The Biography of Bessie Head

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 Bessie Head was born in 1937 in Fort Napier Hospital [a mental

hospital] in Pietermaritzburg in South Afri ca.
 She was born in that hospital because her mother was insane and her
father was black, making Head coloured by race.

 Bessie Head, a mixed-race writer who fled her native South Africa to
spend much of her adult life in Botswana, was a feminist and advocate
for the poor and oppressed.

 Bessie Head wrote about black life in South Africa during some of the

harshest years of apartheid[. a system of institutionalised racial
segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (now
Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s.[note 1] Apartheid was
characterised by an authoritarian political culture based on baasskap (or
white supremacy), which ensured that South Africa was dominated
politically, socially, and economically by the nation's minority white
population.[4] According to this system of social stratification, white
citizens had the highest status, followed by Asians and Coloureds, then
black Africans. The economic legacy and social effects of apartheid
continue to the present day.]


 The Collector of Treasures is an anthology of short fiction by South

African-Botswanan author Bessie Head.
 First published in 1977, it contains thirteen short stories that all
center in some way on Botswanan characters who encounter significant
changes—changes that shift the realities of their lives, their futures, and
their fates.
 Much of Head's focus is on the oppression faced by women in Botswana
and how their conscripted roles shape their identities, both as
individuals and as Africans.
 Many points that Bessie Head depicted in her story were about the
oppressive attitudes some men had about women and children and how
society outcast certain women based upon what happened in their lives
or upon what they could or could not do.

 The stories in The Collector of Treasures are: The first tale, "The Deep

River: A Story of Ancient Tribal Migration,", "Heaven Is Not Closed,",
"The Village Saint" ,  "Looking for a Rain God,", "Jacob: The Story of a
Faith-Healing Priest," "Life," "Witchcraft," "Kgotla," "The Wind and a
Boy," "Snapshots of a Wedding," "The Special One," and "Hunting."


Dikeledi: Dikeledi, The protagonist, is a strong and resilient characteris

married to a man named Garesego who is a womanizer.

Significance of Dikeledi’s name:

 Dikeledi’s name meant “Tears.”

 Throughout the entire story, Dikeledi never shed a tear whether it was
happiness or sadness.
 She valued her strong willed mind and her determination to do the
 Due to the fact that she was a strong woman probably meant that she
caused someone else tears, but not herself.
 There are some ironic points in this story. One is that the protagonist’s
name was Dikeledi and you pronounce the beginning of her name as
“Dick” which is a slang name for penis.
 Dikeledi was a collector of many treasures and she added her husband’s
penis to the collection.
 Throughout Dikeledi’s hard life, she has looked beneath the surface and
collected small treasures, and these gave her the strength to go on.


 Husband to Dikeledi
 Garesego believed that everything had to be about sex.
 He did not take care of his responsibilities as a man.
 Head described him as the type of man who had sex with women like
dogs, out of canal lust.
 Out of the four years that they were together, Garesego got Dikeledi
pregnant 3 times and left her.
 He did not leave and go to another village, he stayed in the same village
and did not take care of the sons he helped bring in the world.
 Garesego is A typical male, so when Dikeledi asked him for money to
take care of their children, he expected sex in return.

Garesego Mokopi is the representative of the phaliocratic supremacy of men

in society. He is also one of the men described by the narrator as “evil” and
similar to a dog who “imagined he was the only penis in the world and that
there had to be a scramble for it” (p. 91). Femi Ojo-Ade (1990:82) describes
these men as the worst in Head’s stories because they “make babies like
machines and turn their backs upon the poor women”. Ojo-Ade (1990:83)
regards Garesego as someone who has “all the essentials to feed his hunger
for sex and alcohol”.

The narrator in the text blames this on both the colonial system and the code
of conduct amongst the ancestors. Because the colonial system never
prepared the people for independence and the administration of the country,
the post-colonial man becomes “a broken wreck with no inner resources” and
the women become “an inferior form of human life”
In pre-colonial societies women played an important role as “an agricultural
producer within her husband’s homestead; ‘fertility’ meant that she had to
produce children whose labour would, in time, be used for the benefit of the
homestead” (Guy, 1990:39). During the colonial period everything changed
and men often had to perform domestic chores in the colonial homes - tasks
that were usually that of the women. De Marigny (1990:18) finds that African
male writers often betray in their writing “a yearning for the pre-colonial
patriarchal past where he was definitely king as father, husband and ruler...”.
Within contemporary white society black women often play the role of
substitute mother and within their own communities the sons who are
supposed to fend for the household have either been killed in detention or are
in exile. De Marigny (1990:72) thus describes the role of modem African
women as follows: “Modem African women are thus obliged to take over
traditionally male roles in the present even when men do not credit them with
so doing”.

