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Decrron -I
ListemEng Gornprehension IU

ln this section of thc tcst, you will have an opportunity to dcmo$ratc your ability to
understand conversations and talks in English. There arc thrce parts to this s€ction with
special directions for each part. Answer all the queslions on thc basis of what is staled or
implied by thc speakcrs in this test. When you take th€ actual TOEFL lcst, you will not be
allowed to take notcs or write in your test book. Try to work on this Sample Test in the
samc way.

Part A
Dlractlona: In Part A you will hear short conversations betw.en two peoplc. AfIer each
conversation, you will hcar a question about the conversation. The convc$alions and
questions will not bc rcpcated. After you hcar a question, read lhc four possiblc answers in
your book and choosc thc bcst .nswer. Then, on your answer she€t, find the numbcr of the
qucstion and fill in thc spacc that conesponds to the letter of thc answer you have choscn.

Listen to an cxamplc.

On the recordlnS, you hear: SamplcAnswer

In your book, you rcad: (A) He doesn't like thc painting cither.
(B) Hc doesn'i know how to paint.
(C) He doesn't h.ve any paintings.
(D) He doesn't know what to do.

You learn from thc conversstion that ncither lhe man nor lhe woman likes thc pairting. The
bcst answer to thc qucstion, "What does lhe man mean?" is (A), "Hc do€sn't like lhe
painling cither." Thcrcfore, thc conect choicc is (A).

tlt r:MI llJ lll IJI l:l l:l llJ r, ! lll I rl I Il I t ! I

(A) Her nolekrok is missing. 6. (A) He's usually happy. n. (A) He wasn't offered the job he 16. (A) She hasn't seen Katc.
(B) Her handwriting is diflicult (B) He listens to music when he's h8d talked about. (B) Kate has changcd hcr plans.
(o read. in a good mood. I (B) He didn't really want to work in (c) The riran had misunderstood
(c) She wasn't in class this (C) He had to pay a high price for the k)okstore. her.
mo.ning, cither. his sterco. (c) He didn't know where the (D) Thc man should go to New
(D) She's alrcady lenl her notes to (D) He's pleased with his purchase. a
bookstore was. York ncxt weck.
someonc else. (D) He didn'l refuse the bookstore
7. (A) He can send thc woman job. 17. (A) He doesn'( want to attend Lhe
2. (A) Get I schedule of ev€nts at the additional information. graduation ccrcmony.
ethletic c.nler. (B) The woman received the wrong 12. (A) She needed to change thc letter (B) He's attendcd only one
(B) Rcfer to thc bus schcdule. bill. bcforc mailing it. Sraduation cerEmony.
(c) wait for tlrc shlttle in lhc (C) He agrees that *!c charges are (B) She didn't know how much (C) Thc woman docsn'( have to
studcnt loungc. too hi8h. postagc was ncedcd. attend (hc Sradualion
(D) Borrow a schcdulc f(om (D) He'll credit the woman's (c) She didn't havc the ri8ht coins ccrcmony.
onother studcnt, account. to buy slamps. (D) Attcndancc is takcn at the
(D) The stamp machine has ben graduation ccrcmony.
3. (A) Shc looks Sood in bluc. 8. (A) Answer her calls. movcd.
(B) She ncvcr w.ars swcatcrs. (B) Takc hcr homc. 18. (A) Sdmconc from thc housing
(C) Shc might prefcr anothcr colot (C) Writc out s list of his calls. r3. (A) Thcy should go to lunch soon. oflicc fixcd thc faucct.
(D) Shc cnjoys rccciving gifis. (D) Telephonc her later in thc day. ' (B) He nceds to make morc coffec (B) AIlcn callcd thc housing omcc
for lunch. for hcr,
4. (A) Somconc paintcd it forher 9. (A) Taking a test. (c) Thcre is cnough coffce for (c) Shc replaccd thc faucet.
(B) Shc finally hd limc lo pninl il (B) 6ivin8 Spanish tests to scveaal morc cups. (D) Allcn rcpairEd lhc faucet.
(C) Shc dccidc-flo paint it lalcr. studen(s. (D) He won't drink any morc coffce
(D) Somc fricnds will help hcr (C) Paying for privale lcssons. today. r9. (A) Hc didn't know that the
paint it. (D) Studying. woman was class tEasurct
r4. (A) Therc sIc too many shopping (B) Hc docsn't want to bc
5. (A) Today's scminar was I0. (A) The window is brolcn. ccntcrs alrEsdy. lreasurcr.
informstivc. (B) Hc's ncrvous about opening (B) They arcn't rcally going to (c) Hc docsn't think tle woman
(B) Anothcr s.minar will tske the window. build a shopping ccntcr. ahould run for officc.
placc thc following weck. (C) It's not possiblc to opcn thc (c) Hc kncw abou( thc planncd (D) Hc didn't know thc clcctions
(c) Ncxt weck's scminar is on a window. construclion, wcrc today.
differcnt topic. (D) Il's too cold lo op€n the (D) He hasn'l bccn to the othet
(D) Thcre will be two seminan window. shopping centcn. 20. (A) Hc docsn't havc mu€h timc for
ncrt wack. tcnnis.
15. (A) Shc has to do somc work (B) Hc's enthusiastic about his
lomorrow. ncw courscs.
(B) Shc'll attcnd tomorrow's (c) Hc plays tcnnis b.tlcr than she
pc rform ancc. docs.
(c) Shc docsn't intend to go to thc (D) Hc's nol vcry intcEstcd in his
PlaY. cchool work.
(D) She can't work at thc lhcalcr


E (
E i
l-I' l:t' Elrr r;ti: l' l'-r"=f-'Lll I I I llt IIl LIl I I I I Il I rl lll
2r. (A) He'll drive the womal to the 26 A) Sh€ saw only part of it. Part B
paint store. B) Shc couldn't go to see it.
(B) He doesnl rcally likc thc C) She wasn't in charge of it I Dlioctlon3? tn this part, you will hear longer conversations. Afrer each conversation,
painting. D) She didn't understand it. you will hear scveral questions. The conversations and quesrions will Dot be rep€ared.
(c) He'll hold the painting for the
woman. 27. (A) He doesn't like old movies. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your book and choose the hesl
(D) He do€sn't know wherE the (B) He didn't sec a large number of answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find lhe numbcr ofthe quesrion and fill in the space thar
painting is. movies. corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
(C) Hc saw morc movies than the Remember, you should not take notes or write on your test pages.
22. (A) Thc man hurricd through woman did.
brcakfast. (D) His children have sccn many
(B) Thc room is too warm for a movics. 31. (A) It's roo noisy. 35. (A) San a new program at Srare
swcttct- (B) It's not convenient to the
(c) Thc man will bc lstc ifhc 28. (A) Thc sirpo.t is closed due to bad College.
univcrsity. (B) Study at a diffcrent school.
docsn't hurry. (C) The heating system is defeclive. (C)
(B) An earlicr closure sffcctcd the Find a summcrjob.
(D) Thc man's appcarancc shows (D)
airport's schcdule.
The owncr is unpleasant. (D) lmp.ove her grades.
that hc was rushcd,
(c) The fli8ht is followinS its 32. (A) Tell the owncr two months in 36. (A) Joumalism.
23. (A) Thc doctor wasn't fccling wcll. rcgular schcdulc. advancc that she's moving. (B) Scicncc.
(B) Hc didn't scc thc ncw doctor. (D) Thc planc will rctum to its (B) Al€rt thc housing authorities to
(C) Managemcnt.
The doctor isn't ncw to thc point ofdeparturc.
her problcm. (D) An.
infirmsry. -- (c) Move to another apaiment in
(D) Hc mct thc doclor at a 29. (A) Shc hadn't bcgun to study
thc samc building. 37. (A) 1(5 rcputatio[ isn't as good as
confcrcncc. biology. (D) IJave by (hc cnd o[ the month. Statc Collcgc's.
(B) Shc hadn't likcd thc prcvious
(B) Shc can'a get I good
24. (A) Pay Marsha for thc bookshelf- biology coursc. 33. (A) It must be on a higher floor
(B) (c) She did vcry wcll in rccommcndalion thcrc.
Ask Marsha whcrc thc (B) It musl havc quict surroundings (c) Thc registration omce hisn't
bookshclf is. elemcntary biology. (c) It must be within driving
(C) (D) Shc'd slrrady takcn sll thc aniwercd hcr lcttcrs yet.
Chcck for thc book on distancc of thc univcrsity. (D) Shc may not get accepted :
Marsha's shclf. biology courscs. (D) It must bc in a new building. thcre,
(D) Ask Msrsha ifshc has an cxtra
bookshelf. 30. (A) Shc rrccntly moved to Miami. 34. (A) Renl *ould bc wry expensive. 38. (A) Usc hcr professors as
(B) She nccdcd a vacation. (B) Public transponation wouldn't .E[arEnccs.
25. (A) The man can gct some paper at (C) Shc'll lcrvc forMiami soon. be availablc. (B) Study morc to improvc hcr
thc ncw store, (D) She war plcascd to get his (c) Apartment compleres in grades.
(B) Shcjust opcncd a new box of postcard. Windsor arr old. (c) Thinl morc positivcly about
papcr, (D) Apartments in Windsor tend to thc State Collegc program
(c) Shc'll typc thc msn's papcr at be noisy, (D) Wrire ro the head of (he an
hcr place.
(D) Thc msn crn buy today's pspcr
st thc ncwlstand. I


r E
;::l:J'.:=I::t*n-l.:l *]*I:l - +I ;:rr i | -=I.:I *El - t:r t:I E-t-t:I l:l I r t'l i I i

Part C 39. (A) Summer vacation. 45. (A) Oxygcn.

(B) The housing ofEce. (B) Aluminum
I (C) Residcnt advisen. (C) Nickel. -
DirDctlon!: In Ihis pan, you will hcar scveral talks. Aftcr each talk, you will hear somc (D) Check-out procedures (D) Boron.
questions. Thc talks and qucstions will not b. repeated.

Afteryou hcar a question, read thc four pos.sible answers in your book and choose thc best 40. (A) Register for summer schrml. 46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild.
I (B) Repair holes in room walls.
answcr. Then, on your answer shect, find lhe number of the qucstion and fill in thc spacc that (B) Erperiments al the lrndon Zoo.
corresponds to thc letler of thc answcr yot have choscn. (C) ReIurn rheir keys to rhe housing (c) An investigation of accidental
office. animal deaths.
(D) Call the housing office. (D) An increase in insects at the zoo
Hcrc is an cramplc,
41. (A) Their summer gddrqssas. 47. (A) Owl cages.
On the rrcardlng, you hclrr (B) Any damagc to their rooms. (B) Insecticide spray
(C) Whcn thcy plan to leavc. (C) Sawdr.rst.
Now listc[ to a samplc qucstion. Samplc Answcr (D) Questions for the housing oflice (D) Mousctraps.
@@o@ (i)
, 4?. The liquefaction of g8s. 48. (A) Rali-
(B) Techniqucs uscd for rcfrigeration. (B) Owls. - :
In your book, you rtad: (A) To dcrmrstrate thc latest us. of computcr graPhics.
(B) To discuss the pos.ribility ofsn cconomic dcprcssion.
Materials uscd to malc industrial (C) Micc,
(C) To crplain th? workings ofthebrain. containcrs. (D) Ins.cts.
(D) (D) The cost of Fansporting
To d.smatizc a famous mystcry story.
natuial gas. 49. (A) They choked on sawdust.
Thc bcsl 8ns{,.r to the qucstion, "lvhat is thc main purposc of thc pmgram?' is (C), "To (B) Thcy werc fed conlaminated mice. :
crplain thc r+orkings of thc brain," Thcrcforc, thc conect choicc i3 (C). 43. (A) lt bccomes brirtlc. (C) They we.€ bitten by dcadly insecr,t. I
(B) It cxpands. (D) Thcy escaped from thc zoo. I

Ssmplc Ans*cr (C) It oridizes. j

Now Iislcn to ano(hcr samplc qucstion ' (D) It bcnds. 50. (A) To illustrate a principlc about
@@@rD cnvironmcntal poisons. i
44. (A) It h.s a low mching point. (B) To dcmonst ate thc uscfulnans of
In your book, you rcrd: (A) It is rcquir.d oflll scicncc majors' (B) It's erpensive. chcmicals.
(B) It will ncvcr bc shown again. (C) li often contaiN impuritics. (c) To show how zooke.pcrs raise i
(C) It can hclp vicwers imProvc thcir memory rkills. (D) ILs properties arc unp.rdictable- micc in captivity.
(D) It will tElp with (D) To prcvc a point about thc t
coursc rr,ork.
boilding industry.
Thc bcst arswcr to thc qucstion, "Why docs (hc apeakcr recommcnd w8tching thc
programl' is (D), "tt will hclp with courrc work." Thcrcforc. thc conect choice is (D). I
Thls ls the end of Sectlon 1. I

Remcmbcr. you should !g! lskc notc! or * te on your {cst p68cs Stop work on S.ctlon 1 now. I
I Turn ofl ),our cassshe player
l I

@@@ STOP
@@@ II

Fead th€ dlrectlons for Sectlon 2 and begln work. I
GO ON TO INE NEXI PACE Do NOT read or work on any other sectlon ol the test
during lhe next 25 mlnutes.

( I

ruc ure a "-7 .""t7'-7-'t7'-,'Y' i

=7' -7
Written Expression
Hanya Holm is a dancer, 5. In an area first explored by Samuel
choreographer, and -------. de Champlain, -------.
Tlmo! 25 mlnut.r (lncludlng the readlng ot th€ dlrecllons) (A) dance that she teaches (A) establishment ofthe city of
Now act your clock to? 25 mlnule!. I (B) her tcaching ofdance Halifax in 1749
(C) Io teach danciog (B) in 1749 the city ofHalifax
This scction is dcsigned to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate / (D) dance teacher cstablished
for standad written English. Therc a.e two types ofquestions in this section, with special (C) in 1749, establishing the city
dircctions for each type.
2. During an eclipse ofthe Sun, ---- of Halifax
io thc shadow of the M<xrn. (D) of Halifax was
thc city
Structure (A) the E nh lies established ifl 1749
(B) the Eaah when lying
Dlt?ctlona: Qucstions l-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath cach scn(snce you will (C) that the Earth lies 6. A nation's merchant rirarine is
see four words or phrases, ma*ed (A), (B), (C). and (D). Choose the q!9 word or phrase (D) the lying Eanh made up of its commercial ships
that best completes the scntcnce. Thcn, on your answer shect, find the number of the and the [Eople ------- thcm.
question and fill in the spacc that corrcsponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. 3. Under the influcnce of Ezra Pound. (A) they opcrare
Fill in ftc space so that the lcttcr inside thc oval cannot be seen. Hilda Doolittlc became associated (B) who op€rate
with the Imagists and ------- into one (C) thcyop€ratc of
Etamglc I Sample Answer of thc most original poets of the (D) do thcy operatc
Gcysers have oflen been compared to volcanoes ------- @a@@ (A) developcd 7. ---- Nat Turner who lcd a revoh
they both cmit hot liquids from below the Earth's surface,
(B) to be developing against slavery in Virginia in 1831.
(A) duc to (C) who devclopcd (A) Whcrc was
(B) bccausc (D) devcloping it (B) lt was
(C) in spite of (C) Hc was
(D) rcSardlcss of 4. ---= alt rainwater falling from a (D) That he was
cloud rcaches the ground: some of it
Thc s€ltcnce should rcad, "Ocyscrs have often been compared to volcanocs because they
bo(h emil hot liquids fmm below thc Earth's surfnce." Thereforc, you should choosc (B).
is lost throuSh cvaporalion. 8. The most claborate of all bird nests
(A) Nowhcrc -------, domed comm!nal struclure
Examplc ll (B) Not built by social weaverbirds.
Sample Answcr
(C) No (A) larger
During thc carly priod ofoccan navigalion, ------- @ O@ O (D) None (B) largcly is
any ncrd for sophisticatcd instruments rnd techniques. (C) thc larSe
(A) so that hsdly (D) is the large
(8) whcn thcre hsrdly wss
(C) hrrdly w8s
(D) thcrr wEr hardly
Thc scntcncc ahould rcad, "DurinS lhc carly pcriod of occsn navigation, thcrc was hardly
any nccd for sophisticatcd instlum€nts and tcchniques." Thereforc, you should choosc (D).
Now begin work on thc qucstions,

- - =7 S7 -7 -7^87
9. William Walkcr's murdl. "Wall of 13. ----, thc tirst Black denomination
Rcspect," -..--
an outdrxrr wall in in lhe United Srrtes.
Written Expression
Chicago, dcals wilh social issues. (A) Richard Allen founded rhe Diraetloor: In questions l6-40each scnrence has four underlined words or phrasqJ- The
(A) covers African Merhodist Episcopal four u-nderlincd parrs of re scntence are markcd (A), (B), (C), and (D). klentify thc one
(B) coven it Church underlincd word or phrase thal must be changed in order for thc s€ntencc to be conecil
(C) which covers (B) Richard Allcn, who founded Then, on your answcr shcct, find the number of the qu€stion and fill in rhe space that
(D) which it covers the African Methodist corresponds to the lettcr of lhe answer you have chosen.
Episcopal Church
10. Srudies offie gravity field ofrhc (C) Thc Africar Methodist
Earti indicate --- yicld rrhcn Episcopal Church founded
Examplc I
unusual weight is placed on thcm. by Richard Allen SampleArsrer
(A) although its crusr and martlc (D) The foundation of the Africar r.) o @ @
(B) ilr crust 8nd mandc to Mcthodist Episcopal Church Guppics arc somcrimes call rainbow fish becausc of
(C) thst its crust end manllc by Richard Allen A BC
(D) for its crust rnd mantlc to thc mslcs' bright colors.
14. Thc snnual worth of Utah's
ll. The columbine flowc( -- to manufacturing is gcater than D
nearly rll of thc Urircd Stalcs. can (A) that of its mining and farming
----. The scnlcncc should read, "Guppies are som€timcs callcd rainbo.p fish bccausc of the
bc raiscd from sced in almost any combincd malcs'b.ight colors." Thcrcforc, you should choosc (A).
gardcn. (B) mining and farming
(A) nativc combination I
Eramplc lI
(B) how nativc is (C) that mining and faming
Sample Ats*er
(C) how nativc is it combincd I

(D).is nalivc (D) of its combinEtion mining and @a@@

i Scrving scv.ral Icrm in Congrcss. Shirley Chisholm
12. Thc photopcriodic rc.sponsc of algac AB
actually dcpcnds ofl thc duntion of 15. Thc wallflowcr--- b€causc ili bccamc an imponant Unitcd States politician.
darkncss, -----. wcak stcms oftcn grow oo walls snd
slong stony clirTs for support.
c --D-
(A) tlE light is no( on
(B) rnd not on light (A) so callcd is I
Thc s.ntcncc;horrld r!ad, "scrving scvcral tcrms in Congrcss, Shirtey Chisholm bccarnc an
(C) bilt is not on lhc lighr (B) so is callcd impo.t.qnt Unitcd Shlcs politician." Thcrcforc. you should choosc
(D) is not on light (C) is so callcd
Now bcgin work on tic qucstions.
(D) csllcd i! so I


@ (


t6 The tonguc is capable of maoy motions and configurations and plays a vital role in 25. Anne Elizabeth McDowell is best rcmcmhered for a weekly joumal, lVorrroa's
A B c AB c
chewing, swallowed, and speaking. ,4dvocate, who she laurched in January 1855.

17, Instead ofbcing housed in onc centralbank in Washington, D.C.,lhe Federal Reserve 26. ln evcry society thc.e are norns that say individuals how they a.e supposed to behave.
AB B c D
system is division into tw€lve districts.
CD 27. An erupting volcano or an earlhquake sometimes atrccts thc featurcd of the sudounding
A B c
18. Philodendrons of various kinds are cultivaled for their beautifully foliage. region and can even cause lakes lo disapp€ar

19. Kiwi birds mainly eat iflsccts, worms, and snails and to search for their food 28. Most tree frogs chan8e color to harmonizc with its background
by probing rhc Sround with thcir long bills.
CD 29. Due to the refraction oflight rays, this is impossible for thc naked eye to dcterminc the

20. Mlliam Penn founded thc city of Philadelphia in 1682. and he quickly grcw to be
AB c
exrct location ofa star closc to thc horizon
the largest city in colonial Amc.ica.
CD 30. Modem pocts havc crp€rimented with poctic devices such alliteration and assonance.

2t. Fcwer people rcside in Newfoundland than in other any Canadisn province cxcept
B c D

ABCD 31, Birds'eggs vary grratly ofsizc, shape, and color.

Princc Edward lsland.
22. Dr. Mary Mct cod Bethunc, thc founder of Bcthunc.Cookman Collcgr, scrved rs I
32. Social rcformcr Frcdcrick Douglass dedic ed his life to working for the abolish of
advice lo toth Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. AB
slavery and the fight for ciyil righls.
c D
23. Somc plant produce inilating poisons that can affcct a pcrson cvcn if he or she merely
33. Mount Edith Cavcll, aleak in the Canadian Rockics,is named aftcr a famous nurscs.
brushcs against thcm. BCD
24. The mlalion of lhc Errlh on its 0xis is responsible the allcmxtion of pcriods 34. Xan(hincs havc both good and bad cfTccls on thc kxry, and thcse cffecls a.e gcncrally
o[ light and darkness.


determined on lhc sizc snd rcgularity o[ dosagc

g r
- !
Reading Gomprehension =\-
in 1926' Margaret Tlmor 55 mlnulot (lncludlng the readlng ol the directlons)
when a scvere ankle injury forced herself to Sive up rePorting Now ret your clock tor 55 minutes'
Mitchell b€gan writing her novel Gone with the Wnd'
Ditectlons: In this scction you will rcad several passages. F-ach one is followed by a
number of queslions aboul it. For qucstions l-50, you arc to choose lhe 919 best aoswer.
what the
(A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of (he
36 Onc ofthc most difficult Problcms in underslandin! sleep is delermining qucstion and filt in the spacc that corresponds to the lelter of thc answer you havc choseo.
B c
functions of slccp is.
Answer alt qucstions ahout the info.m{lion in a passagc on the basis of what is 149! or
implicd in that passage.
Read thc following passage:
37, The Milliccnt Rogcn Muscum houses five thousdnds Picccs ofHisPanic and American
The railroad was not the first institution to impose rcgularity on society' or to draw
attention to lhe impodance ofPrecisc limekeeping For as long as merchants hive set
Indian jcwclry, tertilcs. andothcr objccts documenting the vibiancy of
these culturcs
out their waras at daybrcak and communal fcstivities havc bacn celcbrst€d' Pcoplc
BCD Ir'rr have been in rough agrecment with their neighbors as to the lime of day. Thc value of
(5) this tradition is today more apparent than ever. Were il n9t for public acceptance ol a
J6. Sevcn ofplsncts rotatc in lhe same direction as their orbital
motions' whilc Venus and single yardstick of time. smial life would bc unbeambly chaolic: the marsive daily
B c transfers ofgoods. services, and information would prcceed in fit.s and slafls; the very
Uranus rot8t. in thc oPposilc direction. fabric of modem socie(y would be8in Io unBvel.
D Etaaplc I SemPIc Answer

39, ln thc Unitcd Statcs votcn clcction rcprcscntatiYcs to thc n'tional lcgislaturE' Wha( is lhc main idea of the passage?
ABC (A) In modem society we must make more timc for our ncighbors.
consisb of thc Housc of Rcprcscntativcs and thc Scnatc (B) Thc lraditions o[socicty arc limeless.
D (C) An acccptcd way of measuring time is essenlial for the smoolh
functioninS of society
40. It is thc intcraclion bctvccn pcoplc, rathcr than thc cvcnB that occur in
thcir livcs' (D) Socicty judgcs pcople by the limes at which they conduct cenain acrivities.

AB The main idea ofthe passage is lhat so.ielies necd lo agree atnul how timc is lo b. measure d
thrt arg thc m8in focus of socirl psychology. in ordcr to function smoo(hly. Thereforc. you should chnosc (C).
c D
Enmplc II SamPlc Answe r
ln line 5, thc phrase "lhis lradition" refcrs to
Thls ls the end ol Sectlon 2. (A) thc practicc of slorting thc husincss day al dawn
(B) fricndly rcla{ions bctween nciShboni
ll vou flnlsh ln l€ss lhan 25 mlnul6s. chsct your rYork on Socilon 2 only' (C) thc rdilroad's reliance on timc schedules
' Do NOT raad or work on 8ny olh€t soc{lon ol ths lBsl' (D) peoplc's Egreemenl on lhe measurcment of lime
/\/- The phrase "lhis lradilion' refers lr) llrc prccerJing clausc. "pcople havc bcen rn roug h
(.,d e, ('*)
[sroeJ Q9 Q9 Q9 agreemcnl wilh lheir neiEhlx)rs as lo lhe lime of day.' Thcrcfore' you should ch@s€ (D)'

Now begin work on lhe queslion\

At tha end ol 25 mlnutes, go on to Sectlon 3' GO ON IO THE TEXT PAGE

Uso exactty 55 mrnules to work on Sectlon 3.

I E GI l

.I- IE-r I- ' :fr - I-'' ,!-'' f

ll-l-- I-1 I

-"7. The word "rctracts" in line I I is lo. Based on the informalior in the
Ouestaont { -l I
----1.,.'.'i-l-2,-l- closest in meaning to passage, all ofthe following
(A) pulls back statements about6da alemones are
With its radiant color and plantlike shap€, the sea anemone looks more like a flowerthan (B) trueEXCEff that they
an animal, More specifically, tfic sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is
(C) reproduces (A) arc usually tiny
named, with a body likc a stem and tenlacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, grccn,
(D) lifts up (B) havc flexible bodies
Lide pink, and red. tts diametcr varics from about sir millimeters in somc sPecics to morc than (C) arc relared tojellyllsh
(-l) nincty ccntimcters in the giant varieties ofAustralia. Likc co.als, hydras, and jellylish, sea 8. According to the passage, when a (D) are usually brightly colored
ancmones arr coelentcralcs. They can movc slowly, but mor€ often they attach the lower
sea anemone is bothcred it
part of thcir cylindrical Mies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upPcr end of thc sea
ancmorc has a mouth surrounded by tentaclcs lhat the animal uses to capture its fd. (A) hides under a rock I I . Where does the author menlion the
(B) altcrs its shape sea anemone's food-gathering
Stinging cells in thc lcntaclcs throw out tiny poison lhreads that paralyzc other small sea techniquc?
I /Ol animals. The lentaclcs thcn draS this prey inlo the sea anemonc's mouth. The food is
(C) changes colors
digested in the largc inner My cavity. When dislurbed, a sea anemone retracts its tenlacles (D) ejects a poisonous substance (A) Lines l-2
and shortcns its My so that it rcscmblcs a lump on a rcrck. Anemoncs may rcproducc by (B) Lincs 4-6
forming cggs, dividing in half, or devcloping buds that grow and brcak off as independent 9. The sea anemone reproduces by (C) Lines 7-10
animals. (A) budding only (D) Lincs I l-14
(B) forming eggs only
(C) budding or dividing only
Which of thc following is lhc msin 4. It can be inferrcd from the passagc (D) budding, forming eggs, or
topic of thc passagc? that hydras dividing
(A) The varietics of ocean lifc (A) were named aftcra flower
(B) Thc charactcristics ofthc sca (B) arc usually found in Australia
AnCmOnC. * (C) prcy on sca ancmoncs
(C) A compadson of lend and sca (D) arc rclated to sca sncmon.s
(D) The dcfcnsc! of coclcntcratcs 5. It can bc infcrrcd from thc passage
that sca anemones arc usually found
2. Thc work "shapc" in linc I is closcst (A) attachcd to statioolry surfaccs i
in mclning to (B) hiddcn insidc cylindrical
(A) lcngth objccts
(B) Sracc (C) flostinS amon8 undcrwatcr
(C) form flowcn I
(D) naturc (D) scarchinS for food
3. Thc ruthor comparrs s scr 6. Thc word'topturc" in linc 8 is
encmona's lentaclas lo r flowcr's closcst in mcaning to ,

(A) stcm (A) calch

(B) pclalr (B) contml
(C) lcavcs (C) cover
(D) toots (D) clcan



r E 'l

I:l /E\ Z=L-zs !


16. It canbe inferred from the pussa8c 21. Why does Kasren visit lhe locition
Clu.ttlonr l2-23 that Kasten makes instant prints to of outdoor work before the day of

Barbara Kast€n is an attisl who makcs photograPhs ofconstructions that she crcales for
(A) give away the actual shooting?

the purposc ofphotographing them. In her studio she arranges objects such as mirrors, solid
(B) sell as souvenirs (A) To plan the photograph
forms, afld flat surfaces into what could be called large still life arrangemcnts, big enouSh to (C) include as parl of the (B) To purchase film and
Line walk into. She lights thc conslruction, then rearranges and rephotographs it until she anives construclion equipment
(5) at a final image. She also photographs away from her studio at various architectural sites, (D) see what thc construction Iooks (C) To hire a crew
bringing camera, lights, mirrors, and a crew of assislants to transform thc site into her own like at that stage (D) To tesr rhe lighrs
abslract image.
Kasten starls a studio construction wilh I simplc problem, such as usinS several circular 17. The word "composition" in line l2 rs 22. How is Kasten's studio work
and rcctangula. mirrors. Shc puls thc l'irst objccts in place, scts up a camera, then gocs back closest in meaning to different from her work at
( t0) and fonh arranging objects and seeing how they app€ar in thc camera. Eventually she makes (A) anangemcnt . nrchiteclural silcs?
instanl color prints lo sec what thc image looks like. At first she works only with objects, (B) brightness (A) Shc docs not use lights
conccnlrnling on lheir com;nsitkrn; then she lighls them 0nd ndds crrlor from IighIs covered (C) qunlity outdrxrrs
with colorcd lillcrs. (D) sizc (B) Hcr w()rk outdu)$ is more
Away from thc sludio, al archi(eclural sites, thc cost ofthe crcw and lhe cquipmcnt rental unprcdictable.
( l5) means shc has lo know in sdvancc what shc wants to do. She visits cach location sevetal 18. The word "lhem" in line l2 refers to (C) Shc works alonc outdoors.
(imcs to makc skelchcs and lest shots. Until shc brings in lhe lights, howevcr, she cannot (A) prints (D) Shcmakes morc money from
predict crsctly whsl thcy will do to lhc imlge. so therc is some improvising on the spot. (B) lights h.l work outdoors.
(C) objccts
(D) fi hers 23. Wherc in the passage does
12. Whdt does thc pEssagc msinly 14. ln linc 2, why doca thc ruthoa lhe author sutgcst lhat thc
discuss? mention mirrors? I 19. Thc word "shots" in line I6 is constructions that Kastcn
closcst in mcaning to photographs are lifc-sizcd?
(A) The tcchniqucs ofa (A) Thcy are pan ofthe camcra.
photographcr (B) Kastcn uscs thrm ss subjects. I (A) injections (A) Lin6 2-4
(B) Thc advantages ofsludio (C) Thc crew nccds thcm. (B) photogrdphs (B) Linas 5-7
pho(oSraphy (D) Pho(ography mirrors lifc. i
(C) loud noises (C) Linas I2- l4
(C) lndustrial construction sitcs (D) cffectivc rcmarks (D) Liocs l6- 17
(D) An $chitccl who apprccialcs 15. The word "transform" in linc 6 is I

finc art closest in mcsning to I

20. Thc word "thcy" in line l7 rcfers to
(A) movc (A) archilcctural stylcs
13. which of thc following would (B) crtcnd
(B) skctchcs
bc rn cxamplc of onc oflhc (C) changc (C) colorcd filtcrs
"constructions" r€fcrrcd to in linc l? (D) intcrprct (D) lights
(A) A still life trrrxngcmcnt
(B) Natuml landscspcs I

(C) Alt instrnt color print I

(D) A colorrd fil(cr I



E r j


Ouertlonr 24-33 28. The purpose of the special 31. According to the pessage, as the
instruments mentioned in line l4 corona rays reach the plancts, they
Thc tcmpcraturc of thc Suo is over 5,000 degrces Fahrenheit 8t the surfacc, but it rises to is lo become
Frhaps morc than 16 million degrees at the center. The Sun is so much hotter than th€ Earth (A) maSnify thc image of rhe Sun (A) hottet
that matlcrcan cxist only as a gas, except at the core. ln the core ofthe Sun, the pressures are (B) block out thc Sun'.s intcnse light (B) clearer
Une so great against thc gascs that,dcspitc thc high tempcrature, lhere may be I small solid corc. (C) measure the amount ofenergy (C) thinner
t5) Howcvcr, no one rcally knows, since thc certer ofthc Sun can never be directly observed. cmitted by the Sun (D) strorger
Solar astronomcrs do know that thc Sun is divided into five laycrs or zones. Starting at (D) photograph thc Sun
lhe outsidc and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromospherc, photo-
spherc, convection zonc, and 6nally thc corc. The first three zones are regarded as the Sun's
12. The paragraphs following the
29. It can be inferred from the passagc passage most likely discuss which
almospherc. But sirrcc thc Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere that a clear view ofthe Sun's outer
( IO)
of the following?
ends and thc main body ofthc Sun bcgins. layer is usually pr€vented by
The Sun's outcrmost laycr b.gins sbout 10,0(n miles above thc visible surface and goes (A) The remaining layers ofthe
outward for millions of milcs. This is thc only part of thc Sun that can bc scen during an
(A) the Sun's rays Sun
cclipse such as thc onc in Fcbruary 1979. At any olher time. thc corcna can bc seen only
(B) an eclipse (B) The cvolutior of the Sun ro irs
when spccial instrumcnts arr uscd orl camcras and telescopcs to shut out the glare of the (C) lack of light p..sent fo.m
(D) thc grcat dislance (C) The cclipse of Fcbruary 1979
u5) Sun's rays.
Thc comna is r bdlliant, pcarly white, filmy light, about as bright as thc full Moon. Its (D) The scientists who study
30. The word 'tensational" in line l7 is
bc.utiful rays ffr ! scnsatioosl siSht during an eclipse. The corona's rays flash out in s asuonomy
closest in mcaning to
brilliant fan that h8s wispy spitclikc rayr ncar the Sun's north and south polcs. The corona
is thickcst 8t thc Sun's cquato.. (A) sp€clacular 33. Where in thc passage docs thc
20) The corona riF arc madc up of g8s€s sircaming outward at tremendous spccds aod (B) p.Edictable aulhor comparc thc light of thc
Eaching ! tcmpcntutCbf more than 2 million dcgrecs Fahrcnheit. Thc rsys ofgas thin out (C) bizarrc Sun's outcrmost layer to that of
a! thcy rcach thc spacc arcund lhc plancte. By the time thc Sun's corona rays reach the (D) constant anothcr astronomical My?
E&nh, thcy arc wcrl snd invisiblc. (A) Lincs 2-3
(B) Lincs 9- 10
(C) Linc 16
24. Thc wo.d "grcdt" in linc 4 is closcst 26. All of thc following are ports of thc (D) Lines 22-23
in mcaning to Sun's atmosphcre EXCEPT thc
(A) dangemus (A) corora
(B) unknown (B) chromosphcrc
(C) vlriablc (C) photosphcrc
(D) strcng (D) corc
25. wiih whrt topic is thc scclnd 27. Thc word'bnc" in linc lf rcfen to
psngrsph mainly conccrncd? (A) thc Sun
(A) How thc Sun evoltcd (B) thc corona
(B) Thc rtructu.e of lhc Sun (C) on cclipsc
(C) Why scicntirt! study thc Sun (D) thc surfacc
(D) Thc dist rcl ofthc Sun from
thc pl.ncl!


/anB. f,,l'5'

3E. The aulhor states lhat doing 41. The author describes old rag paper
Oua8llont 34-42 calculations in a simple grouping as all of the following EXCEF|

as lhose for
system requires (A) handmade -
Manv of the computing pattems used today in elemenlaiy arithmelic' such (A) memorizing numericnl (B) costly
.t-iltiotiiution" and divisions. were devclopcd 8s late ss thc lifteenth
["ntr.r. fio ,.itont are usually advanced to accoont for this tatdy developmenl' namely' combinations (C) scarce
(B) using an adding machine (D) rlelicate
I-tnt the mentaldificultics and tfie physicaldifliculties encounlered in such work'
(C) producing large quanlities of a
(5) The first ofthesc. the menlal dimculties' musl be somewhat discountcd. The impression
that the ancient numeral syslems arc not amenable lo everl lhc simPlest calculations is
writing medium 42. The passage supports which of the
is cle{ that addition and
It (D) converting number symtnrls tu following conclusions?
largely based on lack of iamiliarity with these systems'
sub-tr-aition in a simplc groupirg system rE{uirc only ability tocount the numbersymbols of
higher uniLs (A) Physical difficulries hindered
each tind and then io convcrt to higherunits. No memorization ofnumber combinations is thc development of
39. The word "encountered" in line l2 is
( t0) nccded. In a ciphcrtd numeral system, ifsufficicnt addition and multiplicalion lebles have compuling pattems.
closest in meaning to (B)
hccn memorizcd. thc work can procccd much lls wc do it today. Memorizing addition and
Thc physical difncultics cncountcrcd. however. werc quile rcal. Wi(hout 6 Plcntitul and (A) faced multiplicalion lahles is
convenicni supply of somc suilablc writing medium, any very ertended dcvclopmcnt oflhe (B) caused neccssary for most
arithmctic proccss was bound lo bc hamp.red. lt musl bc rcmembcred that out common (C) incrcased elemenlary arithmetic
( t5) machinc-madc pulp pap.r is litlle morr than a hundrcd years old. Thc older rag paper was (D) discussed processes.
madc by harld and was cons€qucntly expensive and scarce. (C) Most p€oplc exp€rience
40, The word "hampercd" in linc 14 is mental dimcultics in
closcst in meaning lo Ieaming long divisions and
34, r.Vhat is thc msin puryosc of Ihe 35. The word "tardy" in linc 3 is closcst (A) impeded multiplications.
PassrSc? in meaning to (B) concluded (D) NumeEI systems invcntcd 1

(A) To cmphesiz thc importrncc (A) historical (C) unnoticed before the fifteenth ccntury
of thc mcDt -l procrss in (B) bdsic (D) rcjected could not havc becn used to
(C) unusual i pcrform elementary
pcrfoming cslculstions
(B) To cxplain why somc (D) latc I calculations.
clcmclttlry computing
sYstcms wcrc not dcvclop.d 36. Thc word "lhesc" in linc 5 rcfers to
until tllc 6ftccnth ccnNrY (A) pattcms I
(C) To dcscribc how Utcicnt (B) reason3 I

countinS syst m3 diffcr from (C) lystcms -l


. thoic of thc l\xlnti.th (D) calculstions

(D) To compsl! thc m€ntll rnd 37. Thc wod "discountcd" in linc 5 is I

phficsl ptocc.rs.s uscd in clos.st in mcuing to

arilhnEtic (A) rcduccd
(B) contmdictcd :

(C) disrE8ard€d
(D) inlcrprEtcd I




Clueillonr 43'5o 48. The author mentions the 50. The author suggesls that the
Mcditerranean rcgion as an differencc hetweeo the ancient and
The ccosystcms oflhc Earth ptovid€ en aray of free public services thst are€ssenli'l for example of lhc moilcrn silualioo is that tolay
the support ofciviliTrtions. They mainlain lhe quality of the atmosphere'providc fnod from (A) the probletn is
the ability ofnature to rcrncdy
the sia, manufacture and replenish soils, recycle wasles and nutricnts, control thc
human dertruction (A) worldwide
Une overwhelming majority of crop pests and disease vcctors, and so on. Peoplc have no idea (B)
(5) how to take over thcse aclivities satisfactorily. They do knoq howcver, th.t the theory once
the ability ofpeople Io make (B) b€ller understood
advanced in thc ninetccn(h century that thc productivity of thc land can be inrinitely use ofnatuml resources (C) more manageablc
incEascd by thc applicatioo ofcapital, labor, and scicnce is wrong. History has shown
(C) Ihe mann'er in which people (D) economic
that once the natural life-suppon systcms ofa civilization have been sufficicntly damaged,
replenish the environment
(D) the effects of human abuse of
they cannot usually bc rcpaired. Thc ancienl deforestalion and overgrazing of the
(10) Mediterranean region is a famous erample. And loday,I Slobal civilization is ruining the natuml tesources
global cnvironment.
49. The author suggqrts that civilizarions
can survive only if lhey

43. What is thc main topic of $is 46. Which of thc following could NOT (A) greatly expand scientil'ic
be includcd under thc "frec public rcsearch
Passagc? (B)
(A) Frce public scrviccs scrviccs" listcd in lincs 2{? do not desuoy the balance of
(B) Supporr nccdcd for civiliza- natural proccsses
(A) Prevcnting overgrazing by (C)
tions rcplant rhe forests in rhe
domestic animals
(C) Thc vsluc of ccosystcms Mediterranean region
(B) Providing natural cnemics for (D) invent new Focedures to
(D) Thc rastn.$ of thc Errth harmful insccts
rcplacc obsoletc ecosystems
(C) CEating and enriching
44. Thc word "irray" in linc I is closest
matcrisl for phnt growth
in mcaning to (D) Supplying air for breathing
(A) largc numbcr
(B) cxce3s 47. The word "advanccd" in linc 6 is
(C) rcquirtmcnt closcst in mcaning to
(D) modcl (A) d€b8ted
(B) ignorcd
45. Thc wo.d'Thcy" in line 2 refcrs to (C) provcd
(A) ccosYstcms (D) proposcd
(B) civilizations Thls is the end o, Sectlon 3.
(C) sc8
ll you flnlsh ln l€ss than 55 minutes, chock your rvort on Sectlon 3 only.
(D) pcopl.
Do NOT rsad or rrcrk on any other soctlon ot lhe tsst.

