Chapter 1 All Answer Cost
Chapter 1 All Answer Cost
Chapter 1 All Answer Cost
It has also fostered the allows managers to identify and
implementation and use of more eliminate activities that do not add
sophisticated accounting systems value and thus reduce costs to the
such as activity-based costing. targeted level.
Customer orientation, new product
development, total quality
management, time as a competitive
factor, and efficiency require the
accountant to create and track
financial and nonfinancial measures
of customer satisfaction, quality
improvement, responsiveness, cycle
time, target costs, cost, and
productivity. Advances in the
manufacturing environment are
characterized by practices such as
the theory of constraints, just-in-time,
and automation. These changes are
affecting such practices as inventory
management and product costing.
4. Global business has led to an
increased need for more accurate
and timely account-ing information
as businesses find them-selves in
competition with other businesses
located around the world. The cost of
making bad decisions has increased
as global competition has increased;
thus, managers must have access to
more accurate cost data.
Additionally, managers may need
cost data from areas that have been
ignored in the past such as what it
costs customers to operate and
maintain a firm’s products.
5. Yes. PCs allow managers to access
accounting data, build their own
reports, and perform many of their
own analyses.
6. ERP software is designed to support
integrated information system,
managers from different functional
areas to have access to data from
other areas. This has enhanced the
ability to implement some of the
newer accounting systems such as
activity-based costing because ABC
needs to use data residing in other
functional areas.
7. Target costing allows managers to
plan for and manage the costs of
new products.
Activity-based management is a
complementary tool because it
8. A flexible manufacturing system is a costs and revenues and thus provide
computerized system that allows signals to managers that allow them
different product lines to be
manufactured on the same to take corrective actions.
equipment. The equipment can be 15. Business ethics is concerned with
reconfigured simply by calling up
different programs. making the right choices and usually
9. The controller is responsible for both involves sacri-
internal and external accounting. ficing individual self-interest for the
These responsibilities usually include well-being of others. It is possible to
such diverse activities as taxes, SEC teach ethical behavior in virtually any
reports, cost accounting, budgeting, course. By introducing ethical
internal auditing, financial
accounting, and systems accounting. dilemmas in management
accounting, students can become
10. A line position has direct aware of the behavior that is
responsibility for carrying out the expected in the business world and,
basic missions of an organization. A in particular, for management
staff position has indirect accountants.
responsibilities for the basic missions
and provides a supportive role for 16. Yes. There is some evidence that
line activities. ethical behavior actually is good
business. It improves society, helps
11. For most organizations, the align individual goals with firm goals,
controller should be a member of the enhances a firm’s public image, and
top management staff. The controller even seems to be related to better
is the financial expert of an financial performance. The market
organization and can provide critical and consumers appreciate ethical
advice and insights. Furthermore, behavior and are willing to reward
the current tendency of having a those who adopt it.
cross-functional management team
increases the likelihood that the 17. Yes. As management accountants
controller will be included as part of become more informed about what
the management staff. behavior is acceptable and what is
not, we should expect increased
12. Planning establishes performance support for ethical behavior. The
standards, feedback compares code also recommends solutions to
actual performance with planned ethical dilemmas that might not have
performance, and control uses been obvious to the practicing
feedback to evaluate deviations from management accountant.
18. The three forms of certification are
13. Cost management has the role of the CMA, the CPA, and the CIA
providing information to help identify certificates. Although each
opportunities for improvement and certification can prove to be valuable
also provides an evaluation of the for management accountants, the
progress made in implementing the CMA designation is tailored to fit the
actions designed to create needs of management accountants.
improvement. The CPA designation has a public
14. Performance reports compare actual accounting orientation, and the CIA
costs and revenues with planned designation has an internal auditing
orientation. Only the CMA (3) management reporting, analysis,
designation specifically addresses and behavioral issues; and (4)
the professional requirements of a decision analysis and information
management accountant. systems. The parts reveal the
interdisciplinary nature of
19. The four parts are: (1) economics,
management accounting.
finance, and management; (2)
financial accounting and reporting;
a. FS g. CMS
b. FS h. FS
c. CMS i. CMS
d. CMS j. CMS
e. FS k. FS
f. CMS l. FS
Direct costs:
The investment in office space and office furniture for the customer service
The investment in telephones and queuing equipment.
The monthly cost of the phone service and the 800 number.
The salaries of the customer service representatives.
Indirect costs:
Cost of lost sales to competitors who do have this service if the company
chooses not to provide it.
Lost sales (no repeat orders) from frustrated customers who have difficulty
dialing in (overloaded lines) and who must remain on “hold” for an
inordinate amount of time.
Lower marketing costs in the long run as satisfied current customers
purchase additional items.
NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: The students might address this situation from the
perspective of the employees who were delayed in their promotions. How should
they react?
2. Bill correctly sees that keeping track of spoilage is additional work. This will
cost the plant in one way or another. Even if an additional worker need not be
hired, the workers who do record spoilage, by definition, will not be doing
something else. Bill should work together with the controller to see that the
costs of recording spoilage do not exceed the benefits. He should also
attempt to make the recording as easy as possible and concentrate on the
“expensive” spoilage. Finally, Bill’s remark indicates that workers may hide
spoilage to avoid responsibility. They may “steal” it and then dispose of it or
they may simply pass on a bad unit to the next process. Either approach is
costly and not in harmony with the goal of improving quality. These problems
can be avoided by training, education, and the installation of controls.
