Of Ergonomics Ergonomics (Or Human Factors) Is The Scientific

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Definition of Ergonomics other manmade devices illustrated sophisticated (for

their time) ergonomic principles.

Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific
discipline concerned with the understanding of
interactions among humans and other elements of a World War II (1939-1945). Ergonomics in the
system, and the profession that applies theory, modern sense began to become more widespread
principles, data and methods to design in order to during World War II. Military equipment,
optimize human well-being and overall system machinery, and weaponry — specifically airplanes
performance.-International Ergonomics Association — was becoming increasingly complex.

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the After the innovations of World War II, ergonomics
worker. Designing work stations and tools to reduce continued to flourish, as its principles were further
work- related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) can applied to evolving technologies. The Space Race
help workers stay healthy and companies to reduce lead to what could be called “hypothetical
or eliminate the high costs associated with MSDs. ergonomics,” as scientists tried to predict the effects
There are no specific training requirements for of weightlessness and extreme g-forces on human
ergonomics. - OSHA functions

The word ergonomics comes from the Greek

word “ergon” which Industrial Revolution. Shortly after the Industrial
means work and “nomos” which means laws. It’s Revolution, factory machinery and equipment
essentially the “laws of work” or “science of work”. started being built with design considerations closer
to what we think of today as “ergonomics.” Most of
Science of fitting workplace conditions and job those designs, however, were created to increase the
demands to the capabilities of the working speed and efficiency of production, rather than to
population. create comfort and/or ease of use for the workers
Science about relation between human beings involved.4
and their work environment.
Utmost goal- Humanization of work The design of airplane cockpits included highly
sophisticated controls, but as these controls had little
to no logical organization, even the best-trained
pilots often crashed fully-functional planes. As a
In simple terms, ergonomics is the study and result, cockpit interiors were redesigned to include
design of equipment and devices to better fit the more easily differential controls and more logical
human body and its movement. control placement, grouping similar functions

History and Timeline of Ergonomics

Modern Ergonomics. Perhaps the most significant
5th Century BCE Greece - Basic ergonomics has
development in modern ergonomics was in the field
existed since the first ancestors of modern man
of human-computer interaction, brought on by the
began creating primitive tools to make tasks easier.
explosion of computer usage in the workplace and,
Archaeological evidence from as far back as some of
soon after, the home.
the earliest Egyptian dynasties, and other, more
concrete findings from 5th Century BCE Greece,
have shown that tools, household equipment, and
The science of modern ergonomics includes the materials and the job process. By applying this
work of industrial engineers, occupational medical approach, the number of motions in bricklaying was
physicians, safety engineers, and many others reduced from 18 to 4.5 allowing bricklayers to
studying both “cognitive ergonomics” (human increase their pace of laying bricks from 120 to 350
behavior, decision making processes, perception bricks per hour.
relative to design, etc.) and “industrial ergonomics”
(physical aspects of the workplace, human physical
abilities, etc.). Nearly every aspect of modern life now includes
some level of ergonomic design. Automobile
interiors, kitchen appliances, office chairs and desks,
Notable Persons in the History of Ergonomics and other frequently used devices are designed

Wojciech Jastrzębowski, in 1857. The fact that the

word ergonomics was coined by a Polish scholar, Even the machines and tools used to build and
became widely known when his book in Polish was assemble those devices are superbly ergonomic. By
reprinted with English translation in 1997. maximizing efficiency and, more importantly, user
comfort and safety, ergonomics continues to make
Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714), an Italian
life easie
physician, that the relationship between working
conditions and pathology was first systematized FIRST ANCESTORS OF MODERN MAN They
from an occupational health perspective. In this began creating primitive tools to make tasks easier.
book, not only respiratory disorders such as asthma
and tuberculosis caused by fine particles but effects
of awkward working postures on workers’ bodies  AUSTRALOPITEC TOOLS
were referred to as diseases observed among metal  PALEOLIT TOOLS
mining workers.  CONTEMPRORARY TOOLS
Józefa Joteyko (1919) - a Polish scientist wrote “The
Science of Labour and Its Organization”. It was
published in English, in which measurement of 5th Century BCE
occupational fatigue and principles in scientific
Have shown that tools, household,
management of labor were discussed in detail.
equipment and other manmade devices
Frederick W. Taylor (1900’s), Scientific illustrated
Management, a method that improved worker
efficiency by improving the job process, became
popular. He was a pioneer of this approach and Ancient Greece (5th century BC) used
evaluated jobs to determine the “One Best Way” ergonomic principles in the design of their
they could be performed. At Bethlehem Steel, tools, jobs and workplace
Taylor dramatically increased worker production
and wages in a shoveling task by matching the Hippocrates- description of how a surgeon’s
shovel with the type of material that was being workplace should be designed and how the
moved (ashes, coal or ore). tools he uses should be arranged.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Time and Motion studies Wojciech Bogumil Jastrzebowski 1857 the
made jobs more efficient and less fatiguing through outline of ergonomics i. e Science of work,
time motion analysis and standardizing tools, based on the truths taken from the natural
science. E
considerations to what we think of
today’s “ergonomics”.
Those designs were created to
Ergon- praca (work) increase the speed and efficiency of
Nomos- prawo (law)
History of Ergonomics
Industrial Revolution
Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714) was STUDYING THE WORK THAT IS
aware of repetitive movement injuries to BEING DONE WHICH THAT
 Clerks
 Cobblers and tailors FREDERICK TAYLOR (1856-
 Porters 1915)
Research for work capability
Work time measurement
World War II Scientific method of work
1939-1945 organizing
Scientific management
Development of new and complex 1903- Shop Management
machines and weaponry 1911- Scientific Management

