Commissioning Service Department Commissioning Standard Test Formats Description: LINE DIFF & DIST. PROT. - SEL-411L
Commissioning Service Department Commissioning Standard Test Formats Description: LINE DIFF & DIST. PROT. - SEL-411L
Commissioning Service Department Commissioning Standard Test Formats Description: LINE DIFF & DIST. PROT. - SEL-411L
Contact Status
OUTPUT Remarks
Relay De- energized Relay Energized
V Aux I Measured
Relay Status Expected Watts Calculated Watts
Applied(V) (mA)
Enabled 125 <25W
Enabled &
125 <25W
- Open 5025 HMI view after the relay is connected to PC.
- Open “Device Overview” page and observe the Inputs status.
- For PULSE the relay outputs, “Breaker” jumper “JMP18-C” shall be put ON position. The
jumper “JMP18-C” is available in main board, which is on the top. Open the relay front
cover, and change the jumper to ON position on main board, as mentioned in instruction
manual section2, page 852.
- Open 5025 HMI view after the relay is connected to PC.
- Open “Control Window” page and Select the OUTPUT that you want to PULSE and select
the duration of the PULSE.
- Execute the PULSE command. Verify the physical contact close of the corresponding
The complete 87L relaying scheme requires pair of two relays one at each end for testing. The
following tests in this section “SINGLE END INJECTION” are conducted with relay 87L channels
are put in LOOPBACK Mode. These tests prove the relay healthiness, setting sensitivity, input and
output configuration. However the complete relaying scheme shall be tested and recorded under
section “END-TO-END” test.
- 87L function test requires, both local relay and remote relay connected with 87L
communication interface and both are powered up. Also it requires current injection at
local and remote end with time synchronized test operation.
- Single end current injection allows us to test only 87L sensitivity test. So, the sensitivity
test only being performed and that is sufficient to verify the 87L setting.
Note: This test is intended to verify the CT/VT inputs, measurement and CTR, VTR setting in the
local relay.
Step1: Apply rated voltage and current to the relay CT/VT inputs.
Step2: Measure the current/voltage at relay HMI or from 5025HMI.
- Open 5025 HMI view after connecting to the relay.
- Click “Local Instantaneous metering” view and save the snapshot in to annexure word
- Click “phasor” view and save the snapshot in to annexure word document.
Local MAG/ MAG/
The 87L protection function outputs trip when the following conditions (A & B) are met.
A. The differential current (vector sum magnitude) is greater than minimum threshold
(87LPP/ 87L2P/87LGP).
B. The Alpha value is not in the Restraining Region on the alpha plane (OR) the Restraining
criterion is disabled.
Note: The Restraining criterion is disabled until the relay finds more than 5%Inom both remote
and local current.
Alpha is complex ratio between Remote current (IR) and local current (IL). It is represented with
magnitude and angle.
I.1. sensitivity and TIMING TEST: ( ONLY WITH CH-X)
- The sensitivity and timing tests are conducted with relay to relay.
- In LOOP BACK test the local current is routed as remote current. So, the relay would see
differential current twice the injected local current and the Alpha Value would be always
1<0deg , which is ideal operating point in operating region of Alpha plane. So, the
expected pickup current is 50% of the 87LPP/ 87L2P / 87LGP.
Step1: Set ‘EOCTL’ =N, EDD=N, to avoid blocking of 87L2,87LG and blocking due to slow change
in current.
Step2: Set 87L2P=OFF and 87LGP =OFF, while testing 87LP, Do the same while testing others.
Step3: Increase current on one phase until relay trips on 87. Repeat the same for other phases.
Step4: The appropriate Relay Word Bit shall be monitored on front panel or 5025 HMI.
Pick up Accuracy: ±3% ±0.01 INOM, According to the Catalogue for manual # 20130311 Page 56
For 87L2 /87LG sensitivity a single phase current shall be injected. In this case the negative
sequence (I2) or zero sequence (I0) current is equal to 1/3* Iph. But the relay compares 3 x
I2_injected and 3 x I0_injected with the 87L2P / 87LGP thresholds.
