Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact On Organizations Student Name: Student ID: Date: Course ID
Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact On Organizations Student Name: Student ID: Date: Course ID
Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact On Organizations Student Name: Student ID: Date: Course ID
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Research analyst have defined emotional intelligence as the ability of an individual to monitor
their and other’s emotions, to differentiate between various emotions and being able to identify
them and use this information to influence their behavior and decision-making.
In recent times, EI has gained popularity in corporate world by becoming an essential component
of metrics that evaluate leadership effectiveness especially when leaders are working in a team.
The work of analyst Goleman has been crucial in in providing EI the necessary attention and
leaders inspiring their teams to work efficiently to attain organizational objectives. Despite this
vast progress, there remains a lot of room for research on the correlation of EI with
Over the years, consensus over the importance of emotional intelligence in workplace has grown
significantly with a large number of leaders taking up on the idea that employer’s EQ is much
more essential to running business and manage employees than their IQ. A higher EQ is
relationships. It also allows them to make sure that people in their surrounding feel safe
emotionally and therefore are loyal to their leaders. All such qualities makeup for a great leader
Based on EQ theories, personal traits such as self-control, perseverance, and the ability to
interact and communicate effectively are crucial to organizational success. While a lot of effort
has been put into research on improving employees EQ, however it is believed that highering
managers are better of in decision-making when selecting people with high EQ scores.
While personal traits are a major determinant for opting for employees with higher EQ, studies
have shown that such employees are better team players as well. Such employees are easier to
work with in teams, flexible to changes with ability to adapt to challenging situations. This raises
several questions on the degrees achieved and theoretical concepts of talented graduates who fail
to fulfill the minimum EQ level since they face several problems in making it to these large
Renowned writer, Daniel Goleman, has highlighted few key traits that compel organizations to
seek employees with higher EQ levels in order to achieve greater success. Candidates that fulfill
criteria for organizational requirements have high self-awareness i.e. they posses the ability to
understand their own strength and weaknesses thus allowing them to anticipate in what way their
actions can affect others. This trait makes them open to constructive criticism which results
employees using the feedback to improve their work standards [ CITATION Chi11 \l 1033 ].
Moreover, such employees show a greater sense of maturity over their emotions and are able to
express them with restraint and control which allows managers to maintain healthy workplace
intelligent individuals tend to be highly self-motivated. Their resilience and optimism allow them
to stand tall in face of adversity and thus they use their inner ambition to drive for personal and
organizational goals.
These individuals are emphatic in nature which allows them to show a great amount of
compassion towards their colleagues, connect with them on an emotional level which is highly
important on organizational level since companies always seek employees who are of great
service and genuinely respond to concerns of their fellows. Lastly, people with higher EQ are
efficient when it comes to gaining trust of others and building their rapport. This is highly
beneficial for firms as it reduces office politics, nurtures and healthy workplace environment and
allows each employee to perform at their highest potential [ CITATION Kha12 \l 1033 ].
Based on the EQ test I have taken online, the results suggest that I have an average EQ with high
I am likely to portray emotional sensitivity since I am well aware of how my actions and
behavior can impact others. It also points out that due to involvement in others affairs, I might at
times avoid my own emotional stability which in-turn can have adverse effects on all of us which
shows that I am yet to develop one of the most important traits required to have a higher EQ: the
Since I have only participated in one of these tests, I do not have significant data to comment on
its consistency, however, these results do not come as a surprise since most of the things
indicated our likely true and representative of my own feelings as well. Based on these aspects, I
The growing importance of EQ is evident of the fact that in coming years, organizations would
have reformed their recruitment strategies with greater weightage given to a candidate’s
emotional intelligence. Research and studies supported have confirmed that emotional
intelligence indeed is as very valuable asset that organizations need to acquire to for achieving
their goals.
Chin, S. T. S., Anantharaman, R. N., & Tong, D. Y. K. (2011). The roles of emotional intelligence and
Khalili, A. (2012). The role of emotional intelligence in the workplace: A literature review. International