New demands on operator’s Therbligs- Classification of work

cognition activities
Key success factors:
 Hand eye coordination of the
machine operator
 Decision making
 Attention
 Situational awareness

Pilot error reduction


The Industrial Revolution was a Alphonse Chapanis (1917-2002)

time when people began producing Improving efficiency by eliminating
goods and things by Machine unnecessary
instead of by hand Chronocyclography
Example: bricklaying
1760-1840 fathers of ergonomics or human
Factory machinery and equipment
being built with design
WORKERS - what they bring to the Community ergonomics
job Cooperative work
TOOLS - what they bring to the Virtual organizations
worker Quality management
TASKS - what the worker must do
surrounding the worker and the tool Includes the work of Industrial
Engineers, occupational medical
Division of Ergonomics physicians, safety engineers
Physical ergonomics - human
anatomical, anthropometric,
physiological and bio mechanical
characteristics as they relate to

1. Exercise on anthropometry
Biomechanical overload  Weighing Scale
Layout design  Anthropometer
Steering and control design  Tape measure
Workstation design
Work environment 2. Exercise on physical envir
Cognitive ergonomics - mental  Sound level mete
processes, such as perception,  Lux meter
memory, reasoning, and motor  Temperature gauge
response, as they affect interactions
among humans and other elements 3. Exercise on posture analysis
of a system
 Giniometer
mental workload
human-computer interaction
human reliability
Ruler / Meter Stick / Meter (Metre)
work stress
Work training
Vibration Meter

Hand dynamometer (for grip

Organizational ergonomics -
optimization of socio technical
systems, including their
Back-leg-chest Dynamometer (for
organizational structures, policies,
and processes.

Crew resource management
Work design
Vibration & noise
Contact stress
SCOPE AND FOCUS OF Thermal Condition
Ergonomics Risk
+24 inches
ERGONOMICS literally means the Reaches occurring <1 * per minute
study or measurement of work.
(William T. Singleton) +12 inches
Reaches occurring >5 x per minute
It extends beyond work as labor for
monetary gain. +6 inches
Incorporate all activities whereby a Reaches occurring >5 x per minute
rational human systematically
pursue an objective -3 inches
Reaches occurring <1 x per minute
Sports and leisure activities
Domestic work OBJECTIVES
Education and training  To improve the relationship b/w
Health and social service people, equipment, workplace and
Government service environment
Industry work  To increase work efficiency and
Controlling engineered system (or productivity
using/adapting a mechanized  To promote safety and comfort at
system) work station
 To reduce physical workloads
 To minimize risk of injury, illness,
FOCUS OF ERGONOMICS accidents and errors without
HUMAN compromising productivity
Physical activity Fields that interact with
Working in awkward postures/  Anthropometry
 Psychology
Prolonged sitting and standing
 Operations
Bending, reaching, stretching
 Research
Driving for extended period of time
Heavy lifting  Surgery
Illumination  Physics
Awkward lifting  Orthopedics
Lifting in combination with twisting  Physiology
Pushing, pulling, carrying  Statistics
Accidents, slips, trips, falls  Engineering
 Biomechanics 5. Scientific Method: Test and retest
 Industrial Hygine hypothesis with real data, rather
 Industrial Medicine than “anecdotal” evidence or “good
Six Pillars of Ergonomic Design
“Wisdom” 6. Systems: object, procedures,
environments, and people are
1. User Orientation: Design and interconnected, affect one another,
application of tools, procedures, and and do not exist in “isolation
systems must be user-oriented,
rather than just “task” oriented Life-Cycle of Products, Procedures,
and Systems
18/24 in (45-78 cm)
1. Initial Idea: driven by customers,
6 STEPS TO THE PERFECT technology change, competitors,