87LPP: A 87L2P: A 87LGP: A
Operating time at
PHASE Inject current Delay time
2x87LPP (msec)
IL angle
Diff. element IR angle at Relay operates IR angle at Relay resets
87LA 0
87LB 240
87LC 120
87L2 0
87LG 0
Accuracy: +/- 3° of angle setting, According to the Catalogue for manual Page 56
87LPP: 0.2 A 87L2P: 0.1A 87LGP: 0.1A 87LR:2 87LANG:195
- Apply local and remote current out of phase and equal magnitude.
- Increase the remote current magnitude by fixing local current until the relay trip to find the
outer radius
- Increase the local current magnitude by fixing remote current until the relay trip to find the
outer radius.
- The SEL-411L has Five independent zones of mho phase distance protection.
All zones are independently set. Zones 1 and 2 are fixed to operate in the forward direction only.
3, 4 and 5 can be set to operate in either the forward or reverse direction. The phase distance
elements use positive sequence voltage polarization for security and to create an expanded mho
characteristic. The phase distance elements operate on phase-to-phase, phase to phase to ground,
and three-phase faults.
Note: For more details refer Instruction manual .
TANGP = –10 degrees. Notice that the reactance elements are tilted by
10 degrees, but the resistance blinders are unaffected by this setting. Also
notice that the pivot point of the tilt is the line impedance and not the reactance
axis. Furthermore, there are no individual TANGP settings for each zone;
when you enter a value other than zero for TANGP, all enabled zones are tilted
by the same value. Pa 294
A common misconception is that the reach of the relay needs to be multiplied by the sine of the
line angle when testing the element at that angle. In actuality, the reach of the quad element is
exactly the same as the mho element, extending along Z1ANG as shown in Figure 3. Z1ANG is
also known as Maximum Torque Angle (MTA).
Normally the setting of the detectors are the same and as small as possible to detect the faults.
Accuracy is ±0.01 A and ±3% of setting (1 A nominal), refer to 311L manual page 4.7
Where (Z1P, Z2P, Z3P and Z4P) are the pickup phase elements for the zones (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4)
Test procedure: Voltage of faulty phase is zero but for healthy phases is normal. Inject Ph -Ph
fault current with angle 180 degree. Increase for faulty phases until P/U.
To show the required above targets refer to index (A) at the end of the test procedure. Z1PT
(50L1, 50L2, 50L3 & 50L4) are the pickup phase elements for the zones (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4) respectively
for the ground Mho characteristic.
and (50GZ1, 50GZ2, 50ZG3 & 50GZ4) are the pickup phase elements for the zones ( Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4)
respectively for the ground Quadrilateral characteristic.
Normally the setting of the detectors are the same and as small as possible to detect the faults.
Accuracy is ±0.01 A and ±3% of setting (1 A nominal) , refer to 311L manual page 4.11
Where (Z1G, Z2G, Z3G and Z4G) are the pickup phase elements for the zones (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4)
respectively for the mho and/or quad. Distance elements.
To get a proper reach test results for ground fault quadrilateral elements, Prefer to use constant
source impedance model (to be able to simulate the actual system change for the magnitude and
the angle of both of the voltages and the currents to reach the required impedance point)
Timer Accuracy is ±0.25 cycle and ±0.1% of setting, refer to Instruction manual page: 4.20
NOTE : IN 3 PHASE FAULT R(reach) = R(setting)/4 but in actual it operate after 55 degree
Note: The directionality test in SEL-311L relays is not using the traditional directional positive
sequence polarized voltage algorithm. SEL-311L depends on the negative sequence impedance
(Z2) to determine the directionality (forward or reverse). Based on that the directionality is
changing dynamically based on the negative sequence voltage (V2) and negative sequence
current (I2).
So, The test of the directional line is not required because it is not easy to be done by the
secondary test kits , you can test one point as per the steps down.
The SEL-311L calculates the negative-sequence impedance Z2c from the magnitudes and angles of
the negative-sequence voltage and current. (the ‘c’ in Z2c indicates “calculated”).
V2 = the negative-sequence voltage
I2 = the negative-sequence current
Z1ANG = the positive-sequence line impedance angle
Re = the real part of the term in brackets, for example,(Re[A + jB] = A)
* = the complex conjugate of the expression in parentheses,(A + jB)* = (A – jB)
Note: - for more details about the negative seq. impedance characteristic , please refer to (paper:
Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Pullman, WA USA ).
Test Current:
From the above equation the test current values that you need to apply to the relay to test the
element. For the negative sequence current I2, the result is:
Multiply the quantities in I2 by three to obtain 3I2, the negative sequence current that the relay
processes. With a fixed applied negative sequence voltage VA, the relay negative sequence voltage
is 3V2.
Set Z2c = Z2F to find the test current magnitude at the point where the impedance calculation
equals the forward fault impedance threshold.
- Then the forward impedance fault current is
When :
Tested by: ENG. Witnessed by: ENG.
- For a reverse fault impedance threshold, where Z2c = Z2R, then the reverse impedance fault
current is :
This test confirms operation of the F32Q and the R32Q negative-sequence directional elements.
Where :
The Z2c is equivalent to Z2MEASURED. The criteria for declaring forward and reverse fault
conditions are:
• z2 < Z2F threshold: Forward fault condition
• z2 > Z2R threshold : Reverse fault condition
Directional WORD
Setting Expected operating current Injected Voltage
Status BIT
For forward direction ≥ 2.016 A ∠100 VA=20∠180º ,
º VB=VC= Zero
For forward direction ≥ 1.209A ∠100 VA=12∠180º ,
º VB=VC= Zero
For forward direction ≥ 0.604A ∠100 VA=6∠180º ,
Z2F =9.92 F32Q
º VB=VC= Zero
For forward direction ≥ 0.201A ∠100 VA=2∠180º ,
º VB=VC= Zero
VA=20∠180º ,
For reverse direction ≤ 1.919A∠100 º R32Q
NEGATIVE VA=12∠180º ,
For reverse direction ≤ 1.15A∠100 º R32Q
For reverse direction ≤ 0.575A∠100 º R32Q
Z2R = 10.42 VB=VC= Zero
ohm For reverse direction ≤ 0.1919A∠100 VA=2∠180º ,
º VB=VC= Zero
- If a three-phase fault occurs during a power swing that has operated the OOS logic, the logic also
overrides OOS blocking; a set of internally derived inner blinders encompasses the protected line
and detects internal three-phase faults.
- If the breaker open, simulate (52A = 1) status closed or inject current more than 0.05 A to desert
open pole logic, else out of step function will be blocked.
- For power swing test apply three phase voltages and 3 phase currents to the relay.
The reactance reaches of Z6& Z7 are perpendicular on the protective line angle.
The Resistive reaches of Z6 & Z7 are parallel to the protective line angle.
For test purposes we need to assign the following signals to output contacts to check the reaches of
the Out Of Step characteristic
X6ABC: Zone 6, out-of-step distance element, instantaneous
X7ABC: Zone 7, out-of-step distance element, instantaneous
Characteristic Accuracy: ±5% of setting plus ±0.05 A for SIR (source to line impedance ratio)
< 30
±10% of setting plus ±0.05 A for 30 < SIR < 60
According to the Catalogue for Instruction manual # 20130311 Page 60
- To test Z1, Z2 (Froward zone), Apply impedance point outside Z7 in the 1st
- Apply impedance point inside the area between Z7 and Z6 for more than the Out-
of-Step Block Time Delay setting (OSBD). Check that OSB signal appeared after
the OSBD setting time.
- Apply impedance point inside the Z2 for duration less than 2 sec and check that
the relays didn’t trip.
- Repeat the same for the other zones by applying impedance point inside Z2, Z1
directly after the impedance point in the area between Z7 and Z6.
