Mepartment of Butation

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mepartment of butation

12 FEB 2014
DepEd O R D E R
No. 6 , s. 2014

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
All Others Concerned

1. Pursuant to Resolution No. 10 dated June 1, 2012, the Government

Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) approved the adoption of the Agency
Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators (APCPI) as Standard
Procurement Monitoring and Assessment Tool to be used by all procuring
entities of the government. All procuring entities are mandated to conduct a yearly
APCPI self-assessment and to submit the results of the assessment, using the
prescribed format, to the GPPB Technical Support Office (TSO) .

2. The APCPI aims to:

a. provide a standard procurement performance monitoring and

evaluation tool for use by all procuring entities on a regular

b. identify strengths and weaknesses in the agency's procurement

systems and to develop an Action Plan for Procurement
Improvement to address the areas of risks and weaknesses;

c. utilize the information submitted by the agencies as part of the

procurement database which will be linked to other government
related databases to analyze national procurement performance
for more effective policy and decision making; and

d. assist in strengthening the GPPB-TSO capability in monitoring

national compliance to procurement regulations and in
implementing the agency level Action Plans.

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 liJ 633-7208/633-7228/632-1361•636-4876/637-6209 4
3. The APCPI Assessment Process is summarized below:

.. .
STEP 3: BA C Secretariat reviews

APCPI Assessment Process

Sec:tetariat collects consolidates data and findings and prepares Action Plan
conducts assessment

STEP 4: BAC Secretariat

invites Confirmation Team STEP6: DepEd CO
to vwfy Results of Self· STEPS: HOPE aeeepts APCPI
Assessment approves the .Assesslnalt Results,
APCPJ consolidates and
Results submits toGPPB-TSO

4. The following prescribed data-gathering instruments shall be used in the

conduct of APCPI assessment:
a. Annual Procurement Plan (APP). This is the regular form of
consolidated Project Procurement Management Plans (PPMPs)
by the BAC and approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity
(HOPE). The APPs to be reviewed shall include the original as
well as the supplemental amendments made during the year;
b. Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR). Under Section 12.2
of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic
Act (RA) No. 9184, the BAC prepares a procurement monitoring
report in the form prescribed by the GPPB, which shall cover all
procurement activities specified in the APP, whether on-going
and completed, from the holding of the pre-procurement
conference to the issuance of notice of award and approval of
the contract, including the standard and actual time for each
major procurement activity. The PMR shall be approved and
submitted by the head of the procuring entity to the GPPB in
printed and electronic format within 14 calendar days after the
end of each semester;
c. Consolidated Procurement Monitoring Report (CPMR). This
form provides a profile of agency procurement for one
calendar/ fiscal year that includes such information as
breakdown of APP according to types and methods of
procurement, number of procurement activities, number and
value of contracts including contracts awarded to only one
bidder, number of failed biddings, number of posting in
Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
(PhilGEPS) website for Invitation to Bid (IB) and contracts
awarded, number of bidders who acquired submitted bids, and
number of bidders who passed bid evaluation; average
number of days from advertisement/ posting of IE/ Request for
Expression of Interest (REI) to Notice to Proceed (NTP), average
number of days for approval of Resolution / issuance of Notice
of Award (NOA), average number of days to resolve Request
for Reconsideration / Protests, and number of contracts awarded
below or exceeding prescribed timeframes. These shall be
submitted together with the APCPI Assessment Form (Annex
"A" of the User's Guide);
d. PhilGEPS Data. These include such information as the number
of bid opportunities, contract award and procurements using
alternative methods notices posted at the PhilGEPS. The agency
shall use information based on its own records and data posted
at PhilGEPS;

e. Procurement Related Documents. These refer to, but not

limited to, Office Orders creating the BAC and BAC Secretariat,
procurement contracts, Bidding Documents, submitted Bids,
Abstract of Bids, Supplemental Bid Bulletins, Minutes of
Meetings, Request/ s for Reconsideration, Protest and
Resolutions, Observer's Report, and Commission on Audit
(COA) Reports/Agency Action on Prior Years' Audit
Recommendations (APYARs); and

f. Contract Management Records. These refer to, but not

limited to, payment schedules, purchase requests, purchase
orders, delivery receipts, receiving reports, and invoices, among
5. The results of the DepEd Regional and Division Offices 2013 APCPI Self
Assessment shall be submitted to the Procurement Service, DepEd Central
Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City not later than March 14,
2014. This Department shall submit the consolidated 2013 APCPI Self-Assessment
Report to GPPB-TSO on or before March 31, 2014.

6. The APCPI Self-Assessment Results of the schools division, and regional

offices for subsequent years shall be submitted within 60 days after the end of each
calendar year.

7. For transparency purposes, the approved annual APCPI Self-Assessment

Report shall be posted in the website of the agency: A copy of GPPB
Resolution No. 10, s. 2012, which contains the APCPI User's Guide and prescribed
forms may also be downloaded at the website:
8. For more information, all concerned may contact the Procurement Service,
DepEd Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone
nos.: (02) 636-6542/ 43; (02) 635-3762.

9. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order 1s




Reference: N o n e
To be indicated in the Perpetual
Index under the following
0073/January 24, 2014

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