Quanto Skew: Peter J Ackel First Version: 25th July 2009 This Version: 4th June 2016
Quanto Skew: Peter J Ackel First Version: 25th July 2009 This Version: 4th June 2016
Quanto Skew: Peter J Ackel First Version: 25th July 2009 This Version: 4th June 2016
Peter Jäckel∗
a) Determine an effective volatility coefficient σ̂ ex- (θ · (ST − K))+ directly in currency Y, with θ = +1
actly as in (2) using the forward as if the option for calls and θ = −1 for puts.
was entirely domestic. Subsequently, price the Denote Q as the value of one currency unit of Y
quanto option with Black’s formula replacing the expressed in currency X, i.e., as the quotient Y/X. To
forward F by F 0 as given in (1). This approach, the seller of a quanto option, the net present value of
the contract, expressed in units of currency X (e.g.,
in essence, transfers the domestic skew unaltered
for reasons of availability of options to hedge the ex-
to quanto options, whence we refer to it as posure to S), is
the Domestic-Forward-ATM-Quanto method, or
DFAQ for short. The term “ATM-Quanto” Ṽ X (t) = P (t, T ) · EX [(θ(ST − K))+ · QT ] (3)
refers to the fact that the (conventionally ap- with P (t, T ) representing today’s value of a zero
proximated) quanto forward F 0 used in the final coupon bond paying at T , and the expectation be-
pricing stage is approximated as the domestic ing taken in an X-denominated T -forward measure.
forward that is adjusted using at-the-money im- Naturally, we can translate an X-denominated net
plied volatilities. present value into a Y-denominated net present value
by spot FX conversion:
b) Determine the effective volatility coefficient dir-
Ṽ X (t)
ectly with the quanto-adjusted effective forward Ṽ (t) = = P (t, T ) · E (θ(ST − K))+ · .
Qt Qt
F 0 as given in (1). Subsequently, price the
quanto option with Black’s formula using the
same adjusted forward F 0 . In this article, we Equations (3) and (4) are model-independent.
refer to this approach as the Quanto-Forward-
ATM-Quanto, or QFAQ for short.
4 Displaced Diffusion
In this article, we attempt to shed some light on
The displaced diffusion model [Rub83] is a convenient
the question how well these simplistic quanto adjust-
device to generate a skewed implied volatility pro-
ments perform when we go beyond the Black-Scholes
file when explicit control over the curvature, i.e., the
setting, when even one of the simplest of all self-
actual smile, is of secondary importance. It allows
consistent skew-generating models is used. In our
for vanilla option valuation formulae in terms of the
investigation, we use an extremely light-weight model
Black-Scholes pricing formula with adjusted input
for the skew in the asset and the FX rate in aid of
parameters which makes it exceptionally easy and ef-
attaining closed form solutions for vanilla quanto op-
ficient in practical applications. Its main drawbacks
tions which we use for comparison. Whilst a very
are that the curvature of the implied volatility profile
simple model is clearly not enough to permit a gen-
it generates is implicitly determined by its skew, and
eral statement about the quanto effect for all models,
that the domain of the distribution it generates for
we believe it suffices to give a first order indication
the underlying financial observable does not begin at
as to the quality of conventional quanto adjustments.
zero, as for the lognormal distribution, but at an off-
This entails a closer look at the exact quanto for-
set, which is negative when the skew is negative. In
ward correction, which turns out to be model depend-
other words, when calibrated to a typical equity or
ent. Further, we attempt to give an indication of the
interest rate skew (at the money), it permits for the
quanto effect on the model skew parameters. Whilst
underlying observable to attain negative values. This
the analysis presented here is, admittedly, predicated
is clearly a deficiency in a variety of circumstances.
on very simple modelling ideas, it highlights that, in
Nevertheless, it has become a favourite of many re-
general, it is necessary to adjust the full implied volat-
searchers and practitioners whenever an assessment
ility skew when an asset is quantoed into another cur-
of the impact of a mere skew of implied volatilities
on a specific issue of financial engineering is required.
