Disinfectants For The Classroom: Recommendations

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Disinfectants for the Classroom

There are many disinfectants available. The difficulty is that there is no perfect disinfectant: effective, safe,
readily available and inexpensive. The table below highlights the types available and their advantages and
disadvantages. Since there are no pathogens used in the classroom, most of the disinfectants described in the
table should be fine; however, pine oil products should be avoided since they are ineffective in killing bacteria.

• To disinfect bacterial cultures, plates, swabs, pipettes, toothpicks and other contaminated materials soak
them in 5-10% household bleach – leave overnight and then discard.
• To disinfect surfaces, wipe thoroughly with 1:100 dilution of household bleach or 1:200 dilution of Lysol.
• While bleach can be used by students to clean lab benches, it is better for students to use a disinfectant that
will not ruin their clothing such as a phenol (Lysol) or chlorhexidine (Phisohex).
• Keep disinfectant hand cleaner by the sink for use by students to clean their hands.


Chlorine Clorox, Purex Effective against bacteria and viruses. Good disinfectant and Caustic, rapidly inactivated by organic
(5.25% sodium Generally used at a 1:30 dilution of deodorizer. Inexpensive and material, loses effectiveness quickly,
hypochlorite) ordinary household bleach (one ounce available. produces carcinogenic by-products, ruins
per quart of water). Needs 5 min clothing.
contact time. Rapidly inactivated by
organic materials.

Stabilized Oxyfresh Dent- Effective against bacteria and viruses. Good disinfectant and Not readily available. Expensive.
chlorine dioxide Rapidly inactivated by organic deodorizer. Diluted solution Rapidly inactivated by organic material.
materials. is safe. Concentrated chlorine dioxide fumes may be
toxic to living tissue.
Phenols Lysol (phenol*, Effective against many bacteria, fungi Good bacterial and viral High concentrations can irritate skin eyes and
not benzyl and some viruses. Requires 10 min. disinfectant. Moderate cost. lungs. Does not kill all bacteria and viruses.
ammonium Cl), contact time. May not work well in the May not work well in the presence of organic
Stericol, O-Syl presence of organic material. material
Staphene, 1-
Stroke Environ,
Chlorhexidine Nolvasan, Effective against most bacteria and Effective against bacteria; Not effective against Pseudomonas. Does not
gluconates Phisohex, some yeast. Requires 10 min. contact non-toxic. Moderate-high kill spores or viruses.
Virosan, time. Does not kill bacterial spores or cost.
Hibitane, viruses.
Quaternary Roccal-D, Cleaner and disinfectant. Effective against most Expensive to purchase initially, although it is
ammonium Quintacide, Effective against many types of bacteria. Detergent helps to used in dilute solution (0.1% final). Does not
compounds Parvosol, Hitor, bacteria, some viruses, but not against remove organic material. kill spores, fungi. Pseudomonas, or some
Merquat, spores or fungi. Requires contact time Low toxicity. viruses.
Cetylcide of 10 min.
Glutaraldehydes Wavecide, Effective against bacteria, including Very stable and effective. Expensive. Difficult to obtain.
Cidex, spores, and viruses. Works well in Can irritate skin, eyes and lungs.
Sporcide, presence of organic material and is very
Banacide, stable compared to other disinfectants.
Alcohols Ethanol is effective against a wide Broad range, low cost, Requires long contact time and evaporates
variety of pathogens if soaked for readily available, non-toxic quickly so items must be soaked in alcohol.
sufficient time (20-30 min). Flammable.
70% ethanol is considered most
effective disinfectant.
Iodines Vanodine, Effective against most bacteria, Good disinfectant. Readily Rapidly inactivated by organic materials.
Betadyne, including spores, and some viruses. available. Long shelf life. Must be used in concentrated form, which
Povidone, Requires 30 min. contact time. Rapidly Moderate cost. stains surfaces.
Scrubodyne inactivated by organic materials.

Pine oil Pine-Sol, Hexol Pine oils have some disinfectant Good for cleaning, low cost, Not effective in killing pathogens.
properties, but they are not very non-toxic, readily available.
* Note that many Lysol products in the grocery store do not contain phenol. The effective form is the hospital strength Lysol that contains

Contributed by:
Teresa Thiel
Department of Biology
University of Missouri-St. Louis

 1999 Science in the Real World: Microbes in Action

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