In post-colonial Botswana, the setting of Head’s short story, the men are
conftised because they are unfamiliar with the changes and responsibilities
they have to adhere to. That explains why Ngugi wa (1993:90-91) describes
postcolonial societies as perfect replicas of colonial practices. The new
govenmient is not used to a democratic culture and therefore only allows one
viewpoint, that of “the mling regime”.

Garesego’s life is to return home and have sexual intercourse with Dikeledi.
That explains the reason for his letter:

Dear Mother, I am coming home again so that we may settle our differences.
Will you prepare a meal for me and some hot water that I might take a bath.

Not only does he try to be affectionate (he calls himself “Gare”) but he plays on
her emotions by calling her “Mother”. He immediately places her in the
inferior position of a caring and supporting wife who will look after his needs.
Dikeledi interprets the letter as an expression of his sexual desires, namely
that he is “coming home for some sex” (p. 101). The only way in which he feels
that he can manipulate Dikeledi is to act as if she is his maternal superior and
he is like the prodigal son returning home. Perhaps he tries to force her into
the position of an Oedipal mother; the strong maternal power.

In contrast to his “Mother” she opts for “Sir” when she answers his letter:

Sir, 1 shall prepare everything as you have said. Dikeledi.

From her letter it seems as if Dikeledi accepts his demand without questioning
it. She is, however, aware of the real intention behind the words. “(P)repare”

is an ironic choice of words in this case, because she also plans her final act.
The patriarchal association of women with the preparers of food in the
kitchen is thus undermined. The castration of Garesego Mokopi was thus a
premeditated deed of vengeance. Kenalepe had seen Dikeledi sharpen the
knife on the afternoon prior to Garesego’s arrival (pp. 101-102) and she
detected “a final and tragic expression on the upturned face of her friend”.

Chetin (1989:135) comments on the reasons why Dikeledi had decided not to
leave her husband:

She couldn’t walk away from her husband for she had children to care for, and
the forced compromise she ends up with - a life in prison for murdering him -
hardly suggests a solution ... Dikeledi, named after her mother’s tears,
symbolizes the struggle of a people who have a long way to go before the cycle
of violence can be replaced by a spiral of peace.

The women suffer even more than the men in this new post-colonial society.
The change in society and its structure has also brought about a false sense of
liberation to the men. The new signs of masculine pride such as jobs in the
administration, money and power have resulted in fickle anarchy. Men are
like a proverbial pack of wolves on the prowl and women suffer because of
this. This attitude fits Paglia’s (1993:63) remark, namely that “male lust and
male aggression are two uncontrollable forces of nature in society”. Years of
colonial repression now result in sexist bestiality. Garesego is an example to
support this because he has substituted his marital relationship for a fi-ee-
ranging, carefi-ee chase of women.
Once he has entered Dikeledi’s yard Garesego reaffirms his position as
phallocratic man and he scans the environment for the presence of his rival,
Paul Thebolo. There is no challenge of his phallic supremacy because Paul
Thebolo is in his own yard. Garesego, however, feels that he could reaffirm his
erstwhile position as the patriarch of the family when he enters his own yard.

The cutting off of Garesego’s genitals is an attempt by the oppressed woman

to deconstruct the phallocratic society in which beastlike men dominate.
Garesego’s anguished bellows are signifiers of his loss of phallic supremacy
and the end of male rule. The beastlike cry substitutes language. He is no
longer the supreme representative of the Law-of-the-Father and the language
of patriarchal dominance.

Dikeledi does not want to miss “one detail of it” (p. 103) because she has to
experience her newly-established position as phallic ruler - she is in
possession of the substitute phallus (the kitchen knife). Her position emulates
the same responses people had following the Bobbitt case: “It’s a universal no-
no”; “it has to send a chill through every man in the world” and “Men feel
emasculated by the story while women feel empowered”

Paul :

 On the contrary, Paul is completely different from Garesego.

 Paul is portrayed as the man who cares about his woman and treats her
like a person.
 He is there for his wife, Kenalepe, and their children.
 Seeing Paul treat his wife like a person was something new for Dikeledi
and seeing that type of action from a man to his wife led Dikeledi to try
to talk to Garesego.

Paul Thebolo is in direct contrast to Garesego Mokopi. He is the mythical man

in Head’s writing, the so-called new African man. Driver (1990:246) describes
the new African community inhabited by men such as Paul Thebolo as one
marked by “gentle, loving, responsible men, with the standard gendered role
divisions otherwise unchanged”.
Sarah Chetin (1989:135) is of the opinion that Paul is perhaps named after the
Christian St. Paul who was “a symbol of charity and visionary hope”.

Paul is responsible for taking care of Dikeledi and her family once they have
been left alone by Garesego and he is also willing to take care of her family
when she has to go to jail: “You don’t have to worry about the children, Mma-
Banabothe. I’ll take them as my own and give them all a secondary school
education” (p. 103).

As a male member of this patriarchal society Paul is also a bearer of the

phallus and inevitably personifies phallic power and supremacy. He, however,
differs from Garesego in that he does not oppress women in order to affirm
his position; he is gentle, kind and caring. He impressed Dikeledi immediately
when she met him. He was so “peaceftil as a person that the sunlight and
shadow played all kinds of tricks with his eyes” (p. 93). He is in the traditional
role of patriarch who has to care for his family but not to such an extent as
was the case with Garesego.

Apart from this Paul is also sexually liberated and innovative. The description
of his sexual prowess and his ability to surprise his wife every night (p. 94)
contrasts him to Garesego who has a totally different opinion about sex and
the sexual satisfaction of women. For Paul Thebolo sexual intercourse means
something pleasurable to be enjoyed by both husband and wife, whereas it is
just the opposite with Garesego. He needs a different woman every night in
order to satisfy his lust. He sees sex as a display of masculine power,
domination and the oppression of women.

Kenalepe, Paul’s wife, is even willing to share him sexually with Dikeledi (p.
98). In this new idealised African community which Head tries to establish in
her writing the man becomes a sexual object shared by women for sexual
pleasures. Ezenwa-Ohaeto (1990:129) describes the female characters
inappropriately as “strong women who attempt to redefine their lives, who
break acceptable social codes of behaviour, become outcasts, and who are
ultimately destroyed for this act of controlling their personal^iological selves”.
This perspective undermines the gist of Head’s story. The women in this story
are definitely not “destroyed” because they have gone against sexism in
society. Ezenwa-Ohaeto’s perspective in itself turns out to be sexist too. He
does not want women to fight traditional assumptions about sex and

According to Camille Paglia (1990:10) sexual objectification is “the highest

human faculty”: “Turning people into sex objects is one of the specialities of
our species”. This is a paradoxical statement because men turn women into
sex objects merely to force them to ascribe to patriarchal notions of
submission, control and sexist oppression. In the case of Kenalepe these
assumptions are transferred onto the male body as a sex object and it is an
example of the deconstruction of sexual objectification. The male body is
gazed upon as a pleasurable object. Kenalepe gains phallic power because she
is now also in possession of a substitute phallus, the glorified body of her
husband which she wants to share with other women.

Paul is a liberator to Dikeledi. He is the one who has helped to rescue her from
an existence “that had been ashen in its loneliness and unhappiness”


 This story is entitled, “A Collector of Treasures” and Dikeledi was

definitely a collector of treasures.
 Even though throughout the entire story, she had nothing but
heartbreak after heartbreak and bad things done to her.
 Dikeledi was not the ordinary lady, she was stronger than the average
woman and knew how to do everything the average woman and man
could. That is one thing she treasured.
 Dikeledi also treasured the fact that she could do what she needed to do
to make sure her and her family was taken care of.
 Dikeledi treasured the fact that she was a strong, independent woman.