In the simple case of constant parameters, the dis-
placed diffusion model can be summarised as the
3 Exact quanto valuation unique martingale process
1 2 2 .
Assume a financial observable S is denominated in S(t) = S(0) · e− 2 σS βS t+σS βS W (t) − (1 − βS ) βS (5)
currency X. Assume that an investor, whose nat-
ural home currency is Y, wishes to participate in for a financial observable S(t) with W (t) being a
the asset’s performance between today and some fu- standard Wiener process. European vanilla option
prices can be calculated by a simple transformation
ture time horizon T , but wishes not to be exposed of variables and are given by
to any currency risk. This investor may be inter-
ested in what is known as a quanto option that pays V±1 (S, K, σ, β, T ) = B±1 ( β1 S, K + β S, σβ, T ) (6)
with the Black-Scholes formula QT
= EX (±(ST − K))+ · (17)
h Qt
Bθ (S, K, σ̂, T ) = θ · S · Φ θ · ( xς̂ + 2ς̂ ) −
(7) "
2 β2 T
X S0 − S +σS βS WS (T ) 1−βS
i =E ± βS e
2 − βS S0 −K
K · Φ θ · ( xς̂ − 2ς̂ ) +
x = ln(S/K) (8) 2 β2 T
− +σQ βQ WQ (T )
ςˆ = σ̂ · T (9) · e 2 − (1 − βQ ) βQ
where we have omitted all discounting. At the money, = 1 1 c̃ (1−βS )
βQ B±1 βS S0 e , K + βS S0 , σS βS , T
the pricing formula (6) becomes
(1−βQ ) 1 (1−βS )
√ − βQ B±1 βS S0 , K + βS S0 , σS βS , T (19)
σβ T
V+1 (S, K, σ, β, T )|K=S = S · 2Φ 2 − 1 β1 (10)
for call options. We can compare this with the Black- c̃ = ρσS βS σQ βQ T (20)
Scholes call option price at the money given by
√ wherein ρ represents the correlation of WS (T ) and
B+1 (S, K, σ̂(K), T )|K=S = S · 2Φ σ̂atm
− 1 (11) W Q (T ). The par strike for a quanto forward contract
can equally be computed:
with σ̂atm = σ̂(S). This allows for an explicit solution
F̃ = S0 · 1 + ec̃ − 1 /(βS βQ ) .
for the at-the-money Black implied volatility
√ Armed with this information, we can attempt to find
σ̂atm = √2
Φ−1 1
σβ T
2 − 2β . (12) matched quanto displaced diffusion parameters whose
purpose it is to enable the (approximate) valuation
For calibration purposes, the inverse solution is also of Y-denominated options on the underlying asset
of practical use: without the need for a combined asset-FX model.
√ For standard geometric Brownian motion, we do of
σ = β √2 T Φ−1 βΦ σ̂atm2 T + (1−β) 2 . (13) course know how to do this change of measure exactly
— the volatility information of S in the Y measure
Of further interest is that we can derive from this and is the same as in the X measure, but the par forward
d d
changes to the quanto forward. For other models,
dK B+1 (S, K, σ̂(K), T ) = dK V+1 (S, K, σ, β, T ) (14) the change of measure results in more complicated
deformations of the quantoed asset distribution. In
the at-the-money Black implied volatility skew solely other words, not just the forward changes, but the en-
in terms of β and the at-the-money Black implied tire implied volatility profile changes, too. Here, we
volatility itself: try to approximate the quanto skew with the same
(β−1) 2π
h √ i σ̂2 T form of parametrisation as the domestic skew: the
dK σ̂(K) K=S =
2 S T
√ 2Φ σ̂ 2 T − 1 e 8 (15) quanto forward F̃ which is already given in equa-
tion (21), a quanto displaced diffusion volatility σ̃,
σ̂ 2 T σ̂ 4 T 2
= (β−1)
S 1 + 12 + 240 + · · · , (16) and a quanto skew parameter β̃. The hope is that,
given the right choice of the quanto skew parameters
where σ̂ = σ̂atm on the right hand side. Equa- σ̃ and β̃, we can use the vanilla displaced diffusion
tions (13) and (15) enable us to calibrate a displaced formula (6) to approximate quanto options, i.e.,
diffusion model to a given at-the-money volatility and
skew with great ease. V±1(F̃ , K, σ̃, β̃, T ) ≈ Ṽ±1(S0 , K, σS , βS , σQ , βQ , ρ, T ) .
