Testing: II.1. Limitations On Pressure

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I. Required Leak Test

Prior to initial operation, each piping system shall be tested to ensure tightness.
The test shall be a hydrostatic leak test in accordance with clause IV except as
provided herein.

a. A piping system in Category D fluid service { a service fluid service in

which all the following apply : (1) the fluid handled is nonflammable,
nontoxic, and not damaging to human tissues as defined in ASME B31.3,
para. 300.2; (2) The design gage pressure does not exceed 1035 kPa
( 150 psi ); and (3) the design temperature is from –29 C (-20 F) through 186 C (366 F). }
o o o o

may be subjected to an initial service leak test in accordance with clause

VII, in lieu of the hydrostatic leak test.

When a hydrostatic leak test is impracticable, either a pneumatic

test in accordance with clause V or a combined hydrostatic – pneumatic test in

accordance with clause VI may be substituted recognizing the hazard of energy
stored in compressed gas. PROCEDURE FOR PRESSURE TEST OF

c. When both hydrostatic and pneumatic leak testing are impracticable, the
alternative specified in clause IX may be used if both of the following
conditions apply :

1. A hydrostatic test would damage linings or internal insulation, or

contaminate a process which would be hazardous, corrosive, or
inoperative in the presence of moisture, or would present the danger of
brittle fracture due to low metal temperature during the test; and

2. A pneumatic test would present an undue hazard of possible release of

energy stored in the system, or would present the danger of brittle fracture
due to low temperature during the test.

I. General Requirements for Leak Tests

Requirements in clause II apply to leak test.

II.1. Limitations on Pressure

a. Stress Exceeding Yield Strength. If the test pressure would produce a
stress in excess of yield strength at test temperature, the test pressure
may be reduced to the maximum pressure that will not exceed the yield
strength at test temperature. { refer ASME B31.3, paras. 302.3.2(e) and (f)
b. Test Fluid Expansion. If a pressure test is to be maintained for a period of
time and the test fluid in the system is subject to thermal expansion,
precautions shall be taken to avoid excessive pressure.
c. Preliminary Pneumatic Test. A preliminary pneumatic test using air at no
more than 170 kpa ( 25 psi ) gage pressure may be made prior to
hydrostatic testing to locate major leaks.
d. Two pressure gages duly calibrated shall be used – one near the
discharge of pressurizing equipment and the other at the highest point of
the piping loop.
e. The pressure indicated by the pressure gage at the highest point in the
piping loop shall only be recognized as the test pressure.
f. The pressure gages used during pressure test shall be calibrated within
30 days prior to the date of use.
g. It is imperative to check that the pressure at the lowest point of the piping
loop during pressure test doesn’t generate hoop stress exceeding the
yield strength of the material of construction.
h. The pressure gages used in the pressure test must be accurate to within
1% of full scale and must read at least 1.5X but not more than 4X the
designated test pressure.
i. Every piping system ready for pressure test must have a vent connection
at the highest point and a drain connection at the lowest point.

II.2. Other Test Requirements

a. Examination for Leaks. A leak test shall be maintained for at least 10 min,
and all joints and connections shall be examined for leaks.
b. Heat Treatment. Leak tests shall be conducted after any heat treatment
has been completed.
c. Low Test Temperature. The possibility of brittle fracture shall be
considered when conducting leak tests at metal temperatures near the
ductile-brittle transition temperature.
d. Personnel Qualification.( as per Clause no. 5.1 of ASTM E 1003-95 )

It is recommended that personnel performing leak testing attend a

dedicated training course on the subject and pass a written examination.
The training course should be appropriate for NDT level II qualification
according to Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A of the American
Society for Nondestructive Testing or ANSI/ASNT Standard CP-189.

II.3. Special Provisions for Testing

a. Piping Subassemblies. Piping subassemblies may be tested either
separately or as assembled piping.
b. Flanged Joints. A flanged joint at which a blank is inserted to isolate other
equipment during a test need not be tested.

II.4. Externally Pressured Piping. Piping subject to external pressure shall be

tested at an internal gage pressure 1.5 times the external differential pressure,
but not less than 105 kpa ( 15 psi ).

II.5. Jacketed Piping

a. The internal line shall be leak tested on the basis of the internal or external
design pressure, whichever is critical. This test must be performed before
the jacket is completed if it is necessary to provide visual access to joints
of the internal line as required by clause III.1.
b. The jacket shall be leak tested in accordance with clause I. on the basis of
the jacket design pressure unless otherwise specified in the engineering

II.6. Repairs or Additions After Leak Testing

If repairs or additions are made following the leak test, the affected piping shall
be retested.

II.7. Test Records. Records shall be made of each piping system during the
testing, including :

a. date of test
b. identification of piping system tested
c. test fluid
d. test pressure
e. certification of results by examiner

These records need not be retained after completion of the test if a certification
by the Inspector that the piping has satisfactorily passed pressure testing as
required by ASME B31.3 Code is retained.

