Kissing Feet Qadambosi

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Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

Kissing feet [Qadam Bosi]

Al Bukhari’s Al-Adab Al Mufrad: Chapter 445. Kissing the Feet

Hadith No. 975 : Al-Wazi Ibn Amir said, “We came and were told, ‘That is the
Messenger of Allah SAWS.’ We took his hands and feet and kissed them and
kissed them.”

Hadith No. 976 : Suhayb said, “Ali kissed the hand and feet of al-Abbas.” (al-
Abbas was Ali’s uncle).

These Ahadith were found quoted in “Arabs News” newspaper article (The Middle
East's Leading English Language Daily, published and circulated from Saudi Arabia)
under the section “Islam in Perspective” with the title “Kissing hands and feet” on
13th December 2002 corresponding to 8th Shawwal 1423 H, edited by Adil Salahi,
Arab News Staff (see the scan copy below).

The article is still available online in the Arab News archives at:
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Kissing feet [Qadambosi] 2|Page
Kissing feet [Qadambosi]

Ahadith on the subject of ‘Qadambosi’ have been reported by other compilers (of
Ahadith) so much so that they have carefully placed them in ‘Adaab’ chapter.

From Safwan ibn `Asal al-Muradi: "One of two Jews said to his companion:
Take us to this Prophet so we can ask him about Musa's ten signs... [The Prophet
SAWS replied in full and then] they kissed his hands and feet and said: we
witness that you are a Prophet..." Reference: Ibn Abi Shayba (Book of Adab,
Chapter entitled A Man Kissing Another Man's Hand When He greets Him), Tirmidhi
(Book of Adab) who declared it hasan sahih, al-Nasa'i, Ibn Maja (Book of Adab), and
al-Hakim who declared it sahih.

When we were with Allah's Messenger SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam on an

expedition, a Bedouin came and asked for a miracle. The Noble Messenger
SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam pointed at a tree and said to the Bedouin: "Tell that
tree that Allah's Messenger summons you." The tree swayed and brought itself
out, and came to the presence of the Holy Messenger SallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam, saying, "Peace be upon you Oh Messenger of Allah!" The Bedouin said,
"Now let it return to its place!" When Allah's Messenger SallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam ordered it, and the tree went back. The Bedouin said, "let me prostrate to
you!”. Allah's Messenger SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam answered: "No one is
allowed to do that [i.e. it is Haraam]." The Bedouin said, "Then I will KISS
YOUR HANDS AND FEET." and He PERMITTED HIM THAT [i.e. it is jaa'iz].
REF: al-QaaDee Iyaad, ash-Shifaa', 1:299; al-Bazzaar, Musnad, 3:49.

Burayda narrated that one of the Bedouin Arabs who came to the Prophet, Peace
be upon him, asked: "O Messenger of Allah, give me permission to kiss your
head and your feet," and he received it. Reference: Hakim's Mustadrak and in Ibn
Muqri. Both al-Hakim and al-`Iraqi declared the latter's chain authentic. 3|Page
Kissing feet [Qadambosi]

Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 41: General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab)

Book 41, Number 5206:

Narrated al-Wazi' ibn Zari':

Umm Aban, daughter of al-Wazi' ibn Zari', quoting his grandfather, who was a
member of the deputation of Abdul Qays, said: When we came to Medina, we
raced to be first to dismount and kiss the hand and foot of the Apostle of Allah
(peace_be_upon_him). But al-Mundhir al-Ashajj waited until he came to the
bundle of his clothes. He put on his two garments and then he went to the
Prophet (peace_be_upon_him).
He said to him: You have two characteristics which Allah likes: gentleness and
He asked: Have I acquired them or has Allah has created (them) my nature? He
replied: No, Allah has created (them) in your nature.
He then said: Praise be to Allah Who has created in my nature two characteristics
which Allah and His Apostle like.

Same hadith finds place in Mishkaat (Arabic) on page 402.

Imam Bayhaqi also narrated this in as-Sunan al-Kubra (vol. 7, p. 102) and Imam
Tabarani in two of his books: al-Mujam al-Kabir (vol. 5, p. 275 # 5313); and al-
Mujam al-Awsat (vol. 1, p. 133 # 418).

Qudwat-ul-Ulama Peer-o-Murshid Hazrat Syed Muhammad alias Roshan Miyan

Sahab Ahle-Hasteda, in his tafsir ‘Tabiyin-ul-Quran ‘Ala’a Minhaj-al Islam wal Iman
wal Ihsan’ has formed an article “Salam ka Jawab Denay aur Is Mein Du’a Bhi
Kahnay Ka Bayan” while rendering exegesis on the verse 86 of Sura Nisa [Tafsir
pages 227, 246]. The commentary included multiple Ahadith on the subject of
‘Qadambosi’ [see the scan copy of related tafsir pages below] 4|Page
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Kissing feet [Qadambosi]

Since the tafsir is in Urdu, we’ll give the rough translation of the snippet per our

“…Since the practice of Qadambosi is established Sunnah from the Prophet SAS and
he himself has kept it permissible, it is Mustahab but not Farz or Wajib. It is upto
one’s discretion to follow or leave it. There’s no deficiency in the religion of the non-
performer of Qadambosi and there’s no command [penalty] levied on him either.
However, calling the act of Qadambosi as ‘irreligious’ is not only baseless but also it
becomes a reason of sin for finding fault in the Sunnah, permitted and accepted by the
Prophet SAS himself. And honorable and respectable person should never demand
others to perform his Qadambosi as this will promote pride and egoistic thing. In fact,
the act of performing Qadambosi is an expression of one’s love, and utmost respect
[not by coercion or done compulsively], which is religious and Mustahab deed…”

“…When it is evident that people have performed ‘Qadambosi’ of the Prophet SAS,
and the Prophet SAS himself has accepted their deed [of performing his Qadambosi],
and allowed it and given its permissibility and has not stopped them from doing so
then who can question its authenticity? And how can anyone dare declare it wrong
[Bidat, Shirk, un-Islamic etc]? If they do so then it tantamount to questioning the
Sunnah of the Prophet SAS and it’ll be deemed as the insult [God forbidding] to the
Prophet SAS because it is not reported that the Prophet SAS has ever stopped people
from performing his Qadambosi or prohibited people from doing it...” 7|Page

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