I @@@ STOP

When you are ready to check your answers,

GO ON TOTI]€ NEXT PAGE us6 the answer key on pags 40 (5
to determlne whlch quesllons you answered
correctly and lncorrectly.


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tq i


Section I
Listening Comprehension 1

In this scction of thc test, you will have an opponunity to dcmonslrstc your ability to
undcrstand coflvcrsations and talks in English. Answcr all thc qucstions on thc basis of
what is statcd or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not takc noles or wrilc in your
test book at any time. Do not tum the pagcs until you are told to do so.

Part A
Dlttctlona: In Parr A you will hcr shorl convcrsrtions bctwc€n two PcoPIc. Aficr
c.ch cotrvcEstion, you r,ill hear a qucslion aboul thc convcrsalion. Thc convetsations
I and qucstions will not bc repcated. After you hcar a gucstion, rcad thc four Possiblc
ansrveE ir your test book snd choosc the bcst answcr. Thcn, on your answcr shcct, find
thc number of thc qucstion and fill in the spacc thst corrcspond3 to thc lcttcr of thc
answcr you havc choscn.

Listcn to an cxsmplc. Samplc Answer

0n thc recording, you hean

In your tcst boot, you rrad: (A) Hc docsn't likc lhc Psinting cithcr.
(B) Hc docsn't knon' how to Psinl
(C) Hc doem\ havc 8nY Psintings.
(D) Hc docsn't know what to do.

o You lerm from the convctsation thal neither lhe man nor thc wom&n likcs thc painting.
,,.N: Thc best answer to thc qucstion, "What does thc man mcon?" is (A), "He docsn'l likc
1A-J=l-- thc painting cither." Thcrcforc, thc corrcct choice is (A).

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I -3-

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

l. (A) Stop and take a rcst, 6. (A) llcdoesn't wanl to go now. r r. (A)She's worricd sboul lhe engine. 16. (A) She doesn'l have anything to do.
(B) Take anorher palh to Ihe hill. (B) lle'll
meer lhem at the gare. (B) Thc engine should b€ fine. (B) The man i; wrong about lhe time.
(C) Wsit for lhe rest of lhe people lo (C) Hc'lluse thc phonc over lhere (c) The car hasn'l served their needs (C) The flight is supposed to be rwo
calch Up. (D) Hc can't wait much longer. well. hours Iong.
(D) Continuc on ro Ihe top of the hill (D) She's cenain it's lime to get a (D) Tley should call back in lwo
7. (A) Their fumiturc is uncomfo(able hours.
2. (A) The machine works like lhal orher (B) Some of th.ir fumiture hasn't
one. arrived yct. 12. (A) He doesn'l have to do rh€ projecr. 17. (A) He'd like to do it no!v.
(B) The man should change machines- (c) They can't find I ncw apanment (B) The voman srill has rime to . (B) He'll havc some limc lalcr.
(C) The machine might not be (D) Their apanmcnt has too much finish t[q projecr. (C) Any time but now is good
tumed on. fumiturc in it. (C) He'll help the woma! to finish for him.
(D) The man mighl be charged for thc lhe project. (D) Thc woman should pick the time.
copies. 8. (A) Iler exams have alrcady begun. (D) The semester will cnd in two
(B) She has finished two papers. wccks. I8. (A) Hc's srill vacdioning.
(A) Cive him the ring, (c) She's lryinB lo complete her (B) Hc ljkes his position at thc paper.
(B) Take lhe rjng lo lhc securily papers. 13. (A) He'll be able to clean lhe house (C) Hejlsl s(aned a ncw job.
olfice. (D) She's too t'usy to Pork on her in timc. (D) He's !nemployed.
(C) Takc the rihg to the administration Papers.
(B) He docsn't havc time lo take the
building. woman homa. I9. (A) Thc elec(ronics ficld doesn't
(D) Put lhe ring in thc locker. 9. (A) Refuse lo work afler hours. (c) It should be easy for $e guesls ro intercsl him.
(B) Arrive a litlle lere. find the house. (B) The woman should avoid rcading
4. (A) The trees arc being cut down. (c) Cel a rid€ home from work. (D) He needs timc to relax before the about clectronics.
(B) He D.eds morc rir conditioning. (D) Co lo work .arly. guests arrivc. (C) Thc aniclc has tcchnical errors.
(C) Thc trecs help cdbl his hous.. (D) Thc woman Should improvc hcr
(D) The lrccs arc blocking his view. r0. (A) lt'll cost him
a lot ofmoney. 14. (A) Shc wants to go ro Peter's pany. wriring.
(B) He isn't serious about Boing. (B) Shc thought Peter rr.nt lo class
5. (A) The new trrvel agency is (c) Other people paid for his airfare roday. 20. (A) Go out with thc man.
unreliablc. (D) Il isn't fair for him to go alone. (C) Shc wonders whether Peter will (B) Share her yoSun wirh thc man.
(B) The agency willprobably offer a allend her party. (C) Eat what shc brought with her.
Sood price.
(D) She heard Peter went to a party (D) Eal s sandwich.
(C) Thar lravel agent is casy to deal inslcad of to class.
(D) Thc woman should finalizc hcr 15. (A) Onc student had higher honors
tlavcl arrngcments. than thc rEst of lh. class.
(B) Somc engincering studcnts had lo
posgonc thcir graduation.
(c) Scveral studcnts gradustcd with
(D) One cngineer graduatcd lalcr than
thc othcrs.

"1- -5-
1 E] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2t. {A) Tim spcods a lot of timc 26. (A) Thc man should check thc Part B
swimming. wcalhcr rcport in the psper.
(B) Tim hssn't shown up yct. (B) Thc papcr will bc dclivcrcd this Dlrtctlonr: In this parl of the test, you will hear longcr conversar ions. Afier each
(c) Tim has ro pry his wstcr bill sftemoon. conversation, you will hear scveral queslions. The conversations and questions will not
soon. (g) Thc rsin will not last all day. be rcp€ated,
(D) Tim doesn't spend mdncy wiscly. (D) Shc prcfcrs not to go out this
moming. After you hcal a question, read lhc four possible answerc in yout test book and choose
22. (A) Pass thc cofrcc to rhc man. the best answcr. Then, on your answcr shcet, find the numbei of the question and fill in
(B) Havc 8 small cup of coffcc 27. (A) She had hoped for a bcttcr the space lhat corresponds to lhe lette. of the answcr you have chosen.
(C) Go witho[t cofrrc. conclusion.
(D) Go out for coffcc. (B) Hcr committcr hasn't bccn very Remember, you arc 4g3 altowed to lake noles or w.ite in your lest book.
busy lrtely.
23. (A) Thc construction job will (C) This committcc is bcncr than thc
probsbly tlkc ! Iong time. othcr onc.
(B) Tic noisc problcm could bc (D) Shc is plcased with thc resuls.
(c) Thc man hr.r no rcason to 28. (A) Shc w8s I spclks d Ihc
complain. oricntation 3essio[.
(D) Thc m8n should movc to 8 ncw (B) Sh. wasn't rbl. lo rttcnd thc
building. faculty oricntrtion.
(c) Shc prnicipstcd in r psychology
24. (A) Thc assignmcnt lookcd quitr cxpcrimcnL
crsy. (D) Sh.'s a tcachinS usislrnt rt thc
(B) Hc dcsn't undcrsbnd thc univcrsity.
(C) Hc's too tircd to hclp ths womrn 29. (A) Scll his tcxtbooks.
(D) Hc'r already linished thc (B) Co to olc bsnk.
s$ignmcnt (C) Apply for thc position.
(D) Cct somc cxtrs hclp.
25. (A) Shc hrsn't sccn Gcorgc aincc thc
baby w8! bom. 3 0. (A) Shc hsdn't t kcn the test yct.
(B) GcorSc h8r ncvcr smokcd. (B) Shc wouldn't know rbout thc
(C) Shc wants to visit Gcorgc and th? pizr.
babY. (C) Shc wouldn't tskc ! picnrE of
(D) Gcorge no longcr rmokcr. thcm.
(D) Shc hldr't padicipatcd in thc


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

31, (A) 60 to summcl school. 35. (A) To find out if thc book she Part C
(B) Takc I vacstion. ordcrtd is in.
(C) Stay al homc. (B) To ask him to attcnd I Studenl Directions: lnthispartof tlrc teil, you will hcar scvcrrl Irlks. Aflcr cach lalk.you
(D) Eam somc moncy. Fcdcration mcetinS. will hc r somc qucslions. Thc lulks ilnd qucslir)ns will nol bc rcPcaled.
(c) To get his schrdulc ofclasses for
32. (A) They hircd somconc lo staY in next semestcr, I Aftcr you hcar a qucslion. rcad tlrc four possihlc answcrs in your lcsl tx{)k and choosc
rheir home. (D) To sec ifhe has timc Io wclcomc thc hcst ilnswcr. Thcn, on y()ur rnswcr rltccl, llrtd lhc numhcr of lhc qucstion and fill in
(B) Thcy lefi thcir pcts with ncw students. . lhc spxcc lhrl corrcsJx)nds lo lhc lcllcr r)f lhc answcr you havc choscn-
(c) Thcy rcntcd thci. housc lo i 36. (A) Many of them wo* full-timc. Ilcrc is :rn cramplc.
sludcnt. (B) They ususlly anivc on thc On lhc rccording. you hcar:
(D) They askcd thcir gardcncr to wcck?nd.
watch lhcir homr. (C) Thcy hsvc Yolu.lccrcd for thc
Now li$tcn to another samplc qucslirm Sample Answer
33. (A) Walkin8 thc do8, (D) They will nc.d nc* tcxtbooks. @@o@
(B) Cuttingthc 8ras3.
(C) Watching thc chil&cn 37. (A) Takc Rulh's placc ss a lour guidc. In your tcsl kxrk, you rcad: (A) To (lcmonslralc lhc lalcsl use-ofcompulcr grxPhic!i.
(D) Fccding thc 6sh. (B) Ask Kcrl ifhc will bc .t thc I
(B) Ti) discuss lhc Jxlssibility ofsn cconomic deprcssion.
oricntat ion. (C) To ciplain thc workings of thc brain.
34. (A) Thcy sncnd I houscsiltcr's Party. (C) lr8vc wott crdy if hc can. (D) To dr:rmalizc a fllmous myslery slory.
(B) Thcy cbeck t howcsittcr'! (D) Hclp out whcn he h83 timc' i

Thc hcst answcr to Ihe qucslion. "What is lhc mxin purposc of the program?" is (C),
(c) Thcy inlcrvicu. r housrsitlcr's 38. (A) Oricntation \*'ill hsvc lo 5lr.rl
"To explain thc workirrgs of thc hra in," 'I'hcrc [orc, Ihe corcct choicc is (C).
fricnds. sooncr,
(D) Thcy look at a houscsiltcr's (B) Thc books(oE will pl8ce iB
transcripB. orden carlicr Now lislcn lo xnolhcr srmplc qucslbn. Sample Ans*er
(C) Kcn will call Tim .bout thc o@@ia
(D) Thc Studcnt Fedcration will mcct
In your lcsl kx)k, you rc.d It is rcrpircrl of all sciencc m:rjors.
on Fridsy!.
tr shown gxin.
lt) lr will rlcvcI
C) It can hclp vicwcm improvc thcir mcmory skills.
D) lt will hclp with coursc work.
Thc hcsl unswcr lo lhc qucstion, "Why rltrcs lhc spcrkcr recommcnd walching lhc
program?" is (D), "lt will hclp with coursc w()rk." J'hcrcforc, lhe corrccl choice is (D)

Rcnrcnrhcr. you nrc nol xllowcd lo l;r&c nolcs ()r wrilc in your lcsl txrk.



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

39. (A) Thc proccss irwolvcd in the 43. (A) A picnic. 47. (A) Difficulty falling aslcep. 49. (A) During carly childhqod.
crcslion of fossil fuels. (B) An arl salc. (B) Exccssive sleepincss, (B) ln 8 person's tccns.
(B) The uses for difrcrcnt types of (C) A formal gradualion ceremony (C) Frcquent nightmaEs. (C) In a person's twcnties.
fossil fuels. (D) An exhibilion of student work. (D) Voluntary napping. (D) Afier a person tums fifiy,
(C) The methods for linding fossil
fuels. 44. (A) Thc class l{ill be hcld at rhe I 48. (A) Most arc insomniacs. 50. (A) Avoid social siruadons.
(D) Thc mcasurcs lakcn to protect company's building. (B) Most art tccnagcrs- (B) SIop taking ccnain drugs.
fossil fucls. (B) It is giving a scholarship for thc (C) Most arc casily curcd. (C) Take naps during thc day.
workshop. (D) Most suffcr frcm hypersomnia. . (D) Slecp cight hours a nighr.
40. (A) It is slowcd by the process gf (c) Kale Ferguson wo.ks for the
photosynlhcsis. company,
(B) It occurs only in cenain areas. (D) It is a cosponsor of thc
(C) lt lalcs millions ofyc.rs. workshop,
(D) h is dcpcndent on chcmical
compounds. 45. (A) Wrile to Kslc Ferguson. i
(B) Call the rccrcstion ccntcr.
41. (A) Thcy arB no longcr produc.d. (c) See the instructor aftcr class.
(B) They ar! uscd up frster than Ihcy (D) Subinil s form to the Ven Howc
arc crcatcd. Chemical Company.
(C) Thc growing season ofthcir
sourcc ha.r bccomc shorler. 46. (A) Thc tuition moncy go.3 to a Bood
(D) Many of thcir sourccs have cgusc.
bccomc cxtinct. (B) Thcy can study *ith one ofthc
world's bcst poncrs,
42. (A) Thc dcsn of lhe si school. (C) Thcy csn mccl ncw pcoplc and
(B) Thc cditor of Crramics Monthly. makc fricnds.
(C) A skillcd poner. (D) It har slrcady bccn paid for.
(D) A studcnt in thc poncry cla$.

Thls ls lhe end ol Sectlon 1.

Slop work on Secllon 1,

Turn ofl your ca$ette player.


Read tha dlrectlons ,or Sectlon 2 and begln work.
I Do NOT read or work on any other 3ectlon
ol lho lest durlng the noxl 25 mlnutes.


- t0- -t I-
Section 2
Structure and
Written Expression
Tima: 25 mlnutes (lncludlng the readlng ol tho dlrectlons)
Now r€t your clock lor 25 mlnutas.

This seclion is designed lo measure your abilily lo rEcognizc Inrrguage that is

appropriate for standard wriIen English. There arc two lypcs o( (lucslions in rhis
section, with special dircctions for each type. .

No test material on this page.
Dlrectron3: Questions l-15 are incomplele senlences. Bcnrnrh each sentence you
will four words or phrases, marked (A). (B), (C), and (D). ('Ioose rhe one word or
phrase thal best compleles lhe senlence. Then. on your ansuraa rlrcet, find t]hc number of
the question and fill in the space thal corrcsfltnds lo the lcllet ol'thc answcr you have
chosen. Fill in the space so lhal the lctlcr inside lhe oval cantrl! l)e qcen.

Erample I Sample Answer

Geysem have olten been compared lo volcanoes -----
lhey both cmil hot Iiquids from below the Eanh's sudhce.
(A) due to
(B) because
(C) in spile of
(D) rcgardless of
The sentcnce should rcad, "Ceysers have often treen comPatN lo volcanoes bccause
rhey borh cmit hot liquids from below the Eanh's surfacc." Therforc, you should
choosc (B).

Eramplc II Sample Answer

During the carly period of ocesn naviSation, ----.
any nced for sophisticatcd instrumcnts 8ltd tcchniqrrs.
(A) so that hsrdly
(B) whcn rherc hardly was
(C) hsrdly Yg,
(D) there was hardly
Thc scntencc should rcad, "During lhc early prcriod of occan n$ ip[tion, lhcre was
hardl! eny nced for sophisticatcd instrumcnts and le{hniqucs.- 'fhcrcfort, you should
choosc (D).
Now bcgin work on Oe questions.

I G0 otlmTH PAGE
- r3-
@a@@@oa@ o@a@@o@@
l. Cobalt rBscmbles iron rnd niclel in 5, ------ social nesting birds that build 9. Most amphibians hatch from eggs 13. The best known of all the Arclic
tcnsilc strength, appearancc, -------. their ncsts in lEcs and on cliffs. laid in waler or nroist ground. :rntl birtls. -----.
(A) is hard' (A) Thc most storks hcEin life ------ wrler-(lwellinE (A) birdwatchcrs f^vor plannigans
(B) although hsrd (B) Most aE storks larvae. (B) being ptarmigans' and
(C) has hardncss (C) Most sto*s ffr (A) such birdwalchers' favoritcs
(D) and hadncss (D) Slorks most (B) as (C) favorcd by hoth ptarmigans and
(C) to be birdwatchcrs
2. ----- who was thc fint Black woman 6. Plankton, ----, is $e basic foodstuff (D) are (D) ptarmigans are a favorite of
to run for thc oflicc of Prclidcnt of for cverythinS thal livcs in thc occan. -
thc Unircd Statcs in 1972. (A) comprisc both minutc marinc 10. At lhe Sevenlh Inlemational Ilnllcl
(A) Shirlcy S. Chisholm arimals snd pl8nts Competitions, Femando Bujones won 14. Nearly all lrees contain a mix of
(B) It was Shirlcy S. Chisholm (B) is thc nEme givcn lo minutc lhe first gold medal ever ------- lo a polyIncrs that can bum like petroleunr
(C) Shirlcy S. Chisholm was marine snimals and plants Uniled Stales male dancer- ----- properly erlracted,
(D) When Shirlcy S. Chisholm (C) thc collcctivc namc for minulc (A) lo be awardcd (A) afiet
marioc animsls 8nd plants (B) lo au,ard (B) if
3, ---- ycrsstilc Frformcr. soprano (D) minutc marinc animsls and pl.nls - (C) that awards (C) when it -
Kathlccn Brnlc h8s oflcn concluded a collcctivcly that (D) should be awarding (D) is
program of arl songr and ariar with
Eelcclions from r!8limc 6 popular 7. The b€st-kno$T diffirse nebula is thc I l. Founded around 1075, the Acoma 15. Acule hearinB helps most animals
music. Fr8l Orion Ncbula, ----can bc pucblo is considcred ------- settlement scnse lhe approach of thunderstorms
(A) A secn by thc nskcd cyc. in the Unitcd States. long before people ----.
(B) which '- (A) onc (A) the oldrst continuously occupied (A) do
(c) so (B) ii (B) occupied continuously thc oldes( (B) hear
(D) Bccausc (C) which (C) thc oldest occupied continuously (C) do them
(D) who (D) continuously the oldest occupied (D) hearing it
4, Brforr starting on a sea voyage,
prudcnt navigaton lcam thc Eca E. Of all thc cconomically imporrant 12. On March l, 1867, ---- to the
charG, -----, snd memoriza plants, palms hsve bcen -----. Union when President Andrcw
lighthousc locations to prtparc (A) lhe least studied Johnson's veto was ovcrridden.
thcmsclvcs for any clnditions they (B) study thc lcast (A) since the statc of Nebraska had
mighl cncounlcr, (C) study lcss snd lcss bcen admittcd
(A) ssiling dirrctions are studied (D) to study thc lcss l (B) admined that rhc state of
(B) study thc sailing directions Nebraska
(g lo dirrct sriling sludics (C) the admission of thc state of
(D) studics dircct sailinS Ncbraskr
(D) thc statc of Nebraska was

- 11- -t5,
o@@@@oo@ ao@@o@@o
Written Expression 16. Emily Dickinson, one of the grealesl poers of rhe United States, was entircly almost
AB c
Dlrectlont: In qucstions l6-40 each sentencc has four undcrlincd words or phrases. unknown lo the people ofher own time
Thc four undcrlincd pads of the senlcncc arc markcd (A), (B), (C), 8nd (D). Identify the D
one undcrlincd word or phrasc lhat musl be changed in ordcr for thc scntencc lo bc
corect. Thcn, on your answer sheet, find the numbcr of the question and fill in the I 17. Charcoal is employed widely as a deodorizcr because ir absorbs gases good
space that corEsponds lo the lctlcr of thc answer you havc chosrn, ABC-D-
I 18. Absract ErpEssionism was a movemeni in Amcrican painting that flourished
Exornplc I Sample Answer
B c
Cuppics arc sometimcs call rainbov fish because of o@@@ from thc mid-1940's and rhe mid 1950's

thc malcs' briSht colors. 19. The National Cowboy Hall of Fame in Okla}loma City pay rribulc to evcryonc
associaled wilh what AmericaDs call lhe "Old Wesr."
Thc senlence should rcad, "Cuppies arr sometimes callcd rainbos, fish bccousc of the
malcs' bright colors." Thcrcfore, you should choose (A). CD
20. Scientists can detecl when someone is dreaming by using an elecrocnccphalograph,
Sample Answer - A- -B
Serving scvcral lerm in Congrcss, Shirley Chisholm @(D@@ a machine that rcgislers differcncc brain waves in a sleeping individual.
A ., B a --D
became an importrnt Uniled States polilician. 21. The Obie Awards havc been givcn annually for 1956 ro outstandihg anists
CD B c
in off-Broadway lhcater
Thc senlence should read, "scrving scveral tcrms in Congrcss, Shirlcy Chisholm
bccamc an impona Unitcd Statcs politician." Thercforc, you should choosc (B)

Now bcgin work on thc qucstions. 22, The earlicst soaps rxerc made of many different kind of raw materials.
23. Bccausc geophysicE cmbnccs thc concepls, daIa, and methods of variety olict
scienccs, it is vcry broad in scopc, and its boundaries r,l hard to dcfinc.
c D

24. A whitc oak at Rutgcn Univcrsily is ssid to had bccn thc inspiration
for Joycc Kilmcr's pggl "Trces."

- 16- -11-
a a

@@@oo@a@ @o@@o@@@
34. Although fluorine tesls and x-ray analyses, archaeologists can provc lhe validily
2-5, Slarfish move, feed, and brealhes wilh lheir luhe feet.
of srtifacts.
26. The Whitney Muscum conlinucs to reflcct lhe diversiry of lhe sn of the
35. Dams ff? used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and
Uniled Slales in all of A B
llgSullgnt generating cleclricity for the surounding arca
27. Pholovoltaics, commonly callcd "solar cellsi' converl sonlighl dircct inlo eleclricily
C D 36. Thc development ofphotographic rechnlques and equipment provided
an imponant aid Io industry, medical, and research.
28. Despite lhe broad acclnim ofhim novels. James Baldwin is most highly I

rcspecled as an essayist and social crilic
37, Unitcd Sratcs lennis championshi Pancho Conzales gaincd inremalional
29 Al(mB lhc Eilsl Coil\1. AnEriciul Intliln rvontcn's councils could-velo scclaimfor his strong serve.
a declaralion of rtar al rcfusing lo strnPly ntoccasins and ficld ralions
38. Mary rcl?vision newscasters ma*c Ih. prjblic an eyewitncss to thc ncws
c I)
30. ln proportion to its size, the hungri esl rnimal is lhc shtelr,, which must consume by mcans of on-thc-spot, slive repons.
B c D
sevcral limcs lhcir own wcight cvery day.
39. Ccrtain zoologists regard crows and ravcns arc the most inlclligenl of birds.
c,D A B ---e- -D-
3 t. Thc novels of Pcsrl S. Buck show a keen undentanding ofChins and thc Chinese
40. While thc twcnticth century, lhe field ofdenristry has developed branches that
people, knowledge which leamed by living lhere for many yean. specialize in thc trcalment of individual dcnral problcms,
c D CD
32. Norrh America has cight time zonc, ranging from Ncwfoundland on the Thls ls the end ot Sectlon 2.
Easl Coast toAlsska on thc Wesl Coast
ll you llnlsh betore 25 mlnutes has ended,
check your work on Sectlon 2 only,
33. Historians believ€ that some forms of an sdvertising must be as old as bartet
- A B --- C D-
8nd tradc.
At lhe end ot 25 mlnutes, go on.to Secflon 3,
Use exactly 55 mrDutes lo work on Secflon 3.
-t8- -19-
Section 3
Reading Gomprehension
T-lme: 55mlnuler (lncludlng lhe readlng or the dlrec ons)
ow .ot your clock fo; 55 mlnutec.

DlTactlons: In rhis secrion you will.read several passages. Each onc is followed by a
number of^questiols about il. For questions l -50, you are lo choor" the one
be"r *s*"r,
(A), (B), (C), or (D), lo each question. Then, on your answer
sheer, find rtre number
ol the question and fill in &c soace rhar conesponds lo the letter of Ihe answer you
have chosen.

Answer all qucstions aboul the information in a passage on tie basis of what
is stated ot
ilplig! in rhar passase.
No test material on this page, Read the following passagc:

Thc railroad was not lhe firsl instilution to impose regularity on socicry,
or todmw aficntion lo th. imponance of precisc timckceling, For as tong as
mcrchanls hrvc sct out thcir wares at daybrcak and commu-nal festivities
Lirr havc bcco celebrsled, peoplc have b.en in rough agrcericnl with (heir
(J) nei8hbors.as to rhc rime of day. The value of this tridition is loday more
apparcnt than ever. Werc it not for public acccptance of I singlc yardstick of
time, social lifc would be unbearabiy chaoric: ihe massive dailyiransfen of
goods. services, and information would procced in fits and stans: lhc very
fabric of modcm sociery would tcgin to lJnravcl.

Exampl. I Sample Answer

What is rhe main idea of the passage?
@ Oa @
(A) In modem socicty we must makc morc time for
our neighbors.
(B) Thc tradilions of society are timcless.
(C) An acccptcd way ofmcasuring rimc is csscnrial
for thc srnooth functioning of society,
(D) Socieryjudgcs pcople by rhe rimes at;hich
thcy conduct cenain activities.
The msin idea of thc psssagc is thal societies necd to agrce sbout how limc is to
mcasurcd in ordcr to function smoothly. Thereforc, you should choosc (C).

Etdmpt. II Sample Answer

In line 5, lhe phrase.lhis lradirion" rcf.rc to
(A) thc practice of sraning rhe business d8y al dawn
(B) friendlyJtlalions belween neiEhbors
(C) thc railroad's reliancc on lime sch.dulcs
(D) pcoplc's sgreement on Ihc measurement of limc
The phr&sc "this tradition" refen to thc preceding clausc, .,pcoplc havc becn in rough
agrlcmcnt \r,ith thcir neighbors as to the rime of day."Thcrciore, you should choosc (D).
Now begin work on the questions. L\
-20- -21-


Questions l-10 7. The word "dream" in line ll is 9. The word "undiminished" in line 14
closesl in meaning to is closcst in meaning lo which ofthc
Alicc Walkcr makes her living by writing, and her poems, shon stories' and novcls (A) niBhlmare following?
havc rvon many awards and fcllovships for her. Shc was bom in Ealonton' Georgis Shc (B) expeclation (A) Not exaggeraled
wen( to public schools there, snd then to Spelman Collegc in Atlsnta bcforc coming to (C) sleep (B) Nol lessened
Line New Yort lo attrnd Sarah bwrrncc Collcgc, from which shc graduatcd in 1966. Fora (D) misconception
(5J timc shc livcd in Jackson, Mississippi, t*'ilh her la*yer husband and small daughter (C) Disappoinlcd
Ab(,)l Langston Hu*h.s, Americdn Poet,her firsl book fo, childrrn, shc says, 'AftcI my
(D) Unequaled
8, What does Alice Walker imply when
,irst mccting with lrnSston HuShcs I vowcd I would write a book aboul him for she says Langston Hughes..is rrot 10. According lo the passage, what did
childBn somcday. Why? Bcchusr I, 8t twenly-two, kncw ncxl to Dotlring ofhis work, dead at all" (line l2)? AIice Walker give Langston Hughes
and hc didn't scold mci hc jusl gxvc mc a slack of his book6. And hc aras kind to mc; I
(A) Langslon Hughes belicved in before he died?
f/0/ will alrrays bc gratcful that in his absolutc wlrmth and generosity hc fulfilled my etemal life.
dccpcst drcam (.rrd ncrd) of what a poct should bc. (A) A job
(B) She had not been informed of (B) An award
'"Io me hc is not dcsd at 8ll. Hstdly a day Soes by $rt I don\ think ofhim or speak
of him, Oncc, jus bcfoE hc dicd, when hc wss sick \tith ths flu, I look him s sack full
[lngston Hughes'dealh. (C) Some orangcs
(C) For her, Langsron Hughes had (D) A slack of books
of oranScs. Thc joy I fclt io giving lhat simpl. 8ift is undiminishcd by tim.. Hc said hc i
never rcally existed,
liked orangcs, too."
(D) t ngslon Hughes is still presenl
in her lhoughls.
l. lvhst is thc m8in topic of thc 4. Thc word "vowcd" in line 7 is closcst
pa5s88c? in mcsning to which of thc following?
(A) Alicc klkeJ'! reflcctiors on (A) Confidcd
Lrrgston HuShcs (B) Belicved
(B) Thc influcncc of Alicc Wstkcr on (C) Dcnied
the wriling of llngston (D) Prorniscd
(C) lrngstofl HuShc!' bool sbout 5, It can be infcnrd fmm thc passagc
Alicc Wrlket that Alicc Wllkcr wes t*cnty-two
(D) A comprrison of thc childhoods ycars old whcn
of Alicc Wslkct snd knSston (A) shc movcd to ,rckssn,
Hughcs Mississippi
(B) shc movcd to Ncw York
2. In thc passagc, Alicc Slslkcr is (C) shc fiIsl mct l$gston Hughcs
dcscribed ar (D) L$gston HuSher dicd
(A) ! rcscrrch fcllow !t Spclman
Collcgc 6. It can bc infcrcd from lincs 9-l I that
(B) a profcsgor rt Srnh l,awrcncc Alicc Walker'r fint imprcssions of
Collegc l,angslon Hughc! wcrr dcrivcd
(C) a prizc-winning writcr of prosc mostly from
md Poctr)' (A) ralking with his fricnds
(D) sn suthor of phys for childEn (B) rcsding hi! sutobiography
(C) studying his pocry i

3. Bcforc rncnding collcgc, Alicc (D) mecting him

Walkcr wcnt to school in
(A) Atlsnt!, GcoBis
(B) Eatonton, Ccorgis Z6
(C) Jackson, Mississippi
(D) lls,rcncc, M$sachusctls

t -?1-

AAAAAAA 17. Thc word "ecrily" in lin. l0 is closesr 20. According to the passage, rhe ability
Questions I l-21 in mcaaing to which of the following? of humans lo distinguish color
Human vision, tike that of othct primales, has evolved in an arboreal environmcnt. ln (A) Strangely differcnccs is
thc dcnse, complcx world of a tropical forcst, il i! more imponant to see wcll than to (B) Increasingly (A) averagc
dcvelop an aculc scnse of smell. In thc coursc of evolution. membcrs of lhe primale line (C) SliShtly (B) weak
Line havc scquircd largc cycs whilc fte strout has shrunk to givc thc eye sn unimpedcd view. (D) Superficially (C) excellent
fi) Of mammals, only humane and somc primates enjoy color vision. Thc rcd flag is black (D) variable
to thc bull. Horscs livc in r monochmmc world. Light visible to humen cycs, howcvcl, 18. It can be inferrcd from thc passage
occupics only a vcry narmw band in thc *hole clectromagnetic sPcctrum. Ullraviolct thrt humans could movc morc easily 2l- Wlrerc in the passage do€s the author
rdys 8rc invisible to humans, though ants and honcybecs arB sensitivc io thcm' Humans at night ifthcy mention thc development ovcr time of
havc no dirc.t pcrception of infrarcd r8ys, unlike thc raltlesnake, which hss rEccplors (A) had a nrrrowcr ficld ofvision cenain physical changcs among
f ,/0) tuned in to wsvcicngths longcr lhan 0.7 micton. Thc world would look ccrily diffcrcnt if (B) wcrr color-blind primalcs?
humrn cycs wcr! scnsitivc to infrarcd radiation. Thcn, inslcad of lhc darkncss ofnight, (C) had infrarcd vision (A) Lincs 3-4
wc would be Eblc to movc easily in a strangc, shadowlcss world whcrc objects glowcd (D) livcd in an arborrsl cnvironmant (B) Lines 5-6
with varying dcgrecs of inlcnsity. But human eycs crcel in othcr ways. Thcy arc, in frct, (C) Lincs 7-10
Emarkably disccming in color grod8tion. Thc color sensitivity of normal human vision 19. The *ord "surpasscd" in linc 15 is (D) Lines I3-15
is raEly surpasscd evcn by sophisticatcd tcchnical deviccs. closcst in me-aning to which of thc
(A) Rccordcd
I I. Whal do.s thc p..sssgc m8inly 14. The word "monochrome" in linc 6 is (B) Excccdcd
discuss? closest in mesning to which of thc (C) Found
(A) UltEviolct rays followinB? (D) Providcd
(B) Humsn vision (A) Monotonous
(C) Sighl lnd sir.ll (B) Ultr8violel
(D) Thc crironmcrlt of primatcr (C) Oncdimcnsion
(D) Onc-color
12. Why doer thc author mcntion Ihc
"tropicrl forEst" in linc 2? ,5. ln linc 8, "thcm" rcfcrs to which of
(A) To cxplain why prim8t6 hsvc the following?
dcvelopcd kccn vision (A) Hum8n ey"s
(B) To suggcst th8t primatcs necd to (B) Ultraviolet rays
scc only thc color grEcr (C) Humms
(C) To givc rn cxlmplc of (D) Wavclcngfi!
erwircnmcntll chsn8c
(D) To indicslc whcI! lrrgc-cycd 16. According to thc passagc, which of
primstca csr bc found thc followinS c8r dcte4t vavelcngths
of Iight longcr than 0.? micron?
I3. Wh8l docs the author mcln by staling (A) Bulls
that 'Thc rrd fl!8 is blsck to thc bull" (B) Ants
(lincs 5-6)? (C) Horscs
(A) Bulls a'! atraacd to tEd objecB. (D) Rattlcsnakes
(B) Bullt do Dot notic! flag!.
(C) BuUr rttrck ill flag!.
(D) Bull! do nor scc thc color rcd.
Questions 22-31 27. Thc 'pord "basic" in linc 9 is closest 30. According to thc author, what do
in mcaning to which of thc followirg? potlcrs use to rcmove thc pot from Ihc
Ancicnt peoplc made clay pottery hccausc they needed it for their survival. Thcy
(A) Familiar wheel?
used thc pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying things fmm place to
(B) Fundamenl{l (A) Melted wax
placc, Potlery wa! so imponant lo early cultures lhat scienlists now sttrdy it to learn
(C) Versatilc (B) A wirc loop
Liae more about ancicnl civilizationr, Thc more advanced the pollery in terms ofdecoralion,
(-t,, malerials, glazcs, and manufacturc, lhc more advanccd lhc cuhurc itself.
(D) Dirty (C) A spongc
The {rtisan who ma}es polrery in North America today utilizes his or hcr skill and (D) Plain wirc
28. According to the passagc, how do
imagination lo crcatc items that arc beautiful as wcll as furctioml, barsforming
most North Amcrican pottcrs today 3l: The word "pattem" in line 22 is
something ordinary ifito somelhing special and unique. get the clay thcy nccd?
The pottcr uses one of Ih€ Eanh's most basic materials, clay. Clay can be found closest in meaning to which of the
(/0.1 almost anywhere. Cood pottcry clay musl hc free from all small stone$ and other hard (A) They buy it. following?
malerials thal would mgke lhc potring process dillicult. Mosr Nodh Americ.n onisan- (B) Thcy makc ir. (A) Model
pottcrs now purchase commercially processed clay, but somc find thc clay lhey need (C) Thcy dig it from lhc earrh. (B) Color
right in lhe canh, closc to wherc lhey work. (D) Thcy bafler for it. (C) Puzzlc
The mosl imponant lools potleN usc are their own hands; however, they also usc (D) Dcsign
(/J/ wirc loop lool8, uooden modeling tools, plain wirc, and sponges. Plain wirc is used ro 29. lt can bc infcrrri from lhc passage $at
cut awry thc finished pot from its base on the pofler's wheel. clay is processcd commcrcially in
AfIcr a linishcd pol is dricd of all its moisturc in the open sir, it is placed in 8 kiln ordcr to
and fired. Thc fint firing hardcns thc poflcry and it is lheo rcady to bc glazed and (A) makc it dry morr svcnly
fircd again. (B) rcmovc hsrd substancls
(20) For arcas whcrc thcy do not \rant any glaze, such as thc bottom of thc poL anisans (C) prcvcnt the glazc from sticking
paint on mclted War that will larcr bum off iD the kiln. Thcy then pour on rhc liquid (D) makc it cesier to color
glaze and lct it run over thc clay surface, making any kind of decorativc pattem that
they want.

22. What dcs Oc passage mrinly 25. According to thc passagc, which of
discuss? thc folbrring cm b€ lcamed about an
(A) Difrcrcnt kinds of clay sncicnt civilizstion by cxsmining its
(B) Thc training of 8n anissn poltery?
(C) Thc maling of pottcry (A) Its food prefcrcnccs
(D) Craffs of rncicnt civilizarions (B) Its dcvclopmcntal stsge
(C) l(s geoSr8phic location
23. Which of thc following is NOT (D) Its population
mcnlioncd in thc passagc ss s n8y
Ihat sncicnt pcoplc ulcd ponery? 26. The word "functional" io line 7 is
(A) 7b hold food closest in meaning to which of the
(B) To wa,sh clothcs following?
(C) To cook (A) Useful
(D) To transpofl objccts (B) Strong
(C) InexFcnsivc
24. Thc word "it" in linc 3 rcfcrs to (D) Original
(A) clsy
(B) culture ^'1
(C) survival
(D) pottery
Questions 32-41 37. According to the passage, Puritans 40. According lo lhe passagc, which
believed lhat En unmsrried aduh products werc r ade enlirely by
Thc slatus of women in colonial Nonh America has been wcll studied and described
woman should be women?
and can bc bricfly summarized. Throughout the coloni8l period there was a marked
shortagc of womcn, which varied with lhe rcgions and was always grcatest in lhc (A) financially responsible for herselt (A) Gunpowder and bullets
Line fronticr arcas. This favorablc ratio enhanced women's slalus and position and allowed (B) retumed ro England (B) Cups and plates
/J, them lo pursue diffcrent carcers. Thc Purilans. lhe rcligious sect that dominatcd the (C) supponcd by her famity (C) Paper and books
early British colonies in North Amcrica, rcgarded idlencss as a sin, and bclievcd that life (D) trained to be a nurse (D) Clorh and clothing
in an underdcvcloped country made it absolutely Decessary that cach mcmbcr of the
community pcrform an cconomic function. Thus work for women, married or single, 38. The phrase "unalached women" in 4l . The lists in lines l9-22 are inlended
was not only approved, il wrs rcgaded ss a civic duly. Puril8n town councils expccled linc I0 is closest in meaning to which to show which of rhe following?
(roJ widows 6od unattachcd worncn ro bc self-supponing and for a long timc provided of the following?
(A) The influence of the Purirans in
necdy spinsteB wilh parccls of land. Thrr! was no so€ial ssnction against marricd (A) women wirhout high social status the colonics
womcn working: on lhc contrary, wivcs werr expcctcd to hclp thcir husbands in thcir (B) Women without propeny { n ) The limits ofjob oppoflunilics rn
trad. and lr,on social approval for doing cxtra work in o. out of the home. Needy (C) Unmarried women thc colonics
childrcn, girls 8s wcll as boys, wcrc indcnturcd or apprcnticcd and wc.! qpecled lo (D) Unemployed womcn (C) Thc main induslrics of rhe
f/J, work for thcir kc.p. colonial economy
Thc vast majority of r,/omcn workcd \l/ilhin their homes, where thcir labor produced 39. According to thepassage, what (lid (D) The variery of work done by
most ariiclcs nccd.d for thc family. Thc cntirE colonial production of cloth and clothing lhe Puritans expect from marricd colonial wornen
and panially thst ofshocs wrs in thc hands ofwomen. ln addilion to thcse occupations. women?
lvomcn were found in many diffcEnt kinds of.mployment. They wcre butchers, (A) They should adopr needy
(20) silvcrsmiths, gunsmiths, upholstcrcn. Thcy r6n mills, plantalions, tanysrds, shipyards, children.
altd cvcry kind of*shop, trvcm, snd borrdinghouse. Thcy wetE gatekecpcrs, jail keepers, l (B) They should assist in their
scxtons, joumalist!, printcrs, apothecsries. midrrivcs, nurscs, and lcrchcrs. husbands' lradc or business.
l (C) They should work only wilhin
their own homes,
32. What docs thc passegc mainiy 35. The word "enhanccd" in line 4 is (D) They should be apprenliced-
closest in mcaninS lo which of lhc I

(A) Colonisl ma.riagcs following?