Gabe Nabors is a line manager with direct responsibility for producing diagnostic
tests. One of the basic objectives of a hospital is to provide health-related
services (products). Thus, Gabe has direct responsibility for a basic objective and
holds a line position.
Leo Thayn is a line manager with direct responsibility for selling hospital services
to HMOs and clinics. Since marketing services is also a basic objective, Leo
holds a line position.
Dear Lily,
As you might guess, courses in both financial and cost management would be of
value. If you cannot afford the time to take both accounting courses, a good solid
background course in cost and management accounting would be best. Good
luck with your goal of becoming a hotel manager!
At first glance, this seems simple. Couldn’t John simply mention that Patty had
already accepted a position as controller in another company? Since the decision
was a close one between the two, this information would likely tip the balance in
favor of John. However, there are some ethical issues to be considered. First, the
information that Patty gave was likely given in confidence, and John should not
disclose this confidential information without her permission. Second, disclosing
the confidential information may provide a personal benefit to John. Third, it may
be that Patty will change her mind about the position she has accepted
(assuming she can withdraw honorably from the acceptance) once she is
officially aware of the promotion. This decision and its consequences should be
Patty’s and not John’s. If I were John, I would leave the response to the
promotion entirely in Patty’s hands. Once offered the position, she may simply
indicate that she cannot accept it because she is committed to another job. This
may then cleanly open up the position for John.
2. Emily should discuss the problem with the next highest management level (if
the divisional manager’s mind cannot be changed). This could be, for
example, the corporate controller or the CEO. She could also discuss the
matter with an objective advisor to assess possible courses of action. In
some firms, ethical hotlines exist that will allow the dilemma to be analyzed. If
no resolution is obtained, then resignation may be called for.
Competence. Top management’s request for Larry Stewart to account for the
company’s information in a manner that is not in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles violates the standard to “perform professional
duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards.”
Also, top management’s restriction on information disclosure has violated the
standard to “prepare complete and clear reports.…”
Integrity. Top management has violated the standard to “avoid actual or apparent
conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties [other shareholders] of any
potential conflict.”
To resolve the ethical dilemma, Larry Stewart should first determine if the
company has an established policy. If so, he should follow the prescribed
policies in resolving the ethical conflict. If there is no policy, then the specific
steps are:
By discussing the possible sale of Emery’s common stock with members of the
trouble-shooting team, Gus Swanson has violated the following standards of
ethical conduct.
1. Assuming the controller did not inform the CEO and CFO of the situation, the
ethical considerations of the controller’s apparent lack of action, as covered
in the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants, are as
Competence. Management accountants have a responsibility to perform their
professional duties in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and
technical standards and to prepare complete reports after appropriate
analyses of relevant and reliable information. The controller’s apparent lack
action regarding the overstatement of inventory and lack of provision for
potential purchase commitment losses do not comply with generally
accepted accounting principles.
Integrity. Management accountants have a responsibility to avoid conflicts of
interest, refrain from engaging in any activity that would prejudice their ability
to carry out their duties ethically, refrain from subverting the organization’s
legitimate and ethical objectives, and refrain from engaging in any activity
that would discredit their profession.
Objectivity. Management accountants have a responsibility to communicate
information fairly and objectively and to fully disclose information that could
influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports.
If the ethical conflict still exists, after exhausting all levels of internal review,
Nevins should resign and submit an informative memorandum to an
appropriate representative of the organization.
Except where legally prescribed, communication of these issues to outsiders
(the media, regulatory bodies, etc.) by Nevins is not considered appropriate.
3. The actions that Heart Health Procedures can take to improve the ethical
situation within the company include:
Setting the tone at the top for control consciousness of the people in the
Establishing an audit committee within the board of directors and providing
an avenue for communication free of reprisals within the company.
Adopting performance-based, long-term financial incentive plans.
Potential questions Queen Isabella might have asked during the eight-month
voyage are listed. (F) refers to a financial accounting type of question; (CM) refers
to a cost management type of question.
Months 1–3:
How are you progressing? Have you sighted land yet? (CM)
How has the weather been? Are the winds favorable? (CM)
Are there any problems on the ships? (CM)
What distance have you covered? Are your supplies adequate? (CM)
How are provisions holding out? (F, CM)
Month 4:
What is the terrain like? (CM) Is the land inhabited? (CM)
What are the inhabitants like? Warlike? Peaceful? (CM)
Have you found gold and precious stones? Other valuables (e.g., spices)?
How much? (F)
Did you claim the land for Spain? (F, CM)
What resources are available in the new land? Timber and stone to build
government buildings? (F, CM)
Is there a good harbor? Are there nearby lands? (CM)
What is your assessment of the potential for long-term colonization? (F, CM)
Are the three ships in good condition? The sailors? (CM)
Months 5–8:
What kind of progress have you made? (CM)
Are you at the same stage you would have expected based on your voyage
out? (CM)
How has the weather been? Are the winds favorable? (CM)
Have you lost any ships or cargo? (F) Are there any problems on the ships?
How are provisions holding out? (CM)
When do you expect to be back in Spain? (CM)