 The story is set in post-colonial Botswana and deals with the life of
Dikeledi Mokopi and her estranged husband Garesego Mokopi.
 He has left her and their three children and she has to take care of them,
while he has set off in his pursuit of sexual gratification with other
 Dikeledi gets on very well with her neiglibours Paul and Kenalepe
 Garesego, however, is jealous of the relationship between Paul and
 When Dikeledi is in need of money to pay for their eldest child’s school
fees, she invites Garesego over to her house to discuss it.
 He is under the impression that she wants to have sexual intercourse.
 Dikeledi, however, takes a kitchen knife and cuts off his genitals.
 For this deed she is imprisoned for life.
 In jail she befriends three other women who have committed the same


 The centerpiece of this collection is the title story.

 It is a scathing indictment of Botswanan men and their treatment of the
women in their lives.
 The story revolves around the central character Dikeledi and her
relationship with her husband, Garesego, which is a stark contrast to
the marriage of their neighbors, Kenalepe and Paul.
 Garesego impregnates Dikeledi four times in the course of three years,
but he does not live with his wife and children, and he offers them no
support, financial or otherwise.
 In talking with Kenalepe, Dikeledi discovers that not all men behave
like Garesego, that some men—Paul, for instance—are loving and
devoted husbands, who live with and support their wives and children.
 Inspired by this newfound knowledge, Dikeledi asks Garesego to help
her pay for their oldest son's schooling.
 Without explicitly saying so, Garesego expects sex from Dikeledi in
return for his financial contribution.
 He goes to her house with the goal of having sex with her, and she fully
realizes that only after she gives in will he then even consider giving her
the money.
 No longer able to live with this untenable relationship, she gets a
butcher knife and severs his "special parts."
 As she's hauled off to jail, Paul vows to raise her children.
 Dikeledi now faces a grand paradox: She will go to prison, but she will
also be free for the first time in her life.


 “The Collector of Treasures,” the title story of Bessie Head’s 1977

collection, begins with the day-long journey of a police truck
transporting an unnamed prisoner to a state prison in Gaborone,
 All we know: the prisoner is a woman, and at a certain point in the
journey “she slowly crumpled forward in a wasted heap.”
 This story is about a private, inner victory, though, and she won’t stay
that way.  
 She arrives by night and is ushered to the cell she will share with four
other women all guilty, like our protagonist, of killing their husbands.
 “It’s becoming the fashion these days,” remarks the night wardress.
 The protagonist is Dikeledi Mokopi, whose name means “tears.” 
 Sensitive and artistic at needlework, she “collects” acts of kindness and
love—the treasures of the title; hence her resilience.
 Love irrigates a soul desiccated by hate, or by the injustices of
 Bessie Head, a mixed-race writer who fled her native South Africa to
spend much of her adult life in Botswana, was a feminist and advocate
for the poor and oppressed.
 She spends careful attention on the characterization of this uneducated
African woman.
 Through the reading of this story we come to know how British
colonialism and the 1966 independence of Botswana created weak and
grasping men who exploited village women—and another kind of man
of the new independence, “with the power to create himself anew.”  This
kind of man, writes Head, was “a poem of tenderness.”
 Dikeledi marries Garesego Mokopi, who impregnates her and then
abandons her for alcohol, sex and freedom to spend his undeserved
salary on himself. 
 Dikeledi is better off, of course, and after a period of struggle, she is
fortunate to have new neighbors in the village, Paul Thebolo and his
wife, Kenalepe, who recognize her gifts and her need.
 Eight years of near-paradise pass as Kenalepe, Paul and Dikeledi form a
deep bond of friendship.

 But the danger of ever forming a connection with a man like Garesego is
that even if he abandons you, he might come back. 
 Faced with her husband’s declaration that he’s coming “home” to
reclaim her, Dikeledi can’t bear the thought of him defiling her
 In a bloody conclusion, she feeds him dinner, lets him fall asleep and
castrates him with a knife she spent the afternoon sharpening. 
 She watches him bleed to death “with an intent and brooding look,
missing not one detail of it.”
 Then she sends her oldest son to bring the police.


Dikeledi firmly believes that Garesego penis is the only thing that makes him
different from her and he used to control women. Therefore, when she
castrated him, not only did she kill him, she made him her equal.Garesego was
a man who did not have any respect for women. He used them as sex objects
and threw them away when he was done. In Dikeledi’s experience, he used her
one too many times. Without his penis, Dikeledi felt he could not hurt anyone
anymore, especially her. She had watched him treat her wrong long enough as
well as other women. Dikeledi felt that without his penis, Garesego and she
would be on the same level.

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