AVM Pediatric Lille
AVM Pediatric Lille
AVM Pediatric Lille
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Nicolas Reyns, M.D.,
n view of the high hemorrhage rate associ- ding to a grim prognosis (15). Hence, a 13-year-
Department of Neurosurgery, ated with their natural history, pediatric old child with a newly detected AVM has a 33%
University Hospital, cerebral arteriovenous malformations cumulative risk of hemorrhage in the next
University of Lille, (AVMs) require curative treatment (18, 35). 20 years and a 55% risk in 40 years (24). Of
Avenue Emile Laine,
Indeed, the risk of hemorrhage for untreated course, the younger the patient, the more sub-
59037 Lille Cedex, France.
E-mail: n-reyns@chru-lille.fr cerebral AVMs has been estimated at 2 to 4% stantial the cumulative risk of hemorrhage,
per year, with an attendant mortality rate of 5 thus, increasing the potential benefits of early
Received, August 16, 2005. to 10% and a 50% risk of serious neurological intervention in children (43). At present, micro-
Accepted, September 18, 2006. morbidity associated with each hemorrhage surgery is still the “gold standard” treatment
(15, 48). Moreover, it seems that rebleeding may for accessible, low-grade AVMs, providing an
occur in almost 30% of these cases, correspon- immediate cure with generally accepted risks
TABLE 7. Review of literature on six major and recent pediatric series regarding radiosurgery for treatment of arteriovenous
OR, % (no.)
No. of Median/ Median/ Overall
Median/ Second Bleeding Permanent
Series patients mean mean ⬍1 cm3
mean stage after RS, sequelae,
(ref. no.) with volume marginal 1–3 cm3
age radiosurgery no. (%) no. (%)
follow-up (cm3) dose (Gy) 3–10 cm3
⬎10 cm3
Tanaka et
al., 1996 23 4.8c 20.5c 0 87 (20/23) 0 0
(46) LGK
Shin et
al., 2002 82 1.8b 20a 0 86.6 (71/82) 4 (4) 2 (2)
(42) LGK
73.5 (39/53)
Levy et al., na
12b 10
2000 (27) 53 1.7b 20b 80 4 (7.5) 1 (2)
(2–17) (18.9%)
LGK 64.7
35 (11/31)
Smyth et na
11.2b 1.6b/ 12
al., 2002 31 16.7c 53 8 (25) 2 (6)
(3.4–17.5) 5.4c (38.7%)
(43) LGK 14
61.2 (30/49)
Nataf et al., b c b
12 /11 3.5 /
2003 (32) 49 28.3c 0 73 (1–4 cm3) 4 (8.2) 0
(7–15) 3c
LINAC 40 (4–10 cm3)
100% (1 pt)
Nicolato et
al., 2005 47 3.8c 21.6c 0 80 (31/39) 0 (0) 1 (2)
(33) LGK
70 (72/103)
This report 12b 1.7b/ 16
100 23.3c 69.5 2 (1.7) 6 (5)
LINAC (2–16) 2.8c (16%)
OR, obliteration rate; RS, radiosurgery; LGK, Leksell gamma knife; na, not available; LINAC, linear accelerator-based radiosurgery
resection or obliteration (3, 21, 22, 28). Hence, a number of nidus. Moreover, one of the three patients presenting with
these authors recommend performing an angiogram long after Rendu-Osler disease declared a new AVM location after radio-
a child’s AVM has been resected (3, 22). In our opinion, this rec- surgical obliteration of three AVMs. These observations illus-
ommendation is equally applicable to the follow-up of AVMs trate the possible angiogenesis phenomena evoked in cases of
cured by radiosurgery, although we did not notice the phe- AVM recurrence in pediatric populations. Regarding the
nomenon of nidus regrowth after obliteration in the present follow-up, we (similar to others [13, 32]) are convinced of the
series. However, in one case, we did notice a new nidus com- absolute necessity for definitive, angiographic validation of
ponent appearing outside the marginal isodose of a radiosurgi- AVM obliteration. At present, MRI scanning is not sensitive
cal procedure that had successfully obliterated the original enough (even with new techniques, such as magnetic reso-
adults (as do other researchers [2, 27, 32, 46]) by applying a Furthermore, it is important to compare our obliteration and
marginal dose of 21 to 25 Gy for 95% of patients (on the 70% morbidity data with those from other pediatric AVM radio-
isodose in our study, according to the linear accelerator’s dose surgery series (Table 7) rather than surgical series. Indeed, pop-
distribution). Only a few patients were treated with lower ulations having undergone either radiosurgery or conventional
doses, based on their AVM volume and/or location. With the surgery should not be compared because radiosurgery is
exception of Smyth et al. (43), the aforementioned authors mainly suitable for inoperable or deeply located AVMs or those
report obliteration rates ranging from 61 to 95% (Table 7). In our located in functional areas. We wish to emphasize that approx-
opinion, these data constitute a strong argument for a correla- imately 70% of patients in this series presented an AVM in a
tion between dose prescription and obliteration rate. Hence, functional location and that 30% of the population had a
Smyth et al. (43) have begun to use adult dose prescriptions in Spetzler-Martin Grade VI AVM. Only 5% of the patients pre-
treating similar AVMs in children to increase the chances of sented with a permanent neurological deficit. Hence, the
obliteration. Spetzler-Martin grading system clearly seems to be an unsuit-
Another interesting predictive factor of obliteration seems able prognostic grading system for radiosurgery (36). We are
to be young age. In our univariate analysis, an age of 10 years convinced that a child with an AVM should be treated by sur-
or younger was significantly associated with a better oblitera- gery whenever the nidus can be resected under safe condi-
tion rate (P ⫽ 0.05). Indeed, the significance value was even tions, in view of the immediate protection against bleeding that
lower for an age of 8 years or younger (P ⫽ 0.03). These find- surgery offers (5, 11, 19, 21). On one hand, the postradiosurgery
ings confirm previous studies indicating young age as a predic- risk of hemorrhage during the latency interval persists until
tive factor for obliteration (37, 42). obliteration is achieved. On the other hand, the less-invasive
Our study highlights embolization as a negative predictive nature of the radiosurgical approach (combined with the
factor for obliteration. This had already been reported in an brevity or absence of hospitalization) contributes to the
adult population (37). Obviously, staged embolizations have a patient’s successful recovery from physical, mental, and emo-
potentially valuable preradiosurgery role in managing large tional standpoints (16).