Using the abbreviations DFAQ — for this, we use directly the simple displaced
diffusion formula (6). Note that this is by construc-
Y tion identical to the domestic skew.
ṽ := Ṽ+1 (S0 , K, σS , βS , σQ , βQ , ρ, T ) (26)
QFAQ — this is the approach of replacing the for-
d Y
κ̃ := dK Ṽ+1 (S0 , K, σS , βS , σQ , βQ , ρ, T ) (27)
K=F̃ ward and reusing the domestic parameters, i.e.,
V (F 0 , K, σS , βS , T ), as explained in section 2.
we can now express our objective as solving
exact — this is formula (19).
F̃ h 1 √ i
approximate — this is the approximation
ṽ = 2Φ 2 σ̃ β̃ T − 1 (28)
β̃ V (F̃ , K, σ̃, β̃, T ) with (21) and (30).
κ̃ = −Φ − 12 σ̃ β̃ T (29) S0
QFAQ+ — this is V (F 0 , K, σS F 0 , βS , T ).
example is about 5% in terms of implied volatility, with the actual price vθDFAQ computed as explained
which is clearly not negligible. The explanation for earlier in this section. Note that the apparent kink
this significant error in the conventional QFAQ ap- in the relative option time value difference curves is
proach lies with the fact that we are dealing with a no error: it indicates the location of the exact quanto
pricing framework that belongs to the family of local forward F̃ . We can see in this figure that even in this
volatility models. When we use the QFAQ quanto very simple case of a pure local volatility smile that
adjustment, we tend to focus on forward prices, and is consistent with an analytically tractable model,
too easily forget that we are effectively dealing with alas, both of the conventional quanto adjustment ap-
an approximation for a (possibly stochastic) drift in- proaches discussed here give prices that, near the ef-
troduced by the quanto term. Simply absorbing the fective money, are about 5% different from the exact
drift in an (approximately) adjusted forward, which price. We can also see that the QFAQ+ approach ap-
is then used in a formula of local volatility type has pears to eliminate most of the error incurred due to
the side effect that we inadvertently change the abso- the mis-estimation of initial absolute volatility that
lute level of volatility for the process of the underly- is inherent in the QFAQ approach. We hasten to add
ing. To lowest order, one can see this if we compare that this mis-estimation is particularly strong in the
the initial absolute volatility level of the actual as- case of a setting that is consistent with a local volatil-
set process in measure Y, which is σS · S0 , whereas ity approach. When the underlying model ideas that
the QFAQ adjustment implies that the asset process give rise to the domestic smile are closer to a float-
has initial absolute volatility close to σS F 0 . As evid- ing smile (also known as sticky delta) approach, the
ence for this effect, we included in figure 1 the curve QFAQ methodology may be more natural than the
marked as QFAQ+ where the used process volatility DFAQ approach, though, this remains to be properly
has been adjusted by the factor SF00 to compensate for investigated. Our final observation regarding figure 2
the otherwise incurred loss of volatility. As we can is that the approximate method shows zero relative
see in figure 1, this first order adjustment does indeed difference to the exact price, which is of course con-
get volatility levels almost right. Unfortunately, this sistent with this method being identical to the exact
simplistic compensation only works for moderate ma- pricing method for βQ = 1 as was mentioned earlier.
turities and choices of |βS | 1, i.e., when the model Since we consider the alternative representation of
is nearly Bachelier. As a side note, we mention that the data in terms of relative option time value errors
it can easily be shown that in this case of βQ = 1 a useful complement to the depiction of the resulting
the approximate pricing curve is identical to the ex- implied volatilities, we will from here on accompany
act solution, which is of course a desirable feature to all diagrams by this second view without further dis-
have for the approximation, and this is reflected in cussion in the text.
