Tactical Field Kitchen TFK 250 - 1000: Mobile Catering Systems

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Mobile Catering
Tactical Field Kitchen
Systems TFK 250 – 1000

Highly advanced kitchen equipment

for mobile use of the armed forces,
fire brigades, civil defence, disaster
control and relief organisations.
Quick and tasty catering in the field
A solid and reliable burner system is key – even under extreme climatic conditions with insufficient infrastructure.

Decisive benefits Diesel burners are undoubtedly

n All boiling, frying and baking the safest for field kitchens.
pans are designed in accord- The heart of every field kitchen
ance with the GASTRO­ burns completely odourless and
NORM container system without taste. The burner can
to DIN 66075. be fuelled by diesel, heating oil,
n The most modern techniques kerosene or paraffin and pro-
can be used, i.e. from bio- duces a 140 °C (2550 °F) flame.
logical cooking to pressure The independent burner is made
roasting. completely of corrosion-proof
n Compact construction means materials and can also be used
optimum mobility for front- as a separate unit outside the Double-walled
line and support troops: field kitchen. pressure boiling kettle
For transport in difficult ter- n The two 150 litre (40 US gal),
rain, by road, rail or ship, as double-walled GASTRO­
a suspended load on the NORM pressure boiling
Chinook helicopter and as kettles permit “biological”
an external load for the front- cooking (vitamins, nutrients
line. and minerals are not over­
n Pressure boiling pan, pres- cooked) at up to 0.4 bar
sure fryer, hot-water boiler, (5.8 psi) for maximum nutri­
oven and all lids are made of tional effect. Fuel sav­ings of
drawn stainless steel (18 % 70% are possible because
Cr, 10% Ni) with smooth- cooking times are up to 70%
contour­ed corners (small n Each TFK 250 is equipped shorter (irrespective of alti­
drawing radii) to make them with 4 independent burner tude).
very easy to clean. compartments with 4 self-
n The pressure boiling pan, sufficient burners. Combination frying/
frying/baking centres and baking centre
tea-maker are independent An easy-to-use single knob con- n The frying/baking centre is n A patented heating system
systems which can be re- trol enables burner output to be located at the rear of the field ensures uniform distribution
moved from the kitchen infinitely varied between 8 and kitchen trailer. It comprises of heat. The entire cooking
block as complete assem- 18 kW (net). The burner can 2 frying pans, each with a sur­face reaches 230 °C
blies with the tools provided. ­operate for up to 8 hours with- capacity of 53 litres (14 US ± 30 °C (446 °F ± 54 °F) in
out a refill. The air pressure re- gal), and 2 ovens. 20 minutes. Fast and uniform
quired for independent operation n Two combination pressure temperature distribution is
can be pro-duced by a foot or fry­ing pans, each with a achieved by the evacuated
hand pump or the tractor vehi- capa­city of 53 litres (14 US heating tubes. This enables
cle’s tyre inflation system. gal) (2 GN 1/1–150 mm pieces of frying meat and
n An emergency furnace en­ (6 in) deep). roasts to be cooked evenly.
ables solid fuels, i.e. wood,
coal, peat etc., to be burnt.
n Efficient gas burners are also
available as options.

The pressure cooking, frying and baking capacity

is more than 600 litres (approx. 160 US gal):

2 pressure boiling pans each 150 L = 300 L

2 pressure frying pans each 53 L = 106 L

2 ovens each 78 L = 156 L

2 teamakers each 28 L = 56 L
Two cooks can prepare a com­ Transport by rail/air
plete meal for 250 persons in The TFK 250 is suitable for
only two hours. In an emergency trans­­portation by rail and re­­
it is possible to supply at least mains fully operational during
1000 people with simple dishes the journey. The field kitchen
in the same time. has been successfully tested
as an external load on US navy’s
“Chinook“ and the German
army’s “CH 53” helicop­ters.
Its suitability as a stow­ed load
was proven in the Transall and parachute. It com­pletely satisfied
Hercules transports as well all service requi-rements and
as the Chinook and CH 53 supplied troops in the farest
helicopters. The fully equipped flung corners of the earth with
field kitchen was dropped by good warm meals.

