Section 2

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SECTION 2. Duti es of the President. The president has the following duti es and responsibiliti es;
a. Acts as presiding officer of the Board of Directors and General Assembly meeting;
b. Prepares project plans in coordination with the Board of Directors and the proper committee; and
c. Represents the organization in all contracts and transactions, however, major transactions shall be
decided by the majority of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. Vice President. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President when incapacitated.

SECTION 4. Secretary. Shall take down minutes of the General Assembly meetings, shall keep the same and maintain
an up-to-date list of all members.

SECTION 5. Treasurer/Cashier. Shall act as custodian of assets and finances of the organization and shall reimburse
legitimate expenses incurred.

SECTION 6. Assistant Treasurer. Shall assist the duties and responsibilities of the treasurer.

SECTION 7. PIO. Shall inform the members of the organization whenever there is an emergency meeting or
necessary information to be discuss.

SECTION 8. Sergeant-at-Arms. Shall maintain peace and order and shall handle conflicts among members.


SECTION 1. Annual Assembly. The General Assembly shall meet at least once a year and shall be held at the principal
Office of the organization every last month of the year (December).

SECTION 2. A Special General Assembly. A Special General Assembly may be called by the Board of Directors
anytime to discuss important matters.

SECTION 3. Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors. The Board shall meet every quarter of the year and shall be
held at the principal office of the organization.

SECTION 4. A special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever called by the President or by the
majority of the Board of Directors. A written notice signed by the person/s making the same shall specify
the time, agenda and place of meeting.

SECTION 5. Notice of General Special Assembly Meeting. Written notice of the meetings shall be served by the
Secretary through an agent or by mail such notice shall be accompanied by the agenda.

Notice of the special assembly meeting shall state the purpose or agenda, where it is to be held and the
same agenda to be undertaken or to be considered during the meeting and no other.


SECTION 1. Election Committee. The election committee shall be informed _____ days before the Election Day.
There shall be a _____ man election committee to be elected by the majority of the board, which shall
perform its duties in accordance with established election practices, canvass and verify in writing
election results, then submit the same to the Presiding Officer.


SECTION 1. Membership Fee. Every Member of the organization must pay a membership fee of P _______ upon his
Admission to the organization.

SECTION 2. Annual Dues. Annual due of P _______ is required of every member to be paid during the annual
general assembly meeting.

SECTION 3. Monthly Dues. A monthly due of P _______ is required of every member to be paid on the last Sunday
of the month.

SECTION 4. Contribute. The organization may raise funds for its activities through contribution or donation from its
members or non-members either cash or labor or in kind and through benefit programs considered
appropriate and legal.
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