Department of Biomedical Engineering Jimma University, Jimma Institute of Technology

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Department of Biomedical Engineering

Jimma University, Jimma Institute of Technology

Course Code BMEg 6323
Course Title Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation
Degree Program M.Sc. In Biomedical Engineering (Bioinstrumentation)
Module Name Bioinstrumentation
Module 1
ECTS Credits 6
Course Objectives & With widespread use and requirements of medical instruments, this
Competences to be Acquired course gives knowledge of the principle of operation and design of
biomedical instruments.
 It attempts to render a broad and modern account of
biomedical instruments.
 To give knowledge of the principle of operation and
design of Biomedical Instruments
Course Description In this course, students will develop a greater intuition for advanced
biomedical instrumentation, gaining insight into the theoretical and
practical functions and failure modes of complex biomedical
Course Contents Unit I : Telemedicine Technology
What is telemedicine, Essential parameters for telemedicine, delivery
modes in telemedicine, telemedicine system, clinical data
interchange/exchange standards, transmission of still images, video
images, digital audio, cyber medicine, PACS, applications of
telemedicine, telemedicine today and Tomorrow.

Unit-II: Arrhythmia and Ambulatory Monitoring Instruments

Cardiac Arrhythmias, Arrhythmia Monitor, QRS Detection Technique,
Data Compression Techniques, Exercise Stress Testing, Ambulatory
Monitoring instruments.

Unit III: Assistive Devices.

Heart lung machine. Different types of Oxygenators, Pumps, Pulsatile
and Continuous Types, Monitoring Process. Hemodialyser-Indication
and Principle of Hemodialysis, Membrane, Dialyasate, Different types
of heamodialisers, Wearable Artificial Kidney, Implanting Type.

Unit-IV: Imaging and Therapeutic Instruments:

Medical thermography, physics of thermography, infrared detectors,
thermographic equipment, quantitative medical thermography,
pyroelectric vidicon based thermographic camera, thermal camera-
based on IR array sensor. Lithotriptors- principle, modern lithotripter -
Infusion pumps-principle and programmable volumetric infusion pump.

Unit-V: Physiotherapy and Electrotherapy Equipment

High frequency Heat therapy, Short wave diathermy machine,
Microwave Diathermy, Ultrasonic Therapy unit, Electrodiagnostic/
therapeutic equipments, pain relief through electrical simulation,
bladder simulators, Deep brain simulation.

Status of Course Compulsory

Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture, Tutorial, Laboratory Activities, term Papers, Project work,
Presentation, Assignment and Home study etc.

Assessment/Evaluation & In class assessment – 35%

Grading System Mid-exam --------------25%
Final Exam – ----------40%
Attendance Requirements Minimum 80%

Literature 1. Joseph J Carr and John M Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical

equipment Technology”, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2001.
2. Albert M Cook and Webster J G, “Theraputic medical devices”,
Prentice Hall New York 1982
3. Webster J.G, “Medical Instrumentation application and design”,
John Wiley and sons New York, 1999
4. Jacobson B and Webster J G, “Medical and Clinical
Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 1999
5. Leslie Cromwell , Fred J.Weibell and Erich A.Pfeiffer,
“Biomedical Instrumentation” Prentice Hall New Delhi 2000
6. Khandpur R.S, “Hand Book of Biomedical Instrumentation”,
Tata McGraw Hill publication, New Delhi, 2003
7. John Denis Enderle, Joseph D. Bronzino, Susan M. Blanchard,
“Introduction to Biomedical Engineering”, Academic Press,
8. Shakti Chatterjee & Albert Miller “ Biomedical instrumentation
Systems” Cengage Learning
9. The Essential physics of Medical Imaging-Jerrold T. Bushberg,
J.Anthony Seibert, Edwin M.Leidholdt, Jr, JohnM.Boone-
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
The ideal pump for CPB should have the following characteristics: It must be able to pump blood at
a flow rate of 7 L/min against a pressure of 500 mm Hg. The pumping motion should not damage
the cellular or acellular components of blood.

The deairing of CPB circuit is done by priming solutions, consisting of a mixture of crystalloids and colloids.
Priming causes haemo dilution which improves flows during hypothermia. Heparin 3–4 units/ml is added to
the prime. Depending on the pre-bypass haemoglobin and priming volume, addition of external blood may be
required to maintain a target haematocrit on bypass (21%–24% in adults and 28%–30% in children). The
following equations are used.
Total circulating volume (TCV) = Patient's blood volume + priming volume
Target haematocrit (Hct) on CPB = Patient's blood volume (PBV) × Hct/TCV
Blood required on prime = (Target Hct × TCV) – (Pt. Hct × PBV)/Hct of donor blood
Cardiac index of a 70 kg adult with normal metabolism at 37°C is 2.2–2.4 L/m 2/min. For each 1°C decrease in
temperature, the required cardiac output reduces by 7%, and the pump flow can be reduced by an equivalent
factor. Knowing the body surface area (BSA) of the patient, the required pump flow is as follows:
Pump flow rate = BSA × Cardiac index
In general, turbulence occurs when disrupting forces (inertial) overcome the retaining forces (viscous). This
relationship is expressed by the Reynolds number [= (density x velocity x diameter) ÷ viscosity].
Empirically, turbulence has been found to occur in blood when this number exceeds 1,000, although
curvature, smoothness, and inlet conditions also influence its occurrence.

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