Memorandum Ssupt Leonida G Rosales: Bureau of Fire Protection
Memorandum Ssupt Leonida G Rosales: Bureau of Fire Protection
Memorandum Ssupt Leonida G Rosales: Bureau of Fire Protection
e. Warm-up and BLOWBAGETS check of fire truck by the duty driver pump
operator or assigned duty personnel
11 0830H Rosenbauer FT driven by FO1 Aliño KJ with crew-SFO2 Lambinicio Jr and FO3
August 2020 Hortelano proceeded to Laoagan Inn and Resort to attend the CIATF meeting.
13 0730H Rosenbauer driven by NUP Ramirez JoD with crew-SFO2 Lambinicio Jr and
August 2020 NUP Ramirez AB traveled to Roxas, Isabela for the smoke testing of the said FT.
14 1100H Rosenbauer driven by NUP Ramirez JoD with crew-SFO2 Lambinicio Jr and
August 2020 FO1 Gapayan proceeded to PENRO to monitor the status of GeoHazard
certificate requested by this Station.
23 0900H Rosenbauerr driven by FO3 Dulansi Jr with crew-FO3 Hortelano and FO1
August 2020 Bulwayan delivered 2 loads of water at Agbannawag Isolation Facility.
Noted By: