How To Create A Protocol Ongerevhd
How To Create A Protocol Ongerevhd
How To Create A Protocol Ongerevhd
on GE Rev HD
How to create a protocol on GE Rev HD
On the CT console’s left screen, select Protocol Management twice.
If asked, enter the administrator password.
Note: If you don’t know this password, refer to the person responsible
for the protocols on your site or your GE application specialist.
- Select the protocol you’ll use as base to create your new multiphase CTA protocol (e.g. Non-Contrast Head protocol) 4
4 and click on “Copy”, then click on an available line in the protocols list, and click on “Paste”. 5
- Rename this new protocol (e.g. Stroke Multiphase CTA protocol). To do so, click on the protocol you just pasted in the list and type in the new name.
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- Make sure the figure is set in the right position
(supine, head first)
Once the parameters have been adjusted, click on
“Next series” to adjust the other series.
How to create a protocol on GE Rev HD
The 1st series is the non-contrast series. If you used the copy-paste method at the beginning, the parameters have been copied from your base protocol.
à OK
How to create a protocol on GE Rev HD
The 2nd series is the multiphase CTA series. You will need to adjust all the parameters.
- Detector Coverage 40
- Helical Thickness 0.625
- Pitch & Speed 0.984:1 / 39.37
- Rotation Time 0.6
à OK
- Adjust mA 20
- Auto mA AND Smart mA ON (=yellow)
- Adjust noise indexes for each group if you 26
to lower the doses a bit on the different
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Once the parameters
have been adjusted, click
on “Create New series”
to build the CT Perfusion
series (if applicable).