loom Inc.
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