Chair 2. Requirements: user,

Desk manufacturer, standards,
Monitor government, cost, profit,
Keyboard and Mouse marketing/sales
Your Surrounding 3. Concepts: design alternatives,
Your Lifestyle comparison, choose best one

TAKE BREAK EVERY 25 4. Design detail parts, integrating

MINUTES with rest of system, prototype
testing, optimization

2. Diversity: Recognition of DESIGN THINKING

diversity in human capabilities and Empathize
limitations, rather than Define
“stereotyping” workers/users. Ideate
3. Effect on Humans: Tools, Test
procedures, and systems are not
“inert”, but do influence human 5. Manufacturing: material,
behavior and well-being processes, assembly
6. Distribution/Sale: shipping,
4. Objective Data: Empirical display, delivery, installation,
information and evaluation is key in warranty
design process, rather than just use 7. Use: security, safety, access,
of “common sense” maintenance, repair
Subjective data- is collected via 8. Disposal: toxicity, recycling,
personal communication reusability, upgrade
Objective data- is collected via
The Need for Ergonomics
Evidence from Epidemiology
• Disabling work injuries in US (1990) = 1.8
• Permanent Impairment in US (1990) =
• Sprains/Strains account for 43% of work
• Musculoskeletal conditions in US (1988) =
$126 Billion
• Reduction of worker’s compensations costs
by 36-91% by companies using Ergonomics
in workplace
• Areas of Injury
61%(back), 8%(knee), 7%(ankle), 6%(shoulder),
3.3%(wrist), 3%(neck)
• Causes of Injury
Overexertion (31%), impact (24%), and falling
(17%), other (28%)
At its core, workplace ergonomics is
Ergonomics, in practice, is found to really about building a better
be applied over the field of working workplace. When jobs are designed
environment and deals with various to match the capabilities of people,
aspects such as: it results in better work being
produced and a better experience for
 Anatomical factors in the person doing it.
workplace layout, including
the placement of Benefits of Ergonomics
machines/equipment and
components to suit human Lower costs
body measurements and Higher productivity
design of seats etc. Better product quality
 The design of wheels and Improved employee engagement
control levers in order to Better safety culture
suit human mental and The ergonomics improvement
physical characteristics. process systematically identifies
 Climatic conditions such as ergonomic hazards and puts in place
lighting and noise at the engineering and administrative
workplace. control measures to quantifiably
 Adaptation of the designs of reduce risk factors.
machines/equipment, tools
and work place layout to Ergonomics Process
suit human beings was
under taken by work study Assess Risk: Conducting an
engineers. ergonomic assessment is a
Ergonomics draws on many foundational element of the
disciplines to optimize the ergonomics process. Your
interaction between the work ergonomic improvement efforts will
environment and the worker. never get off the ground without
being able to effectively assess jobs
Disciplines in your workplace for
Anthropometry musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)
Biomechanics risk factors.
Mechanical engineering
Industrial engineering Plan Improvements: The core goal
WORKPLACE ERGONOMICS of the ergonomics process is to
make changes to your workplace
The science of fitting that reduce risk. Making changes at
workplace conditions and job scale requires a significant planning
demands to the capabilities of the effort that includes prioritizing jobs
working population. Ergonomics is to be improved, identifying effective
an approach or solution to deal with improvement ideas, and cost-
a number of problems—among justifying the improvement projects.
them are work-related
musculoskeletal disorders. Measure Progress: Measurement is
an important component of any
successful continuous improvement one or more machines, devices or
process. High performing equipment. Thus a worker drilling a
ergonomics programs are constantly hole in a job or a person using a
measured using both leading and hammer to drive a nail in a wooden
lagging indicators. job (an article being manufactured is
an example of a man- machine
Scale Solutions: By establishing a system as far as ergonomics is
common set of tools to train your concerned.
workforce, assess risk, plan
improvements, measure progress, Design of Consumer Goods and
and design new work processes, Service Systems:
you’ll be able to scale ergonomics Ergonomics is applicable in the
best practices throughout your design of consumer goods starting
organization. from design of tooth brush and other
items such as dinning set; sofa set;
kitchen ware, house hold fittings
table and shoes etc. Similarly
FOCUS AND APPLICATION OF protective equipment such as safety
ERGONOMICS goggles, adverse weather and space
clothing, gloves, crash helmets,
Ergonomics is a combination of firefighting and industrial hazard
disciplines. The human factors protection and appliances etc.
(anthropometry and biomechanics) should also be economically sound.
come together with the equipment
(machine design) and job Design of Working Environment:
requirements (task design). While designing a proper working
environment for work force/workers
Human Factors: Dimensions, forces, at work, the various factors related
movement, senses (touch, visual, with ergonomics such as human
audible etc.) endurance of illumination, pollution,
noise heating and ventilation should
Task Design: Management of time, be taken into consideration. This
ease of use, information overload, aspect should be taken into
number of things to do at once. consideration at each stage right
design up to real utilization or actual
Machine Design: Hardware to service.
provide function and arrangement,
assembly, servicing, reliability, Focus of Ergonomics
1. Human Computer Interaction
Ergonomics is profitably applied in
following three areas: "Human Computer Interaction
(HCI) process will affect and /or be
Design of Man-Machine Systems: affected by other factors such as
A man-machine system is a system fatigue, mental workload, stress and
where one or more workmen/ anxiety.” (Yili Liu, 2004)
human beings work in relation with
2. Biomechanics Occupational Safety and Health is a
field that takes into consideration
"Biomechanics is the study of health and safety standards,
characteristics of the body in conducts inspections, and
mechanical terms." (Karl Kroemer, investigates problems to take
2001) appropriate actions to ensure safety
and health of employees. (Goetesch,
"Occupational biomechanics is an 2002)
interdisciplinary science that
integrates knowledge and
techniques from diverse physical,
biological, and engineering
disciplines.”(Yili Liu, 2004)

