J. Biol. Chem.-1996-Couet-4545-52
J. Biol. Chem.-1996-Couet-4545-52
J. Biol. Chem.-1996-Couet-4545-52
4545–4552, 1996
© 1996 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.
(Received for publication, July 12, 1995, and in revised form, October 26, 1995)
Jacques Couet‡, Sokhavut Sar, André Jolivet, Mai-Thu Vu Hai, Edwin Milgrom,
and Micheline Misrahi§
From the Unité de Recherches Hormones et Reproduction, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale,
Unité 135 and the Laboratoire d’Hormonologie et Biologie Moléculaire, Hôpital de Bicêtre, 94270
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
The thyrotropin (TSH) receptor in human thyroid mone (FSH) (6), and TSH receptors (7–10) form a subgroup in
glands has been shown to be cleaved into an extracellu- this family having a large and glycosylated extracellular do-
lar a subunit and a transmembrane b subunit held to- main specialized in high affinity hormone binding (11, 12).
gether by disulfide bridges. An excess of the latter com- Interest in the TSH receptor (TSHR) is enhanced by its impli-
ponent relative to the former suggested the shedding of cation in autoimmune diseases. Autoantibodies directed
the ectodomain. against this receptor have stimulatory (Graves’ disease) or
Indeed we observed such a shedding in cultures of blocking (idiopathic myxoedema) effects on its function (13).
human thyrocytes and permanently transfected L or
4546 A Soluble Form of the Human TSH Receptor
Culture of an L Cell Line Permanently Expressing the Human TSH as described previously.
Receptor—This cell line was cultured as described previously (17). Cell Quantification of a/b Heterodimers by Treatment of Cells with Di-
viability tests were performed by the trypan blue exclusion technique. thiothreitol to Release TSHR a Subunit—At the end of incubation, cells
Primary Cultures of Human Thyrocytes—Human thyroid tissue was were scraped gently as described above and incubated for 2 h at 4 °C in
obtained by surgery from patients with benign thyroid diseases. Thy- 500 ml of a PBS (pH 7.4), 100 mM dithiothreitol solution under agitation.
roid follicles were prepared as described (18) and cultured for 48 –72 h. The cells were then centrifuged at 1500 3 g for 5 min. An aliquot of the
Immunoradiometric Assay of the TSH Receptor—A double-determi- supernatant was diluted 100-fold for the assay of released a subunits.
nant (“sandwich”-type) radioimmunoassay was developed for the spe- Then the cells were treated with Triton X-100 in order to solubilize the
cific quantification of the TSH receptor a subunit. This assay uses two remaining uncleaved TSHR. An aliquot of this cellular extract was used
additive monoclonal antibodies specific for the extracellular domain of for the assay of the cellular receptor.
the TSHR (T5-317 and T5-51 (15)). The specificity of these antibodies Statistical Analysis—Statistical differences between groups were an-
has been established by a variety of methods: these antibodies inter- alyzed by one way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s least sig-
acted with TSH receptor expressed in Escherichia coli or in mammalian nificant difference test for multiple comparison. p , 0.05 was consid-
cells (COS 7, CHO, and L cells) as tested by enzyme-linked immunosor- ered significant. Statview computer program (Abacus Concepts Inc.,
bent assay, Western blot, and immunocytochemistry. No signal could be Berkeley, CA) was used for calculations.
be detected using all these methods in mock-transfected cells. Finally
antibody 51 has been used to immunopurify 125I-TSH receptor com- RESULTS
plexes from the Triton X-100 extract of cell membranes. In the assay
T5-317 was used as the “capture” antibody and biotinylated T5–51 in
Identification of a Soluble Form of the TSHR (sTSHR) Re-
conjunction with 125I-streptavidin as the “reporter” antibody. Biotiny- leased from Transfected Cells—To detect possible shedding of
lation of this antibody was performed using the Amersham biotinyla- the extracellular domain of the TSH receptor from cells, we
tion kit (Amersham). The T5-317 antibody (0.5 mg/well) was coated onto first studied a L cell line stably transfected and expressing high
96-well plates (Maxisorb, Nunc, Rockilde, Denmark) in 0.05 M potas- levels of the human TSH receptor. This model system is more
sium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 h at room temperature. Plates amenable to experimental analysis and more reproducible than
were washed four times with 300 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
primary cultures of human thyrocytes. In the latter the con-
FIG. 3. Comparison of 125I-TSH binding by soluble and cellular FIG. 5. Comparison of the structure of the cellular and the
TSH receptor. Triton X-100 membrane extracts from TSHR express- soluble forms of the TSHR. Cellular (cTSHR) and soluble (sTSHR)
ing L cells and the corresponding cell culture medium (see “Experimen- receptors were immunopurified from the stably transfected L cell line
tal Procedures”) were incubated with iodinated bovine TSH (15,000 and its culture medium as described in the legend to Fig. 4. They were
cpm) in the presence or absence of increasing amounts of unlabeled resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing
bovine TSH (bTSH), human FSH (hFSH), or human CG (hCG) for 16 h conditions and detected by immunoblot with T5-317 (antibody raised
at 4 °C. The incubations were terminated by precipitation of the com- against the ectodomain of the TSHR). C, control receptor preparation;
plexes with polyethylene glycol as indicated under “Experimental Pro- F, receptor preparation treated with N-glycosidase; H, receptor treated
cedures.” Results are expressed as the ratio of B (iodinated TSH bound with endoglycosidase H. The migration of molecular mass markers
in the presence of unlabeled hormone) on Bo (iodinated TSH bound in (kDa) is indicated on the left.
the absence of unlabeled hormone) 3 100.