(B) Thc Puritan rtligion (A) Supplcmcnlcd
(C) Colonial womcn's cmploymcnt (B) Confirmcd I
(D) Education in thc colonics (C) lmprovcd I
(D) Dctcrmined
33. Thc word "marl<ed" in line 2 is I
closcst in meaning to 36. Il can bc infcrrcd from thc passagc I
(A) undcrlined thal Lhe Pudtans wcrr
(B) grsdcd (A) uneducatcd
(C) prolonScd (B) hardworking
(D) distinct (C) Senerous
(D) wcalthy
34. According lo thc passagc, whcre in
colonial Nonh Amcrica werc thcrr
fic fcwcrt womcn?
(A) Puritan communitica
(B) Scsports 2B
(C) Fronlicr settlcmenls
(D) Capirsl citics I

Questions 42-50 47. The word "preciscly" in line 9 is 49. The phrase "slable plarform" in
I closest in meaning lo which oflhe linc ll refcrs to
Bcncath lhc dccp occam thrt cover two-thirds of the Esdh src conccsl?d somc of thc following?
mosl lanlalizing secrrts ofour ptrnet- Thcrt lhc crusl of the Earlh is Ihinncr and thc i
(A) the Clomar Challenger
(A) Exactly (ll) n ship's anchor
unknown mantlc thc hycr bencath thc cnrsl lies closest, tcmptinS scientists to
- -
Lirr drill into it. Thc first such 8(empt, the smbitious Projcct Moholc, Sot undcr way during
) (B) Clearly (C) sound-wave guiding systenrs
(C) Economically (l)) computcr-controllcd propcllcrs
(J) thc l960's rnd proved thc vsluc of decp-sca drilling by making scvcrrl tcst holes in thc
(D) Praclically
mantl. beneath thc crust beforr spiroling costs led to its cancclhlion.
.50. Foi which of lhe following tcrms does
Soon aftcn ard, howcvcr, work began on thc morc modcst DcrP Sca Drilling
48. According to the passage. conrputcrs rhe aurhor supply a defiDirio ?
Prcjcct, which is not simed Et rDaching the manlle bul st cxplorint thc crust itsclf. This
are used on the Clomar Challcnger in (A) "mantle" (line 3)
vcnture uscs s spccial ship, thc Glomat Challenger, which can bc hcld prcciscly in I
order to
//0.) position in ths scr 8ny anchor- by sound-wave guiding systems and 1B) "anchor" (line l0)
computcr-controllcd -without
pmpcllcE. From this stable plalform, scientisls lowcred drilling (A) measure (he spread of the ocean (C) "sound-wave guiding systems"
pip.s into wstcrs four milcs dccp lo scoop up corcs of occan sediment and bedrock. floors (line I0)
Analysis of thc fossil contcnB has indicsled thal thc ocean floo,rs sprcad, moving (B) lower irs drilling pipes inro rhe (D) "bedrock" (line l2)
contincnts around tha Eaflh. waler
(C) keep it in one place
(D) dctccl the location of the Earth's
42, Thc psssagc mainly discu$ca 45. It can bc infcEEd ftom thc passage mande

(A) analysis of f$sils in thc occan that Prcjcct Moholc origioslly was
(B) cxploration bcncath thc occ{t intendci to
botlom (A) involvc dccpq drilling th8n thc
(C) thc comprishion of thc Earrh's Decp Scs DrilliDg hojc.l
crusl (B) cost leas thar thc Dccp Scs
(D) lhc constnrction of thc Glomar Drilling Ptoject
Challcn3cr (C) employ fcwer scientisls than the
Decp Sca Drilling Project
43. According lo thc passagc, onc of thr (D) yield morc fossil discovcries than
objectivcs of Prcjcct Moholc wa.t to the Dccp Sca Drilling Projcct
(A) incrcasc public supporl for
undcrwatrrcxpc mcnlation 46. Th. exp.cssion "morc modcst" in
(B) test rhe occan bottom for unusual linc 7 is closcaa in meaning to
occar srdiment (A) mort sophisticatcd
(C) Gtimatc thc agc of the Esnh's (B) morc timid
ctusl (C) lcss ambitious
(D) sludy thc Esnh's msrlle (D) Thls ls the end ol Sectlon 3.
Iess controvcrsisl

44. Thc word "spiraling" in lioe 6 is

closcst in mcaning lo which of thc
(A) Rising
@@@ @o@@
(B) Neccssary
(C) Unprcdictablc lf you llnlsh ln less lhan 55 mlnutes,
(D) Circulat check your work on Sectlon 3 only. .7q
Do NOT read or work on any olher secuon ol the lesl.


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Eramplo of Seole Galculatlon

Number-nl9hl Section 'l Sectlon 2 Section 3
Suooose the numbcr righr scores for rhe (hree sections are: Section |
- 28' Score Range Converted Score Converted Score Converted Score
i.J,io, z - 30, Scctioni .]9.
- Firsr' find the numL'er-right- range for cach
.L,"i*J*"r. tn"t cotumn of the table); then find and retord rhe correspond- 48-50 66-68 66-67
ing converted score range. 45-47 62-65 60-63
(irrrvertctl .Score I(lrrP;cs I
42-44 59-61 57-59
39-4t 57-58 54-56
Section I Section 2 Section 3
36-38 54-56 6r-68 52-54
49-50 )4-)O )4-56 '57-60
33-35 52-54 50-52
I 30-32 5t-52 54-56 48-49
27-29 49-50 5r-53 4647
24-26 4'7-48 48-50 43-45
Arltl rogcthcr the lower numbers of rhe three converted score renges 2t-23 45-47 45-47 4t-43
4e+54+54=157 I r 8-20 43-45 42-44 38-40
t5-t7 4t-42 40-4t 35-37
Nexr, add rhc highcr numbcrs of thc converrcd score ranges' t2-14 37-40 36-38 3t-34
9-u 32-35 r-35
3 28-30
6-8 30-32 26-29 26-28

Thc range ofrhc sum ofthe convcrted scores for the three sections is 157-162' i
3-5 27-29 22-2s 23-25
o-2 24-26 20-2t 2l-23
Now multiply each numbcr in this range by
157 x to^
= 523.33 = 523 Remember, people perform diffcrenrly ar diffcrenr times and in diffcrenr
situations. [r is possiblc that ifyou rakc TOEFL ar a rcgular rcst ccnrcr, four
162 xt% = 540.00 = t40

score.s will fall wirhin the range o[scores you qrned on this resr, but rhey may

of '33' round down ro also be highcr or lower. This is because you have takcn the test trnder differenr
\)r./hen multiplication bv '% resuks in a decimal value
Ji.'r."r.i num6er. Round up to thc nexr highcsr wholc number if I
conditions than rhose at an actual tcst cenrcr. It is also bccause rhe scores
"ir,tr. r% rcsults in a decimal value of 66' for rhc TOEFL tcst, or for an7 rcst, cannor be perfecrly precise. An
multiplication by I
individual's scores can vary, just by chrncc, fronr onc adntinisrration ofthc rcsr
to anorher, even when rherc is no change io rhe examinec's "trtrc" abiliry.
The rotal (convcrred) scorc range is 523-540'
'fhc indcx thar is commonly uscd to <lcscribc rhc dcgrcc ofprccision in a
Use rhis area to calculatc your scorc i
I measuremcnt is the "srandard error of mcasuremcnt." [n rhe case of rhc
i TOEFL rotal score, thc srandard crror ofmcasurement is lpproximarely 14.
This means thar ifyour "true" ability score the rotal score you would carn if
I - precision is, for cxamplc.
the resr could measurc your ability wirh pcrfccr
560, rhc chances are abour rwo out ofthrec that thc total -score you earn on rhe
test will be somewhere bmwcen 546 n<l574 (560 plus or minu.s !4).



1 1 1 1 T tr 1 T 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 tr 1 1 1
fle didn l accomplish much bec.ce 22. (A) ordcra hisro
PRACTICE TEST ONE The man should b@k
(B) Ir couldnl b. loo hor ro wo.k. (B) Th. mah @nl ser a ren from rle
(c) necomplel.d a lot ol work in spne of b@ktore in time for th. exad.
SECTION 1 (c) There arc no more hislory rer6 on
LISTENING COMPREHENSIO N (D) Unless,ts ven hol, hc d*snt e.r order ar th. booksrore.
a:rhe----approxilnalely 35 minures (D) The mah's friend is usins ihe hisroll
(includins rhe rading of the direcrions for each pan) texl durinE rhc exam.
t7. (A) She wana ro be a school plavsround
In ihis section of rhe res! yo! witlhav..n opponunitv ro demonstrar. your abilitv to undeBhnd 21. (A) TI. film wasn r ve^ tunny.
clnvcElioDs and blks in English.ah*e arc fir..pans lo lhjss.crion. Answ.. aLlrhe qu.srions on (B) Her new role is to Iead rhe school. (B) Ir w6 a ratherbonnE novj..
th. bEE or wh r \bEd or impli.d by rhe rpraleB you hsr Do4or bre no,a o, *,. in (c) Shes seen soh. $udenE rouing on (c) He couldn'r move anr tunher
bool ar an) rrme. Do nor lum rtE piges unrilyou nrF rold ro do so. ",,.,.", {D) The movic was crrrcmel! amusins
(D) she: acrins in a s.hool theabr
24. tA) He d@snl b.liae in signiog l.ass.
Part A (B) H. rholshr his si8narure was
18 (A) She looked in rhe dirch under fie
DiEctiqls: ln Pan A you willhearshod convereations berw.en two peopl.. Aft.r each conv.Eadoh, (c) His rasle ih apanhenrs is difterenr
you will hea.a qu.srion abour rhe conveBarion- Th..onveBarions and quesrions wi nor be (B) When she l@ked up, she saw rhe
r.FaL.d. Ah.ryou h.ar a qucstion, r.ad rh. tos polsibl. ahsweB,n vour r.sr b@tedchoose rh€ (D) H. desn'r always svwhat he mca.s
b.sl answe,. Th.n. on vou. an ss cr sh..t. find rhe numbe. or rh.quesrion and fillrn rhe spac. rhar (c) sh. iouodthe meaningofrhe word.
@ftsponds to the l.I.rof rhe answeryou have chosen. (D) Sh. dc6Ded whar she sas lookins for 25. (A) llis necessan forher io so.
sh€ doesnl hale roeo, bur shelleo
Lisr.D 1o an .emple. sdpl. AEw.r 19. (A) H. prefeB to warch spons.
{Bl Hellwatch rhe movie if h. h.s rime. (c) She is.ol goinE rhis ahemoon.
on the.ecordina, vou he.., @ @ @rD (c) H. n.er warches Dovi.s on (D) she wGhes she could
(han) Ihat en e6 iust ae.'ful. (D)
lwohznl oh, it @utd hau. be.n worse.
He had the idea ar rhe saBe time rhar 26. (A) Ir ,G luckv thar Tom q,an'r i.jured
(mmtor) rYlut dod th. wodah nqalz (B) Tom was a neruous w.eck afrer rhe
20. (A) Pati minding the laundr_v wnh Jim.
In your tesr boot. you rcad: (A) The eram was really awtul. (B) NcitherPar norJim likes doins fie (c) Ir vas jLsr an a.cide.r lhar Tom cot
(B) It w6 rh. wo6t exam she had ever seen. a
(C) I! couldnt have been more difficutl- {c) Both Par and Jih will wash clothes (D) Tom wasnl veN lucky_
(D) tr w6nl rhar hard. withour complaining.
(D) Ial doesnl mind when Jih does rhc 27 (A) sheU be !er_v cdefullhis monrh.
You,lem froo th€ corveFarion rhat the man thoushr the exam was v.rv ditficuh and fiar the (B).
wotn.n dua8rc.d sLh Sh€'ll rake care of the .hildren.
rh. mdn Thc besr rn\wer ro ,h. quesrron. "wtrar aes ttre -oman mean? ir (C) Shell pay th. rent.
(D), "Ir w6nt thar hard." Thereto.e, th.corect choice is (D). 21. (,t) 'rhere s been nolhinc bu( snow for (D) sh.ll be cauiious qirh 1lrc mohey

(B) Hei bo.ed wirh lhechinging w.athei

(c) He believes thar ifllsnow in rwo

(D) His hiends think rhar he! borinE

$hen h. ralks about the wearher




1 1 L tr 1 tr 1 T I tr 1 L 1
1 x 1 n 1 1 n L 1 tr L n 1
28. (A) Thc man would rcm.mb.r lo bdn, l0 (A) H. wG Iare for a boat rrib
hcr l}le bok (B) Part B
H.rhoushr rhrr th. prcf;ser had 1.6
(B) The he had lo.sorten thar sh.
ona boar rrip.
(c) H. dd nor hear whd rh. prcfesor DircctioE: ln rhis pan ofrhe resr, you willh@ lonscr conle6.rions Aherea.h convereatioh. vou
(c) Thc md would le"d I.r ft. b@k will hd sevenl qu.niorr. The converearions and qu.srions will noL b. r.pearcd.
encel.d rh. euh
(D) He herd lhe p@f6or! Aher you hsra question. read the four possible ansveB in voor rest book and ch@s. th. bcsr
The hatr warcd to bomw ttre b@k a.nouncement about a rip. answer Then, on vour answer sheel, find rhe numberof rhe qusrion and fill in the space rhar
coftesponds ro the letkr of rhe answer you have chosen.
29. (A) Th.y dont have .ny lishB. Remember, you are nor allowed to take notes orwnr. in vourten book.
(B) H. d,dnr pay ihe bil;n the.
(C) The ligh6 rhev have are noi €le.Fic
(D) H. already paid the bill. 3r. (A) 3s. . (A)
(B) Research Ior a m&agemenr clss- (B)
(c) Finding joural anicles iD the liba.-v. (c)
(D) The m{agcm.nt p.ofesso. (D) Durins the sh s€6on.

12 (A) H. catri d.cid. ona ropic.

(B) He dcsnt hale r@ much rifte to (B) Sprins.
complere the research.
(c) He dosni k o$ where the libFr] c (D) Fall.
(D) He is unc.nain how ro find
37. (A)
(B) de.
31. {A) Both b@ks and joumak. (cl
(B) Jusfeferences on motivation ko6 (D)
rhc cad @taloere.
(c) onh hanae€menr &d busioess 18. (A) Snoqv.
(B) overly hor
{D) Joumaladicl€s only. (c) cold and wel.
(D) Mild.
14. (A)
(B) coro manasement ciass.
{D) Look for a Sreeting ca.d.



L n 1 n 1 tr 1 T 1 T ! n
1 1 1 1 D T tr 1 tr 1 n 1 tr 1 tr 1 1
I part C
piEcrlonqln 39. (A) The sra.dard srading systeh. 45. (A)
rhis pan of rhe r.sr. vou wi h.uscvrEllatks. Aher.ach Blk. (B) (B)
qu6noB. vou willhssom. The difference between required and
I he ratxs dd quBrions wrl nor be,cp.ared. (c)
l (c) (D)
t Afilr you lEa a qrs(ion. r.ad rt.Iou! po$bte ansE.E rn vour,.sr bmk and ch@s. rh. bsr
A special EEdinE sysrem
(D) The tlpes ol couBes that m0st be
.r shed, find rh. num b.r ot rhe queqron and frjj ,n rhe sDace rhai
l conesponds ro th.lererot thc.nsueryou h.v. chor.n. taken durine the cEduaie prcshm as. hishlr dev.loFd lanBuase.
(B) As more sophislicated rhan spoken
I Her. is a. eehple. 40. (A) This studetrt is usins the skndard
On rh. Ecordinc, you h.a( (c) As a bdic means olcommunicarior.
I (B) Thisstudenr has passed rhc course. (D) As an impossible uay ro
(naetor) List n to an in!tuctor tdlk to hb (c) This slld.nr is hkinga required
I clLss about paintinC.
(han) Ani! c.ad woo.! wu a cutdins lo,ce th rhe schoot ol pdntinp *nom (D) Thisstudenr has nor done acceptable (A) EdEa. Allan Ic.
I a Aruncak
rcsionatsL a svt oft@nn| th2 dshnd'e charud.B;a .t
tu; ^;;;-;;' (B) Amed@n po€ts.
I tae,un .d sb t a. wood be ca a dtaw nE anind Lt on t h. ";
lan i ty t am at t hz aB. ol ti rez,
and whcn h. wq thidt-acht on. ot hB paianhc, ,.ktv.d a nrutkabl?
ad;ud ot 41. tA) (D) shon s6rv wi(.6.
pubti. noti.. ahd acclain. This pakths, .o .i (B)
o"rt ;., i l"u
^m.n@n ",,iU"i, (c) 48.
i (D)
t Nowlisren roa sampte q&sdon. sept. Ar$G.
42 (A) Allrequiredcourses. D) Fulfiiled.
I (narrabr) Whdt strte ol paihtiflc t knowh 6 A,naicah rcEiohalistl @ @ O r- (B) Some requi.ed cou.ses
(c) AII ele.rive courses.
In your ksr b@k, ,ou read: {A) An tsor Ah6ica! inn.r ciri*. (D) Som. elecdve cotrBes.
t (B) An from rhc c.n|Et resion ofth. U.S.
ll (c) An hoh variols u.ban arezs i. rhc U.S_ 43. (A) (D)
(D) An from ruhlsecrions ofAmcrica. (B)
I:I (c) A language based on road signs 50. (A) Read abour PGs 1ile.
Theb$ransu.rtorhe'EuesrDh.,wharsrytcorpainrins6Inown6Amencanr.Bronatrn?..is(D), (D) A lanexaec bascd on hand (B) Prepare for a discussion ofa shon
'AE hom ruBI5e(rionr otAm.rica -Th;fok,
i rhe cor<r chon e is (Dr.
(c) Stud! the American novelisr.
I Nowli$en ro ano$.rsahpte qu.srion. sdpt€ AEs.r The Nari\e Ame.ican rribes didn'r (D) w.ire an,nalysis of one ofth.
have spoken Ianguages.
(rmtor) L41at is tE nan. of w@d:t nbn successfut paiatinc? @@ t-@ (B) Th. Narn'e Amencan dbes spok€
{ manv differenl Iansuages-
ln your tc$ b@k, you read: (A) "Amen@n Rccionatisr.- (c) The Nade Amencans were unable to
i (B) "Th. Famity Fam in row:.,
i (C) "Amerion Gorhic." ' (D) Sign lanClage is huch more
d (D) 'A stnous couple." advanced than spoke. laDsurse.
! anrss ro th. qu*rion, -What is rhe name of w@d: mosr suc(.ssful
Tfu &sr
Dahrtns/" B (C)
'Anenen corhic. Therelore. rhecor.cr choice (C).
I ReEehber, you a.€ rgt! altowed to rak€ nors or wrire
Thls is the end o, Section 1
J in your resr book. Slop work on Seclion 1.
Turn off your cEssetle player.
Read lhe direclions for Section 2 and beqln work

; @ Oo NOT read orwork on any other section

ol the tesl during the next 25 minutes.



2 o 2 o 2 o 2 a 2 O 2 o 2 o 2 2 o.)o]ofo.)o131j1
rhe spod ol hang sliding- bv the 7. havecaptured rh. spinr ofrhe
F.d.rat Aviation AdmjnistErio, (FAA). coDguc$ ofAmerica 4 well 6 James
F.nimore Cooper
Tim.-25 minutes
(includins th€ reading of the directions) (C) thar w6 regllated (B) The f.w witeE
Now set your clock for 25 mirutes. (D) rhar n eas reculatcd (c) rh. wite6 a.. few
(D) Few ar. rh€ Mir.F
Thisseclion h d.signed ro mebsur. your ability ro recosnize lanBuase thal is apprcpnat€ tor slandard The adde is a venoeous snake brle
Mitr.n Enslish. There arc tso q?es ofquestions in this se.tion. wilh spe.ial directions for each r,"e. may prove fahl ro humans. Prosp.cto6 rushed to N.v.da jn lE59
- was dhcove..d lhere.

(c) thar -
DiE.tiors: Ouesrions l-15 ar. incomplere senren€es. Ben.ath each senr€nceyou will se. four
words orph6es, mark.d (AI GI (C),and (D). Ch@se the 9!9 vord or phrde that besl comple!.s l. The jav.lin used ir comp.drio! musr be
rh. senrEnce. Th.n, on:vour answer sh.el fihd the number of the questioo a.d 6ll in thc space thar cerrih€teE_
coftesponds to $.lett.r of the answeryou have chos.n. Fill in the spac. so that the letEr inside the
b.Meen 260 and 270 9. heat frod the Sun is tEppcd near
the Eanhi sudac., rhecre.dhous. eff.cr
(B) n is IonB -
L@k at the tollowins examples. (C) its length (A) No
(D) leDglhily

4. {c) rhat
Th. p..sident-the eleclion by a landslide. In6n irleftalcombunion ensine._
-@@@ and air are h.ared iDside a cylinder
(A) and sasolineupor
l0- rhe oure.layer otrhe skin, conrains
(B) both eelin. vapor pighents, por.s, and duc6.
(C) s6olin. vaporize -,
(A) Thar rhe epidem,s
(D) b.sid.sgdolinevapor (B) Tbeepidemis is
The sentcnce should read, "The prcsid.ntwon theelection bv.landslide." TherefoE, lou should (c) The epid.mis
5. In Nov€hbe. of I863, rhe ciry ofAdanh (D) Thecpidemis which
durins shemant famous "Mnrch ro
EtunpL lI Sffiple Aswer ll. K.rres a.eued thar to avoid an ecohomic
-(A) w deprclsion rh. Eolemm.nL_ sEEndins
compl.tely bumed
when- the confcrcnce? @rD@@ (B) complcrely bhins and low.r,hreren nL.s.
(A) rhe dcrorartended (c) it wG buhed complerelt (A) is
(B) did the doctoraaend (D) conpl.cly bumed ir (B) higher
(c) the docro.willarr.nd
(D) the doctori atEnda.ce Th. K€.tudq D.rby even M.v ar (D) should increlse
Churchill DoMs in Lou isriUe, ILnr;ky-
the sent.nce should read, "When did th€ doctorart.nd the conte.ence?" Therefor.. you should - 12. b.e colonvpers, rhe m6r€ the
ch@se (B). (B) or queens €Ce laying capabilirv diminishes.
No\r besin trork on thequestions. -a
(A) Ir is hore overcrowded
(B) rhe mo.e ove.crowded
(c) More overc.owd.d than
(D) More rhan olercrowded



2o2o2o2o2.2.2o2 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2
13. Urlike lhe Eanh. which rcBrcsonc. every 'I5. Oul otJohn K.merh calbhirh! fte
tw.Drrjour houft, once every ren .aflr.nr s@ldry for a! in.r.Ge in
Written Expression
public coo.ls. potentially ar rhe erpensc of DIECtion!: In cuesfioB l6_40. €ch *nl.nce
- has f. qord\ phrue. rhc
(A) rh. rcErioD olJupn.r - un.r.rri n.d pqrs or ,h. *n,.".";
#J;;ffii::.'nderlin€d rDr' Id'nntv oLhreos und(rh.d
(B) the @clretrce of Jupiteri rotatio. (A) came th€arrum.,r or ptrnsr trar mqr r. cr,oceJ;il;H,##i:1:].'nd sord
$! to bc rh'n on
(C) Jupir..rchres (B) his arBuhenl
6nd number or qrcs;."
-Jr,rr'," ir,"',#.
. il'" 'orccr' ro dr. h, rerrou eswcr she,,
har .oresponds
(D) Jupit .i! rcbiine 'h. of rhe Gwer vou
(D) tbe econoftist is arsling Look al rh. fottowinE .xampl.s.
14. p.aches are clqsifi.d as h...stone or
clin8stone depends on how difficdr t is ro
remov. th. pn. Sept€ A,'ser
(A) Th. Th. four nnfls on a viotin ar€ rrn.d
(B) About A f,'""'-'-'t+a
(D) Sci.trtifi@lly
should read, "rh. rour sdngs o. a viorm are tuned in nfths."
X*.ii;i.c rhercror€, vou should

Th€ rcsaEh torrh. b@k RooB bldnc

a B ---- @@,-@
Al.x Haley rwetve yeaB.

s.n'enceshould rBd. "The rcsea.ch

for the b@k xdJ6 l@k al'r Halev rwPlw yeaF." TheretoF,
b.sin eork on rhe qu€sliotu

"*rr,r*+ JT
a 2
S@p ah.r rhe Unired
o 2 o2
Shter enlnnce into

rhe waa
2 O

th. majorhorels
2 o 2
in Atldric Cir.v sas
O 2 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 a 2 o 2 a 2
P'. Afrr rhe volk isscpaBted
irom the whn., n husr be boit imh.diar.tv.
B ------T-
rEnsfomed ilto military baftck. 3t. Thrcush the yea. scienrhb have devejop.d sm.ljcr bu! ihcEasinBlr- hore pow.rful batrerj.s
,or rhe srowinB numbe, otponable elecrrical
Majo.adv.rtisins companies have tnditio.allyvolunr..r.d iB rime to public sdt. a@ounts. d*ice
32. More thah 80 pe,cenr otthc t.bm arrhe comrrudion sir. a,. hmporary worteB
Thcvaluc ofprccious sems is detehin.d by their hddnes, color. dd brillianr.
--i*-E- c D ---D-
l.l. The de,elopmenr otmororsl,,!s rn
Find in lg3i,fhe New York S,, us rh. fiAl succe*tulp. y n.wspap.r. bab,es besjnr wirhrhe h.ad nnd proEres
_-a= douward
-F B --- ---T- A --
thbugh orhr pans ot rhe body
Th. 3,500joo. G.orse washins1oo Bridg. spm rhe Hud$n tuver to linl N.{, York ciry D
.ABC )4. The USS Bonhonme Ri.tad \6
ale NN
JeEey. commanded bv John pauiJones. rhar won a
nohbte sea
badc !!!!: rhe R.vot!!ion.
unfairrtiilde loward lh. p@will

Some researcheG believe that an D
B c D
35. Thtreqisrs morS than 2,600 diflcreni van.rjes ofpalm tre.s, w,rh
varvins floweG.leaves,


6ene theEpy n is the larest advancc in a revolurionary bEnch
ofmrdicin. called
36. MN Ahenc& Indian.utrLlc \rfu apncutlural socr.re.
d B c --.l -
srncc:OOO B c
I l?. husewi"Frsrom h
ilx \16
An b,ou8hr ro Nont,em catifom,r! mounrah counlles.
AsircnomeF donor know how mary salaxies rher. are, bur is ir thoushr rhar rhere are (
A--E( -D-
l ".18,
Nutriiiorisls r..onlmend
fiat ioods tsom each otthe fourbasi.
sroups be eareh on a

1," Th.
ni.o a.ids sft 6
the boildi.s block of p.oreirs.
popular breed of dos in rhe Unned states are c@kerspaniel, poodl., and reriev(.
Neon ir ofian used in airptane beacons be(ausc
neon beaconj are r@ visjbte rhar rhev.an be
evenrhbuph d.ce fop
A w.ldmoledle ffiists rwo hvdrcscn aI(m and m oxveen arom.
ABCD ,t0_

Ore ih. scienrisr had fisured out rh. precis. path ofrhc comer, h. is findi.s
---- rhar he was abte ci-
ro pr.dicr ir5 nexr aDp.aBnce.
---n- This ts the enct otsection 2.
Thc inrenr ofrhe Hisbncalsoci.ry is ro resrore old buildirss and i.cr€asins inreresr in rhe lf you linlsh betore 25 minulss has ended.
AEc check your work on Sec on 2 onty.
" -D-
Th. amomt ot.opp.r sullaG
used i, the.xperimear d.p.ods tim rhr intensty of rh. h.aL @@@@eoe
At the end ot 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
Use exactty 55 mtnutes to work on Section 3.


3a3^3^3r3^3^3t3 a3a3a3n3a3x3 A 3
Ttmc-ss Einut s rh. otri.iai hom. of thc UniEd St.ra Pcid€lt, ws nor buih i! tirD.,br
(ircludiEs th. r€ldins of th€ diEctioDs) liv. it. lr wG ttcs in 1792 sd \e Edv for its fiBr inhabidtB, ItBid'nr
Now !.t yot[-docL for 55 Eiuule5. *1r" -*6;i e6 Xqvcmber r, 1800. vtlhsn tb. Adds4 molld in. rh. WhiG
sd thc Adarc6 suE.rcd lr@I in@nEni.hccsi for.bPl. thc rniin
This s.clion is d6iEr.d to m4uE rour abitlv ro rd ed und.6uDd shod P<s'sd siEild i' uE incompl.r€, whi.h hird.r.d movcmctrt ftoh n@r lo fl@r and thc tutr leundl \5d
ropic dd sryle b dos. thar studcn|s e Uk.lt to.ncounEr iD No.ii Am.ntu siEEidg ud hq!\ E p@l of hud. so w.t launda! us hDs i. th. uDJinish€d Elsr R@m ro dr} Thotu
th. lhird pBid.nt, imPrcv.d ih. @mfon of th. whne Hous. ih manr' rcsFcB and add.d-
ehit!tural fatuFs such s the 1.8c., on th.6r and w.st Ends
DiEcdoG: you wI .ad @.El Pssg6. E ch on. is folloe.d b-' a numbd of
h lhis sction rh. Bridsh forcc bufrcd &. whjr. Hor oD Ausxrsl24, 18l4 Prcsidc.r Mzdien wE
quo.io* r" ch@se th.9!s b.sl swri (A), (B). (C) or (D), to ech quBtjon. Th.n
+"", i.. v", "* ro IaEIAI thar Edain.d aft.r th. 6t sE rh. .ncnor wallsi th. inEnor
nor until D.c.mb.r of t 817 rhat th. Iollowing pEsid.nt, JahB Motre
on vou arepcr shet, find the Dmb.r of the qucnion ad fill in t|c spae thar @rBPond! to th.
l.tt r of $. alw.r you hat chos.n. rid.tre. Siic. th.n, $. WhiG Hosc hs.oniinu.d to b. hodificd bui ha b'tn
d@d.d bI each succedits U.s. PEidcnt.
Aled all qu6lioE abolt thc infomarion in a Pss8. on th. b6is of whar is s3rgi or ilElig! i.
whicl ot the follouins would b. th€ mosr 4. lt 6 t infrftd hom th. psss. rhar
R.ad thc fo)lowios p8ssc:
ryprepnatc d,+ for this pasaee?
Joh, QuiD.r- Adams. who *Fed d th. sirrh Prid.nr of rhe Unit'd sBtB hoE 1825 (A) G.or?e washinExoni! Lif. in th. (A) thc fiEt PBid.Dt of rhl Unir.d
rc I 829, is todzljrc.osriz.d for his FstErtul sEt smusbiP ed diPlomacl u' d'diet'd his
lif. rc Dubhc *nlc! Lth in th. pEsiden.-ved in thc v.nous other poli nal ofir6 thar h' (B) Th. Bumine oflhe wlit. Hous. (B) th€ s.coDd prcsident of th. Unt d
r,w ihrcueh;ut hrs polt,cal .2Fr h. dcmoEEt.d hEunsu.Mns bclic, ,r hRdom of
hctd. (C) Ih. Erlr Histor.! of th. wlitc Hous.
(51 sF.ch, th. ;dshv.rv ouse, dd th. nghr of Am.nons ro bc k . ftom EurcPd a.d Aria, (D) PBidctti.l Polici.s of Earll U.s. (C) thc third pr.sid.nt ofth. U t.d
(D) th. founh pEid.nt otthc Unn.d
WI! djd G.o.e. wshin4on NoT liv. iD
E.npbl '* SdPl' Arsud
5. Th. author Dosl likely dis@s th.
1o $'har did John ouitrcy Adams d.vore hc lif.? @ (D @ @ (A) lt had bca bur.d by $. Bnrish. -slair6." in line 5 in order ro
(B) H. did not lik thc aEhit.ctur.l
(A) Impmlins his p.Fonal lif. (A) shoq,trl. cles&e ofth. n.q wltjl.
(B) Scryinq.h. Public (C) H. did not wat rc $fi.r thc
(C) lDftains his fonln. in@nBi.nc6 that th. Adamss had (B) dplain lhe ehi nu..l f@tll6
(D) wolkins on his privat busincss addcd by Jeff.Eon
(D) c.Etrlction had nor yct b..n (c) d.monsht. what had to b. Ebuilt
,{.ordin8 ro th. passaec, John Ouincy Adams "d.diet.d his l{. 1o Public *ryie." TheEforc, vou i @Epl.Gd. afte thc fiE
rhould.h@* (B). (D) prcvidc d cffiplc of e
Th. uord "inhabiials" in linc 2 is clos.sl inconv.ni.ncr in tht r'l'Iur. Hols
Etumpb Il SePl' As*er
@ (D' @ 6. rh. aoid "&€rcd" in lin. 5 is closr in
ln Iin.4. th. word 'uruw.,wc' is cl6r,n m.anins ro
(A) moe.abl.
(B) iEierifi€or
(C) unchansinB
iD) diploEaric

IE pasgc srat6 thar Johr Ouincy Adaftsdcmonshr.d his lrsw.ryinB belief thbughout his
c.Gr." This impliB thd fi. b.lief did sot chanB . Th.r.foE, vou should ch@* (c).

Norv b€gin uork on th€ questions.

3a3^3a3a3 3a3t3

3 t3 3
3a3 I

?. Th. word "foc"

^ iD lin. 9 could ben b. 9. AeordiDs to th.
Mollc cd. to
pass!, wha J@B
th. rdhn! Hous, n h:d
QuestioDs t t-22
4l8ae is a Pnh ,v.Ioh oIlilc a sr et.+. .d.
peds ofphororm eis.lr i! ,.n.- or s hptr mult,pt.-c.ll.d
conducl rh. orranEh lhal is abte r.
i wakrbd 6 eso b' Ioud'rs.wh*
(B) .fron
(B) EcoEEuct.d I
p,go.nr. ',.r,*'r".i,* #r.;"*":fi:l1]:"Y^'in
hous !1!'s o, alEac aEd4rfi.d a@rdr,€
{c) Etilit2r}, ' ro
(D) cncrEy I .uoLBlue-Crc.D al!a.. orC,aaaphqa,@ mn zt h'*t rehp'Bturd a'd und't h,Pn_idcErF
tha is a m,noscopic rvDe
8. AccordiDs @ th. psss.. which of th. I
i i"- ",.t... ,;r."-.'t "*'':con$r
rir. *,l,L,i'"i;*1;J";,:1ff
oron'r one ccu' Bru*g"'n
"rgi. o
ls\iltr'd rhajE otrlu' r'oe of algzi
fo)Nihs b.i derbe Thoh6 lO, Th. paE€Eph folaiD€ rh. pe$ge hosr 'i,..ra*, "r
hoR-rhan 3.4 billion n"*
""s olo u..,,o,,, - l}i'd
JcE.Eotri laI!!!E in the whjt. Housc? t t,ften atpa.. ot chto.oph_ a. B p.n.rdl! rou; h hish war.r n rcprcducB
.nclo*d bodi6 ofwarer such s DonG orl;*,- on t}|. surhc*.r
{A) H. had io fle dc whiG }ro@ (Al hodi66tioN b] PBid.nLs who tu'^'P'en Loabs on rh.
I $''k L. ErEe qb$,cs.,h,, *. r.*.
b.€6. of rh. \e wit; lhc folow.d .)euc..,ough,o Fjvc a" sEtr color roa.,uE
-.". *"L5--l"pp',**"r
Britl5h. (B) th. d.uilstb. d6truclioD of rh.
of t
(B) hdY Whit Hor b,{ th. Aritish BtuM zlEac, ot phuoph a. sroB in sh.Ioq. w rhj( Np' or :rEa' s l}. raiEB, in
H. sE acptins of th. .i. -a ,, -o,, .*"g,,^ir. * ;";;i;;-J
incooEEcnccs. (c) Jde Mot]le: polici6 a prid.o( ,:IFEFa NP' or'rbrcq alPa' rhal hs FrcM ro
(c) tlt Ehov.d !h. EftG that had (D) oth.r pridals who u€E uBbl. to I l.nrLlE olup b 2oo r;eL. 16,-c
sh.d ls
on rhc oc6 n@r, o, ir qn n@r hEt] on
b.cn ad.Ld by Adds. e pl the r,VhjG ttous. "ir. -" rhe
I _R.d dE6e. ot RhodoDh,,a. F a smal, d.tiat. orEe,sm
(D) ti. uork d 1o imProE !h. .vncE,r
L lound,n rh. dc.p war.E oI rh. subbbbi..
th. I oh.n crou! q.l (or.r. rh* 16r oralsa. hx :;;..-;;;"i:;,I:'-:;"j.:-.:,1
app.alaa dd @trv..i.n@ of
whir. I]o@.
tl. whar is ihe aurhor! main purpos.T
15. AlEa. r.mnuls found iD AIrie e
(A) To shou,vtur coloratu. iq
i (A) srjllflounshinc
lBr To diff.r.ntrak ri. v,;oE (B) photoc.nic
claihenons oI alEa. (c) enrcm.lt old
lC) To d.saib. whcrc ale;. is fouhd (D) red in color
(D) To cldilv rh. .pp.@c. or ftc
difi.rcnr qDs ot atsac 16. Ceen al-qa. is e.heEltl,found
t2. wtnch of rh. fottowing rs NOT rtu. abou, A) on rh. can floor
(B) on rop olrh. war.r
{A) AI D?<
(C) $rcuEhoui poDds &d tal6
hav. ontv on€ c.I (D) s@undins...losed bodi6
(B) Ir@ b. roud;r of w.rcr of wat..
(C), lt@ u$ phoroshrhesis.
(DI Ir is nor. Elar,v.ty n.w fom 17. The uord :oaLing- h lin. IO could b.sr bc
oI lir.
Th.$ord'pieh.nrtuIn.a heaB (A) clorhinc

(a) ,haF
(D) color
18. Bb$,n aleae wolld mosr titetr be fourd
Ii. qod "mrcrcsoprc in lin.6 ,s (tos.sr (A)
(B) {D)