In essence, biomechanics analyzes

the human musculoskeletal system
as a mechanical system that obeys
laws of physics. (Yili Liu, 2004)

3. Anthropometry

"Anthropometry is the study and

measurement of human body
dimensions." (Yili Liu, 2004; Karl
Kroemer, 2001)

Anthropometric data are used to

develop design guidelines for
heights, clearances, grips and
reaches of workplaces and
equipments for the purpose of
accommodating the body
dimensions of the potential
workforce. (Yili Liu, 2004)

4. Product Design

Product Design establishes and

defines solutions to and pertinent
structures for problems in a product
not solved before, or new solutions
to problems which have previously
been solved in a different way.

5. Occupational Safety and Health

to see in reduced illumination (as in

daylight vision, photopic vision -

Module 2 ILLUMINATION normal vision in daylight; vision
MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS with sufficient illumination that the
cones are active and hue is
Visual sense - the ability to see; t perceived
he visual faculty 
peripheral vision - vision at the
visual modality, vision, sight sense edges of the visual field using only
modality, sensory system, modality the periphery of the retina
- a particular sense
acuity, sharp-sightedness, visual
acuity - sharpness of vision; the Light means brightness
visual ability to resolve fine detail
(usually measured by a Snellen Light, a piece of equipment that
chart) produces brightness, such as a lamp
or a bulb.
binocular vision - vision involving
the use of both eyes How much light is needed for
various situations or activities?
central vision - vision using the The amount of light we need varies
fovea and parafovea; the middle part and depends on:
of the visual field 1. Type of task being done (such as
demands for speed and accuracy).
chromatic vision, color vision, 2. Type of surfaces (does it reflect
trichromacy - the normal ability to or absorb light).
see colors 3. General work area.
Individual's vision.
distance vision - vision for objects
that a 20 feet or more from the The amount of light falling on a
viewer surface is measured in units called
eyesight, sightedness, seeing - Depending on the factors noted
normal use of the faculty of vision above, adequate general lighting is
usually between 500 and 1000 lux
monocular vision - vision with only when measured 76 cm (30 inches)
one eye above the floor.*

near vision - vision for objects 2

feet or closer to the viewer

night vision, night-sight, scotopic

vision, twilight vision - the ability
cause eye discomfort (burning, etc.) and

Surface Reflectance of Objects

To reach proper light levels and
FROM: IESNA LIGHTING uniform light distribution in the visual
HANDBOOK 9 ED. Illuminating environment, many light fixtures are
Engineering Society of North designed to reflect light off walls, ceilings
America. and objects. The amount of light reflected
Lux= Lumens (quantity of light) off a surface can be measured.
per square meter Suggestions for the percent of light
reflected off surfaces in a typical office
• Window blinds (40-50%).
• Walls (50% maximum).
• Business machines (50% maximum).
• Ceiling (70-80%).
• Floor (20-40%).
• Furniture (25-45%).

