DOLOJO Group 4?: ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
DOLOJO Group 4?: ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
DOLOJO Group 4?: ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
- another trust service that a bank offers - short -term type of loan.
is the safe deposit box. The bank rents
out the box to a client who would like to Collaterized loan
have a safe place to put his important - for loan whose payment is longer than
documents and precious jewelry. one year.
- process of enforcing the lien on the
- a bank acts a collection agent and in
property pledged by selling the property
return for its services rendered the bank
at auction, in order to recover the money
collects a service fee from its clients.
lent and all the expenses incurred in the
Concentrating Banking process.
Private Development Bank these are 3. The rural banks act as correspondent
banks organized to expand, develop, bank for other financial institutions.
construct, and rehabilitate our 4. Act as a collection agent.
agriculture and industry. They place
Private Development Banks within the 5. Act as official depository of municipal,
easy reach of the people, medium and city or provincial funds in the
long-term credit facilities at reasonable municipality, city or province where it is
cost. located subject to such guidelines as
may be established by the Monetary
Rural Banks Board.
Rural Banks are organized to promote 6. Rediscount paper with the Land Bank
and expand the rural economy in on of the Philippines, the Development
orderly and effective manner by Bank of the Philippines or any other
providing farmers and small banking institution including its Extend
businessmen with means of facilitating financial assistance to private and public
and improving their productive facilities. employees in accordance With written
It lends out to cooperatives on permission of the Monetary Board of the
reasonable terms. In granting the loans, Central Bank, any branches and
rural banks shall give preference to the agencies.
applications of farmers and merchants
whose cash requirements are small. 7. with Section 5 of RA 3779 as
Loans may be granted by rural banks on amended.
security of land without Torrens Title
8. rural bank may act as trustee over
where the owner of private properties
estates or properties of farmers and
can show five years or more of peaceful,
continuous and uninterrupted
possession of the property in the Specialized Government Banks of the
concept of ownership. Rural banks may Philippines
be allowed to accept demand deposits
only with the special approval of the 1. Land Bank of the Philippines
BangkoSentral ng Pilipinas.
The Land Bank of the Philippines is
Services Performed by Rural Banks established as a corporate and
government instrumentality. Its main Islamic banking. The Islamic bank
purpose is to help implement the land isauthorized to accept deposit from
reform in the Philippines known as the government banks. organizations or
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform other entities and individuals from within
Program (CARP). It buys farmlands the Philippines or abroad which shall
under the CARP from the landowners form under any of the following non-
and distributes these to tenants or interest bearing placements:
farmers. These lots are amortized by the
tenant farmer with the Land Bank of the 1. Savings accounts:
Philippines for a certain period of time. 2. Investment participation accounts:
2. Development Bank of the Philippines and