3x3a3a3a3a3a3n3 3a3a3 A 3zr3^3a3t3
19. Th. *ord -sl,l}i" ir linc l5iscl6drin 2i. Ir 6 b. inffi ft@ rll. F3sag. th.r QuestioDs 23-3 I
liD6ton. depGirs sft E th. basis ol Ni+u Fa[!. on( oI rh. hon F.hoE Nonh
@tsr o4ueb6. ro.rB ,r,, u..u ," .- ,". gTon Darurrl wtnd'B ha loh€ b€n s ropde
aduaUv constjruk N''gu rarl. rrr.
I?3-r@Ghi8h Horsha Fax;
(c) flowcs (C) subrDpiel sawr.r --'ffa;ilT.'*.'llsrhit',1':' NEgaE RiEr ih rhc c{Ed@ pbhe or
on,"no ed rlE r 82r@,-h,sx ;;;;-J:;:':'
(D) scftt Pasag6 _- 5*. er'd Y''.srd'
85 Frn, J,;.-;;,:;;;J;"
or th'.nwr rh lne st. or Ncu
tl,. rt gohg owAhch@
^pprc{tul.ry ur laxsadua'll!Ees ov'r HoBBhG Fars w r
20. Accordins to rh. p6sas.. Ed als& h 22- Tht passgc rcu]d hosr prcbabtr" bc Mon,visjloE tum. b.Neh Aprit ad Odob.r-
asiErcd Eding in a colle oD _.. onro rh. dd ir is qun.a popultuacuvi,: ro lak. a srah.r
out rivcrad nghr up ro rh. b6. ofrh. r- croi'
rpccoonar vic* oI rhe Exs d"; il ;;,:i:-1'"'r a up D'u' rt !s ars Posibrr
(B) hus. Lio gcr a
(c) fDcil. ponr or rab,c Rak.
Ioesl' h3v.
o boi ;il..;i;[bH::::i:T:J:il:.,:tr l#fl :l,.-"y;ff
(D) foud in shlow wat r E,ons Niale FalL rn l,r
.EEse5bov.,oh,rioDB;;;,;:#;..:,1H5;il:;t3*, ji#:.*:il*-*-
Ah.nq rals. vd
ou'!d ouen vidoria pa r J ;;il:;";:
:-"&s A l:rc, can,rri
.*s,^undine rh. rars u,;;.;;;il;:i.:^::i:se''rcund Ho*ahe rars. w,rhtI.
ulq ro p,erw,h. prisrh. r..,1 ;?ii. "' t"'l*o' aPcnci's apPrcpEar' sI'F cord b.
2.1. wh is fi. hajorpoinr rhar rhe aurhorE
h.&ne h fiis pa$F.? 25 Accordine Lo th. p6qs., khjch ofrh.
tollownE bcsr desrib< Nrapm Falls?
(A) NiaEaE F.lls @ b. u.w.d Eoo
cnh.r rl]. Amentu sid. or rhe
(A) Niasah Fa.Is .ocisB of uo riv.E
Canadian sid.
on. CanadiaD ud fi. oGcr
{B) A lnp to rh. U s. khi compter
(B) Amencan Falts ,s coE,d.Ebh h,!h.r
wrhour a visit to Niaee F"Ih
{c) Nj.-!e Faljs hE h.d; inGresdnE the Ho^cshe Falts
(c) The NiaEaE tu!.r hs &o fals.
hir,.^. on.
(D) h h4 b..n h.cssu ir Canada and one i" rh. U s
ro DroEd (D)
tlia-se raxs frch rhim v
Alhoush rh. Niase turcr flo*s
LhrcuEh th. U.S and Ghada. Lh.
buns.s who 8o th.r€.
ralls &. or,ly rn rhe U S.
2,{. Th. word "ftgck- in lire 2 coutd b.sr
b. 26. A "sreamer" in tin. 7 is probablt
{A) (B)
(E) com. tn lars.
nuhbcE (c)
(c) com. ou. of bo..dom
(D) come q.thour knouin! whar rhs,


3a3a3a3x3n3 A 3 n3 3a3 A 3 t3 a 3 e 3 3 x3
2?. Th..xpt6ion -n8h1up" in IiD. 8 cou-ld 30. Thc word 'pristih.' iD lin. I 7 is clost i.
bd be rEpla.cd bl Qoc6tioDs 32-41
(A) llm to th. riShr (A) puE dd Mtu-al
G) fouo! .oGd p@duE (B) hishly d*lop.d Hc!:'6 M.i!iI.. o Am.ritu author b.st khos lodi! for his no!.1 Morr Dricl. \E:crualir
(c) rav.l uFIrt4 {C) *cX-Esulat.d ttrot! popular dunng his lifclim. for em. of hn othq works. Rc EaElcd .xtcEiv.l! ed us.d th.
Inowl.&c eaincd duins his hvcls s th. bdis for his arl! nov.ls. in I 83?, ar thc ag. of cishtEn,
Ilchill. sisn.d a a @bin bo]_ on a h.rch r ship that wd to sil hoh his Mssachusdls hoh. ro
28. Th. pssa€. idpli.s thar roaisrs prct6 ro 3l Th. pan8Eph followins thc paeac frost UEp@i, Ensldd. His .rp.n.nce on rhis nip s.tud a a b6is lor rh. novd Adrxft (l849). ln l84l
!!t out on a whaliDs ship h.ad.d for lhc Sou6 Sa. Aft.rjumpins ship in lahiti. h. sandlEd
(A) vish Niace Fs.Us dunns w.m.r thl is)ands of Tahiti dd MeE. rhis south s€ island sojouh % a backdrcp ro rh. nowl
(A) .ddirional wars b obs.d. rhe falls (18a7). AfEr filE y.d awar troF hom., M.lvil. join.d up with a U-S. Dalal
(B) stcps tal€D br so\/cj1r.!r blEar. tlEr EE
(B) sc blls hoh a E at distanc.
the ascDcig lo th. atcm Unit.d star6:rcund Cap. lloh. The nov.l Mn.-Ja.lr, (1850) d.sibes rhis
(C) Ek a nd. ow.r th. fals ropd.d th. tal3 vo).9.6a EB *dan.
(D) com. ro NiasaE Falls for a wincr (C) a d.ail.d d.fiption of ilc division Widr fi. publi@rioD of &.s. srlv advclluE noEl5, M.lvill! dd.lop.d a strDnS dd lor:l
@dof, of th. hls b.t@ dt. U.s. ed bI@i"s Moog Ed.B oe.r ior his lal.s of cxotic plac.s dd situations. How.@. nr I8sl. with rh.
olyola+Dick; M.ly,Jl.\ thpularir_v sEn.d to diminish. n oh, Di.t. on one ldcl tiE ssa ol
29. Aaording to rhc pssg., wh!' wd Niag@ (D) tunn.r prcbl.ms thai aE d.stroying h6r for rhc Er.ar whn. q,hal., wa also a h.avih syhboli. all.sos of $e hcrcic shssl. of
thE ,ju @und th. hls luMiE ssaist rh. univ.B.- Th. public e.s tror Md) fo.M.hillci h.En. mecmorphBis from
(A) To chcoEsc tounns ro visir Niese adwltuE to philosophical smbolisft. Ir is irohic fiar the nolcl rhar s.w.d ro dininish
popula.irr.-' durine his lif.timc is th. on. fo. which h. is bcst hoM roda!
(B) To show otr the natu.al bqury of
NiagaB F.Is
(C) To prct*r thc ir euDd Nia€e Th. majn subj.d ofthe pasace is 35. Th. word 'basis" i, line 5 is.li)sr in

(D) To force csad: 10 open Au6D (B) fi.

popu.ldiN of Mclvil.t nov.ls (A) foundation
victoria Park (C) Mrhill.! FEo.al bactFlund
lD) Mob! Dick

A..ordin8 10 the Fssee. MelviUe! .arh

16, The passa-ge impliE rh.t M.h'ill. st v.d io
(A) published Nhile h. wa thv.liDs
(B) .odpl.teh ficlional (A) h. had unofficia.llv l.fi his ship
(C) all abour hjs worl on uh..lins shjps (B) h. s6 on leav. whil. his ship was in
(Dl b&d on his lEr.ls
(C) h. had fihished his rcm ofdutv
h wlFt y.ar did Melvill€i b6k abou! his (D) h. had r.ceiled p.mi5sio! ro lake a
GxFn.nc.s d a cabin bo].- apFd? raerion in Tahni
(A) 1837
(B) 3',7 A -toi_satc_ in lin. 8 is probablr
lc) 1847
(D) 1849 (B) a shiP

ONE ",",rt*rgl*+
r3a3t3 - A
A J 343a3
3 t3 a 3 3 x3 a 3 a 3 A 3
Th..xp6ion "a sEonE bnd lovzl
40. A@ording ro tltc Psssg. M&'- Dtk E ThG Work
ProEEss Adminismtion (IVPA) w6 fom.d in 1935 dun.s rh. hcish of ri. cEr
followiis'i! lD6 l could b6t b' (A) ! Dmslic adv.trE d p.n PBid.nr Ftuklin D.leo R@sddtb N.$. Dal p6ctGs. to bntrg rh. eonomr
'-12 (Bl a siDgl._h@l.d wori Froud. rgjrf for thc millioa ol u.hploycd thrcushour !h. counF).; rh. eoal of th.
io a shon srow rbout a *trale trs ro mainrain pepls stills sd ErFd bv prcviding qort lo 6
(A) d 6ding (D) symbolic of hu!]l:d'a 6EhEi!8 LIE cnt. For the.,-sht w.aE rh.! rhe w?A w6 in .xische from I 93s ro
(B) a @ludon cdircM.nl providiDc jobs to apprcxiEar.ll.ishr million !rcp). ar a
,ooE E .l@.n billioh dolld.
41. Ih. eord "mcbftorPh6is' in lin' 15is On of rh. moe entrowEial prosEms of rhc WPA wa thr F.d.ral Arr! frcjccr. a
clos6t in F.4ing to rnists tuI-tioc ar such task a paintjnE muBls in libEn.s, rhat.E, tEin sti
39. HoB did th. Pubu@uon ot Mab Dak rEchiDg Grioc tcchniqucs of an; ad prcpiring a comprh.miv. srud! oi AD.nce mtu.
lff.d M.lull.! PoPuldtY? ofrh. prcgEh c.Dred-on whar wa p.civcd s lhe hivoli\.of supponihs rh. ans aia
() His FPulariq? incEs'd qi.r milliotu wft srarying, indusr-\'wa egsins, hms were baftD. and alt rbar could Aourish
(C) mlsticistu b.nbuplc-v couru dd $up kirch.ns.
G) lr lBd no.ff.cr on tus Populdiw'
lC) h 6Ed his PoPuldiry ro d'cca'
(D) tlis populnnr." Emaincd a sEotrg a This pasc. bainly discu$es Th. word conlrov€Eial- i.lin€
(A) thc cer D4r.ssion
{BJ th. b.n.6i5 of FEnkliD Delano
R@*v.h's Ncs Dal
(C) thG Na Deal and on. of irs
(D) bekrpB coun5 dd soup kilch.E
47. All the follorinc prcbabl\ he)p.d ro mak.
Th. uord 'pactaee" in lin.2 could b.sr b. the FcdcEl Atu Prcjecl conr.o\€Eial
{A) the redeElAru Prcjd emplolcd
m.n! !.ho would orh.rui* hav.
(c) hox bcen our ol work
(D) bs"dlc of relakd ncms (B) lEio sbtions ald airpotu w.rc
de.oGrd wi$ mEls
A.@!din8 ro dE pasgq rhe nared (C) rh. F.d.ral arle Prcj-r
Flrpok or $e @ uE ro coDhisio&d afl wortj
(A) .ftare n.$ Ar.ncn hsterpic.s
(D) a tr.n.ndous studr ofAmcri€n
(Bt E,s. th. sbndard orAm.ncan an cEtu wd produc.d
(C) inoodu.e n.u an r.chnrques b rhc
American public 48 Thc.rprcssion "cenr.red'on' in lin. 1l
(D) irDp.o\r th. e.onony . could b.st b. replaced bI

Il. word "mssive" in lin.5 is.losen i"


(B) tuh



49. \t/hen thc aurhor stales thar ". . . all that 50. wh.re in the pdsase dcs the author give
could flourish wrc bankrupEy courls and dampl.s of a.lisic jobs?
soup kiEhens," he or shc probably mcans
(B) Lioes 5-7 SECTION 1: Listening Comprchension
(A) bank and restauants did well durins (C) Lines 8-10
the Depression (D) Lines l1-13
(8) tl,e poor could notafford to use
:D ll. A 21. 31. B 41. B
tanks or eat soup E 12. D 22. B D 42. D
(C) the only orsaniations to thrive were c 13. B 23. D 31. 41. D
those rhar dealr $irh lhe poor 14. c 24. D 34. B
{D) ma,y reslauEnts declared D 15. B 25. 35. B 45.
banklptcy durine the D.pression c 26. D 36. c c
D 17. D 27. c 37. c c
c 18. c 28. B 38. D 48. c
c 29. D l9- c 49. D
20. c l0- c 40. D 50. B

SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression

9,B t7. c 25. B t3. c
10. c 18. D 26. B 34. B
II, D 19. A 27, B .15. A
E 12. B 20. D 2A- C 36. C
13. c 21, D 29. C
Thls is the end ol Secllon 3. D 14. c 72. A 30. c 34. c
15. A 23. c 31. D 19. B
t6. 24. D 12. B


It you tlnlsh ln lsss lhan 55 minutBs,

check yourwork on Sectlon 3 only. SECTION 3: Reading Comprehension
Do NOT read orwork on any other-sectlon of the test.
e .B 2\. .l l. B 4l- B
d t2. L 22. c .12._ B 42. c
c ll. D 23. D .13. D 43. D
B ,4. E 24. B 34. D D
D 15. c 25. c 35. 45.
16. B 26. B 36.
c 17. B 27. D J7. B
D t8. D 24. 38_ D 48. c
a 29. c 19. c c
20. c t0. 40. D 50. c

PRAcrtcETEsroNE 'll
tr 1 tr 1 n 1 n 1 tr 1 tr 1 1 tr 1
1 tr 1 1 tr 1 T 1 tr 1 1 1
(A) ln a reslluBnt. ' 10. (A) The hisrory paperwill sd dotu in

PRACTICE TEST TWO (B) hastacrysrore.

(B) She E.ly scts her work don! whc!
I (D) At a movi. th.at.i
(c) Shc ahost never ger5 to history c16s
SECTION 1 2. (A) she usually r.ads he. mail *hile
LISTENING COMPREHENSION (D) Sh. doesn't rcad rh. Paper
T:rre-aPProxirnatelY 35 Einule3 (B) Occdionally th. letter arier arjves cohplet.ly befo.e histo+- cl8s.
(iacludirg thc readirg of the directioc for each Part' sh. mov€d froh th. trb th.
(c) shc doesn't always chc.k rh. mail at r t. (A) inlo

rn,his sec,ion o, ,hc resr ]ou w,rr haw s

oPPortu rc,:ffii:fl":H:::l'Lli:l';::::11"" (B) A nosy nei8hbor distubcd her
'iv (D) Sh.doesnl ahrays have tim€ for
.6.vc6ahons dd EIks rn Ens.lish' Therc rre thrce nordorEit' in vourrest (c) The loud sounds from thc strect
lili'";. **"a imDlicd bv fie sP'akercvou hcd Do lel takc
^, -r,",1. "r unld vou arc tord rc do so'
;H:;;; ii;:.'i,"-"., *h1i;-pascs
r. (A) To drink som. coffe. in a while
(D) Sh. disrupted fie tEfic with h.r
(B) To .reoarc !h. cotree hcEeli
Part A (c) r" ier ir," m".
cor* r,r.
(D) 1o dnnk somclhing else- 12. (A) Sh. thinks ii's a sood Placc to e.t

Di*rrllorc.ij rn PanAvou.wrrrh€r+o(con!'Bationsff::',::Hfr"{,1:;f:f;it'::H*'- (A) Sbc doesrtwet to Bo ro lhe b.ach (B) shc'd like lo s.ll her sh@s
wil hcra qu.sdon about tn
th' conle6ar'on (c) sh.i surc ther.: a sale at thc stot.
il; ;;i;*lour" ",sr.n,shc't
h-(t dswci Then, on ansuer hndl:::
ieal'lh-e th' lo#'*:
n :l'J."[:i:::::',ff],il";:f :ijl" (B) Shc doesn't loow whv thc wearher is (D) Sh. wond.6 if i}1. shG sto.e is for
con6pon& lo (h.lckr of th' ssqerroJ havc
(C) Sh.'d aLhcr bc ouErde today.
sthpl' AEw'r B. th. b th.
Lken to an exaEPlc. iol rt' .o. tt'. uar ri*. for a lall at th' (A) she rctunded money

h.a' (B) Th. salesclerk rctu*d to siv. her

OD the ..cordins, You @
@ 5. (A) He thou8hr it E fdcin.rinE.
(c) wa nai when r-hc saleclcrk
Thdt dM -6 i6t aL{uL r.) (B) He asreed with the woman. Shc
retused h.r money
oh, it could haYe bzei |9o6e' (c) He rhousht it should have bccn
\{nat docs rhe woman man? (D) Thc s.lcsclerk rctumcd hcr money

-rh' er (D) Hc thought itqE bo.ing.

ln lour idr b@k, vou rcad: (A) wa reallv awfin' 14. (A) Thc domitory houF.
(B) x wE rhc *orst cxs shc had dci *en' 6. (A) She her bnefc$e.
call lind (B) Thc problem with lhc tul.book
icj ]t couldnl have b'cn horc difficulL (B) Her bnefcae is smaller 1hd the {c) The dsr number of the dorditory
(D) I!wdnt thatbard' (D) when !h. domi|or-Y oPetu.
(c) Their b.i.f6cs e diffcrent sizes
Y6ulemhoFtheconv.6alionthatth.manthou8htLhedahwdlervditficdt:ndt}atthe-.'''- (D) The man gavc hG bricfcde !o h.i ls. (A) He found the assigtmenr v.ry
whaL does rhe wo
,r." -an rhe b*t ans*er ro mc qucstron diffidlt.
'1,1"-"ii''"";Jii., ;;r'
r,.'a." rh.Elorc rhe co*cclchor'e rs
(D)' (B) H. finds ir hdd io believe how Buch
io"i':i''**'i He. roommate helped eat som. cak€ . lime fie wohan spenr.
(B) Sh. made the cak. q'ith some
(c) The womao couldnt finish beoue
(c) she djlnl eiacdy help hcr roommate she had olher wo.k to do-
(D) she and he. r@mmarc didn'texaclly (D) The dsignmenr wa difficu.lt to
complerc in thin-v minuts.

16. (A) H.6n edily tlpe for fifry hinucs.

8. (A) He\ soing ro Elk to lhe bodd-
(B) rhis is lhc.asiest of fift-v jobs h. ha
(B) H.! som about wha! h. said-
(c) Hc h6 r; decidc abolt thc bodds
(D) He agre.s with thc wohan. (c) Hci ablc to tlF v€r.... quickly.
(D) This job is edy tor eYone !o do.
9. (A) she only hd to attend oD. metug
(B) she! already atlend.d th. m..tins

@ (c)
she doesnt {'a! to so
Shcll onlv go itshe d@snl have plans.
1 1 tr 1 1 1 tr 1 T 1 1 1 I 1 l 1 1 1 1 L 1
17. (A) He! tired of runnins. 24. (A) r.t.i plcas.d with
his rcsuhs. P.rt B
(B) H.!i finish.d tunnins. (B) He isnt satis6cd w,th a.ll his work.
(c) H. hrr to run a Bce ronoEow. (c) s. found th.l.1l his work w6rl Dir.ctjoB: In this pan oilhc test, you will h.dlonsd conveNatjons. After cach conveEarion. vou
(D) H. dcsn't have .noush rioe. will hce sev.ral qu.srioc. Th. convcerions and qucsiotr witt nor b. repe.t.d.
(D) He! satisfi.d fia! h. ha found th.
18. (A) Hc wa6 to g€! anoth.r rcfrigeEtoi
Aft.r youh6a qu.srion. read th iou possibl. answeB in,ou resr bmk ud ch6s thc bcsr
answer-Theo, on your ansper shcer, hrd rhc number of the quc$ion and filtin the spacc rhar
(B) H. lhirls $.y necd morc driDlG. corcsponds lo th. lener of the uswer you have chos.n.
(c) They have plenry of dri*s- 2s. (A)
(D) He d@sn't thin-k lh.re &..noush. (E) Th. cafekna will close. Rcmedbea you are !9! allowed !o lake not6 orwire in vou. tcsr b@k.
(c) The linc willquickly e.r loo lons.
19. (A) r{e bclieves rhat Carli didn't takc the (Dl Th. woman will have dinner
ll. (A) 3s. (A)
(B) It w6 h&-d for carla to insist !ha! sh. G) {B) From rhc Dewspapcr
26. (A) Thc authoriii4 have prohibiEd (c) (c)
(c) II spii. ofwhat Cdla sys, it appcd scuity p.6oMei hom erknns (D) (D) From lhe uliliry company.
that she stole th. hon.y
{D) Alfiou8h C&la irsisted, shc djdnl (B) Th. sccuiry Eudd is prohibn d ftom 32. (A) ofsciologisls.
Shc wanls his opinion .]6. (A) In a fe d.scn.
enrering rbe Est sit.. (B) she wel, lo hed him lecruc. (B) close by.
(c) Th. saonry siidd prohibils anyone (c) sh. uanls to know:bour,.ouh. h. (c) At 6c utitity coEpanyt h€adquaneB.
20. (A) Ue slDuld receivc check for rh. hom enllnns th. ksr sitc. (D) Th. man h6 no ida.
sruderts on ssisnmenr. (D) They probabl) wonl l€ allowed in. (D) She w&rs ro meer Profesor
(B) I!s impossiblc to know th. ne.s of 37. (A) lltch.aper in !h. shonlu.
the students doiDs th. signmcDt. 27. lA) Sh. d*sn'i belicve that Sally brokc (B) Th. udlity compoy woD r Deed any
(c) Hc should iDdi6r. who h6 EDished l3 JA) A cou6c whcrc rh. protesor lEturcs.
(B) Sally told her that sh. hadb.oken th. (B) A coiB. wh.E ,he $,.t.nE ,,xr (c)
(D) Hc w6 checking to see that rhc listen and lake rcr.s. (D) It.\isls ir ldge quatirid.
srud.n6 were wo.kins on t]1c (c) Sally n.ver EIs th. man anrahine. (C) A cou6e with Prof.ssor Pati.Eon.
(D) sally k ows *har happcned, but sh€ (D) A couBc whcE thc srudens takc pan 3E. (A) Sh.! conemed itll b. i@ cosdy.
isn l leuing anyone. indiscussion- (B) Shc ihinke th. price is rm low.
21. (A) Thls iso't ve.y iftpon4t lo hei
clds (c) She thinls the plan! is tohuy
(B) Norhins at all is imponat b hei . 28_ (A) He w6 isr a litde ups.t. 34. (A) sh. think n1l b. bonns.
(c) This clss could b. morc imponel ro (B) (B) She desn't want to tak. it (D) sh. thilks rhe uriliw company has a
(c) Hc wa a pd of the news. (c) h soun<ls eood !o h.r
(D) This cl6s is cxrenely importdr to (D) E. Llt up*r abour his hedirs. (D) shc'd prefera cou6c wi$ moc
sludent palriciparion.
29. (A) The Ban should ta}. the advM..d
22. (A) Sbei q)ad to b. goins to lhe same
(B) She Ps already at a f@tball sm. (B) Th. man should attach the can to thc

(c) (c) Thc ra. G doin-q things in th€ wrons

(D) She is reallr- soinC to lry to s€t there.
(D) Thc md \ould lile leafring to painl
21. (A) Th. prices of microcompureE e
(B) Be ertcch.olosy should l.ad ro 10. (A) The wome had son.tr rid ofher

(c) The decrcased priccs should mate ih. (B) The woman did nor wan! !o seI the

(D) Bcau* rhc pric.s of micMoFputeB

&c exrcmely hish. they should
, (c) h would talc the womar longer to

(D) Thc wofrd would nder rid. a bicyclc.



1n1tr1tr1r1tr1n1n1 1 1 1n1 tr 1 tr 1 tr 1 1
Part c (A) Th. EmpioymcnL Officc moa,.r 46. (A)
(8, The univ.Eiry rcglrrr. Bulns Dlatic botde.
(B) Solvils rh. prcbl.rc in lard6ls.
talk After c&h t'lk vou MU h'a som' (C) thc tektorc huasci
Dir.ctiod: Ir thi5 parl of $. rest. vou wiu hcar sdeEl (c) Buying thB. r.cycl.d prEduc8.
q.esrions qil not b' re Far'd'
(D) A stud.nr wo.kinc in th. bookslorc.
ffi Fn'. orr' *a (D) Bdomin8 awe of rhc .nvircm..r
in* y", r,.-, q"*..,, *"d r"",.y r:i:Ijry:i ;: l::i:l H:-*-$:iffiIiffi' 40, (A) ft'epa.e a sch.dule. (A)
:tuw.r Th.n, on vouruwdsheer' hnd $'num! (B) Dccid. which wo.keF ro hire_
The Cenrral P,cfc crcuD
(B) rh. Tan$onrincnl:t Rrilroad
cor6ponds to Lhc lckrol th"nswer vou hav'choren' (c) Plan studen! cou6c sch.dules.
(D) Comp&y.
TFin otffcc workeE. (c)
H.r. is .n e,(mPle. A sroup hoh Ogdcn. UhlL
4t (A) Whar dr. srudenls' maioB ,r. (D) lwo scpek Ejload cohpani.s.
On ihc rccording, You hcarr (B) when thc stud.nis arJabl. ro work
(c) why rhe stud.nrs want ro work. 48. (A) Thcy had ro lay Facks acrcss a
(naEtor) Listen b an isttuctot talk ta his cbs about Pdintif,g'
(D) r, whichjobs rhe stud.nrs havc (B)
knM 6 An'ricad Th.y had ro crcs atl of Nebtuka_
(manr A/lLtt Grunt w@d 6 d suidina lorc' i4 he Yhoolof Paintin| (c) Th.y had lo work for eorher
;,i";",. , '"k 'Ak"-c 't'c;Lmctive c\'**e*da ott1-foa :at da:l h ed
i'iii^. *"a aion dtodns oddars onEth' e'dlamitv {M.at'h' a8' ot ttua 42. (A)
'""i*i^ il7* *'","'ctt on' ot h; Paintincs d-tetut'bt' a :idt.o!- (B) Th.y had to hovc w6rwd.d ro
e^';^ chthi' k a stut4v :idPt' (c) B6itrs $cnh.nro, califomia.
Dubti. aon . and lcctattu rh'- i'"'ai 'aui otEce workeE
iiiii,", "11''""i^ *"rt' 't;nAEdn'cttt aut ot the ei*d' (D)
49. (A)
43. (A)
Now lisr.n to a soPle qu.stioD' (B)
Pmblcms in la.dfflls.
6 Anericdn t'tionolist?
@ (c) How fl.ec. (D)
(Detor) rtrhat sryie ol Paintins b k'own @ is obEin d.
(D) R.qtlilg soda boldB. 50. (A) ndi1. \r
D) us.d ro bla! our
(D 44.
ln your tes! book, You read: lA) An hom Ameri@! iM.r cnia' lA) Ihcy wer. I.h in tmdfill e6. (B) A golden spik. ka t@.rcd irro
iB) Afl hom the centBl ..sion of th' U'S' (B)
ict nn tr'"m,.nos ",uan ard in rh' U s (c) (c) The workcE laboGd .tanp..oslv
iD) An fiom tuElsecdons ot Amena (D)
is ID)' (D) Th. wortcE Eavcscd rhc Siem
whar srvle oi paintrnc a tnoM s Aheric& ''gionalist?" 45. (A) Dv..
rhe bcsi Mswcr lo rhe qucsrioo, (D)' (B)
:ii;;-;;:;,;;;'-;i^mcncr'' rrEcrore' thr conec!'norc' is
Now Iisten to anorher samPlc qlestion
(dffitor) whot Li h. ndn' of wood\ tnost successful Painlins? @
,nyou^es,book.youre.d,,(g\ .H:l:il,,1?.trli.i;.." This is lhe end ot Section 1.
Stop work on Section 1.
(C) "American Gothic,''
(D) Aserious CouPlc"' Turn olt your cassette player.
wh is rhe name ofwood! mosr successrul Parnlng?" I 'c)
The b.fi aEw.r ro the qu.$@n,
; ii*.t-r'i.." (c''

R.nemb€r, you
lre !9!
rhe corccr cho'c' is

allowcd to tale notes o' Mi!' in vour test book' eeeec9ei@@@

Read lhe dkecllons for Sec on 2,and beqin
Oo NOT read or work on any other seition
ol the tesr during the next 25 mtnutes-

\ c.c

Lt o 2 a 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o Z o 2 a 2
the SramP Act in 1765 Provokcd
srons oplosition among lhe Aderican
Droximiry lo New York Ncw
is iDpon2nr lin} rn Lhc nation!
TiBe-25 mirutes (A) Sinc,c
/- '
(A) Th€ Pssasc wG
I (includirs rhe rEading of t}te directioN) (B) It w6 $€ P6sag.
j Now set your cl@k for 25 Einutes. (C) Before thc Pdsas. (c) How.ver
(D) Becauseof
This sectiotr is desisn.d io me6urc your abitity to recognize lssuas. rhat is apprcp.iate for srandard
2. a nronomrsLs -ork ro Lmprotc th' quai'N
Mitlcn Eneljsh. The.e ar. rwo q.s of qucstioE in ihis sccrion, willt sP€cia.l djrccions for each q?e. ln l9O5 Junelu replaced Snka
Ahska. oicrops. ,qcrease Ihe seld of helds and
(A) |he caPihl wa
- lhe soil.
Structure (B) 6 the caPital of (A) rhc quatiry is maiohined
(B) oainurn thc qualirv
wil sc. fou
(c) was th. caPital of
D:!Egqg!5: Ou6tjoc l-15 dc iD.oDplerc s.n1.nc6 E€naII each s.ntence vou (D) the capital beins (C) rhe mahrenance ofrh' qualiry
*a" - pt*"., ,r,--t"a (A), (B), (c). md (D). ch@* th. qa9 word or phl2s that b.st @mPlcts (D) maintaiDiog th. qualitY ^
rnc *ntcncc. Thcn, on you .Ewd 5h..!. find th. DMb.r of th. quedon dd Ell h ih. sPac. that l- llere fiEt Yi.wed throush ! t'l6coPc
corcspon& ro rhc lenir of thc ew.ryou hav€ cho*n. Fill in rh. sPac. so th fic l.rer inside th. by Galilco. 9. Frcm 1898 to 1933, $e U.s wea$€r
-(A) Bureau obtain.d infomation rbout rhc
! Jupner hs tour roons wath.r hom to box knd-
L6k at the lollowing 6hpls. (B) JuPiLer! four m@ns
(C) luprr.r surcuded four m@ns
bY (A) attached -d.vjces
l Etuph I sdPl. Alswcr (B) atBched 10 deviccs
(D) Suftodd.d bY fou. m@ns ]uPner
r- (c) devices atta.hed
Thc prBident thc clection by a lan&lidc. 4. otrh.lc. Age dound 8000 (D) ddices were arach'd
@ B.c., Dam;oths b.om. .,tinc!.
- @ , -th..nd lo. Prcjecti!. t.sG 4 th. Rocchach
@ Test hart no nsh. or l@ng aEweE'
(D) lt wa -
(c) Thal
(B) simild
The senlenc. should Ead, Thc p6idenr won the el6tio. by a landslide." Th.r.fore, vou shoutd (c) like
ll Th.re arc vo bai. kiDds ofair
comprcssoG, re.Lpr@tinE and
I l. on. DUrDose to d.cide if ficrc is
{A) aDother krnd thar is roiatng
- rufacic;t evidcncc ro tri a peEon fora
when the confclcnc.? @ (B) one thar roors -
(A) rhc (.)
-- docto.
(B) did
thE doctor atteDd
(A) of a gBnd iurY is
(c) rhc deror will atiend @ (B) ol a EEnd jurv
(D) the doclorr atte.dance 6. The human body ha four iuguld v'ins {c) fora sBDd jual
side of !h. neck (D) of a sEld jur.vwhich is

The s.E!eDc. should read. wh.n did the dcror attend the conler.ncel" Therefore, lou should
1A) ficrc e wo on
(B) t has two on
Now bcsin work on the qu.stions.






2 o 2 o 2 2 o 2 o 2 O 2 o 2 a 2 2
a 2 a 2 O 2 o 2 2 O O

i 12. 1917, $. Golden Gate Bridg.

th. .ttranc. lo Sd
14. Scicntisrs nres that th. ov.rall wmiDs
trcnd ol th. lst dcqd. holdr much moE Written ExPression
sp s thc chfficl at
-in sistri56ce single Yces phrs6 The tour
scnr.nc. h$ four unddliD'o *ords or
fl -
(B) cohplctcd
(c) conplcrins
(D) To cohpl.t.
(B) the do anY
(c) thd eY do iitfl}ilj.]i:'ll#f }jl#ltkl;*;**r"=x*f,
i1 A slippcd disk is a condition !h. ar rhe fouowine cxamPles'
ed 15. when impuls€s flod ronY of the
intcNcn.br2l disk proNdes Pr.sses
ii - n.uons in onc Pan of lhe bEjn, an
i{ -
ePilePdc seizue @ffi
a violin ?I9 qlql
ii (B) which i5 (A) th. sirulracous buEts
(B) simult2leously bar
Th. four nnns oo
T_ -B c D -@
(D) (c) dErc se simuttaneou buFLr or in Efths. @
il that
(D) simultan ouslY bu6tins lun€d in fifths " Thercfo'e vou should
I snteDcc snodd read,
_Thc fou strin8s on a violin dc

Tb. r.sedch for ih' book R@rr r:!im
:i. ---T--T-
-: u-
:l Aid Haley tw.lvgyaE @
i L]
- TheEforc'
iiru*ntcnce Roor took Alcx Hal'v tw€llc ve6
should read, rhc rec*ch for the b@k
il on the qucsuoni'
Now beein work


2 o 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 o 2 O 2 o 2 I

rl 16. Latex Nbbcr is madc hm a ftilky substanial in ptaDls and ntes of the spodilla tamily- t) 31. The WagnerAct guaranrces works in the U.S. th*ight to orCmizinC ]aborunions.
17. Thc stare with th. most laryc producdon of robac.o producB is Nonh Ca6lina. 32-- According the kinetic lheory allma(erffiists of consta \'moving panicles.
I 18. Ballads, like folk tales. began thousands of yeaE aco amonc pcople who @uld nor rcad or
ll The averaee sah.orleni of sea\La1er is more Lh 3 perce.ts.
The isotopes ofone element can hare different weighs.
il D
;i t9 Th.liEr prolessiooal beeballga6e t r6k placc in 1846 when ihe N.w lb.k Ninc delearcd rhe l
ll is in the iropospherc, the lowesr pan of rhe atmosphere, rhar wind stoms, and anorher kinds
il ABCD -B C
ii New York KrickerbockeE 23 ro l.
of weather lake place.
ri D
20. Mo.c than 100 diffe.enr kird5 of nails is fianufacrurcd iI th. United Star6.
I EC D The differing curicula at the community colleses in Kcnr County reflect rhe fact lhat the student
; ,l AB
2t Ahong Thoms Jeffe6on! me:/ accomplishment w6 hiswork to Btabush rhe Univ.Eiry of
CD populaiion al each si16 is not coosistent.
l CD
,l Ofthe t@ Diomede Islands, onb'one belongs the unned Shles.
22. Thc starc otNew Meiico is not d.nsely population, with nn aveEge ofor fou people per squa.e ABCD

A BCD The novek of Kun vonnegut prcsent a dcsperately comic awdc of human nature.
{ .!
39. In spire ofher physician handicaps, Helen Keller sEduaied hm Radcliffe with hono6.
which causciitm6 to tum blu.,eids oBe litFus to rum r.d ABCD
BCD oth6 de releded only aherabaclerium dies.
40. Somc loxins are prcduced by aliw bacteria, bur
i 24 Plant oninsswho e plac.d in warer will d.v.lop r@rs and En rh.n b. planred ireil. ABCD
A B ---- -D-
25 Lead poisonjas cn resuit if ro muchlead builds up in fic body.
26. Mary Americs childB leamed to cad toom the more tha. 120 millioo copi.s of Mccart3
71 hA Fare\wll toAms 11926) Heminswal t.ied to caprw the fe.lines th. AreriGn people al
This is the end ot Section 2.
thc end ot world war 1.
1 ---D-- If you flnish betore 25 minutes has ended,
; check youa work on Seclion 2 only.
;i 28 Frc6 1785 to 1790, the c!pi!!l of the U.s. is localed in NcwYork ciry
29 y3ry civilwe banlcs werc foush! in virsinia lhan in any oths state.
30 When T. S. Eliot! IlE lt/$relad app@€d in 1922, di!i6 \vere divided s to how well it w$ At the end ol 25 minutes, go on to Section 3.
I ABC Use exactty 55 minutes lo work on Section 3.


3 r 3 a 3 a 3 x3 3a3a 3 3n3a3a3n3 3r3n3
^ QuestioN 1-9
REA.DINC COMPREHENSION SamuclMo6e accohplth.d som.Lhins fiat is accodplished: he achi4.d tumc ed succss
rrde-ss Einutcs i!two widely differing se6. Thrcushout his youth he studied art, Md aft.r scd6ting from Yale
(hctudiDg t}lc r€ading of th. direciioDs) Univ.Eiw he wenr o. ro Lordon in 181l. wher. his ea.ly anistic endeavoE de! with a.claim. h
Now set your clock for 55 EiDutes. London he w6 aweded the eold D.dal of th. Adelphi Ait Socicry for a cl4y hglre ol Hcrcules,4d his
iii p inrings Th. D-aine sercula and.me tudeement af Jupiter qer€ sele.ted for e;hibir by the Royal
Aad.my- ljter in lit , after rctumins to Am.na. Mo6e be@me knoM for his Polcils- His PorEaiB
Thiss.crion is desisned ro mcaure your ability to read and uhde6tatd shon pass.ges simild in
iopic and style to tlios€ thatstudents a.e likely !oen.ounrerin Noflh Aheri6n unive6itiesand ofth. Marquis de Lifayene are on e$ibit in $e New York city Hall and the New York Public UbEry
t! In addnio. to his disric accomplishhents, MoBe is aho wellknom torhis{ork dev.lopins
'i fi. tclegEph and what is known 6 Modc Cod€. He fiEt had the idea of tryins ro dcvelop lhe t.lesEph
I pi'.ctioE: ln rhis secr.on vou qU re.d seleElpas"8er. ta.honc i5 touowed b\ , nudbel of in 1832, or board a shrp retuming ro Aherica from Eurcpe. ii t@k el.ven loag yem of.idicule by bis
qr*,i.*'.1"., v"" .. io ch@sc rhe o!! besr ansver, (A). {B). .C). or (D). ro;ach quesnon. Th.n. ssociarcs, disinrery{ by rhe publi., ud a shon se of tulds beforc congrcss Enaliy all6.t.d $30,000
t ',. ro MoEe for'hjs prcjc( Wth fiese tunds, Moce huns a tcl.sEph line from Wdhinsron, D-C., ro
on you answersh.er, find the nuhber olthe questiod and hU in thc spac. tlu! corr.sponds to th.
Balnmore, and on May 2a, l8aa. r messaec i! the dols od dashcs ofMo6c Code wE su.cBsfimy
letl.r of fie Gw€r you have choscn-
i! Answer all questions about the infom.rion in a Psase on the bdis of what is :E!gl or lsjligl in

Thc word -acclaim'iD
:l Rcad the following p6sasei lin.3 is clos.st in
which of the fouovins is thc best ropic
,ohn Quincy Adams. who s.ded 6 rhc siath President of thc Unit.d Starrs trcm 1825
to 1829. is rodryrccosn,zed to. ha ms,ertul sBresmansh.o ed diplomac,r B.,dcdic!t.d his (A) SamuclMoEe!, anistic talents
life to public bofi in Lh. pr.tid.n(y sd .n rhe various oLhcr politrcal o,hccsrnai ne (B) Thc use of Mo6c Code in an
"enicc. political (c) The inv.ntion of th. telesEph
.jz hcld. ihroushout this or.er ht demooshred his utuscrviDs b.lief if, fredoh of
,l (5) spdh, the antislavcry cause, d thc righr ofAmencans to bc f!c. frod EuroPean and Asian (D) Sanu.l Mo6.i hned success6
i 2. Th. word "haly" i! Iin. I is clccsr in 5. According to thc p6sge, MoM won a
n..nins to which oi the followins? !riz. for which ofthe following works?
I (A) A shtue ofHercules
@ (B) S.ldon @) fh. D.riaq Herclla
j Adffi dclote
To \vhar did John OuiDcy his life?
,- (C) Usu.[! (c) Ih. JudEen.nt ofJrpner
(A) lrprcvins hG PeFonal liie @ (D) A ponhit of bfay.ne
(B) SeMns the publjc @
(c) Incr.6iDs.hhfortune L Acco.dins to fic pasase, io his early Th. word "accomplishmenE" in line 8 is
l (D) workinE on his privat. business lif., MoE. concentEt.d o. prepding closen in m.aning to
for which of th. tolloqins @ee6?
Accordins to lhe pNage, John Oui,c-vAdams dedicared hislife to Public *nice." Therelore vou (A) A crreer s an invcnto.
(B) A career 4 an anist
: (c) A career N a lelceraph opeEtor
(D) A crreer d.velopinc MoEe cod€

I. line 4, the \vo.d "unswenin-s" is closcsl in heaning ro

! ID
: @
(C) unchangirs

The oassaE( sbres thar John OL,nctAdams dcmonsrGico his un,w.rying bell!l"throLghour his
c&ei Th'is implies that rhe beliefdd nor change. T\ereforc.rou should choose (Cr
NoP b€gin \o.k on lhe quenions.