How to test for insufficient light

Most common lighting problems problems?
To detect insufficient light, do the
Poor lighting can cause several following:
problems such as: • Measure the average illumination
1. Insufficient light – not enough throughout the workplace. Compare this to
(too little) light for the need. the recommended levels.
2. Glare – too much light for the • Look for shadows, especially over work
need. areas and on stairways.
3. Improper contrast. • Ask workers if they suffer from eye strain or
4. Poorly distributed light. squint to see, or get frequent headaches.
5. Flicker.
How to correct for insufficient light
What you should know about insufficient To correct insufficient light:
light? • Replace bulbs on a regular schedule.
• Clean light fixtures regularly.
• Poor lighting can be a safety hazard – • Add more light fixtures in appropriate
misjudgment of the position, shape or speed places.
of an object can lead to incidents and injury. • Paint walls and ceilings light colors so light
• Poor lighting can affect the quality of work, can be reflected.
specifically in situation where precision is • Use more reflected light and local lighting to
required, and overall productivity. eliminate shadows.
• Poor lighting can be a health hazard – too • Do not position the work station with the
much or too little light strains eyes and may light fixture directly behind worker.
GLARE- Reflected Light

Improper contrast

How do you check and correct for

poor contrast?
• Look for areas with great differences in light
• Look for objects that are hard to distinguish
from the background.
• Look for reading materials and monitors
where it is hard to make out the print or
characters from the background.

Lighting Checklist

Lighting checklist
Lighting and Accommodation

• When light is poor:

a. Near point recedes (the iris opens, cannot
focus near objects)
b. Far point moves nearer (can see
comparatively near objects)
c. Speed and precision of accommodation are
d. Contrast backgrounds gives quicker and
The man-machine system is a close more precise accommodation.
cycle system with the following
components: Accommodation
1. Display of information on the - Ability of the eye to bring into
machine. sharp focus objects at varying
2. Perception of all information on display. distances from infinity down to the
3. Interpretation and taking decision in the nearest point of distinct vision.
light of his knowledge.
4. Communicate the decision to machine.


1. Visual Field – the entire area that can be

“seen” by a person without movement of the
head and with the eyes fixed on a single

Adaptation of the Retina

• Sensitivity of the retina is adapted to the

prevailing light conditions. The sensitivity is
many times is many times greater in
darkness than in day light. (sun light vs
moon light)
• Light adaptation is quicker than dark
Speed of Perception

Current recommendation regarding
illumination level by European
Standards for different type of areas
and activities.

Bright light DIN is "German institute for


Dazzle - brightness that confuses

someone's vision temporarily.
Glare - is difficulty of seeing in the
presence of bright light such as
direct or reflected sunlight or
artificial light such as car headlamps
at night or flashlight.
Glare is caused by a significant ratio ILLUMINATION LEVELS
of luminance between the task (that
which is being looked at) and the
glare source.

Acuteness of vision
Ability to see the finest details of
objects and surfaces. It increases
with level of illumination, contrast
between the test symbol and its Lighting Level or lux - Lux is a
immediate background. standardized unit of measurement of
light level intensity, which is
Sensitivity to contrast commonly referred to as
The ability to perceive the "illuminance" or "illumination".
smallest differences in luminance  
and thus appreciates the variations A measurement of 1 lux is equal to
in shape and form. the illumination of a one meter
square surface that is one meter
away from a single candle.


Example Problem-
10 incandescent lamps of
500 W (10600 lumens per
lamp) are used in an area of
50 m2. With Cu =0.6 and LLF
= 0.8 illumination can be
LIGHTING LEVELS or LUX calculated as:

To place the amount of 1 lux into GIVEN:

context, examples of the wide Ll= 10
ranging lux of a natural ambient incandescent lamps
light conditions are given in the (10600lumens/lamp)
table below: Cu= 0,6 LLF
= 0.8 Al = 50 m2
Ll= 10
incandescent lamps
Cu= 0,6 LLF
= 0.8 Al = 50 m2

Illumination can be calculated as

I = Ll Cu LLF / Al

I = illumination (lux,
Ll = lumens per lamp
Cu = coefficient of
LLF = light loss factor
Al = area per lamp (m2)
NOISE AND ITS The inner ear provides the interface at
which the sound waves are converted
HEALTH EFFECTS into nervous impulses.
Sound is what we hear. Noise is Sound perception is the interpretation
unwanted sound. of this impulses in the brain.
The difference between sound and DECIBEL (dB)
noise depends upon the listener and
the circumstances. The human ear registers sound