I. Preparation for Leak Test

III.1. Joints Exposed. All joints, including welds and bonds, are to be left
uninsulated and exposed for examination during leak testing, except that
joints previously tested in accordance with ASME B31.3 Code may be
insulated or covered. All joints may be primed and painted prior to leak
testing unless a sensitive leak test ( clause VIII ) is required.
III.2. Temporary Supports. Piping designed for vapor or gas shall be
provided with additional temporary supports, if necessary, to support the
weight of test liquid.

III.3. Expansion Joints. Expansion joints shall be tested without

temporary restraint at the lesser of the required test pressure or 150% of
design pressure. For this test, expansion joints which depend on external
main anchors to restrain pressure end load shall be system tested in
place. Self-restrained expansion joints may be tested in place or remotely.
For test continuation above 150% of design pressure, the expansion joints
may be provided with temporary restraint and tested in place or remotely.
A metallic bellows expansion joint shall not be subjected to any pressure
in excess of its shop test pressure. { refer ASME B31.3, para. 345.4.2 and
Appendix X, para. X3.2.3(a) }

III.4. Limits of Tested Piping. Equipment which is not to be tested shall

be either disconnected from the piping or isolated by blinds or other
means during the test. A valve may be used provided the valve ( including
its closure mechanism ) is suitable for the test pressure.

II. Hydrostatic Leak Test

IV.1. Test Fluid. In case of stainless steel metallurgy of piping, potable quality
water having chloride content less than 50 ppm shall be used. In case of carbon
steel / alloy steel piping, potable water having chloride content above 50 ppm but
below 250 ppm is permissible provided sufficient quantity of sodium nitrate is
added in water to make 0.5 wt % solution. Water having chloride content higher
than 250 ppm shall never be used.

If a suitable nontoxic liquid other than water will be used, its flash point must be
above 93oC. and consideration shall be given to the test environment.

IV.2. Test Pressure. Except as provided in clause IV.3., the hydrostatic test
pressure at any point in a metallic piping system shall be as follows :

a. not less than 1.5 times the design pressure;

b. for design temperature above the test temperature, the minimum
test pressure shall be calculated by following equation, except that
the value of ST/S shall not exceed 6.5 :

PT = 1.5PST


PT = minimum test gage pressure

P = internal design gage pressure

ST = stress value at test temperature

S = stress value at design temperature { refer ASME B31.3, Table

A-1 }

c. if the test pressure as defined above would produce a stress in

excess of the yield strength at test temperature, the test pressure
may be reduced to the maximum pressure that will not exceed the
yield strength at test temperature. { refer ASME B31.3, paras.
302.3.2.(e) and (f). For metallic bellows expansion joints, see
ASME B31.3, Appendix X, para. X3.2.3(a). }

IV.3. Test Temperature

The minimum metal temperature during pressure testing shall be in accordance

with the higher of ( a ), ( b ) or ( c ) listed below :

a. 60oF ( 16oC ).
b. 30oF ( 17oC ) above the Minimum Design Metal Temperature
( MDMT ).
c. 30oF ( 17oC ) above the ductile to brittle transition temperature for
all of the materials of construction. The transition temperature shall
be established from impact test data.

IV.4. Test Pressure. To avoid brittle fracture, the test pressure must not be
applied until the metal and test fluid temperature are at approximately same

IV.5. Pressurizing.

Gradually increase the pressure in the system to 50% of test pressure and make
an initial check for leakage. Thereafter slowly increase the pressure to the final
test pressure. The test pressure usually is between 75% and 150% of the
operating design pressure. { as per clause no. 9.4 of ASTM E 1003 }

For hydrostatic tests, pressurize to the specified test pressure and hold for a
period of 10 minutes to allow piping to equalize strains. The test pressure shall
be held until all joints ( threaded, socket-welded, butt welded and flanged ) have
been inspected for leaks, but in no case for less than the following :-

Shop fabricated spools 30 minutes

Final line hydrotest for systems with test pressure below 515 psig 1 hour
( 35 barg )

Final line hydrotest for systems with test pressure 515 psig ( 35 4 hours
barg ) and higher

IV.6. Depressurizing. ( As per clause no. 9.6 of ASTM E 1003 )

After inspection release the pressure slowly. The air vents need to be opened
during draining to admit air and prevent collapsing of the test system.

IV.7. Hydrostatic Test of Piping With Vessels as a System

Where the test pressure of piping attached to a vessel is the same or less than
the test pressure for the vessel, the piping may be tested with the vessel at the
piping test pressure.

I. Pneumatic Leak Test

V.1. Precautions. Pneumatic testing involves the hazard of released

energy stored in compressed gas. Particular care must therefore be taken
to minimize the chance of brittle failure during a pneumatic leak test. Test
temperature is important in this regard and must be considered when the
designer chooses the material of construction. { refer ASME B31.3, paras.
345.2.2( c ) and F323.4 }

Pneumatic tests shall use dry [ dewpoint –40oF ( -40oC ) or lower ], clean,
oil free air or nitrogen. Oil lubricated compressors shall not be used { as
per clause 14.5, Bechtel Spec. 22960-3PS-PL-007 : Piping Erection &
Testing }.

