What Is Fuzzy Logic?: Fuzzy Logic Is Defined As A Many-Valued Logic Form Which May Have Truth

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What Is Fuzzy Logic?

Fuzzy Logic is defined as a many-valued logic form which may have truth
values of variables in any real number between 0 and 1. It is the handle
concept of partial truth. In real life, we may come across a situation where
we can't decide whether the statement is true or false. At that time, fuzzy
logic offers very valuable flexibility for reasoning.

Fuzzy logic algorithm helps to solve a problem after considering all

available data. Then it takes the best possible decision for the given the
input. The FL method imitates the way of decision making in a human
which consider all the possibilities between digital values T and F.

Characteristics of Fuzzy Logic

Here, are some important characteristics of fuzzy logic:

 Flexible and easy to implement machine learning technique

 Helps you to mimic the logic of human thought
 Logic may have two values which represent two possible solutions
 Highly suitable method for uncertain or approximate reasoning
 Fuzzy logic views inference as a process of propagating elastic
 Fuzzy logic allows you to build nonlinear functions of arbitrary
 Fuzzy logic should be built with the complete guidance of experts

When not to use fuzzy logic

However, fuzzy logic is never a cure for all. Therefore, it is equally
important to understand that where we should not use fuzzy logic.

Here, are certain situations when you better not use Fuzzy Logic:

 If you don't find it convenient to map an input space to an output

 Fuzzy logic should not be used when you can use common sense
 Many controllers can do the fine job without the use of fuzzy logic

 Fuzzy Logic Architecture

 Fuzzy Logic architecture has four main parts as shown in the


 Rule Base:

 It contains all the rules and the if-then conditions offered by the
experts to control the decision-making system. The recent update in
fuzzy theory provides various methods for the design and tuning of
fuzzy controllers. This updates significantly reduce the number of the
fuzzy set of rules.

 Fuzzification:

 Fuzzification step helps to convert inputs. It allows you to convert,

crisp numbers into fuzzy sets. Crisp inputs measured by sensors and
passed into the control system for further processing. Like Room
temperature, pressure, etc.

 Inference Engine:

 It helps you to determines the degree of match between fuzzy input

and the rules. Based on the % match, it determines which rules need
implment according to the given input field. After this, the applied
rules are combined to develop the control actions.

 Defuzzification:

 At last the Defuzzification process is performed to convert the fuzzy

sets into a crisp value. There are many types of techniques available,
so you need to select it which is best suited when it is used with an
expert system.
Fuzzy Logic Examples
See the below-given diagram. It shows that in fuzzy systems, the values
are denoted by a 0 to 1 number. In this example, 1.0 means absolute truth
and 0.0 means absolute falseness.

Application Areas of Fuzzy Logic

The Blow given table shows how famous companies using fuzzy logic in
their products.

Product Company Fuzzy Logic

Anti-lock Nissan Use fuzzy logic to controls brakes in hazardous

brakes cases depend on car speed, acceleration, whee
speed, and acceleration

Auto NOK/Nissan Fuzzy logic is used to control the fuel injection a

transmission ignition based on throttle setting, cooling water
temperature, RPM, etc.

Auto engine Honda, Nissan Use to select geat based on engine load, driving
style, and road conditions.
Copy machine Canon Using for adjusting drum voltage based on pictu
density, humidity, and temperature.

Cruise control Nissan, Isuzu, Use it to adjusts throttle setting to set car speed
Mitsubishi acceleration

Dishwasher Matsushita Use for adjusting the cleaning cycle, rinse and w
strategies based depend upon the number of dis
and the amount of food served on the dishes.

Elevator control Fujitec, Mitsubishi Use it to reduce waiting for time-based on

Electric, Toshiba passenger traffic

Golf diagnostic Maruman Golf Selects golf club based on golfer's swing and
system physique.

Fitness Omron Fuzzy rules implied by them to check the fitness

management their employees.

Kiln control Nippon Steel Mixes cement

Microwave Mitsubishi Sets lunes power and cooking strategy

oven Chemical

Palmtop Hitachi, Sharp, Recognizes handwritten Kanji characters

computer Sanyo, Toshiba

Plasma etching Mitsubishi Electric Sets etch time and strategy

Advantages of Fuzzy Logic System

 The structure of Fuzzy Logic Systems is easy and understandable
 Fuzzy logic is widely used for commercial and practical purposes
 It helps you to control machines and consumer products
 It may not offer accurate reasoning, but the only acceptable
 It helps you to deal with the uncertainty in engineering
 Mostly robust as no precise inputs required
 It can be programmed to in the situation when feedback sensor stops
 It can easily be modified to improve or alter system performance
 inexpensive sensors can be used which helps you to keep the overall
system cost and complexity low
 It provides a most effective solution to complex issues

Disadvantages of Fuzzy Logic Systems

 Fuzzy logic is not always accurate, so The results are perceived
based on assumption, so it may not be widely accepted.
 Fuzzy systems don't have the capability of machine learning as-well-
as neural network type pattern recognition
 Validation and Verification of a fuzzy knowledge-based system needs
extensive testing with hardware
 Setting exact, fuzzy rules and, membership functions is a difficult task
 Some fuzzy time logic is confused with probability theory and the

Fuzzy set and crisp set are the part of the distinct set theories,
where the fuzzy set implements infinite-valued logic while crisp set
employs bi-valued logic. Previously, expert system principles were
formulated premised on Boolean logic where crisp sets are used. But then
scientists argued that human thinking does not always follow crisp
“yes”/”no” logic, and it could be vague, qualitative, uncertain, imprecise
or fuzzy in nature. This gave commencement to the development of the
fuzzy set theory to imitate human thinking.