Rock music can be pleasurable sound

to one person and an annoying noise to
In either case, it can be hazardous to a pressure from
person's hearing if the sound is loud and
to 20µb (gentle murmur to the scream of
if they are exposed long and often
a jet engine.)
• The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic
Sound is produced by vibrating objects
unit used to measure sound level.
and reaches the listener's ears as
waves in the air or other media. When • It is also widely used in electronics,
an object vibrates, it causes slight signals and communication.
changes in air pressure. These air
pressure changes travel as waves
through the air and produce sound. Sound frequency in hertz (Hz)
determines pitch.
The human ear is sensitive to 16-
Indoor sounds
• Infrasonic is below 16Hz, only
Soft sounds variations are perceived.
human sounds • Ultrasonic is above 20,000Hz.
machine sounds Ultrasonic vibrations are used
Sound is produced by vibrating objects
and reaches the listener's ears as
waves in the air or other media.
When an object vibrates, it causes slight
changes in air pressure. These air
pressure changes travel as waves Main functions of hearing
through the air and produce sound.
Hearing has two main functions.
1. To convey specific information – communicate.
2. As an alarm system – important in walking,
increased alertness and finally alarm to recognize
dangerous situation.
Regular exposure to loud noise has been
associated with cardiovascular problems
Sound is what such as high blood pressure.
we hear. According to Masterson, L. Ph.D.,(2018
higher rates of hypertension and high cholesterol in
Noise is unwanted
people who were regularly exposed to loud noises at
sound. work—meaning that for 4 or more hours a day,
several days a week, they needed to raise their voice
The difference between sound and noise depends or shout to be heard by someone standing a few feet
upon away.
the listener and the circumstances. The irritating effect of loud noise in your
Speed of Sound community may also affect health.

Table 1 lists the approximate velocity of In a 2018 study published in the

sound in air and other media. In gases, the higher the International Journal of Cardiology, for example,
velocity of sound, the higher the pitch will be German researchers found that people who reported
(Remember the "Mickey Mouse" sound when people being annoyed by sounds such as the rumble of car
talk after inhaling helium gas?). and construction vehicle engines and horns in their
neighborhood had a higher risk of atrial fibrillation
—an irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots
and stroke.
Noise in your environment may also get in the way
of needed rest. And insufficient sleep has been
linked with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease,
among other health issues.
“The prevailing thought is if you’re living in
a noisy community, noise, of course, disrupts sleep,”
according to Richard Neitzel, Ph.D., associate
professor of environmental health sciences at the
University of Michigan.
Finally, spending time in noisy environments could
lead you to make poor food and drink choices.
In one 2018 study published in the Journal
of the Academy of Marketing Science, scientists
found that people in restaurants and supermarkets
purchased healthier foods when music and noise
were low, and chose unhealthy foods when the
volume was turned up louder. Other studies have
found that higher music volume may lead to more
alcohol consumption in bars and restaurants.
Children may be particularly vulnerable to loud
CR recommends the 60/60 rule: Listen at no more
than 60 percent of the maximum volume for no more
than 60 minutes per day. Kids and teens should heed
A number of studies have found a link this rule, too—the CDC says that as many as 12.5
between increased noise exposure and poorer percent of kids and teens ages 6 to 19 have already
cognitive abilities among children. incurred some damage to their hearing.
How to protect yourself form Noise
According to NIOSH, exposure to noise introduction to Monitoring Noise and Sound
levels of 85 decibels (dBA) for more than 8 hours in
a day may affect hearing—and the louder the noise, Noise can be defined as the presence of unwanted
the less time it takes to cause harm. sound. Something that makes a sound must pulse the
air back and forth, generating sound waves
detectable by the human ear (in the range of about
While you may not be able to move away from a 20Hz to 20,000 Hertz). These "sound waves" strike
noisy neighborhood or work in a quieter our ear drums, which are moved by the changes in
environment, consider these steps: air pressure and enable us to perceive sound. Many
workplace environments can be harmful, sometimes
1. Wear hearing protection, such as earmuffs causing permanent damage, to our hearing.
or earplugs, when you know you might be
exposed to loud sounds (and put these on
kids, too). How Does a Noise Meter Work?
2. 2. Check your workplace. If you’re exposed
to loud or prolonged noise at work, your
employer should provide hearing protection. Sound waves are measured using a microphone and
converted into data which is displayed and/or logged
3. According to NIOSH, company’s into memory.
should also be working to eliminate or
replace noisy equipment, to keep sources of
noise away from employees, or to limit
Sound and Noise General Information
people’s time exposed to dangerous noises.
4. Limit your exposure to loud noises
around your home, especially from outdoor Various dB levels and the corresponding reduction
power equipment. in actual sound pressure as well as the human
perceived volume reduction for reducing noise
Lawn mowers, snow blowers, string
trimmers, and other power tools can reach
noise levels high enough that if you use
them for 15 minutes or half an hour, they
could cause hearing damage. Make sure
you have hearing protection on when you
use these tools.

5. Take care with headphones.

Exposure to loud noise can certainly
damage your hearing. Here, how our loud world can
affect you, plus what you can do to protect yourself.

human noise
machine noise
NOISE is unwanted or disturbing sound.
Sources of Noise
External Source – coming from outside
Internal Source – within the organization or
Why measure noise?
It helps identify work locations where there are
noise problems, employees who may be affected,
and where additional noise measurements need to be



The sound pressure level is measured to determine
noise exposures. The first step is to determine if
there is a noise problem in the workplace.

