We Offer 3 Types of Filling Station Stand-Alone System

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Our Oxygen filling Station uses Advance Pressure swing Adsorption (PSA) technology to produce

Oxygen and incorporated is a high pressure compressor for filling Oxygen cylinders. Design is made
for round the clock operation.


Stand-alone system
The stand-alone system consist of the essentials (compressor, dryer, generator etc.) and provides an
innovative alternative where you are not restricted in terms of height, width or capacity etc. It is the most
cost-effective and maintenance friendly solution, suitable for indoor installation. Waste heat from compressor
can be used for heating. Above is 3D visualization.

Skid mounted Containerized unit

This is a robustly compact pre-assembled This is a modified ISO container which includes
turn-key system built on steel frame incorporating all the essentials with the advantage of skid
all essentials including piping, hoses, electrical mounted system plus give an option to maintain
connections etc. Its available in small to medium ideal operating condition to suit or adapt to all
size units keeping in mind easy transportation environmental condition such as tropical,
with no installation needed. Plug and play sub-tropical, temperate condition etc.

Air compressor
Air dryer – refrigerant or adsorption
Air filtration – 0.1 and 0.01 micron
Air tank
Oxygen generator
Buffer tank
HP Oxygen compressors
Filling ramp with accessories

Model Purity Capacity Max. outlet Number of filled Dimensions $SSZeight

pressure (bar) cylinders per day
% m3/h bar volume 6m3 cm kg
O4FS 95 3,4 152 13,6 1.0 x 5.0 x 1.9 600
O8FS 95 6,8 152 27,2 1.5 x 7.5 x 2.1 2200
O18FS 95 17,0 172/207 68 1.5 x 7.5 x 2.4 2600
O32FS 95 34,0 172/207 136 2.0 x 10.5 x 2.5 6000
* Performace data is based on ambient temperature 20°C to 30°C. Flow stated in cubic meter (m3) is with reference conditions, temperature 20°C and pressure 1.013 bar

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

Our products are built on innovative technology design Standard

to the highest practical standard while keeping lifecycle Molecular sieve moisture protection
cost to the minimal benefiting the customer by adding Control system with 4” SIEMENS colour touch
all this items as Standard. operated panel
Automatic start/stop
Customers have always a possiblity to select from our Robust design, piping from Stainless Steel
list of optionals to customize the system to suits their (AISI316)
individual needs. Data-logging on USB storage
Audio/visual alarm
What sets us apart is our concept solution which has Carbon Tower
been cleverly put together by knowledge gain over the
years based on previous models and the addition of a
protective mechanism as Standard to eliminate oil Optionals
vapour and water moisture from damaging the SMS alarm & control (remote start/stop, status SMS,
generator thereby prolonging the lifespan and at the alarm warning SMS)
same time keeping running cost low. Sequential start/stop system (one button operation)
Flow meter with totalizer
Product gas dew point sensor
Temperature sensor
Purity and pressure control 7” and larger touch
Audio/visual alarm
Modbus TCP/IP connection
Remote control protection from oil contamination
Filling ramp suitable for various cylinder sizes


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