Measurement of the OSB reset time blocking time (Fixed 2 sec) = 2.0Sec.
Loss-of-potential is declared (Relay Word bit LOP = logical 1) when a 10 percent drop in V1 is
detected, with no corresponding change in I1 or I0. If the LOP condition persists for 60 cycles, it
latches in. LOP resets (Relay Word bit LOP = logical 0) when all three of the phase voltages return
above 40 V secondary, V0 is less than 5 V secondary, and V2 is less than 15 percent of V1.
Note: if setting ELOP = Y and a loss-of-potential condition occurs (Relay Word bit LOP asserts to
logical 1), overcurrent elements set direction forward are enabled (from the 411L manual see
Figure 4.47). These direction forward overcurrent elements effectively become non-directional
and provide overcurrent protection during a loss-of-potential condition.
Note : The VT MCB contact is not available as part from the LOP algorithm , but we can use the
opto-input of the VT MCB to create blocking for the tripping output contacts for the protection
functions which depends on the voltage.
For example: Out205 =! IN307*(Z1T+Z2T+Z3T+Z4T) , that equation means if the IN307 asserted
then the output contact 205 will not operate for any zone trip.
Or write function in automation 1 and take final variable on output contact for example
ASV001:= IN207
AMV001:= 1.000000
ASV010:= LOP
ASV002:= 67P1T OR 67P2T OR 67P3T OR 67P4T OR 67Q1T OR 67Q2T OR 67Q3T OR
ASV004:= ASV003 AND NOT ASV001
ASV005:= ASV004 OR ASV002
- CB status should be seen by the SEL-411L relay as closed to avoid the blocking of the
open pole logic for the LOP function
- Apply 3 Phase rated voltage (Ur V) with balanced angles.
- Apply 3 Phase rated current (Ir A) with balanced angles.
- Within one step remove the voltage on one phase and / or two phases .
- Repeat the same by removing three phase voltages
Note: To reset LOP signal, you have to inject phase voltages return above 40 V secondary
on the three phases.
B 66.4V 1 B ok
C 66.4V 1 C ok
Switch-Onto-Fault (SOTF) trip logic provides a programmable time window for selected elements
to trip right after the circuit breaker closes. “Switch on to fault” implies that a circuit breaker is
closed into an existing fault condition,
Refer to the switch-onto-fault trip logic in the 311L manual Figure 5.7 (middle of figure). The SOTF
trip logic permits tripping if both the following occur:
- An element asserts in SELOGIC control equation trip setting TRSOTF
- Relay Word bit SOTFE is asserted to logical 1
SOTF Initiation:
The relay validates an SOTF condition by sensing the following:
- Upon circuit breaker opening: detection of a pole open condition (3PO) when setting
52AEND (52A Pole Open Qualifying Time Delay) is other than OFF
- Upon circuit breaker closing: detection of a pole open condition (3PO) when setting
CLOEND (Close Enable Time Delay) is other than OFF.
Circuit breaker operated switch-onto-fault logic is enabled by making time setting 52AEND
(52AEND = OFF). Time setting 52AEND qualifies the three-pole open (3PO) condition and then
asserts Relay Word bit SOTFE: SOTFE = logical 1
Open pole (3PO) depends on monitoring CB status (52A) and current is below phase pickup 50LP
(50L = logical 0).
Note that SOTFE is asserted when the circuit breaker is open. This allows elements set in the
SELOGIC control equation trip setting TRSOTF to operate if a fault occurs when the circuit
breaker is open (see 311L manual Figure 5.7).
When the circuit breaker is closed, the 3PO condition dessert (3PO = logical 0) after the 3POD
dropout time (setting 3POD is usually set for no more than a cycle). The SOTF logic output,
SOTFE, continues to remain asserted at logical 1 for dropout time SOTFD time.