How do you identify noise

problems in the workplace?
The indicators of potentially It is important that you understand the
hazardous noise level include: calibration, operation and reading the
• Noise is louder than busy city traffic. instrument you use.
• People have to raise their voice to talk to
What types of instruments are used
someone at one meter (3 feet) away.
• At the end of work shift people have to for measuring noise?
increase the volume of their radio or TV to a
level too loud for others.
• After working for a few years at that
workplace, employees find it difficult to
communicate in a crowd or party situation
where there are other sounds or many

What things do you consider when planning noise

Before taking field measurements, it is important
to determine the type of information required. The
person making the measurement must understand:
• The purpose of measurement: compliance
with noise regulations, hearing loss
prevention, noise control, community
annoyance etc.
• The sources of noise, and times when the
sources are operating.
• The temporal pattern of noise - continuous,
variable, intermittent, impulse.
• Locations of exposed persons.
What types of instruments are used
for measuring noise?
The most common instruments used for
measuring noise are the:

1. sound level meter (SLM),

     A sound meter or decibel meter is a
measuring instrument used to assess noise
2. the integrating sound level meter (ISLM), or sound levels by
and measuring sound pressure. Often referred
to as a sound pressure level
3. the noise dosimeter.
(SPL) meter, decibel (dB) meter,
noise meter or noise dosimeter,
a sound level meter uses a microphone to Hand-arm vibration (HAV) is vibration
capture sound. transmitted from a work process into
workers’ hands and arms.  Hand-arm
  vibration is usually caused by a vibrating hand
SOUND LEVEL METER tool or work piece which transmits the
movement. Vibration restricts the blood supply
A sound level meter is used for acoustic to the hands and fingers, which, depending on
measurements. It is commonly a hand-held the vibration level and duration of exposure,
instrument with a microphone. The best type of can contribute to an ergonomic injury.
microphone for sound level meters is the
condenser microphone, which combines precision 2. Whole-body vibration (WBV) Whole-body
with stability and reliability. vibration (WBV) is transmitted through the seat
or feet of employees who drive mobile
Level A-weighted Fast maximum: LAFmax
machines, or other work vehicles, over rough
Level C-weighted Slow minimum: LCSmin
Level Z-weighted Impulse maximum: LZImax and uneven surfaces as a main part of their job.
Level A-weighted equivalent: LAeq Large shocks and jolts may cause health risks
including back-pain.

Exposure to vibration could have a negative

VIBRATION effect on the health of your employees.

MEASUREMENT AND 1. It could damage

joints, muscles, circulation and sens
2. This could lead to considerable pain,
time off or even disability.
Common vibration hazards and controls
 Hand arm vibration (HAV)
      Vibrations are mechanical oscillations
produced by periodic movements of a body HAV is caused by regular exposure to
about its resting position. Vibration in a high levels of vibration from hand held tools
general sense is anything that switches and equipment. It could also be caused by
back and forth, to and from, side to side, in holding materials in contact with grinding or
and out, off and on, loud and soft, or up and cutting operations.
down. A vibration is a wiggle in HAV can affect workers who use power
time. Vibration produces waves; which is a tools and cutting equipment such as:
propagation of vibrations throughout the
space.  grinders
       Occupational vibration exposure occurs  polishers
when the body is exposed to pulsation, shaking
or tremors usually produced by a vibrating  strimmers
object such as a power hand tool. Vibration is  chainsaws
often called a vector quantity, which means that
the vibratory motion has both a negative effect  power drills
in of itself and a magnitude or intensity  road breakers.
The vibration transmitted from the tools
Type of Vibration Exposure or materials to the hands and arms could
damage sensory nerves, muscles and joints If work with vibration cannot be
which is called hand arm vibration avoided then you have a legal duty to
syndrome (HAVS). assess the risks and how to address them.
You can use our HAV risk assessment form
 Vibration white finger to record your assessment of risk from
This is a condition caused by damage to vibrating tools and equipment.
the circulatory system in the hands and
 Gather data on vibration levels
fingers as a result of contact with vibrating
tools. The symptoms are: Manufactures need to provide details of
how much vibration a tool or piece of
 tingling equipment produces, either on tools
 numbness themselves or in handbooks.
 whitening appearance to the fingers. Vibration levels are useful when choosing
After the attack, the fingers affected may tools that produce less vibration. However
become painful, red and throbbing as the there are other factors when using
circulation returns. equipment that will influence risks, such as