J 3a3a3n3r3a3n3 I

3a3 3n3n3a3 3a3
wlich th. followios ir NoT hendon.d
of 9. h is iFpli.d in thc pasaEc thal thc Ouestions l0-20 l
s a ptublcm cncount.rcd by MoF. in d.vclopm.Dt of rh. Gl.sEph u
ddcloping th. tclegEph? (A) t@k place ictdlscously Mount R6hhore is a w.I-knoM monudent in the Black Hills ofSoulh Dakoia that fearur.s drc
(A) (B) w6 60r. difficrllt for MoEc thu his countcndccs oI fourU. S. prcsidenls: Wdhinglon. Jeffe6on. Rooseveh, ad Lincolr. what is nore
His coworkcE laughcd at him.
(B) fl *.U k own is that lhe pdess of creatins rhis narional treduE ws not exacdy an unev.n!firl
Thc public ws nor intercst.d in wha! alt6dc achicveBcnls
(c) w6 a proje! fial Monc oftcn gave un
h. was doing.
ts; Moum R6hmorc ws the projecr of the visionary sculptorJohn culzcn de Ia ltothe Bo.gluh,
(c) H. suE rEd numercus mechaic.l
w3 L,om in Idaho bur studied sculptuc i! Paris in hisyouih and betriended rh. tamous Frcnch
(D) w6 d id.a $at ws rcally dev.loped fr who
(D) hv s6meon. else sculptorAugunc Rodin. h 1927 BorEIum w6 snnrcd a commGsion by rhe l€de€lg
He did nor havc enoush money.
s.atc thc lculpture on Mounr Rushmore. Thoush he wc D.dl), sixiy yea6 old when he srded, he
8. Thc expr.ssion "doB and d6hes" ir lin€ 1l fi wa undaunted bv the edomiq? of the proje.t Md the ob$acles rhat ireneende.ed. He oplimisrically
could b€$ be (placed by whichof rhc
lt0) dscfled that thc prcject would be compiered wilhin fiv. yea6, not ca.ins ro r.cosnize rhe porenijal
problcns thar such a m6si!€ prcj.cr would involvc, the problens of dcalins wilh financine, with
Sovcmmcnt bu.c.ucac_v, and wirh Morhcr Nanlre he6clf. Ar example of whar MoiherNarure had to
(A) Sho( sounds ud loog soun.ls r{
s rhros zr dre prc'<r wu rhc 6s\ur. rhnr oeveloptd in rh. cBnirc wh.r.Je,iecon ws beirg cafted.
(B) Cirl6 &d s€sm.n6 it Jc(.6or h.d to b. moved to the o$crside ofWdhirsron, nexr ro R@s.velr, becaEe oathe br.ak in
(C) Points and lines tt5) rh.$one. Th. work that had b€.n naned oo th. fi6rJetre@n had ro be dynamn.d away-
{D) Urssd do\e il Mount Rushmorc w6 norconplcted wirhin th. fiv. yeu prcdicred by Borglum and ws in f.ct
nor actually complcr.d wnhin Borslumi, lifetime, althoush it was almoe finished. Bo.glum di€d on
Much 6, 1941, ar rhc ase of sevcnry-four, afre. touneen yea6 of qork on thc presidenrs. His son.
il Lincoln Borsluh. who had *orked wirb ht farhe. rhroughout rhe prcjecr, complcred lhe monumenr
wirhin.ish! monrhs ot his farhers death.

:r li
ri s 10. which olthc followinE besr erpresses rhe 12. which olihe fouowine besr des$ibes rhe
I il
main idca of rhe passage? relationship between Borslum and Rodn
in Borelum! e,rlv y.aBl
in (A) Mounr Rushmore wa a hus. projecr
,) filled with numerous obstacles. (A) Borglun stldied about Rodin in
il (B) Mounr Rushnore is a famous
t 'i (c)
tunerican monument. (B) Borclum was lar more iamous than
Mounr Rushhorc has sculptures of Rodin s a sculproi
t{ four U.S. presidenB on n. (C) Borslum a.d Rodin were bom and
I (D) John Gutz.n dc la Mothc Borslum mised in the same placc.
!i (D)
creaGd Moutrr Rushmore. Borelum aDd Rodin were triends.
1 I l. Tie wod "countenances in linc 2 could 13. The$ord "ncarly" in line 8 could best be
bcn be rcplaced by rcplaed bYwhich of rhe followins?
I t
,! (B) closely
It (D) Barelr
i, T
'{ I


iultil+ ,{'

, Z
F.' ff
3n3n3a3a3a3 3n3 1


3 n3 a 3 a 3 x3 3a3a3
r1 'ri
14. Which of fte followins is NOT true about 18. The pronoun'ir' in lioe l7 rcfeF rc which
h Questions 2l-30 ,t of the rollowins?
,I (A) Jeff.Bor
iE Carbon dalins €n bc u*d lo.stimatc rhc age of any or€dic naMrl mal.rial: it ha bem !s.d G) flc be84 Mount Rushhorc round The fiEr
succ.sstully in eheoloEy to d.Grnin thc ag. of 3nci.nt anifacls or fossils 4-*ell E in a vdietv o ri the asc ol sixty. (B) Mount Rshhor
oth.r fi.lds. The prircipl. underMne th. 6. oi @bon dating is rhar carbon is a parr of all liviag (B) He predict.d that Mount RGhmor (C) Borsluds lif.tim.
rj 4. (D)
drings on Eifth. Silce a Edioactivc subst rce such 6 @rbon_1a ha a loown half_lifc, the Moun! would b€ finished dound 1932' Founeen ]ts of work
c,bon-I4 rcmaining in u objet ce be 6cd to dAt. thal objqct. (C) Moun! REtnore ws finish.d whcn
CuboD-I4 haa half-lilc of5,570 ycd, whi.h meds thal aft.r that numb.r of y.G h.lf of rh. i* Bor€Ium Pr.dicted n sould b'' 19. Which of lhe followiog is clos.st in
cirlon- 14 atohs hav€ d.eyed into niE!s.n-I4. It is fic Etio of carbon'I4 to nitrce.n_14 ia ihat {D) Borglm eorked on Mount me ing to fte exp.cssion "wi!hi! eiSh!
g.bnanc. rhar indier6 .hc agc of the slbstanca If, fo. dahPle. in a particula. sopl. rhe amount of $ Rushmorc for mor. than a decade mon&s ofhis fatheri death" in line 20?
is roushly equivalcnt to thc amounr o[nirosen'14. lhis indicates thai rcush-ly hali of ih. (A) More lhad eight months b.fore his
ca$on.la h6 dc-qy.d-!a to nitrogen-14, and th. sampl. i5 approxima€ly s.570 yed old. lt 15. Ir @n bc infeftcd fiom th. Pdsage thir Fatherl dath
be used effetiv.ly in dating objcds that aft oldar than 80,000 Borglur {s someone wbo (B) Le$ lhd.isht Fonths bcfore his
dc l}lal old. much of th. @bon-14 hs alr.ady d@y.d into oinoBcn'I4. ed thc qirusculc it fath.r's delh
thar is lcft d6 trot provid. a rcliable mcaurirncnt of as.. in tb. 6c of old.r obj.crs, oth.r
(A) expect d thcbcs!to haPPen
[i (B) (C) Lcss than eight motrrhs aher his
.gc-daring mdhods sc availablc, mcthods which u. Edioacriv. atoms with lons.r half-livG fid
set r€disri< goals
;{ (C) nder hcd anlrlling t@ challensing iath.r's dath
' (D) es alwaF ahaid tha! bad thi,ss (D) Morc thd eieht months after his.
w.rc going ro haPP.n hth.rs dath
this pdsgc is mainly abour 25. Th€ word "underllns" itr li.e I could b€t
21, fi 16. A "fissurc" in lin. 13 is a 20. whcE in th. Pssgc dG th. author
(A) th. diffcr.nc$ bcrwcetr orbon-I4 rl mcntion uhcn tb. Mount Rushmor.
and ritro8.n-14 (A) discoloGtion ?rcje.! go! stjncd?
(B) one merhod of datins oldobjects (B) .cqui.ing ,i
(C) dch.ology d thc study ofocicnt (C) b€'tB studi.d $6ugh (c) uncvcmEs
(D) scdins6abdisfor (B) Litr6 7-8
$ (c) Lines 9-12
(D) v&io6 uses for cn.bon (D) Lincs I7-18
26, h can b€ infer.d frod $cpdsase thar if 17. Why dcs th. author mentiotr &e fact that
Thc wo.d'*d;:t€" in line I is cLo*st in an item contains more cdbon-14 than th. cd,ns of Thoma J€ffcson wa
njlrosen-14, ihen th€ ireo is
'i (A) t@ old lo b. agc-daGd with
I (A) I! shows ehal a Pcrfeclioact
G) hid. Borslun w6.
(B) oota much 6 5,570 Yed old ,i (B) n demonst?tes Borglumi ardnic
, (C) t@ 6dioa.!iv. to bc s.d bY
(C) Ir siv€s iNishr into Jeffcson!
Thc prcnoun "il" i! line t refe6 lo (D) oo.c tha. 5,570 Yes old * (D) lt
isan et.opleofa Probleh o6ed
I z7 The ex!.cssion roushly equival.nf in line bv nature-
r4 (B) the age
9 colld bcsr be rcpla.ed by
(C) any olEanic natuhl matenal {
f, (A) exaclly rhe same
(B) sinilar in all respecB rt
i3,. whkh of rhe following is NO-t true about (c) Ether ambivalenr .i
tt (D) approimately eqlal
ij (B) lts half-lifc c mo.c than 5,000 yea6.

(c) it
i'l h and nitroscn aluays.\ist ,n equal
liEt adounlt in eysubsunc. iI
,[, (D) ItE deB] into oilrogdn-I4.
ij l

i{.,i r;,,"rl*f i

r3a3a3^343a3a3a3 3 n3 a 3 3a3 r3 3a3
28, Th..xprNion "is lch" in line 13 coutd 30. Thc aegraph following rh. p6sagc mosr Questiotrs 3 1-39
^ ^
b6t b. replaced by prcbably disclsB
In fic b.SiMing oi thc nircr..nlh c.ntury- th' Amcrican
cduorjonat svsl'm w6 dgFEt'lv in
(A) ho* ca6on- 14 d@ys inro tritFgen-l n..d of rcfom. PriEr. sch@ls e{st.d, but or'v ror the vcrv nch'
dd therc wd try f'w publi' -
(B) h6 disppca.d (B) EioE orh.r aecdadrs mclhodt grcw up to be laborcc should not
(c) (c) *hy@bon-la h6 su.h j long :#"1:;;;;;;';"'s senti4snl rharclur'lr'n who would
*orL r! w4 in
bu(shourd insEad pEp'rc th'msrv's tror rh''r rir'r
(D) is soDe half-lif.
ifJilil;;;;;;,J"n (romc* slr about the'r tsrc Ho.cc M"*
(D) e
,ii,i. "i,r,.'",u1i:;;',.etrt .r'.teduoriomrthl lhere wd-no s s'in a rcPubrjc ror sv citi.n to
29. I! b implicd in rlE p6a8e thar
what substancE
rhinss -
pan of a.ll livirs Hf;"-ih J;'-i;;;' "r the rerom.6 t rr in thc;urc or Msachusers tron t 83? ro 1848' h'
il"'iii,-"] !"*r*"Dd.nr ot Edu@tion
(A) .abondatinscourd &r bc u*d on fi;;;;;;;::. ^ werc s@n mtched inoth'r scherdrricrs eund th' cost'1 He
an itcm conrainias dtlogcn l-i5iia ,i. fi""iv* r;"hichHv. to sd Fonths d improvcd ne qu iw or r'acheB tv ilBtilutins
(B) fosils (:&or bc aBe-darcd using Lii;ilJ;;;;i."t*s t.&her sai&i6. Althoush th'se chdscs drd nor brins abour a sudd'n
@bon{4 iff5;ililil;;;ffiJ.vii". *"v *t"*' ;"**d pubhc awu'n* s ro Lhe n"d rora
(C) calbon-I4 d6 norhav. rh.longGt of thc systcm.
tunhcr su.rgh.nins
Itom h.lf-lif.
{o) obon dating ha no hoM uscs
eheolosy followirs qodd !h' most 14. why is fic word "wat.' in line 4
ouEide of 3t, whi.h of lhc ba
puncrualed in lhis mffi.rl
apprcpdare ddc for $e Pasag.?
(A) A Fight for change (A) Th. author wmt5 to.mPh6ize how
(B) Ni'.rcerth'Century Refom much tim. w6 lrlcd on
(C) Ameria EducatioD education.
(D) Thc BegiMings ot Refom in (B) Thc aulhor i5 quonng someon. else
l Amerid Education who said that eduedon wa a
Ir is implicd in th. PNsage rhar Lo so to a
(C) Thc author think thar cdu.adon is
12. no! rcally a w6t. of tihe.
privat sch@I, a studc need.d
ii - (D) Thc author dGs not wdt students to
(A) a hish lev.i of intelligencc wdtc fteir dmc on cducation'
lij (B) a srons .duqtional ba.kgosd
(c) s@d sEdB 35. Whatare "r.fome6" in line 5?
ii (D) a lot of mon.Y
(A) Peoplc eho rY to chanse things
li qord "*minenr in lin€ 3 is closn in for the belre.
33, Th. (B) Peoplcvho E:llY.nloY te&hinB
(C) P.opl. who belidc that eduetion
is wdred
ii (D) P.opl. who work ior th. gov.mhenr
(D) d'sasr..ment



3 3 x3 3 3n3I 3
^ ^ ^ ^
16. A.cording ro th. psrse, ahv djd ltodct
Minn\@t a b.trcr edu@tional svrlcF tor
38. Thc word "marched" i! lin Ecouldbe$bc

i tn I SOl, ,i,o apoUo I t *Eonauls made rh.ir hisroric lddins oD the surfae of rh. M@n. Thjs Edugtion at ihc tih.\E s ch'aP'
(B) cqu.l.d
hom.nto$ tip for humoity atso povided *icntislt wilh an abundancc of matcrial for stu4'; 6!m
(B) ln a r.public, a.lt citiz.ns should b'
(q ffn.d
locl rnd soil smplcs broushr ba.k hEm th. Moon, sci.ntr6 hale b..n able to der.dine huch abour
thc compositio, of th. Moor s w.ll 6 io draw infccnc6 abour rhc d.!€lopm.nt ol thc M@n flom ils (c) Pcopl. had nolhing clse to do erc'Pt
39. Accordiirs ro th. Pegc, which ot ihe
Tlc M@n soilthatcm.back on Apollo ll cotrbiE snallbits of r@k ed els which weE (D) M;9ch6.c rsiden6 nceded foUowins is . chdg. that Eo6ct Men
prob.bly Bround ttom lar8d tuks whctr m.t.oE impacted with the surhc. ol tb. M@r Thc biis ot somerlung to do with their sPdc
r.l13! e sphcri@l iD shape and coEtitute apprcximatcly half of thc M@n soil. S.icnrisB
found no (A) Ee!|er t.achcr @inin8
of aiifalir plaol lifc i! this $il. (B) lncteded PaY for sruden6
L addition ro th. M@D eil. sEo&uts sath.cd two bdic r.rpcs of Mk 6om the surface of $. 3?. Th. word'itritialed in Iine I is closd in icj rt'e fi,*ooortr *i'ol va
,dralr ud rrd..ia BsaI is a c@l.d and hard.n€d rclenic lava .omoon lo ihe Eanh. Since iD) Th. mrtchbs ofother dGrid5
ls formcd u.dd cxEcm.ly high tchFFtllE, th. pB.nce of Lhis t?. of Bk is & indication PoliciB
thrt th. t mFrlts. of th. M@n w6 oncc exr.m.ly hot. Br.ccia, !h. oth.r kind of lock brcught back
$. arlmnauls, {s iorm.d duins th. iEpac! of fa.llins objets o! th. slrfa.c of th. M6' This (B) bFad.ned
tyF of El consisB of salt piacs of rek compi*id tog.!h.r by thc forc. of impacL Gag,
(c) ovcrtumcd
dd h.tium, werc ioud in sotuc ol the Mks, ed *i.ntis6 b.lifl€ rhar the 966 (D) stan d
M@n by thc solar wind, the slEaN of g6es that e constddy cmitled bv th.

(). Which of th. foUowins would b. thE mosr 43. Th. pord "sph.rical' in linc 6 is clos6t in
rpprcpriat. ddc for lhis p6sas.?
(A) Th. Apolo AsFonauts
(B) soilon rh. M@n (B) circule
(C) lvhal rh. Moon-b Madc of (c) dsuld
(D) Edalt ed Brcccia (D) anorlhos
An"abundanc." io line 2 is 44. Whi.h of rh. folowins \E NoT brought
back !o the Eatth by lhe dtronauts?

(C) an insiEr hcMt prcponion (B) soil

(D) Plantlifc
,12. A.coiding to fie pseec, what doa M@!
45. An indication" in line 12 is
(A) Hydrcsen sd
hcliun (A) an exhibition
(B) Lj.sc cbunk ofvol.anic lava
(C) Trnlpicccs of non* and elss
(D) srreams ofs6es



3n3a3a3 3r3a3a3


4. A..ordins to the p6ssc, brccci. wa 49. Th. auftor! PurPos in this Psagc is lo
(A) d6crib. sm. rc.k dd soil sePl6
(A) qhcr obj.crs (B) cxplain som. of thl things l@.d
frcm voteaic ]aq
th. M@n
fi'om sP&. fli8}'ts
SECTION l: Listening Comprehension
(C) whcn stt!.m of saes hit fic surface (C) propos. a ncw tidry abour tE
cFalton of thc M@n I l. c 21. D 3t. 41. B
(D) from thc irkhction of heliuh dd (D) d.6ont!at. iI. differe'c. betwc.n 2.8 12. A 22. c )2. c 42. D
hdsdk nd br4cia 3,4 13. D 23. B 33. D 41. D
4.C 24. 34. c
47. It is impli.d in th€ p6ese that scienlists 50- II @b. ibf.ft.d trom the pasase thar 5.D 15. B 25. B 35. B 45.
16, C 16. D 36. B c
b.lid. rhar th. s6es foud in ihe M@n (A) thc ody itetu of imPon&cc that 7,8 17_ D 21. 37. D 47, D
sronauts broughr back bom $e LD tE. c 28. B 38. 48.
(A) wcrc not originaly from th. M@n Mootr w.rc r6k 0d soil smPlcs 9.C 19. C 29. c 19. c 49. D
(B) wN cBt d iEidc thc Mks (B) scienrists l@.d rclativ.ly Lild. ftom 0.8 20. c 30. 40. 50. B
(C) g'Avcld ftod lhc Moon to thc Sun thc M@n Gk dd $il sPl.s
(D) 6rd rh. Moon! lehpcEture ro (C) scienusE do not b€lid. $at n is
ncccssary ro..hm ro th. M@n
(D) .6k $d soil sspl€ w€r. o.lY soE.
48. Thc 'emincd' i! lldc I 7 is closBt in ota nyriad of si8xri66t items SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression
'^ord fron th. M@n
.(A) *totr I, D 9.C 17. B 25. B 31. D
2,8 t0. A 18. D 26. A 34. D
3.8 19. B 27. C 35. c
12. B 20. c 2A. D 36. c
5.D 13, c 2t. B 29.' A 37. D
6,D 14. B 22. B 30. D 3E. c
7,D 15. c 23. 31. D 39. a
8_B 16. c 24. 12. A 40. B

secrrbN :: Reading Compreheusion

l. D 11. B 21, B 31- D 41. D

Thls is the end ol Seclion 3. 2. B 12. D 22. D
3. B l]-C 13. A 33. B 43. B
@@@@oeo 5.

14. c
15. A
16, B
17. D

ll you finish in less than 55 minutes' 8. 18_ B 284 3E. B 46. C

checkyour work on Section 3 onlY. 9. B 19. c 19. A 49, B
Oo NOT read or work on any other section of the test. 10. 20. B 10. B 40. c 50. D


t I
tr 1 tr 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 !
1 1 tr 1 1 1 1 1 1
(B) 9 (A) Iri t@ farroco.
In honr ot rh. polic. srarion. (B) shc wouid also tit. ro dbo a ctKs
In &ont of a movi. th.ar.i
At a ffln d.v.lop.ri.
(c) shc bcliae' thar iri posibl..
(D) lrl po$iblc ro dEp.larks.
IO, (A) Thc sia;f fi.
(B) ct.cEic biu.
(B) A prcbl.h wirh rh. tEhB.
TlrEc-approximately 35 Eirutcs (D)
(C) Thin8 in rh. uliliwf,ill
(includirg tha rcadhg of thc diEctioDs for .ach part) (D, Kepine fi. urililv bdl hiBh.
l. (A) Th. prcs.nt don is soon. tl. (A) Sh. r.r?.d.vcry word of rh. tecture.
ln rhis s.ction of thc tcsr. you will havc rh. opponudry to d.moislatc yoG ability to undc6tdd (B) Sh. suEg.sls workjns on !h. proj.ct
convcrsatioss and talk in English. Thcre ar. fiE. p.fls ro this stion. Alsw.r a[ thc qu6tions on ar l2:00-
, (B) Sh. necds rh. lapc ro jtsr.n ro fi.
thc bais of whar is gBtld or llglig! by rh. you h.d. Do !e! lz*. not6 or Ei'. in vour t.n (c) Shcd lik. ro m.ct rh. man tacr todav (c) sh. did!'t und.Btand rhar rhe
b@k ar .ny timc. Do not rum th. paEcs unr'p.alclsyou d. told h do s. fo. h,n.h lc.iuc
, (D) Shell prcs.nt her uork to rhc hd. (D) Sh.! slad $ar thc lccrur.r didn,t
4. (A) Th. woman is always latl(jns abour
und.Etand a word.

Iti 12. (A) Thar shc lavc Ncw yolk wirh Mir..
EEgUg!:i rn Par! A you witl hcd shod conv.Faliod b.twccn two P.oPL. Aftcr.ach convccation, (B) all risht if rh. koman t.eDs (a) Thar shc go ro rhc airpod aft.r work.
you will h@ a qu.nion about th. conv.Eation. Th. convcrsstioG ud qu6tioa will not b. talJrins. (C) Thar sh. skemenc.ts. ro ur. fi.r
rcp€rcd. Aftcr you hcar a qucstio!, ead thc fou! possibt. alN.6 in,our t6t book and ch@* th. (c) H. would like rhc woma (o ftpcar (D)
b6t an5u.r Th.n, otr your swB sh..r, End th. nunb.. ot thc qucstion and fill iE th. spacc Lhat Thar sh.lcavc romorcw ar n@r
cociponds lo thc l.ner olth. dsv.r you hav. cho*n. (D) Hc asreB rhar rhc .xam wd rcEibl.. l:. (A) Th.y hav.nt finishcd rh.ir work.
List6 exaf,pl.. Aj,*.T
ro an , s. (A) Thc Facrory will shur down h.aus.

h.r @ (DO _ (B)

o. rh. rccording, you (c) {c) Thcy 4n'r suppos.d lo work at
(D) nighi
(in:n) rhat aan |'Ls i'L,l av,ful (D) Th.y should shour abour how ouch
oh, it .otA hae. bdn @ts.. 5. (A)
wtut aod *. \'odan medh? H.: rcsery.d in answcrins rhc
(B) 14. (A) H. do.sD't lik. !h. Bahah6.
In your lest b@k, you rcad: (A) Thc.sm wa rcaly a*tul. Irt possiblc to sit anyvh.rc.
(B) Hc ce'r makc uh. tora rriD
(B) lt w6 th. wo6t .rah sh. had dcr s..n. (c) som. of th. seals ir. b.hssav.d for
Lo lh.
(c) h couldnt hav. b..n morc difficult. (D) (c) Hc c&i afford
triD lh.
Therc s only on. secrion of
(D) I!wanlfi h*d.. scaLr. (D) H. wanLi ro 5Fnd his monev h dr.
7. (A) Bahan6.
You lcm ftoh thc conv.EarioD thlr lh. wG v.rv dimolt and thal lh'
matr thoushr th..Em Shc d@sn r likc the id.a of bringins a
wome dieSxc.d wilh th. me. Tb. b.sr affwcr ro th. qu6tion, 'r lhar dc thc woman m.d?" is (B) Usins a cam.6 qirh
rs. (A) Ir! bc.n panly fix.d.
(D),'It wdnl that hdd." Thercior., rh. cor.c!.hoi.. is (D). souDd is a b.d . {B)
(c) (c) It var leh.i.crly a ir had b.en.
Sh.do.sn'r like $c sound ofrh. (D)
.: Bob l.ft only pan of it.
(D) Sh.'d lik. !o takc so6c picrurcs.
16. (A)
8. ' (B) warch rhc sam. for now.
(A) Itct finishcd with rh. dish.s. (c)
(B) H. workcd on his !+h pap.reft.. Lin.tr to th. aith.m.
tinishinE th. dishcs,
(c) H. docsn r lik. doins his rcntr
(D) Th. dishes areDl don. v.r

@ 58


-) ?
1 tr 1 1 tr 1 tr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr 1
17.'G) He! seen the announcemdt 24 (A) A.ll of hcrerams ar' ovc' t@' part B
(B) H. isnt surc whal thc amounc'rent
(B) sh.t hapP) for hro tha( his '\ams
Db-..tioBr In this pan of rh. r6t, you wijl h.a! lons.r convcnations.
i!' (c) Th. he is ]rcns about what h' t{ll n.asd.6t qu.srions. Thc conv.E.rioE rnd qucstions wiu nor b.Afrcr.ach
{c) H.it unc.nain wh.r. tI. lobby r.p.!l.d.
(D) H. do.sn t know what sh.'s AJtryou }sr a qu6ron, @d rI. fou Fsibh GwcE h your rrsr
(D) Sh. stil hd morc erams to !ak' b@k isd ch@s. rh. b.jr
.Jw.r rnen. on your answ.rsh.cr. find rI. numb.r ot rh. qu.srion ad 6I in rh. lpacc
coE6rDrds ro rh. l.r!.r ot rhc a$w.r you havc chGrn. rha;

lE. (A) Ir! !a.c fo. h.r rc work durins hcr 2s. '{A) sh..nd th. man are in asr'eh'nt'
(B) She'dlik. to so to th. M@n' Rcmernbcti you ue !9! allowcd to ta.k. notcs or Eir. in
vour tcsr b6t
h4 (c) shc lhink th.ai.llares flYne
(B) Her otfic. is vacaii wh.n shr

' (c) sh. almosr oever ral<es a b.eak froh (D) Sh. finds thc pf,.es r.rsonablc' r. , (A) 3s. '](A) Firc dahagc ro soft. apanmenB_
(B) To hclp Um d.cidc on a ropi< (B) How to pr.v.nr fir.s.
26. (A) Th. amounr thar h. PreParcd wE (c) To t.ach him about hnrory (c)
(D) ncr vJcations *c orclv tull or worlc (D) Todisss hisrod wirh him
Ar apanm.nr firc and whar on. can
. (B) Sh. ws sut"ris.d that h. wasnl (D) .&ly mooing n.ws srory
19. (A) Sh.! doubttd about tll. lccnr.. 32. G) A! th. b.sinnins ot th. $mBr.!
(B) 5h.11 go ro dt l&tu. without hcr (B) B.for. fic slarr ofrh. $mcst i
{c) It w6 impossibi. to Pr.Pe' for his 16.; (A) ODc w6 damascd no.. sd.Elv
(C) N6 rh. end of rh. s.m6t.L t_ha
{c) Th. wonh of th€ leclu. is unc.r6in' lhc oth.B.
. (D) fi. tatk wiu bc valuabl'- (D) w;ar h. pr.s.ntld wa5 unbdi'vablc' {D) oDc wc.k aft{ thc *m6t*is (B) All rh. apanm.nls wcre.ompt.!.ly
she bclicv.s ffnish.d.
21. (A) sh. didn't leave wh.n the rePon wa (c) rhcr. w;orc
20. (A) This is lhc s6ond lar8.* foorbal 33. (A) Th. iopic! r@ sencmi.
rhousand douaE of
(B) Thc r.pon ne\er sot hnchcd' G) H. irnl inrcrcskd,n Lehnolosy.
' (B) This is th. only tim. that a ldse (c) He d*sni havr.noush timc.
(D) All twcor_v apanr.nlr suff.r.d ar.
crcwd hs a!!.ndcd a f@6al
(c) sh. wd unible ro leale becausc it
(D) T.chnolo8v h6 norhin8 lo do wirh
otcou6;shc cohpl.red rh. *"'L' Amcrican hisrory.
(c) rhsi[";.ry ,h" *"."a t-,hn e.-' (D) 37. (A)
Thcy w.E kill.d.
Th.y wcr. rak.n ro rh. hosD,bl
28. (A) H. nd.r givcs rh.d any helP' 3{. {A) '(c) rh. damas.
(D) rh€r. havc n.v.r b.foE b..n so ro th. apanm;n15 w6
many p.oPI. at a f@tbaU gar' (B) Hc cnjoys working in thc Earden . (B)
mor. serious thd rhc ham to !h.
(c) H. nd.r ?rv.s dircct an5ecE' (c)
(D) !{. ,lwav;b.aB rhch wh.n rhey (D)
(D) Th.y w.r.Dl tnshrcncd.
2l (A) Th€y should l@k at some ProP.rtY

(B) Th.y should find out about buYins in \'

38. (A) Call thc firc d.pdmcnl
29. (A) Th. hanw6.or inrercsed (B)
son. nor. dckets- (c) List.D for smok. alam.
(c) Thcy should gcr a
(B) Th. mdwan!.d to buy the lickets' . (D) Hav. an alam and cxrinsu6h.!,n
!h' (c) Th. man Rallywanr.d !o an'nd th'
(D) Th.y should make a d.al with
(D) rh. man ws abl. to nffo.d rh'
21. (A) H. d@snr like to m..t most PcoPlc'
(B) Hc do.snl look likc hc PaniciP:t6 in
10. (A) H. had somethin-q imPonant lo 5hos
lhe woman at thc mccting'
(c) lr o.,:ur.d to him lhar most P.oPl.
(B) H. thought lhe $oman ws noL Sorng
(D) $' {oran
(c) H. wait.d to trv to shoe
23. (A) Shc couldn't hav. said aoythins.
(B) sh. musr hav. said all thar shc (D) Hili","r', I'. *.'ra r.*" 'r'"*Ys '
rhr wJman *herc thc metine
1 (C) she couldnl hav. said that.
(D) sh. musi haYc said mor..

lili[EE riti?lrr.+
r 6

tr 1 1 1 tr 1 tr 1 T 1 tr
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
39 (A) A p.ofcssionat dan .r
Part C (B) Astudcnr in rlc darce d.parurctrL 45. / (A)
\L) I h. hcad of th. d&G.
dcprnrn.nr. (c)
!!!Ede!:i In this p.n of th. Esr, you wil h@ sdcEl t 16. Ai.r .ach ratk. you wil h.d somc (uJ A chortugEpl,cr Sal.y.
qu6tio[' Th€ la16 and qucstions wil no! bc rcp.at.d.
40. '(A) which da@ d.sc ro ble.
Aft.r you h.a! a qu6rion, ..ad rhc fou possibl. atw.E in you r.* book 6d choos th. bcst ewci gn wltdh*dnor ro major itr dane_ 46. (A) Ar Aqdja. wil
Th.n, on yos answ.r sh..!, fird th. numbcr of thc qu.stion dd 6I iI thc spac. tlE! corcspoDds to (L) wh.rhlr ro tE a prcfsiotral ,(B) Th. b6 rid. wilsiv. a raltc
th. lett.r ol dE esw.r you have cho*D. I &rc.r (c) Th.y will sroD in Lafav.n.
Hcrc is d.xampl.. i
(D) Merh.rro spE;iatiz. in da"". (D) Th.y wil s.. ric rxli6irion ar

On th. r.cordins, you h.e tneEpy ordscc hisiory. -

l 41. (A, physical rh.hDv 47. (A) Th. purpo* ofth. FCc
(ne!or) lLtl.n to an iBrtu tor talk to his clrss obaut paintinc. (B) D&c. hisron ' (B) Th. GIariv.ty Epd dcv.toDh.,! 6F
(man) Ank C.aht W@d ws a suidi"e forc. ia tht nhool ol paintins kn.lM 6 Am.ican (C) Chor.ogaph; .adio
tusionalist, a sryL tfl@tinE th. .listinctir. chu@t.tiltics of d finn runt u@ ol (D) Dancc.dminissr$on. (C) lnr.rfcGnc. Ii.oh comp.!i,s Bdio
th. Unn n sl.|6. wood b.sdn d,arins dninuk on th. fMiI, IM at ttu a. ol th,... sl:rioE
ann eh.n h. e6 thi..yeieht on of hb pdintincs tu.i!.d a rcru*'bL amount d 42. (A) Th.y aG borh inr.ndcd for (D) Thc E6! U.s_ Edio skrion
public notie dnd eclnim. ThLs paintins, calbtr ANi.c{ Oothic, b a sturAy siaPk prolsionat da!c.E.
d.piation of d s.rio6 caupL staing dt . y out at th. vidd (B) Th.y invotvc mosdyrh. sah. 48. (A) InEoducrion ro EnsiD..En,
(B) PopuldRidio rh;es -
No* listcn qu.stion. Supl. ABGI (C) Thcy do not
(C) EdUq rn JoqErJn;
to a samplc n..d lo b. sct.cr.d utjl (D)
Irt.r- Th. Hisrory of coEmuniedon.
(nl:mlor) whdt etb ofpainrins x kno\9n 6 Am.n.an rcgian tLtt? @@@r' /(D) Th.y arc borh rour-yee prcsEhs.
49. (A) Thc may hdio sratioc w.rc hidrv
ID }!u t6t b@k, you Gad: (A) An kom Am.n6! inncrcitici. 43. (A) A cajun. Egufar.d.
(B) An ftom thc ccnFrl E8ion of th. U.S. (B) A buisr. (B) In I93O rhcrc w6 ontyonc
{c) Ar! trom vdio6 abs da itr ihc U.S (C) AD Acadian sradod in rh. U.s.
(D) An fron nral ctioc of (D) A rou (C) Tl. cnstins Edjo srarioc w.r.
^n.ri@. rorally urconr." .d
Thcb.st&sw+!o thc qq.stion, 'What stylc of painting is kloh 4 Am.ricd r.gionalist?" is (D), 44. (A) Thcy wenr to ecadia itr (D) Th. FCc w* uabi. ro con!rcIth.
thc.isl,r..nt\ radio sradons,
"An ftom rural sectiols of Amcnq." Th.r.forc, th. cofr.ct choic. is (D).
(B) Thcy emc bom Franc. in rr.
Now lislcn ro doth.r sampl. qu.stion. SahPlG AEw.r eight..n$ cennn 50. (A) FiEr Comhuniczuons Comhillcc_
(O Thcy mainrahqd ch;crerisris 16r riE.Cont!l Corrlhi(..
(!afrto.) whar t *enaru of woadr nost succasfulpaintine? @ @ tD @ rheir otd etnr,
of (C) F.d.El Coatrol otCohmunradoE
(D) Th..! esihitatcd comptcrcly hro tu, r.dcr.lComEunrcalrons
(A) "Ahcrien R.siondist.- th.
tn you test h@k. you rqd: D.w culrur. CoInmission.
rB) 'Th. Family Fam in lova.'
(c) -. .rion corhic.-
(D) A S.rious Coupl..-
Thls ls the end o, Sec on i.
The best usNer to th. question. 'whar is th. naD. ol w@d's mon succcsstul painring?" is (C). Stop work on Secflon 1-
'Am€ncan Cothic." Th.reforc. lhc coB.c!choic. is (C).
Remcmb.r, you &. !g! allo{ed |o la}c nor.sorsil. in }_ourr.srb@k- Turn ofl your cassette ptayer.

*T j'1".'+':gl.i:l";::?,fl
orme test durlng the next 25 mlnutes.

) 7
2 O 2 o 2 o2 o 2 o 2 a 2 o 2 2 o2 o 2 o 2 o 2 a 2 o 2 a 2
. SECTION 2 ?. Aspirin L Ecd_a consrricrioo of rh.
Tlmc-2s rntnutc! (B) (^) fi.coqnrch.rion
(iDcludins th€ readlns of thc dlrecdoDs) (c) but
G) to coe!.h.!
Now set your clocL fo! 25 rDjnut.s- (D) (c) count.c.r
or (D) cour.Ectjns
This secrion is desigr€d to hc4sur. yout abiUty to r4ognizc leSuagc thal i5 aPPrcPriak fo. stedrd 2. Birds head south ro wdmcr climat.s whcn
winetr Enslish. -rh;rc a.e two t)".s ;f qucstioE in fii! setion, with sPcci5l dirEtions firr cach .r?c.
Th. nurhatch _six inch.s lo!s.
(A) is cold wcaihd (A) ctuws s.ldoh horc rian
(B) dcs cotd w.a!h.r conc (B) mor. lnaD s.tdom Fows
structure (C) cold wqther.oh6 (c) s.ldom Ercws mor. rhan
(D) come cold worhcr (D) €rows moE lhatr *tdom
D!!ggg!!i OueslioE l-15 ar. incomPlctc *ntcrcE B.n.ath .ach *nt.nc. vou wi[ sd tou
woids or phrcs, ndk.d (A), (B), (c), ed {D). Ch()@ !h.9!! word or PhE that b.st cohpl.t.s l. Thc ciry councitis cmE6w.r.d nor ordv rn
9. Composing ho.c rhan 40 p€rccnt of lhc
rh. *D!cncc. Th.tr. on rour Gwcr sh.et, 6!d th. !unb{ of thc qu*tion ed EU in th. sP.c. that cecr nd di.t, fat' d. _ by thc body for.d.rEe
coGpoodi th. l.ttc. th..nsw.r you hav..hos.n. Fill in thr sPac. so that th. Lcttd insidc thc l,ws, scie,.
!o of """.";..
Dctw..n et.ctions should fic kcd &is. (A) usinc srEcifielly
-- (B) E.d sp.cihcally
L@k at thc touowinsenfrplB. (C) spe.ific ue
(c) ud (D) fic spccific uc
0. nMh:l fr.daa
Thc prcsid.nr th. elcclion by a led5lidc.
r-@o@ a. Dryingotm.aB ed v.g.rlbles is ao
I Thc sca
call.d a Fll,,fish bc€E n --
is poDutdlv
long.r coBideEd onc of _of (A) l@ks Brhcr lik
- (B) I@l(5 lik. Erh.r
(A) th. ways de u.tul (c) Ilkcs lekirs ErI.r
(D) forruratcly (B) s.tul*aF (D) Erh.rlik s l@king
(C) th. nost s.frtl k6 ll.
The sent.nce should read, "Th. prcsident won !h. elccrion by a landslid.." Th.eforc, vou should (D) n!6r ac u$tu1waF Th.Eptsr5 ecuE.ntjy Eins m.nhl
imagcry in rhe hop. rhar u miqhr Drov.
5. A
in rh. rrcarmcnr ofcanc..
si&r hhd of srB, bamb@ tuav rcach a
hcishr of I20 f..r ed _
-(B) forh.lp
wh.n thc conf€.!trcc? @rDO@ (A) a diah.r.r of I t@r
(B) iB diam€kr is I f@r {c) h.lptully
(A) th.
- d@lor an nd.d (C) th.E is a djM.!€r or I t6r (D) wi$ rh. hclp
(B) did t}. dGlor atr.nd (D) which is a diahcr.rof I foot
(C) !h. docbr will a&nd
(D) th. dGrorl attendancc 6. SomeE.r Mausham. a Dov.tisr. _
abour a rcsrlcas matr! qu.n for im.r
Th. s.nr.ncc should !cad,'when didlhc doc.ror axend rh.confer.nc.?" Th.r.for.. vou should und.rslanding in Irz Ralor! E tp.. j
choo* (B).
(A) who srore this
Now b.giu wo.k on rhe questions.
(c) whcn h. worc

1 ,\,

2 o2 o2 o2 o 2 O 2 o 2 o 2
12. By paying ouLside sa.l@ns, drcwing rc<Ls
in sal@n windows, and desEoying sat@E
14. is fic p.s!
cradicalion is g.ncraly asrced upon by
mosr in n..d of
P.Zo2d2o2o2o2o2 V/ritten Expression
wilh hcr hatch.r, -cockoach
hoEin8 au$onti.s a.rywh....
(A) DLlcdoB: ltr quBtiom I 6-40, c.ch scnrcncc hs tos und.rlln.d wordt or ph@s. Thc tos
El.ohol wa prohibhcil by Cei. $d.!tin d Frrs of th. sorcnc. ar. i.rtEd (A). (B), (c), and (D). Idcntily !h. one undcrtin.d word
-. (B)
(a) C&i. h is rh. ,r phte th.t mlit b. chdScd h ordcr tor !h. $nr.ne ro b. corrEt a}.u, on your a,]scr shc.r,
Nation wo.kcd ro prchibt {c) That tb. End th! numbcr of th. qu.s{on dd frll in rhc spae rhar cocpondr ro rh. l.ncr of th. mw6 you
(D) th.
(C) prchibiting c:rric Nadoir
alcohol by
(D) Cei€ Narionk wo.k lor rh. ls. --L, rh. jasuar u$d ro rcam tuely in ek at thc following d@pl.s.
prchibirion ol.lcohol $. southw.st tu Unicd Srzl.s.
E atnph I
13. Mod drugmak.G d. chegitrg thcir BrE.r (A) lt is now found only in cenrr.-l and
mdkd ftom physicie to pati.nr _! $. Sourh AE.rie Thc sEing
-a-_r @,-O@
pari.trr.s tI. k., lo incr.di.s mdk.r (B) Findins in ccntral ud Soulh s
Ah.ne in fifths.
(C) To b. food i! C.rtEl 6d sou$
(A) lhat th.y s.. AD.rio
(D) Now found only in C.rEal ad Sourh
1!. $ntcDcc should Ead, Thc fou $rins. otr a viotin s. tutr.d in ffft]E.' Thcrcfor€, you shoujd
(c) rh.y s@ Amcnca
}l@$ (B).
(D) in tlF! rhcy s..

Thc leeh tor th. b6k P.o8 Eki.g @@rD@

--T--B - c
Alcx Halcy tw.lv. y.s.

hc s.trtcnc€ should Ed, Th. Gceh for rh. book RoolJ rook AlGx Hald ruclvc vc6." -rb.r.foE
ou shoutd ch@s. (c).

Iow bcgin work on th. qu6tioE.


2 o2 o 2 o 2 o 2 O 2 a 2 o 2 2o2o2o2o2o2oZoZ
2e, rnrolnons rh. five crcar rarcs, onjy r.akc
16. Michisan
Thc larSd oi !h€ forryright conrincnral sral.s in th. Unir.d Star6 is T.xas. lr]gSlg !!!rc! wirhitr l}lc r.mro.iat
A---_--D boundaies oi th. unn.d srarcs.
l' c -'-6-
' 17. Accordins ro the cxp6ts, s.ncric itrhE.iranc. is probability rh. most impodanr facror in
A BC 30 rcddv Rooekh d;mop!E:.! tus c.mpJiitivc ,pirir ad rir.r6s .ncr6/ ir lgos whar h. r.d
d.tcrnrining a pfisotr! h..lrh.
th. Rough Ridcrs up San Juatr Hiti. C 5-
18. Thc ailrcad w.s one ofrh. SEr mclhods of tEnsDorolion ro bc us..rt.nsiv.lv ib.,nv 31. Th..Faim.ss
;-BcD Docrrinc, ofrh. FCC rcquiris ihar
Edio and t.tevisioa statiops
siv€ cqual lioc ro
Am.ritu hisrory oppcilg sides ot issu.s colrrov.lsial_
A ' B

19. Ofts wh.n ih. wcarher is .xrr.r.ly hot, p.oplc h& d. _f

nor teribly huns-_v. 32.
A -E-v.ry thiEry bur
Mary Heis Jo.cs, knM s "Morh.r Jon.s,"
wG .
PioneeE otr thc plaiB soh.rilG l!!!g B
20. in dusouts. sod rooc cut iDto hiusid6. th.lum of Lh. entu.I
21. .Ballootu havc b..n u.d itr varioB w.E nor only to dircd anillcry 6r. and rcpon tr6p ll Cois.$edy fi. kir for ij d endescrcd
sFci.s, wildifc .xp.r6 in rh. Califomja dcs.n arc
nov.h.nts howvcr to car.y bombs and prol&r asalnsr low,0ying pl!n.s. usins rios herhods to pro(ed ir
22. The Narioral Wildflowcr Rs.arch C.nt.rwhich w.j cstablishcd in 1982 by bdy Bird
Itr ad:dirion to:Sf!!g.' hcEbeE otrh. pr6id.nr! cabincr,
JohDson rhc arrorc, g.hcral is rh. h.ad
AB ofrh. Jusric. T-
on sixty acrcs of land cat
of Ausdn.
*.....*il- **iqu. mo{vat.s b.rr.rina ex.risips
21. The id.a thar anis$c achicv.m.nB rln} in imporElcc wirh ei.rrifrc achi.vcmenb ha b..n d rch.aE. for hoc gi[.
:A -E- 16. l.
9!E!lby painrc6, Mir.B, and musjcals torc.n!uri.s.
37. rhc o8d.^ NGh oft.L,s.d a collicsryl. ro!9 a s.nou5
24. To imprcvcment the sbbilir, otrh. huilding. a concr.r. found;tioD rwo lccr rhi(k musr b. H poinr.
AB-- 18.
hkE is 3.]sa foulimc $lis+ **,_
D ,9. On F.bruary 20, 196?, fni.drrrp Z h6 orbircd th. Eanfi iD a ma*'d flEht fiar ,6r'ug:!
25. In 1786 B.njam,n FEnHin fiEt suss6r.d daylighr savines dme ae a !:1!EB oaA.!!!!g dom on A
ABC und* five hou.
lh. consum.s of mndl.s. t0 It
-.-D- has
heh susssred rh.r th. b.rLlcship MErola b. oroushr
bacj( ro ccriE dury ar cosr oi
26. _D-
An alligabr h an anihal som.whai Ii!. a cr@oditc. bu! na(.n snoul mittion.
---l- --- B c-
$i!h a brcad,
-T- Sa75

2?. Ar.xtrcmcly datrg.rous folfi ofcocainc, cEck a$ack rh. ncdos svsr.m, bEin, and bodv io a ._ Thls Is the end ot Sec on 2-
AB-t- I
|l you tintshbetore 25 mtnules hg3 Ended.
L.rhion fi an.@rin.. cn€cx your work on Sec on
:!3Eg 2 only.

2E. It is rhc rcle of rh. Nalioul Bur.au of Stand&.Is(o .stabtish a.cuFr. mesu.m.n6 tor sci.n.c
^^-,.- ti")
6-1 6'd [sroJ 4]
A --_- vv\--l/\./\-/
industrial. and comm.rce.
fliiTil,^j'",fl11,1';? X,1,,i,1 ii *lllll 3.

tt t

3a3a 3'r 3a3a3a3a 3

Questioffi 1-l I

SECTION 3 Sharpshoot.r Anni. Oaktey is a mairlstay in $c folklorc of fi. Old w.sr. Bom Ph@b. Am Mos
, READING COMPREHENSION in 1860. Annic l.amed to sh@t at a vcry young asc out of tr.c.ssily: shc hunt.d for bir& od small
sao. animals ro hclp f.cd hcr lin y ud to makc somc drE moncy by suPPlving !h. l6al hor.l
Tlm.-55 Dirute. ..sta@nt with h.r stch. Sb. s@n b.cam€ known for h.r .icell.nr markmalship 4d b.gan !.Iing
(iDcluding rhe r.adiEs of thc dlrcctior) palt in shooling compctitions at a lcry young ag., lt w6 Ethd unusual for a young girl nol olly to
Now set your clock lor 55 EtDutca. iale e.!t in such comp.titioE Uqllqwin o!.r older, morc .xp.ricnc.d malc compctiroB At th. ase of
6Eccn. shc 4rfcatgd rranl Blder a prcfGsional Bdkrnan, in a coFpcridon. Sh. ed Budcr wcrc
This rction is d*isn.d ro m.6@lourabitiry ro...d sd und.6@d shon pssg.s simite.n nalli.d arearlatci and tos.th.r thcy t@k palt in sh@iing cxhibitioc
top'c edsryl. to rhos. lhat nudcn15 arc lik.ty ro cn.ounrcr in Nodh Ah.dcn uDiv.Etrics ud Itr 1685, rh.yjoin€d probablyrh. most famous ofallwet€m thows, Buffalo Bill! wild w.sl
coll.scs. lourins show. As parr of th.ir ac!, Arnic shot a ci8d.!t. out of h.r h8bedi mouth: F.ank Budcr:
panjcipation in thjs p.n of rhc act cl.4ly dcrnons:Et d hn Faith in his wiL's sh@ting abiliry. Arni.
Irircdod: In rhis serion you wiu r.ad scv.at pBesB. FjchoD. is tollow.d by a numb.. ot al$ &ccptcd volunecE kom th. audi.ncc ro bt patt in h.r &! and on on. *csion whilc bunns
quEstionsabour ir. You e ro choscrhc qE bcir uw... (Al, (B), (C), or(D), Lo;ach qu.suon.
Eep., sh. .v shot a cigarctk out ol rhe mouth of Crom Princc Ulh.lm of Ccmdy.
onyou e( shccr, fi nd rh. nmb.. of-rtE qu.srjon da nU i" ,t . ,p""" *", . ,t.
I.n.r ot lhc aw.rlou havc cho$n, "o-."p."a.
Answ.r al quqrroN about rhc infotuarion in a p4sasc on rh. bEE or whar is:BrEd or l. l^Ihich of rh. followiDs is clos.st id 4. Th. word "ddksoanship" in lin. 4
EeLBlrn m.ding ro "folklor." in lin.l?.
(A) TEdiiional s.orics (A) compctitiv.ness
R.ad fi. lo[owing p6Eg.: (B) w.st.m slories (B) abili.y to eam money
(c) childrcnlt ston.s (C) ability with a sun
John Quincy Adahs, whos.dcd s rhc sixrh pr.sid.nrofrh. Unircd SEr.s trom 1825 (D) Cowboy srori.s (D) annud. aboutwork
io_I829. is today rccosnjz.d for his mdt.rtulstatematrship and diptomac_v.Ir. ddi.at.d hjs
. lifc lof)ublic s.die. bo Lh rn rh. prcsid.ncy and in rh. vdioE orhc; potnral oftic.s rhj r hc
un-. h.ld TluouBhour his poli$.al erccrh. d.moBrhrcd his unsw.Mn; b.li.fin h.cdon of 2. Thc p6sas. indicatcs that 5- t{ow wa lhc youns Anni. diff.r.!! tro6
(A) th. name Anni. wd siv.n to od.r girls h.r ag.?
f5l spech. th. anrislav.ry @use. and rh. riBhr otAh.riqns ro bc fnc from Europ.aD ano As,an Oakl.y
h.r .r binh (A) shc uscd. boyi naoc.
(B) A!ni. chescd h.r ru. to Ph@bc at (B) Sh. work.d in a l6a1 ho!.l.
a young ag. (C) Shc maBicd ar a huch younB.rlse
(c) thc namc Ph@b. Arn Mos6 wB thu wE.oDsid.rcd Domal.
@(D@@ Anni.! choicc (D) Sh. won shodng comp.&ions. I
To what didJohn OuitrcyAdam d.vot. his litc? . (D) Anni.did not us. hcr siv.n mh.
(A) ImprcviDt his p.Fonal lif€
l 6. According ro tbc pds.g., what did AMic
l 3. Th. p6sas. indicat s that Anni.l.aEcd to do one y.ar prior to h.r mdias.l
(B) scwins $c pubuc
(c) Incrdinc his fonun. (A) sh. d.f.atcd h.r tuturc hEband in a
(D) l\,orkins on his privarc bsi&ss I (A) tor pl.6uG sh@tin8 match.
(B) in order !o surivc (B) shr leam.d roih@L
A.cording to rhc pasas.. John euincv Adams "d.dicar.d his Iit. !o public
should ch@s. (B)
s.nicc.'T l-.*.-" (C) s pan ofa comp.tition
{D) bccaus. it w6 a nomal acriviry for
sh..hans.d h.r ramc.
Sh.join.d Buffalo aili wild w.st
sahpl' Answ'r $mcone hfi a8e tounns show.
EunpL lI
: @@r-@
l In Lin. a, th. word 'uns.ring- is closr rn m€dns ro
G) mov.ablc
(B) insisnificant
(c) urchansins

Thc p4sas! sratls rhatJohn euincy AdMs d.honsrrar.d his unsEwing bcti.f throughou! his
car..i" This ihpli.s fiar rh. bclief did nor ch3ngc. Th.rcforc, you should- chosc (C)_ '
Now b.gin work on th. questions.



(t Lt

3a3a3 A 3a3a3a3n3

3 a 3 a 3'a 3 n 3 a 3 n 3 n 3
Questions 12-20
7. Th. pronoun 'thqi in linc 8 Efcrs ro 10. Wh.r! in th. p.srag. do.s rh. author
(A) mal. coDpcriioE deib. on of rh. ricls in Ami.i aci? rhc forccs bchi rhu .rand li8hrnins, on. mun..c^U bsic,niom
-,--.To.sd.Erand ion !H,u,
(B) Ad. sd FEnk
(A) Lh6l-a ffiI fJ['*li:[:*T;::*:lfi5'].r':g'ii"tv.r'.,r.a *i,t .i*,;; ;;:il;,l*
sh@ting d.hibiriotr (B) Lin6 a-5 anndron bccom.s grcar.c e.nru.ttv opporir' charge b"om'.ttron8.r. rhc
(D) wBt.Eshos (c) u.69-10 (5)
rt. anacrio-a-fi'
*com6 s''ons cnoush to r*ur! in a dixha!8c
rtrarmrr* rhc rwo itringr.;.;;;nl'#;ff;ji;l
(D) L,e l0-ll Lt$rn'Dg rcsulE wh.n on. doud full ofhnistuE
8! Th. word'dcmoEsu"rcd: in linc I I is d.v.tops an opposirc chary. in Etirjoo ro
eorh..r-doud. rh. prcs rc conrinues ,o buird q(il,h.*
closat in m.anirs to ll, Thc hfon atioD in tlE Fl&sc s.pufing rh. Mo clouds. A dirchssc cors lo ,. i, **eL,p;.,.;,;-u;i::,"#;:",,
th' opPosirc chals* in rh' tqo crouds and
(A) I5!r a ee fono*Ed by e .fifr n's discha.sc is wh., w. sc. * iil;,""" ;i;J;T'3r&
ol lightDing is ccurinE th' lighrruns
(B) show.d (B) Eov6 &om E.r.rat to speiEc id6 rouows ro. palh or r.4r Eo,,n"..; rh"-fo* a.*hq'
(C) tdcd ir .s tror lolrow a sBrShr line bur a8zaes in ord_er
/ (c) is in Ehrcnologi@l ordq nnd !n..sr.sr.our._ to
(D) is in spatiat ordcr Thunder @cuE dun's rh. disharE. of.rcckicirv.
tu.$! dischalsc eaB, rhc air in rh. q<inrry
.xpdds &d @nr-cts Epidty: rh. tushins air
cu.r.nts rcUid., osi,; rh. sund;;;;:;;"],,..
9. Th. Esg. sutgBrs fiat Aruic root. rrud.r. Lrghr lEvels much tst.r rhe 3ourd (di. sFr.d ol lishr is 186,2E4 mitcs p.r Gotrd. whil.
shor at Crcq,n priD.. b...r
With.lE sp'ld-otsound,is r
'100 r.d per t.cond), so k
scc rhc rigr', n-' .,a ,r,."
couE, tn. ranh.r away th. rhundcr and llehhin,
;?' '
(A) mh.lD w.rEd hq to ito it racr rhc amoun, or rapr.d d#;;;i"1T:-l--lr
th' c,qt'r rh' hp''d timc b'tw.ctr th. Mo In
(B) Aai. di5tilcd hiE E B.DdoGIe n o' E d lo d'l'min. how f& awav rh!
(c) and ug nma are. rhsd.r
G.mey ws ir wr wirh !h. U._S.
(D) Asic dislik d sdoking
12. Whar do.s rhe pssagc dainlydiscuss?
Is. Thc pAsage sr2res thar tishInins ctuE
(A) Baic infomarion abour elcclricitu qh.n opposne chdEcs d.vetop,n
(B) The euscs orrhund.rand lizhtniire
(C) How Iishlninx e.uB (A) drops of moisrur.
(D) why thund.rand lishrnins do nor (B) :ircuftnls
(c) parh5
secm to @cu tos.rhe.
13. which of rhc totloqins E NOT rtuc abour
clccr.ic ch.rgcs?
16. Th.'p.rhof leGr rBEranc.-,n In. rois,
wnar t)?. ot path?
(A) Somerhing can havc cnhera posirjv.
chrrgc or a nesauvccharpc,
(B) Ifone rhinC is posirivc *" o,t* (c) Th. brishr.sr
is ncgative, rh.y wijt "na
arrncr.ach (D) Th. rnost .lccrrjcaltr char8.d
(C) If Mo rhrnss hav. srronc n.sativc 17 Thc word -zigass" in lin. tO indicaks th2!
cha.g.j. rhcy wiltarrEct each
(D) If th. affacrion b.i!v..n ftvo thinss
\ g.lsrrcry strcns. a discha-rgc an (B) mo\rs dirEc v
(c) proce.ds wirh sha.o rums
(D) shin.s
I.l. Th. word "moisrure,,in li!.6 is closcsr in
I6, The word "con!Ec!s,in liDe tl is closesr in
(A) w.hcss
(c) Ea' (B)
(D) posiriv.charc. (c)
i (D)


3 x3 a 3 n 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 3a3^3a3a3^3a 3a3
19. which of $. fottowins is imDticd in . Quesuoa3 2 1-30
20. Th. pjEsraph folowin8 rhc Dalsalc mo{
prcbably disqs3.i
(A) Th. sprcd of sound is Ersr.r lhM rh.
sped ofli8hr.
{A) why Us}uung is trol'rEiph!
(B) (BJ r}c rp.cd oilishr vcBu: ilc sped of
If you * ed hcd somcrhins !! rhc
shd,tim.,n is f;t awae (C) funhEr cher.risns of .l(Eiciw
(c) Huhans @n Eavcl tasr.rihe rh. (D) fisuinp our how hr.w:v
sp.cd oflishr.
somcrhins rhat is vcry .los. will b.
s..n aDd hc{dar rouB} y rhc
sam. ri6c.
thund.r and lishhinse
***tm*fi fr.t;,p-rm$r*rr*"*ffi**
'' Il.'r:55;3.35*irsthisPasqs.hosr
' afi'fl:lf,i"Jfixi,"ac., wh.n w...,i,c

(C)'h'otu**torouna,r.air r'ii i;:.1ilT;6^*.*"*

(D) rod&st*cendanG
i;i i:fr:'i:i$: iTo,h. *p.*o
of rh. ctiff
" Nl,::i1t;':l?"Te bes, describes,he ;::,ff y;,rilitiiT: ;:,i$::r"
1A) rhc Chr pueblo (E)
Deriod Small
(c) Hiah
; :l*,'l[l-t'li.;JX;:_. 26

;T:J,ili:Ii:#; il1,[:,*;i:,*,
23 Whviid rh. Fou tA) Thriving
Com.N area r.c.ive
'.r ruI ofdaitv iife
(A) Th. ri.a is a squd. wirh four .(D) Inasiar.of drou!fi,

'' ";.":,:,i$::,:,1*"'J.,* *..*n 27 e "aro,gtrr,, in tin.

(A) hck of food
r: ij
i;i +ff :fl:::,":";.Ti:*:1T:#i:

l8i ;":x*;g;.;.x'**,r*.


3x3^3a3a3^3a3a3 343^3d3a3^3a 3t3

QuestioDs 3 l-40
28. According to rhc p.ssasc, which of rhc
Which of thc followinE
following dc rhc aulho.itie c.nain lbour?
30 ii NOT dis@d in
(A) why rh. cIiE dk.U.s :bedorcd (A) T1. I6!"styl. of ttrc clf dwcuc6

thcir homB (B)
/ (B) Thar a dEuEhr o.cutu in lh. Four
Th. siz. of rh. diE &rlinss
(c) Thc mysterysurrcudbe rhc
ComcE ar.a from t276 to 1299 abendorhcnr of rh. clitr dw.lli.,r
(C) Wh.re lhc inlabirrnrs of rh. clift (D) Th.l@rion _
otthc cIiE dw.Iinss
dw.Uinss w.nr
wh.n rhc clitrdq.U.m abmdoncd
rhcthom.s I **'r
29. Thc word "d&.nd&ts"
b. cplaed by
in lin. 14 6 b.st
ffif*Hjj;h:;!Hg$' ilr;:1*T[tit#[:1fi:n,
(C) infcriors 3 L Th.-word .frsh- in
linc 3 could lnost
(D) ur4torl carly b. r.Dtac.d bv
J5. Th. wod.pu.i.y" intjn. g h.tus
(A) orisinal
(B) cl.ulels
(C) indp.rjcD..d (C) richr.osn€ss
(D) fiorcuchn.ss
12. Accordin8 ro rh. pass.. whar ma}.s 36 4:.9$ine,o p**s.. in rhc flEh
r.icrioet disriltation *cu? osrrra 't'.
on whar causcs rh. lioud
ro vaponz.l
{A) Iimc (A) Th.!rcssur. on rhc tiquid
-(C) H..r ches.d,
is sudd.nrw
(Bl Th.liqud changB @Drpanm.nts
lL, rh. addirion of scawar.r ro a soturi.n
J3. Thc word "Thuf h tin. ,^ a ch.micaj chanpc ro
m.e,n8 ro which
7 is closesr rn
oflhc followins?
(ur _.cau$s
rn.r. is a Epid incrcsc in rh.
p..Jsur. on lll. tiquid.
37. Wtuch ofrh.Ioitowins proc.sscs
(C) FunhcDrorc prcbably invotv. disullation
(D) Th.rcfor. ?
(A) AddinS ao.w qbnan
.1.r. Acco.dihE ro rh. p4sas., whar u'hdrnga pur..l.hcnr inro sm,lt.r
wncn warrr and akohot arc hcared'
'Er quaDdri.s
(c) M*ins rso.j.m.nB (oscrh.r
r n.w solurion
ro toh
(A) Borh rhc watd and th. atcohol (D) Rcmovins impurirics hom
cr.poEt. ar th. sanc aE a solurion
(B) Th. .lcohot cannor evaehr.
b.caus. of rh. wek.'
(c) Th. alcohol cEporar.s at.
rcrnplErure of 2 r2 d.B.cs

(D) rh. alcohot cvapohr.s tsom rhe
mi ur. EEr.


2\ L'L

3x3n3a'3t3 A 3n3n3 3 A 3 A 3 x3 3a3a3a3

38. The word 'vaporiz.s' in lin. 13 could b.sr 40. This pasas.
arsisn d Gdins
suld hosr prcbablv
in which of
th. fo|owins QuestioDs 4 t-50
l'(A) bccomcs escou Ar 6Br slancc ir hishrs..n rh,t E rruc !.!i3r is a 3otrbr, toitcr
(B) dispp.6 (A) Blolos/ . diffs.nria,- u po$.slon of. udau. ql.ni
(c) b.@m6 sncs*d
rhar h.ror him rom tr,. rcsr orsocicry. a;i"d. tu;i; ft;il; ;,-i.ffi,.";,
lnat rn. rnist is a producr o[ rh. si.N in w]i.h rh! or r,..
hc roits ertrcirrrair u an.,y __.,ii
Ch.misrry :ll:-vt_ll: g:1,* d * 1",sr i-rcinyi mc*urc or rh. anisr! abliry ro worl wirlu; il-6";;;;
tmposcd by seicty. to mal. E. of rh. Esourcs n@idcd by soci.ry, ed, most imp";,, ;_;i;;
39. Thc main purFos. of rhis pdsagc is to sgeEq:s f_ducsl rr is si.tr rhar impo*li so-ucri,.c
on tr," l,ni"t. .iia rr,i
yi.tics havc found v{ious m.r,oa.,o ,uppe,.,na .;;l "
.xplain ho* salr wat.r en b. tum.d flTl-T,:-=1a".k
m. enisees)sr.m or rcyat suppon of rh. @lproB ard p.inr;B;f o.i, ;;il;,
i o frcsh wat r lhc e.riod o",f,.1.*"...-
(B) sivc d *mpl. ol ftactional D-ad,r'on ot passinsanisdc khowr.d8c rrod rarhc! ios...
ni r",a,q;d;;;iJ;;.-
piysr.ar-t<ccs ot b.r or h' s@i.ry. rh. ftcdiu Er,.*. sy ""i"
distiltation ,r,. i*04,.. ,J
(C) d.sc.ibc a sci.ntiffc pres altisr! p.rceprron ori.srh.ric b.auryiut or GoM.s rr,* ^,..i"i(
r,_ . "i, .i", ,1.
ii.,'.ii,;"oot -
(D) @inss com. fi-om sGicris qrh foets. b-ri"ii- ";r.ry ".pil".
disass th. boilins temp.Et$s of
v.lioc liquids ..*L-""a *-." *r.i
..n!:'ic -s; ;;E;
and,rnocl, or rhc kicty in which
;1".::[il;;].f,[iT::il"#:i :,:I":HIT:- "
,.,r irl.-ra*
rrcm soc'.ry to s*i.ry, as $an in thc oft.ir.d empl. "i.;ir,.
or r,**,-*a.a "iffiffi;::l
suhrik sylph!. ad rh. anis, mulr scn. a a mircr or *. * li,.*i".y1 *.._,.i-.j,Jli..
And socicrys BoBr valu.s mus, cquaxy b. Eflekd in
;ii ii; ;;;ii.*ril..;,I:.**-
41. Whar does rhe pssagc mailjy discuss? 45. Accordihs !o rh. pssB., which otrh.
(A) Th. eff.cr of rh. anEron s@i.rv followin8 is NOTa way rhsr qicry
(B) Th. rot. of rhc anisr in ihprcvi;s rmposcs rL5sttucrurc oh an anisr?

(C) -rh. r.laiion (A) SGi.ry hN found ways ro tEih and

b.rwc.n an anisr and suppon irs anisl!.
(D) (B) S@iery prcvidB physical rcsourccs
Thc sttucruE ofsoci:ty
ro an adisr.
(C) Social imposes ilr vatu.s on rb.
42. Th. word'tolirary'. in tin. I is closcsr id
(D) scicry allows rh. anisl ro use h* or
his uniqu. El.nr b lcad a solnary
(B) honocamoE lifc.

(D) lorc 46. Th€ *ord "mcdium" in lin. lO could b.st

43. Th. aurhor think dra!& anbt is (A) socialmili.u
(A) s.paEre from soci.ry (B) m.ans of.xprcsion
(B) a pan ofsociew (C) neutBliryof posirion
(C) differenriaed hoh seierv .
(D) m.diocriry of p€rfomanc.
(D) an cnriry ..mov.d hom s;cr.ry
47. Which of rh. fotlowins physical rcsourc.s
44. The \vord -mifror',n lin.5 of&r k NOT m.nrion.d in rh. pssag.?
i clos.sr in

(B) rctum
(D) Mcral

1) z\


48. In linc witl th. audor's poim aboul 50. Th. .iamplc of Rubcns' womcn is us.d !o
rEoE6, an .E ncar an occa! hithr show thar fi. artist
f.aturc wh:! typc ol a!t?
(A) ha bcctr .uppu.d by sdi.ry SECTION 1: Listening Comprehension
() sh.n j.w.lry {B) hal.s a. of sicty's physic.l
(B) walcr colo. ponnits l.c .B 2I. c ll. B 41. c
(C) wood cryin8s of hsh (C) Efl6B s@icryi r6th.tic v.lu€s 7.8 't2. c 22. B i2. c D
{D) Painrings of scdcapcs (D) Eflers seictyi noral lalu.s 3.8 13. A 23. D 31. 41. D
4.D 14. c 24, D 34. c c
49. A'syiph'in linc 16 is probnbly $h@n. 5.C 15. B 25. 35, c 45.
16. B 26. B 16. B
7. D 17- D 27. D 17. B 47. B
E.D 18. c 26. c D 46. D
(B) pErry 9.C 19. D 29. 79. c 49. c
10. A 20. A 10. B 40, 50. D
(D) llim

SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression

9.B 17. B 25. D 33.
2.C 10. A 18. c 26. D 34, c
l.B II. A 19. B x7. A 35_ c
4.C 12. B zo- c 2E. D 36.
5.4 t3. D 21. c 29. A 37. D
6.D 14. c 72. 30. c 38.
7.8 15. D 23. D JI, D 19..
8.C 16. A 24. 32. B 40. D

Thls ls the end ol Sectlon 3.

@@@@oeo SECTION 3: Reading Comprehension

lt. c 21. 31. D 41. c

It you llnloh ln less than 55 mlnut63, 2.D 12. B 22. c 37. c 42. D
checkyourwork on Sectlon 3 only. 3.B 13. c D 33. D 43. B
Do NOT read or work on any other sectlon ofth€ test. 24. 34. D c
5.D 15. D 25. B 15. B 45. D
26. c 36. B
7.8 17. c 27. D 37. D 47.
8.8 18. D 28. B lE. 48.
19. D 29. B 39. c 49. D
10, D 20. D l0- D 50. c

Z< i
rour TOEFL t.st L *or.d, tou \ill r.cciv. r *orc bcrw.cn 20 {d 68
i. cach of lh' l}lr" ic'- \U}lBER CONVERIED CONIERTED CONVERTEI)
(U!rcninB ConPrchcnsion, Structur€ and \^'rittcn Exprcssio n. and Rcading ComPr.h.nsion) CORRECT SCORE SCORI SCORE
chan to csti- SECTION SECTION 2
Eill aho r.c.iee a, orcrall 3corc bctsccn 217 and 677. You c,n ulc thc fouowing SECTION 3

d'. rorca on yourPFcri.. Tc3t!. l4 14

ls 38 37 32
t2 36 3l
CO}NERTED 1l 55 30
NUMBER SCORf, SCORE t0 33 33 29
I 32 29 2a
68 67 7 31 27
50 6
66 30 26 26
49 67 a 29
65 25 25
48 66 28 23
63 24
47 65 3 27 22 23
46 63 6l 2 26 2t 23
45 62 m I 25 20 22
59 0 24 20 2l
60 58
58 56 You lhodd fir.t u!. drc chan to dcrcrrnin. your .onvcncd 3.orc fo. crch scdon. Suppo* fiar you
55 8or 50 con.cr in dE 6r!t s.crion, 28 corrccr in th. rccond s.<tion, and 43
40 a7 58 corrcd
ihc ihird sr-
39 67 54 tior Thc 30 corrcd in fic 6Br lcction m.ans a convcncd rorc of 51. Thc 28 corrcd in lhc lccond
56 65 a4 s.ction mcans a conlcncd s.or. of 52. Thc 45 corrccr in th. rhtd sccrion m.:Di r corv.ncd
38 l icorc
55 63 53 of 58.
-.4 6l 52
54 60
58 51
33 -52 57
'.2 56 49 NUMBER CORRECT 50 ?8 43
5t 55 48
51 54 48
50 47
49 52 46
5l 46 Ncx! you should dctcmitr. your ov€ral icorc in lhc following Er
21 49
50 45 l. Add rhc rhr.c conv$tcd
26 48 lror.r
48 49 44
41 48 43 5r+52+58=16l
47 47 43 2. Diridc thc auh bv 3
46 46 42
22 16l/3 - 53.7
2l 45 45 4l
45 40 3. Th.n mulriplv by
20 10.
43 39
42 38 53.7 X 10.537
18 43
4I 37 Th. ov.ri.ll TOEFL ror. in tlis cxamplc ii
t7 42 5S7
l6 4l 40
4l 40 35


1 1 1n1 1 tr 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 n tdr 1 1 1
(B) h a tou.ist ag.rc,. 9. (A) Sohcon. ht}.d out loud
(c) Ar an arpon tick.r counrcr r' (Bl No one ws altowcd ro ralk.
SECTION I (D) (() tn. m.etiDc s.cm.d lone ro
T:lme-appExiEately 35 miDulcs
If rh. e. Er out ofp . (D) A lor of peopl. panicipar.d.
(iacludins thi r€ididg of thc diEctioEs for each pan) u rlc car qI shE
(c) wh.rc Lh. Ee stzDon n r0. (A)
Ih dris section of thc !6r, you will halc oppotunity io dcmonsraE you abilitv to und.shd
rshc should scd a ch.ck
ro rh. (B) lliffiI;hll.5::1.*".o"
rh. nan ishl lbl.
conveErioN dd l2lls itr English. Th.rt m fir.c pans ro this s.ction AGwcr all the qucstjons on ro do his wdk in
drc bdis or what is !!3!ed or Epligl by $c sp€k E you hce Do !e! llke 00.6 or Eit. in vour tst l. (-'i) The wohan should lealc jn (c)
b@k a! dy tim.. Do not tutu thc pagcs until you d. told to do $-
(B) Th. woman should
lh. (D) 1[;H',;*:i:?n:..["*"
fihish fte
prcbl.ms bcfo.. hidni,h, l l. (A) Shesp.i a lot ot riDe findins
(c) rhc wohar should wqk lhc
Fom (B)
ro morruDz Ir w6ni a diffjcutr pbj<t.
DirtioE: tn Pan A you wi.l] h6 shon convcElios b.tw.cn two P.oPl.. AJrcr ech conv.Eation, (D) -.mrdnrghr
rn. komo shoutdnr;y (c) rne oEr.l wa, hed ro makE
ymiU tro a quetion about th. convcMtior Th. convcFa$ons dd quetio6 will not bc s.rr1.r'inc tonjshL ro 6nis} (D) ,r qcnt wonh rhe r,me rr t@tr
rcpatcd- dner you ha a qu6tion, r.ad th. four Posibt. u3w.E in vou i.s! book ud chc€ th.
bst swci Thctr, on you dsd she.!, ffnd th. .ub.r ot .hc quation dd Ell in thc sPace thar .4. (.t ) Th. rhffic is unGqalty 12. (A)
cocponds to th. Iener of th. sw.r you havc chosctr-
SmPl' ABGr
rr. tiEhr
shaEs th. htu! opiion.
rn. caB shoutd st:y on
List.. lo atr cffiplc. (D) th. bad beli.v.s sh.U sray ov;miEt,
Accordins to rh.clct.
lrdffic is
(D) r c cosr wa Erh.rhrsh. -
On th. rccordins, you hcd
@ 13. (A) Pqhaps rlklomar hft
(-a.) @ plels e.d t]]e ch<k in
net em w6 idt dn+ll Tirc mor€ vatcr bdav
i*i.-l oh, it coutd ha'. bd so6". e (E)
'n pran's donl need ro
b. wakr:d
(!') Hc dq$ r.loow why rh. woman
(c) E
(ndator) Mar dM tt'c *ond" run? uurng rn hcrsuirca..
(D) i'il"":'d;::ifl i..;a,r*:[i]:ll (c) -.
rh. woman shoutd chkk
In you t€st book, you read: (A) Th. .,M w6 rca.Iy as'fd. 6 (,.)
It *6 thc woF! ciu shc had .vcr *n. (D)
(c) It coddnl hav. bcen morc di6cdt.
Th-e sohan could,ve Ieft
hcr Dse in
(D) se.n rhecompeLirio.
EsutLs. 14. (A) M.f!,likor pohted h
(c) rhe dan of the
You lem ftob the conveEalio, that thc me thoushr th. exam wa v.ry difficutr d thar -r Luckilla he djd b.r.r rhan
ih. wohan
-wha! dB the wofrd Eiean?" c (B) rh;:;irlfnrh.
woman disacrGd wilh the man. Thc bcst aswer ro lhc qu6tion, rcuece eornred our
(D). _hwsD't thar hdd."The@iore, theconcctchoicc is (D)
(D) Th.y borh perfo.hed poorly.
(c) lvtr, rliLon's appolntmenr
' (A) qls
7. dolsl khow whar rroc ir
i\ deehed unneccssan
(B) .tre rhhkr i,! lar (t) Ilr Mitron rceNed a;ew
('t) Sh. belEks rherensi lbsir,o a
(D) eo
)0e Drr'eEs,h. mmter
Ml b. r5r (A) Hjs nruilon *s not eery E6d
(B) de k4*rcd
8. (A) th he had;r sudied
Sh.Je4 rhat sohsne rook h{ (\-) H. couldnt pal,ruirion
(5) t** ono *n"t n"o"n n"
'n" (D) He hadjusr.nouch
(c) lo pay his sch@i
Shejs..liekd fiar te. \al.r qa,or

(D) 4.ll rle worry has ralen
ils rolt.


1r1 1r1 1 1 1 n L
16. (A) If Eri. wanLs rc ptzy bask.6alt. 23.
(B) It Eric! walkins roih. bask.rb.I
(A) H. ner.r likes ro ptay rcnnis. Part A
(B) H.i unable ro play rehnB qt}
(c) If Erict sriit hun. (c) H. isni a wry
s@d r.nnls play* *Hr".Lf;::ff : *:::;f J,r.Xal.{i::ff lfi,ii:t,Jfi :i:I ".Dv.eu.n y.q
(D) He rn lom }ora gardc of rcmis.
(D) IfEnc! unctc! ptayins bske(bal. 's
17. (A) H. rhjnks rh. houins deadlinc haol
24. Q\)

Shc could not b€lievc how hard

sur!.isc rnp rerlty pleased hcr

ir *ii{:.rr.
Mmrhbct; you irc
n:i*J:tffiii:H"",* ;-,n "xiii,i:;,::,*,,
(B) H.! acc.pling rh. hoGins rh;'ri! b..n (c) Sh. ws unabt. ro d n]lo*"d. *.
so b.cius. ofrh. "ot*..*,.,"]ok resr b@k.
(c) H. desn, have r ptacc ro stiv
(D) H. supposes rhar his applicar;on!
(D) She.xpccrcd horc snow. ll lrr T!. pricc ofrcrrbootc.
bc.n acc.bre.l
(B) 3s. (A) Tharybabies st.ep
25. (A) H.i! disappoinred abour rh. (c) Th. univ.Biry bookstorc rhinee, hous a
18. (A) sh. rhints rhe hohcwqkir 6n (D) waF ro sU Bed boo| {B)
(B) Tha rh. sohan k5 lalinr
(:t) Shc desnt how abour thc " H€ mad. somc cxrE horions a
(c) psychoro$/ da'
He! heard a lor ot static. 32.
homcwort *isnm.nt.
Shr! wortrcd h&d on her biotosy
i:l;ffi:,]fi:uiff* (c) -.
'ni',?f:,.1-''* *'0" 'o'*o *
'nil,f:;o '""*o *'-*-
ms.nrushcd Eing th.h. (D)
(D) 26. (r,) Both shir6 e madc exacdy rh. (D) d.d Erhcr hav. (hopcr
Thc hohework wa duc y.sr.rda,v b6!"
l9 (A)
(B) Itdcsn'r man.r ro her which 5hin 3J. (A) 16. (A)
H. di.lnt Ed Srari &.tictc. do.sDr qant,o buy In psy.holoE/ cts.
(B) Hc ed rhe anEl. whcn n apFe.d (c) Th.
\:;lk,o,. (B) ,da d,*usion [1rh rh.
ms should.l s.! eirhc.on. G) (c) .rcE an afticl. tlEr she
{c) H. h.lpcd Sr& wirh rhe di.te
(D) Sh. dGsnt like cidE shi( (c) f:J:Yff;[.tf:ffi[[:u, {D) rroh rh..tG tenb@L rd
(D) Slar rcad rh. &rict. in tb. sch6t 27. (A) H. Eor rhc job hewoted. (D) Iri roo tat. ro scit rh.m 37. (Aj
(B) H. doesnt want, p.nrime iob. b U. (B)
(c) Hcl no lonEcr looluns for a tb.
20. (A) Thc womo 5hodd not have cr.n (D)
hrh rn. sift.
H. did nol g.r a pos[ion, J4. (i..) (D)
(F) Ir !E a problch topick rhosc rhinEs 28. (A) Th. dean will lisrcn to rh.
up. ci!.rh. booki to rhc bootcrok 38. (A)
(c) circumsranc* of rhe comDtainr for (a)
Thc woman shoutd be mo.e r.itistic (B) rhe d.an n .r compta,ns aLout th. (D) (c)
about rhe situari6n
(Dl Th. worDan shoqld k!e! trrins. (i-.)
(c) The d@ nper hem &ycomDlanB
2r. (!) Th. dcu always tisre.s o;
(A) Ten doll4 ws,@ much rolay for complau6.

(B) It vE unfonunare rhar shc didni like 29. (A) She did not know hou ro coor
(B) Sh. would nevcrinrire peopt.
(;) Fonunarel\ she Eor the Dertum. for
Lo her
ten dollaE (c) she a.s busy doinssonethinE
(D) She didn r have enouEh money ro else
buy rhat.venine.
(D) Sh. lvd a reall:- 8ood cook.
Onlr Ehc on
plav rhe piano so eeu. 30. (/_) Ec hd put offgoine roTelas.
(B) Enc col play rh. prano v.N wel_ (B)
(c) He compl.red rhem tone a8o.
Erict rhe onlv onc *ho oravi rr,. (c)
H. pur rh. money tqr his raes aw:v
(D) in th. bank.
Otb.B pla), rhc piano berrer rho (D) His ux.s are Dot don.



u n
1 1!1 1 tr 1 1 1 D 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr 1 9. (A) How ros.r ! prcf*$r! simaru.
4s. (A)

isj y,l**:##d.;.H.".#y'
part C (B)
(c) A h..lrluq rumf,r
Dircctloailn fiis par of thc r.s! you wiU hear sev.at !a.lks. Aft.r .ach ra.lk, you will he sohe
qu6tioG. ThG latk and qucsrios wilt nor b. rcpear.d.
l 40. (A) Any ume. ifrhc prof.ssor 46. (A) To-show whar a rembt. tif. John
Afiryou h.uaqu6rion, read lhc fodJF$ible dseeB i, you resr b@k ed ch@s. Lh. b6r 6w.r. h wi[inr b
I srcn. sutrcr had I..t
rn.n, on your answer sh..', hnd rhc nuob€r oi rhc qu.nion rnd fiU in rhc spacc thrr con.spondJ ro (B) Oaly on rh. day ot rhc (E) To show th. fouyoiutin8 !od.v.loD
thc lcn.rof fic mwer you havc cho*d. (c) l:lk
uurins rh. ficr rhEe wecks
or,Ar (C)
HeE is an exampl.. l To,howrhe cff.cr rhat th.
(D) Up.ro rhree
wc.k befoc rh..nd or
or gotd ha on hdrqduals
On th. reco.ding, you hee rur ro,show rhar rhc ddctoph.nr
1 ofrhe
,l r
w.sr happen.d pardy by
4t (A) chance
(nl:mtor) Ifsun to an i6ttucto. tatk to his.tqs abott paiaine. (i,
(ma) AnLe crdnt W@d w d suidihc 1o... in *epain ina k@ 6 A@ri.an
schaol of (c) ' ill i,:""':il:il:'cBi'ivs'lud'h'i.
flBiondtl , a sryt rclletinc th. distif,ctiv. charct.rittics of an futu tutal8 of l (D) (C) MajoriDs h ft.nas.hcDI.
rh2 Uh ed statq. wood b.can dtaqnc anidnL on th. {@ } lm at he ae. of th@ pr sp.ndjtr8 a weck ih a maa€cm.ht
and |9h.n h. w6 thilyaishr one of hi parqnnzs rueitan ;;;;;, ;i-' 42. lA) Th. srudenr hrts rhc couBe. rEr ng prcEEm.
publc notu. and @I,itu rhis paintinL calkd Am.n@ ";*,k"bi Godnc, i5 4 ,tuHy si Dk ,j
(ts) rnc cor6. is removed from
dzpktiod ol a s.no6 coupb e.^nE dire.tlt o ar hz vitu th. 4E tA) R.ldarion rechrjou.s
stud.nl! schcdut.
(c) Thc studcnr necds
ro ser the advisor!
(B) Homcwql asm;cnB.
Now lis.en ro a s@pl. qucsrion. Supt€ Asw.r lL) A- p.Bohat tim.-m&aCemenr
l (D) studv
,er Gphg an appornr,n.nt alcnd2r..
The stude k.iv.s a waming.
(@to.) W@t sqh of pain inE b known 6 Am.rican rezionalbt? @ I
@ 43. lhod.ryins businas
49. (.i) Nin.ry-st davs
(B) (B) rw.DryJour;vs
In you rqr bobf. you rcad: (A) An from Am.rjcas im.rcnr.-s. (c)
(c) soen da's
(B) An 6-om th. cenlrat r.BioD of rh. U.S. 3 A consrtucrion bushess.
(C) (D)A (D) Fir1atr;inut6.
An from vdious rba, @d in rh. U.S.
(D) An lrcm ru81 se.tiors of Amcri@. l
50. (,\)
l tvtajc e appoihrhenr
Th. besr ew-T ro the quesuon, "Whar srylc of painons i! k own r Amenon r.gion.tisr?- k (D), 1 8l ilff*'J:,Tt#o radss,ni (A)
BcEh rh. tih. studv
'Afl trDF rural sccriom of Ahaica.' Th.Etorc. rhe cotu chorcc B (D). .i LLr sohdimc alier sutL..! dearh
wnrc.iown how rh;v sp€nd
!u) rj.torc.Su er h:d th. nsht5
Now list.n ro dorh.rsMpl€ qu.slion.
Lo rhe (D) Arr.hdanotherschin&

(netor) what B nE narc of woad\ most su.c*sfur pointins? @

In your ren book, you rcad: (A) 4Ahcrican Regionalisr."
(- This is the enct o, Secrion
(B) 'Th. Family Fam in Iowa." @ { srop work on Section 1-
(C) "Ah.ri.an cothic.' 1
(D) "A s..ious Coupl.." Turn otf your cassefle ptayer
Th. best answ.. ro thc quesrion, "Whar n $c nd. of w@di nosrsuc.esshn painlins?,is (C), il
"Am.nen Gorhic." Th.reforc, fic coftedchoice t (c). i.i
R.m.mb.r, you dc not allowed & lake nor.sorwire in you resr book.


@ d
2 o 2 a 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 a 2 ;2o2o2oZo2o2oZoZ
L In Eedievalrihe_ his cn.ev bv ?. jcni4, jMs e Edc by Etarsitre thc
SECTION 2 rhrowirs dok hi,;amd.L
- srh rhc ftuirNie.
1iEe_25 minur.s (B) a Ed chalcns.d (A) No li}.Ess io
(iEcludiEs ttc rcldin8 of the directioB) (C) a h& oad. a chaleng.
(B) Not alilc
(c) uDtil.
Now s€t your clock for 25 minutes. (D) his chall.trg. . (D) Distikc
ThB *cnon,is,dcsrcncd to m.*,." y"". .iitiny ,o *.og.iz.lesu,s. 2- In 1665 phoroshphy chescd dEmaricjlv
mLt.n EnSlish, Th..c dc Lwo q?er oiqu.slons iD rhis s.crion, with
$ar is apprcpriate tor srandar.r
inrioduc.d paF.-b6.d filh.
An.l.phanr can lift _ a ton wilh ir5
sr.ial .Ii;dnonr for€rh DF.
, (B) Es.Ban wa (B) ir
Structure (c) ivhcn n ws &stse
(D) when Frstrnd
DiEctioGj Ou.srioE.l-15 ec incompt.r. *nr.ncB. B.ncad.5ch $nrcnc. you wil s tour
sorus or pnr?s, mdkcd ( , (a), (C), ud (D). Ch@E rh.9!! word or phr&
rh. $nt.nc.. rhcn, on you Nwer she!. End rh. nbb.r.-r *",,*o.,'.LJnI
tat besr cohDl.r6 eriEEr las di.l no( qist h rhc U.s-_ 9. Thc clccrric..l us6 irs .t6rric sh€k ro
corEsponds !o rhc lefter of !h. eswer you hav. chos.n. Fin in tnc spacc so rhar th. l"r,*;;td"
thcr. would nor b. s nuch.ohp.tirjon ir
-ccnain 6pnE food ud _.
ih" iDdEEi6.
dal caDot b. s..r (A) (A) for prot.clior
so (s) prcr.cli.r.lf
Look at th€ following *mplB. (a) r (c) pbrEtiDgilgtf
(c) For O) n p@(ecls itr.lf
(D) A.lso

Th. prcsidcnt- (D 10. Bd-.ly _ acom until ih. Ee.s e morc

rhe.lcclion by a lan4rlidc. 4. A bar will oft.n sp.nd th. dayliEh ho6 thm tv.rry yes otd.
@ doM lre evc
-(A) hegins
in a or
(A) whcn oak rre6 bar.
(il) Gk lEs rhar bGu
G:) whjch hanss (O do oal( lrcc b.:. '
(D) (c) thar is (D) oak rrccs b.e
(D) hds!
should Ead. "rh. prsident won lhe .recrion by a ran&lid.." rbeEroE. you should
lffoss:i:i:e ll. Thc Androh.da Ncbuta, _ horc the
5. Gcomorpholos, is tE srudv of thc chMgE two miuion lighl y.6 away, (a
on $c surfac. of ihc .ann -
b. se.n
fiom rh. Nodh.m Hcmisphq..
whcn rltc confellDce? @
(A) th. detoranend.d ID
- thc dctorarcnd
(B) did @ {D) thcy a}c plarc (ri) a galaxy which
(C) the debrwiU an.nd @ 6. A hero ol rhe qq
(D) th. detor! a(eodance oi lElr, _ prcndent of
(he Unrr.d Sbks

Th. s.ntcDce should r.ad. "Whcn did fic deror.trend the.onfcrenc.?" Therctor., you should (A) Andrew .IackoD laler bc@h.
(B) that Arclrew Jackon lar+ becmc
(c) who wa AndEw Jac|ron
Now bcgitr wo.k on rhc qu.niols. (l) larer bccame Ard.ew JacLson

ryl IF<T E^I IO

2o2o2o2o2oZo2o2 D o
2 o 2 O 2 o 2 O 2 a 2 O 2
12. Th. closr t
ro on. of rh. Earthb
sEvir.lional forc..
!ot6, rh. 14. Th. fl.minEo us ils bil _fccdi.,
filt.r mud ed warcr Fom rt. urv aI"..
r. i In qu6{oB
Written Expression
(A) i5 and aiEats rhar ir fir& in shallow'ponds.
16--40. e.h s.nt.nc. h6 tou und.rti
(B) tlc m{k d (A), (B), (c), &d (D). rdcorify
(c) has (B) corrcct rhco, ouyourarowcr
' (D) i! har is ed fill in th. spac. rhat coresponds ro rh. I.ft;
(C) tlar ir is of $c
13. Bab@G el a Eiery of f@di, ar th. followi.g .xaDpl.s.
mrts, gr4, i'1kr5, pter lcavq. ad 15.
-.ss5, Thc IrEr nuclcupower.d shiD in rh.
world, rhc Na,rita, _ by tirc U.s. Naw
(A) rhcy include in 1954. rhc tou!:!I|IE on
(B) e a vioxn re tun.d @
@onc rh.m
lA) whcn ii ws lamch.d A B E ---
(B) thar w6 laonch.d ra
(n) includins (c) wa laun.h€d
in fffths.
*rttnc. shoutd rcad, Thc fou stlirss
(B). on a violir sc ruled in fifths., Th.re

Ihc ledh for th. b6k x@& lakinz

a B --E- @
Al* @
Ha.ley rwctE
iliff:[::"r"::'i.f4 =t'r'serch rorrh bookxoors r@kAre,. Har.ytwc]vcr.d."rhererore.

Now b.si, wo.k on rh. qu6dons.

2 O 2 o 2 o 2 a 2 O 2 o 2 o 2
2o2o2o2o2 o2o2o2
lJ. Th. I690ii i! Amdie w.rc kno\h 6 a cay Nitr.ries.
l6 ThcwinGrsronn that Bced thrcuch thc ar.' io! rhc 16r l*o dzy mov.d e6r roday.
ABCD 14. c.nerat ACrccmcnt on Taritfs
an.l Trad6 (GATT) is
t1 ln thc l80o!i boqnist Asa cEy ygl\gl io d.erib. and ctasiMns rh. plan6 fouDd in Nonh
,Th. a int.mitional aelemcnt d.srmjns
ABCD- ircr*c tradc ahong A -B-
Am.rica. c
15. [i]ca shal child,
a victim otAlz]teim..! Dis.se p#
18. is t.ft l@ tuay ser tosr bd nortrow
Bryc€ Canyon National Park, wli'erc is rherc oaarv shap.d and Basnihcendy colored rek
A B rh. way hohc_

fomatiotr, is leared in soulhem Utah.
--- i.
Dcarh Valtey is lto mil6
19. Aftd hlks itr Coperhagcn ycsrcrday, rhc scqetary ofslzre r.ruhins !o Wshinston. --E-- and no mor. thatr 14 nit.s widE.
----E- c
A B c /. TtE rh.ory of narur.t
sel.cdon is uscd ro .xplaiD whjch
20. kva, Ick hagm.nLs, &d sa5ru nay aI .npt froh a lolono. ei ftaL sFde wil dic
AB(:D pEmajurcry atrd which
A-T- of a

wjr suryj:31.
21. Ma4y of th. ch@c!e6 ponEved by wirer Joycc C@l Oars is h.nL:tly ill.
Aad- Th.r! e thou$nds of kinds of be&na,
hosr or w!i!! is harEl:! ,o humaG.
The two !?es ot nu.leic acids, knoM a DirA and RNA. dc not like.
a--l-aD 1I :lTlit u*, t".*, r"r tr,e at*ropmor
or tr,J catrins cun. Rjchsd
21. Ol aI th. stacs iD th. Unired Stat.s, Riod€ Island is a smallest. Gattitrg actually put
A B ED !919! hG efiorr inlo i.dprcvins agricl rur.l B
24. Th. clGiffcation oi a dinosaur s eilh.r saurischian M omnhis.hid depcpd. on rhe structue
AE Dorcthca Dix wort.d cxtcn:ivcty duTg-t!
D condtio.s in e.nral heahh
half of th. niD.re.lrh c.nrury
facjtiri€s ad thc prjso.s.
25. An etops ha rhrce he:G ro pump bl@d rhrcuEhour rh.tr bodx ]J
A ---r- c -D-
26. !!4:: show that rhe rcw srEr.sv is hor v.ry.ffectiv. s rh. pr.vious one.
27. Most th. lcwspap.t depend o thc wirc scNices for rheir intcmarioral srories d phorosaphs.
B C--r
28. The new systch rcspoods a!s.conds ro N emersency
BCD .- This is the end ot Section 2-
29. LandscaFE painting was a domif,anr an torrs during huch of rh. nin.reenrh c.nrury.
ABCD "H J:I'*::';:;f :flJ::fl""Til?:"-
30. \^'hile hjs Ecingdlys, nc.ho6cJohn Hen.,v eamed a..cord 56.5 million, S:.1million mo.c rhan
his .loses. comperiror
s- qee9e9Q-")@@@
ll. c&lrlasc cove6 tne ends ot boncs helps to prcrect thejoin6 Eom w@ dd tear ,1jii",:;,',,"i3i,ilHf :;',,l"ii ii
A-=----.i--D- iil":,ill l.
32. Th. Al8k n malnmure. u.ed e$ensivelr .B
ro ouU sjads, E(tosety relared to t}le wolvs.



3a3a3a3n3^3n3n3 3a3^3a3a3a3a3a
Qu€stioDs t- l0 3
TrEc_sS mbut€s
(includil8 tle r.adlns of the dLections)
Now set your clock for 55 Einures.

Tlis s.ction is d6isn.d ro ft.xu,. your aUitiry ro r-a

ropic and sryl. ro thos€ lhnr s*a"na -d undcEied shon p&scs simild in
@ll.sB. -1tiUyi".n""*r.r,n Nof,hAhcrice uruv.Bi$6 and

H**-I i!.::.,.' ,ou.will rcad $vcrdl pss8.s. Each on. is tolrowed by a numbcr oi
qu4uodaDour,r. You m ro cheic rhcoh. hp* swcr, (A). (B), (c). or(D,. to;cch qu6uon.
or your&sw!. she(. Rnd tt..nu-U.. otiti q,*r,o. Then.
rcrcror lnc euc.you hav. choscn, -a rirri" ,r,. ip*.,r..,."*ilil;j:"- l. TIE topic of rhis psss.
A$ss all queuons abour rh. htomaLion in a pssasc on rhc bsis
or what is !s!qs!or impli.d in 1A) trqst-*n..rl N.w ydk
,"r o.n<a Sbh
tud Cawza
' Liil: :[ :::::: gg""s.- *"
Rcad thc folowins p&s.: ''-t't';X;;'g;.x*; .;a".r,r'. lAl Tl:l il ll: illt [Tit_:T.,*.
Jotm QqiDcy Adams, who scdcd s rh. sitth pr6id.nr of rh. Unir.d slat6 6-om I 825
'o"nffi ';50'o'*"
1829, is rodiy rEosniz.d fo. his m*r..tul s@lBn.trhip
Md diDlomacy. H. dcdiar.; hE """,,n. (cr r\.1;;e;L.*-rr.s
. rir. ro pubri.sedce. bo,h in rhc prd.ncy ed in G.,_J*;J;ili;ffi.;il;:""
or rons ad
4 2. (D)
n.E. ruousholr hjs poriricil
sp.!cn, $c qrElaEry caq.,
h. d.mobLrtcd hjs unr*.din8 bcli.t in fE doh ot
rh. risht ot Ah.natu to bc hE hom EuFFa sd Asie
I:ffi y,;11,':;i,*i,i:jj:li ^ Th.y are tong aDd wjdc.

G) Thin I1'.ffy,;",*'""',',inc 5 is crosd in
(c) shallow (A)
(D) Mdc (.)
To what djd John euincy AdMs daor. his lifc? @ 1 li::H:ilj:rffi:; enva*h.s (D)
(A) Improying his pcBon..t tif.
(B) S.rinc the pubuc -
o 6. The pesacc rmptie
(C) Incr.Eing his tonu. @ rhar S€n.q ljk. is
(D) workins on his privar. bsin6s ifl#frffiir;:#?::
rohn euincy Adms -dedjcared his rir. ro public scricc." rh.rcrore, you (D) ili *'l'r#rit',:"Fr*t""' -',
1,T:ldtllc lo_1l:fs*cc. Thcrc a.. a nahy ta-ks G rhq. . neoeq rhm fowhilcs
'i./ ar cenarn

L line.l. ih. word uns.Ning" is closet i, n.aing ro @


Th. ps_.ge srarcs rhar John euincy Adams d.monsr6red hjs unsw. ins .rhroulhour
qc.n rn$,mpxs trar rh. b.ti.f did not chans.. Th.r.for.. bctief hk
rou snoutd ch@s. (c).
Noq b.sitr work on rh.gu.srions.
3a3a3n3a3n3a3a3 3a3r3a3a3^3r3a3
7. what do most &icntists b.licvc @uscd &. Th. word 'patk" in linc l0 iB.los6t itr Qucstions I l-20
fomalion oi thc Fins.r kk.s? hdinE 1o which of th. bllowing?
(A) Populd archiEcturc in rh. Unt.d Srar.s i. th.
Thc s l.vcl de@6ed.
lEd at thccd of rh. nin.rc..rh c.nru!y. *irh
of rh. lw.nriclh c.lrury conlinqed s it
(B) Hcary BiDJalts fl@ded thc ea. ofta!€ historical motifs- Th. n.!
(c) at rhc timc *erc often oonrcly 6!ish.d wirh clemcnls df corhi. or Roman
(c) M.lt.d Elaci.s cd.d our $c s6d5 Doting fiia p€riod oi .Bphais on intncat. orffi ctrt:rion. ccnain aEhird6
Y.lIcys. (D) HiehBys difternt dircction. froh the hisroric attc, iion to omdr. derailins towa.d
(D) claci.E dt into thc led ;d $.n by simplified flowine lin6.
morc mod.h de6i8r q?ificd
m.ltcd to 6U thc lillcrs. 10. Whar L ftc ton. of thi5 pasec?
FEnk Lloyd wrishr, rheb.sr knom of rhcse carly mod.r archkcl!, dcv.loD.d
sNle rhar h.
'slcccsire" (A) lnfomativc t tudotq dic arch .ctun. a buirding jryrc b6ed on;aru.,r r"_. _,r,"",r,...i ,r,.a *;Li.j, '
The word in linc 9 cou.ld b.st (B) AcGrory o.urlc6 styl6lh{ hld b..n popule. Wrishr s6rt.d wo.} in Chicago d.srgnins .pmiri.
(c) HumoroE pq ouxorngs r.atunng floqng horizond Un6 &d simptisuc ho*q.; to,u
un(y of dcsim. Th.$ buitdinEs ofre."
(D) calcl adns ccnkEo dDund masive 3ron. fiftptacE wirl @hs open ro each orhcr did sp&.
flo*inc tl_ oni
(a) dupli€t Mn to th. n.x!: rhey wcR intcndcd to 6r rh. wid. open crpanses ot rh. Midw6r ptaj* ,;., __ _
a*uing forchioco. Th6e 'pErrj. hous6,- found h chi6so!suburbe ";J;J*
u.s. s.p"a.,r" ii.
Eprdyd.v.top,trg nc,ghbo.hoods ofChioEo sth iL5 plaiE h.rjbg..

ll The pugFph pr.ceding this pasag. most 14. Th..ip..ssion "sptuurins up" in linc 3
could best b. cplaced by
(A) b€inc crcM
(B) simpl.. foms of ehirect@ (B) dominarins
(c) rhc d.velopm.nr ot chiaeo (C) popul&izcd
(D) ehitErure in rhc nin.r.eDrh (D) beinc built
15. Th. word 'simplifi.d" in linc 6 is closest in
12. What is the main idaof fih p6sas.?
(A) Ihc Nh ectunl stllcof FEik Uoyd
Wriehr reprcacnt.d a chos. kom (B) norditficulr
(C) $Eighr
(B) Archile.rue in &e rwcNiefi ccntury
(!) Fn I Lloyd Wnshri mhit.crue 16. which ofih. iollowins srat.ncrB abour
wa moe elaSorar. fian pEvious FEn[ Llo].d wrish! is supponed in rhe
(D) FEnk Lloyd Wrishr! "p6irie houscs"
wc.e w.I knoM in Chicso.
(A) H. \16 e rcm€ly popul& p.ior to
rhe rw.mi.rh ccnrury
13. Accordins rc the pssase, rhe ncw (B) Heused elem.nts ot corhic and
skv(EpcB bu,lr.r rhe besinnrn8 oirh. Roman dcrailing in his wo.k.
rw.nt'e!h cenruN w.r. (c) HG archirectunl sryleaD be seen iD
Chicago! skr"scEp.6.
(D) Hr "pEhe housei werc rcrv
(E) elabomrelyohamenled drfferenr h.om Lh. elaboEr.ty
(C) rn a v.n modem sryl. oftah.nted skysnp.E.
(D) conplekly GoL\ic

il a8


343^3n3a3^3a3a3 3a3^3a3a3^3a?,^,
t7 Thc'pEiri. hous6- bu,lr by FEnt Uovd
wtAnt wcE l9 It is ihpli.d rhat Frd* Ltold Wriuhr!
pnue loree. recmbtcd priria
(A) omaEly dcrajl.d eund chreso
(B) in &ar
builr i! rhc Rohan styh
(A) (hey !q. c@.rd wilh
(D) flowing aad sinptc (8, rh.y w.cEpidly d*dopins
h.y w.rc lotrp ed low
18. Th. word.fif in tin. 'L/
(D) they w.r. ir Chieco
li couk ksr h.
20. Th. qord -herj6s.. in liD. l4 E closest
m.annB which of rhe folowinsr
(B) wer 'o

{D) ffn (B) TEditiotr

. Th. pa5sg. mo.Dly

trX#1il:;",trpr*'* ll"*;u;*"*..rr"*_. ",""*, "
\./ mc $e6s of l]rrl ry;Ed
(^) commoDDtac.
(B) hish-mind.d
'"' "ff;,3'""'"'"n'""'"""' (c) rtf{.rvtns
tlrj syrnparh.tic

Ir::o#.eanicurdry" ti lde 2 is croser

" ;Iffilff:"T:;illi:i*;::"-,,.
(c) er..F,6. (c)

rh. p*."g. i.pti* 26.

tt .t *g.r..i.nt"-
:r (A)
sh.did sm. kwiDs.
u 'ifflf[.nt"irlffiix" (D)
Jr.crcaned hoE.s.

sh. wo;i.d rn a sro.e


PRAa?r-c ?E-r --..-

3a3 3a3x3 3a3n3
343^3a3a3a3a3a3 3t-41
^ ^
27. Thc sp;ior 'prcvide fo." in lirc t j 29. Thc au6or! purpo$ in rlc p6ssc is to
codd b6r b. Epl.c.d by
(A) .xplain how an aut-hor b.com.s
(B) id.nrify qith (B) d4c.ibc $. in8ucnce of fanily otr a
(c) buy plEtrt9 lor
(D) mqec (C) suppon Bronson Alcolt! .duulional
26. k 6 bc infeftd trom th. p6$s. rhar (D) show rh. succs thar can be
lrujs May Alcon Ecd rhc suc(* ot Ltrtz achi.vcd by o aufio.
'(A) buy h.rlf anr{hir8 shc had .ver 30. Wh.rc in rh. p6sa8e dG the aurhor
m€ntion.iaEpl6 of lhe bciiefs oiLouisa!
(B)achi@ Fenal Gnacial suc.6
(C) siv. hcr tz.h.. lalsiblc p@f of hcr (A) Ures l-2
lov. (B) Lin6 2-{
{D) d.hch h.rs.tl &om h.r FJhily
(D) Uoc tl-12

ftc pasSc h.ir y disGes

34 exprcssion -a m.ans of- in lin.4 could
h) Ahdcan hon.-v hom p6t ro Drc*nr
(B) rhc Ensiish non.tar! rlicr.s in
(c) thc etfccr of &c Revolurion
(D) !h. Alnoi€r hon;tar,v sysiem (D) z punishh.nr for
of th.
35_ Whj.h ofrhe to owins,s NOT mennon..t
hthe pisace a a subntruk tor
Th. pses. indicaks thar dunns rh.
duong lh. cotoniat p€riod?
.oloral pcriod, Eoney ws (A) wampum.
(A) spllicd bv Ebstad (B) couon
(B) coiicd bv rh. c;to *
(D) qscd c .nsivelv ror rEde
l6 Th. prcnoun ir'in lin. t: rcfeB ro which
Tic Maschuser15 BayCotonv u:s
(a) The conrhenral conrcss
{A) connhuoustv froh
(B) Prper mon.v
rhe in(eprjon oi (c) The qar
{8) rhrcu,eh@rlhc *E a h centutu
lLr rom 1652 unril th. Rcvoturionary
(Dl lor a shon riDe du.ins on. yea.



Ir is implied in fi. p6sas. rhsr ar lhc.nd
of thc Rdolurionary Wai a pap.. doll&
40. Ac.ordins !o rhc pesc. which of lhc
l! wd wonh
to[owing ir NOT tru. rbout rhc bimelalic
morctary sysl.m?
rh. human bhin, wirh e w.i8h! ot fou!t..n kjlosEms.
l:r it .i6 inforhadon &om pMa*s !h. informadon, is th.
t'i int .".",r, a.r* (A) !tor6 and E
"* onc
(a) jE5t und.r doltd
EirhcJsoldor sitEcould b. u&d a rh. informrtiotr
and f.clir8s. Each of th.
omcral hon y. /l
(c) cftbruD,
Ir* (D)
jGr ok.one do[ar
alhost nothine
(B) Cold .ould b. dch:nscd tor silv.r ar
rhc c.rcb.Uum. ed n st.h-h6 irs own rcI. in

IiLi 38. Thc kld "rcmedy" in IinJ 15 is clo*sr in

a Erc of silteen ro one. !/
Thc mon.rary synem ws bed oD
L!thc laraet of th. fiE. parlt, raldn8
c.r.brum, !h€ c.Ebr.t co
up E5 p.rcrnr ot $€ bhir
rwo betals.
I#. ' (D) lr w*.sublished jn s.rsory .oncx, which js
1i92. , h. bodyi rh. horor codc&
IF, ntltuctioE ro rh. sk.l.El con.x. which.ecei!6.
4i. Thc word "6;ed" in tinc t9 is ctosesr in infomalion. lt is in th. sEia.ion .ona thar rhe p .ee*s lhar :_llow hu
tt& Ecemgto
utr (D) hdi6r. (A) Tlrc ccrcbcllum. Iearcd bclow r$...rcbdh in rh.
L4 discov.r.d back olth. sku[, is hadc oi
rh. c.Eb.ltum thar coDrrcls
li,i 39. How wa th. mon.rary sysr.m aJfuq.d in Thc bGin srem, which balanc., c@rdinarion,
t,l.Coturiturionl cord, coDrbls %!io6
lit (D) s1 ud hcanb@i tt t thc mobr and scnsory parhway .onnering
H (A) Only rh. U.s. Conss cortd issuc
l$ (B)
HB. Thc U.S. o6cially w.nr or a
Whar is thc audDrb main purpose?
ffi bih.Ellic moncran svnem_ 45, Th. .xpcssiotr .gr@v.d od bumDy" itr
(C) veious slar. sovcl1u.nr.. ira,ai^, (,a) To d_.*rit rh. tuncrioc ofrh. par6 h. / mtus $a. rh. c.EbEl con.r is
Ma$achetts, coutd Buc don.v-
T* (D) Th. dolle \r madc the officul (B) To.iplain th. bnrn pB.ssE
lf cwncy of thc U.S.
(c) lay.r.d
i-1 To d.moctEt. the physical (D) nds.d
i4i composition of tI. bhin
IH (D) To siv. qampt€ of hume b.dv 46. Th.s.soryconex
L} tuncrions
lrt (A) s.ns.s fiar mcsc.s should b. s.nr
m TIE word 'slorcs" in lin.3 is closcsr in ou! to rhc mu5ct6
H (B) provid.s a surfac. covcring for neo.
(C) E rh.re rhe human prGcs of
ffi rnrDrqnS @cuE
[H (D) rec.ivB od pcesE inlomatro.
l'!l ftom rh. sens6
ffi It. ps$gcsilr.s thar !h. mosr hdsive
pafl ot rh. bEin B
ffi rh.


ffi EI
,_- :/-
j, )ira ,i i

3n3a3^3a3^3a3n3 '
/ 4.) -
[- .1 ANsWEA KEr

47. Th. word 'monitoc' in line l0 is clost in 49. what shapc des thc bEin stem m6r
E@ing to which of th. following?
(A) K..es rEck of (A) smal dd rcund SECTION l: Listening Comprehensiol
(B) K!.ps hold of (B) !.ns dd thin
(C) G.ts away with (c) tssc dd fomls t.c II, B 2t.
(D) G.ts rid of (D) shon dd Aai z.A 12. D 22.
D 31, D 4r. c
3.D 13. A 21.
A. 32. c 42. A
4E. which of th. followins is lrue about th. 50. whi.h of th. followirg could b6t b. c.d 4,8 14. D B 13. B 43_
5.8 24. D 34.
in plac. of 'pathway" id liDc 16? 15. D 25. D
6.D 16. c 35_ D 45.
(A) It l@rcd abov. lhc cercbrum.
is 7. c 26. B 36, c
(B) 17. C 27. D 46. D
h codtrcls bca.hins.
(C) Routc
8.A t8. B 28.
i7. 47. B
It is r.spocible for baldc.. 9.D C 18.
(D) Ir ii l}l. oursid.lay.r of fic (D) str.ct 19. c 29. A
D 46, c
IO. A 20. D
39. B 49. c
c.rcbt1m. 30. D 40. c 50. A

SECTION 2: Structure and

Written Expression
I. B 9.8
2.D I0. c l8-
25. D .13. D
3,P II. A t9.
A 76. C 14. B
i.a 12. B 20. B
D 27. A J5, E
ll. D 28. C 36. a
21. c 29. c
22. 37. D
7.C 15.
D 10. A 38. c
8.D C 23. D 31. A
16. D 24. 39. a
Thls ls the end ol Sectlon 3.
B 32. D 40, D

@@@@e SECTION 3: Reading CompreheDsion

lf you llnlsh ln less than 55 minutes, I I. D 21.
checkyourwork on S6ctloa 3 only. 2.A 12. A 22.
D JI. D 4I, D
Do NOT rsad orwork on any other ssction ol tho test. 3.8 ll. B 23. c
D 32. C
14. D
t3_ D 41.
24. B 34. B D
15. A 25.
6.D 16. D 26,
C 35. B 45. D
7. D 17- D 27,
D 36. B .16. D
8.C 18-
A 37. D
9.8 A 28. c J8. A
19, C 29. B 48. c
10.4 20. B
39. A ,19. B
30. B 40. B 50_ c



1 1 1 tr 1 1 D 1 1 1

1 1 1 n 1 n 1 1 1
e. (A) Th. ran should find somc leu
lA) 1i5 tim. to so hoh'' SECTION 1
iai u.' tarc ror u aPPointnc"t (B, md should haE hk Eloth6
(c) His homc! h! awaY clcd.d in a diff'rctrt Plac' Tme-aDDroxiEat'Iy 35 minutc!
tDj Hcs rcadY to lcaw homc' (c) 'rh. md shodd l@k tor a way to do (i"cl"dine rl" r."drig of the direcdou for each part)
hi\ oM laundry.
z. (A) Sh. ody sP.nt td c'nls' (D) Th. hd should givc th' laundry
' s lot ot mon'Y s
(B) Sh. coutdn t find Inthiss.ctionoflh.t.sl'you*ilh5v.dopponunitytod.monshl.,!urabllitl-loundcremd
Answer aI thc qu'suons on
l'i,l',i"i"iJ.' *i enslish rh'rc c rtne' pans to rhissection o'wit' id vour t'st
iilll."i "rc,; .r i"oplicd bv rhe vou h'd' Do 4e! Bk' nor's
rcr shc sxnt all shc had'
lo- {A) He ihinls h' loows when th' ^i -l",]*-*a 'pc:kcs
iPt tr **nr hrrto 'Pc"d t]'e mon'Y 'n mceuns b'slns'
i,,i'rL.",.ir". o"-".,,*--,t-p'e's untilvou ar' rold to do so'
(B) The mecrins will nor shn
suD@s.d to' Part A
3- (c) Th. ;;.ons s nor at I oclek'
iD) Thev ar. not supPosed b an'nd th'
(D) h a n*spaFr offfc'
ll. (A)

sh. doubts that rh' wcathcrwil b'

ffi *'*..1""il,1#:r.1!ii.",}r,i:#T*.iiff..Hi..:#.{::,'.THIH''.H:::
ic*atcd. lhcrvou har a quBtion r'ad th'
lour t
or rhe qu*non and nll in the sPace tha!
rA) Sh. iust d.Urer.d th"lothcs' ;X ";;; i;'.;, ". r"*,6s'r sh'er' nnd rh'(hosen

iB) Th. cloGBwd' ord'rcdiEr thE (Br Sh. Probably wont go skiinE'. consDonds to th.l.tt.rotrh' answe'vou htv'
momina 6 SdPl' A'sct
She thinlc rh' w€ath'r won
t De d examPle.
ic) List.n.o
Icl sh. rcc.ntly cerv'd ih' cloth6' bad d DEdicted' @@O'
(D) Sh. eotjust som' of th' ord'i (DJ The w'ati'r iorccasrer didnldo
' on th. rccording You hea'
su5lly sood job'
5. (A) lr's t@ dark wh'rc sh' Iho! en w iust a$ful
12. (A) That sh' should sil doM in oh, n @uU hde. bdA wo/te.
(B) Sh. d@sn't tike workjns with a l'mP DsYcholog) clss' what do.: tht \rotua d.dn?
on_th. d.sk. (B) That sh. should 8o rc cl6s b'tor'
(c) shc isnt worl'ins in rh' lim8@m' rMM 10 r.ad thc chapt'i In rcd r.stbook. vou r.ad: (A) th' exM ws reallv awhrl'
(D) Ther.! nolamP on h'r d6x' (cr rh.ish; should providc a chaptcrto (B) ll w4 th' woBt e'Iam "h' had der tecn
lmn8' ici It couldn t havc b'cn more difficult'
6. (A) He hrmselldid somctNng (D) That she should pr'Pare forcla!' (D) It wdnl that hdd'
{B) H. beli.Es in fimnc3t .-
ici nc betie"* tr'ar lact' *a not 'carv 13- (A) Sbc knows lim! nor *riouslv Y6ut.df.omth.GonwrsalionlhalthemanLhoughtth.aamwdkryditfirultandthalth."'..
ro'rhc quc*Dn "wh't does the uo
.an. rhe bcst uswcr
i.iurcd. ;:';;;il;;;;;,i.
(D) Hc asrs wi'h thc
rB) Sh. ioe's Timll s't to rhe emerg'no
,ipJt"-*':, ii., r'*a.",h.rerot e rh' corccL cnoic'
is (D)'
mm qurckIY.
rc) Shei heard all abour Timi rlln's'
(B) A r.al.sr't' ascnt iD) she do'sni know howTimi do'ng
(C) A sup.frdketcdhiei
(D) A hor.l d'skclerk 14. (A) she eniovs rhe hnsurse Iab'
at I0:00 (B) sh. doesniahvays do whar snes
8. (A) Hospltal virnne hou6!'Bin ruooosed ro do
rqr 'rhir hosDrtaldGsnl allow ustroE' (c) Sh. Enl suPposed lo th' lib'
ic; Msi,.6 m"* 1."" bdor' ro'oo' (ol 't'nd
she artends rhe lab r'Bularly
iDl P.oplc mav,sir onlv th' hosp'tars
lov.r 11006.
15. lA) She rhrnk rh' rosc5 ar' lo"clv'
iB) She doesnr lite rhe roses'

shc wondeE tf rhe roscs are
She Pref'rs othertlPesof flow'E' s)@


tr 1 tr 1 1 D 1 1 tr 1 1 1 tr 1 1 tr 1 tr 1 u 1
1 1 1
24. (A) t c cd wail torasho( ti6..
Paj't B 16. (A) H. dcrnl thinl ns.nouBh m'dicinc' (B) H. w.ot ro th. post otfic. a fq
(B) Takrns p,lls everv dav should h(lp the
ninures ago-
mr.doc: orrh' r6t wil hd lons'r rcN'F:trcn: Aft* '::l @nveBrion vou (c) He qn h.lP her with thc lcnc6 for:
lD rhis D.!r vou
sl (c) h *.ms lite roo DUch m'dicin''
ffiffi*iJi.!-".L. ii. ".,i'"'*'i'* -a q'*dons rcur rar bek and ch@* thc best
nor b' r'P€!ted'
(D) Maybc th.r. d.nl.noush Pills' (D) He can hold th. leilec for h.i
qu6!ion, rad th' tou Fosblc .ls'6 h
ah.t vou h.ar a rllin rhe sPac' that
l*;;; shet,6ndth' nuntEr ot the quesdon .nd l7 (^) tic w* unaw*e of thc tomado'
25. (A) He Fust study about tunles for his
comspond5 to $.1.(.r of the sswcr vou
hdvc cno*n' (B) A lonado cam. dingcocly

you d. !q! allowcd ro tak' nord or Mitc itr vour test b@k' tl.'s not accomplishine v€ry much'
Rcm.mb.t (c) rhc tooado came in tlsough th' 1B)
(c) H.ll prepare for his e$ms ah'r h€

15. (A) A pr.scnhriod fo' politiel science (D) t{e climb.d out ol th' window wben
Ue codprehends thar he musr
3i. (A) To i ddtor3 aPpointF'nr' the tomado cam' in
prep . for his exams.
(B) To u dscis' club' {B) How quicklY tim' Per6'
(c) To a swimminE Poot (C) Th. differcnc6bGM"n th' veous want5 it ro stop.
13. H. n€v.r H. wd not raking the Physics coc'-
(D) To a *h@l ij".s of coutu fl.dlik it to ain aedn. 26. (A)
(B) (B) H. di.l nor likc physi.s b..aus. ofrh'
(D) A sch.dul. {or Pr'P&ii8 tor
a (c) H. ihinks itt fisa]ly stoPFd.
12. (A) Th.v E both r'suls m'Fb'6-. Politi.d si'nc"rd' (D) (c) He would ne.r do rhc Phrsis
(B) H. lik6 ro Bo fi'rc dcatonarY'
(C) Shc wsls him to EY n ou'_ 16. (A) Thr.. lcv.ls ol couds t9 (A) sh. d rcally lik. Fm. ic' crcah'
(D) Sh. hals Lo.x'rcis' alon'' to do d),thing'
(D) H. was rcshrer.d in Physics'
;E! o"l! rh. du,ucioal courts (B) She do.strlw&l
iZi rr'..r"rc u,t nor t'' ted'ral couns' (c) Shc! trying to [En d6s'rts' h h impossiblc to install the progEm
(A) limit.d numbc(\ Shc a€v.r €n sw..ts.
27. G)
13. A
Picqu.tball couns and t $imm'r8
iD) odv tnc star' dd f'dcral courB' (D)
lB) (B) H€ is not the;ne eho rnnall'd the
37. G) on-rhuFday' 20. (A) Hc! BoFg to op€n a bank accout'
{C) Ex.(i* oachines' bulnor clN's' (B) on Monday' (B) He! qoFs ro th. mounuins' (c) Hz doesn l know how to use the
{D) JEt about 'nrhins (c) ln a weck' (c) Hc h;s qutte a f.w dollars in his
(D) B.tor. Monday' (D) Hi *;"ta h.tp itL" hoa ,i-''
14. (A) vist th;ciub onc.' (D) Th. inp is impossiblc fo' him'
(B) Tak out a mcmb'6hiP 18. (A) Pl.ntYoftim'- ariv' 28. (A) This report is berk. than the161"
(C) TrY th. club un1's h' hurc tums'tr' (B) U.til Monday' i 21. (A) The prinr.r ws suPposed to
(B) Irs b.rer to Publish th. repon
(D) s6 if h. hd tim' to so (c) Onc *€ek.
Er.donei talU ns eicitcdlv about th'
iD) until rwcck hom Monday (B) (c) s. feeh b€tt.r about the repon'
(D) The rcport isnl too good.
(c) 'th. new Printer should anive in a

fou weclc old 29. (A) The man shouldntsPeak when hei
(D) Th. .omPut.r lab is
{andins on his teet.
(B) lrwa noapolire fo. the mnn ro ralk

22. (A) Hes unable to go rc thc oPera' (c) The man pur his toot where he
(B) tte isn't ver,v (ond of ope€'
(c) Helikes soing ro rh. oP'6 (D) The man said something

tD) se has a dentGr aPPointment

30. (A) Martn son lhe comPelirion fairly

(B) lr w6 advaniaseous for Ma'la to win'
/ 23- (A) rhe sales staft only 5old thc (c) ThecomDeltion ss oot fair
mi.imum amounr. (D) Thc iuds; provided Marls strh !n
(E) Th. sal€s staffalmosr reached their

- (c) rh'e sales sraft orelv used quotcs in

(D) This monrh the sal's sraff rea'hed

hi-qhc5t sal.s lev'l ev'r

! PTA.:TICE TEST FIVE rfi ----{?)
L tr 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
19. (A) A univ.6ity.ddinistEroi 45. (A) Th.y brckc down into sirnplcr toms.
Part c
(B) A (B) Th€y causcd fie wat.r to Lcom.
(oA (C)
(D) Th.y rl€d.d phosphatca into thc

qo. (A)

u* thc libEry.
How to
{B) -th. udv.citv resistntion Pr*.durc'
(D) Th.y dada8.d only Ue
watcr supPly.
md.rgoud ffi""".**1'iiliil,"lr::"Trfl
[:]ii: l;::Jo ina nrr'n'lh' sp'c..h"'l
(C) SePicB off.red bY th. Stud.nt h'vcchoser'
r"*.*'t''sswcr vou
46, (A) w.r.r po[uriotr in
thc 1950t. il"i'.*"*i"*i.
(D) Imponzlt lGarioN oD ehpus {B) Nonbiod.sFdablc synth.dc Hcr. E atr .xdPL'
r,tl. (A) To povid. srudcnts with eista..c (c) The foamy waier supply. On th. reordinS, You h'ar:
(D) P.oblems caus.d by rhe phospha&s-
about paintine'

List'n b an idttuctot to& 1o hi\
(E) asis! nudents in th. r.gisF.tion
To (naFbr) 'loss
4?- (A) Th€ static atmospherc.
(c) ro rllow stud.nG lo walch moh6. (B) Thc causc of chans.s ir th.
(D) To prcvide tcxtb@ks lor uniacEity atmosphce.
(C) Thc.volu(ion of plantlif.. and sh.n h. wd thny ach,.: d d sd.i<ry rinprz
(D) Th. pr@.ss ot photosyoth.sis. ;! ::,";";:ii;;',;;;co,hic.
Dubti' dotc' and ac'tain tht
dire t od ar rae "t cr
ai: G) Itr adminisrators' of6c.s
48. (A) Two hund..d millionycas aso. '#iit""'r " *a"* -'pr" inac
(B) ln thc Stud.nt C.trtn
(B) Tw.nty million ycaF a!;o. sahple An$d
(O -rwo huDdr.d thousand y€s aso. Now lisr.n to a sanple
{D) h rhc smd.nt R.cords offfc. @@@'D
(D) Iw€nty thousand y.d ago. 6 AnenLan ctonat6l '
(narrator) tvhat n't' o[ Pai'nnE I k"own
(3. (a) Naturdl soaF.
(B) sFth.ti.d.!€rsenE. 49. (A) Thc cvolutionof pldts and ..ad: .
(C) BiodcsEdabled.tcrscnLs.
(D) ' (B)
Th. varicty of saes itr &e
rn youi,.s, b@k. you
dill iiH:fil'#1,11::'#':11.J,
e" t'"- *'i-' *t* in rhe u .
Phosphat6: 'a emac"'
alrosph.rc, ioi en tron runl *ctiom or

'44.. (A)
(B) imajor eue ot watcr Polluton.
(C) Th. hiBh p.rcentagcol nitrcgcr
(D) Th. amnonia and m.rhd. i. the *-
subsranc.s th break doM i'to oriBinal almospherc. :::i::}fi #J"Hf
r.6on for th. foamitrs water 50. (A) Read about thc comporition oithe question
(D) Thc No* t Jr.n b anoth'r saftPlc
study rh. nores of todrys lecture. succl{slul pdtatine?
what L\ he nade olwood\ dost
(C) Pr.paE to. a quiz.
I (D) Read th. lollowins ch,,pr.i ""-.n
rryour,.s,book,your.ad:,,ti .+ilj?:ffi".'#"lli;"..
ici "e'";"" c*t'i" "'
(D) "A Scnous CouPle'
This is the end ol Sectlon 1.
Stop work on Sectlon 1.

Turn ofl your cassette Player.

to take nores o' wi!' in vour test book'
_t *.*.-r* *" *" *t

Read lhe dk€ctlons lor Seclion 2 anj begin work.

Do NOT read orwork on any other sectlon
ol Ihetestdurlng the nert 25 mlnutes. ------*@-*@
6f @
2 o2 a2 o 2 o 2 a 2 o 2 o 2 2 o2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 O 2 a 2
Th. oi6t. Jcan btirr. offered his servi'es SECTION 2
l. Jackon,-caPitai of Mi5sissipPi, is lhc
ro rh. U.s. Eov.mhcnt ln thc w& o[ 18t2 STRUCTIJRE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION
ldg.r. city in th. stat.
tEla. and r.c.'vcd a tuI Pardon Tl.lnc-2s dnuret
(A) rh. from 'n
PEid.nt JamB Madien. (iacludin8 lhe readirs of tbe a;rpcuonsi
(A) fo\lshr in tlt Batrl. of N@ orleans Now set your clock for 25 miruter.
(D) ir is th. (B) th. sattlc ofNew Orl.ds wd
{C) h. foutht in thc 8atd. of N'e This serio! deigncd !o m.surc your abilit-v to r.cosniz. languag. rhar k apprcpriar. to. standard
's Th.rc e t*o rrp.s of qucstions in rhis *crion, wirh spccjaldirections for-.ach r]"Dt.
$dtt.n Enelhh.
2. vall! ForEe N.tional Park commcroEtcs
the dn. that Wdhinsron in vallcy (D) thc Banl. o{ NcwOrleds
forg. with his tr@Ps.
- 7 alfiouEh fish do not ha Structure
ha,e a;impl. inn.redon e'th'r ede of
Ellsliglli Oustiotu I-15 ar incomplctc senr€nc*. B€n.arh each setrrcnc..you will s.e tour
(C) w6 sp.nl words o. phr.s, m&k.d(A), (B), (c), dd (D). ch@E rhc ele word or phra. rhar b€i compl.tes
(D) ha bc.n sFnt {A) thcr€ d.vancd.s th. scnt€nc.. Th.tr, on vour answ.r sh..r, fftrd th. numb.r of rhe quesliotr &d 6ll in rhe spacc rhar
(B) th.Y arc vdicti's corespodds to th. l.rerof ih. answ.r you havc.hos.n. FilliD rh. spacc so rhat rhe l.rrer insidc rh.
3. In Na EnEled Pictu.squ. fishing
(c) soE. v i.rics
villag.s dd msufactring lo\m
(D) which vdieti.s
L@l( at rh. tollowhE eiampl6.
- J.mcstoM, th. EBt Permd'nt Ensush
(B) many scrrlemenr in Am.rica, itr 1607'
(A) i( was found.d - Th. prcsid€nt the .lection by a landslide,
(B) colo.itrs rivcd th're
4. ln l7?4 d.l.s.t6 ftom all th. coloni.s
(c) w6.st.blished -
i att.nded thc Fi6t Condnctrlel Conscss.-
(N o€orsia .,. 9. th.oueh a lclcsco9.. venus appeaF ro (D) fonuna.ely
(B) th. exc.ption w6 cdrsia chans.s ia siEaDd shap''
{C) .rcepr GeorEia -so rhrolsh Th. s.nrence should r.ad, ''The presid.ntwon lhe elecrion b! a landslide." Therefore, you should
(D) cic.pt ihat G.orgia wd
(B) Sc.ias
-5. lt c th. r.comhcndation ol th€ U.S' Public Eunpb fi Sdple Ar*€r
, !l..lth S.Nic. childr.n be vaccinat'd
asainst a riery of disedes 4vh.n _ the.onfer€nce7 @rD@@
- lO. Thc E.ious lr"€s of baceria are clssifi'd
(A) susscsrion to all according to shaP.d. (A) rh. dclorarr.nd.d
(B) rhat all (B) did rh. deror at.hd
(c) to all
- (c) (he docrorwill attend
(D) sugg*ts that all
(c) (D) rh. d6ror! an.nd5nc.
how they arc
Thc senren.esho!ld read. "whcn did thedoctorauend rh. confe.€nce?" Therefore, you should

No\$ beein $o.k otr rhe questions.

E8@ 1

2 o2 o 2 a 2 o 2 O 2 o 2 O 2 o 2 o 2 O 2 a 2 o 2 a 2
2 2 O
, Written Expression
loom ro uc-logt' 14, Und.r rh. cduqtional plan propos'd bv
I t. Bav.B haE bc.n rlE *b@l boa'd of R4U)'n county-
Dlr:.c$os: In quBtions t6-aO, ach s.nr.nc. hs four uhd..tin.d wor& or phr.s. Th. fou. r'6n h6. rck and mud to build dams
'sd.rlincd pans of rh. s.trt.nc. &. markcd (A), (B), (c), ud (D). rdcn ty rh; 9!s undertin.d word NhaDDv sth . Particuld *h@l' thqY
thd aJ! moft thd a thoused ' codd implY noe rhclr chil&cn to
or phre thsr mEr b. chdg.d in ord.r fo. rI. snt.nc.lo bc comr. rh.n, oMuranswersh.ct,
:und lh. numbcr o[ rhc quarion and tul in rh. tpac. rhai coGpondr to rh. t.k;oI rhe ansqs vou (A f@r ir l.n8th -
,lqvc cho*" G) f..t long
llool th.foltowins.rhpl.s. (D) l.nstl'Y f@! (C) ear.nE qho w'rc
12. t@L dd im'lr'm'iE.fosd
tosils, dthropologsB nav'
-ih humd that ln rh. U.s. morc rhan 60 Pcrcenr of 'll
IE row $nnc @(-@@ -shn. N'andcnhal Man *6 a l5
AB d.Ermin.d r.h@l stud.nB who-'ondnu' lhcrr
TD succstul hutrr'r
h frfth5.
. (A) when th'
_Th. (B) Th.
Ih. ent.ncc should m4 four slnnss on a violin dc run.d in fiftk.- Th.reiore_ vou shoxld (c) Both thc (c) will
(D) FrcE I J (D) @n
i1 I3. 6 thc most imDorrdr crcP in
The rs.arch for rh. book A@,l rakinc @@rD@ -is sugd
A---- --E- I (A) tt 6,13
i (B) lt is rark'd
AI.x Hal.y rwelv. y€aE.
(c) what E*5
D 1 (D) Th' 6nk
fh. s.nGrce should rcad, -Th. rcsearch for the bek xoorj r@k Al.r Hat.y rwetv. vea6. Therefore 1.
,ou should choosc (c). ,
N<,w begin work on rhe qocstions.



2 o2 o2 a 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 2 o2 o Z O 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 O 2
29. Nucl..r pow.E prcduction i! &e U.s. is controll.d by th. Nuclcd Rcgula(ory cohmision. t6 J-E&.rH@v..hs ser.d s diEclorof thc FBI fr94l92l until hisd'arh in l9?2 :-.
'; A BCD ' -' A- - B c D

D.nver is Bll rhe 'Mil. High citv" b.causc it is at d altitud' of 5'2Eo f"t'
'l:0. olamon& an mlu"redon rh. ba's ofrh.irw.igh, purity, dd color or I mil'' alDa' sea
'- Bc
l3l. Ships dc able lq mov. through c a]3 by m.ans lcks, Glan8ular ares wirh 6,able wat r
lE. A n.uriDo is a subaromrc pamclc i!!!!rc 'lectn'al charer'
1 --A
112- Harvard Univ.Gity wa en:blished rl1 ailcrsiiic.n y€a6 rhe Pilenms arivcd. i9. whil. rhe Sun is th( m.lor sourcc otdr6viol't avs it is not the sourcc onlv'
A B e o f,--E-TD
133. Pati.nti suffcrine frm .nc.pha.litis havc an in8m olth€ bBi!. 20. Gamh. slobulitr. a prot.in tound in blood Pldma, is us'd rc prd€nt su'h intectious disea6 fd
I ABCD i lEc
lt:r. About tecnty{ight millior As.ricans suffer s.rioN hcding 16, atrd th€ likely aus. io morc and vinl
m.616 .D hcPatitis.
dta a third of rh. c6.s & too Duch cxposurc to l6ud bois.. roseth€r Ros.6 in.l HammeEt.if, Eotc ninc A9:!!4: th' fiEt ot uhN wa otlalona
I ,CD 21.
.! --)BCU
it 15.8(aus.h.li(opreEar.capableotho,cdns,nhidax.rhcyar.panicul lt Gctulfor ak' th' l'vel oI watei
rescue 72. A dam {9p! fi. flN ot qat.r, 6.arins a r.s'rvoiFnd
--A B C l AB-c-f
bissio8, military and rransponarion. \,fi on' in lea3 for AqlgEgE of columbus and
9!!l3I:, j 21. Authoc simuclMorison rwo Pulitzer Pnzes,
D A-
36. Many srar$ do laws regularins pI9!!gi9!-pI9:S::!: for differcD! OFs of r@d PIg!19. th.other iD 1960 tora bioExaphv of John Paul Jones
AECD --5-
mo'e than two million !oB of
i37. Fd photosynthesis'ro o ,a l.ar requir.s carbon d'oxid., w.t.r, and l!gl!8. 24. Th. Unired Stares is (hc worlds larg*r cheec producer' makine
38. E!.r Forb.r so'
-F rh. t043
Pulnz.r Pri/e h Amencan hi5rory lor hd
ot Pad Rev.re.
i 6 D

;::39. Th. BiU of RjshB wa add.d ro the Consdtution specificaly to suacnte. fi. .edain individual 25. A(cordins ro rh. Ia?8 Ba.kI. decEion bv !h' Supr'me
'aB Coun an univ'^rtv mrv not w
.dmi$ions quoras to obuin. mcia)tvbaldc'd studenr bodv'
{.i40. -r- Ih.lons.r noh.lasls. rhe damaging i( b.-ohes. 26. Th. syst.m
--C D

slaves.scap' ro lhc Nonh wascalt'd th' 'Undersrcund Railroad"

'^-E---) A
rhoueh ua ndtherundersround m nillo'd
EC '
I hor I
??. Unlike li-qhr hom orher tourcs rhl'h tov'ls in alldnelrron' rhe lisht laser is

This is the end ol Section 2. -T-' T c
lfyou llnlsh belore 25 mlnules has ended, highly dircctional.
{ check your work on Section 2 only. D
28. NrruEl i! compos.d ot hvdroGrbon molecul's th bjeiks 3P3I inb hvdrosen and '

@@@@@ A.
aroms when herLed
{ Al the end ol 25 minutes, go on lo Sectlon 3.
Uso exactly 55 mlnutes to rrvork on Section 3.

,l @

3a3^3^3n3a34343 ,l
3r3^3^3n3 A 3r3a3
QuestioDs l-9 ,1
Th. n.xt tumoc to b. cotrsid€rcd is Dorothy Pa.k.i an Ah.rica po.t, shon story
mmar Eil.r liDc-ss mirutes
wrirc,: lir.nry ditic
d who b€.m. hmoE in thc .arly twcntj.th c.nrry for h.r witty but cFical 'I1
ob6.nrrions on lift. Shcsot h.r firsi payins job 4 a witcr in l9 t 6 at th. ag. of tw.rty'thr.. wh.n sh. i
(ircluditrs ti. radirg
of thc dtecdous)
b.sM working for a woo.n: Easuin , dd nin. y.s larcr shc be6m. . contriburor ro Ir. Nd
Now set your clock for 55 mhutqs.
yort aDd ..Euldly h.d her took wi€s apFd in 'coEtant Reader,' . column ir that magazin.. ,i
! h' ad<litiou to hd mas.rn work. sh. publbh.d volum.s of pctry dd shon sbn.s wirh thc Ihis s€crion is dBiered ro m.dur. your ability to rqd and ud.ctand short passases simil in
ft.liEtrt th.he ol dilappointmert with lif. and fir loss of id.alism; th4. p.ssiEistic rh.des, ',I lopicedsql.ro rhose rhar sludcnE arc iikcly to.ncoun.er inNonh Ar.ncan unive6iti6 aDd
hovd.r. e.r. prc*nlcd with birin8 wir" onc of h.r most frmous obs.dations, "M€t s.ldom 6ak. colless.
pG*s / At si.ls who *.d 8lss," cM. Eom th. pem "N.ws ltcn," which w6 publish.d in the
volqn. Erorsft Rop. ( 1926). This volumc of po.try w6 follow.d by sunr€, Cfl, ( 1928), D.ath and Dt.ctioBr ln this s.ctionyouwill rcad scv.cl p6sases. Each one is follow.d bya numberof
I@r (1931), and a coll.ctior ot shon srori6, fl./r li.i (1919). Eer bek revicws wcre published in qu.stions about it. You are !o ch@s. th. q!9 b.sr asw.i (A) (BI (C), or (D), ro.ach question.lhen.
1970 in a voluD. . itl€d "CoEtant Red.r' on your aDsw.r sh.ct, find th. number of rh. qu.stion and fill i! rh. spa.. that coresponds 10 the
Il l.tt.r of !h. aisw.r you havc chosetr.
Aswcr all quesdoE about the itrfomarion in a p6sas. on th. hasis of whar is slaEd or impli.d in
t. wt r ropic des th. pesBph pftc.ding a. Dororhy Parker! 6Etiob w6 ri
tI. passas. m6t lik ly di$uss? (A) for a wom.nlt masazin.
i'it. (A) Dorcthy P{LEri dry childhood (B) d a lirenrycriric .
R.ad th. foUowins pasaee:

(B) Amc.i6lit nturc of th. nin.tc.nrh tct tot th. NN Yotkt T John Ouincf Adams, who se ed 6 th. sixlh prsid€nr of ftc United SEt.s from 1 625
t, (D) as a shon story siter .1 to t829, is bday recognized for his matcrtul srrr.smnship ald diplom.c,v. H. d.aicakd his
An intbduction !o litcraly criti.ism
(D) A *dl.khoM tcmalc author
tlas Do.othy Pa*.r
oth.r In lin.7 rh. wo.d "r.cunent' is clos.st in
meanine ro which ot the followinc?
j lifc to public s.ryicc, both itr thc Drsid.lcy od in thc vdious orh.. polilical oftices thal he
Lr. h.ld. Thrcushour his political carc.r h. d.honstEt€d his unsw.frins bclief in frcedom of
15) sp.€.h, the andslavery cause. and th. righl ol Am.ricans to b. fr.. Eom Europ.an and Asian
.:2. Accordirs to th. pdss.. Dorcthy Park.r j
I i vcror hmou tor {c) FlowinE
(D) Nesative ',tr'
(B) :|.
Thc rcrd 'pesrimistic" in lin€ 7 is clos.st To rvhat did John Quincy Adams dcvote his life7 @.-O@
(A) Imp.ovins his peEond life
(B) s.rvins rhe public
Th. sord "obs.watioN' in liDe I could lI (c) In(easinR hh fonun.
(D) Wo.kins on ht private busin.ss
( Acco.dins ro th. passaBe, John Quincy Adams "dedi.at.d his lilc lo public seryi... ' Therefore. you

(D) jok6

In line.l, rhe rvord "unsqef,ins" is c16es! in meaning to @@oo

Th.pass.genarcs thatJohn Quincy Adams d€monstnled his unsw.Ni ng belief 'lhrooghout hh

ca..cc" This impli.s that th. beli.fdid nor chang.. Th.Iefor., r-ou should choose (c).
Now begin s'ork on rh€ quesdons.

"",r""t-*+ PRACTICE TEST FIYE 177




3n3a3r3n3n3n3a3 I3n3a3n3n3a3n3a3
QuBtioDs l(Ll9 7. Th. expr*iou 'biting wit- in Iirc E.ould 9. It €a, b€ inf.Nd hom rh. peg. rhat rh.
b6t b. Eplac.d by which of th. followins? tid. of Pdkcr! volun€ ot b@k revi.ws
Fog @.!rs wh.n mdstE from th. surhcc of rh. E r1h .vapoEr.s: 6 rhis dapoEt d moisruc (A) Int lis.ncc
mov6 upuaJd, it c6ls dd condcrs i o thc fMilid phrnomcnor of log. Fog ditreE ftom clou& in
rhet fo8 toEh6 th. sufacc ih, qhil. clou& do not.
of thc E (A) $d.6li.r work she had don.
Ofdc trc O!.s of fog, advEtioD tug EcE alons rhe 6.d c6r o. D.d rives and lalcs. This (B) a turcnl. .xprcsior olheE
ryp. of ful-moving fog. which may cover vot ro, ecu6 when th. l.dp.ars. of rh. wind blowing {D) Hury.r (C) . tide of one of hcr p€ms
ovcr r body of wat r ditr 6 froB th. t hFBtuE of th. body of wal.r i!r.lf. This kind ol fog co eor
(D) herbirings.nseoihuhor
whln wAm.jr md6 oE. a cold surfac. otwatci this comnonl), dcu6 along the *.a coadin or E. Itr {har }!d did 'Nes lted" appcd?
rlons ftc sho.6 ot la.r. lat6. Advcctiotr tos 6 .lso ccur wh.n c@l.r air rovE ov.. thc surfac. of (A) 1916
sr.l: this is v.ry .o6hon in the wintcr in e a..a such d Florida. whe.. thc iehFEtue of (B) 1926
rh.le}6 is quit warn in t.htior to thc rcmp.nrk. of fi. aii {c) t928
quit difi.r.nt hoE advetioD fog, is ilnEobile. cloudlik. moistur. s.ncra.lly found
R2di.tion log, (D) l9lr
hotrht ov.r wint.nimc rdlcls. It ccs on cl.d nishE when th. Eanii, w.mrh q6p.s into rh.
upFr .trrosph.re $G srund giB otr h.at thmugh Ediarion. As rhc ldd b..omca c@lcli rh. air
rbol'. lt also b.coB cel.i Thi. €@l.r air is uEbl. to hold 6 nuch Mt.r vapor E it had when ir
\v.t q"mcr in this inadd log is .r6t d.

10. AccordinS to th. pGeec, ios is fomed ll. The word'v6f in line 5 is clos.st in
whcn w.tn.ss in &. air is

(B) aat
(c) humid
(D) windy

I l. Th. word 'fam-ilidr' in linc 2 could her b. 14. In lhc p8eg., Ediadon fog is said to b.
(A) sinila. to adv.ction fog
(A) ki.ndly (B) found in coasGt ec6
(B) conffd.nti..l (c) fdi-noviDg
{D) tEpp.d moisrure haneins over
(D) par.ntal inland vall.ys

t2. A.c.rdilg b thc p6sagc, advcctior fog is 15. Th. word'ihnobile" in line ll is clos.st
(loud in m.auing lo
(A) unmoliva!.d

(O n.dHi.s of eater
(D) only in s all. cnclosedes





3 3a3a3 3 t3 r 3 a 3 3 a 3 a 3,a 3 t3 n 313 a 3

Quesrions 20-30
16. fhc p.onoun "Ir'in lin. 12 rlt B ro qhi.h 16. A..ordirs ro rh. pasB., which ol$.
. HaNard
froh vcry
UniveE ir!. rodav rc.ocn ized s pa.1 ot I h. rop .cheton ot I hE wo, Id s un rleBn i.s. cm. or rh. fotlowinEl
foll@ing shr.m.nrs about toe is NoT
in:uspicious and humbl. beeintunEs. (A)
Thjs oldAr ot Am.ncn uDi,.-i,i". **-touna.a in ro16. Ridi.rion fos
andcd a! Plhourh. Includ.d in rhe pun*n cmjs€nrs ro rh.
iuj nk.n y.s after rh. pilmms (B) Ad!.c.ion tos
N.tsachus*r; cotony j,;;; ;;1;;;;.d (c) cloudlik. moisruE
(A) Advcction fos EcuE wheh rhe c6le.t
^.rc morc rhan t00 gEduares of Eneland! prcsrgious o.r"ra ma c"-Uniq. u;;;;,;:, ' (D) auhcph.rc m.ers wiih heat ftoh
rnN.Errv sEduates in rhe New wortd werc ddemhed rha rhqr sotr wou[ ;;;?;;. Th. Eafiis wmtn
ducdionar oppodun,rks thar thev,hem\err had had. e.."u* or,r,*
h e rhe .ahe (B)
,,o_. ii ii"..i"", r., -' 17. Th. word'mantr.r" in lir. ts Adv.ction fog Bcneralty mov.s
nsrirurion oth,shd leamins, rh. cen.Et coun or M.s*r,*"*,r..,"1iJ "" coutd ber b. quickly across vasr arE6 of land.
ork..,n o!Lob.roi t610 and eelv the followins v.rrd.odrd on a par;elof tand mo;;;;;;i;;; (c)
tor rh.,(noot: rhE Rndiation fos oft.nshrrs on clear
.no ua rn Jn .r.a called New.'oune, lvh(h wa l,l.r renrm.d Cambndgc
,nd is rhe sne ofrhe presenr-dav univeEiN.
lfrer:rs EnBtrsh . ousrn (B) My (D) Rrdiarion fos is rh. t}!e of fos thar
.. wh.tr a rcuns minisrer*."a toL" it"*",a. *to.ah. froh rhe
nerchbonnE toM oI
(c) p.riod of rih. G.uB itr shal vatteys on cl.d
-h{r.srowne. di.d rrom rubeculosis in 1638, he s ed halr ot his.srar. oi t.7Oo ;unds b rh. njshts.
redg'nscoxe8.. h spn. ofrh. facr rhar ontv hatfor rhe bcqucsr *as acrualt" pard,
thc cc&ral Courr
ramed thc @ll.se aft.r rhe hinis,.r in appr;crarion tor whar hc
had done. rh. amount ot rh. b€ou8r
19. Th. aulhor! purposc ir this pssagc is ro
nav nor hale ben tarse. panicutartv bv rodav\ s:anda.ds. bur ,r \as
more th.n rh. C.*_t Co." t (a) erplain rh. diffe..nr t}?ls ottoq
ouno.tr n.c.s5ao roappropri.r. in o,der ro op<n rh. colt.Bc, "a (B) d$cnb€ wh€rc diffcrent q?.s; tos
oinr.d rh. fi6r prerdcnr of HaNa,d in t6JO. and ir shoutd be norcd rhar rn
!dd,t,on ro s.Nins as pr.sid.n!. he wE also fi..nrire fa.uky, wirh an arc found
Nde,rs. A.lthough rh. q,ff did erpand somewhat. ror rh. t
enrenng tueshmu ct*s otfou. *- (c) djscuss ad!frrion fos
-, *.,^ *:" "i,.i.":. ;.;;,;;
ca(n,ng sraH cons,sred of the preldenr rnd rhr.e or tour ruroB.
(D) si!. a scienlific descnption of various
qFs of pre.ipilatior

The main ideaotthis passaee E rhat :2. lr can b. inf.red froh the passas. rhar lhe
(A) HaPard is one of rhe lvo.ldt mosr Punrans Nho rEleled ro rhe MassachuserB
prcstigious unive6iiies
(B) rvhat h todat a gyear univeBiry (A) rarher w.ll educated
(B) a(her rich
(c) Joh. Hanard was kev to rh. (C) Erb.rsupponive of rh. Enstish
d4.elopmenr ota great unive*irv
(D) H:u'ard Univereitv daeloped urd;r (D) Ether undemocn,ic
the auspices of rh. ceneEl Coun
23. The p.onoun "rh.y" in liDe 7 refeE to

Thc passale indiiares fiar Ha ard i. (A) Orto.d and cambrids. Unive6iti.s
(B) uhi!€Bi ty graduates
(A) one of rhe old€sr univ.Eiries in rhe
(D) educitional oppoduniiies
(B) the oldesr univeEirr- in rh. \Erld
(C) one otrhe oldest univeBnies in 24. A 'pound in line 3 G p.obabl."-
(D) rhe oldesr unire6it! in America
(A) . (peofbook
(B) i t$eofnudent
(c) a rlp. ofmoney
(D) a r\pe ofcolles.



3a3^3a3n3^3n3a3 3n3^3^3n3^3^3n3
Questions 3l-40
25. Th.'EnSlish cousin'in litu l0 rcf.6 lo a 28. Thc p6$g. impliE that
A biiaavslar is acrualty a pair of sraE rhar e held
6seth.. by rhe force of sDvrry. Atrhoush (A) H.By Ducter wa an incffective
4cdionally th. rndividuat staB rhr.nmmq a binary srdcan b. disons!rshed
rh.v senedltv-apFar (B) r.ladve pEsid.rt
,._- arouno
un. rnc Lr
1-:1",'11 othci":,"rional
pulrb.rwcn rh. indi,ia,a,.*.r"
trom rhc orbiEt Dan.h 6ra birE y, rh. m6s oi ir5sla6 c- U a."*r,.a,
uii".,i.".;;;:;.*ir (B) em@n .l* r.ally *oed a
f5) EErtariomi pull of a sra' is in djrect prcporrron to its m6s. and rt. nienelh of rhe ii. (D) coun prcsidcnt ofHdard b.for. tlenry
or on raron anorh.rd€lemin.s sraqrarional ro.cc DuEtcr
(hc o.bu.l panem of th. bir.B 26. which of thc foll@ins is NOT hcntioned (C) H.nry Dunsl.r sp.nt much ofhis
stac ,hat.s.; ,o qbn atuund an ehpi, about John Hffid? dm. s pr6id.nt manasing rhe
,"", .T,I:,::-\"1:91.j:l:r.d spdce. r, has been suBses,ed
-brack hore.- saN d faculty
a st rqrh
//01 rhe.\r5tocof bhckr'"r", r,*"_nn
su.r, *.L,;"nl ro-. ,r,", ;. rur, ., ej ,i,;";i. ;i#,rr'
(A) wlqt h. died ot (D) th. eositiotr ofpftsid.nt of HNard
noiu..n p-,.n.,r,",1_..r,1i,,*,,"i* "ui"i; i* ;;:;.,ii'i;. (B) whe rc h. cn. trom ws not ner.ly an adminisrhtiv.
he Fr.nch mdrhematician pi.n. Simon de L:Dtac. ftar nrn....a ,h; (C) wh.rc h. w6 buri.d position in th. early yeaE
conc.B d rh. (d.or,hc.ishtecnrhceitud. s<,.n,,h.,",",.., i;,;,il;;;;:;;;i*.i;,h" (D) How fruch h. bequeath.d to s8dd
rar rew d.Gdes. Hou.!<r. (.mndv,h. rh.nry is unpro*". Bt,.j. h"t.,
idenrified bsed on rh. in teE(fioBof obi..rr .rcund , h.m,
*; -t";;i;;;iJ;' 29. Th. word "emcwhat" in line 20 could best
as happ.ns *h.n d porenriatblack hol. 27. Thc word "Dcdgling in tine 14 could b.st
'I5) pdofabinary'rac,hevorcou*.canno,b.s..,b".",..;a,;.:;;;;r;;i;31;;;i;;::#,h. is
t rcplac.d by which of thc following?
srari powcrtut sEviry. (A) back sd ronh
{A) Newbom
(B) rMng (c) side by sid€
ll. A binary s6 coutd b.st b. d.kribcd 6 15. Ac.ordihs ro rhe pGsag., whar is a .btact (D) ore or lc$
(D) Eshblish.d
(A) rtaE rhar have bc.n fo.c.d aDan
(B) a lErwirh a $rcns sEvibti;nal 30. Wherc in $e pa$8. d@s it itrdicat. how
(A) An enptv space arcund which much mon.y Mink!.r Hanard wa r.ally
(C) rvo saE puued rog.rh€r bv Eaurv ,orhinsorbits responsibl. for siving to ihe urivc6ityl
(D) alars.nuhb.rof arrachedsia6 - (B) A nar $nh cbsc to 2.6sEvirv
(C) Aslarirhos. gElitarional io.cc
I bl*ks th€ pEsage of tishr
(B) Line.7-ll
32. Th. word "disrinpish.d" itr ltn.2 is (D) An dmpr! spacr so tar away thar Do
(C) Lines l2-15
close$ in oeaning ir"
ligh cnn ..ach u (D) Lin6 l5-17

(BJ ri.d 16. Which ofrh. tottoving srar.ments abour

(c) celebEkd black hol.s is NOTsuppon€d bv rh.
(D) ditrer.nriat d

ll. According ro rhe pasase. what happens

{A) Ablackhole.an have a star
a orhidns dound jr.
a r€sutr of rh.sEqrarionat forcc berwa" (B) A binafrsiarcan b. composed ora
the sq6?
bla.k hol. and a visibt. slar
I (A) One narcircles rh. other (C) All€mpr! seace contaibs black
(B) Thc ma$ of rhe binaN star ind.trs..
(c) A bla.k hole is d.nr;ed. (D) The grarir.rionalpull oia btack
(D) Thc cE\irarional force decreases. hole is strong_

34. Th. Nord "proponion" in linc 5 is.los.sr 17. The so.d c.r'in lineg colld besr b€
io m.aning to \rhich ofrh. folowins?

(B) sink
(c) juhp

(D) s€e



3a3a3a3a3r3a3a3 3a3^3^3n3^3^343
Questions 4l-50
lE. whi.h of thc followitrs is impli.d in th. 40. This p6sas. would prcbahly b. asiSned
Ir is *E tul. ofIh. F.deEt Rc$e, knoh rimptys rh. F.d. p.!eg. about th. thcory of black holcs? rading in a cour on
ro conEot rh. suppty of moncy rn
!h. u.s. throush iB sysrc, or ructrc Egio*l Fcdcral h"*; E;*", .J ;;-t;-;# (A) No Eputablc s.icntisrs bdi*. iL
R.*e rrEt.Ect Bat*. MMv cohm.ri:l h,nks b.lons b rh. F.dcra.l Rewc SFr.m ed;J:;' 6 n.mb.E (E) rt hs only rGently b.cn (B) asuophysics
rrn. m*r,rorow rh. F.dr **l *q.*.*",. "li,ia;il;;;-.;:;;;ilil;j:," h)"oth6iz.d. (c) s.olos'
p .irhn in its ow vadrs or otr d.posit ar rh. F;d. lf thc-Fcd (C) At l6t somc $i.ntists ffnd it (D) artrolosy
u. mon.ysupply,i( cd.hese r.src rquiFm.nls ro m.mber bank: for.Emptc,wa6 ro chugc
s incEq in cr.dibL.
rn. pcrc.nrasc or d.poriB rcquircd b b. k pr on h d woutd rcduc. rh. avaitablc (D) @ hopinE to *c a black
mon.v juDolv s<icnlisb
M.mb.r ba,k5 co atso boEow monq ftom rh. Fcd, and e addiuonalway rhar rh. r.d.",il#",r holE in ord.r to p.ovc thc fi.ory
!h. hon.r tupply is to Eis. or tow.r rh. di$o6t Br., rh. int..6r Er. at;hich comm.rcial
lr0) boFw trom rhc Fcd. An incrcd in $. dis@unr Fr. woutd reduc. rh. tunds 19. Th. word1nt.E" ir linc
b.,*5 .nd Lhus shrink d. mon-.y suppty. rn addition ro Bt"s -, .U. i. ".-,n._i"r
*".* *q.;;.;;;,;.
12 is clos.st in

mE to contrcr rn. mon.y suppty,

rhe F.d heanorh.r powertul ! ootr op.n-B }erop.Erions.
(A) brili r
(B), intcmitt.nt
41. This pasas. is mainly abour 44. when thc F.d contbls rh. pcrccnras. of
(c) brisht
(D) sEodg
(A) th€ tuncdonsoarhc F.d.Et Res.d. d.positskcfl on hand by m.mbcr banlcs, jr
{B) th. oreaniation of rh. Fed.Et
(A) dhdcr banks
(C) .csep. .equir.men6 (B) rhc dhcounr Ek
(D) rhc effed oilowerine th. discounl (c) the r.s.rve requnemenr
(D) borowinc by comm.rcial bank
42. According to rhe pas.ee, th. haitr 45. "Vaul!s" in ]ir.5 .
purpos. of rhe FcdeEl R.s.pe Sysr.m is
(B) cchdnwcs
(A) in.re6c res.w. r€quir.menLr (Cl cohpanments fortafeke.ping
(B) in.r.Bc or dccres€ rhe amounrof (D) p.6on.l sa fery d.por r boxes
(c) increGe rhe humb€r otFed.El 46. Th..xpression "on hand" in li.€ ? is
clos.st in Deani.g ro
(D) ihcr.s. the mon.y k.pt on d.posr
(A) tiEbtl:/h.ld
(B) ir curcnt suPPties
.13. Th. word 'resiooal" ir ljn. 2 is closesr in
(c) !"derconrrcl

(B) siEilar

z l ?)


a7. Th. word'shrink" in lin. ll could !.sr be 49. Wh.rc in th. passaSc d@s lhe author
djsc6 thc orBaniarion of th. Fed?
SECTION 1: Listening Comprehension (A) LinB l-3
(B) innar. (B) Una 5-7
Il. B 21. 31. B 41. (C) suppon (c) un6 8-10
2.C 12. D 22. B 32. c 42. c (D) LiDcs ll-12
3.B IJ. D 23_ 33. D 43. B
4,C 14. B 24. 34. c 4E. Th. pNaB. imPlies that a low.ring of the 50. Th. pesrlph tollowing thc pass. most
5-A 15. A 25. B 15. 45. B dn.ount cle would l.ad !o lik.lydissss
6.D t6. c 76.
7.D 17. B
16. D D (A) e in6.6e in the modeY suPPlY (A) rhc n..d forconrouins fi. mon.Y
27. c 37. B 47. B
8.C 18. D D lt. c (B) a dd.6c iD boftowing from thc Fed
9.8 19. c 29.
48. B trv comm.rcial baks (Bl the sttuctu.. ot rhe reder.lResene
D 39. B 49.
IO. A 20. D t0. 40. D
(O a dJtrl* in rhc mo*Y available
50. D (D) d infte in th. res.o€ (c) rcc.nt.huscs in rcsewc
.€quiEmcnt r.quicb.nLs
(D) open'mak r Pur.ha.s and sl6

SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression

l A 9. c t7. A 25. A 33.
2.B 10. c IE. B 26. D 34.
3.D U. B 19. D 21. C t5. D
4.C 12. D 20. c 28. B 36.
5.8 13. c 2t. D 29. A 37.
14. 22. C 30. D 18. D
7.C l5- B 23. A 31. B 39. C
8.C 16_ 24. D 32. C 40_ c

Thls ls the end ol Secllon 3.

SECTION 3: Reading Comprehension
l. c\
t2. c
ll. A
c zt.


D 42. B
43. D
14. D 24. c ]4. B 44, C ll you linlsh ln less than 55 mlnut8'
5. B t5. D 25, 15. c 45. C checkYourwork on Sectlon 3 only.
26. c .t6. c 46. B Oo NOT read or work on any other sectlon ot lhe tesi'
7, c 17. B 27. 17.
6. B 16. A 28. D .18. c
9. 19. A 29. D 19. D
0. 20. B 30. c 40. B 50. D


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