V.2. Test Temperature. The test temperature shall be recommended by

the designer { as per para. 345.2.2.(c) and F323.4 of ASME B31.3 }
Pneumatic testing temperatures shall not exceed 120oF ( 50oC ) { as per
clause 14.5, Bechtel Spec. 22960-3PS-PL-007 : Piping Erection & Testing

V.3. Pressure Relief Device. A pressure relief device shall be provided,

having a set pressure not higher than the test pressure plus the lesser of
345 kPa ( 50 psi ) or 10% of the test pressure.

V.4. Test Fluid. The gas used as test fluid, if not air, shall be
nonflammable and nontoxic.

V.5. Test Pressure. The test pressure shall be 110% of design pressure.

V.6. Procedure. The pressure shall be gradually increased until a gage

pressure which is the lesser of one-half the test pressure or 170 kPa ( 25
psi ) is attained, at which time a preliminary check shall be made,
including visual / soap solution / chalk examination of joints. Thereafter,
the pressure shall be gradually increased in steps until the test pressure is
reached, holding the pressure at each step long enough to equalize piping
strains. The pressure shall then be reduced to the design pressure before
examining for leakage in accordance with clause II.2.a.

II. Hydrostatic-Pneumatic Leak Test

If combined hydrostatic-pneumatic leak test is used, the requirements of

clause V shall be met, and the pressure in the liquid filled part of the piping
shall not exceed the limits stated in clause IV.2.

III. Initial Service Leak Test

This test is applicable only to piping in Category D Fluid Service. See

clause I.a.

VII.1. Test Fluid. The test fluid is the service fluid.

VII.2. Procedure. During or prior to initial operation, the pressure shall be

gradually increased in steps until the operating pressure is reached,
holding the pressure at each step long enough to equalize piping strains.
A preliminary check shall be made as described in clause V.5. if the
service fluid is a gas or vapor.
VII.3. Examination of Leaks. In lieu of clause II.2.a., it is permissible to
omit examination for leakage of any joints and connections previously
tested in accordance with ASME B31.3 Code.

IV. Sensitive Leak Test

The test shall be in accordance with the Gas and Bubble Test method specified
in the ASME Section V, Article 10, or by another method demonstrated to have
equal sensitivity. Sensitivity of the test shall not be less than 10-3 atm.ml/sec
under test conditions.

a. The test pressure shall be at least the lesser of 105 kPa ( 15 psi )
gage, or 25% of the design pressure.
b. The pressure shall be gradually increased until a gage pressure the
lesser of one-half the test pressure or 170 kPa ( 25 psi ) is attained,
at which time a preliminary check shall be made. Then the pressure
shall be gradually increased in steps until the test pressure is
reached, the pressure being held long enough at each step to
equalize piping strains.

I. Alternative Leak Test

The following procedures and leak test method may be used only under the
conditions stated in clause I.c.

IX.1. Examination of Welds. Welds, including those used in the manufacture of

welded pipe and fittings, which have not been subjected to hydrostatic or
pneumatic leak test in accordance with ASME B31.3 Code, shall be examined as
follows :

a. Circumferential, longitudinal, and spiral groove welds shall be 100%

radiographed ( This applies only to girth and miter groove welds
and to fabricated branch connection welds ).
b. All welds, including structural attachment welds, not covered in ( a )
above, shall be examined using the liquid penetrant method ( in
accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 ) or, magnetic particle
test ( in accordance with ASME Section V, Article 7 ).

IX.2. Flexibility Analysis. A flexibility analysis of the piping system shall be

made in accordance with ASME B31.3, paras. 319.4.2.( c ) and ( d ).
IX.3. Test Method. The system shall be subjected to a sensitive leak test in
accordance with para. VIII.

I. Post Test Procedure ( As per clause 16, Bechtel Spec. 22960-3PS-PL-

007 : Piping Erection and Testing )

 Following the acceptance of a successful test, the system is to be

immediately depressurized and vented in a gradual and safe manner,
thoroughly drained allowing no pockets of fluid to remain. The system then
be blown out with dry filtered air [ dewpoint –40oF ( -40oC ) ] at 150oF
( 60oC ) to 170oF ( 77oC ) at a velocity of 100 ft/sec. ( 30 m/sec. )until dry
to the satisfaction of the inspector.
 Replace all the items removed for the test and remove all test blinds,
temporary supports, etc. the replacement of piping component internals
shall be carefully controlled to ensure that they are reinstalled in the
correct place. Flange joints opened for these purposes shall be remade
with new gaskets. Plug in unvalved test vents shall be seal welded.
 The inspector shall reinspect the system for mechanical completeness
and sign off the package as complete. The signed test package shall be
retained as part of the contract documentation.


A. Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the piping designer, the manufacturer, the

fabricator, and the erector, as applicable, to prepare the records required
by ASME B31.3 Code and by the engineering design.

B. Retention of Records

Unless otherwise specified by the engineering design, the following records shall
be retained for at least 5 years after the record is generated for the project:

a. examination procedures; and

b. examination personnel qualifications.


1. ASME B31.3, ASME Code for Process Piping.

2. U.O.P. Standard Specification : 8 – 11 – 6.
3. ASTM E 1003-95.
4. BECHTEL SPECIFICATION : 22960-3PS-PL-007 : Piping Erection &

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