These symptoms may become more  how long it is used for

severe and frequent with continued  how tightly it is gripped
exposure to vibration, especially in cold
 how awkward it is to use
weather. This can eventually lead to
permanent disability.  how cold and wet conditions are
during use.
 Whole body vibration (WBV)
Vibration Risk Assessment
Whole body vibration is caused by
sitting, standing or lying on a vibrating The aim of the risk assessment is to
surface. This could lead to: help you decide what you need to do to
ensure the health and safety of your
1. headaches employees who are exposed to vibration.
2. motion sickness Your risk assessment should:
3. chronic back pain
4. stomach problems 1. Identify where there might be a risk
5. sleep and visual disturbances. from vibration and who is likely to be
Using vehicles off road increases the affected;
risk of jolts and jarring. For this reason 2. Contain a reasonable estimate of
employees that drive or operate heavy plant your employees’ exposures, and;
and vehicles such as construction plant, 3. Identify what you need to do to
agricultural machines and quarry vehicles comply with the law eg whether
are especially at risk. vibration control measures are
needed, and, if so, where and what
Vibration transmitted through the feet type; and
can also be a problem for employees that 4. Identify any employees who need to
stand on the platforms of stationary plant be provided with health surveillance
such as rock crushers. and whether any are at particular
Carry out a risk assessment risk.
vehicles, over rough and uneven surfaces as
a main part of their job.
Common vibration hazards
1. Hand arm vibration (HAV)
HAV is caused by regular exposure to high
levels of vibration from hand held tools and
equipment. It could also be caused by
holding materials in contact with grinding or
cutting operations.
The vibration transmitted from the tools or
materials to the hands and arms could
damage sensory nerves, muscles and joints
which is called hand arm vibration
syndrome (HAVS).
Common vibration hazards
HAV can affect workers who use power
tools and cutting equipment such as:
• grinders
• polishers
Vibration Measurement & • strimmer
Its Health Effects • chainsaws
• power drills
• Vibration in a general sense is anything that • road breakers.
switches back and forth, to and from, side to
side, in and out, off and on, loud and soft, or
up and down. HAV
• A vibration is a wiggle in time. Vibration white finger
• Vibration produces waves; which is a This is a condition caused by damage to the
propagation of vibrations throughout the circulatory system in the hands and fingers
space. as a result of contact with vibrating tools.
• Scientific definition The symptoms are:
Any motion that repeats itself after an • tingling
interval of time • numbness
• Engineering definition • Whitening appearance to the fingers.
Deals with the relationship between forces
and oscillatory motion of mechanical Vibration white finger
After the attack, the fingers affected may
Type of vibration exposure become painful, red and throbbing as the
1. Hand arm vibration (HAV) circulation returns.
Hand-arm vibration (HAV) is vibration These symptoms may become more severe
transmitted from a work process into and frequent with continued exposure to
workers’ hands and arms. vibration, especially in cold weather. This
2. Whole body vibration (WBV) can eventually lead to permanent disability.
Whole-body vibration (WBV) is transmitted 2. Whole body vibration (WBV)
through the seat or feet of employees who
drive mobile machines, or other work
Whole body vibration is caused by sitting, example, using anti-vibration hammer
standing or lying on a vibrating surface. This reduces acceleration levels by a factor of
could lead to: about 10.
• headaches  Anti-Vibration Gloves
• motion sickness Conventional protective gloves (e.g., cotton,
• chronic back pain leather), commonly used by workers, do not
• stomach problems reduce the vibration that is transferred to
• sleep and visual workers' hands when they are using
disturbances. vibrating tools or equipment. Anti-vibration
gloves are made using a layer of viscoelastic
Vibration transmitted through the feet can material.
also be a problem for employees that stand
on the platforms of stationary plant. VIBRATION RISK ASSESSMENT

Using vehicles off road increases the risk of If work with vibration cannot be avoided
jolts and jarring. For this reason employees then you have a legal duty to assess the risks
that drive or operate heavy plant and and how to address them. You can use our
vehicles such as construction plant, HAV risk assessment form to record your
agricultural machines and quarry vehicles assessment of risk from vibrating tools and
are especially at risk. equipment.


Protecting workers from the effects of
Gather data on vibration levels
vibration usually requires a combination of
Manufactures need to provide
appropriate tool selection, the use of
details of how much vibration a tool or piece
appropriate vibration-absorbing materials (in
of equipment produces, either on tools
gloves, for example), good work practices,
themselves or in handbooks.
and education programs.
 Anti-Vibration Tools
Tools can be designed or mounted in ways
that help reduce the vibration level. For

1. Identify where there might be a risk from

vibration and who is likely to be affected;
2. Contain a reasonable estimate of your
employees’ exposures, and;
3. Identify what you need to do to comply with
the law eg whether vibration control
measures are needed, and, if so, where and
what type; and
4. Identify any employees who need to be
provided with health surveillance and
whether any are at particular risk.

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