Relay Word bit SOTFE is the output of the circuit breaker operated SOTF logic or the close bus
operated SOTF logic described previously. Time setting SOTFD in each of these logic paths
provides the effective time window for the instantaneous elements in SELOGIC control equation
trip setting TRSOTF to trip after the circuit breaker closes (see Figure 5.7, middle of figure from
311L manual). Time setting SOTFD is usually set around 30 cycles.
An instantaneous element is usually set to trip in the SELOGIC control equation trip setting
TRSOTF (e.g., TRSOTF = M2P + Z2G + 50P1).
Note: If the voltage potential for the relay is from the line-side of the circuit breaker, the
instantaneous overcurrent element in the SELOGIC control equation trip setting TRSOTF should
be non-directional. When the circuit breaker is open and the line is de-energized, the relay sees
zero voltage. If a close-in three phase fault condition exists on the line (e.g., safety grounds
accidentally left attached to the line after a clearance) and then the circuit breaker is closed, the
relay continues to see zero voltage. The directional elements have no voltage for reference and
cannot operate. In this case, the instantaneous overcurrent element in the SOTF trip logic should
be non-directional.
SOTF settings:
CLOEND (CB close enable time delay) = 10 Cycles
52AEND ( the required time to open the CB poles and confirm that CB opened) =10 cycles
SOTFD (The time which the SOTF will reset after closing the CB) = 30 Cycles
simulate 2 stages; stage 1: simulate CB open (No current and voltages) , stage 2: fault case within
Z1,Z2 and close up fault ( no voltages, 50P1 will trip instantaneously). at stage1 give manual close
pulse ( IN308) for sufficient duration after CLOEND timer setting.
SOTFD (The time which the SOTF will reset after closing the CB)
Z3XPU–Zone (Level) 3 Reverse Pickup Time Delay
Current-reversal guard pickup timer—typically set at 2 cycles.
Z3XD–Zone (Level) 3 Reverse Dropout Extension
Current-reversal guard dropout timer—typically set at 5 cycles.
BTXD–Block Trip Receive Extension
Sets reset time of block trip received condition (BTX) after the reset of block trip input BT.
21SD and 67SD–Zone 2 Short Delay
Carrier coordination delays for the output of Zone 2 overreaching distance
Elements 21SD and 67SD are typically set at 1 to 2 cycles.
1. The communication scheme is common for 21 and 67G.
2. DCB scheme accelerates 21 – zone2 and 67G- level2 to with carrier co-ordination time.
For 21, it is 21SD – short delay and for 67G, it is 67SD short delay.
3. DCB scheme send Block signal DSTRT, when 21- zone3 or 67 – level3 starts. This signal
includes current reversal timer.
The current reversal timers Z3XPU (CR pickup delay, typically 2 cyc), Z3XD (CR drop off
delay, typically 5 cyc).
4. DCB scheme has Block trip input (channel/ block receive) in SELogic equation, BT =
(IN301+! IN103)+(IN302+!IN104),In this equation the inputs shall be assigned that wired to
CR for 21 and 67G, if they have independent channels.
BT output has an OFF-time delayed output BTX from off-delay timer BTXD (Block trip
receive extension). The BTX is used to block instant trip from 21-Zone2 and 67G-level2. The
BTXD shall be set zero if you have already set Z3XD as CR timer at remote end.
5. The comm.-assisted trip shall be TRCOMM = Z2PGS + 67QG2S, these elements includes
the carrier coordination delay.
DCB Scheme:
Apply zone3 fault for duration just greater than Z3XPU and remove the fault. Then measure reset
time of CS contact. It shall reset after Z3XD time delay.
POTT Scheme:
COMM trip test:
TR1 =: (Z2P OR Z2G) AND IN204
- Apply zone2 fault without CR and channel unhealthy. It shall trip with zone2 time.
Tripping time = 521 m.sec
LED indication = NO Comm. indication
- Apply zone2 fault with CR and channel unhealthy. It shall trip with zone1 time. .
Tripping time = 28.5 m.sec
LED indication = Comm. indication
Length = Km
Line Impedance = Ω