the data. The effect we wanted to highlight in this section
Since, as we mentioned, we are not exactly compar- is thus: when dealing with quanto skew transforma-
ing like for like in figure 1, we also show a comparison tions, there is an intrinsic risk that by focussing on
in terms of actual option price in figure 2. The data the quanto adjustment, which is often done in terms
of an adjusted forward, we forget that the implied
volatility parametrisation we use, which may be in-
0% tended to be consistent with a model of local volat-
ility style, incurs absolute volatility changes if we
simply adjust the forward. The displaced diffusion
model/parametrisation used in this article is not the
only one that will have this problem. It is in fact com-
-15% mon across the whole local volatility family: CEV,
SABR, and the fully fledged non-parametric local
approximate volatility approach [Dup94]. Even when there is no
-25% FX skew, vanilla quanto option pricing deserves at-
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 tention being paid to the choice of underlying model.
Figure 2: Relative option time value differences for figure 1.
in the figure are relative differences of the time value 6.2 Co-inclining skew
of the option, as priced with the respective meth- In this case, the implied volatility skew and the FX
odology, when compared with the exact price. For skew lean in the same direction. We show in figure 3
instance, the curve marked “DFAQ” corresponds to the implied volatility curves for βQ = 161
, with oth-
vθDFAQ −(θ·(F̃ −K))+ erwise the same parameters as in figure 1. As we
vθexact −(θ·(F̃ −K))+
−1 can see, the overall picture remains the same. In fig-
70% ure 5, we show the extreme example where we have
65% QFAQ increased maturity to 20 years, though we reduced
exact domestic at-the-money volatilities to 25%. We can
60% approximate
see that the discrepancies widen significantly, and
55% that our approximation (30) starts to break down
for very high strikes & 2.6, though, but agrees very
well with the exact solution otherwise. It should be
45% mentioned, however, that this breakdown is largely
caused by the fact that the underlying model, due
to its allowing for negative FX rates when βQ < 1,
35% in this extreme scenario, attains negative call option
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 3: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = 16 , σ̂S = prices for & 2.77. Thus, arguably, the failure of the
50% → σS = 48.98%, βQ = 16 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 19.95%, approximation, which is designed to disallow negative
and ρ = −50%. F = 0.9048 and F̃ = 0.9024. option prices, is of no concern greater than the funda-
mental shortcoming of the chosen simplistic model to
5% allow for negative option prices in extreme scenarios.
55% QFAQ
-5% exact
DFAQ 45%
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 40%
Figure 4: Relative option time value differences for figure 3.
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 7: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = 32 , σ̂S =
DFAQ 50% → σS = 51.42%, βQ = 23 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 20.08%,
70% QFAQ and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.9048 and F̃ = 0.9079.
60% approximate
50% DFAQ
12% QFAQ
40% approximate
20% 6%
10% 4%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 5: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 20, βS = 16 , 2%
σ̂S = 25% → σS = 23.76%, βQ = 16 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ =
19.95%, and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.6065 and F̃ = 0.5405.
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
60% Figure 8: Relative option time value differences for figure 7.
40% QFAQ
approximate In figures 7 and 9, we show the example of positive
20% skew for the underlying asset and the FX rate with
βS = βQ = 32 , T = 2, and ρ = −50% and ρ = 50%,
respectively. This is followed by a long dated example
-20% with positive skew in figure 11.
6.3 Contra-inclining skew
In this case, the implied volatility skew and the FX
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3 skew lean in opposite directions.
Figure 6: Relative option time value differences for figure 5.
58% DFAQ
56% QFAQ
54% exact 55% approximate
44% 45%
38% 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
3 Figure 13: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = 21 , σ̂S =
Figure 9: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = σ̂S = ,
50% → σS = 49.22%, βQ = 32 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 20.08%,
50% → σS = 51.42%, βQ = 23 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 20.08%,
and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.9048 and F̃ = 0.9047.
and ρ = 50%. F 0 = 1.1052 and F̃ = 1.1163.
