NCM 106.2 3

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- the nurse wants to know more about the
patient, to identify his/her problems, that is
 exchange of information between people by
why conversation is important.
sending & receiving it through speaking,
- It is usually structured form of interview.
writing or by using any other medium.
information is conveyed effectively
- patient instruction may vary from an
between people
informal conversation during which few
 To be a successful nurse, excellent
facts are conveyed to an elaborate
communication skills are required.
instruction session. Problem solving is very
 Nurses speak to people of varying important & communication is a part of
educational, cultural and social backgrounds that.
& must do so in an effective, caring and a
professional manner, especially when  GIVE EMOTIONAL SUPPORT
communicating with the patients and their - the presence of an empathetic nurse is one
families. who can enter into patient’s shoes and
understand the patient’s experience is
PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATION IN immensely supportive of the patient.
ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS - Emotional support alleviates the loneliness
or the experience our client is having during
1. Convey information/opinion their hospital stay.
 Ex. You will inform the client that this pill is
taken for pain relief. You should take this COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES
medicine after the meal.
1. Make broad opening remarks
2. To request information/opinion/behavior - ex. “Please tell me how does it feel a few
 Ex. Are you allergic to penicillin? Tell me hours after taking your medication.”
more about the injury.
2. Use open-ended questions
3. To give social acknowledgment - In this way, what the patient sees is
 Ex. Greet client “good morning or hello” important, what he/she is intellectually
capable of, and how well oriented she is
- Are purposeful as opposed to social - Ex. “Tell me more about the effects of your
interaction. medication.”
- Social interaction on the other hand,
entertains the participants but in a 3. Share observations and thoughts
professional situation. - shows that you are aware of what is
- The nurse usually has a clinical objective, happening to the patient and encourages
that is why he/she wants to achieve with him/her to talk about it.
communication. - Ex. “You seem to be upset today.”
- The nurses therefore decide on the purpose
of interaction before or shortly after it 4. Give information
begins. - Very important in the administration of
- Giving information explains the
pharmacodynamics or the
pharmacokinetics of drugs. With that, you 2. PRECISION MEDICINE
will gain the cooperation of the client. - This precision medicine allows physician to
- Ex. “This pill will help calm you down.” select medicines & therapies to treat
diseases such as cancer based on
5. Sequencing individual’s genetic make-up.
- this helps the patient to see the connection - This personalized medicine attack tumors
between bars of an occurrence. based on the patient’s specific genes &
- Ex. “Did you experience this dizziness proteins causing gene mutation & making it
before or after taking the pill?” more easily destroyed by the cancer meds.
- It uses a similar mechanism of attacking the
6. Comparison diseases’ vulnerable genes to weaken it &
- using comparison to concrete objects is very reduce symptoms & joint damage.
important that is for us to obtain
information from our client. 3. VIRTUAL REALITY
- Ex. “Does the pain feel like a sharp or a - Virtual reality has been around for some
blunt object that hits you?” time however, recently with medical &
technological advances, the virtual devices
o We live at a time when consumers and will also be used as a great aid for patients
patients want to know more about the food helping w/ their diagnosis, treatment plans
they consume or the drugs they are take. & to help prepare them for procedures.
- This is very helpful nowadays especially that
o Their appetite for information is growing, we are experiencing this pandemic.
yet the nation is also facing a
communication gap that has serious 4. TELEHEALTH
implications for the public health. - With oversubscribed services, telehealth
gives patients different access to healthcare
o This gap extends from what patients want where & when they need it.
to know about their medicines to what they - It is particularly useful for patients
actually learned from their physicians and managing chronic conditions as it provides
from their pharmacists or even nurses. them with consistent, convenient & cost-
effective care.
- It was in late 2018 when Apple made
1. SMART INHALERS headlines with their groundbreaking Apple
- These smart inhalers help asthma sufferers series four watch.
to better manage their condition. - This has an integrated ECG to monitor the
- Bluetooth enable smart inhalers have been wearer’s heart rhythms & within days of its
developed. release, customers were waving about the
- A small device is attached to the inhaler w/c life-saving technology w/c is able to detect
records the date & time of each dose & potentially dangerous heart conditions
whether it was correctly administered. much earlier than usual.
- These data are then sent to the patients’ - The wearable devices makes it to forecast
smartphones so that they can keep track of to reach 67 m/billion by 2024.
& control of their condition.
- Clinical trials show that using the smart INTERNET INFORMATION (GOVERNMENT SITES)
inhaler device use less reliever medicine &
had more reliever-free days. 1.
- Monitoring medicine procurement. topics including careers & credentialing,
- This government agency checks LGUs if they practice, ethics, health, safety, policy,
procured drugs & medicines within the advocacy & more.
2. - provides a host of services
- This is responsible for safeguarding public including job postings, continuing education
health & safety, protecting the public health unit courses, nursing related news, & an
through enforcement of its standards to event calendar for seminars, webinars &
food & drugs bought by customers. career fairs.

3. o There are many internet sites w/c can help

- 81.6% approves of the government anti- nurses & aspiring nurses in their search for
drug campaign wherein the Dangerous Drug information about our profession, health &
Board mandated to be the policy-making & other information on medications & drugs.
coordinating agency as well.
- This has something to do with the National
Clearing House on all matters pertaining to
law enforcement & control of dangerous

- Situation Philippine Drug – PDEA
- The lead anti-drug law enforcement agency
responsible for preventing, investigating &
combatting any dangerous drugs-controlled
precursors & essential chemicals within the


- Is the portal for Assessment Technologies
Institute, LLC.
- The company offers nursing education
delivery systems for schools & faculty &
preparation courses for nursing students.
- NCLEX test preparation is a big part of what
they provide.

- This is the website of the American Nurses
Association, a full-service professional
organization representing the interests of
America’s registered nurses.
- As the website for the largest professional
organization for nurses,
provides information on a wide range of

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