Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation
Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation
Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation
Nurul Wahidah. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami
No. 36 A, 57126, Surakarta, Central Java. Email:
26 e-ISSN: 2549-0281
Wahidah et al./ Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation Management
e-ISSN: 2549-0281 27
Journal of Health Policy and Management (2018), 3(1): 26-33
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Wahidah et al./ Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation Management
work that has been taken by someone so km (121, 60.5%), and tenure ≥10 years
that they will be able to understand the (121, 60.5%).
task or job well. 2. Bivariate Analysis
5. Study instruments The results of bivariate analysis with Chi
The data were collected using question- Square test in Table 2 showed that
naires. The validity test in this study was performance of midwives was affected by
conducted on 30 midwives who work in skill (r= 0.95; p= 0.030), health facility (r=
Surakarta and Karanganyar. The reliability 1.06; p= 0.008), workload (r= -1.01; p=
test was measured by Cronbach alpha. 0.015), motivation (r= 0.98; p= 0.014), and
6. Data Analysis experience (r= 0.87; p= 0.025).
The characteristics of study subjects were Table 2. Results of bivariate analysis
indicated by the frequency and percentage. of factors associated with midwives
Bivariate analysis was conducted using Chi performance
Square test. The relationship of variables Independent
r p
studied was analyzed using multilevel variable
analysis model. Variables at level one that Skill 0.95 0.030
directly affect the individual including skill, Facility 1.06 0.008
Workload -1.01 0.015
health facility, workload, motivation, and
Motivation 0.98 0.014
experience. The study variable at level two Experience 0.87 0.025
was puskesmas accreditation.
7. Research ethics 3. Multilevel Analysis
The research ethical licenses were obtained Based on the results of multilevel analysis,
from the Research Committee at Dr. Moe- it showed that the variables in the fixed
wardi hospital, Surakarta, Central Java. effects group, skill was positively affected
The research ethics include informed modwife performance. Higher skill
consent, anonymity, and confidentiality. increased performance (b= 2.06, 95% CI=
0.48 to 3.65, p = 0.011).
RESULTS Facility was positively affected
1. Characteristics of Subjects performance. Better facility increased
Table 1. Study subjects characteristic performance (b= 2.29, 95% CI= 0.89 to
Characteristics n % 3.68, p= 0.001).
Workload was negatively affected
≤ 40 years old 129 64.5
> 40 years old 71 35.5 performance. Higher workload decreased
Education performance (b= -1.47; 95% CI= -2.76 to -
<Diploma III 11 5.5 0.18; p=0.025).
≥Diploma III 189 94.5
Residence Motivation was positively affected
< 10 Km 121 60.5 performance. Strong motivation increased
≥ 10 Km 79 39.5 performance (b= 1.15; 95% CI= -0.09 to
≤ 10 years 79 39,5 2.41; p= 0.070).
>10 years 121 60,5 Experience was positively affected
performance. Had experience increased
Table 1 showed that most of the study performance (b= 2.06; 95% CI= 0.69 to
subjects were at the age of <40 years (129, 3.44; p= 0.003).
64.5%). Most of study subjects were
≥Diploma III (189, 94.5%), residence <10
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Wahidah et al./ Determinants of Midwife Performance in Lactation Management
output. Therefore, if the facility was in respondents who have a lot of experiences
good and complete condition, it could tend to be easier in providing health
automatically grow work’s enthusiasm of services (performance).
the employees in improving services to the This study is consistent with Fateme
community. et al., (2016), which stated that someone's
3. The association between work- experience would give a good impact in
load and performance providing services. Parker et al., (2014)
Based on the result of the study, there was stated that people who have worked for a
a negative effect of workload on midwives long time would have a good experience
performance. Midwife with heavy work- than those who have never worked.
load decreased midwife performance.
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