% of control
Serine and cysteine (thiol) proteases
Aprotinin, 1.6 mg/ml 100
Leupeptin, 3 mM 76
Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 2 mM 100
TLCK, 70 mM 100 FIG. 9. Effect of a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor
TPCK, 1 mM 100 (BB-2116) on sTSHR shedding. L cells expressing TSHR were cul-
E64, 700 mM 100 tured for 18 h in the presence of various concentrations of BB-2116. A,
TAME, 3 mM 100 the soluble TSHR (sTSHR) was assayed in the culture medium. B, the
pCMB, 100 mM 100 a subunits remaining attached by disulfide bridges to the b subunits in
the cell membranes were assayed. The cells were scraped and treated
with 100 mM dithrotreitol (DTT) (see “Experimental Procedures”), and
Phosphoramidon, 100 mM 100
the concentration of released a subunits was determined. Results are
EDTA, 3 mM 70
expressed in pM (A) or pmol of a subunits released (B) as the mean 6
EGTA, 3 mM 81
S.E. (n 5 4).
Captopril, 100 mM 100
Calpain inhibitor I, 100 mM 100
Aspartyl proteases medium which became undetectable at 100 mg/ml of BB-2116.
Pepstatin, 100 mg/ml 100 The concentrations of BB-2116 suppressing TSHR a subunit
Aminopeptidase shedding matched those previously described for the inhibition
Bestatin, 250 mM 100 of pro-tumor necrosis factor a cleavage (28). However the shed-
ding of TSHR a subunit is a two-step process. The first step
consists in the cleavage of the receptor and the second step in
cysteine proteases (E64), aspartyl proteases (pepstatin), and the reduction of its disulfide bond(s). It was necessary to verify
aminopeptidase (bestatin). A limited (;24%) inhibition of that BB-2116 was indeed acting on the cleavage. We thus
TSHR shedding was observed only at high concentrations (3 measured the concentration of a subunits linked by disulfide
mM) of leupeptin. EDTA and EGTA (3 mM for each) also signif- bonds to b subunits and which thus remain attached to cell
icantly inhibited sTSHR shedding. Higher concentrations could membranes. This was done by treating cell membranes with
not be used because of their deleterious effects on cells. Al- dithiotreitol and measuring the released a subunits. If inhibi-
though limited, this inhibition led us to postulate that a met- tion occurs at the level of the cleavage the concentration of
alloprotease might be involved in the maturation of TSHR. “releasable” a subunit should decrease, whereas if inhibition
Inhibitors of nonmatrix metalloproteinases (captopril, phos- occurs at the level of reduction of disulfide bridge(s) it should
phoramidon) had no effect. increase.
We thus investigated the effect of a recently described potent A marked decrease in the concentration of membrane-at-
inhibitor of matrix metalloproteases, the synthetic hydroxamic tached cleaved receptors was produced by incubation with BB-
acid BB-2116 (28). As shown in Fig. 9A, we observed a dose- 2116 (Fig. 9B). Thus the inhibition occurs at the level of the
dependent inhibition of sTSHR accumulation in cell culture cleavage of the receptor. However at concentrations of inhibitor
A Soluble Form of the Human TSH Receptor 4551
which totally suppressed a subunit shedding there was only a possibly the reduction of disulfide bond(s) joining the a and b
55% decrease of cleaved receptors present on the membranes. subunits.
This suggests that a critical threshold of the a/b heterodimer Surprisingly, lowering serum concentration from 10 to 1%
must be reached on the cell surface to allow shedding to occur. greatly enhanced TSHR shedding. This inhibitory effect of se-
rum was not mediated by an effect on cell growth as it could not
be reproduced by insulin or other growth factors. The mecha-
Using a quantitative immunoradiometric assay performed nism of this inhibition is not yet understood and needs further
with two monoclonal antibodies directed against the extracel- study.
lular domain of the TSH receptor, we have detected an immu- The use of various inhibitors of intracellular trafficking of
noreactive protein in the culture medium of L cells and CHO
the receptor allowed us to conclude that neither receptor inter-
cells stably transfected with the TSH receptor. The same im-
nalization, recycling nor degradation in lysosomes were in-
munoreactivity was released from human thyrocytes. This ac-
volved in sTSHR shedding. Moreover all agents that increased
cumulation was time-dependent and reached ;25% of the total
the residence time of the receptor at the cell surface increased
cellular receptor by 48 h.
sTSHR shedding. By contrast, inhibition of Golgi function did
This soluble TSHR is a glycosylated protein which is re-
not modify receptor shedding. Taken together, these experi-
tained by concanavalin A-Sepharose (not shown) and specifi-
ments strongly suggested that receptor modifications involved
cally binds its ligand TSH. Immunopurification of sTSHR from
in shedding occur at (or very near) the cell membrane.
the L cell line conditioned media demonstrated that its
We also investigated the nature of the protease involved in
polypeptide core corresponds to the a subunit (;35 kDa).
TSHR maturation. The best known convertases involved in the
These experiments strongly suggested that there is a spon-
maturation of precursor proteins belong to the subtilisin family
taneous shedding of the extracellular domain of the TSH re-
of serine proteases (37). Their most common cleavage site com-
ceptor in stably transfected L and CHO cells and in human
prises a pair of basic residues. Such basic sequences are found
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