Thermoport (insulated
Hot tasty meals are extremely
important to every soldier. A new
generation of GASTRONORM
food carrying systems has been
developed to ensure that this
requirement is also met on the
front line. The Thermoport for
GN 1/1, 2 x 1/2, 3 x 1/3 makes
efficient distribution of food to
troops possible, from a patrol
(8 – 15 men) up to a battalion
(400 – 600 men).
Technical Data

TFK 250 1.622-140.0

TFK 250 Refurbished 1.622-140.4

Dimensions and weight

Kerb weight approx. 2,050 kg 4,250boiling
Double-walled pressure lb
Payload approx. 450 kg The two 150 litre (40
992 US lb
double-walled GASTRONORM
Permissible gross weight 2,500 kg 5,512
pressure boiling pans lb
“biological” cooking (vitamins,
nutrients and minerals are not
Permissible towbar load 50 – 125 kg 110at–up275.6
overcooked) lb
to 0.4 bar The low-pressure range up to drain cock. The 150 litre (40 US
(5.8 psi) for maximum nutrition- max. 0.4 bar (5.8 psi) and gal) pans feature a drain chan-
approx. 110 °C (230 °F) was nel and a newly developed,
Overall length 4,170 mm 164.2 in.
al effect. Fuel savings of 70%
selected after thorough analy- 40 mm I. D. drain cock for rapid
are possible because cooking sis of research work carried out emptying.
Overall width 2,160 mm times are up to 70 % shorter
85.0 in. all over the world. The tempera- The use of perforated GASTRO-
(irrespective of altitude). ture range required for pres- NORM cooking inserts ensures
sure cooking at pressures high- fast distribution while retaining
Overall height approx. 2,620 mm The evacuated103.0
jacket isin.
filled er than 0.7 bar (10.15 psi) is vitamins. Food is taken from the
with only a small amount of more likely to have a negative pressure boiling pan and put
Height of work surface, empty 960 mm 37.8
water and guarantees thatin.
food effect on various types of vege- directly into the new “Thermo-
does not burn or stick during tables. ports”, insulated food containers,
fast and uniform heating. The The pressure boiling pans for quick transportation to the
Height of work surface, loaded 950 mm 37.4 in.
easily used evacuating valve have a 1° slope towards the troops.
prevents the boiling pan being
Length of work surface 1,900 mm 74.8errors.
destroyed by operating in.
As cooking times are fast (e.g.
Width of work surface, rice in 30–40 minutes, vege-
tables in 10–25 minutes, pota-
without tables 2,100 mm 82.7 in.
toes in 25–30 minutes), there is
no need for the inconvenience
Ground clearance 320 mm 12.6 in.
of cooking while on the move.

The food can be left in the

Overhang angle, front approx. 22°
double-walled pans for a rapid
change in location. Their spe-
Overhang angle, rear approx. 20°
cial construction means that
temperature drops at a rate of
Track 1,920 mm
only 1 °C (1.8 °F) 75.6
per hourin.
teria cannot survive) and is still
more than 80 °C (176 °F) after
20 hours.

Chassis with frame The pressure cooking system

(biological cooking) uses the
3.5 t torsion bar axle principle of evaporating a small
quantity of water in a sealed
pan. The steam valve remains
Overrunning brake with open until only steam emerges
automatic back-up lock from the valve. There are then
only very small amounts of oxy-
gen in the boiling pan which
Towbar height, adjustable 550 – 1,050 mm 22 – 41.3 in.
could enter into a harmful com-
bination with the food being
Retractable support wheel cooked. Apart from the nutrition-
al benefits, colour and taste are
fully preserved.
Handbrake with breakaway cable
Asbestos-free brake linings 2
Tyres, 7.50-R 15 16 PR 2
Disc wheels, 6.5-15 Super 4
Disc-type support with coarse
and fine adjustments, 200 mm dia. 4
Stowage compartment, approx. 50 l 4
Fire extinguisher box
(fire extinguisher max. 12 kg) 1
NATO towbar eye, standard fitment 1
DIN towbar eye on request
Paint finish on request

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