MSizing Web Excel
MSizing Web Excel
MSizing Web Excel
Note: The worksheet is designed to automatically calculate the total number of printed pages when published in ASCE two-column
Journal Name: Manuscript # (if known):
Author Full Name: Author Email:
The maximum length of a technical paper is 10,000 words and word-equivalents or 8 printed pages. A technical note should not exceed 3,500 words and
word-equivalents in length or 4 printed pages. Approximate the length by using the form below to calculate the total number of words in the text and adding
to the total number of word-equivalents of the figures and tables to obtain a grand total of words for the paper/note to fit ASCE format. Overlength papers
must be approved by the editor; however, valuable overlength contributions are not intended to be discouraged by this procedure.
C. Total Characters wide by Total Text lines = word equiv. as shown in the table above. Add
word equivalents for each table in the column labeled "Word Equivalents." Estimating Length of Tables & Figures:
Tables Equivalents
3. Estimating Length of Figures
A. First reduce the figures to final size for publication. Table 1 0 Figure 1
2 0 2
Figure type size can't be smaller than 6 point (2mm).
3 0 3
Use ruler
fig.and measure
= up figure to fit 1 or 2 column wide format.
to 3.5 in.(88.9mm) 4 0 4
wide 2-col. fig. = 3.5 to 7 in.(88.9 to 177.8 mm) wide 5 0 5
C. Then use a ruler to check the height of each figure (including title & caption). 6 0 6
7 0 7
1-column fig. = up to 3.5 in.(88.9mm) wide 2-column fig. = 3.5 to 7 in.(88.9 to 177.8 mm)
8 0 8
by: wide by:
up to 2.5 in.(63.5mm) high = 158 word equiv. up to 2.5 in.(63.5mm) high = 315 word equiv. 9 0 9
up to 5 in.(127mm) high = 315 word equiv. up to 5 in.(127mm) high = 630 word equiv. 10 0 10
up to 7 in.(177.8mm) high = 473 word equiv. up to 7 in.(177.8mm) high = 945 word equiv. 11 0 11
up to 9 in.(228.6mm) high = 630 word equiv. up to 9 in.(228.6mm) high = 1260 word equiv.
12 0 12
13 0 13
D. Total Characters wide by Total Text lines = word equiv. as shown in the table above. Add 14 0 14
word equivalents for each table in the column labeled "Word Equivalents." 15 0 15
Total Tables/Figures: 0 (word equivalents) Please double-up 17
Total Words of Text: 583 tables/figures if 18
additional space is
needed (ex. 20+21). 19
updated 1/16/03
additional space is
needed (ex. 20+21).
Total words and word equivalents: 583 20 and 21
printed pages: 1
updated 1/16/03
rm then email it with each manuscript submission.***
ate the total number of printed pages when published in ASCE two-column
rd-equivalents or 8 printed pages. A technical note should not exceed 3,500 words and
ngth by using the form below to calculate the total number of words in the text and adding it
obtain a grand total of words for the paper/note to fit ASCE format. Overlength papers
ributions are not intended to be discouraged by this procedure.
plus headings
TOTAL words
printed pages
updated 1/16/03
updated 1/16/03