0% approximate
-5% -2%
-10% -4%
-25% -8%
-40% DFAQ -12%
-45% -14%
-50% 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 14: Relative option time value differences for figure 13.
Figure 10: Relative option time value differences for figure 9.
35% QFAQ
DFAQ exact
QFAQ 55% approximate
30% exact
25% 50%
20% 45%
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
10% Figure 15: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = 21 , σ̂S =
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
50% → σS = 49.22%, βQ = 32 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 20.08%,
Figure 11: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 20, βS = 32 ,
and ρ = 50%. F 0 = 1.1052 and F̃ = 1.1026.
σ̂S = 25% → σS = 27.05%, βQ = 32 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ =
20.96%, and ρ = 50%. F 0 = 1.6487 and F̃ = 2.1471. 14%
12% QFAQ
100% approximate
DFAQ -2%
-250% QFAQ 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
approximate Figure 16: Relative option time value differences for figure 15.
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 12: Relative option time value differences for figure 11.
45% QFAQ
55% exact
40% approximate
45% 25%
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 15%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 17: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = 23 , σ̂S =
Figure 21: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 20, βS = 12 ,
50% → σS = 51.42%, βQ = 12 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 19.95%,
σ̂S = 25% → σS = 24.04%, βQ = 32 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ =
and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.9048 and F̃ = 0.9047.
20.96%, and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.6065 and F̃ = 0.5804.
DFAQ 10%
20% approximate 0%
15% -10%
5% -40%
-60% DFAQ
-5% -70% QFAQ
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 approximate
Figure 18: Relative option time value differences for figure 17. -80%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 22: Relative option time value differences for figure 21.
QFAQ 50%
exact DFAQ
55% approximate QFAQ
40% approximate
45% 30%
40% 20%
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 19: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 2, βS = σ̂S = 2
, 15%
50% → σS = 51.42%, βQ = 12 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ = 19.95%, 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
and ρ = 50%. F 0 = 1.1052 and F̃ = 1.1066. Figure 23: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 20, βS = 12 ,
σ̂S = 25% → σS = 24.04%, βQ = 32 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ =
5% 20.96%, and ρ = 50%. F 0 = 1.6487 and F̃ = 1.6123.
-5% QFAQ
150% approximate
-15% 100%
QFAQ 50%
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 20: Relative option time value differences for figure 19. 0%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 24: Relative option time value differences for figure 23.
35% 100%
30% exact approximate
approximate 50%
20% 0%
5% -100%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3
Figure 25: Implied volatilities for S0 = 1, T = 20, βS = 2
, Figure 28: Relative option time value differences for figure 27.
σ̂S = 25% → σS = 27.05%, βQ = 12 , σ̂Q = 20% → σQ =
19.51%, and ρ = −50%. F 0 = 0.6065 and F̃ = 0.5642.
in contrast to the most commonly used practices for
the valuation of vanilla quanto options. For the spe-
DFAQ cific example of a double displaced diffusion model,
QFAQ we have given the explicit pricing formula, and de-
250% approximate
rived an analytical approximation that permits to
200% represent the quanto option implied volatility skew
in the same parametric setting as the domestic skew,
within this model. We have given numerical examples
100% for a variety of parameter combinations that appear
to be in support of the practical viability of the ap-
proximation. Notwithstanding the fact that the ana-
lysis employed a double displaced diffusion model, we
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3 emphasize that the main result of the investigation
Figure 26: Relative option time value differences for figure 25. is that quanto options, for anything but short-dated
contracts, warrant explicit modelling for accurate pri-
35% cing and consistent risk managament with respect to
the underlying vanilla markets.
30% exact
25% References
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7 Conclusion
We have shown that the comparatively simple finan-
cial derivative contract known as a “quanto” option
requires model-dependent considerations when both
the underlying asset and the converting FX rate’s op-
tion markets exhibit implied volatility skews. This is