lesions (17, 25, 31, 34, 47, 49) as long as complete elimination of
a peripheral portion of the nidus is achieved (17). However, in CONCLUSION
our experience, fragmenting of a residual nidus by emboliza-
tion could make a potential radiosurgical target in a heteroge- The present study confirms that radiosurgery is a safe and
neous environment less favorable for radiosurgery. This could effective treatment for AVMs in the pediatric age group. One
be one explanation for the fact that preradiosurgery emboliza- criterion for success was the use of a prescription dose similar
tion was reported in the present study as a negative predictive to that used with adult populations. Nidus volume seems to be
factor for radiosurgical AVM obliteration. Another explanation the other major variable affecting successful obliteration.
might be partial, postradiosurgery revascularization of the pre- Moreover, the younger the patient, the more effective the radio-
embolized portion (17, 39). This would mean that radiosurgery surgery seemed to be. There are now good evidence-based rea-
should be performed alone (i.e., in the absence of embolization) sons for considering this technique as an alternative to con-
whenever the nidus volume permits. ventional surgery in cases of deeply located AVMs or those
Our statistical analysis did not confirm single draining veins close to functional areas. Radiosurgery can be effective as a
(6, 37), patient sex (32), or nidus location as predictive factors sole treatment or as a part of a multimodal strategy when com-
for obliteration (30, 37). bined with other techniques. Hence, as in adult populations,
the key point in managing pediatric AVMs seems to be the use
Outcome and Morbidity of a multidisciplinary approach for deciding on the correct
technique for the patient. We are now extending our experience
With an overall obliteration rate of approximately 70% and a with gamma knife radiosurgery.
permanent neurological deficit rate of 5%, the present series
confirms the safety and efficacy of radiosurgery for the man-
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T he authors present their considerable experience (100 patients) with
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changes observed on neurodiagnostic imaging. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg
a clinically stable course and no impending intracranial hypertension.
64 [Suppl 1]:126–133, 1995.
Their results are encouraging with 70% of the patients having angio-
graphically recorded complete obliteration and no substantial differ-
ence between the pediatric and adult populations in terms of “thera-
COMMENTS peutic timing.” As expected, the two major predictive factors are
represented by a limited target volume and no previous endovascular
Beltramello A, Gerosa M: Gamma knife radiosurgery for cerebral arteriove-
VMs are the most common cause of pediatric stroke. As shown in
nous malformations in children/adolescents and adults. Part I: Differences in
this series, a wide variety of clinical problems can be associated
epidemiologic, morphologic, and clinical characteristics, permanent complica-
with a brain AVM and multimodality management is often necessary. tions, and bleeding in the latency period. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
This report makes a number of observations. First, the 70% overall AVM 64:904–913, 2006.
obliteration rate was reasonable. However, no AVM larger than 10 ml3 in 2. Nicolato A, Lupidi F, Sandri MF, Foroni R, Zampieri P, Mazza C, Pasqualin A,
volume was obliterated (n = 4). Thus, the care of patients with larger Beltramello A, Gerosa M: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for cerebral arteriove-
AVMs must be questioned. Perhaps embolization, resection, or staged nous malformations in children/adolescents and adults. Part II: Differences in
radiosurgery may need to be considered for these larger lesions. obliteration rates, treatment-obliteration intervals, and prognostic factors. Int
Secondly, the authors used a fairly uniform dose selection method, which J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 64:914–921, 2006.
3. Pollack BE, Gorman DA, Coffey RJ: Patient outcomes after arteriovenous mal-
could perhaps have been tailored individually to specific AVMs. One
formation radiosurgical management: Results based on a 5- to 14-year fol-
patient developed monocular blindness after radiosurgery for an AVM
low-up study. Neurosurgery 52:1291–1297, 2003.
near the optic nerve. Was this related to the dose received or to dose plan 4. Shin M, Kawamoto S, Kurita H, Tago M, Sasaki T, Morita A, Ueki K, Kirino T:
conformality? Other centers have promoted the concept that children Retrospective analysis of a 10-year experience of stereotactic radio surgery
may obliterate their AVMs faster than adults with similar lesions. This for arteriovenous malformations in children and adolescents. J Neurosurg
remains a hypothetical concept. Because of the lifelong risk of hemor- 97:779–784, 2002.