For an element in a universe, that comprise fuzzy sets can have a progressive
transition among several degrees of membership. While in crisp sets the
transition for an element in the universe between membership and non-
membership in a given set is sudden and well defined.

Comparison Chart

Basic Prescribed by vague or Defined by precise and

ambiguous properties. certain characteristics.

Property Elements are allowed to Element is either the

be partially included in the member of a set or not.


Applications Used in fuzzy controllers Digital design

Logic Infinite-valued bi-valued

Difference Between Fuzzy Set and Crisp

November 2, 2018 4 Comments
Fuzzy set and crisp set are the part of the distinct set theories, where the
fuzzy set implements infinite-valued logic while crisp set employs bi-
valued logic. Previously, expert system principles were formulated
premised on Boolean logic where crisp sets are used. But then scientists
argued that human thinking does not always follow crisp “yes”/”no” logic,
and it could be vague, qualitative, uncertain, imprecise or fuzzy in nature.
This gave commencement to the development of the fuzzy set theory to
imitate human thinking.

For an element in a universe, that comprise fuzzy sets can have a

progressive transition among several degrees of membership. While in
crisp sets the transition for an element in the universe between
membership and non-membership in a given set is sudden and well

Content: Fuzzy Set Vs Crisp Set

1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion
Comparison Chart


Basic Prescribed by vague or ambiguous Defined by precise and certain

properties. characteristics.

Property Elements are allowed to be Element is either the member

partially included in the set. of a set or not.

Applications Used in fuzzy controllers Digital design

Logic Infinite-valued bi-valued

Definition of Fuzzy Set

A fuzzy set is a combination of the elements having a changing degree of
membership in the set. Here “fuzzy” means vagueness, in other words,
the transition among various degrees of the membership complies that
the limits of the fuzzy sets are vague and ambiguous. Therefore, the
membership of the elements from the universe in the set is measured
against a function to identify the uncertainty and ambiguity.

A fuzzy set is denoted by a text having tilde under strike. Now, a fuzzy
set X would contain all the possible outcome from interval 0 to 1. Suppose
a is an element in the universe is a member of fuzzy set X, the function
gives the mapping by X(a) = [0,1]. The notion convention used for fuzzy
sets when the universe of discourse U (set of input values for the fuzzy
set X) is discrete and finite, for fuzzy set X is given by:

The fuzzy set theory was initially

proposed by a computer scientist Lotfi A. Zadeh in the year of 1965. After
that lot of theoretical development has been done in a similar field.
Previously the theory of crisp sets based in dual logic is used in the
computing and formal reasoning which involves the solutions in either of
two form such as “yes or no” and “true or false”.

Fuzzy logic

Unlike crisp logic, in fuzzy logic, approximate human reasoning

capabilities are added in order to apply it to the knowledge-based
systems. But, what was the need to develop such a theory? The fuzzy
logic theory provides a mathematical method to apprehend the
uncertainties related to the human cognitive process, for example,
thinking and reasoning and it can also handle the issue of uncertainty and
lexical imprecision.


Let’s take an example to understand fuzzy logic. Suppose we need to find

whether the colour of the object is blue or not. But the object can have
any of the shade of blue depending on the intensity of the primary colour.
So, the answer would vary accordingly, such as royal blue, navy blue, sky
blue, turquoise blue, azure blue, and so on. We are assigning the darkest
shade of blue a value 1 and 0 to the white colour at the lowest end of the
spectrum of values. Then the other shades will range in 0 to 1 according
to intensities. Therefore, this kind of situation where any of the values can
be accepted in a range of 0 to 1 is termed as fuzzy.

Definition of Crisp Set

The crisp set is a collection of objects (say U) having identical properties
such as countability and finiteness. A crisp set ‘B’ can be defined as a
group of elements over the universal set U, where a random element can
be a part of B or not. Which means there are only two possible ways, first
is the element could belong to set B or it does not belong to set B. The
notation to define the crisp set B containing a group of some elements in
U having the same property P, is given

below.  It can
perform operations like union, intersection, compliment and difference.
The properties exhibited in the crisp set includes commutativity,
distributivity, idempotency, associativity, identity, transitivity and
involution. Though, fuzzy sets also have the same above given properties.

Crisp Logic
The traditional approach (crisp logic) of knowledge representation does
not provide an appropriate way to interpret the imprecise and non-
categorical data. As its functions are based on the first order logic and
classical probability theory. In another way, it can not deal with the
representation of human intelligence.


Now, let’s understand the crisp logic by an example. We are supposed to

find the answer to the question, Does she have a pen? The answer of the
above-given question is definite Yes or No, depending on the situation. If
yes is assigned a value 1 and No is assigned a 0, the outcome of the
statement could have a 0 or 1. So, a logic which demands a binary (0/1)
type of handling is known as Crisp logic in the field of fuzzy set theory.

Key Differences Between Fuzzy Set and Crisp Set

1. A fuzzy set is determined by its indeterminate boundaries, there
exists an uncertainty about the set boundaries. On the other hand, a
crisp set is defined by crisp boundaries, and contain the precise
location of the set boundaries.
2. Fuzzy set elements are permitted to be partly accommodated by the
set (exhibiting gradual membership degrees). Conversely, crisp set
elements can have a total membership or non-membership.
3. There are several applications of the crisp and fuzzy set theory, but
both are driven towards the development of the efficient expert
4. The fuzzy set follows the infinite-valued logic whereas a crisp set is
based on bi-valued logic.
The fuzzy set theory is intended to introduce the imprecision and
vagueness in order to attempt to model the human brain in artificial
intelligence and significance of such theory is increasing day by day in the
field of expert systems. However, the crisp set theory was very effective
as the initial concept to model the digital and expert systems working on
binary logic.

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